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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 8 May 1884, p. 4

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 OVU PVBI.IC DEBT. ThB Standard. MAEKDALE MAY. 8, 1884. GI^EJVKLiG BISECTION. The fact that over eighty million dollars was voted ont of the Dominion treasury during the late session of the House of Commons tends to very serious feelings on the part of nearly every intelligent Canadian. Of course eyery doilar of it is just so much added to our previous debt, which was al- ready very large It may be that the Canadian' Pacific loan will be repaid, but taking the most hopeful view of that matter there still remains the balance of fifty millions of additional burdens. The object for which every sum was yoted may be 'very commend- but still there Very little interest was taken in the nomination to fill ths vacancy in Glenelg on Monday last. There were scarcely twenty ratepayers present. Messrs. Thos. Davis and Geo. Bitmie were nominated, and the expense of able and very worthy, an election is now certain. must be a very uncomfortable Reeling Next Monday voting will take place I with eyery one at the yery thougbl ot at the various polling sub-divisions, ' how readily the people's representa- and the probabilities are that a very tives voted every sum through, small vote will be polled owing to the i One very serious feature ot the busy season of the vear with farmers, whole case is that the people of Caua- Mr. Davis will doubtless be elected as he is well and favorably known throughout the township, having served both as Councillor and Deputy- Eeeve with satisfaction to the rate- payers. tUEEN'S BIKTH-DAY BRATION. CEEE- The 24th of May is drawing near, und preparations are being made ior a grand celebration in Markdale. The agricultural grounds are in good con- dition this year, the sports committee having spent about $100 on it last year in fitting up the course and other improvements. There will be no necessity for any material outlay in this respect this year, so that the prizes oftered for the various games will doubtless be en- lartjed and increased in number. We expect next week to bo in a position to speak more definitely. The committee are determined, however, to mrJie this the best that has ever been in this place. Tiie ladies of the Methodist church will hold their annual bazaar and con- cert, for which preparations are now being made, and altogether look for a "Big day." we may SIDEWALKS. The question of and keeping the same in repair is one Ol the principal items of expense in villages about the size of Markdale, and it is very desirable to have all public streets supplied with a good safe walk. As the season of year for building and repairing such is now at hand, a few suggestions aa to the plan of lay- ing down walks may not be out of place. In the first place we would say, when hemlock lumber is used for planking (as is most generally m this district; the walk should be elevated sufficiently for a free circulation of air under, as it is well known that hemlock will rot out in half the time that it will wear out. If cedar sleepers are used with pine plank, the walk would be just as well close to the ground. Again wo would say, never lay a sixt-loot sidewalk on two sleepers. This has been a great mistake during the nast in this yillage. When only two sleepers are used there is such a length of board over the end that when a plank becomes loose it is exceedingly unsafe to travel over such places, while a cow or other animal stepping on the end of a plank is sure to either loosen or break the plank. Every six foot sidewalk should have three sleepers, with the outside ones very close to the ends of the plank. Experience has taught us that a walk built the latter way will last double the time of the former. A four-foot walk does not require tJiree sleepers, but they should be placed not more than two inches from the end of the plank. Great care should be observed in having a good substantial founda- tion, both as to material used, and in Laving it made firm. The plan of electing fresh hands as village police each yeai' is not likely to result iu much improvement in this very ioiportant duty, the building of sidewalks, because experience is indis- pensible in the proper and satisfactory riischarging of such duty, consequent- ly one who has exjjerience and proved himself efticient iu this respect, if such there are, should be re- elected or otherwise his servicns secured for the management of this particular busi- ness. da must,of soon a heavier taxed people than our neighbors south of us. In the United States the heavy national debt, largely incurred during the war, is being paid off very rapidly. Last year their debt was reduced by something hke fourteen millions and this year will see another great reduc- tion, In view of these facts the burden of national taxation on the people is being largely reduced, and the reduc- tions in the near future will probably be still greater. There is reason to fear that our own national obligations are becoming so great that it will not be possible to lighten up much here and still keep faith with our creditors. Let it once become clearly understood that the chances are of much lighter taxation in the United States than in Canada and the result will tell pretty seriously on our prospects from immi- gration. Of course it is not possible to keep such facts concealed. They are known to the world and our sharp witted rivals across the line will be sure to make the most of them when- ever it may suit their purpose to do so. A good deal is said about it being an "unpatriotic" thing to lay bare our own position whenever it may appear unfavorable. Such a plea is simply nonsensical. The extent of the pub- lic obligations of any country cannot be kept a secret. Possibly some such feeling has been the reason why many building sidewalks j have kept silent before, and the very fact that the public mind has not beer as luUy awakened by the Pbess as it should have been to the dangers of in- creased public debt may have been one of the reasons why so many M. L\'s voted with such little hestitatiou as they did. Of course the amounts voted out dui-ing the recent session are now past recalling. There is little use of be- wailing the objects for which the sums were voted. The present danger to guard against is that further increase of debt may be proposed, and may be assented to with just as little hesita- tion by the majority in the House of Commons. In yiew of such a danger there is the great importance of im- pressmg the men in whose hands our destinies are placed that no further obligations will be tolerated, unless to provide for some downright necessity. The tax papers and property holders of Canada, â€" the men with real stakes in the interests of the country â€" should feel sufiiciently the gravity of their situation to refuse to be led by any party cry and swayed by any purtizau feelings. It is all very well to aid public enterprises and deyelop the country's resources by large public works, but it is a serious thing to pile on a public dept to such gigantic pro portions that its burden may crush heavily on the prospects of the present and the coming generation. â€" Truth. BROWN'S! Cor. Brown Toronto St's MiiRISBALE Is the place to get BARGAINS in Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Crockery, Glassware c Ac- new PRINTS from 5 cents up, New DRESS STUFF 10 cents and upwards in NEW DESIGNS and LATEST FASHIONS. Gloves, Hosiery, Ribbons, Laces, Embroidery, Small wares c c, at greatly reduced prices. Our 25 cent T is unsurpass'd Being determined to curtail credit trade, we offer special discounts and inducements to cash customers. The Highest Price for Butter and Eggs. A lot of seed oats (White Australian), free from all im- purities also* Potatoes, large and small, oi finest quality, for sale cheap. WM. BROWN. Dundalk. BUCKLEN'S AENICA SAXVE. The best Salve in the world forcuts,brruBes sores, ulcers, salt rheam, fever sores, tetter, chapped bauds, chilblains, corns, and all jikiu eruptions, and positi^ely cures piles or 110 pay required. It is gnaracteed to (jive perfect â-  satosf action, or money refunded, i*rice 25 cents per box. For Sale by A. 'aroer Co. From oxir own correspondent. Cattle fair on Tuesday. The busy season of the year prevented many of the farmers from att€(uding, conse- quently the fair was dull. The poll for the selection of a new school site, resultod in the choice of Mr. Deans' lot on Victoria street. He has refused to sell it to the trustees, because of having reserved it for a private residence. Another site will have to be chosen, as the trustees do not ibtend to attempt to force the sale. The Band intend to give a concert m Shelburne, on May 24th. Base- ball, Cricket, and Lacrosse clubs are spending tlie evenings in preparation for the summer's sport. The Quarterly Board of the Metho- dist Church have decided to ask for a junior minister, there being too much work for one. Dr. Mc William is about disposing of his drug busmess to Mr. L. Old- field. Subscribe for the Standard, only $1.00 a year in adyance to any^ address. Notices ofBirm, iJarriages a., wetnty five cents. ' '"' BIRTHS. DoDDS â€" In Glenelg, 011 the Sfiti the wife of Mr. Wm. Dodds m °' ^W â-  ui a son^ DEATHsT^^ Walsh â€" In Artomcsia. on the ^ii x, Thomas Walsh, agi'd 71 years ^^ ' Myersâ€" In Euphrasia, on the 7*' Ehzabeth daughter of Jo.^tpli a ' Myers, aged 22 years. " MARKDALE JEWELLE Paths* lUp^m, ptllCE S L makkdale. Fall Whe,at ^.o GO Spring Wheat 40 Barley .{â-  Teas Go Oat 31 Butter 1,3 Eggs u Potatoes 30 Hay 7 00 Pork 7 do FJour 4 7J to 51 r,il to » to to to to to f. to dii to 7 J, to JOi April, 1884. lOOtf li^ MAKE A NOTE OF IT. Ike Onlaiio h \ik, (CREDIT VALLEY DIVISION-) â€"ANDâ€" MICHIGAN CENTRAL Now run a through line of Palace Sleeping Cars BETWEEN TORONTO AND CHICAGO, In both directions, leaving Toronto daily (Sundays excepted) â€" A^T 1:30 I*. M.,â€" and Chicago daily (Saturdays excepted) â€" A.^r 4:1S I*» IVl.â€" The only line between the two Cities proper. ACCOMMODATION UNSURPASSED. DIIVINO CARS OIV TRAINS. WM. WHYTE, D. McNICOLL, Gen'l Supt. Gen. Pass. Agt. MUTUAL AID ASSOCIATION. ALEX KAY Mill Street, MarMale JOHN NOBLE, MARKDALE. GEKER'LBLACKSffllTH HEAD OP FICE TORONTO, ONTARIO. INCORPORATED AUGUST 24, 1880. Under Charter Act 167 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, entitled an Act to Incorpor- ata BI»eyolent, Provident and other Societies. BONDS TO THE AMOUNT OF 860,000 Filed with tlie Hon. S. C. Wood, (Ex-Pro- vincial Treasurer of Ontario), as Trustee for the Association. BOARD OF DUIECTORS: William Bennie, Esq., Toronto, President. A. GiFPORD. Esq., Meaford, Ont., Vice-Pres. W. Pembebton Page, Esq., Toronto, Secretary E. H. HiLBOHN, Esq Uxbridge, Treasurer. E. H. EoBEBTSojj, M. D., Toronto, Modical Director. Geo. H. Watson, L.L.B., Toronto, Solicitor. S. W. Hill. Esq., Bidgeville, Membership Superintendent. J. P. Bull. Downsvitw. C. H. McIniosh, M. p.. Ottawa. Lewis Wiglk, M. P. P., Leamington. Thos. Menzies, Peterboro. Pexeb Git/.nAJi, M. P. P., W^rwicit. HORSESHOEING SPECIALTY. TO Wk ni The undersigned is maniTfacturing au ex- cellent assortment of School T^u.rnitui'e, Consisting of SCHOOL SEATS and DESKS, TEACHERS' DESKS, etc., of tne latest design and most approved pattern. Highly recommended by School Trustees and Teach- ers, for cheapness, comfort and compactness, wherever tried. An assortment of Farm and School Bells kept alwajs on hand. iSend for catalogue to Chatsworth P. O. 181 ANDREW McGILL. FOR 9ALE. One Broadcast Seeder j good order, fit for two horses or oue.L. first-class Land Roller, with spring stal" one span of good farm Horses. JAMES 0'BEIE 188-90 Art" ' RARECHAi\CE. Black smitii and business in Markdale together Dwelling house and lot for sale. TLis i Rood opening. The proprietor wishes J retire from the busiiess on acconnt oij health. For particulars apply to JfeJ Lamb on the promises, Markdale. FARmS FOR SALE. Lot 117. 1 weft, T. S. Road. Arttmesia, containii 50 acres, 40 of of which are cleared anJuE ultivation. Lot S part 15, con. 12. Hoi 63 acres, 40 cleared; all ueee.s»ary hnil thereon. Lot 13, con. 13, Gh'uel^, 100 all bush. For terms and paitieukrs to J. G. IRVING. MarkJalt Oct.16.1883. le jsjo misreprese: l^oods. Speciallme: can Watches an Meridan Co. Silv l^are. Specks,Chai Rings, etc. 18 k. Rings always in stc |calinstruments,ViG I personally att Watch Repairing warrant the sair charges. wjTbi F ARM FOR SALE. Tustllorr! Lot S 14. Cou. 9, Euphrasia, 8 milesfr: Markdale and 3 Iron: liocklyn, coutaiE 100 acres, 70 acres clean.'l and in good r; ot cultivation, lit to run roajK-r and mwi and balance hanl\vood hwAi w'lAi suffice ci'dar for fenciuR. WtU watered with it^ failing spring ouly 10 rods from :o:\\. l a young orehanl, house bpju ardsu. There is a new steam saw mill on ntst !; to it. Cleir deeti can be jiivt' Fcifnr: particulart: apply on !:he premises tr. SAMUEL WIsKtHT. Er.cklvi-P.' New Biitclier The best meats the eountvv can prsi; kept or. hand and DELIVERED TO ALL PARTS THE TOWN WHERE ORDERED. A share of public patronage respectl' solicited. Itemember the stand in McNeas Uoci. 181 WM. H. RUTLEDGE. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: WM. RENNIE, W.P.P4.GE, J. P. BULL. Address all Communications to the Secretary: ir. PEitlBER PACK, S7 King Street Watt, Toronto. TUOS. MANN, A-.;ent, Markdale. JOSEPH GIBSON CONTRACTOR. ^Contracts taken for all kintls of BRICK MID STONE W RK, Plain Ornamental Plastering. Calsniniuinu tn all Shades and Colors. Charges moderate and satisfaction guar- antee^. Orders left at abe Stand.vbd office will receive prompt attention. 126-ly. SEEDS SEEDS IMPORTED^â€" FIELD AND CARDEN SEEDS f The place to buy yonr Seeds is at PARKER'S, Drugstore, DURHAM. LML Send six cents for postage, and receive freo.a costly box of Roods whicb will help nil, • i,» XI. "'either sex t J more mcnpv nght away than any thing else iu this world Fortunes await the workors absolutely ^iire. At once address Tede Co.. Atjgusto. ilLe! Health Happiness for WILL CURE OR RELIEVE Biliousness, Headache, yf pepsia, Indigestion, Dizzine* Jaundice, Dropsy, Fiutterinj of the Heart, And every species of discise arising Impure Blood, c. c. rREPAKBI) BV THB Climax Chemical CompaBJ MONTREAL. LocalMdOthe Notices in these column.^i j 4B« individual or Societij ici ittnUa line far tlie jlrxt in \(nts a line each subicquent For Pine or Maple 1 Orant Co. Eggs have dropped tc the market. Sir Charles T upper, f the caLinet. Edwapd Large has for Benson's new build: The N N. W. Raib Milton was burned ou Th£ last s}iikc of ti Quebec railway was dri^ last. Gravdeia Se pure and true to name, HalL The Salvation Arra^ a barracks at fehelb; feet. Oar citizens will do â- ^ notice of the village po colum. g Prof. Lotp'j! .If.j.^ir ?^ highly recommended for a'l'i diseases. Don't buy millinery until you see what Mel for you. The next sitting of No. S will be held iu X l^th June. Fon Sideboards, Lou Dressing cases go to Markdale. W. J. Ford, will s uiill on Monday, the 1 rollers, Mr. Edward Laeg the contract foe buildu Kimberly. OU Cake, «attle feeder, for sale i A. Turner Co. Mas. J. Waldie, except tlianks for reue tion to Standard. HfUional PilU are a mih «» the Stomach, Liver and " fiUnictiom. JEO. Grant. Co. «torrow for Fort AVil of sash and doors. freeman's Worm Pou-dc *?«, and expel all kinds i "'e* or adults. BMciAL attention Garland's black filks, ^e curtains direct THE LARGEST IN THE DOMP SALESMEN WANTE J ^^ ^^^ ^^ ^.^ To begin work at once on Fall "'"'^f employment at fixed salaries to all \v ^^ work, men and Woiae" csj pleasant WORK THB YBAB B^'J^,, Good agents are earning fro" per month and expenses. Terms and outfit free. Address STONE WETJilNGTOS, TorouW' All the wagons an ^RDufactured at Shai "O'ke, are warruiite( -J?" *fan/ Thompson l-^'^^^ithTapeU'crm ^«d by one bottle of »*; â- ^"'80N is no\s «onfl for the erectio .«Vt40 JPxw from indigegt *J^ew instantly relK J».«quvmator Bitt. ***» and herbs. • J. Shanahan i r:^«Bd taken away gone already

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