^^^ :V' »• J4i[;'f »v • â- -, -e. 'â- 1,-. t.vf [qL. 4.-N0. 191. MARKDALE, ONT., MAY 8, 1884. Copies of thk Stanbasb FrVB CKNT EACH. larMale Standard V ThuisJiiy, at the office, Mill S.:t-et, Markdale. :i pel ye vr in advance; $1.25 if ij-ithm tliVec mouths. a\ Hid bii-iness cards one inch per year, $-i. 1 YB. G MO. 3 MO. ..§5(1 '0 327 50 §15 00 ... 27 00 15 00 10 00 .. 1.- 00 10 00 6 00 .... 7 00 4 00 ... 1 00 5 00 Old cv ,uuiun.. m^^ttnL :i,lvfrti cments 8 cents per line first :j coiits per line each subsequent measure. 01' notioes in local col. line tirst insertion, 5 cents iK'Uts i^^ert;on. Hills ifcc.fidvertiried 3 weeks for ,n, iinnvarei .,,[i;il iiotioes. III cfiit^ per aiin \\,)'y\f ll5E rtisLmf-ni Jioi to exceed twelve (lir^coutiiui'xl until all arrears J esLipt at lilt; aptioii of the publisher. -JOB PRINTING. mani'ari oiV.ce aas ;i splendid equip- .â- M.-tc- i'5 'vi,ll .as fine job type. Spe- j-t^-ntion to ordeis by mail. Orders .UTkil LllSp.'Ucil. EDITOll AND PROPKIETOR. N'EVs-SPArEll LAW. [â- i.;v 1 oi-'in who takes a newspaper regu- foi:; tii' 1"' otlii'e, wh(4lit;r directed .r,;ii ;!• Ill- ini'itlior'^. or wlietiier lie has 'h.i; 01' iiiitâ€" is le.-poiijible for the pay- TH08. CARTER, M.D. Physician Surgeon, c. Residence MARKDALE HOUSE- MABKDA1.E. B. Ghent, M,D., M.R.CP. S., O. Physician and Surgeon, Priceyille, Graduate of University. Vict. College. ., ,. New York, und Hou. Graduate, of the same, ,, ., Avleth Medical Institute. „ ,, Opthalmic Hospital, N.Y. Member Coll. Physicians Surgeor 8,0. 104 J. P. MARSHALL, L.D.S. DENTIST, GRADUATE OF TORONTO SCHOOL of Dentistry, will be at Rutledge's Hotel, Markdale, on the Ist and third Wed- nesday of each month and also at Munshaw's Hotel. Flesherton, the day following the third Wednesday m each month for the prac tice of his profession. 122-47. Arteaiesia Assessmeot for the Tear 1§S4. Value of Eesident Land $984095 Non-Eesident Land 29275 " Personal Property.. 62850 ll 0. 'li' V i: .ii:-t I'ly or.ler.s liis paper discontiu- a!l nMearat,'es, or the pub- !i,' Id eiul it ttntil payment ;i c'l'i'-ct the whiile amount, taken oat of the oiMce i.-r ti." piipii' 1- IfS'i' -1-1 i'.er.; refiwe or neglect to take â- lii.i^ or m-v-papers from the office to .1. ;l:ry;ii.- iliKcteil, they a'e held le- K-ablc iiiitil iticy have settled their bills. I!.L' Cuiirts liavc decided that refusing |[;init\v-|iiijit'rs and periodicals from the :ii.e. cr vi moving and leaving them Kiil'r'or. is iuiji.4. FACIE evidence of in- ::;kfrai;il. ic^'dU rrost Frost, )APJ11STEKS, AKD ATTOENEYS-AT i L:.w, Solicitors in Cliancerv, Convey â- fTs.ic, Owen Sound, have resumed at akertnii, Office open every Thursday, as TIED Frost, J. W County t'mwn Attorney. Fbost, LL. B. 1 J. :nAsso]^, )iEEISTEi;. MASTER ANDDEP. REG ImtlumcLiy, Nutary Public, Conveyan! A ^^^:^,KIl op f.^ems fob sale. rrin.sâ€" Owen Sound, in Vic.ker's Block St.: Lraiich office in Markdale, over irc;i'V. Store, on Friday and Saturday â- wcik. 57-ly SAinCJEl^ \rARD£L.L., ELL DIGGER AND DRILLER. ALL orders promptly attended to. Resi- denceâ€" Snider's Hill Owen Sound 122-35 w W. G. RICHARDS, BUILDER, CONTRACTOR, ARCHI- TECT. â€" Residence on Jiill Street, Mark- dale. 1241y F'sxsshLionable .31 Tailor, OVER MACFARLAND'R STORE. A PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. MARKDALE HARNESS EMPORIUM ESTABLISHED 19 YEARS. Creator ' M«irrisoii, mn^^ -ro.SOLICITORS. CONVEY- Ac. A-c, 111 Uwcn Sound, DuSerin Block, Wolfs Store and in MARKDALE; â- ^â- •T.Mcl'.uiaud's Store on Thursday 'Tils;- 1,1 ,aoli week. '^Fuiii, tu l.-iidon reasonable terms. ^â- Cf:ea..,K. g.G DCNCAK MoBIcJON -Miirch 15. 1882. 79-lv ^ark .4"i«»\aHder ErowTi. lI^SIJEKof Marriage Licenses, Fire and ^Lif( In-uraiice Agent. Commissioner il Ac. Conveyancer and Licensed â- «;onei.r f.iv tlie County of Grey. Farmers, '•'fiauts, f.udLand Sales, Punctually at- 'titc mil r'iiarges made very moderate. '••eevilk.,S,.pt,17.1880. " 1-Y THOS.MATTHEWS,Propriefor Nothing but good stock used and the best mechanics employed. A stock of Double and Single, Heavy and Liglft Harness always on hr.nd. Also Whips, Trunks, Valises, Blankets, Robes, c., always in stock. Total $1076220 Increase over 1883... Population Increase of pop. over 1883... Cattle Increase of Cattle over 1883 Sheep Decrease of Sheep over 1883 Hogs Increase of Hogs over 1883 Horses Decrease of Horses over 1883 Birbhs Decrease of Births over 1883 Deaths Decrease of Deaths over 1883 No. of Resident Ratepayers No. of non-Residt Ratepayers Number on the Roll Methodist Ratepayers Presbyterian Ratepayers .... Episcopalian Ratepayers .... Roman Catholic Ratepayers Baptist Ratepayers Disciple Ratepayers Christian Ratepayers Those that claim no Clmrch JOHN WHITBY, Assessor. Mr. Whitby will accept our thanks for the above interesting information which should have appeared last week but was crowded out. 13145 3760 108 4260 211 4294 93 1265 76 1171 21 90 12 38 14 814 40 854 361 234 77 80 2.' 3 1 2 The Atlantic and Pacific, of the G. N. Transit Company, it is expected will also call as usual. The first boat of the season arrived on Tuesday afternoon, being the Heather Bell from Meaford, with a couple of fishmg boats in tow. She came in here for suppiieB, and left next morning for Club Island. The Harbor Master, with bis usual liberality, presented the Captain with a new hat. The Campana left at noon to-day for CoUingwood. The City of Owen Sound made an attempt to start from CoUingwood on Tuesday but after being two hours in the ice had to put back. We understand she is once more on her way, and will probably arrive here us we go to press, and go on her way north this evening. The Africa is also loaded, and expects to get oil to-night. The Facijic is also expected in this afternoon, on her fiirst trip. â€" 0. S. Tivies. Tobacco. Our Harbor. For some time past the scene along the docks at the river has been a lively one, with the various steamer and sailing vessels getting ready for the season's trade. Of steamers, we have the Campana, Frances Smith, Magnet, 4J'nca, Enterprise, W. T. Rubb, (1. A. There are some indications that tobacco using, in some of its forms at least, IS on the decrease in the United States. An extensive New York wholesale dealer says that cigarette smokinc; is fast dying out. He estim- ates that fourteen million less cigar- ettes were used in the country last year thun in '82. Have the people taken to using their tobacco in some other form, or is there a boom in this form of temperance Tobacco using is not one ot the least evil forms of intemperance â€" though it is certainly Lot the worst form. Millions of dollars are even yet spent unnecess- arily for tobacco in America every year, and the number of men who lose their health, or lose their lives in consequence of this unecessary indulg- euceiSmuch greater than is generally imagined. The temperance workers 7 T- J • J 1,, .. ought, as a general thing, to pay more Fratt, Maytham, Kendnck, and Meteor, J J^^^:^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^.,^ of tobacco using HAMILTON'S Photograph gallerY OVER THE STA:^DARD OFFICE. Fine work executed in all the latest sizes and shapes, fully equal to city work. Special attention given to A large stock of moulding to choose from. Call and leave your measure for a Wn«. Brovtii, â- 'StER UV MAliBIAGE LICENSES, c _, CTOimissioucr in B. R. c. -onveyanciiiLr in all its branches promptlj "^ed to and carefully executed. 2â€" iluuey to Lend on Real Estate se l^.v tEVERE HOTEL, "lARKDALE. f^ PROPRIETOR. I r^^,P"'P'^ilar Hotel has changed hands (j.^^'Jtlie above will catt^'to the wants I *«puljlic. Good stablingSnd attentive itw*^' The best brands liquor and i^rT '^^ nieals and comfortable rooms, ' -il.;^^^^mercial room. 130-ly. ^ATSWORTH HOUSE (UTE morrow JHODSK,) ^JUtsworth, Out. ^^CKi-licLEOD picture. J as. HamUton. COMMERCIAL HOTEL PRIOEVHjIjB, Ont. Large and commodious Sample Booms G^d^^d Rooms, c. The Bar and Iwde weU supplied with the best the mark^^ fords â- eood Stabling and attentive Hostler 8 fords 80oa^^^^ ATKINSON. Proprietor all fitted out besides a considerable number of sailing vessels. They are nearly all ready for sailing now, and most of them will take their departure in a few days. The season now commencing prom- ises to be a busy one in our harbor, and Owen Sound will be able to boast of a fleet of boats such as is possessed by no other port on the Georgian Bay or Lake Huron. Most prominent amongst them are of course the new steel steamers of the C. P. R. â€" the Algoma, Capt. Moore; the Arthabasca, Capt. Jas. Foote and the Alberta, Capt. Anderson. They are expected to arrive in a few days, and will torm a line from Owen Sound to Port Arthur, calling at no intervening port. Theii- days of sailing will be on Tues- days, Thursdays, and Saturdays, on the arrival of the fast express train from Toronto, and it is expected they will make the trip in much shorter time than has ever been done before. From the enquiries already being made at the office here, it is evident ' they will do a large passenger business. As the C. P. R. steamers will call at none of the entervening ports, the fleet of the Owen Sound Steamship Line will supply that service. The Spartan having been rebuilt at Detroit last season, and magnificently fitted up, will be here in the early part of next week to take her place in the line a«ain. Besides her, there will be the Maotiet, Frances Smith, Africa and City of Owen Sound. The Spartan and Magnet will form the local line to Sault Ste. Marie, and will l^aye every Wednesday and Saturday woiie the other three will take the Lake Superior route, calhng at the North au^ra nnrta. and their days of sailing than they do. Not only is it an intemperate habit in itself, but it certainly tends to other habits of intemperance, especilly to producing a crave for strong dring. How seldom it is that a drunkard is not a tobacco user also Horace Greely was a strong opponent of tobacco using. A memorable saying of his was that he did not believe that every tobacco user was a blackguard, but he never knew a blackguard who did not use tobacco. Horace Greely did not know everything, however. Very Rev. H. J. Grasett, D. D.,lte Dean of Toronto. Rer. W. S. Ramsford, B. A., New York, lace of St. James' Cathedral^ Toronto. Rev. Alex. Sanson, Rector Trinitj Church, Toronto. Rev. W. Cavan, D. D., Principal Knox College, Toronto, Rev. W. Gregg, D. D., Profesaer Church History, Enox Collesfe. Rev. H. M. Parsons, Pastor Knox Church, Toronto. Rey. A. Sutherland, D. D., Secret- ary of the Methodist Missionary Society. Rev. John Potts, D. D., Canada Methodist Church, Montreal. Rev. J. H. Castle. D. D., Principal Baptist College, Toronto. Rev. H. D. Powis, Pastor Zion Congregational Church, Toronto. The book is sold only by gubscriptiou, those wishing an agency rhould apply to the publishers. The World pub^ lishing Co. Guelph Ont.. Agents wanted in every County, North Shore Lake Superior, We have been favored with a look through a letter from our respected friend John McDuffie, who holds a situation on the C, P. R. about 250 miles east of Port Arthur, and has spent the winter in that fair north region. They have been closed out from the world to a great extent all winter, having yery little information of the doings ot the outside world either by newspaper, or private cor- respondence. He reports the boys all hearty but somewhat homesick, and many anxiously looking for nayigation to open that they mri.y get home. There are several from Markdale, amongst whom are John Mclntyre, Eobt. and Arthur Mordock, Stanley Reynol- ds, and Dan McCormick. Stanley Reynolds is time keeper and clerk in the contractors Store, John Mc D. has discovered an Iron mine but has had no opportunity yet of testing its value. Extensive Fire in Shelburne. LOSS $S0,000. Bible Stories. Propbietobs. [*»yBiB7ri'""^°' °f hqnors and eig*r« al- "Wim • Good meals and «.iinlortabl« MARKDALE HOUSE, MAEKDALE, ^NT. MRS. RUTLED6E, PROPRIETOR. THE CELEBEATED CHATHAM WAG- ONS AT MAXWELL, ^y I«8on *:.^r Waoeon cannot do better than SSL^SSlTand^es running waggoa Biade. For sale by -^^ ' ' JQHNSON LITTLE, .Aflant, â- â- â- '^oj!-- .. i- â- '•-â- .â- â- • Maxwell, Out Shore ports, and their day will be Tuesday and Friday, on tuo arrival of the night train. The 0. S. Steamship Company will have its head office in Paiker's Block, m charge of Mr. Parker, Vice President, and Mr J. M. Chapman, General Agent whdst Mr. Cbisholm, Freight and Passenger Agent, wiU have ^office on Water Street, adjoining Kilbonm and Bishop's. In addition to these Imea, the C«mp«ia.Capt.Jno.McNabb, which ap to the adyent of w»e^' ^-.f' vtoamen baa «»oen undouWedly the fioMt bort on tl» lake, ^jB »» •* last w^n., )mvn$ every WediieiWy. (From the Guelph Herald, April 16th 1S84.) All who have the care or training of children know how fond they are of pictures and how pleased with stories when adapted to their under- standing and there are no stories that charm them more than the wonderful ones of the Bible. The stories of Joseph, Moses, David, Daniel, and Josiah the Boy King, and the best of all of Jesus and his deciples, properly illustrated with suitable engravings are the delight of childhood. Never before have these stories been told in such a simple connected ahd excellent way as in Charles Foster's Bible Stories now being published by the World Publishiag Co. of Guelph, Ontario. The Book cotains every story from Genesis to Revelations, illustrated by over 130 engravings so arranged that the story comes on a page opposite the picture illustrating it, thus mfUiing it an object teaching work and the many maps are an additional help. No mother with a family of cuildrtn can afford to be without this book to her it is of more value than a whole library of other books it meets and answers the thousand and one questions the children asks her, and teaches them the best knowledge. The following speaks for itself: The publishers are authorized to um tUe names of the following clergymen who cordially recommend the work (o those who denre their families to get a clear |urimary knowledge of the Saored Senj^res Bigb« BeT, Artiknt Swentmad^ Jk D., liQcil Bidiop of Tognrnto. Special dupatch to the Standard. Shelburne, May 5. â€" A fire broke ont yesterday morning about 12,30 m the Royal hotel stables, which spread so rapidly that the whole of the valu- able premises known as the Royal block were goor. in flames and speedily burnt to the ground. Ttie following are the sufferers â€" Wnitford, Arm- strong hotel, loss about $4,000, insred for 1,500 A. V. Galbraith, jeweller, loss $200 L, Knapp, liquors loss $2,000, no insurence Lindsay Bros., merchants, goods badly damaged, loss not known, insured for $4,000 J. F. Belfry, druggist loss $4,000, insured for $1,000 Geo. Gillespie, photo- grapher, loss $2,200, insured for $1, 000 W. McGihvary, harness-maker, stock and household effects, loss $1,- 500, insurence for $500; John Jelly, one horse, valued at $130. The owners of the buildings, Messrs. Stewart Bennett, of Orangevillo, are heavy losers, the buildings being valued at $15,000, insured for $7,500. The following insurence companies are among the losers â€" City of London Hartford, Royal Phoenix, Gore Mutual, Northern, Commercial Union, and the Waterloo Mutual. It is expected that the block will be rebuilt at once. Thk leading merchants of Markdale have agreed unanimously on closing their stores at 7 o'clock sharp every evening, beginning from Ist May to Ist Oct. Farmers and others will kindly take notice of this and try to have their shopping done before seven 80 thai clerks, who have to stand in stored all through the heat of a long Summer day, may have a chance of engaging in some out door exercise and enjoying the fresh air. 190 94 Letter Heads neatly prin- ted and put up in pads at this office. -, •• â- ,-â- "i ^•'•" ' "' M {â- â- ' 'ill ' I. 1; • 1 â- t lil '.J .. im -^â€" *^-' ^•-â- "'