.-vw â- 1.«»i**-4*gg i TAILOR, STDENHA.M S'l'BEET, W M. HOGG, FLESHERTON STATION, EeepectfuUy annonnceii that be has received a lan^e supply of ±. I N Dry Golds, Winter Clothing, Boots and Slioes, g o As these Goods were bought to the best advantage they will be sold vtry low in price, and will be found well worthy of an inspection by the general public, also on hand a full stock of Fresh Groceries, Provisions, Crockery, c., all of which will be sold cheap for cash or farm produce. I offer for sale or to lei my water power Saw Mill «t Jjittle Falls with about 400 acres of timber land. A good man liberally dealt with on either purchasing or leasing tlie place. vm:.jhog. Fleslierton Station. Nov. Ist, 1888. Good Work Guaranteed -AT- fiiilnUppliyei] FLESHERTON. 03#11 ©."t Cnr^C© and see samples of work which we area not ashamed to show. All kinds of Framing done cheap at Tufi^s- :btj"i:-2^^:e:ib's, fleshertdn. WHO IS UNACQUAINTED WITH THE MEOCRAPHY OF THIS COUNTRY, WILL SEE BY EXAMINING THIS MAP, THAT THE CHICACO9 Rock Island Pacific ft'Y, th^Oreat Central Line, affords to travelers, by reasoq •! Its unrlniled seo- srephieal position, the shortest and best rout* be t ween ttie tamt, Mo$ ijiiemt and Southeast, and the West, Northwest and Southwest. It 13 literally »nd striotly true, that its oonneetlons are ail of the prMtolpal lines 'Vt road between the Atlantic and the Paelflc. By Its main line and branohes It reaohee Chlcase, Jollet, P^^a, Ottawa, )Ca S;rile, Oeneseo, Mollne and Roek Island. In Illinois t Omitmnpntru Museatlne, "Washington, Keokuk, Knoxvllle, Osksloosa, ralrfleM, Dee MoVfiss, West Liberty, •totra City, Atlantic, Avooa, Audubon. Harlan, Outhrle 0«n«s^«Ad Council Blufls, iMi Iowa I Oallatin, Trsnton, Oanteron and Kansas City, In tUssouri, and Lsb^sw •worth and Atehison In Kansas, and the hundrsdi of s W Iss, iWlaBSS and fwws •Intermediate. The "GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE," â- Ae n Is famiUartr called, offers t« tra »slsrs alT ths 'HssMent to a smooth track, safs brMsss, Union Os|M Vast tspress Trains, composed of OOMMOMOHS, MSATCO. FINELY WMIOLSTIRBO and ILIOAirr BAY QO4 0MCT â- Nnool tho %KMT MAONIFICSMT MOrrOa â- tOUHINO ONAMI OAIM osar bMN«| PmULMMf •atest deelsned and han ds oms s t PALAOS Skltf MO OMM* JWMl MMMO SANS that are aeknewledsod bf press and peepl* M bo ta* mmT MM MPOM AMY MMB IN. THS oommrr, aas m which superior the low rate of SSVBMTY-PtVS CSMTS CAAM. TNItU TRAINS eaoh tnqr »s U )SOn ONMAOO TWO TRAINS each way b e t ween ONtOAOOand â- WMWAI'OUS aaS «T« PMtL, vHi n HunoiM ALBERT LEA ROUTE. A New and Direot Una, *«i Soneoa am* be t ween Newport Mews, and Council Blufte, St. Paal, _^ AN T*irou«li ^a oosn u srs earrloO on Paat faprsoalMfW. For more detailed (MVmMrtlon, MS Maps and PoM*f*.wMoli way bo ototalnod, ao well as Tickets, stall prt n elpalTlobetO ma ss InsNeU^Hs* Suilo sawS O a na da oro» R. R. CABLE, •* •'r.*^"l â- â- .» •; rj-- J* s-tf' OHICAOO. Tbe lisnd that rooks the oradle roles the worM.- [John Greyi Feafer colic, annstarsl aippetite, fretfnlness weaknMs, and con-vnlsionB, srs some of the effects of worms in Children; destroy the wonoB with Dr. Low's Worm Syrup. The Ckwkstown Aihocate has ras- peiided publication. The Hectic Flash, pale hallow eheeks sad preearioas apetite. indicate Worms. Free- man's Worm Powders will quisUy and effeet- oally remore Uiem. A kiss froek my mother made me a painter. â€" [Benjamin West. LABDIME MACHIKB OIL Is Manufacturtd Solely byMeCall Bro's. Co. Toronto, and Is the only popnlar Machine Oil to-day in use by all mill m«n and farmere. Try Lardine. The love prinitiple is itronger than the force printsipliBâ€" [Dr. A. A. Hodge. "Why! What's the matter?" Ladyâ€" (With face enmloped ill toll of hot doths) â€" -Oh I I'm crazy ytiih that NenralKia that continoally troubles me." â€""Well, how foolish Why don't yon go to Hil! Bro's. and get bottle of Flnid Lightning 7 It eared me in less than one gdnnte, I always keep a bottle in the iMMSe. It only oosts 'i5 cents. K. M. a For the noblest that Uves tbere still remains a cofliot. â€" [Jas. A. Garfield. FLUID LIGHTNING. Tbere arc bat few that have never suffered almost intolei-aUe pain from Toothache, Neuralgia, or like acnte pains. To them each an instant relief in Fluid Lightning is an untold blessmg in time of trcnble. No disgusting offensiTA medicines to be taken for days. On application of Flnid Lightning cares. Sold at Hill Bro's. A. fc M. 1 In Rreat crisis it is woman's special lot to soften onr misfortune. â€" [Na- poleon Jlonaparte. BUCKLEN'S ABNICA SALVE. The best Salve in the world for catB,braiBes sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For Sale by A. Turner Co. Loss. â€" Burton Bros, timber merch- ants Barrie, lost a valuable borae in tbe Beaver river near Cnmmings Sa-w Mill on Thursday last. â€" Thorubury Venture, All over the land are poing into ecstasy ver Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump- tion. There unlocked for recovery by the timely use of this great life Saving remedy, causes them to go nearly wild in its praise. It is guaranteed to positively cure Severe Cauf^lit. Colds, Asthma, Hay Fever, Bron- chitis, Hoar^^eness, Loss of Voice, or any af fectiou of the Throat and Lnngs. Trial bot- tles free at A. Turner, fe Co's Drug Store. Large shte iJi.OO 2 Caj.oafry, April 27. â€" The heaviest snowstorm of tbe season occurred on Friday nigbt. Eight inche.s fell, but it if» fast disappearing under a chinook. THE EFFECTS OF WHISifEy. The effects of wbisitey are always evil, and these who feed upon alcoholic stimulants, vainly endeavoring to cure coughs and con- sumption, but nurse a viper. Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam is a remedy that is always reliable (or all throat bronchial and lung troubles, and never does harm to any one. River Driving.^â€" Messrs. Flatt Bradley of Hamilton, and Burton Bros Barrie, timber merchants, have men busily engaged in driving square tim- ber on the Beaver river. Botli com- panies haye over 5000 pieces of elm timber in the river, besi-lcb a large quantity lying at the station. â€" Thorn- bury Venture. CUBE FOB DEAFNESS. As numerous testimonials will show, there is nr) more reliable cure for deafness than Hagyard's Yellow Oil. It is also the best remedy for ear ache, sore throat, crvinp, rheumatism, and for pains and lameness generally. tJse externally sod internally. On Saturday morning last a horse and waggon was backed off the Town dock at Collingwood. The driver went in the water first, with the waggon on top of him and the horse afterwards. The boy was going down for the third and lAt*t time wfami be was rescued by speannghis clothes With a pike-pole. The horse was droWiMd. IMPOBTAKE CMlfGES. There are two poisdsfe Oe life of every female when the ^sttSi ttndergoes great changes. Ifirst the ebatige from childhood to wonuu4(0od: next, that of womanhood ti old a«e. " These are the critical changes ef life, vpA tte system shonld be noariahed and rrffri ii Ml by that matehlesa tonio, Bar- dodi BleofM^Ks. It is invaloaUe in all The ABMY.--The Salvation Anny itiil k eeps to Ttg work All jeccordeon has been added to the big diruu», and the street parades dtr .V* almost as large audiences as the u)do,;t perform- ances. Tbe number of "War Crys" sold is reported at 400.â€" Ctrfhngwood Enterprite. A BLESSING TO ALL MANKIND. In these times wh^n our Newspapers are flooded with patent medicine adverti;ement8, it is gratifying to kn«w what to procure that vill certainly cure you. If you nre billiou«. Blood out of order. Liver iiiactive.or general- )v debilitateJ, there'b nothing in the world that will cure you co quickly as Electric Bit- ters. They are a biesning t« all mankind, and can I* had for onlj fifty cents a bottle at A. Turner Co's Drug Store. 2 Cah cv Fire. â€" Quite a little sel».'*a- tion occurred on the train on Tue^ay morning a few minutes af*er it left Meaford, wbcn the car was discovered to be on fire. We rushed frvard and informed Conductor Pim, who made for the sp(»t aftw pniliug the cord to stop the tfain. He ordere.1 the haiids to get the water tanks, and Boon after the train was stoppe'l the fire was Bubdued by toai ing the lining from the ceiling and drenching it with water round the stoye-pipe, which had fired the wood to red lieat. In a minute more the cir would have been in a blaze. Nomp ladies on board were frightened pretty badly. â€" Mea- ford Monitor. THE SECRET OUT. The secret of beauty has been at last re- vealed. Without good health, pure bloud and a fair clear skin none 'â- an possess f;«iod looks. What IB more repulsive than pimples, blotches and a sallow or pasty complexion Burdock Blood Bitters reveal the fact that all cai gain pure blood and freedom from the repulsive diseases of the akin that result from impurities. When a lady sitting for a picture would compose her mouth to a bland and serene character, slie should, just upon enterinc the room, say "Bosom," and keep the expression into which (he mouth subsides until the desired effect in the camera is pro- duced. II, on tl)e other band, obe wishes to assume a distinguished and somewhat uoble bearing, notsagget- tivd of sweetness, she shonld say •'Brush," the result of which is in fallible. If she wisliF.s to make her mouth look small, shemust eay "Flip." but if the mouth be already too small, and needs enlarging, she must say •'Cabbage," If she wishes to look mournful, she must say "Kerslinuk." and if resigned, she must forcibly ejaculate "S'cat." WHAT IN A NAME? Scrofula U f=o called from the Latin serofu, a pig, from the »ni)position that the disease came from eating swine's tiesh. It is often inherited from parents, and leades to absce ses, uk-etous soii^. dt=bility, king's evil r nu consumption. The case of tlie Kev, Wm, Stout, of Wiiutou, who suffered 23 years j from fcrof ulcus abscesses, is one of tbe I most remarkablo on record. Burdock Blood Bitters cured him after the best medical skil had failed. DnioD Carriage li^sj All work manufactured from First Guss MmiimiQL. 4:- In the Latest and Best Imprwii Style, and firish(!(l with lilng-litsli ^^arnish. PiinfinS Trimming Rig} wi receive prompt attention. All Repairs executed in the »boiM I possible tiiiie consistent with good workmanshii Good Work a SpciALin. Bemembcr the Shop, opposite the Cheap*ij| D. J. SHAN AH AN, I^of rietoj I Markdale. Dec. 2nd, 1881. 64. ROOKE'8 BAKER! BREATr the ritaff of life ami lr*A.!STR.^^ that will please your wife, always on baud, to supply the demand. So when your stock is low Step in and let uis kaow, And we'll your wants supply, Or you'll know tliie reason why. E. ROOKE, Markdale. Markdale aedevesy Thursday a " atieet, Mark! PL withm three moutl Cessional and bu.aie. .and auler, per year, S " 1 YK. ,ie column 9^^^' â- [column ^i r column .. .. i~- ' ^cb space 7 t B inch space it ' -â- asuai adverti cments 8 lertiou, 3 cents per line Lrtion, uonv-areil measur Bditoiial notices, or m ,10 cents per line 'first isnbsequents insertion. iSWV animals o.,ftdver I the advertisLment no. }{ paper discontlmiod epaid except at the np; 10 -JOB PRINI Standard ottice j:.i- ;ntof postc- cis well as ri attention to orders 1 1 with dispatch. EDITOR AND VIV HEW GOODS, CHOICE GOODS, CHEAP GOODS! -ATâ€" J. E. LAUDER C0$ GROCERY LIQUOR STOBE, MARKDALE. NE^vsPAPi:.:: l.Any person who taki rlTirom the post ollif. his name or anotlior" â- bscribed or notâ€" is icpc ent. 2. If a person orders liis dhe must pay all ai:c:ii iber may continue' in tii maie, and tlieii c'Hi-ci i betber tLe papir is takc'i; DOt. 3 If Subscribers ref us.- c jriotlicals or nevpa)Krs Mch they ar^e dirtcteii. lonsible until thoy lia\'-- 4 The Courts have de,-i I take newspapers and j'c )st office, cr rcmoviiig acalled for, is prima faci: ntiona^ fraud. Markd.^e Petitionino.-A petition 1 F^^oW^pSlel and Cai.ied Fruit. signed by VV. A. Brown and thirty Oranges, Lemons. Candies, Bisetius.Fi.-li. Frost r BAKRISTERS, AND Law, Solicitors in 1MT8, (fee, Owen Sound, ledierton, Office open t Tetofore. UEzi) Fbost, J. County Crown Attori A thort time ago an Ottawa book- keeper abBOonded wiUi Jus emptoyer's moMy. He was arrected on the same day in Ifontnal as ha atanpad off tb«^ tnun. On Thimday u\^ B. D. Fiaber, taU«r of the DnHMnion hank at Osbawa diaifpaani. Frit^y raorain* ha «aa itwiiai in Kianton. Thaabaeonding iNMiMatdoasa't^ to pan oak viiy writ k Gnuiaa. WAkxmxamn nuMyumoirs. â- L-S ?*_ " "*^ ' "'fr girpatimtga fli Talbwa. a Winilin m mmlSm^x rtwriMil awiliBhM «r m «iia. three other respectable residents, was sent to the License Commissioner* of Soutli Grey, protesting against the issue of another Tavern and Shop license in Markdale. Tlie latter is now ]ikely to be granted and one of the four hotels is sure Durham Ohronicle. to get left. â€" ELECTION NOTICE. A meeting of the municipal electors of the TOWNSHIP of GLENELG, wiU be held at the TOW^IV HA LI.. AT NOON, ON Monday, May 5th, 1884, For the purpose of nominating caodidattts for the office of Reeve, to fill the vacancv caused by the resignaticn of Mr. MacRae.' Should a poll be required, it will be opened on Monday, May 12th, at the foUowinir places â€" Polling Sub- Division No. 1, at the School House in School Section No. 9. Polling Sub-Divigion No. 2, at Jno MoArtiiw's house. Lot 28. Con. 1, S. D. R. Polling 8.:b-Divi8ion No. Cooper Shop, Markdale. Polling Sub-Division No. 4, at Kenneth Mc- Kenzie's house. Lot 23, Con. 3, E. G. R. Polling Sub-Division No. 5, at the Towa Hail. Sap Buckets, Wiish-Tubs and WashBoarJ'^. Flour always in stock. Crockery and Glass- ware selling very clie^p. A Full Ktock of liquors fresh aad pure. Yoar patronage respectfully sollciteu. Remember tbe jriaee, !»lcliityrp's Old 9tand, next doer to tie MEDICAL H.VLL- J. E. LAUDER, CO Pro pi"ie tors J. inASS BAEEISTER, iL\STEl in Chancery, Xutarv A JiUMBEK OF FAKli OmcES â€" Owen Sound, 'onlett St.; Branch ollioe SeFarland's Store, on Fi »ery week. 3, at Mallsrky's JOHN S. BUCK, TOWMBBIP CUtBX. Gleodg, April 28, 1884. -^^-JS^*. f J YELLOW OIL â- W( »(fin»n»» Franco CMnese War, NotbwithetandiBg t)ie desolating war now raging m China it wiil act' increase the price of Teas at the Md lise, Man Having imported prior to the open- lag of hostilities, a sufficient quantitj to supply 20,000 MEN for ». period of 12 months. In other departments of the Grocery tmde the BELFAST HOUSE has KKjLED BY THOU tiAND those who assume to transact basineBs by purchasing of small deal* era exorbitant rates of interest on ka^ credit. Our imports of PRESERVED MEATS. SALMON, LOBSTERS, SARDINES, HAMS, BAGON,ASSORTED PIGklELS and •â-¼ery articles in the grocery trade LIQUORS OftiM best brands and quality. Wd( far Haeran^Blal purposes warraotto pun. Bniidies dpeot from tlie °' vfiMliim and all o«l^ kindsof liquor°; Qottm, Teai anil Tobaccoes oaooo^ lul to gi«« sakiiiaetion. OnBi»: Lamons, Ae. Famiiar Flcur sa| •tLofiMtBatta. i.^- mflipf MmC MAItXPAU Feb. 6th, 1884. I'tA"' 'J, 'â- jf sas icgal Creasor A- M' BAIlElP_ -j.,a,SOLIC ances, c. c, Offices in Oweii Soum 'M W. F. Wolfs Store _, MARKD/ "^rW. J. McFarlaiids mdJridsy of eacli week. '**FuuJsto lemlon re ohsCrbasor, Q.Q, ^kdale, March 15. li Alexander KS8IJEE of Marriage Life Insurance Ag€ " B- S. 5tc. Conveya Mieneer for the Count fendumts, and Land S; -^ed to and charges n "iceville.Sept.lT.lS; Wm. Br fSSTJEE OF MAEBIA *â- Commissioner in B. CoDTeyancing in all it; '^^^ to and carefullv «.B.â€" Money to Lend urity, Severe" nARMI PSIS popular Hotel ofti,*^^*^® a^"^e will ^*!?*li°- Good Vt8 Z5r«; The best b, l^J^ good mealB and ^^^^^Jj^ercial room (I.ATB KOBBO iTsuro] .^CJAMcLEG]