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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 1 May 1884, p. 7

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 h ^qm^^0m^^i^- 0OU14 " hi yott nf Black Walnntâ€" Terrible T**"*,, \orth Carolinaâ€" Lake 'fir l^wor Trade-Prollflc Wed nesia of Nor, ^*«ly p. tJon to •h Gove 5t!i of 4,5,5 ra in a L, to theii Bd becam companie, 3 Kong, •' two haiij occurreu Asteaml had twi ein, Boml 'xico, aayi 'vernmenS Jttenneas,* -atly bet- 'â-  broughi â- n. ia thai 'eet high,- lick, its 'Ut 1,500 !9n inoor. 3 tone is the open 8tanc3 of' in Egypt teiis a 3ien, and ' at Toa- scribable lates are' Jmetimes: in every is. Two 3d. 1 paid by I, lOs. to ons, lis, to lOs.; bourera, brick- 's, 9s. to II3. to hands, who re- ia very ;o get a i -atter, luarter. y cents, gs tifty " ;o ?l-iep mnk on ' Jly an- sa, but t3 the ;ionilly ver has 4 per ent. in ISSI. gsner- e past Joubt, .m?r:ca anS of B Paris ienacs .-0 3 by ian of irrs in tions." m3k38 to the d deli- tuoua, ,e sar- beet? wind, being ,t the af an- .SjIo' have f his- orma- inati- hiefly levels e site in of ipper the Five and 330V- peri- Oae ;tion Imt- arti- Dn«- ly a oyal pen- ktes. etty istly re- npt, tM lent and jat- .nitalista are reported to have â- '8'"-s5 0CO, 000 worth of black Wal- â- :^^^'^-' TnHiana and Iowa for shipment â- .•'t-Isd" %-ndand maple srgar makers '** of an exceptionally late .f^'uDprJductu-e teason. "' [jgd wire manufactnres of jViDg adjufred their quarrels ars and the are '""'"' advances in the last'sixty days. ioirg tu 1 ut up the price, having ..â- 'tiro ' jfrn capitalia [jU(g of 'f'V' the north dfsippear, r Jy are beicg sought. s are busy buying up Eastern Texas. As the new sources ,-n" Itmentary ^rtne ,.'-:.Dcr ,jsi arrangement has been ii between this country and Spain â-  fjp tiie removal of n strictions on the "-etwet-'n America and the Spinish ' jdies. iidiciary Committee of the United '.%Q'jie of Representatives has asreed f ..â- â€¢i.'iicst proposing en amendment TvitioEal I'on^utution giving women iVgDtofsutfrage. burning of a great distillery at Ky,, a few days ago, eight hun- .â- â€¢sttle. vhich were kept upon the pre- ' and 'whica could not gat out, were .-.ed. .-cpurticns of the exodus from Que- .•othc I nited Statfs are becoming al- From one parish in Montmagny week IV25 persons left, of whom ,jTer intend to return to Canada. jedate of the national wool growers' ntion at Chicago has been changed ^^jy to -May I'J, in order that the tijtumay be present and pirticipate m llprooeedinL's of the nitional industrial j^j-e;,, which will be held at Chicago, («â- â€¢â- ' lErrible £ris in the turpentine regions of rii) Carolina raged for several days, de- -yx' hundreds of thousands of trees, kme of the largest turpentine orchards :e,"tatt' S^^veral houses were destroy- ji ,1 number of families were rendered â- ;eJM'rif'"i "roctr finds that in 1SS3 I .lOO c.ises of tomatoes were packed in laitea ;ates, each containing two doz- :;;:, Tat c tact figures are 70,045,890 i'neir value at wholesale was probably â- ; UUJ. Miryland puts up about one tne prcduct, and New Jersey over a ^rz: t;e bills pending in the New Jer- â- â€¢â€¢ijiaturc is one to {^.rohibit tne man- :::re of i!3uair:ite and other explosive ;K!.'l' cr a;;y dynamite machine, or the Kporta'r 11 thereof intended for the un- triiwuiiirg ft anybody, under a pen- Tcrfroni si UOO to .^oOO.O fine, or im- j;:n:ei.t ot from thirty da-vs to five years. ";c;. 3! 3 Slaving trouble in Texas over a zt'v) ills j'lst received two sentences one â- [years' inprisonment and the other to :i:.:3d. They want to hang him now. ;ae ' laim he ought to serve his â- .t:ir'., as that sentence was pronounced ':o the one of hanging. A juror gave c:i3 cpiaioii that " as the prisoner was :ead sure loser, he'd better clc-ee out with oank and swirg to wunst." !;: I,1i^' jperior ore trade is reported ::;ii a worse condition than it has been :«eive or fifteen years. Seven out of " twelvt' rains s in the region are idle, ;208e which are running are owned by ::jrge3" anil wealthiest corporations who â- '.-trictii:.; the output. At least one c:ti;" of the best quality and is :. at Cleveland for six dollars per ton, !.- lower than for many years past. At rrice there i- only a profit of .five cents n introduced in provide for the the United creation of a which shall constitute of the Agricultural iJe- organiza- b'.lhis b. Culture b'jrt, 'â- ' the b;r:-;iu- â- -nt ani lall embrace in its â- â€¢-•â- e^;lk Lulture stations, to be establish- ioliows: One to be located in the â- ;oi I'cDu.'-ylvania, one in Florida, one ji'ama, one in Iowa and one in Califor- Tr.p bill provides for the appropriation '• '1,000 for carrying on the object of the -:^^1 a Fai-gT (Hikota) farmer noticed -: t: stojl r r wheat in his oat field, which .â- ^-â- ted of twenty-two stalks, headed out. â- â€¢ contained .sfiO grains, of which 760 "â- placed in ISS'2, yielding one-fifth of a "• Lvst ^prin^ this wheat was planted '/^efullv cu'tivated. The product is â- -teen bushels, an increase of eighty •â- â- 'd, and a yield of fifty-six bushels •'â-  rty-two pounds to the acre. Seven- -ushela f rom a single kernel in three *Ji3a good growth. Elephants for Farm Work, am pu;ijjj,_, ^long here very well; '-â- 'd to secure several hundred bushels '« more than I had estimated, and ~;..' "a\ 8 pleasant. Value of on r crop, " -),0Oj. Never had the pleasure •' of working with elephants. Sent ' ^^r crop with them this season. I _ot intrude myself too much upon their ^°"0n. You .^ee I did not feel entitled "nonor of an intimate acquaintance, I 7't!!^^^ with great respect and defer- 'iise'"" " ^^^' ^^ street Arab does â- i.f ^^' can't get over my antipathy -•' trunk." The Malay style of feed- __P3ant8 has certainly the merit of sim- 'â- *L J "^^ "' '^^y' work is done they '":W "' '"^^° '^® jungle to find their aht' ' ^°" '" ^^®y S' rambling about, HotjL' P°"'°g and tearins; away at any ' iji',j.'""'hey fancy. When morning lomes STfj. ' tracing them by their o^n sp- lU-* ' F^^t the drivintf iicok over '^^ and lead ' " " â- iati them off to work. E1 graze in a forest quite as y aa cattle in a nasture.. Their seem to ""^nteadb â- ^â- J-y to sV *\'=*ttle in a pasture ^f^iiabl^*^^*!^ "P ^^' ^o^^ appar^utl.y '*»inval-Pf'^^ is wonderful. T' neVta^ i'-r^klk '^^"'â- ^ show the intelirg^e* '^. The!^",^" °ff a tree to fan, away thei for ttii ^^P^i themselvcB to wr coffee. "'^Purpoge.â€"ieiier /row /nc^W. r A CALIFORNIA. WELI. That Supplies O004I Urlaktag Water Oood Fuel at tt^la^.^^ Cut'ar S4lmon of French P.,y,« .. from Stockton rl^ !?f u ^*â„¢P!. °o* f" Q-inch 1 Btmck a copious stream of excellent a well rri*^^-^^^^«^»8^{^ ing that, should he'^contfnueThe well tb ' same siza. he might in;are th« qualil, of S the plan of of smkmg a four-inch tube inside the seven-inch one. and thus making wha? aiiTdfartir^^TrE^^^ watefa^in^ \f'!^^"^^^^^^^^^^^ water again, ihis lower stream came came a The last to the surface, and, indeed, rose m a tnh« twenty, two feet above the ground The las' water found was unfit for drinking and but fu- an accidental -discovery of its wonder f ul properties migl .ave been considered a nuisance. It was found that there wm a arge amount of gas ia this water from the lower depth This came bubbling to Jhe makmg one think of a gigantic soda surface, fountaid Some one snggested the idea of seeing if the gar would burn. A coal-oil can was nut over the top of the tubing, and havioTafC holes punched m it. an impoveriaed /as fix ture was at hand. Only a match wa, rei quired to complete the preparations. The match was lighted and applied to a hole in the can aad flames shot up three or four teet in the air and burned steadily. The ffa.s would burn. Mr. Salmon had fire and wa!e? coming out of the same hole in the ground. The tube of the outer well, that which was only 4»0 feet deep and furnished the good water, wsa tapped and sufiaient water for all domestic usea and for the stock c., was led off m pipes to the house and other local- ities. A carbing wa* built arouud the twin wells in such a way that it formed a reser- voir for the water from the 1,250-foot level and that portion from above which was not conveyed away in the pipes, All through this water in the reservoir came bubbling up the gas, generated somehow, somewhere down below. When Mr. Silmon next went to Stockton he had a gasometer made with a stop-cock in the top, and this he took home and fastened over his wells. The bot- tom was beneath the surface of the water in the reservoir, and the gis speedily filled the bell-shaped receiver. The next thing was to attach a gas pipe, and connect his home- made gas machine with the house. He put a pipe perforated with small holes across his large open fire-place, turned on the gas, applied a match, and the problem of cheap fuel was instantly solved. After that gas pipe was put into the fire box of the kitchen stove, and now the meala are pre- pared with the new fuel. Mr. Silmon has also used this gas for illuminating, but it doea not seem 10 entirely fiiU the bill, al- though it is a great improvement on a tallow dip. It has bsen suggested that, as this gis seems to be almost pure hydrogen, it might be carburetted and its illuminating quality improved. The gas throws ofi" a great amount of heat, and, without a doubt, such a well would supply a large number of families with the means of warming their hotses and preparing their food tkeir "^Cnt V*' g-**tin«. productive- Wi, • '=- whijh are thought te How to Mind a Babj. First, a man need have one to take care of. It isn't every man that is fortunate enough to have one, and when he does his wife is always wanting to run over to the neighbor's only five minutes, and he has to attend the baby. Sometimes she caresses him. but of tener she says sternly, â€" "John, take good care of the child till I come back " You W£uit to remonstrate, but cannot pluck up courage while that awful female's eye is upon you; so you prudently refrain and merely remark, â€" "Don't stay long, dear." Soe is scarcely out of sight when the luck- less babe opens its eyes, and its mouth also, and emits a yell which causes the cat to bounce out of the door a3 if something had stung it. You timidly lift the cherub and sing an operatic air; it does not appreciate it, and yells the louder. You try to bribe it with a bit of sugar; not a bit of use, it spits it out. You get wrathy and shake it. It stops a second, and you venture an- other, when, good heavens it sets up such a roar that the passers by look up in aston- ishment. You feel desperate; your hair stands on end and the perspiration oozes out of every pore as the agonizing thought comes over you, what if the luckless child should have afit. You try baby talk; but "litty, litty lamb" has no effect â€" for it stretches as if a red hot poker had been laid upon its spine, and still it yells. You are afr«d the neigh- borhood will be alarmed, and give it your gold watch as a last resource, just in time to saye your whiskers; though it throws down a handful of your cherished mous- tache to take the watch, and you thankfully find an easy chair to rest your aching limbs, when down comes that costly watch on the floor, and the cause of all the trouble breaks into an ear-splitting roar, and you set your teeth and prepare to administer personal chastisement, when in rushes the happy wo- man known as your wife, snatches the long- suffering child from your willing arms, and siHing down, stills it by magic, while yon gaze mouonfully at the remains of your watch and cherished moustache, and, mut- tering a malediction on babykind in general, and on the image of its father in particular, vow never to take care of a baby againâ€" until the neil time. Every one, rich and poor, takes a dip once a day in a caldron of hot water in Japan. The rich bathe before dmner and at night. The whole housahold dip m the same water. Precedence is given to visitors, then the elders, followed by the young people according to age, and then the ser- vanes. On getting out of the cal^n each bather irvriIe»;mouth and throat with cold aromal^ed w^ter. They then fan each other until toijir i*® »^ ^i^' ^- ' â-  '" " ~~ the »g»' by ers Be--, itarting for Itol^ wish to give W ff^ ., .^. t accept it. first "i*»I '«wll«y wm continue thrdi April, May and Jane. he WTi f people ter, on HOW SHijEESPEABE WORKED. Th* Mwiiod. of tk» Onat Xnllab Sr*. nwtlst-Definittoiu of Gemns. Of one coDMption of genias Ca very low one^ in my jadgment) SlOkespelre' work totaly destructive, says Richard Gra.t Wn defin^^^'^.^^l°';^^'y- G«niushaS heen defined as the ability to take great Pans. Genius is rather the aoility to con- which 1. admirable and which is Pcaliar to the doer. The former definition Lems as if It were contrived for the comfort and ooun- JT^^ °^ *t**' "«« b^'^y °* ^^^ who r.. gard themselves as undeveloped, or at least possib.e geniuses,â€" men who could have written '-King Lear" '^f they had a mfnd to do it and who have been prevented from elaboratmg that tragedy, or one equal to It, by adverse circumstances. Neverche- less. ithasbeen growing in favor of late probsbly because of the daily increasing im- portance of Boience, which proceeds by th» careful collection and comparison of facts and which demands that the most daring ana imaginative theories shall be advanced by the slow and patient stepi of toil and caution. However true this conception of genius may be in science, it is not true ia art, in hterature, the annals of which ar' studied with splendid lights, which have baen spoken into existence by the creative will, if not by the creative word of omnipo- tent genius, exercising its native powers al mort unconsciously. Of Shakespeare, at least, it is to be eaid tnat great pains wfra no condition of the working of his wondt r?. On the contrary, the achievement of tais genius was always in directly inverse ratio to the height of his aim and the greatness of his endeavor. When he toiled, when he wrought with deliberate effort, when he set up for himself a high standard of attain- ment, he was comparatively feeble and dull and insignificant, with no fire in his pro- phecy, no trath in his fable. It was when he was doing his journey-work, with sm»ll trouble to himself, with the lowest purpose and the least possible labor either in plan- ning or in finishing, that he was splendid and beautiful and strong, with a splendor, a beauty, and a s'rjngth that are beyond the conception of any other man who has left the mark of his hand upon the ages. When he set out to be a poet, to do some- thing that would bear criticism and give him a place in literiture, he p.-oduced "Venus, and Adonis," and "The Rape of Lucrece," which would have been utterly forgotten long ago had they not been his. When, with lower purpose, he undertook only to please "his private friends," he evolved the marvelous mystery of his fascin- ating sonnets. But, when grinding in his daily mill, he blindly put out his bands, and took for grist almost auy old pUy or old tale the story of which he thought would interest a misjellaneoua London audience, he turned out such j^b work as "Romeo and Juliet,,' "As You Like it/' "Himlet," "King Lear," "Othello," "Antony and Cleo- patra." Nothing is made clearer by a study of his work than that at the times when he wrote those dramas, it was in him to write them in the way in which they were written, and in no other. It was just as easy for him to turn them off as he ilid as it was for any minor journalist of nowadays to elabor- ate his little paragraphs. Dangers of Gambling. The Canada Presbyterian says â€" With some pwple gambling seems to be an infa- tuation. In all cases it is a dangerous and a ruinous one. Ochers try to make it a means of livelihood. Asa trade, it would be difficult to find one more disreputable. Rag-picking is an hoaorable occupation compared with gambling. Professional gamolers are about the worst scoundrels that prey on society. It is no mitigition to say that were there no dishonest simpletons, there would be no pigeon-pluckers. There are degrees of wickedness the fools who make a habit of gambling are descending ripidly, but the kuaves who live by it have little further to fall. In a recent trial in Buffalo several gamblers sought to evade jusnce by corrupting the members ot the Grand Jury. This coming to the Judga's knowledge, they were told that if there ws any violation of the law, its penalties would be rigidly enforced. The Judge was iu earnest, and the jury felt it. They give the names of those who approached them, and speedy arrests followed. There is no good reason why an Americsn judge should not be just even though the judiciary is elective. â-  « Mi » 1 m Tbe BKlgbty Dollar Is long distanced by a 10 cent bottle of Pol; son's Nebviline, the newest and best pain remedy. It cures colds, cramps, colio, pain in the head, sciatica, pain in the chest; in fact it is equally efficacious as an external or internal remedy. Try a 10 cent simple bottle of the great pain remedy, Nerviline. Sold at any drug store. Large bottles only 25 cents. Try a sample bottle of Nerviline, only 10 cents. L'me with a solution of salt and water, and then properly thinned with skim milk from which all the cream has been taken, makes a permanent whitewash for out-door work, and. it is said, renders the wood in- combustible. It is an excellent wash for preserving wood, and for all farm purposes. Every one 8i«»kB highly of Dr. Oireon's Stomach Bii tere as a Stomach, Liver and Kidney hnedicine. The best family medicine we ever used," sftV they all. Try .a bottle this Spring as a bIo«d purifier. A Termont dairyman says a young calf shouM be fed three times a day. Overfeed- ing at Ijng intervals, and especially with cold food, k Us a aood many valuable calves. Tne cow stable should be kept neat and clean, or the milk cannot ba perfectly pure. The air of a fil hy stable will taint milk that is drawn in it and when the air is foul the cows under such lack of care will be mord or l^ss dirty, and sonie of this filth will find its way into the puj. ^11 buy 12 AMortedlDaWia Jtoou or Scotch i'ir Tre ea. JVB- ttsyyi l. Seeog. 1*oront a \,' BK» 10c.' KSD ksava 'BY J^aH^I A y Beautiful Chronjo Ctaia-tfVif yow^f)meou. ^V AcMreas Enr^ta t3a^(l'Co..«6tt6n. Que. $1 cash. â€" Street, Detroit. ariiWoli totlJOn Sn'mSdi^k. I Ladies â-  *i2.- m% T^S FOR sJitJ^f :«i aMi 'i^; Uv.nm. Sid. HSSlidrmUksit«th«woii. SOTpartionUn apply p»;r 136. Mewmarfcet. ., g ,,^ Tial Lapp aid Bmlf ftmglied iJlrTln the cSitral Block, Watertoo, *»»«*-*«* Jj^ablef liMMdUte pMaewon. William Snidsb fc Co., Waterloo. SHORTHAND lessons given by rj^ 'ij?,'Yi!^^E,"°"°8â„¢?"«' Send for terms and PUntoFRAKK YEIGH, 262 Sherboume St. Toronta \\rANTED.â€" THE ADDRESS OF V » every reader of this paper who would like a salary of $15.00 a week for canvaainff tto'iSet popa sellingsnhaoKptJon bo»k e*«r lar, useful, and easy published. Address 'A. C. JACKSON Co., 95 Kins Bt. East, To ronto. ' ^^ PitOPEETlES TO EJitltAN«#t| 1 If you want a house or a ^j^jitoi ^)xqme gr investment, or to exchtoge^ro^ertidl, eb that- both partieearebettersuited, caUat the office of, or write to JOHW POUCHES, s Co«r« St. Tor»to. fjf_ 1 hive property In all parts of Oanad* SHORTHAND. Ths accomplishment of the age. A railroad means o communicating thought â€" A railroad by reason of Its expeditionâ€" A railroad by reason of its ease. Oomplete eet q( books tor MUiustnictioaloi beginners, poet free for 45c. Send for price list to T. A. McINTYRE 4 Co. Ontario Shorthand Emporium, 34 King St. East. Toronto Is a perfect gem, equal to an imported Trenob Corset; fits like a Klove to the flgure; very styl- ish, elegant in appearance, aniL approved o( by the most Ikstfaietis. MauTtfactuied by THE C«bMPTON CbFWETCd. 8 YORK STURET TORONTO. W^. F. p. Currie Co. 100 Grey Nun St,, Montreal. 'i" Imsoiifc^ of â-  nfUlit Tip9t, Vortl«in4 l«aiolit, OKIinA^Pr Tops, Canada Cement.Vent Linings, Water Lime, Flue Civers, Whiting. Fire Bricks, Plaster of Paris, Fire Clay, Borax, Roman Cement, China Clay. Mauufactururs of Bessemer Steei Kora, Cualr Bed Springs TO SADDLERS The celebrated Elm City Harness Oil can be had from the following Wholesale Saddlery Hardware houses Field Davidson, Hamilton Morgan Bros, Hamilton Eraser Johnson. Hamilton; C. Davidson andOo. Toronto; S. Trees* Co., Toronto; T. Woodbridge and Co., Toronto W. Ellis, Ijondon W. C. Martin, Kingston J. Smith, and Son., Brantford or from F. F. DAIXiEY, and Co., Hamilton. Sole agents for the DominioB. mport Orders. BiB moN. SBEBTMGTALS. i!iBB CLAY GOODS. CBEMICALS AND OILS. Cta^eri to import solicited. Capla^d 7^^ McLaren, ^eljgkrta^ftreeli^lloiitreal. WelllmKtoK €ha«iberi||«to«go«. 88 Patenoster Row. BEAVER S. S. IjINB WEEKLY BETWEEN Ikaebee, MoAtrejO, and UverpoeL OOE£ISnWN AND ELFAST For lowest rates and all particulars apply to H IdEEA?, iKAV£ KNK, Xtntreiii, Qd«. The Ready Mixed Paints MANUFAOTTTEED BT A. MMSAY SONS, MOmEAL, are ground in Pure Linseed Oil and Turpentine. TJhe American Mixed Paints are to a lar,?e extent ground with Silicate of Soda, and are tlear at any price. Ask for Ramsay's and see that you get them. App'y to yuur local dealcri. F. E. DIXON CO SMiiaCsctiii-ers of Star Rivet Leati^er Belting! Large double Driving Belts a specialty. Send for Price Lists and Discounts TheSewell Patent Mveral Grinder. Award of CMS. and Silver Medals.] STOCK BROKERS (Members of tlie Toronto Stock Exchange). Buy and sell oa commission for cash or on mar- gin aU securities dealt In on the Toronto, Hon- ireal and Neiv Vork STOCK EXCHANGES, Also execute orders on the Chicago Board or Trade -IN GRAIN AND PROVISIONS.- â- J6 TOROXTO 8TRF.ET. TOKOXTO. "Common Sense' Brace f^^' 3 No strain on ttoMat or pants, 60 requires no BUTTONS ON PANTS c- fe Simple, easy, cheap, durable. Bent to any address by mall on receipt of g, »* 60 or 75a with " little Dorcas" 4â€" g= H.r.FISKEandCa,»77KiJigStree» J ;». _WA«t., Tnront.n. --^^^^^ ,^__^ t St. Anicet, CJi k., April" 16th,'iS8l? Messrs Fiski; Ci., I rec-iTed your Braces O. K. Am highly pleased with them, and h.'ippy to say they are tiit- kkst 1 have ever yet worn. Sincerely yours, T. E. HORAN. Mutual Harriage Endowment As'ii, INCOKPOBATED, HEAD OFFICE. LOSDON, OXT. Issues Certificates from $125 to $3,000, payable on mar- riage, at following rates. For S500, or half certificate, â- ?4 quarterly dues in ad- vance, SO.7.5. For Â¥1,000 Certificate, $6 quarterly dues in advance, 81.00. For §2.000 Certificate, §10 quarterly dues in advance, S2.00. For .«;3,000 Certificate, $15; quarterly dues in advance, $3.00. A percentage of the Fees applied towards a re- serve fund. The only cash payments required at the time ot maliiiig application for a ceHi£cate. The re- mainder of the liability is made up of a'^^^ssmentsat'the rate of $1.60 on each §1,000 upon the marriage c^aem- l)ers. 12 asses.sments made the first year payi.'^iJ^ ju(ar- terly, which upon the present large memberehn^'seaires the payment of a number of Endowments, aull a bafe and reliable investment for young people. Seiili for By- Laws and full particulurii. W. J. IBILACH, Secretary, London, Ont. Dominion LineofStea Running in connection with the Grand Tflii Railway of Canada. Sailing from Quebec every Saturday during the summer months, and from Portland every Thursday during the â-  winter months Sailing dates from QUEBEC TO LIVKPOOL. Montreal, Nay. 10. *tancoaver, May. 31. 'Sarnla, Hay. 17. I Toronto, Jane. 7. Brooklyn, Hay. 84. Oregon, Jane. 14. Ratesof passage: Cabin, Portland to Liverpop $50, ?60, $70, Return $90, $110, $130, according to steamer and berth, all outside rooms ana comfortably heated by steam. Intermediate* $40. Steerage, at lowest rates. and staterooms in steamers marked thus irE\\ELLOHAPIN Proprietors, 95 St James-st. wes Montreal. These Mills save time, grind any kind of grain very flist and ivltbon heating. Larger Size MUls working â€" on same principle with different style of cutter, grinding phos- phates, gold and silver ores, quartz, plaster, clay, bones, flsh-scraps, bark, o. Please call or write fortmrtioulars. Agents Wanted FOR THE Citizens Insurance Go of Canada. Established 1864.â€" Capital and Assets, 81,426,985. â€" GoTcrnmeiit Deposit $122,000 Cash.â€" As the Company transacts Fire, Life, and Accident business, a profitable agency is thus oifered to those sollcitiog insurance risks. Special terms to those who have valuable con- nections. Farm property insiired as low as by Farm Mutuals. Address, Head Office, 179 St, James Street, Montreal. *^The stock of this Company is held by many of the wealthiest citizens of Montreal. briage Aid ASSO CIA TION. $5,000 Paid on Marriajjes. Over $100,- 00 Paid in Benefits to Date. ISSUE IN 1883~0VER $2,000,000. The only Company in Canada that has paid a claim. UNDOUBTED SECURITY. Premiums small. Address, W. B. WEBBER, Agents Wanted. Secretary, Hamilton. Allan Line Royal Mail SteamsMps. Sailing during winter from Portland every Thursday, and Halifax every Saturday to Liverpool, and in summer from Quebec every baturday to Liverpool, calling at Lon- donderry to land mails and passengers for Scotland and Ireland. Also from Baltimore via Halifax and St. John's N. F. to Liverpool fortnightly during summer months. The steamers of tbe Glasgow lines sail during winter be- tween Portland and Glasgow, and Boston and Glasgow alternately and during summer between Quebec and Glasgow and Boston and Glasgow every weeli. Fcr freight, passasfe, or other information apply to A. Schumacher Co., Baltimore; d. Cunard Co, Halifax: SheaSc Co., St. John's N. F. Wm. Thomson Co., St. John, I^. B. Allan At Co., Chicago; Leve Alden, New York H. Hourlier, Toronto Allans, Bac Co., Quebec H. A. Allan, Portland, Boston, Mon- treal. THE MODEL Washer AND hs but 6 pounds. Can be carried in a small valise 'atinn shows Machine in boiler. Satisfaction nteed or monev refunded. ,00 KRWARO FOR ITS STTPKRIOR. 'ashing made light and easy. The clothes have that whiteness which no otnerraorteof washing can pro- No rubbing required, no friction to injure the tftbric. A 10 year old girl can do the washing as well as an older person. To place it in every household the prici has EKEf REDUCED to S2.50, and if not found satisfactory, money refunded. See what the "Canada Prfsbyterian," says about itâ€" The Model Wa=her and Bleacher which Mr. 0. .J, W. Dennis offers to the public has many and valuable The saloons' advantages. It is a time and labor saving mftohine, is ked thus: 'f substantial and enduring, »nd is very cheap. From trial are amidships, where but little motion Is felt,; in the household we can testify to its exoellenoe and no cattle' or sheep are carried on them. Fo^ further particulars apply to any Grand Trunin Railway Agent or local agents of the Com- pany, or to PATIB TOBKAIfCE Jt CO., General Ascents. MontreaL HOMESTEADS! lie THE TEMPERANCE COLONY N. W. T. 160 Acres Free To Actual Settlers,- SPECIAL ADVANTAGHS. First Class Land. Plenty of Pure Water. 1^ ConveQiaat to Ooa^ IGnes. Mstigd;ble Biver pa38in^.t}irongIi itK .^Si^giiiloiig^f t$4ji in J^aMtoba- ' 'iiDcattad iii1ih*cen«i»of iMMeiB^t. $iipp^ Store in the Colony. SAST^QQN, The capital of theCMbnf mifslm nlws IHw^ Sa^fWfli^|»i?'y*' ^, ,.„, ,„.,„,.. OU rOK 8ALE CBBAR'AK»"«I KASV For Particviuraofflit-fyifi^iipSWPIGE Hf^IWa^T.i WSSTy^TORONTO. M. S. SMITH, W. PKMBBBTON PAftS^* President, Matuiger, BLEACHER Delivered to any express oflBce in the Provinces of On- tario and Quebec. Charges paid $3.00. Send for circulars. AGENTS WANTED. C. W. DENNIS, TORONTO BARGAIN HOUSE, 313 TONCIE STREET, TORONTO/ OBTT. 84,000 Bold In 11 MoAtlig. BUY ONLY THE WcI:erWQods BlUfllTOX OWT. HAS vtrovrg3 da PER CCilT OF ALL HORSES ' 'â-  Brer Imported ..^rom France to At^rlea, whose i^nrlty af BI»o4 Is establl^ed by theif t^ Becorded PeHltfreear in tte Perrhe- '^SDir^tud OMk of France, which •^.iStlM oUy Craft Horse Record u.' that country. Mr.Dnnbam hw lnf t jTiMlsned a ^o.CoO «itlon ot Ml hand some] 7 lllUEtrated 1 40 Paee cataloeue for 1884. containinK di!seriptio4s aiid ped- igree* tmutj for 10 generations) ol IUUMI8A ir«w«« \mm*. All JHdDtoM Da F^eOo., OUiioia. Ul MaOtoBa Caitfuteed Bree4en. Addreaa, M.WTbVSnXU^wir't^ da. (SS miles mrt of CUoafEO, onu. i fi J I i M â-  t '

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