The Standard. OTEB Fire in Euphrasia. $2,500 WOBXH OF PEOPEBTY DI8TBOYED. MARKDALE MAY. 1, 1884. DAIRING BURGLARY McFarland's Store Entered lid the Vault Btown Open. OVER $2oo STOLEN. ]Vo Clue to the Perpetrators. On Sunday nijjiht last the establish- ment of W. J. McFarland, of this village, was entered and burglarized by supposed professiouals, who blew up the lock of the door leading into tho vault, and carefully secured what cash was within witli the exception of $150 in bills which was in a separate place. There being a heave thunder storm during the night, nothuig was heard or known of the affair until Monday moDiiiig, on entering when things were somewhat disorderly in the Post-office department.which leads to the vault. The lock was evidently blown open, as the smell of powder was still in those parts. Their entrance to the store appears a mystery, as all the doors were fast in their usual way in the morning. They escaped how- ever through the window from the Post-ofSce, leaving a sledge hammer, brace and bit, screwdriver, and other such tools. Nothing was molested in the store, they confining their opera- tions to searching for and securing hard cash, which was not at that par- ticular time in large quantities, being ottlj some $200 to be louud. The night previous there was over $700 in the same till. The funds belong to ihe Post-office, and we are not yet certain whether the Postmaster or the department wiil be responsible. There is no clue to the guilty parties, and to our knowledge, no suspicion as t3 who they may be. Id is thought they also attempted a break on Trimble's store, but the dog, which keeps shop at night, made a racket, and is thought to have thus savad a further theft. ')n Tuesday morning last about 2 o'clock a. m. the buildings of Mr. Hugh Abercrombie, of lot 11 con. 1 Euphrasia together with all his stock, comprising of 7 horses, 22 head of cattle, 20 sheep, about 500 bushels of grain, and all his agricultural implements was totally distroyed by fire. No clew as to how the fire originated has been obtained, but Ih supposed to be work of incendiary. Mr. Abercrombie's loss is estimated over $2,500 as there was no insurance, save $400 on the buildings, in Eoyal InsurH.nce Company. The scene of the ruins the following morning is said to be terrible, some of the horses appear to have broken frcm the stall and got into the middle of fire, the sheep were hudled in one corner of their compartment aud a valuable bull broke lose and got to the door where he fell m the flames. This has been one of the severest looses of any of oiir agriculturalists in the County for Years, The Father of the Pp'css. THE OLPEST NEWfcPAPEK MAN IN CAN J)A DIES AT KINGSTON. Kingston, April 28.â€" This morning Dr. E. G. Barker, city registrar, died at the advanced age of 85 years. He was generally considered the father of tlie Canadian press. In 1884 he founded the British Whig, and in 1889 began the publication of the Daily British Whig, the first daily in the Dominion. Some twelve yeais ago he retired from journalistic duties, the paper passing into the control of his grandsou, E. J. B. Pense. Last New Year's eve the paper celebrated its 50th aunivorsary, and the 8oth birthday of the vetman editor. The deceased was an energetic worker, a vigouros writer, and one of those early editors who did much towards lay lug the foundation of our Canadian constitution. His burial occurs to- morrow at two o'clock. Cor. Brown Toronto Si's MAHZDALE %s- the place to get BARGAINS in Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Grockeryy Glassware ^.c dtc. NEW PRINTS from 5 cents up, Nev/ DRESS STUFF 10 cents and upwards in NEW DESIGNS and LATEST FASHIONS. Gloves, Hosiery, Ribbons, Laces, Embroideiy, Small wares c c, at greatly reduced prices. Our 25 cent T is unsurpass'd Being determined to curtail credit trade, we offer special discounts and inducements to cash customers. ^^^et^enttjj Pall Wheat Spring Wheat Barley ........ Peas Oat Butter Eggs Potatoes ..... Hay Pork F'oiu- •50 60 • 0« • 42 â- 60 • !» In â- • 7 (HI Mo Ml OneBroadcani TT^OB SALE. good order, fit for two Lo78^n.„ first -cLiss Laml iollw, witb.! 'â- * one spau of j.jooi.1 farm Hors^ ' JAMES aBEl5;s| Art" 188-90 RARE CHANCE. aud business m Markilale [oZ Dwelling house and lot for • good op«'ninK. Tiie iiroprietor retire fron the biisiiib.-si on ac**, health. Â¥tjT particular* appW^ Lamb ou the premises, Markdat,*' FARMS FOR *»ALE. 1 1 we?t, T. S. r.oad, Anemesij « I 50 acres, 40 of ol which arsdearsai ultiv-ition. Ldt S iJiut l.'),con.U| j fi3 acres, 40 deareu; all nectssin I theieon. Lot 13, con. l;!, Glenelt i all bush. F»jr teiins andpu-tj/ to J Oct.l6.18S3. 0. IKTING, Mil â- L^AR]?! FOR SALE. To sell GLENEEO ELECTIO]\' The Highest Price for Butter and Eggs A lot of i:ced oats (White Australian), free from all im-i Jft s i i4,Cod 9 Eupiiraâ„¢,H • J 1 1 r T I Markdale and 6 froii: Koeklvn, purities; also Poiatoes, large and small, oi nnest quality, loo acres, 70 acres cleared and u lor sale cheap. April, 1884. 190-tf WM. BBOWN. imizL: Send six cents for postage, and receive free, a costly bo\ of goods which will lielp all, of either sex t J more money right away than anything else in this world. Fortunes await tbe workers absolutely sure. At once address True Co., Augusta, Maine. 187-239 On Monday next, May 5th, the iiooiinatiou for Keeve to fill the vacancy will be held at the t-.wu hall, Glenelg. There are various rumorb as to who will he candidates for (liu position. .Mr. Titos. Dayts, who opposed F. MacRae, Esq., for Keeveship at the Irtst election, will doubtless bo to the iore. He has filled the office of Coun- cillor as well as Deputy-Reeve in this townehip, and liaa ^Ti-oved himself worthy the confidence of the lutepay- ers, and should a man from this side of ihe township fail to take the field, rhe probabilities a(e that Mr. Davis will be the successful man. Mr. Geo. Binnie is a young man of 'ood judgment and fairly posted in uiunieipal matters, and we are in- lormed will be also a candidate. We will be in a better position in a'lotlier week lo give a forecast. UTarigatioii Openini. The City .f luvm Sound will leavi Collmgwood to day for po:ts 011 Lakt Superior and P,;rt Arthur, and thf 'â- ampana wjU leuvo to-morrow loi Port Arthur direct. It is uncertaiu when the boats u u\ bt ab e to reach Port Arthur, as Thunder jiav is Paid to be stiil locked up with ice.â€" Tut-s day's UaU. WHATISLAKDINE. Ask aay farmer, thre«her or sawmill nuji, or in fact any man who nms rnvdiinerv of any kind and he will tdl you that it is the only maehifie Oil which will wear equal to Castor Oil. and won't gum or elog yoor machiaeor, Pot ssle at Sukett Bro's. JImA- d*te- .176-215 The Law of the Road. Turn to the Hioht. â€" The most im- p^jrtant law of the road is, that when two persons in vehicles coming from opposite directions iire about to meet, each shall reasonably b^ar to the right of the middle or travelied portion of j the road, so that they can pass each other without intertereuce. A travullfr IS not required to keep on the ri{,hr side of the road nil the time he can drive »vhere he pleass.s or where the going is best, soling as lie turns to the right when he meets another vehicle. If the middle aud usually travelled portion of the road is very muddy, and for this or any otlier reason persons are traytliing aluug the side of the road, then the one who IS on the left side of the road is in dutv bound to turn out. Circumstaucc;- may arise which would justify a. deviation from it, aud when they do arise, a traveller cannot stick blind ly to the law, and then claim damages it he is injured. In the crowdel streets of a metropolis drivers are required to exercise very great care, and when the high degree of care dic- tates a departure from tins law of the road, then it is not only justifiable, but a failure to observe it might cut off one's right to recover damages if' he is injured. This luruing to the right is just the opposite of that in England, which requires all diivers to turn to the left. The rule of turning 111 England is based ou long liouorea custom; our rule is estai.'lislipd b^ statute. Foot PASSENiiERs. â€" All pe sons have the tame ligut to walk iu the highway that they have to diive there, and they have the same right to walk in the middle of the street that they have to walk on the foot-path at the side. When one is walking in the wagon track, he must observe greater care to avoid collision with vehicles, but the fact of his being there is not of itself negligence. It is his duty to turn out for teams, especially if heavily laden, but teamsttrs h ive uo right to run over him simply been us he happned to be in the way. Tiiey would be liable for the injury if they did. Foot passengers have the uu doubted nght to cross the street at any time and place, aud persons driving along it must use due cnre not to run into them, and must hold up to let them get by. ihe foot passenger must also exercise due care to avoide injury, for if he dods not, he can recover do damages if injured. If he sees a team coming at a rapid rate he is not justified in attempliui! to cross ahead of it, or bhoukl lit- attempt cro88iD2 a crowded thoroiigt- f»re tritliont first looking caiefully both ways. H. A. Haige, in AimrL-an Agriculturist for Mai • ALEX KAYl Mill Street, Markdale JOHN NOBLll, MARKDALE. GENLR'LBLACKSMITH Keallh Happiness for all. WILL CURE OR RELIEVE Biliousness, Headache, Dys- pepsia, Indigestion, Dizziness, Jaundice, Dropsy, Fluttering of the Heart, And every species of disease arising from Impure Blood, c. c. PREFAREIJ BY THB Climax Chemical Company, MONTREAL. 33.5 ACRES. 325 I ACliES IVURSERIES. HORSESHOEING SPECIALTY. of cultivation, tit to run reaptr anilj and balance hardwood b-asL wiiij J cedar for fencin?. WtU watered wjij failing spring ooiy 10 rods from k a young orchard, house barn si There is a new eteam saw mill onii^ to it. Clear deed can be given. Foi particulars apijdy on the premises t SAMUEL WBIU Eocklrrl New Butclier S The best meats the countrTcaiij kept on hand and DELIVERED TO ALL Ml THE TO\^'N WHERE ORDLl A sliitre of rilblic patronage respj solicited. Komember tJtie stand in McNes'sll 181 WM. H. RUTLEOJ T- C. B. RAIL! TIME TABLE. uRECdu CHS Colds HOAf?:SENESS..E.TC., Chanofe ol Time On and after Saturday. I'arcii Is. trains will run as follows A.M P.M 7.20 4 5ii â- GOIKU KOSTII Toronto Departs t)rangevilie Mount Forest " Harristou '• Teeswatex Arr. Owen Sound " 12.2ipinii.W •2.-2o ' 9.2.' lO.oii 10.30 FOMTHILL THE LARGEST IN THE DOMINION SALESMEN ^WANTED To be},'in work at once on Fall sales. Steady employment at fixed salaries to aU willing to work. Men ittid lÂ¥oinen can have pleasant WORK THE YEAR ROUNP Good agents are earning from ?40 to }75 per month and expenses. Terms and outfit free. Address STONE V, ELLINGTON, Toronto, Ont THE KEY TO HEALTH. TO H Tlim, The u^ersigned is manufacturing an ex- cellent as.sortment of School t-^tii-nitiiT-e, Consisting of SU OOL SEATS aud DESKS TEACHERS' DESKS, etc., of too latest ' desifrn and most ajM.roTed pattern. Higlilyl reconim. nded hv School Trustees and Teach- t er... for cirapness. comfort and compa'-tueM. I wheiever tried. An assortment of Farm and Scnool liells kept always on hand. «end lor ' catalogue to Chats worth P. O. ' ^^^ A.NTDKEW McGILL. GOING SOUTH. A.M. Owen Sound, Dep. r).l." Teeswater " 5. (Hi Harriston '• i.(' Mount Forest " li.;iil Orangeville " M.ii7 Toronto Arr 11.00 A Mixed Train will also run better onto and Uwen Sound. Si« Tinif Ttf' D.McNICOL. â- Q;.^VHT^ Geit. Pans. Agt. Genera P.5I. 3,3(1 3.IHI 4.211 4.50 7.211 1,1.55 Unlocks all the eloped avenues of the Spwels, Kidneys and Lirer. cairyine off gradually without weakening the system all the impurities and foul humors of the ^â- ^l^' 'J'iu"" of*' '" Correcting Aaoity of tn« StomaclL cnrimrmi^ gnesft HeartWn. OonstiiStitmr DrynMB of the Skin, I^^SS^ nessofVision, Janndice, SaftEhemn. gy^peUs, ScrofWa, Plnttoring^ SwH^f^ Hponana« and Qraeial pebility; all these and many other simi- Saaapla Bottles 10c Begidar liwtL Forfidebyalldeden. 9* â- mAmr^co;. p«»HcMta, T«*«te JOSEPH GIBSON CONTRACTOR. ^Contracts taken for all kinds ot BRICK AUD STONE W RK, Pluin Ornamental Plastering. Calsominim in all Shades and CoUrs Charges moderate and satisfaction etxr- antee .^ Orders left at ahe Standard offle* wUl receive prompt attenton. MARKDALE StATlQH TRAINS LEAVE iS FOILOW' GOING SOUTH,â€" Express '^â- -'â- ' Mixed i""' " •• Mail 'l:"^f GOING NORTH.â€" Mail H^V Express V^^ J. C.ESAB, 12G-ly. SEEDS SEEDS I3fP0RT£D FIELD ASD GARDEN SEEDS Tbe p ace to biiyyonr Seed* iaat PARKER'S, IN THE GOODS GHAH I ARTHUR SEWELI^I (deceased NOTICE TO CREDlTORj Pursuant to Section 34, M ch^M B. 8. O. the creditors of .irtlnir y late of the township of Arteme^w.^n Giey, deceased, wlio died p""^.,.!,! 22nd December, 188:?. and all P«r" 1 claims upon his estate nro, on or W FIFTEENTH DAY OF MAi^ to send by post, prepaid, to Bobert Vandeleur P. O., in the County " J JioTicKS in thene coin IHM individual or Socie ^finU a line for thf fir ~tent»a line eafk %uheq The village is ver But merchants w I Oft business good. Okangevili.e has Fine needing wea I night i-ec«utly. Gardening oper ineoced. Foe Piue or Ma] Graut Co. S. J. Coleman i from Leexls Co. This season is earlier than last. Cap. WisTFiELt* o town this week. Mrs. ,T. E. Land Illiaois last Friday QuARTEKLY Meet dist church next S T. H^ll of the visited Markdale t Markdale stores commeucinc the f Mr. John LK.\E"i t3Mr. J. Itauson Sheleubne stoi summer, commeK Grardeii pure and true to i Hall. Business i.s boo Art Gallery. The ' liere. A stJDDEN demi for good watch t lary. The next sittm No. 5 will bts heh 19tb June. Great bargain suits of Ready ^ynoldsA Son. Friends of tern tf Brnce are orga tte .eubmission o: â- county. Oil Cat «atile feeder, for i^. Tcirner^t Co. Dentistsv.â€" I Marshall, will U H^use next Wed stimd3rdWedi Spkcial induct was, "White Cott «t JBleynoldB Sc ToitoHTo's Skm Pfeparafions are jonto, for tbe ce CenUsnmal, to of the executors, of the per; •soiisl f«» effects of deceaFcd, tlieir liristiaB name*., addresse.s and descript'"" partioulRM of their claims. « ^i their McooxitB and nature of t (if any) held by them, and m 'i«"'^jii the assets of the said "^^^^^ tribated, having regard only' ^jjj then reoeived, or those of them execnton then have notice. ROBERT SHANNON, lExft'"' JOSEPH LOMAS, Datbd this Tth day oX Apr" n 1^"