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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 1 May 1884, p. 1

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 cr Wori â- Â«d from '^proved f»|Rlg8 HAN, I'roprietw i 64. ERl 'f Jife and I ill please I to supply low noWy supply, reason «iL. 4.-N0. 190 laridale Standard ;jresv Thursday, at the office, Mill ' Street, Mark ialu. ^;i .K-r vear iu advance; §l,2i» if loual and buiiiess cards one inch P'miler, perycai, *;i. ^^ 1 y.:. 6 MO. .S MO. .§.-,(1 ')0 $27 5.) $15 (X) 27 00 15 00 10 00 1' 00 10 1 6 00 7 IK) 4 00 10 00 5 00 /vlvertisi'meiits 8 ceutt' per line first ' 3 CL'uts per liie each subsequent " iionrareil measure. I ,,^1 notices, or notices in local col- |i,i ients per line tirst insertioUj 5 cents ii,,tiuents insertion. .j.imilsitc., advertised 3 weeks for jiltertisemeut not to «xceed twelve ,311. • ....iiiniii 11 ivA':r. |.,,j..r di.-^oiittniu'd until all arrears fdcpptiit tlie aption of tke publisher. -JOB PRINTING. Ljr.iyPARB office ha a splendid equip- i^te" AS well as fine job type. Spe- j(-r;tioii to orders bj mail. Orders hii dispatch. EDITOR AND ?F.0PEIETOR. lale. IS'S RE, Sugar. Frai:, Fish, boards. Glass- ire. Old [ALL. Ni:\VSPAPER LAW. .rpei.-on who takes a newspaper regu •:iithepo?t (itlice, whether directed ,-:!3ic or another's, or wliether he has icior nut â€" is responsible for thepay- aptinun orders his papcj- discontin- m bi pay all arivrtiagtis, or the pub iijyfuiiiiniie In -end it until payment iml llun ei'lact thi- xvhjle amount. 'the paper is taken oat of the office Mib-irikTs ri:l'ase or neglect to take lai- i.r neuptiper.-' froiu the office to •,iiiy all! dirtcteil, they n-e held le- Iw until they have settled their bills. ::j (jiiirts have decided tliat refusing •;.'.v-|iain-is mid jieriodicnls fiom the y(. ir uiMoviiig and leaving them *l!nr. is PRIMA F.\ciE evidence of in- fw.ul. ic^kiL Frost Fro«it, IdSl'KhS, AND ATTORNKTS-AT J'V, Snhfitors in Ciiancerv, Convey .vc, Owen Sound, have resumed at "n. Office open every Thursday, as fire. ;: Fuu^T, .T. "W. Frost, LL. B. rtiitv CrDWu Attorney. 1 J. iTJASso:^, li^^PJ.STi: 11, .MASTER A.VDDEP. REG sCiiaucury, Notary Pubhc, Conveyan^ lio. ' NTMIIER OF K.^KMS FOR SALE. â- F â€" Owen Sound, in Viewer's Block Ihiiiich olHc« in Markdale, over Is Storu, on Friday and Saturday 57-ly "â- .•ek. tors I Cioasor A- M" rrison. ir. ting not lis eu- iity lof I of ST U- iCt al- le l^'i^i^- -x.n. SOLICITORS. CONVEY- ;i-: in Sound, Dufferin Block, K \\olf's Store and in MARKDALE ;^ J. Mel-arlaud's Store on Thursday r-.-i-jy (,f each Week. '^li'ls to lend on reasonable terms. ^REis m. (^. Q Duncan MoaidON "â- "iale, iiarcli 15, 1882. 79-lv Alexander Brown. â- *-ERiif farriage Licenses, Fire and -â- â€¢f lu-urance Agent. C'ommissionei I' S- iVc. Conveyancer and Licensed ^onetr for the County of Grey. Farmers, â- â- ^^»ats, and Land Sales, Punctually at- j*" to and charges made verv moderate. ;^e, Sept. 17. 1880. " l-Y Wm. Brown, rfER UF MARRIAGE LICENSES, Ac -ommissioner in B. R.c. -nveyanciug in all its branches promptlj f^r '° '^nd carefully executed. ir.-y °*y *° ^^'^^ o^ Seal Estate Be EVERE HOTEL, PROPRIETOR. jr, popular Hotel has changed handi "iher, ir *^^^ "'il^ cater to the want* *tler T ^oo vtabhng and attentire -tvs g^^^ ^** brands of liqa» and Ifce ',„ ^^^^ and comfortable noma, â-  ^°amercial room. MOJy. ORTH HOUSE (late morrow JHOXJSK,) JLHATSWORTH, Oat. 'CKiMcLEGD Pbopbhtom. py»int"i of UqnoTfl and «ig»« al- W"^* ntZ ^^*^ meals and cimfortable r'i»«Cter ^°°** stabling and «t- MARKBALE, 0NtTmayT1^ COPIKB OF THX STANDAmn Fits cxhts xacr. ite^iraL THOS. CARTER, M.D, Physician Surgeon, c. Pwesulence MARKDALE HOUSE- Markdale. B. Ghent, M,D., M.R.C P. S., O. Physician and Surceon, Priceville, Graduate of University. Vict. College. New York, and Hon. Graduate, of the same, M Ayleth Medi**! Institute. .. ., Opthalmic Hospital, N.Y. Member Coll. Physiciansife Snrgeors.O. JC4 J.P. MARSHALL, L.D.S. DEIVTIST, " RADUaTE OF TORONTO SCHOOL vX of Dentistry, will be at Rutledge's Hotel, Markdale, on the 1st and thu-d Wed- n°sdav of each month and also at Munshaw's Hotel. Flesherton. the day following the third Wednesday in each month for the prac tice of his profession. 122-47. SAmUEL. WAUDELL., ELL DIGGER AND DRILLER. ALL orders promptly attended to. Resi- dence â€" Snider's Hill Owen Sound 122-35 w B dale. W. C. RICHARDS, UILDER, CONTRACTOR, ARCHI- I. â€" Residence on jlill Street, Mark- 1241v If^asehtionable Tailor, OVER MACFARLAND's STORE. A PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. MARKDALE HARNES? ElPORini ESTABLISHED 19 YEARS. THOMATTHEWS,Proprietor Nothing but good s«;ock used and the best mechanics employed. A stock of Double and Single, Heavy and Light Harness ahrays on hand. Also Whips, Trunks, Valises, Blankets, Robes, c., always in stock. HAMILTON'S Photocraph gallery OVER THE STAyDARD OFFICE. Fine work executed in all the latest sizes and shapes, fully equal to city work. Special attention given to A large stock of moulding to choose from. Call and leave your measure for a picture. J as. Ua-milton. COMMERCIAL HOTEL PRICBVUjLiB, Ont. Large and oommodions Sample Booms Good Bed Kooms, o. The Bar and larde well supplied with the best the mft«ct af fords good Stabling and attentiveHostler s THOS. ATKINSON, Proprietor MARKDALE HOUSE, MRS. RUTLEDGE^ ROPRIETOR, mHB CELEBBATED CHATHAM WAO- T^NS AT MAXWELL. A^P**;^ i»ting a Waggon cannot do »^^ Su and inapect before P«r*-»K «j2li^ The cheweirt and «Mi«a rwining w«««ob Buie. eot m1« lor J0H1WN LITTLB, Agent, lliaw^, Ont. CLEAR (iR,IT JR, Strongly as I Spoke in his favor in my (Catalogue issued at the commence- ment of last season, he has since then proved himself even a grander horse th«n I then pronounced him. Last September I exhibited him at the Great Industrial Fair held in Toronto, and though theie were twenty-seven of the best horses in Canada showing against him, he so far out classed all h';8 competitors that the Judges awarded him the FIRST PRIZE, and also A SILVER MEDAL, and I claim he is the most handsomest Stallion in Canada. BEMABKS. Dr. Smith, President of Toronto Veterinary College, says "One thnrougd-bred horse, at all events, has left his mark in this country, in the way of trotting animals, viz.: Lapidist, Clear Grit, by Lapidist, is considered a great trotting sire." Dr. Smitli also saya, "I think considerable harm is being done by the use of inferior Stal- liouR. The only etfectual method of treating thi.-? difficulty would le for a man to go through the country and castrate every stallion that was not up to the standard " Mr, T. C. Patfceson, Postmaster, Toro)it- and M:nia;^ing Diroctor of the Outaiio JocKcy Club i-:iy.-?, in speaking of thorougiibred stallions in Canada â€" "I would wish to pomt out that Clear Grit and his sous, of whi-jli I have seen much mention made dur- ing the course of tiie Commissioner's enquiiios, must, in my opinion, be al- lowed to trace a great deal of their superior excellence to the thorough- bred blood in their veins. The following is also very high autliority "Clear Grit, Jr., the property of Mr. J. R. Trimble, of Maikda'e, Ont., is a moat worthy representative of Old C.ear Grit. Last September when exhibited at the Toronto Industrial Exhibition, he was perhaps the most admired horse on the gronnd-s, and the Judges' deci.iion in awarding him the first prize and silver medal was a judicial endorsement of pub'ic appre- ciation. He is a rich mahogany bay in color, with black points, and stands plump 10 bauds. He is a horse of tine form and great substance, has rare good shoulders, a short middle piece, well ribbed up, and hind quar- ters indicative of great propelling power. He is by Old Clear Grit, the sire of the renowned pacer, Fuller, 2;18f the trotter Amber, 2:25i, Littls Billy, 2:29, and a host of other speedy horses. His dam, a Royal George Mare, owned by Mr. Carr, near Ham- ilton, was in her day one of tiie most noted roadst i-s in the Couuty oi Wentworth. Clear Grit, Jr., is very much like the old horse in appearance. He has the fine head and graceful arched neck of the thorough bred, and the farmers of the County ol Grey are lucky to have at their disposal the seryicea of such a grand young stallion."â€" Fro;n Canadian Sportsman, April 18th, 1884. PBIZES. Clear Grit, Jr., has taken the fol lowing first prizes at various Show Fairsiâ€" First prize at Walkerton fall lair 1880: first at the East Grey riding show fair at Flesherton tlie fall of 1881, 1882 and 1888 first atEock- lyn spring show 1833 tirst at Owen Bnwid spring fair 1883 first pr'ze »ndDipb)inu atDundalk fall fair 1803; first prize and Silver Medal at Tornnto iDduBtiial Exhibition the fall oi 1883. beating a field of 48 horses, and ht- was nronounced by A 1 Judges to b the best Roadster Stallioa ii Canndx. He a)eo took first prixe at Chir.s- worth spring show, April 22, i884 first at Woodford spring sho* first at Meaford spring show, and again the first priie at Oweu Sound spring show 1884 and m never was beaten in » ri»ow' ring. B is colts are all first prize animals at every fair where shown. They •» all good boned, great loins, good muwl«8, and handsome lookeis. Clear Gnt, Jr., is to-day the Iiand- «omest «jd most perfect and soundest Boftdater Stallion in the Dominion. j; 4on*t bar an^hody's RoadBt?r Stal lion. See him before contracting elsewhere. She M„1, rJs CLEAR GRIT. JR., Was sired by Old Clear Grit, he by Imported Lapidist, (thoroughbred), son of Touchstone, dam by Imp. Cock of the Rock, grand dam by Imported Biackstock. CLEAR GRIT, JR.'s dam is a Royul George Mare, one oi the most noted Roadsters ever owned in Wentworth County. Prominent among Lis|half brothers and sisters are the following â€" Amber, which was sold in 1879 by Mr. Pilkey, of Brantford, Ont., to Mr' Pender^ast cf Syracuse for $3,000, which is con- sidered a very small sum for so prom- ising a horse. At Rochester he got a record of 2: 25 J. Little Billy, who has trotted a mile in 2:86, and has a re- cord of 2:80^^, and has shown a quarter at the rate of 2:12 St. Patrick, with a record of 2:86, has trotted a mile in Cleaveland, Ohio, iu 2:22 Clothes Pin, with a record of 2:28|, afterwards sold tor $12,000 Lady Esbie, in her fourth year form, in the winter of 1878. winning six, trotting m 2:36 and has shown trials in 2:2.'5 was sold to Geo. Foiltes cf C â-  Ohio, ft.r $1,000, her owner I- refusing $3,000 for her Clothi^s Line with a record of 2:31 was sold to a gentleman in the United States Lady Cleaveland, recorded 2:26, trial 2:22 Orphan Boy, no record, very fast; Beautiful Jim. no record, very fast Pluck, no record, paced a mile in 2:24 with three weeks handling. Fuller, a half brother of Clear Grit, has paced a full mile in 2: 13 J, and is. without doubt, the fastest ))acer living to-day. "The Wisner Horse," with very little handling, has shown a gait of 2:40, was purchased and taken to England. Mr. P. J, P;lk:e, the former owner of Amber, has now in his possession six i Clear Grit colts, all of which can trot under three minutes. Mr. Davis, of Brantford, has now on his stock farm 33 Clear Grit colts, all of good prom- ise, also a host of other Trotters and Pacers that have made fast records, both on the Canadian and American turf. It is an acknowledged fact that Old Clear Grit stands to day the re- presentative Stallion of the Dominion of Canada, and more money has been paid for horses got by him than were ever paid for the get of any other stal- lion owned in this country. CLEAR GRIT, JR., is a worthy representative of his noble sire. He is m color a rich dark bay, with black s, mane and tail, stands 16 hands â-  ]), is 6 v'Ts old, ;^..vnrily propor- " !, and y.:;-ts;sing ;, â-  it bone and b bstance. In fact, in the estimation of the best judges be is just the Stal- lion to produce the best class of stock, viz.: Stylish Drivers, Saddle Horses, and Fast Trotters, â€" the three classes of horses that command higher prices than any others. With such indispu- table evidence before them, the farm- ers of the County of Grey will be enemies to their own interests if they do net breed to Clear Grit, Jr., and thus command a great deal more money for their 3 oung horse stock. A DESTRUCTIVE CVGLML Oreat Damage Done to ty in Ohio. DWKLLINOS AND BABNS TOBN DOWN AMD SW£PT AWAY. Dayton, C, April 28. â€" A cyclone yesterday afternoon destroyed or damaged thirty bouses at Alexunder- ville and Carrollton. Half a mile of track on the Toledo and Cincinnati railway was torn up and blown away. Forests were levelled. At Alexander- ville several persons were injured. The Soldiers' Orphans Home atXenia was damaged. All the outboupes were wrecked, and a number of children were bnrt. It 16 estimated twenty residentes in this county are in ruins. Sail mills barns and other buildings were des- troyed. Telegraph lines are down in all directions, and roads are im- passible. Two farm hands are missing. Near Woodburu a brick school-house was demolished, and other property destroyed. In the Leighborhood ot Miamisburg the damage was heavy. At Belbrook fifteen farm houses wore damaged. It is feared that when full details are received, the loss of life will be appalling. The damage done to farms is great. At one point the trains were unable to moye, on account of the wind. In all directions south and east of here the scene of destruction defies description. At Jamestown only a few buildings are standing. Six persons were killed and twenty injured. The eyclone was about an eighth of a mile wide. Xenia, 0., April 28.â€" Daylight re- vealed a worse state of affairs at Jaraes- town than was expected The tornado left nothing undestroyed in its course. Houses not entirely torn to pieces were twisted and wrested from their founda- tions. Nearly one-third of the town is in ruins, and the damages are estimated at $140,000 One hundred and thirty-six persons in the village lose small amounts, most instances being the entire home and contents. The force of the wind was terrific. Furniture and bedding were carried into tree-tops. Many people were lifted from the ground and some were carried a considerable distance.â€" Toronto News. TEBMS. Single leap, $12.00. To insure. Single Mare, $16.00. Two Mares, $80,00. One price only will be charged, and this will be strictly ad- hered to. All accidents at risk of owners of Mares. Insured Mares to be paid for on or before the Ist of February, 1885. Parties sending Mares from a dis- tance will be supplied with pasture at a reasonable rate. J. R. TRinLE, Proprietsr, Makkdals. JOHN GILKINSON, Manager. Damage to the extent of a quarter of a million pounds sterling was done by a fire on Saturday in the mammoth general merchandise establishment of Wm. Whitely, in London. England. This establishment is celebrated as being almost unique in its capability and resources, supplying parties who are in need of any article, however difficult to obtain, on the shortest possible notice, from a house ready furnished, even with meals placed on the table to sit down to, to a wife. It was Wliitely who had the care and supply of the sable potentate Cetewayo during his sojourn in London, and who provided him with all the necessaries and luxuries he required for his insati- able appetite, including innumerable bottles of champagne â€" of course at the cost of the British Government. National PUIs are sugar coated, mild but thorough, and are the best Stomach and Livet Pill in use. FLUID LIGHTNINO. Flni'l Lightning is the mJt eore for Toothache, Heaoaehe, EMSiiiyiiiiil Meor- algia. It does not take a daj^dlf an hoar to eon it, tnrtin leaa then a ainate aO paio is gone. Thoasancb have lealel iU martta within tiie hmt jmr. Floid Idghtadnff i» alao a poutiTB enre lor Bhenmatimn. The winrst poaiOile esMs iMve ben peraianeBMNr eoediaonewedi. Piiet 9» oents M ffU Bro'i. A.*M. 9 â-  J. B. Lauder Co. have plow lines cheap, also a quantity of maple molasses for sale. PATENTS the â-  wmwu AMMCAKeg' Mtjow Uit SM|BtZ Qw «et %THUk» ttaiKBpak'abtmt r ;(â- * i W^:A • .â-  ' i i' 'h Hi i t ' i 1 I m bk.

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