:-g;-gTgni_-i.iiiiftiii iw .--'" -.-Z si IT IS NATUEAL. It is iif tnval for ponie pooplo to be bilious, Tlieie arc but few tbnt Lave uevor suffered I |,„;„„ (,ft(.n a re-u!t of pccaliar bilior.s t-ni- FLUID LIGHTNING "-.â- it-, \vhicli with hiphlivin;; lEBolot- S. zeae, TAl LOR, SYDENHAM STREET, food. i;'.di'.r( st io;i from inactive liv W M. HOGG, FLESHERTON STATION, EespectfuUy announces that be has received a larire supply of IN Dry Goods, Winter Clothing, Boots and Shoes, c As these Goods were bouf^ht to the best advantage they will be sold vtry low in nrice, and will be found well worthy of an inspection by the geuenil public, also on hand a full stock of Freeh Groceries, Provisions, Crockery, c., all of which will be sold cheap for cash or farm produce. I offer for sale or to lei my water power ?aw Mill at Little Falls with about 400 acres of timber land. A good man liberally dealt with on either purchasing or leasing the place. frfdiU'iit I'nn-e. ^V^Vt. FIOOGJ. F"lesh.erton Station. Nov. 1st, 1883. Good Work Guaranteed -AT- Biilmers PklogTapli Gallery FLESHERTON. 'Os^ll 3,'t CIQ-C© ^nd see samples of work which we area not ashamed to show. â- All kinds of Framing done cheap at TufL.S- ETTXuIL^EIB'S, FLE8HERT3N. p'most mtoleiaUe paiu from Tontbache, N( nniluiii, or like acnte pains. To them such nn instant relief la Fluid Li^btniug is :in uutold blessing in time of trouble. Ko dif,'uating oGeiisivi^ medicines to be taken for days. On application of FluiJ Lightning cures. Soli at Hill liro's. A. IL 1 Accident.â€" Mr. Reuben Aliddnugh of Mehiucthon fell off the roof of Mr. Patrick Shane's house on Saturday last and broke his right wrist. Dr. Nortcu attended the sufferer.â€" Shel- burne Free Ftvss. National Pills are sugar coated, mild but tborough, and are the best Stomach and Live I Fill in use. Almost a Fire. â€" A lantern m the stables of Jennings's Hntel exploded on Sunday night, and had the acci- dent not been discovered by a passer- by serious results would have loll'jwed. Of di^.zine â€" Shelourne l ree Fn'.ts. "Why! What's the matter?" La'iyâ€" (With face envplopad in roll of hot cloths) â€" "Oh I'm crazy with that Neuralgia that continually troubles me." â€" "Well, how foolish Why don't you go to Hill Bro's. and get bottle of Fluid Lightniug It cured me in less than one minute. I always keep a bottle in the house. It only costs 25 cents. A.. M. '2 Araoiing the despaches from the south describing the ruin and death of the matter is that so long as they le !-eniedy, abov i^ Liird()dci51o(.dr.it^o's. It ishiKbly curntiv for all biliary compbiiuts, iind lar better tlian physic fur inactive cimditions of the bowels. The Lord's^ AriDV is undoubtedly doing a good work ui Shelburne. On Sunday last and Monday evening a liirge number of persons expressed their strong convicti'm of the error of their ways in tlio past and fheir firm deterniination to lead a better life. People of nearly a'l Christian deuomin- aticns are now j( ining hands and bid- ding the Army God-wpeed in their effoits to ptiye souls.â€" Nhclburtte 'JcoTioniist. DON'T BE GIDDY. UFany people are troubled with eid(linesâ- ^ s, which is generally a si^^n of disordered digesnon or unequal circulation. Bu/dock Blood Bitters restores the digestive powers, proirotes a healthy circulation if tbe vital fluiJs. allays nervous irritation, thus curing headache ami giddiness. The Solvation Army continues to draw large crowds every night, and the interest seems to be on the increase. There exists quite a variety of opin- ions as to the good done, or the re- verse, ill the reliuious field. Our view too Kr:"igv X V '•-•""";- â- â- -"• er, is the! /*".: '" â- - • " eallotbes, p-- /â€" '"'Ji--- WHO tS UNACQUAINTED WITH THE MEOCRAPHV OF THIS COUNTRY, WILL SEE BY EXAMINING THIS MAP, THAT THE CmoMio, Rock Island Pacifgc R'y, Being the Grecit Central Line, affords to travelers, oy reason of Its unrivaled geo- graphionl position, the shortest and best route between the East, Northeast and Southeast, and t!i3 West, Northwest and Southwest. It ;; litoral.y -^nd strictly true, that its connections are all Of the principal lines of roc^.cl hot veen the Atlantic and the Pacific. By its main line arc! branches It reaches Chicago, Jollet, Peoria, Ottawa, La S, lis, Coneseo, Molina and Rock Isls.nd, In Illinois; Davenport, Muscatine, Wsshlnsrton, Keckuk, tCnoxvills, Oskaloosa, Fairfield, Des Moines, West Liberty, Iowa City, Atlantic, Avoca, Audubon, Harlan, Cuthrio Center and Council Bluffs, in lov.'L! Gallatin, Trenton, Cameron and Kansas City, In Missouri, and Leaven- v/orth and .Atchison In Kansas, and the hundredt of cities, villages and towns "eiiAT ROGK eSLAND ROUTE," As It -s familiarly called, offers to travelers all the advantages and comforts incident to a smooth track, safe bridges. Union Depots at all connecting points, Fact Express Trains, comaosed of COMMODIOUS, WELL VENTILATED, WELL HEATED. FINELY UPHOLSTERED and ELEGANT DAY COACHES; a line Of the MOST MACNiFICENT HORTON RECLINING CHAIR CARS ever built; PULLMAN'S .atest designed and handsomest PALACE SLEEPING CARS, and DINING CARS that nro r:cknow!edged by press and people to be the FINEST RUN UPON ANY nOAO IM THE COUNTRY, and in which superior meals are served to travelers at the low rate of SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS EACH. T.H5J£S TRAINS each v»ay between CHICAGO and the MISSOURI RIVER. TWO TRAINS each way between CHICAGO and MINNEAPOLIS and ST. PAUL, via the famous ALBERT LEA ROUTE. A New and Direct Line, via Seneca and Kanliakee, has recently been opened, tetwe«n Newport News, Richmond, Cincinnati, Indianapolis and La Fayette« and Council Bluffs, St. Paul, Minneapolis and intermediate points. All Through Passengers carried on Fast Express Trains. For more detailed information, see Mapsand Folders, which may be obtained, as well as Tickets, at all principal Ticket OflBoes in the United States r-nd Canada, or of R, R. CABLE^ ^. ST. JOHN, Vios-Pras't 4 Oe«'l Manaasr. 0«iM TVt A Pass'r A|^ CNICACO. by cyclones and floods, the murders and other crimes, is one which says that hundreds are starving to death iiJ Soutli Carolina lor want of food. The condition of the Southern States is worse than that of Ireland. BUCKLEN'S AENICA SALVB. The best Salve in the world for cuts, bruises sorep, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to Rive perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For Sale by A. Turner S: Co. Hay Fcbk Agents. â€" Jas. Ridden, Jauips Cook and 0. Fairbanks, farm- ers of the township of Kingston, have been victimized out of $200 by the alletjed atjents of hey forks. Tliey were asked to sign an agreement which afterwards turned out to be a note. Farmert'.look out for tliese gents they may call on you Feaver colic, unnatural apnetite, fretfulness weakness, and convulsions, are some of the effects of worms in Children destroy the worms with l^r. Low's Worm Syrup. Lost a Horse. â€" On Wednesday I evening last as Mr. Neil McDonald was driving up the Garafraxa Eoad I ai.d about a mile and a half north of Dnrliam, oue of his iiorses fell over tlio oiubankmcnt of the road and broke it.'i l!e^'k. Tiiis is a sorions loss to Mr. McDonald at this season of the year, and as the iiorse was a {jood one. â€" Durham lieiinr. The Hectic Flush, pale hallow cheeks and precarious apetite, indicate Worms. Free- I man's Worm I'owders will quickiynnd effect- j ually remove them. Georgia has just had another cy- 1 clone, which blew down buildings, destroyed crops, killed men and women, and blew away babies. If there are {jny land companies down that way they must have a hard time of it explaining to the emigrant the wavs of the cyclone and the desira- bility of living in a place where it makes such frequent visits. WH.^.TISLAEDINE. Ask any fanner, thresher or sawmill man, or in fact, any man who runs machinery of any kind and ho will tell you that it is the only niachiiie Oil which will wear equal to Castor Oil. and won't gum or cleg your machinery. For sale at Haskett Bro's, Mark- dale. 176-215 The World at an End. â€" We are sorry to learn that the publication of the Toronto World has been discon- tinued. The World was independent, fearless and outspoken, and was con- ducted with great ability. It is a very costly undertaking to publish a daily paper, especially in Toronto, where the field is so well occupied. A BAD CASE OF STAEVATION. To starve the lungs by a lack of vital food contained in pure air. If the lungs are ob- structed by colds, remove the accumulated phlegm with that safe and pleasant throat and lung remedy, Hagyard's Pectoral balsam. Fire.â€" On Sunday morning, about 5 o'clock fire was discovered in a stable belonging to Witters Hotel, and soon the Ituilding and its contents Were destroyed. There were twelve sheep in the building besides a quantity of implements. The loss to Mr. Witter is heavy and be had no insurance, incendiarism is suspected. â€" Orange- ville Adiertiser. don't iiifrinee on ))rivate rights and annoy anybody they should be permit- ted to try what they can do in the wny of civdiziug humanity. The exercises seem to be enjoyed by hundreds of the youths in town. â€" Meaford Monitor. A EUN FOR THE DOCTOE. Is generally the tirst thing in case of an injury, but a doctor cannot always respond to the call. If you have HagVard's Ysilow Oil at hand, you hove a reliable remedy for all â- wounds, injuries and pain. It has .saved life when even doctors had abandoned hope. Keep it ready for use. New Buildings. â€" There will be considerable building operations in Durham, this summer. Tlie base- ment of the new Methodist Cliurch is being rapidly excavated, and the old frame has been raised the requited height. The work on the Bank has been commenced, and considerable brick and stone laid down on the ground, the work will be pu^hed on quickly as possible. We nuderstand tiiat Mr. Wm. Laidlaw and E. Mc Far]a.ue wiH erect two fine new brick stores bbtweeu the Drug Store and tne Town Hull this summer, and other improvments are contemplated. â€" Durham lifirinr. DANGEE SIGN.^LS. Header, if you are troubled with p.ain, we;ikne!-s, weariness, .ind a dragging feeling in tlio tniall or the back, with thick, hig'h coloied â€" slimy urine, then you iiave alarming t^ignals of duuKcr, and should resort to Bur- dock Blood Bitters, the grand kidney regulator and blood and liver cieansint; tonic. Union Carnage All work maniifactnrod from First Glass %\\^ In the Latist ai.d Bent liuptov^j Style, and fii i^h(.(] -A-itii Painting Trimming %X wi receive prompt iittciition. All Repairs executed in tho sborwi possible tiu'c consistent with gO(xi v/orkmaubk Good Work a SpcL^LiTyl Eemember the Shop, opposite the Cheapail D. J. SHANAHAN, Markdale, Dec. 2nd, 1881. g^ ' i 4.-NO. 1 Stand? iKarkdale ROOKE'S BAKER! _, Thursday, at the office. 'Ty;-ria advance; §1 "^r^I'.rb'iutrcarason. ft.iO 0 %-l1 5. ilunin 27 oo l' OC iU»» 1=; 0« 10 1 (olumu • • ^^ 4 O'l hspace....-- ^^^ o() '*JeHUment»8centsperlir „1cents per line each subs ;ltri"Hne first insertion ..equentsinsertu^ ^^^.^^.^^ -JiSemVnt^o^ceed .a«er discontinued until all KWtattheap^tiononhepu job'printinc.: n!:„DAKD office ha^ a sp endi^ Kon to orders bjr mail. BR-EAT), the .taffof lifeund JP^^^^I^K.^" that will please I your wife, always on hand, to sqipljl the demand. So whdti your stock is low Step iii and let us know,, x\nd -we'll your wants supply, I^^j^Jq^'^nd propeikto Or you'll know the reason why. E. ROOKE. Markdale. th dispatch. NEWSPAPER LAW. person who takes a newspa ,m the post office, svii.'ti.v name or another's, or -u-tlu bed or uot-is ruspouMbl fo' NEW GOODS CHOICE CHEAP I -ATâ€" A HANDY SURGEON. As a dressing for all manner of flesh wounds there is nothing better than Hal- yard's Yellow Oil. It cleanses, allays pain, subdues inflammation and henls without a sear or 8ti£faes8 of the parts injured. It is equally valuable as a pain remedy for intomal use. Send six cents for postage, and receive free, a costly box of goods which will help all, of either sex ts more money right away than anything else in this world. Fortunes await the workan absolutely, sore. 4t once address Tsuk Co., Augusta. Maine. iF112L; ;\?7;"U ^^r;w J. E. LAUDER OrS GROCERY* LIQUOR alORE, MARKDALE. \~l [a person orders his pajuj- c eninstpayaUarix.a.«tri-s..;- avcontinue.o-ruauui.ul audthenoolUâ- cttu.^^)lJ' tti'the paper is taken uat ul iSubscribers refuse or Uf-lro nicals or nevNpaper. from u.. i they are dirtcte.i, iboy n' fcible until they have settle.! i Ihe Cotirts have deci.le.l I'ha ke newspapers and pen"tH- "â- office, f^r TMHOvinp aiut u;; 1 for, is PRIMA F.^ciE evide: I fraud. C^gaU Hns no equal fur the pf.'manent cure of CanKhs. Culcls, Sort- Thruat, Aittliina. Croup, tVkoopinK C'oicfch, Bronchiliit, aud all Lung UiHcnse!!. KiT Every botile guaranteed to give satisfaction. T. MILBURN ScCO., Proprietors Toroi.lo. EOBT. ASKIN, ]VrA.R,K;DA.JL,E, Has opened out a First-Class UNDERTKIN6 ESTABLISHMENT. And therefore has supplied a want long felt^ corriKs, C4SKETS, SHROUDS, and all FUNERAL FURNISttlNGS supplied on the shortes notice. A. Sileniid. Hearse for hire at moderate rates. â€" All kinds of â€" PICTURE FRAMING Done on short notice. ROBT. ASKIN. J. E. Lauder Co. have plow lines cheap, also a quantity of maple molasses 187^ for sale. FEESH arrivals of Te," 3offco. Sugar Tobacco. Pickled and famie.i Frui!. i' Oraogt-s, Lemons, Candies-. Bisi-iut-s, Fisli. :3ap Buckets, Wnsli-Tnbs r.nd ^VusJl-Boa^u^. Flour aivays in stock. Crockery aud (.I!a^sâ- ware selling very cheap. ' A Full stock 01 liquors fresh and piurc. Your patronage respect-Mly solicited, Bemember the place, Mcliityi'o's ' Stand, next doer to the MEDICAL HALL J. E. ULtDER, CO^ Proprietors Franco Chinese War. Notbwithetanding tlje desolating war now raging in China it will not increase the price of Teas at tlie \M ta, Mar! Having imported prior to the open- kig of hostilities, a snflticient quantity to supply 20,000 MEM for a period of 12 months. In other tleparttaeuts of the Grotury tiade the BELFAST HOUSE has KILLED BY THOU- bAjN-D those -who assume to transact business by purchasing of small deal- iers exorbitant rates of interest on long oredit. Our imports of PRESERVED MEATS, SALMON, LOBSTERS, SARDINES, HAMS, BAC0N,A8S0RTED PICKEL8 and every articles, in the grocery trade LIQUORS Of the best brands and quality. "'^^ for Sacramental purposes watrantea. pure. Brandies direct frtjm the naau- ufacturer and all other kindsof liquore- Coffees, Teas and Tobaccoes cannot fail to give satisfaction. OraugeB. Lemons, c. Family Flcur supplie" at Lowest Bates. THOS. ^IclVEA- BEUiST HOUSE, MARKDALl Feb. 6th, 1884.. Frost Fro*t, AND ATTC] citors in CUaii' c â- s.e., Owen Souiui, buv.- erton. Office open c-vci .ofore. kdFbost, J.ViMi Cwantv Crown Attoruoy. T J. ITIASSO:^^. liSEISTER, MASTf:K ANT in Chancery, Notary Pubb' 1 SHMBER OF F.»UMS FOK i?iczsâ€" Owen Sound, in " lieK St.; Branch offic*; in M farland's Store, on Friday rv vcek. Cieasor M«^rri" kAfim°_ -xB,S0LlClT01 mfies, c. c, pa-EsinOwen Sound, I'l W. F. Wolf's Store aiul MARKDALE NW. J. McFarlaud's Stou iFridsy of each week "^FWnds to lend on reason; J^-Cbeasob, Q.G. ^^^ Tlukdaie, Majch 15. 188'2. Alexander Bro |88UEK of Marriage Lice; ' lifie Insurance Agent. 1 S. S. (fee. Conveyancer [etioneer for the Couiaty oi ' |fd»»at8, and Land Sales, Ito and charges made eviUe, Sept. 17. 1880. Wm. Brow [sstjer of markiage OommisBioner in B. K. Meyaixcing in all its br ttded to and carefully ex .• â€" licmey to Lend on 1^ RIARKDA PBOPRIET( ^HI8 popular Hotel ha and the above will c 'thepnUio. Oocd «Ubli rotten. The beit braE • Rood meab and o conunercial room. (Lin XOBBOW I C1IA.TSWOR' r.^^ *»»* of U. *oA. Ooodiae _£S^ Goo