du tm TAILOR, SYDENHAM STEBET, W M. HOGG, FLESHERTON STATION, EespectfuUy announces that he has received a larjfe supply of I K Dry Goods, Winter Clothing, Boots and Slioes, c As these Goods were bought to the best advantage they will be sold vtry Jow in price, and will be found well worthy of an inspection by the general public, also on band a full stock of Fresh Groceries, Provisions, Crockery, c., all of which will be sold cheap for cash or farm produce. I offer for sale or to lei my water power ?aw Mill at Little Falls with about 400 acres of timber land. A good man liberally dealt with on either purchasing or leasing the place. "W'M:. HOG^G, Flesherton station. Nov. 1st, 1883. Good Work Guaranteed AT- FLESHERTON. O^ll S.'t C!n.C© a-nd see samples of work which we area not ashamed to show. All kinds ol Framing done cheap at T^^^. ^-CriL-3iv^:H::ES'B, flesherton. WHO IS UNACQUAINTED WITH THE «EOCRAPHY OF THIS COUNTRY, WILL SEE BY EXAMINING THIS MAP, THAT THE Gkicaqo, ?iocK Island Pacific R% Being the Great Central Line, affords to travelers, by reason of Its unrivaled geo- graphical position, the shortest an:l best route between the East, North-^ast and Southeast, and the West, Northwest and Southwest. It is literally ^nd strictly true, that its connections are all Of the principal linos of road between the Atlantic and the Pacific. Dy its main line and branches it reaches Chicago, Jollet, Peoria, Ottawa, La Salle, Ceneseo, IVIoline and Rock Island, In Illinois Davenport, IVIuscatine, Washington, Keokuk, Knoxvilis, Oskaloosa, Fairfield, Oeti Moines, West Liberty, Iowa City, Atlantic, Avoca, Audubon, Harlan, Guthrie Center and Council Bluffs, In Iowa Gallatin, Trenton, Cameron and Kansas City, In Missouri, and Leaven- worth and Atchison In Kansas, and the hundreds of cities, villages and towns Intermediate. The "CREAT ROCK SSLAEMD ROUTE," As It is familiarly called, offers to travelers nil the advantages and comforts Incident to a smooth track, safe bridges. Union Depots at all connecting points. Fast Express Trains, composed of COMMODIOUS, WELL VENTILATED, V/ELL HEATED, FINELY UPHOLSTERED and ELEGANT DAY COACHES a line of the S10ST MAGNIFICENT HORTONi {DECLINING CHAIR CARS ever built PULLMAN'S latest designed and handsomest PALACE SLEEPING CARS, and DINING CARS that are acknowledged by press and people to be the FINEST RUN UPON ANY ROAD IN THE COUNTRY, and in which superior meals are served to travelers at the low rate of SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS EACH. THREE TRAINS each way between CHICAGO and the Nn%BOURI RIVER. TWO TRAINS each way between CHICAGO and MINNCAPOLIS and ST. PAUL, via the fEunous ALBERT LEA ROUTE. A New and Direct Line, via Seneca and Kankakee, has reoentty between Newport News, Richmond, Cincinnati, Indianapolis «Htf L and Council Bluffs, St. Paul, Minneapolis and intermediate poMts. Ail Through Passengers carried «*i Fast Kxpress Trains. ^; For more detailed information, see Maps and Folders, which may be obtained, as well as-Tickets, at all principal Ticket Offices in ths United States end Canada, or of R. R. CABLE, E. ST. JHN f V!ce-Pres't Con'l Mariager, Oen I T K t « CHICAGO. FLUID LIOHTNISG. There arc but few that have never Buffered ahnoBt mtolei-able pain from Toothache. Neuralgia, or like acute pains. To them such an instant relief in Fluid Lightning is an untold blessing in time of trouble. No disgusting offensivfl medicines to be taken lor days. On application of Fluid Lightning cures. Sold at Hill Bro's. A. M. 1 To avoid a mis-take, always marry a widow. National Pills are sugar coated, mild but thorough, and are the best Stomach and Livei Pill in use. Why is Q rather impertinent Be- cause it is always inquisitive. "Why! What's the matter?" Ladyâ€" (With face enveloped in roll of hot cloths) â€" "Oh 1 I'm crazy with that Neuralgia that continually troubles me." â€""Well, how foolish Why don't you go to Hill Bro's. and get bottle of Fluid Lightning It cured me in less than one minute. I always keep a bottle in the house. It only costs 25 cents. A.. M. 2 Some people are constantly employ- ed in either talking up themselves or running down others. SANITABY INSPECTION. If you would avoid sickness cleo-r away the filth and rubbisli about your premises. establish proper drainage and admit pure air. The skin, kidneys and bowels are the sluice- ways of the human body. Begulate these channels of health with Burdock Blood Bitters which act directly to purify the blood and regulate the stomach, hver and kidneys. Why is a selfish friend like the letter P Because, though the first in pity, he is last in help. BUCKLEN'S AENICA SALVE. Tire best Salve in the world forcuts,bruise8 Bores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For Sale by A. Turner Co. An old subscriber being handed his paper right fiom the press, asked why the paper was so damp. The editor said he did'nt know, unless it was be- cause there was so much due on it. SOBE THROAT. • Tbi? common and painful affection may be rtiidily cured by the prompt application of Hapyurd's Yellow Oil, taking it internally at tiiu same time accordint; to directions. In croup, asthmii, colds, swullen glands, rheum- atism and other painful diseases it is equally efficacious. "I'm on the press," said Charlie, as he folded his girl in one fond embrace. "Well, that's no reason why you should try to pye the form." she re- plied, as she arranged her tumbled collar and pinned up her hair. A CASE MUCH TALKED OF. The case of Mr. John Morrison, of St. Ann's, N. S., who was afflicted with a serious disposical disease of the kidneys. The best medical aid having failed, his life was despaired of. Two bottles ol Burdock Blood Bitters cured him. His statement is vouched for by J. D. McLeod. J. P.. who 'rew of his condition. The cureis considtred marvellous in his town. "You wouldn't take me for a married man, would you " asked a young man of a Fergus street girl last Sunday night, "I rather think I would if you should ask me" was the response. Mr. R. J. Dale sold a ring next day. â€" Mt. Forest Advocate. Feaver colic, unnatural appetite, fretfnlness weakness, and convulsions, are some of the effects of worms in Children destroy the worms with Dr. Low's Worm Syrup. The Agents' Herald, published by L. Lum Smith, Philadelphia, has done more to expose frauds, who prey upon the public, than all the newspapers ever published on the continent of America combined. It has the hearty good will of ever honest publisher in America, we wish it unbounded suc- cess. The subscription is only fifiy cents per year. Send for a scample copy. MUCH IN A LITTLE. Many proprietarj medicines, if they cure at all, require such a large quantity to preduce effect that it makes them yery uncertain and expensive remedies. Not so with Bur- dock Blood Bitters. It is highly concentrated and of all diseases of blood, Uver kidneys, one or two bottles will cure more than gallons of the weak mixtures usually sold. Send for facts and figures. Special religious services are still continued in the Methodist Church, Owen Sound with delightful interest and encouragement. The Pastor stated last Sabbath that he bad no idea when they would be done. Tlie interest, instead of being on the decline is rather on the increase. Inside ot three weeks about 50 have presented themselves for prayer, nearly all ot whom have prolessed to find peace with God. â€" O.S. Advei-tiaer. WHATI8LARDINE. Ask any farmer, thresher or saw mill man, or m facf, any man who runs machinery of any kind and he will tell yon that it is the only machine 0£1 which will wear equal to Castor Oil, and won't gum or clog your machinery. For sale at Haskett Bro's, Mark- dale. 176-216 Send six cents for postage, and receive free, a costly box of goods which will help all, of either sex to more money it away than anything else in this world 'orttmes awaiftbe -workers absftkitely sure At once address Tbcb Co., AOgtt^ Mmoe. FLUID LIGHTNING. Flmd Lightning i« the only core for Toothache, Heaaache. Eaiache, and Neur- algia. It does not take a day or an hour to cure it, but in less than a minute all pain is gone. Thousands have lesteJ its merits withm the last year. Fluid Lightning is also a positive care for Kbeumatism. The worst possible cases have be^n permanently cured in one week. Price 'io cents at Hill Bro's. A, M. 3 A dipapreeable girl!â€" Annie-Mosity. The Hectic Flush, pale hallow cheeks and precarious apetite, indicate Worms. Free- man's Worm 1 owders will quickly and effect- ually remove them. Around the Station. â€" The railway authorities are makii'y: extensive improvements and alterations, in preperation for tLeopeumi? of imviga tion increased business which will be done through Owen Sound this spasoi). The esplanade south of the present passenger depot is being prepired for a coal dock, and euteusiye sheds are being erected. The mvrsli is also being graded, and a- gravel tniin is kppt at work filling it up so as to make more room for sidings nud other facilities for the handling of freight. The elevator is progressing rapidly, and will be ready for the reception of grain shortly after the opeumg of navigation. The C. P. R. boats are expected to leave Port Colburne for here as soon as the ice wilt permit. â€" U. a. Advertiser. Use Prof. Low's Sulphur Soap for Prickly Heat, Nettle Piash, Scaley Eruption, Itch, and all diseased condition of the ^in. MAEKDALE Steal Woollen Mill. iWll' The undersigned would respectfully return thanks to their many cu^Lomers and friends for the very liberal support accorded to them during the pa^t, and would solicit a continu- ance of the bpme. as we are now ready to at- tend to aU work intrusted to our care in CUSTOM CAllDING, FULLING and WEAVING in first-class style. As we have put on new cards, and made other improve- ments, we will endeavor te do as good work in the future, if not better, than we have ever done in the past. Customers wishing to have their wool carded, spun and made into blankets or flan nel, on cotton warp, can have their orders attended to by leaving their wool as early as possible. Please remember the place. Mill Street, west of the Railway Station. V Union Carriage Wcrki Onion Carriage %i All work manufactured from First Class MtTEt In the Latest ar.d Bestlmpfg^^j Style, and ficihlK..,! with Englisili Varnisli.| â- ' fc I Painting Trimming h wi receive prompt atteiitioi, All Repairs executed in the slriH j possible time consistent with good workmanslii Good Work a SpcialittI Eemember the Sluip, opposite the CheaiJ D. J. S-SAKAEAN Propiia Markdale, Cec. 2nd, 1881. 188-203 F. J. RITCHIE Go. ROOKE'S BAKEHl BREAO, the etaff of lif JPASSl'llY thai ^iU pleaJ your wife, always on hand, to sappl the demand. So when your stock is low Step in and let us kno^v, And we'll your wants supphj Or you'll know the reaso| why. E. ROOKE, Markdale. NEW GOODS, CHOICE GOOBS, CHEAP GOOi -ATâ€" J. E. LAUDER G0 GROCERY LIQUOR STORE MARKDALE. OL. 4.-N( ,3 Markdale Sti ^evesy Thursday, at the '*^ Street, Uarkialo. L «1 per ve.ir in ad van rSi«ithiu three months. Konal and busmess c. tndander,peryea.-^1^1.^^ 'scclnmn » ^^^^ r»er column.. •• 1^ inch space ' ^^ -einch space ...- lO oo venal a(^vertisements 8 cont^ 'r"n 3 'cents p*r lire oacl aion',no»V'a'-eil measure. d^toiial flot.ces, or notices 10 cents ter line first luse, h sttbsequents insertion. LvaninWLls Ac, advertised the advertisement not to t ^0 paper discontinued iinti except at the aption of t â- JOB~PRiNTIN( B Standard «tfice iia* a sp jt of poster- «* well-as tine jo tiaentioQ to '-orders fey a _with dispatch.. EDITOR AND PROPIU NEWSPAPPIR L.Y ..Any person who takes a no' Bv from the post office, \vli jis name or anuthcrV. or -ui (scnbeel or notâ€" is r'spou^ib int. !. If a person orders his paj Ihe mnst pa}- all ariearapes lermay continue to ^eiid u jade, and then C(-li«ct the w letter the paf^er is taken oat mot. If Subsce-ilierd rtifuse or nc ioiicals -or new^paperrs fron, lich they are dirtcted, thev- inEible until they have ^felt^ Ihe Courts have decided ke newspapors and perioil it office, CT removing aud for, is PKIil-V FACIK c itional fraud. EOBT. ASKIN, ivE AiiK:r ALE Has opened out a First-Class " UNDERTKIN6 ESTABLISHMENT, And therefore has suppUed a -want long felt COFFIKS, CASKETS, SHROUDS, and all FUNERAL FURNISHINGS supplied on the shortes notice. A. Stleniid Hearse for hire at moderate rates. â€" All kinds of â€" PICTURE FRAMItJfi Done oil short notice. ROBT. ASKIN. SEEDS s^ms IMPORTED FIELD AND BARDEN SEEDS The place to buy your Seedn isat PARKER'S, Drugldtiire, DURHAM, J71EESH arrivals of Tea, CdUee. Sugsi. J Tohacco. Pickled and ':iiintJ Frmi.| Oranges, Lemons, Candies, Biscuits, fist. Sap Buckets, Wiish-Tubs and \Vrtsli-Board-. Flour alvays in stock. Crockery and (jla5:| â- ware selling very cheap. A Fuh stock of liquors fresh and pure. Your patronage reapectfully f^olicitcd. Remember the place, McIiiiytT's 01d| Stand, next door to the MEDICAL EMJ- J. E. LAUDER, CO Proprietorsl Franco Chinese far NothwithetandiDg tlie dcsolatind war no-w ragiug in Clnua iMvillno:| increase the price of Teas at the IM kse, MH Having imported prior to the open- ing of hostilities, a sufficient quautitj to supply 20,000 MEM for a period of 12 months. In other departio^uts of the Grocery tiade the J3ELFASI HOUSE has KILLED BY THOl' SAND those who assume to transact business by purchasing of small deal- ers exorbitant rates of interest ou long credit. Our imports of PRESERVED MEATS, SALMON, LOBSTERS, SARDINES, HAMS, BACON,AS80fiTED PICKEL8 Frost Fro« )AERlSTErLS, AND AT' Law, Solicitors in Clia jeers, itc, Ovs en Souna, Im pherton, Ofce open ever fetofore. i Frost, J.W. County Cro-wn Attorney. J. :tiasso:\ AREISTEE., MASTER A in Chancisryo iiotary Pu A SOMBER OF FARMS F lOrncES â€" Owen Sound, ir St.; Branch oihce in rl*nd's Storf^, on Frida seek. Creasor M' ri [A^BJ" -xvo,SOLICIT( 'ano.es, tc. c. lOnicHy in Owen Sound, I' ». F. Wolf's Store an. „^ MARKDAL "^rW. J. McFarlaud's Sto j^dsy of each week. I Punds to lend on reaso [^(fiREASOK, Q.G I IMarkdale, March 15. 188-2 L. Wm. Bro\ Tor of marriagi p"«»ai88ioner in B. R. "S^yancing in aU its hi ^wa to and carefully ex jj^'~~Money to Lend ori and every articles in the grocer}' trade LIQUORS Of the best brands and quality. Wmj for Sacramental purposes waiiaiit^ pure. Brandies direct from Hie "'f ufaoturer andTall other kinds of liq^o^" UofFees, Teas and Tobaccoes canDO' fail to give satislaction. Oiang Lemons, Ac. Family Flcur supF^ at Lowest Bates. BELFAT HOISE, MARKDA^ ' f4. 6tb, 1884. Pyi%£i*^ of Uq, â- mi