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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 17 Apr 1884, p. 5

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 -Vâ€" -*.Tt C J -^ am â-  of I5th II 6( K lool to to to to to to to 0( to 7 to 5 'â- eceivedi 5ril, for t le baildi lotadjt nng to ON, Seeder, i le.alsoc K seat, a :en, "tei.ji aith 1 Jther Thi3 wishes luut of to JoseJ ase, shq -- '-,, the JEWELLERY STORE. iKCxESTOCK S LOW^ \;o misrepresentation of Q^_ Special lines in Ameri- Watches and Clocks. .ridan Co. Silver Plated .J Specks, Chains, Charms etc. i8 k. Wedding always in stock, Musi- instruments, ViolinStrings. personally attend to ail itch Repairing ?nd fuiiy ,jffant the same, W. A. BROWN W and Other Items. |to:ES in the.-ie columns intended to benefit \{iu\ndn'il or Societij will he charged ten ,1 line for the fust insertion and five t\ine each subiequent insertion. value ill Cashmeres smessM: BporUtion.atMeFarland's. 1, or C feonly direct importer doing busi- eaiu Markdale is W. J.McFarland. East Grey spring siiow will be •1(1 in Flesliortou on the 22nd April. For. Dcilstcads, Spring Beds, and tn Grant Co., Mark- it I17,cfl( containii landund â- i.HoUi y buildiD liittesses 100 acT iilars apj [arkdale. 16 sell or If miles fr( WlLlV. eontaini good sti id mow suflicii with uei )iu-n. and staL noxt f; L-'orfurtl to ;aHT ivn r.o. liop. m proJa ITS ERED epectfii lilock. DGE. i^ay ae. :st, 168« A.M ft.lO 12.30P fi.QOpi i.M. 7.30 1.35pi' 5.10 ecu T«1 able. :tj- yiatiaS^^ )N. in. ©• ©• lEnRAORDIN.\EY lilcFarland's. FosSaeh, Doors and Mouldings go C-raut Go. Markdale. wcase Swiss Embroideries, direct Adam and Eve haa^parfced Fob planbg, matching, shapio? w,a tutniug, ^o to Graut Co., Highest prices paid tor Butter and ^gf»' J- K.Trimble's. Bring them Foe Dressing Cases, Sideboards Lounges and Cradles, go to Grant Co., MarkUale. J. R Trimble's spring stock is now complete m every line. See it before purchasing elsewhere. Mb. W. Benson has purchased the vacant lot adjoining the Revere Hotel from D. J. Shanahan for $550. A LARGE stfick of picture frames mouldings just opened at R. Askin's All kinds of photo, and other Iraming done to order. The finest line of goods in town to be seen at Reynolds Son's. New goods still arriving daily. Our stock is very complete, and wiU be sold cheap. Moffat Bbos. are getting up a nam- Fair i '^^^ °^ plows. They also keep a large assortment of plow points. Support home industry and give them your patronage. OuK new butcher had his shop well displayed with choice beef for Easter, having purchased from Mr. Joseph Beaty a beautiful "critter" which dressed 1,150 lbs. For sale.â€" A pair of first class young Mules, 3 years old, well matched and in first class condition good workers and well broken. Ap- ply to J. R. Trimble. The Speing Assizes ».,.-. has It 18 rumored that Knlay MacBae, S!?;' T%f*°* ^° *»« resignation as Reevo of Glenelg. If this ig the case there wiU be an election to fill the vacancy shortly. Wb learn that Mr. AUan McDoagall .8 m company with another man secpred the contract of gradmg ttn nnles of the C. P. R. East of Prince Arthurs Landing for $400,000. If you want to get value for your Butter. Eggs, or money, go straight to J- R. Trimble's Mammoth House, as I am bound to clear out my stock, and will do so at very low prices. I am prepared to give you better value for your money than any merchant in this county. Nasbow Escape.â€" Mr. W. J. Mc- ygai Farland stepped on the early train, ,, ^m^iwrnrnf Kngtetu Sfoing shows. Mere oool weather. Barked shins. And strong laninuge Owing to looee boards and holes in our sidewalks. ' A bill of damages for injuries sent in to the trustees. A few more marriages before leap-year is oat. And an increased demand for baby carriages. WBO WnX HOU THBIC, WHBN THXT WSUtf MB HBXJ AMD WmCBS. Personals. Miss Bell, only daughter of Mr. James Bell, Glenelg, returned last Friday from Philadelphia where she has been at college during the past Kaxb. Whub Hbu WdSR. East Grey Flesherton ... April 22 Indeiiendent... Woodford April 24 St Vincent Meaford April 25 CoUingwoodTp.Claiksburg... April SO" Euphrasia Rocklyn May 2 Chats worth ... Gbatsworth... April 22^ Price ville. Grai'den Seedss, fresh. ire ami true to name, at the Medical The r.uplirasia Agricultural spring ccnvriUbe lield in Rocklvn on the Fine work ilone in picture Inrniiiiju's Art Gallery. A Y;r: 1; f r copying Charges v.ide Ble-iched Cotton, suit- sliirtiiig, only 9 cts. at Mc- I'jrjih^i'ONDF.NTS will please forward c;r uattiT if possible so it will reach OU iliu-d;(V. :.eviic!i| K cua r^n.] Satins, splendid value at s lc Sou's, also trimmings for s etc. A vE!:v larg.j and fine line of Specks se! ft tVora at W. A. Brown's watch op, Murka-ilo. Get ia's vfaT 'V.u' pictures taken at Kamil- -Ir. ii. has secured the service oi'uLito artist for a short time. are going on in the County Town this week. The Cook Teet poisoning case is likely to be heard on Friday, particulars will be given next week. Mb. James Bell, Glenelg, has pur- chased a fine three-year old bred bull which will he for service at his tarm, lot IG, con. 13. Terav,, $i at time of service, or $1.25 if not so paid. Mr. Josiipa Lamb wishes to dispose of his blacksmith business, together I with shop, house and lot. This is a [good opening, with lare;e. new shop j and comfortable dwelling house. I Master Wm. Armstrong was brought I home fiom Toronto by his father, Mr. J. W. Armstrong, on Wednesday. He is blowly recovering from his recent severe illness. â€" Flesherton Advance. We have been informed that Messrs J. S. Rodman, and A. McDonald, of Euphrasia have entered into partner- ship for the purpose of building stone fences and other stouo and mason work. Returned. â€" Mr. W^ H. Hunter re- turned from tho South, with his family on Tuesday. We are glad to learn that Mrs. Hunter has improved in health by her visit to the sunny South. â€" Orangeville Advertiser. Owing to the steadily increasing business at the Markdale photograph gallery, Mr. Hamilton has been oblig- ed to procure increased assistance and has secured the services of a lii'st class artist from Toronto. Tuesday morning, to see triends off, when the cars moved out. In jump- ing from the then fast moving train he was thrown forcibly, causing him to turn a complete somerset. He was considerably shaken up and bruised, but escaped serious injury. Egg Mebghant. â€" Mr. R. B. Currie, late of Elora, intends residing in Mark- dale for this summer at least. He is an extensive egg dealer, and will pur- chase an unlimited quantity for the New York market. Mr. Currie has bad considerable experience in the business, and we believe is a thorough- ly reliable man. We wish him success. Mb. D. J. Shanahan of the Markdale Carrage Works, has just received a large quantity of buggy tops, the celebrated "Hodge Top" which has carried off First* Prize whersyei' shown at the Provincial Industrial and other large fairs, those who have an open buggy and desire to add a top to it will do well to examine Shanahan's stoci:. OspRET, April 10. â€" A cowardly attack was made on a young man named John Graham near his fathers residence on the center line, Osprey, by three men, two of whom lived in Alaxwell and the other in the neighbor- hood of Wareham. '*lr. Graham \^a.s seized treacherously by one of them until he was almost kick'^d to death by another. Mr. Graham is recovering. Miss Laura Rorke, and Miss Wash- ington, are spending thoir Easter holidays from Belleville Ladies College. Will Rutledge of the Dundalk Herald gave us a call Saturday. Messrs. T. Hanbnry, and b. Bell, of Dundalk were in Town on Friday. Mr. Thos. Mnllarky paid Markdale a visit last week. Miss McPherson returned to To- ronto on Saturday. Mr. R. D. Irvine, teacher, spent Easter in Markdale, and returned on Monday with Mrs. Irvine to Dorking. Mrs J. E. Lauder left on Monday for Pearia, Illinois, and will return in two weeks. Thos. Gamey Esq, Reeve of Osprey visited friends in Markdale last week. Alex. McLoughry returned on Monday to Illinois. Mr. and Mrs. Gavle of Oakville paid Mr. Robt. Askin a visit last week. Dr. Carter leaves this week to take up his residence in Flesherton, having entered partnership with Dr. Christoe. Miss Cockerell, of Owen Sound, is visiting at Llr. A, Turner's. John Benson is in toffu this wcsk. Mr. Allan McDougall arrived Tues- day from Fort William. Mr. Trelford, of Tara, was visiting bis brother in town, Tuesday, From a corretpondent. Business is very good here at present. Zelras. â€" This club hailing howf- Durham gave an entertainment ixt Retly's hall on the evening of the lltb inst. It was not, I beheve, u financial success. Mr. Black, who for the past year has been in partnership with Mr.. McGowan in the flour mill is leaving.- Mr. MoGowau will take full charge.- He IB doing a good business. Ontario Quebec Ratlwayv The general offices of the Ontario and Quebec Railway, including the^ Credit Valley and Toronto, Grey, an4 Bruce roads, was removed on Wed' nesday from their former locatiour corner Front and Bay streets, to the old U. E. Club building on King street. It is also understood that Mr. Van Home, General Manager of tbe Canadian Pacific Railway, will have an office in the same building. ^^iraotT any flattery we must tsay 'isFaiiiuul has the newest and nob- 'tst styk's iLi Tvreeds and Suitings. llENs,v,oiacusandchildrens spring Jots at iU;yno]ds Son's; the best '^i clicapebt ever brought into the 'Rirv your Llood before the hot ^fatini- ciuies on with Reguvinator ti"--, fii- -^iila only Dy Smith the "Wber, Markdale. 'iinc S:jre, Black Spanish %s,{).si ijorth ol Toronto,for â- al*" :u S-i per doz. Bobt. Mont- ?omerj-, "?J:ji-kdale. 188-90 i MKETiNG T.ill be he^d at the Mark- '^^^ House to-uiorrow (Friday) even- "' I'r tho 1 111 [-pose of organizing a °'^=^baiia in' this town. cs."'^^"" '"OfJS, including walking "' tx[)ress waggons, rubber balls. just received at A. Turner Co. the Mtal II,-!l_ T â- ^SEUE s a run on the great Eeguvin- .-^'â- J^itteis but Smith the bai-bior has -||^=^ feceived a new stock and will be "^PPy to snppiy all his customers. '^^' Akiit is having his flour mill tlai: overhauldd and new ma p^°^^^ 'IJed, and expects soon Cb ' " 'D a thorough state of repair. sioc/'^^ assortment of Watches in Svissro^y^^^'^-,^^' Springfield and li MSS- ueiQ ^ge0t 4 aud 5 oz. cases. A special solid nickle cases, sterft-wind ^an-n f^^^ finished, good timers, H set A grand clearing sale ot 2000 hard and soft felt hats will commence on Saturday at J. R. Trimble's Maramot'i House. I am bound to clear out this stock. Look out for great bargaitis. See them. They must be sold. A Change.â€" Mr. D. C. Sulhvan has severed his connection with the Walker- ton Tele^copo. Mr. Jabes Stephens, late of the Chesley Enterprise has an sumed control cf the Telescope. We wish Mr. Stephens success in his new yeuture. Died FROM Exposure. â€" An inquest was held on the body of Mrs. Gould, of Mulmur, found in the woods a few days ago. The jury returned a verdict totheefi'ect that (deceased had died from exposure, the body being frozen. â€" Shelburne Economist. The many friends of Dr. Armstrong, late of Markdale, will be pleased to hear that he is domg well up on the G. P. R. He expects to be removed from' Pic River, his present location, toMackay's Harbor to take charge of the C. P. R. Hospital. A TAFFY-prLL. â€" An inyitation from Mr. E. S. Mabee was cheerfully ac- cepted by a number of the young men of this town, who assembled at the Markdale House on Thursday evening last and drove from thence to Mr. Mabee's sugar bush, li mUes out. A quantity of eggs aud biscmt, together with a fair share of taffy, was disposed of, and a good time generally spent. The boys wish to hereby tender their thanks to 1^ Mabee i» li^s TalM invitation.. 'Xn ' .. ,• 'v-j";-- Accident. â€" A son of Mr. John Douglass, con. 16, Proton, was chop- ping in the woods on Monday last, when the axe of a party who was chopping near him, glanced and struck him on the foot, iuflictii.g a severe gash. One of the bones of the fot was coa"pletely severed. Under Dr. McWilHams' care the young man is doing as well as could be expected. â€" Dundalk Herald. We are pleased to say that Mr. J. R. Trimble's roadster stall'on, "Clear Grit," Jr., the winner of 15 first prizes at various shows, and aLo the winner of first prize (^cash $50), and the silver medJ at Toronto Industrial Exhibi- tion last fall, beating a field of 27 roadster stallions, will make the season of 1884 between Owen Sound, Tara, Chat?worth, Markdale, Rocklvn, Mea- ford, Woodford aud Annan Farmers and breeders will have a chance this season of using a first class horse. AN UNPROTECTED FAMILY. Is one that has not that valuable remedy, Hagyard's Yellow Oil in the house for ac- cident's and emergencies. It cures colds, Ci-oap, sore throat, deafness, rheumatism, iieuralsia, chilblains, barns, bruises and all pai'.iful injuries. A Rough.â€" A man naned Cowper bought a return ticket to Dnudalk and hack, at Flesherton Station on Monday of last week. On his return from Dundalk he refused to show his ticket to the conductor who put him off at Proton Station, aud duly reported Ins action at head quarters. Shortly after the man appeared at Flesherton i Station, and accused jlr. McGill, the Agent, with selling him a^t^cket with tlie *wrong date on. Mr. McGill asked him to show hira the ticket, winch he did, when the Agent was goino' to the door to ask the Conductor of a freight train if Cowper had come on his train, when he was DISTRICT DASHi FROM OUR EXCHANGES AND OTHERWISE. Meaford sports are preparing for their 24th of May celebration. The Dondalk Brass Band gave a very successful concert at that place a week since. R. Wood, jeweller, of Meaford, has removed to Port Arthur. a geiirjemau re- Mr. John McFayden, of Proton, has sold hia bay team to biding near Toronto for $300 Chas. Emery, of Meaford, is gone to Creemore, where he will run a millinery aud fancy goods store. A Dundalk boy had a dip in a yat in Ketchum's tannery recently. Dr. Campbell, Phrenologist, is meet- ing with usual success in Dundalk. The Mt. Forest Adcorate was en- larged last week to a nine-colum four page. We congratulate our cotem op this evidence of success. Chatsworth Spring Show of stal- lions and bulls will be held at the above village on the 22ud April. W^e regret to learn that Mrs. J. C. Pringle of Dnuda'k died on Thursday last. LARDINE MACHINE OIL Is Manufactured Solely byMeCall Bro's. B Co. Toronto, and is the only popular Machine Oil to-day in use by all mill men and farmers.. Try Lardine. The railways both of Canada and of the United States are very seriously feeling the effects of the business depression. The reports of the traffic receipts, compared to last year, give unmistakable evidence in regard to the character of the present business stagnation. The report of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, just published, shows that lor February alone, there was a decrease in the net earnings of $212,000, compared with February of last year. Probably many of the other American railways will show a falling off quite as great. In Canada the reports indicate in the same direction. The Grand Trunk receipts for the third week in February were $30,000 less than the correspon- ding week last year, and for the previous thieo months the decrease was $350,009 less than during the corresponding period in '83. The Canadian Pacific is also reporting a falling off of something like $4,000 a week. Politicians may argue that there is a serious business depression, or that there is no depression at all, just as it may best suit their party purposes, but facts and figures such, as the above, tell their own story. Probably '84 will prove a year of very great anxiety to a large number of business corporations, and to men in nearly every branch of business. Dundalk. strucii a heavy blow on the nose by Cowper, which knocked the bones in the nos-e on one side. A scuffle then ensued aud Cowper made off. Mr. McSill had the doctor to set the bones of his nose straight, and now wants to know where Cowper is, as he intends to bring an action against him for dam- ages. The ticket was rightly Uatedâ€" Grey Reciew. A WIDE AWAKE DBUGMST. Mr. A. Tnmer is always wide awake in jis business, and spare J no pains to best of every article in his pecuredthe agency for the KinK'8 New Discovery for Consnmptaon.The on^T certain cure known for Consmnpfcn. (Jonghs, Colds, Hoarseness, 't^ima. H»y Fever, Bronchitis, or any affection of me throat and lungs. SoW on posibve guw^- tee. t^riUgiT«yo«^.atn«lbotttett^, '^l^i;swe»l^.' ..,;vf^ ^=: â-  -r^-- From our own correspondent. Mrs. Pringle, wife of the lessee of the McCullongh House, died on Friday morning last. Great sympathy id felt for the bereaved husband' who had just taken up his residence among us. Deceased was taken to Whitby for interment. The excitement attendant on the rumored building of a new school house, aiid chaug* of site, was at its height on Monday last, when the rate- payers deciaed to abandon the presenf. secTirtj iie line. He las celebrated I'r. fiitJe. from sanitary considerations. I believe it is the intfnt.i'iu of the trus- tees CO ercct.a building at a cost of not less than $2500, exolusive of seating, site, etc. Incr«!asmg interest is mnnifest in Dr. Campbell's lectur-s. Ha is au adept in character reading. „.,j=rv A pnbhc di-cussion will take plaec-i i^'jf next Monday eyeinng ' "" " ' ® "®' The Break IN Wheat. â€" The recent great decline in the price of wheat in American and European markets, has caused very serious loss to holders of that great staple, amounting as it does to over twenty cents, a bushel during the past mouth, and the price is now lower than has been touched for many years. L'he cause appears to be that the area devoted to wiieat in all parts of the world is increasing at a faster ratio than the population and with India, Australia and Russia all improving their transportation facihties, they are able to grow wheat and land it in the United Kingdom at a much cheaper rate than American farmers can do. In fact wheat is now selling throu{,houtth3 Western States for less money than the actual cost to the farmer of raising it,, and if this, state ot things continues tlie outlook for our greAt prairie provinces is by no means bright, at least as far as tho profitable raising of wheat is con- cerned. The best thinj^ fHrmers can do is to devote their attention t" tiifr raising of other grains, and also livo stock.which are always in yood demand at la.r prices. Nothing but an almost universal failure of the wlieit crop can again raiss t^e pries to, a paying Oasis, and from. piTseui; aj^pearauces this is rof»st nuliKely. Toe wheat crop in the States is completely dotuitriilized, and each day duruig the piisEweeli h willuesso. la further di- bet«^een Dr l£t'w"' T -;'• "â-  ' ' Jl-'., ti. iii 5sX««S i.aoe ' Campbell and Rev. A. Shirr.iu, M. A.,^ on the -Trnth .:f Piireuology. " The well known ability of the Dr. is likely to obtain for him tiie victory, though the rev. gentleman considTi himself X3JE FALSlfi :^liOPHJSir. He wh.v p»*plie^88 falsdy of »b*. weather, leaves all M« flannels aud overahoes, and catches cold, is indeed unwise. If y«.i follow this fttlRc prophet year reseno hes" ili.- taking Halyard's Pec^pra.l Balsam. It isth^ prettj well pJSSt^d on. Uie "S*^^^ beat. cough cme and the. B*fert ti«roi* su% add., ,: " ipairt^ylmtjim t.«»aifl»l ssiaN** ^^ â- ii pm^i0iK dim msSs i.c %t. '*»; ij i'i. â- ;â- â-  I*- 'â- 'â- â- â€¢-' ^C'i -i 8 If It: w: ;ec-- ^^ihij- ?-?^ 'j^xss^iii

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