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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 10 Apr 1884, p. 1

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 'n the V, Tim, I "' ^liort 1 » fiach II be ace, -»d wauts ' time ' --t route l^or rai firuo, ^OL. 4.-N0. 1?7 MARKDALE, ONT., APRIL 10, 1884. CopixB or THx Stahdaxd FlYB CKBTS XACH. ronti â- Pfor Prid^ e skin. J.y remarkabl King's Nfl •^ all Tba "ns patien 's startlii ty. andexaiâ„¢ erful discoij "r b«st Ph,i letice. Trii, â-  Drug Stord [b: iarMale Standard ij gvesT Thursday, at the ofSoe, Mill "" Street, Markdale. ,:â€" ?1 per year in advance; ?1.2a if P7i s'itiiiu three mouths. B usioiial aiitl business cards one inch find uuiler, per year, 81. »"' 1 TB. 6 MO. 3 MO. L.,.„lumi i' 'M 827 50 ?15 00 'lnmn 27 00 15 OC 10 00 ' columu.. .. 1-^ 00 10 0;) 6 00 r„;cn,pace 7 00 4 00 L„rh space.... 10 00 5 00 |.j,„^ giivertisements 8 c«nt8 perlinfi firnt jjflii, 3 c«nts per lire each subsequent iertion. nonpareil measure. IfidiJiinal notices, or notices in local col- li! cents per line first insertion, 5 cents _jsubequents insertion, rlrjv animals A'c, advertised 3 weeks for I ae advertisement not to exceed twelve ht paper discontinued until all arrears 1 except at the aption of the publisher. -JOB PrInTINC. |In Standard office has a splendid equip. Bt of poste' AS well as fine job type, ttpe- attention to orders by mail. Orders itritli dispatch. .W. RTJTr^EI3GH£: EDITOR AND PROPBIETOR. es ts f Year NEWSPAPER LAW. liny person wlio takes a newspaper regu- til from the post oflSce, whether directed lb came or another's or whether he has Wibed or not â€" is respon!;)ble for thepay- ct. If a person orders his paper discontin- ibe must pay all arrearages, or the pub llfrm»y continue to send it until payment I. and then collect the whole amount. ketber the paper is taken out of the offiet Jool. if Subscri!«r.j refuse pr neglect to take no'licals or newspapers from the office to itch tliey are directed, they a'e held re- jnsible until they have settled their bills. i Ilie Courts have decided that refusing ake newspapers and periodicals from the «t office, or removing and leaving them Blied for, is PRIMA FACIE evidence of Ln- siional fraud. iennL Frost Fro«t, MP.raSTERS, AND ATTORNEYS- AT La\T, Solicitors in Chancery, Convey iVc, Owtn Sound, have resumed at -airum, OtJice open every Thursday, as ore. -TCD Frost, J. "W Fbost, LL. B. Couiitv Crown Attorney. 1 .TED pM d hii J. .IIASSO.^, |U;rjSTER, MASTER ANDDEP. EEG J m Clianccry, Notary Public, Conveyan] 'â- i'C, 4 NTMllKR OF FAliMS FOR SALE. 'J?riiEsâ€" Owen Sound, in Vic.ker's Block ^-'i-ftt St.; liratich office in Markdale, over Kfarlaud's Store, on Friday andSatjiiday 'tk. 57-ly B Ci-easor M" rriiion, AKnr\ It.-., SOLICITORS. CONVEY- â- '?ii Es ill )v,-,Mi Sound, DuSerin Block, NW, F. \v„if, store and in MARKDALE; ,^ -T. Mcl-iiriiuiil"s Store on Thursday -i^rMay (if ,.-acli week. fu!nitu lrn;lon reasonable terms. ^â- â- ' ' i;evs, 111, (^. G Duncan Moricson «'i'ialf, .March io, 1882. 79-hr ^rW. 'SsrE Aloxatider Brown, ii. \LL, w snb- |«iKl^(,f Marnage Licenses, Fire and g"'p li^^uruiice Agent. Uommissionei • "• iVc. Conveyancer and LiAensed -.netr f„r tlie Couuty of Grey. F^Bier«, felec """l^^"' ^ales. Punctasfiy s-t, hil. "if"" '•â- '""'Kes made verv mo.die'rttte, ^^;'"t.Si-pt.i7.i880. â-  l-j ^thienU THOS. CARTER, M.D. Physician Surgeon, G. Residence MARKDALE HOUSE. Makkdalx. B. Ghent, M,D., M.R.C P. S., O. Physician and Surgeon, Priceville, Oxaduate of University. Vict. College. .. „ New York, und Hon. Graduate, of the same, •• M Ayleth Medical Institut*. .. .1 Opthalmic Hospital, N,Y. Member Coll. Physicians Surgeor s,0. 1 04 J. P. MARSHALL, L.D.S. DEMTIST, " BADUATE OF TORONTO SCHOOL T of Dentistry, will be at Rutledge's Hotel, Markdolo, on the Ist and third Wed- n8daT of each month and also at Munsbaw's Hotel. Flesherton, the day following the third Wednesday in each month far the prac tiee of his profession. January 91h. 1883. 122-47. SAFfUEl^ WAKDELL., WELL DIGGER AND DRILLER. ALL orders promptly attended to. Resi- denceâ€" Snider's Hill Owen Sound 123-35 W. G. RICHARDS, BUILDER, CONTRACTOR. A ARCHI- TECT. â€" Residence on ilill Street, Mark- dale. Markdale. Jan. Stth, 1883. 1241T jM WillifUB Mc£.eo4^ BOOT AND SHOEMAKER, MARKDALE- Orders promptly attended to. Sewed work a specialty. All our work guaranteed. Terms strictly cash. RanwmbeT the stanA, OBBoait« ReTera HuteL 159-«m JPashionable Tailor, OVER UACFABLAND'r STORB. A PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. MARKDALE HARNESS EMPORIUM ESTABLISHED 19 YEARS. THOSsMATTHEWSpPropriefor Nothing but good stock used aud the best mechanics employed. A stock of Double and Single, Heavy and Liglit Harness always on band. Also Whips, Trunks, Valises, Blankets, Eobes, c., always in stock. «LER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, e â-  tommissionermB.K.c. »fon,l'7f """" "' " its branches promptlj X. P "'" carefully executed. •B.-il ' ^ey to Lend on Real Estate se 'SEVERE HOTEL, PROPRIETOR. aji'l?^^"" "^^^ bas changed hands ofthep'nijj^" "'^e_will cater to the wants T Jostief,'""rj;' '"^i' vtabling and attentive ""'â- ^ sn i ' ""^^ brands of liquor and Wge 'J" '^f'ala and comfortable rooms, ^commercial room. ISO-ly. (LATE MORROW (HOUSE *^«ATS WORTH. i.) -OBTH, Out. ^KMcLEOD PBopBntTOBS. "til '"in8tL"'^^'l °f liquors and d«»r.«l- guar^if j°^ ""^al* "^n^ comfortable 'teed. Good stabling and at- HAMILTON'S Photograph gallerY OVER THE STANDARD OFFICE. Fine work executed in all the latest sizes and sbapes, fully equal to city work. Special attention given to :e^ j^j^^x j^ Or A lart'*} frtoeK of mauldjog to cboose iiom. Call and leave yoar measaire (or a picture. .Jas. Hamiltow- COMMERCIAL .HOTEL PRICEVIXjLiB. Ont. Large aud commodious Sample Rooms Good Bed Rooms, c. The B»i- and larde well supplied with the bc»t the market af fords «ood Stabling and att«Jtive Hostler's Tfl03. ATKINSON. ProimetOT MARKDALE HOUSE, fARim *T.E ONT. MRS. RUTUDfiE, PROPRIETOR. TO Tim an ex- The undersigned is manufacturing cellent assortment of School "Famitare, Consisting of SC'-^OOL SEATS and DESKS, TEACHERfj' DESKS, etc., of tne latest design and most approved pattern. Highly recommended by School Trustees and Teach- ers, for cheapness, comfort and compactness, wherever tried. An assortment of Farm and School Bells kept always on hand. Send for catalogue to Chatsworth P. O. 181 ANDREW McGILL. JOSEPH GIBSON CONTRACTOR. 'Contracts taken for all kinds of BRICK AIPD STONE W RK, Plain Ornamental Plastering. Caltominina in all Shade$ and Colort. Charges moderate and satisfaction gnar- antee(). Orders left at ahe Staxdabd office will receive prompt attention. Markdale. Feb. 6th, 1883. 1 26-ly. EUGENIA Grist, Saw andLath Mills Having made eqtensive improvements in my Gnst Mill I feel confident I can give good satisfaction. GOOD FLOUR ALWAYS ON HAND Chopping Done Every Day. Cnstora Sawing and Bills Filled on the shortest notice. LUMBER AND LATH ALWAYS ON HAND. Cherry, Buf.arrnt-, White Ash, Black Ash Basswood, Pine .ind Hemlock Logs wanted 69ly. M. AKITT, Eugenia. MABKDALE, Manufacturer of all Kinds if Drop Valve, Cylinder, Force, and Cistern Pumps. All kinds of IRON PUMPS SOPPLIKP. NOT[CE. FIRST-CLASS FAMILY FLOUR, In small lots $5 per barrel; TWO BARRELS AND OVER, $4.75 per barrel. Bran and Mill Feed for J. W. FORD. Blood WILL CURE OR REUEVE BIU0U8NE88, DIZZINESS, " OUPEPSIA, MDIQESriON, JAUNDICE. eRYSIPElM, SALT SHEUM. HEAirrBURM, HEADACHE, And •««ry apadi DS0P8Y, PLUTTERtHQ _^ OP THEHEAKF^ ACIDITY OP THE STOMACH, DRYNESS OF THB SKtH, lesof ^i^S^S^'SSbo' T. ULBosH ft ea, "^r^S^imk Dundalk. From our own earrentondent. Pablio sentiment bae of late very rapidly developed in favor of a new scbool hoase, and a tbird teacher. Oar present scbool accommodation is entirely inadequate. Tlie probability is that a new site will shortly le chosen, and a two-storey brick build- ing take the place of the present an- sightly one. Mr. A. G. Hunter has removed to his brick residence. Mr. E. Williams has been ill for six weeks, and is still very low. Dr. Campbell, the celebrated phre- nologist, is at present in our village. His lectures are fairly attended, and bis delineations of character very correct. It is current, that we are to have a visit from the Salvation Army shortly. Several of our citizens haye been pro- nounced by Dr. Campbell as likely to prove very hard casea for the army to tackle. It has been suggested that if they visit yoor village, that they seek out the former foreman in the Herald office, as one of their first converts. [Would it not be pleasant to have one of the female members of ti.e Salvation Army put her arocs around this correspondent's neck and say, in a very sweet and solemn tone, "Won't you be mine."l It is confidently expected that be- fore long our village will oeek incorpor- ation, and yet become a fitting centre Scbool. for a High DoBiinion Ijicensea. Osprvj. From our oum corretpondent. Times are dull business quiet sugar making the order of the day. Some commenced plowing a week ago and had to cease owing to the cold wave. Mr. John Miller, of Artemesia, has moved to Maxwell, and is starting am ice house, butcher shop, alley hall, billiard table, etc. Maxwell will soon be equal to Markdale. Mr. W. H. Calquet has rented his farm, on the 10th line, and moved last week to Maxwell, where he in* tends dealing in agricultural imple- ments. A young agent was added to his family on "All fools day." Mr. Flanigan, of the i2th line, met with an accident wlule chopping, a week ago, by which he had his leg broken below the knee. Dr. Kerr wa» called on and set the limb, which i» doing well. Coal Oil Explosion. FATAL RESULT OF AN ATTEMPT TO PUT OIL nf A BUBNlNa LAMP. The Board of License Commission- ers met in the Court House, Owen Sound, as directed by statute last Mon- day. The work of the Board was facilitated greatly by the admirable method the Chief lubpector, Mr. Rob- inson, bad every tbmg arranged. A better official is impossible, system- atic, quick aud thoroughly business like, Mr Bobinsou is well adapted for the difficult position of Chief Inspec- tor, The whole Board were present, viz His Hen. Judge Macpberson, John Cameron, Esq., and J. J. .Johnston, Esq. Every application was carefully gone over and the following persons grunted licenses NORTH GKEY. Tavern Licenses â€" James Johnson, Thomas Grimes, W. M. Matthews, Archy Duncan, Jesse Gibbons, Cfaas. Lemon, David Comelv, W. J. Holmes, W. Lloyd, W. J. Ross, J. Matthew- son, W. Spencer, J. Leslie, M. Somers, C. Tupling. Thomas Hopkins and James Downs were refused licenses in Owen Souud and Robert Hatton's was deferred for consideration. The ap})lication from the Coulson House was. also held over as it was not tiled in time for publica- tion. D. J. Mallard applied for license at Oxeuden, by petition but there were not the rdquisite number of names. Shop Licenses â€" Parker Co., Le- Pan Co., J. S. Moflfet, R. Wigbt- man. EAST GREY. Tavern Licenses â€" Mrs. Paul, Jas. Noble. W. MacDonald, D. N. Gib- bous, J. Lane, W. n. Dodson, T. Lowe, R. McConnell, R. LlcGirr, J. Alliston, W. Muller. The following applications were de- ferred, J Guggins, F. Oliver, W. E. Cornell, L. Reid. Shop Licenses â€" H. Manlcy, W. W. Stephen. SOUTH GHEY. Tavern Licenses. â€" W. R^ciiiii, H. Emgel, K. Eahn, E. Taylor, W. Craw- ford, M. Euler, G. Bersche, J. Himler, G. Ryan, Anna J. M. Rutledge, J. Gibbons, W. Reid, W. Winkler, H. J. .. iddaugh, T. Carson, W. O'Mara, J. Heffeman. Shop Licenses â€" H. Parker, N. Mc- Intyre. J. E. Lauder, Thos. McNea. B. Norsworthy, P. C. Bye, The application of George Vogt of N( ustad was not taKen into consider- ation as it could not be transferred to bis present property,' that of John Cherry was also deferred for other reasons. Wilson Benson's application for a shc^ lieense in Murkdaie was TrvEBTON, April 5.â€" The eighteen- year old daughter of a farmer named Boss, of the sixth concession of Bruce township, attempted to fill a lamp with oil without extinguishing the light with terrible results. The oil in the can became ignited, and both can and lamp exploded, the shook of the explosion shaking the building, extinguishing every light, and leaving the inmates in total darknets. The other members of the family were unaware of what had happened, as the oil was kept in an upper roord, and as a consequence the unfortunate girl was terribly burned before she was rendered any assistance. She only Lved a short time after the accident. LAKDINE MACHINE OIL Is Manufactured Solely by MeCall Bro's. k Co. Toronto, and is the only popular Machina Oil to-day in use by all mill men aud farmers. Try Lardine. The present system of superannu- ation of public officers ought to receive serions consideration from the people. As matters now go, the burdens laid on the taxpayers in this connection are serious, and they are growing heavier every year. This year it will require nearly a quarter of a million of dollars to meet tlie claims of the officers superannuated, aud it is quite safe to predict that next year it will be still greater. The amount required has been regularly increased for years. As the law now stands, any officers may be superannuated at any time on a retiring allowance for the end of his days. It is a well known fact that a number of officers have been sn retired during the past ten years who aie yet strong aud healthy, a number of whom did not wish to oe superanu- ated at al' The system opens the way to remove officers who may possibly stand in the way of favorites being, appointed. Of course every vacancy so created makes an opening for some friend, aud openings are sometimes pressed for on that very account. Both parties have been doing very questionable things in tUib superannuation business, aud so lonij; us the system continues it may bvs expected that abusas will arise. Just why tliere should bo any general sya- tem ot that kind at all may be verv well questioned. The public officers in Ciiuada are I'.iirly well paid auU oufjbt to be qrite as able to lay by for the evil day of incapacity m uth»r pejplf. If tUey are not wuil euoutjh paid to enable them to tbii.4 provi'le for themselves, by all means let au aviequato amount be paidtuem. Otbei' Qieu engaged io Lusiutiss, qdit.: as trying to themselves and qu:te a-* important to the country, do not expect any retiring allowauce, and do not get it. By all means let tlio matterreoeive throu{,h attention Kpoud- Send six cents for postage, and receive free.a ea^itiy iu i of goods which will help nu, of either sex t m^re mr u y right away than anything else iu thia wurlu. "ortones await tbe workurs akdoltuely sure. bdd drer nobl his premises %ere Ig* 41 once ad^re-u Xhi;i(kCu., Aiij,nsta. Maiue. oatedT-Dorham CArm*c/f, 187 isa. â- r 1 5-'i^« M ii y "I 1: •l;t 1-,.... -•â- â€¢ r .-^rtA-V*.- "y.i ',.'rfA^^afc»tsyi a.raati bsik^ikiiMdiHiiiiiiiiiitiil S^^^iv'^ar* ^oammM

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