^JB^^.r^t, tBfmm HBi lEeoTot- S. DE^a^o, g LOR, SYDENHAM S'i'BEBT, W M. HOGG, FLESHERTON STATION, Respectfully announces that he has received a larsce supply of IN Diy Goods, Winter Clothing, B(fots and Shoes, c As these Goods were bou;lit, to the best advantage they -will be sold very low in price, and will be found well worthy of an inspection by the genenil public, also on hand a full stock of Fresh Groceries, Provisions, Crockery, c., all of which will be sold cheap for cash or farm produce. I or for sale or to lei my water power Saw Mill at Little Falls with about 400 acres of timber land. A good man hberaliy dealt with on either purchasing or leasing the place. TV'TVI.JEIOGJ^G, Fleshiertoii Station. Nov. 1st, 1883. Good Work Guaranteed -AT Bu FLESHERTON Oa»ll 3.t C!O.C3 and see samples of work which -vve area not ashamed to show. All kinds of Framing done cheap at tj^b. BTJâ- z-.:^vl:EI^'s, flesh ertdn. WHO IS UNACQUAINTED WITH THE MEOCRAPHY OF THIS COUNTRY, WILL SEE BY EXAMINING THIS MAP, THAT THE Ghioago, Rock Island Pacifbc R'y, Being the Great Csntral Line, affords to travelers, oy reason of its unrivaled geo- graphical posi.iOT, ths shortest and best route between the East, Northeast and Southeast, and tha West, Northwest and Southwest. It is Htsrally ^nd strictly true, that its connections are all of the principal lines of road between t'ie Atlantic and the Pacific. By its main line and branches It reaches Chicago, loi:et, Peoria, Ottawa* La S:n:!e, Ceneseo, Moiine and Rock Island, tn Illinois Davenport, Muscatine, Washin^tor., Keokuli, Knoxville, OsKaloosa, Fairfield, Den Moines, West Liberty. Iowa City, Atlantic, Avoca, Audubon. Harian, Guthrlo C«nter and Council BlufTs* In Iowa Gallatin, Trenton, Cameron and Kansas City, In Missouri, and Leaven- worth and Atchison !n Kansas, and the hundredi of cities, villages and towns Intermediate. The "GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE," As It Is familiarly called, offers to travelers all the advpntages and comforts hneident to a smooth track, safe bridges. Union Depots at all connecting points. Fast Express Trains, composed of COMMODIOUS, WELL VENTILATED, WBLL HEATED, FINELY UPHOLSTERED and ELCCANT DAY COACHES a llns of the MOST MAGNIFICENT HORTON RECLINING CHAIR CARS ever built PULLMAN'S mtest designed and handsomest PALACE SLEEPING CARS, and DINING OARS that are acknowledged by press and people to be the FINEST RUN UPON ANY ROAD IN THE COUNTRY, and In which superior meals are served to travelers at the low rate of SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS EACH. THREE TRAINS each way between CHICAGO and the HHSSOURI RIVER. TWO TRAINS each way between CHICAGO and MIMNBAPOUS and ST. PAUL, via the famous ALBERT LEA ROUTE. A New and Direct Line, via Seneca and Kankakee, has reoenthr been opened, tetween Newport News, Riohntond, CinelnnatU Indianapolis and La Pajrvtts, «nd Council Bluffs, St. Paul, Minneapolis and lnternedl ate p oints. All Through JHissengers carded, on Past impress Trains i For more detailed information, see Mapeand FoMe^^wtiiatiiMii be Obtained, a* well as Tickets, at all prinoipalTieket Ofllqf|» in the Uj^lteci «tata«^^«nd Canada, or o# 'it*kftA^hwrr4in» R. R. CABLE, Viee-Pres't A Csn'l Manas^ 7- CHIOACO. Mr. Lander's Will. The last -will and testiment of the late Hon. A. W. Lauder only 'covers one sheet of foolscap paper, and vi dated the 26th day of June, 186fi. In ithe makes no mention whatever ol his widow, aud bequeaths all Lis property, both real and personal of whatsoever kind and wheresoever situated, tohispon, William Waugh Lauder, and his adopted daughter. Miss .Elizabeth Hariiet Perry, the danjjhter, of Daniel Perry of Guelpb, in equal shares or moieties. He also directs that before his son, takes his share, he has to make over to Miss Perry one half of his, W. Waugh Lauder's life assurance policy. When the will was first drawn up, James Alfred Proctor, barrister at-law of this city, was appointed %secuter, Mr. Lauder at the same time bequeath- ed all bis interest in the estate of the late Jeremiah Carty, to Mr. Proctor, but on 19th December 1881, he added a codicil to the will in which he ap- points Alfred Duncan Perry to act instead of Mr. Proctor. The signatures -attached to the will as witnesses are those of William, Kersteman and Henry E. Kersteman. Those who witnessed the signing of the codicil Parker Ellis, W. H. Draper and J. Baldwin Hands. Mr. Lauder left personal property worth over $14,000. FLUID LIGHTNING. There arc but few that have never suffered almost intoleiable pain from Toothache, Neuralgia, or like acute pains. To'tiem such an instant relief in Fluid Lightning is an untold blessing in time of trouble. No disgusting offeusivo medicines to be taken for days. On appUcation of Fluid Lightning cores. Sold at Hill Bro's. A. M. 1 NEVER GIVE UP. If you are suffering with low and depressed spirits, loss of appetite, general ,debility, disordered blood, weak constitution, headache or any disease of a bihous nature, by all means procure a bottle of Electric Bitters. You •will be surprised to see the rapid im- provement tbat will follow you will be inspirpd with new life strength and activity will return pain an i misery will cease, and hencef.nth you wUI rejoice in the praise of Electric Bitters. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by A. Turner « Co. ' -6 National Pills are sugar coated, mild but thorftugli,. and are the best Stomach and Live I Pill in use. Care of the Teeth. While it is a fact tbat good and bad teeth are largely inherited, yet good ones may soon be injured by neglect. Not only as a mattfer ol health should the teeth be preaeived as far as possible, but for appearances. Nothing more detracts from the come- liness of a young man or woman, than the dii^play of teeth yellow and black from neglect the better looking the person, the more glaring is this blem- ish. Parents are olteu greatly to blame in this respect. As soon as a child gets its permanent teeth he or she should be taught to use a tooth brush, with water, at least once a day. This would oft!n save the child from much mortification aud perhaps misery in after life. The use of a tooth brush not too stiflf, with water simply, morning and night, is all that most teeth require. If tartar collects in spite of this, the use of Castile (the white is preferable) upon the brush will generally answer. If some- thing more is needed to keep the teeth clean, prepared chalk is one nf the safest tooth powders. Avoid all tooth powders that are at all gritty. Some contain powdered pumice stone, which will remove both the tartar and enamel. In using the brash, it is equally as important to apply it to the back- side of the teeth as to tha front, and instead of only moving it across the teeth, a part of the brushing should be from the gums upward and downward, to re- move any particles that have lodged between them. Never use a metallic tooth-pick a sliver of wood is pre- ferable even to the quill so commonly used. Whenever decay is noticed in the teeth, go to the dentist at once. -kmencan Agriculiuristfor April. ii" .•.;!-. "Why! What's the matter?" Ladyâ€" (With face envfiloped in roll of hot cloths) â€" "Oh I I'm erazy with that Neuralgia that continually troubles me." â€" "Well, how foolish Why don't you go to Hill Bro's. and get bottle ot Fluid Lightning It cured me in less than one minute. I always keep a bottle in the house. It only costs 25 cents. A. feM. 2 AN UNPROTECTED FAMILY. Is one that has not tht valuable remedy, Hagyard's Yellow Oil in the house for ac- cidents and emergencies. It cures colds, croup, sore throat, deafness, rheumatism, neuralgia, chilblains, bums, bruides and all painful injuries. BUCKLEN'S ABNICA SALVE. The best Salve in the world forouts.bmises sows, ulcem, wdt rheum, fever sores, letter, ctapped handa, chilblains, corns, and all «km eruptions, and positively cuies pjlas or BO pay required. It ia guwantewl to give P«fect satiMaction, or money refunded. 5Ser i E*'^^-^^"^*^^^ ^^ SANITARY INSPECTION. If Tou would avoid sickness clfiAr away the fiith and rubbish about your premises, establish proper dminage and admit pure air. The skin, kidin'ys and bowels are the slnicf!- wavsof the liu'uau bod llegulato tlies.-i chiiunek of hculth witli Burf!r;ck I'.looil liiiters wirich m-t directly to]):irify ihe Mood aud regulate the stoiuncii, iivcr a)id kidneys. MUCH IN A LITTLE. Many proprietarj medicines, if they euro at all, require such a largequantity to preduce effect that it makes them yery imcertain and expensive reiredieF. Not so with Bar- dock Blood Bitters. It is hiphly concentrated and of all diseases of blood, liver kiduftj-s, one cr two bottles will cure more than gflllons of the weak mixtures! usually sold. Send for tacts and figures. A MEBTiNo was held yesterday of the Owen Sound District of the Methodist (Jliurch to arrange respecting the adjustment of the work for next year, consequent upon Union. Tue folbjring ministers were present Reys. E. Roberts, D. C. McDowell, J E. Howey M. A., R. Godfrey, A. Thibaudeau. J. Pepper B. A., D. Perry, J. Hart, W. Casson, T. Grandv, T. Snowdon, 8. Edmunds B.D., W. Torrance and W. A. Strongman B. A. Also the follow- ing lay representativf 8 G. S. Bowen, H. Bonnell, J. Vanstone and Robert Walker. Several alterations were made m the boun daries of circuits. Two new missions were formed. Markdale circuit remains as it was. SORE THROAT. This common and painful affection may be readily cured by the prompt applieaiion of Hagyard's Yellow Oil, taking it internally at tiie same time according to directions. Iq croup, asthma, colds, swollen glands, rheum- atism and other painful diseases it is equally elficacious. A CASE MUCH TALKED OF. The case of Mr. John Morrison, of St. Ann's, N. S., who was afflicted with a serious disposical disease of the kidneys. The best medical aid having failed, his life was desp)aired of. Two bottles ot Burdock Blood Bitters cured him. His statement is vouched for by J. D. McLeod. J. P.. who •'new of his condition. The cure is considtred marvellous in his town. Feaver colic, unnatural appetite, frethilness weakness, and convulsions, are som« of the effects of worms in Children destroy the worms with Dr. Low's Worm Syrup. Se\'er.\l coniplain'.o have come tor hand from Glascott siibscribers Owing to their papers not coming to hand on Friday as hertofore. We assure our pitrons tliat the fault is not ours as all papers are mailed on Thursday each week and fthould reach Glascott the follow- ing day. The mail from Berkely to Glascott is only twice a week, Friday and Tuesday consequently any irreg- ularity whfdli'ivntlld cause the pack- ages .to miss Friday's mail woi^d throw them 4 days later which would certainly be annoying to our" many staunch pat- rons at Glascott. The Post Master's and Kailway Mail Clerks interested will please make a note of this. FLUID LIGHTNING. Fluid Lightning is the onlv cure for Tootliaclie, Heaaache, Earache, and Neur- algia. It does not take a day or an hour to cure it, init in less than a minute all pain ia gone. Thousands have tested its merits within the last year. Fluid Lightning is also a positive cure for Rheumatism. The worst possible cases have be«^n permanently cured in one week. Price 25 cents at Hill Bro's. A. M. 3 WHATISLARDINE. Ask any farmer, thresher or sawmill man, or m fact any man who runs mncliinery of any kind and he will tell you that it is the only machine Oil which will wear equal to Castor Oil. and won't gum or clog your machinery. For sale at Haskett Bro's, Mark- dale. 176-215 The Hectic Flush, pale hallow cheeks and precarious apetite, indicate Worms. Free- man's Worm I'owders wLU quickly and effect- ually remove them. A serious accident occured about noon yesterday while loading timber in this place, a very large stick wag being loaded on the car and when just about landed one end suddenly gave way and slipped back striking Mr Mar- tin Burton, of the firm of Burton Bros of Barrie, en the bacif across the hips and crnshing him to the ground. He was at once conveyed to the Markdale House where medical assistance. was procured. Dr. Barnhart of Owen Sound was telegraphed for and arrived on 5 o'clock train when he and Dr. Carter examined the sufTeriag man finding his hip bone broken, he was also badly crushed and lies in a critical condition. Later this morning there is no particular change and hopes are entertained of his recovery His brother arrived last night from Toronto. THESE ARE SOLID PACTS. The best bleod purifier aud system regul- ator ever placed within tne reaeh of sufferinR humanity, truly the Electric Bitters. Inac- tivity of the Liver, Biliousnees, Jaundice, Crartipation. Weak Kidneys, or any disease Of the unnary organs, or whoever requires an ailpetizf r, tonic or milk stimulant, will always flni Electric Bitters the best and only certain cure known. They act siirely and quickly, every bottle guaranteed to give eptire satisfaction or money refunded. Sold at fiftv cenU a botUe by A. Turner Co. Markdale. 1 LARDINB MAGHINB OIL r.„ 'f*""l*^°^®^ ^^*^y byM^Call Bro'a. « 00. TOTonto, and M the OBly papviiat lia(diine Ontario and Quebec HiiTT^ ting the Crnriit Yallev, it' Grey and Brnco Iia;'l\v'^,g excursions to 'Maiiit.il-H j) 1, uesc-.i-d, !iii(i ail iv.it,!-:' i„\' â- Norih-W.st, Tu,.:.l:v. ' â- )- and Isr, Stb, 15tii ana 2^1' 1884,. by traiH loivii- t 1:80 p. m.. Pa^sengei; t,J points should take traiij so g,!" Toronto in lime for tliese eia Mixed train will leave foro April, 12 noon, and othti da^JJ^] casion may require. Rates the l* Accommodatiou the liest 1 -r quickest I as a'l aclviio\v!eage»jj'"' once travelled by tins, lij" g| ° Baggage will be choci.ed tkhm 150 lbs. allowed free on each ticket. ,^A1I excursions Will 1)^^ panied iy our special excmsintsj to attend to the comfort uuj wailj our passengers. ICxcursi m trains, be run through on expiesa tiu-e are due to reach Winuippg on Pi-;, Bear in mind, this is tlieljestro"ut,J go by to the North-West. For and fJl information as tn time rod and accoraodaticD, apjjly to J Cs Agent, Iviarkdale. Use Prof. Low's SnlpLnr Eoapfor pJ Heat, Nettle Rash, Scaley ]â- aptiOD, aud all di.seased condition of the skin A STARTLING ILStOVEEY, Phy8icij.nB are often sttTrtlel 'jyreimtli discoveries. The fact tlint Iir. King's Discovery for Consumjitiou ngd all and Lung diseases is daily Luring p tbat they have given up Ui die. is start them to realize their seuse of iliitv. andesi ine into the merits of this wonderful dis ery resulting in hundreds ol cur b«8t fficians using it in thei^. practice. bottles free at A. Turner, ik Go's. Dm Sta Regulai- Size«1.00. SUBSCKIBl NOW. FOR THE -ONLY- 75 Cents From Now till End of Year A COPY OF THE CELEBRATED M^TB3t ^ppl A Treatiie on the Horse and bii diseases. -BY- H AC YARDS YELLOWQIL CURES RHEUMATIlN/' IBSEHAirS totaks. Contain thdro^ iUlmwHt, tan. and «*J^ •i«r«Ma»4a cbildienorAoW" L. 4.-N .Maidale SI led evesy Thursday, at tt â- "' Street, Markdale S^wifeia three months. SMSioual ai.d btt«ness Ttfid uuder. per year. U- •*^ 1 TB. klecnlnmu ».0 00 I feolnmn 27 W rter column .. .- 1 eiueh space .... i« l" «aal advertiKements 8 c«n -rtion, 3 '«°*^ P*' "' ' Erti^ noni-areii measure. Iditorisl notices, or notic 10 cents per line first ins m snbsequents insertion. Itrav animata Ac., adverUsi 1^' advertisement not t lo P»9^ discontinued un IpJd except at the aption o -JorPRINTIf \n Standabd office has a Dt of poste' as wel' as fine attention to orders by [with dispatch. EDITOR AND PROPl DR. B J. KENDALL Ibe NEWSPAPER L Any person who takes a i from the post office, w name or another's, or ibed or not â€" is respons it. if a person orders his p must pay all arrearag may continue to send 1 ie, ftnd then collect the It the paper is taken o If Sabseriberrf refuse pr rioilicals or newspapers fr ^ch they are directed, th lible until they have set I Courts have decide ie newspapers and peri cr removing ac lied for, is prima facik [fraud. Cegal* Given as a premium to new ^H scribers who pay in advance. Frost Fr BARRISTERS, AND A Law, Solicitors in CI rs, Ac, Owen Sound, ishBrton, Office open ev iretofore. BED Feost, J. County Crown Attornt J. ITIASSO BARRISTER, MASTER in Chancery, Notary A NUMBER OF F.1RMS I Otfices â€" Owen Sound, oulett St.; Branch office i feFarland's Store, on Fri â- week. Creasor A M" ARR1=' -rvo,SOLICI ances, c. c, Es in Owen Sound [ftt W. F. Wolf's Store 1 „ MARKDA ver W. J. McFarlaud's t od Friday of each week. S'Puijdg tQ lend on res (OHN Ckeasob, Q. G Markdale, March 15. 18 Alexander J pSUES of Marriage 1 â- Life Lisurance Ajge B. R. ^(._ CourejA fnctioneer for the Count' Wwehants, and Land Sf pnded to and charges m _^«evme,Sept,17.18f Wm. Br rSSlJER OF MARRL\ L Commigsioner in B. Uaveyaucing in all iti I w i^^ to and carefullj l^Lf •â€" Mofoey to Lend revere" I iViARKI Koniv CI Ti PROPRII HIS popular Hotel l«ttl.« .** *^»««'e wil LSSfl- best h l*««e^oonMaercial room ^HAT8WOR IW-J*^ Good! :^^..,.s»1«»s»i, wm