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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 3 Apr 1884, p. 5

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 M, am 26 da,,.' the 24t]i ^f Mr. J. I 1st Sr. ""^, 2nd .! '« I ft) ;; 'o w| â- ' to 5( ^jIUOjILE JEWELLERY STORE. ,.U«iESTOCK pHlCKS LOW \;o misrepresentation of roods. Special lines in Ameri- "an Watches and Clocks. leridaii Co. Silver Plated jj-e, Specks, Chains, Charms etc. i8 k. Weddincr xings, jinr^s a'lV.ays in stock. Musi- |insn"uraents,ViolinStrings. I personally attend to all Vafch Rf pairing ?nd fuiiy y can prodn, 'ARTS 01 KDEREL. â- â- ' 'f-^pectfu: :l' block. LEDGE. l"'i-e, shot â- â€¢-" br.-;ines "ii the loi] I'll, or C warrant c.^ir.rge.-. same. Fair BROWN. teal and Otlier Items. \jTiiK-; rt ill.--" '-I'lumiu intended to heiifjit iftindir' i'l'i 'â- !' '.-'iirietti will he charged ten â- r.'j a /••'â-  "•!'!!'•• lirst inaertion and five ifj.-j ij /â-  â-  ' ' â- 'â- " ^^I'^-qiient ingertiun. '"f 117, CO!; ""Ht' ini 'i.'niilunJt] 1-. Holka iiy Imildii;; l.i' 1()(' ane i-iilars appl, Murkdale. IG slII '-T reLi i luilei from contaiuirii! i 'ood stai ikI ii.owi" !; sutlicieEt V. itli cevcr i.;a-u. Ha: and stable 1 next farm 1 o' fiiitLcr KiHT. .!vn P.O. IiiE iiiiiii.ui; Fouudry is to' be re- "ji'ii. Mr,. J. W. Lt.vENd moved to Oweu The 1 Till "f .April will be Court iV at 1' 'ii'sii â- ; 'oa. F'?, S:-:., P 'i â-  anl Mouldings ro to r,L: i t ".. 'i.iik'iale. In:: T' I i^^ l'i at McFarland's is war- Mle'i pr. ,Li. I V. j]olesonie ?...-'.Uf' :•â-  â-  is..v3iiaK Bed.^.pnl Mattrasses .toll. 0'Mi:t 'I- Co., Markdale. Lie 'i:i':_';:viilo Advertiser appears Ql'iti: fi}re 11 !:-â-  Viii:' of local news. a littip winter yesterday. I lie l:i:,t in-jtalmeut. •5, con. 14. '2 of whkfc riiltivatiaE. cres of fall nl, plowed new '^arn, Miufortabit f Tty-eigti orchard of ill i3 situ- the liour- 'ood road. 1(1 will self iliY. â- iir P.O. A fAi;i:'»',v cdw for Sale, in fine ;;sditioi., ajipiy at Standard office. East (iiiKY spring show will be i.x in FlesliLrtou on the 22nd April. .\.N ii;;asi;i;ville baker's horse nppeJ uuail las: week while on duty. Oil C^"'ivl-ce« the champion ci:tl9fe.,l.r, fur sale by A. Turner LO. .Ilarlk ;uid complete stock of new sfnng i,"N)i!s ai-riving at Eeynclds i^- (xardeii Seeds, fresh. pnreand truu to name, at the Medical Hall. 3or- the are at L'S Dlt- ose 5 to bnd we :lie in jis- DrsDALK village statute labor is ""mpui.jtl at 75 cents per day for 1584, •i-N mtcrc..tii!g letter from T. W. f jtter of Tuxas may be seen in another cjIuui. Mr. GiKjiiK of Chatsworth shipped, ;35t week i7,0(JO bushels of peas to 'Verpuol. J. E. Tr;Mi:r,F. has sold hiss tallion '"'iack i'liiice" to bis brother at i'tsbertoii. J^T. \inli:nt Agricultural Spring â- â- ^ijow will b.: held in Meaford on the -^^li April. Anuthf..: Ci/usiL'nment of fine fresh 'SOulired j;q,;,,i tgy, jy^t to liaffid at "â- â-  â- !'• Tnii;!,iL-'s. toL;.!v,,-,v(.(iij Township Spring ^â- io^ will U hold at Clarksburg ' the ly-Ji of April. f ETEK 1ixi.n's '-tore and dwelling at J"steiu \va. de.stroyed by fire on â- ^'-mday til. 2:]ra iilt. ,^^P- PATI.IrK O.EANY of the 10th '-^"' Gleuel- Jefc on Tuesday last ""i Ills f,.,,i|yf.)v Dakota. East or Uai-cls«.â€" A fine "'ortmtnt ju..i received at the â- ^^â- -'Jical Hail. A. Turner Co." 1. °'"' '"'-^ securo some of the great •P^fgaius tlmt an. to be had at J. K. "^Wesf-.T tlifvare all gone. n.u.^. BuNN-KTs, Laces, Feathers, "'^^' ««iNs, Tins â- ^^'^^â- ^oth;, ;,,„ Mp t fo kqi-i*/'?^' -^^'^^"" mooved this week fof „ f â- "'^- iie lias leased his farm term of years to -Tas. Gould. Mr r Poundr "'^-^^" of the Durham •S^oooo '^p'""""" ^^^ Iobs at about $2,600 ' '^^ insurance was only Flowers, Kibbons, â- it \V. J. MoFarland's. dH Akbangements aw hems made to submit the Scot Act. 8i3ne^ .n the Counties of Gre^^ t. .f.^' Post Office WR8 opened in CoUmgwood Tp. on the first April A NEW brick hotel in Peterborough being undermined by the spring floods fell with a crash oa Thurddav W loss $5,000. ^*^" All kinds of produce taken in exchange tor goods at Eeyuolds' Hides sheep skins, calf 8k,u8, wool, butter eggs, lard, otc. Me. F. Clarke of Meaford was banquetted by his brethren of the A LlheN. wT" °' "" ^^f"'"" Miss Boomer, from the city of Guelph takes charge of W. J. McFarland's milliners^ She comes well recommended as a first-class Modiste. PuEiF your blood before the hot weather comes on with Reguvinator Bitters, for sale only by Smith the barber, Markdale. A JOINT stock company is being I formed lu Durham with a capital of ^5,000 to be known as the Durham ^\oolen Mills company. J. E. Trimble, Mammoth House, Maikdnle, has received this week Iresh goods in great va-riety and at I prices astonishingly low. Eeady made clothing, we have just to hand a very fine lino of the above gjods to be sold much below regular price, C. Eeynolds Son. There's a run on the great Eegnvin- ator Bitters hut Smith the harbor has just received a new slock and will be happy to soijply all his customers. 50,000 Doz. eggs wauted at J. E. Trimble's M .ramoth House Markdalo ior which the highest market price Eitlicri/t cash or Trat?*; will be given. Messrs. Simter McCarter of the Moalord Mcrdtur have dissolved partnership and tho former will here- after take full coutroU of the Monitor. Ma. Wilson Benson sold his liyery establishment on Tuesday to Mr. Peter Ducolon of Shelburne, for $720 who will commence operatiousin May. Mr. McKinnon, teacher at Meaford, received a severe wound in the fore- head while snlittins; wood, the axe caugut in the clothes line causing the accident. L-^oi' sale.â€" A pair of first class young Mules, 3 yeays old, well matf hed and in first class condition good workers and well broken. Ap- ply to J. E. Trimble. The Sbelburne Economist is to be enlarged this week. This is a newsy, well written, wide-awake paper and the editor, Mr. Smith, is a clever pushing young man. Eeynolds Son are offering immense bargains in every line of their goods, nice colored Cashmeres Only 25 cts. per yard. Every lady should inspect our etock of prints and dress goods bofore purciiasing elsewhere. Picture Frames.â€" $50, worth of molding recently opened at Hamilton's Photo. Gallery, over the Standard offiice. All kinds and sizes of framing done from a marriage certificate to a life size painting. Charges Moderat. Mr. H. King, of Artemesia, near Priceville has purchased a valuable "Norman Pcrcheron" from the celebrated horse importers of Powell Bro's, Springhoro, Pennsylvania see correspondence in another colnm. Friday, April 4th. â€" At Vaudeleur, Artemesia, lot 20, eon. 12, com- mencing at 2, o'clock, farm stock, implements, household effects, c. Terms 9 moths credit on approved paper, or 10 per cent, per annum off notes for cash. John Eowe, propri- etor Geo. Noble, Auctioneer. A serious riot broke out in Cincin- nati on Friday night and was continued on Saturday, the result being a col- lision between the military and the mob, in which numbers of persons were killed and a vast amount of pro- perty destroyed. The trouble origin- ated out of the tailare of a jury to re- turn a verdict of wilful murder against Wil'inm Berner, who has been accused of kiiiing Wm. H. Kirk, The verdict returned, which was one of man- slaughter, caused intense excitement and a nuirber of hot-headed citizens called a mass meeting to protest against it. Inflammatory speeches \vere delivered, and the audience were worked up to such a pitch of frenzy that they rushed from the place of meeting and attacked the gaol with the object of petting possession of Jierner and hanging him. The movement was resisted and a fearful loss of human lif^ followeil. 1 J^f^y^ McAaxBTO hta moved from Owen bound to his father-in-law's farm on the 6th con. Glenelg. Thb SalvaUon army have been operating the following neighbormg ?^if U O'^^-'fi^^ilie. Mt., Wakerton Owen Sound. Meaford CoUmgwood. Very successful! results are reported from many of the above points. FamAY, the 4th April.â€" On Lot 49, Oon. 8, Holland, Farm Stock, Imple- ments, etc. Sale to commence at 12 clock. Terms 8 mouths credit on approved notes for sums oyer $5. John Waters, proprietor; W. J. Shepherdson, auctioneer. The Flesherton Stage.â€" "We are clad to notice that Mr. Thomas Saun- ders has resumed control of the stage between Durham and Flesherion Sation again. We )iave no doubt the general public on this route will be pleased to welcome Mr. Saunders, and will extend to him a liberal pat- ronage.â€" G/-*y Bovieu:. Auction Sale on Thursday' 10th April, on premises of Christopher Helfordy Liot 33, 2ad range west of Toronto and Sydenfiam Eoad,Holland, consisting of farm stock, implements household effects c. Terms 10 months on sums over $5, sale at 1 o'clock. E. M. Galbraith auctioneer. iHE April number of Our Little Ones comes to us this week, full of good and interesting matter for the young. It is a twenty-page medium, and contains thirty beautiful illustra- tions. Samples can be seen at this office. §1.50 per year. The Eussell Pubhshing Company, 86 Bromfield street, Boston. The recent cold wave had a wonder- full effect on the skating rinjj, which was closed for the season some ten days since but re-opened Saturday last, the young people appeared as though they had not been privileged with a skate for twelve months or more, and wish row it would last all summer. Eemoval. â€" Messrs. Turner Co. having resigned the Express agency in this village, a ch-inge was made on the 1st April when the business was transierre J to the Eail way station. The change will greatly inconvenience the people of the village and we hope soon to see it returned to more con- venient quarters. Splendid Offer. â€" Tho Standard the balance of 1881 â€" nine months â€" together with a copy of a book of 90 pages, "A Treati,«e on the Horse and bis Disi^ases," all for 75 cents to new subscribers. A subscriber, who has had one of the above books over a year, informed us a few dajs since that if he could not procure one of these books for less, he would wilhng- l.v pay $4.00 for a copy. Now is the time to subscribe and get one fre». Body Found. â€" The body of a newly- born male child was found on Water Street last eyening by Messrs. Geo. Woods and Samuel Nolan. The body was wrapped in a white cloth, and has been thrown over the fence near where Sutherland's hay house bad been burned. They saw it as they came along the sidewalk and immediately informed Chief Constable Egerton, who took charge of it. An inquest is being held by Coroner Cameron at three this afternoon, the result of which we will give in next issue. â€" 0. !S. Tiinen. The handsome residence and gro- unds belonging to the lute A. W. Lauder, M. P.P., wera sold by auction by Messrs. Oliver. Coate, Co. Wednesday to Mr. W. F. Carrier, jeweller, for !jl8,00a. The general opinion seems to be that Mr. Carrier is to be congratulated upon having acquired one of the most valuable and desirable suburban rpsidences in the vicinity of Toronto. The household furniture was also sold at the same time, laid realized a yery handsome figure â€" Globe. The many friends and well-wishers of Mr. Finlay MacEae will he pleased to hear of his success in the capture of one of the parties who induced hira to invest a large amount. i:f money in real estate and attempted to deliberat- ely swindle him out of it. Mr. Mac- Erts has always been known as a swrewd business man, and we arc glad to hear that he is likely to recover a good part of the some invested, but that it will take some time to have the matter finally adjusted. With reference to the above we copy the following from a Davenport, Iowa paper A Mr. MacEae from Durham, Ont., Canada, after a long and persistent search for the real estate swindler got on to him the other day. He has hopes of making him disgorge some of his illgottei). wealth.â€" O, S. Adver- tiser. NEÂ¥ GOODS, CHOICE GOODS, CHEAP GOODS! â€"ATâ€" J. E. LAUDER CO'S GROCERY LIQUOR 8T0RE, MARKDALE. T. G. B. RAILWAY. TIME TABLE. CliaTig-e ol Titne. On and after Saturday, March Ist, 1884,. trains will run as follows OOINU KORIH Toronto Departs OrangcviUe Mount Forest " Harriston " Teeswater Arr. Owen Sound " A.3I P.M 7.20 4 50 10.05 7.3.1 12.20pm 9.00 12.00 " 9.22 2.25 " 10.30 1.30 •' 10.30 AM R.IO 12.30pia( GOIKO SOUTH. Owen Sound, Dep. Teeswater " Harriston '• Mount Forest " Orangeville ' ' Toronto Arr A.M. 6.15 5.00 C.05 6.30 8.27 11.00 P,M. 3.30 3.00 4.20 4.50 7.2J 9.55 fi.OOpm. a.m. 7.30 1 .35pia 5.10 •• A Mixed ll-aiu will also lun between Tor- onto and Owen Sound. See Time Table. D. McNICOL. W. 'WHYTE, Gen. Past. Agt. General Manager^ MARKDALE STATION. TRAINS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS I GOING SOUTH.-Express 6:27 a. m-. Mixed 9:50 " " " Mail 4:58 p. m. GOING NOETH. FRESH arrivals of Tea, Coffee, Sugar, Tobacco. Pickled and Canned Fruit, Oranges, Lemons, Candies, Biscuits, Fish, Sap Buckets, Wash-Tubs and Wash-Boards. Flour always in stock. Crockery and Glass- ware selling very cheap. A Full stock of liquors fresh and pure. Your patronage respectfully solicited. Bemember the place, 91clntyre^s Old Stand, next doer to the MEDICAL HALL. J. E. LAUDER, CO Proprietors Franco Chinese War. Nothwithstanding the desolating war now raging in China it will not increase the price of Teas at the BeM ke, MarUale Having imported prior to the open- ing of hostilities, a sufficient quantity to supply 20,000 MEN for a period of 12 months. In other departments of -»-» yk -i-M-n the Grocery tiade the BELFAST JztOiST ASK'TN HOUSE has KILLED BY THOU- 1 ' -i-i-^ j.^ SAND those who assume to transact business by purchasing of small deal- ers exorbitant rates of interest on long credit. Our imports of -Mail 12:06 p. m. Mixed 3:35 " Express 9:20 " J. C^SAR, Agent. PRESERVED MEATS, SALMON, LOBSTERS, SARDINES, HAMS, BACON,ASSORTED PICKELS and every articles in the grocery trade LIQUORS of the best brands and qiia'ity. Wine for Sacramental purposes warranted pure. Brandies direct from the man- ufacturer and all other kinds of liquors. Coffees, Teas and Tobaccoes cannot fail to give satislaction. Oranges. Lemons, c. Family Ficur supplied at Lowest Eates. BELFAST HOUSE, â-  MARKDALE Feb. 6th, 1884. Has opened out a First-Clnss UNOERTKING ESTABLISHMENT. And therefore has supplied a want long felt, COFFINS, C.4SKETS, SHKOUDS, and all FUNERAL FURNISHINGS supplied on the sliortes notice. J^ Si^leiKclicl Ilt^ax-se tor hire at moderate rates. SEEDS SE^DS IMPORTED- FIELD AND GARDEPI SEEOS â€"All kinds rfâ€" PICTURE FRAMING Done on short notice. ROBT. ASKIN. The place to buy your Seedf is at PARKER'S, Drugstore, DURHAM. JOHN NOBLE, MARKDALE. GENER'LBLACKSMITH Dnion Carriage Works.. All work manufactured from First Class Material In the Latest and Best Improved. Style, and finished with Engflisli 'Var'nisili.. HORSESHOEING SPECIALTY. ROOKE'S BAKERY. Painting Trimffling Rigs wi receive prompt attention. All Eepairs executed in the shortest possible time consistent with good workmanship. Good Work a Spciality, Remember the Shop, opposite the Cheapside D. J. SHANAIIAISr, I'lovrictoc Markdale, rcc. 2nd. 1381. 64. I3F2.I£:A.r the rtaff of life and Jr»A.!^"r'Ir{.'" that, -vill please your wife, always on hand, to supply the domiud. So when your stoclv is low j ii JjSX iX Â¥ Step in and let us know, BTX'O^^^a^ f ^s^ I And we'll your wants supply, Or you'll know the reason why. E. ROOr.E, Markdale. Mill Street, lariidale PATENTS MUxIN CO., of tho SciEyrmc AMVKtcks^ooTi- tlnneto.-ict a^ P.).'lcitiirs for J'litents, Oiveats, Trade Marks. Copyrlphts, for the Uolted Stat* Canada, England, France, Germany, etc Hiinil Book about Patents sent free. Thirty-sevpnYearsr experience. Patents obtained thmnehMUNN CO. are noticed i to tho SciBNTiFicAMKBiCAX. the. largest. NBst, and. 1 mort widely Ctrcniatied »clentlflopaper.^»SJOsye«r. Weekly. Bi^endid enararlnin mdi iliternrtbiK In-. formaOon. Speclmen«ipyoftt»«(a«irtAAlg«K ' Sum^NoSlee. an BroAdiny. N«w -ioft. 4 1^ J f k |:i ill inl mi It :i u ',= 1-

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