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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 3 Apr 1884, p. 1

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 J^ll •sii Jirt. c!e " thit '=aps yon known 1 file ' 'llExt la" ;i )\v 3 as ills ' U'S. YOL. 4.-N0. 189 MARKDALE, ONT., APEIL 3, 1884. J Copies op the Stanbabd l Five cents He liarMale Standard I is iJi" Hi. ST. to -V Tiia.'^-l.iv- at the office, Mill Sti'i:. MarkJiile. f.,,-,!. -^1 1"" y^" '" advance; $1.25 if • ,f, ,-;.iiia' :i"'l liu-inus" car Js one inch tiur vi'-ii %i. ' 1 YK. -JT 00 .. 1' Of» 7 00 111 00 h:i iiij.: -^- il. Bradli " camera, w "it the sprii "-znn tliiswee [â- â- rner, a youn 'C'luvs, whid it-.l l^ier.audsi i- The phot oc. rated sou ierurei wit ' eye glassi ""s s(iine verse i Ciirds outiii -Street. Beii liiiuself liab 'â- s.Mr.r.radl Miss Horn iced b7 puh -â- ,' rise to, a 1 ai,'aiiist 1 S2(*0 damaa i,iuartt i'lH) -:â- â-  llirt*!- I'a-' EJii- :;iip " StM â- â€¢â-  in.'i. 11. „aev G MO. 3 MO. â- 27 ' I 5;i5 [){) 15 or 10 oo 10 00 6 00 4 00 5 00 " rii,-tiiii :its 8 eiits i^r li'ie first ;; 1. ;\ts \n V liiie ea;h subsequent ,.ii!';!i' i! nit\i.sure. Mot -IS. or uotitf^s ill loral col- :;t "'â-  li"" lii'^t insertioa, 5 c«uts ;,iia!~ iVi-.. aJvortised 3 week-! for vi I li^iiui-iit not to e.iCOou twelve :â-  .ii-c()i;t!P.neil until all arrears ci jil at till ujiUiTi of the imblisher. -JOB PB'iNTINC- Tie SiANiAi;i' -oftxe lias a splendid eqaip- nent I't o~tc ,is ^A' tis fine job type. Spe- (iil at' *,: frders by mail. Orders EI'IIM; .VXD PllOPEIETOR. '»:turistl 1 iliiring itsffl: iniuj; no less ti i-l original illi V Icarltni,' wri» liei'fliniiig toi i.ia. A' 1 the it simple mftnn mount, of usefl adiible, entertai r .ji contribnK 1 .(Titers as Pr :iiyers;ty, Prof, iiiversity. Gran f. B\roii, D. B Ik)yntOi'i, W. 1 «' of tbe nnEi ill u't rated pa] !, givhig verj Ji- new Westi it hou.5es,figliti .-â- ^t.'-, getting M ' very farmer » •lul, should ca; ;uticle. "Ac ;i- thv St.Joi; â- ;i,^'e engraTiti ilu-trations ai Abn-e (iroB i;!,'l Crushe biftinc; He» â- l..iir- irly fr. loilii 1: 1 n; lu'lit, 2. I; ld he :! .::!ipr 1:: :â-  10,1.1' lii'-tlie: •:r ri'it. 3IfS; p6riiiill-:i wh.cli th Spoil-ill;. 4 Th. to take !i i.):toffi:- jacallfil tentioiial AVSl'-U'EU h.WV. I'l whi' taki-s a newspaper regn- ii â- -: otlici' wb^'tlicr directed â-  ;li;( tiioi's. iir ^~lletlKT be lias :: 'I -i- VLSjioii^iLie fortliepay- .â- ; nrilti's bi-; p'-^per di^icontin- • â-  ,\'l arri-aiiij^'os, or the pub It.' 111. ;.) M'lul it until iiiiyment !.• 11 i-i'Hi,;-r tlic wbob^ amount, '.; â- ;â-  l.s tiik.ii udt of tlie olHce l.'i.; r.'i'iisc or neglc.t to take lii? .â- .â- -]'.. jjtrs from tbe nlfioe to 'liirciiii, tiii-y a'c lifld le- i till y iiave settled their bills. live dtcided that refusing ia|M,is and periodicals fiom tbe r I'lniiving and leaving; them i- 'i;iM.\ FACIE evidence of iu- irt ie0ul. lubes Fresi ii-n Well Win 1 Marker: ' L';ibl(,' Decoratio sii 'ie numbe: Publishers, lubbed witt B' .un;i La asvf;;'^. ,v Fleslii'rt-.; hsretiifoiv ' Frost Fi-o«t, l;;i;S AXl) ATTORXKYS-AT Si.hritiij in t'liancerv, Convey 'v. !! Si'Uiiii, have resmued at (Miiuc ijpL'ii every Tliur.sday, as iv.-n .T.W. Frost, LL. B. .attorney. 1 B-;;:';^:' Orrt! I- Foulri: N' (verv Uii.l' (i- D.vmii -Uaiii-(.- MATIS^r. :M.ite or chioi re rcadv relief s Yellow Oil, fur external" fections. sity that ua of acta in Can* Lousandor j of Conn mcifil Legi I Lieuteni and all .•liameot, 30 1,'" with sriry waste 'aides one ns thrown jeut witli II a Governi of 0»biB • in Wiu-i' I by awl II such he thiEi« sibly com that, at best gover' isidering DS hayiuS mast the ol er tba erit 1 urera w â- t 'Jrrirrv i \-tt \V. F. '"'ver \V. .1, JUHN (Jilt;.. Mark.l:,;' .11. MASTER A\D DEP. PwEG ' ly. Notary Public, Conveyan! :;â- .' i: n:' f.vums fok s..\i.e. !)•... n Siuiul. in Vicker's Block iia' h ciiticc in Maikdale, over -Stoic, on Friday andSatuiday 57-ly -.1.-^, SOLICITORS. CONVEY- '.oil Sound, Dufferin Block, "i'!f" Store and in MARKDALE ' land's Store on Tliursday ol lacii v.-eek. -to l.-U'lnn ieAsonablc terms. â- â- â- â-  ^G UuSC.iN MoRI.-iON M.ircb ;.;, 1882. 79-lv A!j'\aii«ler Brown. I T^.^"" â- ^'"'fiage Licenses, Fire and b..f L;,iir:i!ice .-Vi/ent. Coinmissionei 'B 1! 11 IT- J â-  '-*â-  'V.-. CoiiM^vancer and Licensed Anctiijnee; f- 'ttrcliaiit.-, tec til all I cuarges made verv moderate. J'r:cevlll,.,s.-,,t.l7.lSS0. " 1-Y Com nyancor ir liie County uf Grey. Farmers, Mid Land Sales, Punctually at I Win. Ba-ovrn. SSUEI; Ol- MARRIAGE LICENSES, -fee Cumur.ssonerin U. R.c. atu.'^^ V^'^-'" " '^^^ i' branches promptly '^cied to and cait-fuUy executed. i^-â€" -Mull y to Lend on Real Estate se N :nruv. REVERE HOTEL, PPiOl'llIKTOR. I /V!"'"""' ^^"" ^*' changed hands ofthp 1 """" ^^'iil cater to the wants Wle^' n' '"""' â- ^'â- ibling and attentive ^- T'a- o..t brands of liquor and comfortable rooms, 130-ly.^ ^HATSWORTlTHOUSi (•â- â- â- 'â- â€¢ MoUROV.-iHODSE,) ^HATswokth, Ont. T^'CK A McLEOD I^pbietoes. 1 .00,1 ,;i. ..., and .l" •^0!!!ucrc;al room. Thi '6 h. '^^'n.sto' " " liqncws.andciRaraal- rootn; to,^^^nteed (lood meals and comfortable Good stabling and at- 114 pebwal. THOS. CARTER, IWI.D, Physician SiirgeoD, c. Eeudence MARKDALE HOUSEr MiBKDALE. B. Ghent, M,D., M.B.C P. S., O. Physician and Surgeon, Priceville, Gnuluate of University. Vict. College. ,. New York, and Hon. Graduate, of tbe same, .. Ayleth Medical Institute. .. M Opthalmic Hospital, N.Y. Member Coll. Physicians Surgeor 8,0. 104 J. P. MARSHALL, L.D.S. DENTIST, GRADUATE OF TORONTO SCHOOL of Dentistry, will be at Rutledge'.s Hotel, Markdale, on the 1st and third Wed nesday of each month and also at Munshaw's Hotel. Flesherton, the day following the third Wednesday in each month for the prac tice of his profession. January 9th, 18,S3. 122-47, SAlWCEr. WAKDELL., WELL DIGGER AND DRILLER. ALL orders promptly attended to. Resi- dence â€" Snider's Hill Owen Sound 122-35 W. G. RICHARDS, BUHjDER, CONTRACTOR. ARCHI- TECT. â€" Residence on Jiill Street, Mark- dale. Markdale. Jan. 2 1th, 1883. 1241y \Â¥illia.iai ITfcLcod, BOOT AND SHOEMAKER, MARKDALE- Orders promptly attended to. Sewed work a specialty. All our work guaranteed. Teims strictly cash. Remember the stand, opposite Revere Hotel. 159-8m Fatsliional^le Tailor, OVER MACFARLANd's STORE. A PERFECT FIT GUASANTEED. MARKDALE HARNESS EMPORIUM ESTABLISHED 19 YEARS. THOS.MATTIIEWS,Proprietor Nothing but good stock used and the best mechanics employed. A stock of Double and Single, Heavy and Light Harness always on hand. Also Whips, Trunks, Valises, Blankets, Eobes, c., always in stock. HAMILTON'S Photoraph gallerY OVEE THE STAI^DARD OFFICE. Fine work executed in all the latest sizes and shapes, fully equal to city work. Special attention given to A large stocK of moulding to choose from. Call and leave your measure for a picture. .Tas. Hamilton- COMMERCIAL HOTEL PRICEVIl-iLiE. Ont. Lar '6 and commodious Sample Rooms Good Bed Rooms, o. The Bar and larde well supplied with the best the market af fords • good StabUng and attentive Hostier's TH03. ATKINSON. Proprietor MARKDALE HODSE, MABKDAIiE, ONT. MRS. RUTliDGE, PROPRIETOR. TO aoi TEISTC The undersigned is manufacturing an ex- cellent assortment of School "F'ni'nittiT'e, Consisting of SCHOOL SEATS and DESKS, TEACHERS' DESKS, etc., of tne latest design and most approved pattern. Bighly recommended by School Trustees and Teach- ers, for cheapness, comfort and compactness, wherever tried. An assortment of Farm and School Bells kept always on hand. Send for catalogue to Chatsworth P. 0. 181 ANDREW McGILL. JOSEPH GIBSON CONTRACTOR. JContracts taken for all kinds of BRICK AND STONE W RK, Plain Ornamental Plastering. Cahominina in all Shades and Colors. Charges moderate and satisfaction guar- anteef^. Orders left at ahe Standard office will receive prompt attention. Markdale. Feb. Gth. 1883. 126-ly. EUGENIA Grist, Saw andLathlills Having made eqtensive improvements in my Grist Mill I feel confident I can give good satisfaction. GOOD FLOUR ALWAYS ON HAND Chopping Done Every Day Custom Sawing and Bills FUlcd ou the shortest notice. LUMBER AND LATH ALWAYS ON HAND. Cherry, But'arnut, White AkIi, Black Ash Basswood, Pine d,nd Hemlock Loga wanted C9ly. M. AKITT, Eugenia. MARKDALE, Manufacturer of all Kinds of Drop Valve, Cylinder, Force, and Cistern Pumps. All kinds of IRON PUMPS SUPPLIED. FIRST CLASS for sale at J. W. FORD'S FLOUR MILL. $5 per Barrel. THE KEY TO HEALTH. BURDOCK BLOOD lITIERS' Unlocks all the clogged avenues of the Bo^rols, Kidneys and Liver, carrying off gradually without weakening the system, all the impurities and foul humors of the secretions at the same time CotrectilK Acidity of the Stomach, curing^Mi- ousness, ]^pep8ia, Headaches, Diz- joness, Heartbimi, Constipatapn, Dryness of the Skin, Dropsy^ Dim- ness of Vision, Janndice, SaltKhenm, Brysip^as, ScrofWa, Fluttering of the Heart, Nervonsness and General Debility aU these and 'many other simi- lar" Complaints yield to th e happy mfl nence Of BUBDOOK BLOOD EITTBBS. ftaaple Bottles lOe ;Kegaiattu6$L For sale by aU dealers. PRINCE LEOPOL D DEAD. The Queen's Tonngest Most Stndlovs Son. And WHO WISHED TO BE APPOINTED OOTEBNOB- GENEBAI. OF CANADA. London, March 28. â€" Prince Leo- pold, the youngest son of Queen Vic- toria, died suddenly at Cannes this morning. The Queen is profoundly affected by the death of the prince, who died in a fit as he was starting for Darm- stadt to attend the wedding of his niece, Princess Victoria of Hesse. The residence of the Prince of Wales is besieged by people calling to express condolence. The body of the Duke of Albany will be embalmed and brought to England the end of next week to be buried at Frogmore. The cause of the Duke'a death was effusion of blood into the stomach and lungs. There were no unusual premonitions, but the symp- toms have long been threatening. The Queen, receiving the ex-Empress Eugenie, clasped her in her arms and was evidently much consoled by her sympathy. Telegrams of condolence axe arriving from all parts of the world. When the Queen first heard of the Duke's death, she was seized with a paroxysm of weaping. The Duke fell on the steps of the clubhouse at 6,30 on Thursday evening. He was well enough afterwards to write a dispatch to the Duchess, stating that he had fallen, and popsibly would not be able to leave for England to-day. The Duke struck ou his head when he fell. The escort will start with the body ou Tueibday morning. Ottawa, March 28. â€" In consequence of the death of H. R. H. the Duke of Albany, the afternoon party and dinner at Government House on Saturday, March 29, for which inyi- tations have been issued, will not ' taka place. The Union Jack floated at half-mast from the parliament buldings and other public places in the city after the news was heard here to day. Gtielph, March 28. â€" The flags were fl}^ng at half-mast from the city hall and the public and private buildings as a mark of respect to the memory of the late Prince Leopold. [Prince Leopold was born April 7, 1853, and was married March 13, 1879, to Princess Louise of Prussia. He was of a quiet and studious disposition, and of an artistical turn of mind, taking a great deal of interest in scientific matters. His health has never been good, and his death vill be a matter of surprise to few. Just before the appointment of Lord Lans- downe as Governor General of Canada it was rumored that Prince Leopold would be appointed to the position. This statement, of course, excited much interest. Investigation showed that the Prince had himsolf suggested that he be appointed to the position, but the proposition was not favorably received by the British Government which replied in a courteous manner giving reasons for refusal.] McKee 189, John Dundas 183, Richafd Doug- lass 182, Pythagoras Thibaudean 180, Enun» Ford 173, Annie Cunningham 168, Tom Arnold 160. 3rd Class.â€" Mary A. Nesbit 196, Peter Thil-andeau 195, Minnie Wilson 192, Herbert HuU 181, Frank Bryden 180, Willie Le8li« 179, Harry Large 168, Minnie McNea 163. Mabel Mathews 160. Marks obtainable in all classes 200. Neces- sary for the Honor Roll, 260. These mark* are given for attendance, punctuality, con- duct, and lessons. PP.OilOTJON EXAMINATIONS. The following pupils sucseeded in passinj; the promotion examinations which were held on the 27th and 28th March, for the 2nd and 3rd departments only: From 2ud department, entrance to Ist â€" Bella Ireton, Minnie Lucas, Minnie WTiitby, NeUie Wilson.Mary Stevens,Fannie Williams. Candidates are named in order of merit. 2XD DEPABTMENT. From Junior to Senior 3rd. â€" Mary Casson, Jefasie Grant, Sarah Hamilton, Mabel Flem- miUf., Alice Crowe, Fred Bryan. From Senior 2nd to Junior 3rd, â€" Agness MacRae. Sarah E. Payne, John W. Ford, Alice Mabee, Pojiham Irwin, Susan McDnffie, Priscilla Dormer, Willie Noble,Wiliie Wilson, Lizzie Pollcck. From Junior to Senior 2nd. â€" Frue Irwin, Sadie Lucas, Minnie Wilson, Mary Leslie, Mary Large, Maud Mathews, Martha Rut- ledge, Emma Mathews, Arthur Rutledge, Mary Williams, Georgina Noble, Victoria Payne. Sr.D DEPARTMENT, From 3rd Department, entrance to 2nd. â€" Frances Ida Irwin, .\lice A. Bryan, Amelia McFarland, Ettie M. Specrs, Frances Foster, Susan C. Irwin, Charlie L, Liggar. Katie C. Dormer, Mary E. .Mercer, Janaes M. Kirvan, George M. Munshaw, Mary T. Smyth. From Class No. 4, Part 11. Book, to No. 5, Second Book. â€" Charlotte Bryan, Hattie J. Crowe, Thomas E. Boyd, Arthur A. Askin, Samuel J. Ireton. From No. 3 to No. 4, Part II Book. â€" Charhe Armstrong, Freddie Williams, Eddie J. Sullivan. From No. 2 to No. 3, Part II.â€" Richard Noble, William Bennett, Herbert Douglass, Fannie A. Cox, NeUie Nesbit. Prom Class No. 1, First Bonk, to No. 2, Part 2. â€" Robert J. Ireton,' Ales, J. Nesbit. Georgie Williams. The pr.omotion examination?, for 1st de- partment, take place before midsummer holi- days. We would respectfully remind the parents of the difficulties wc liave to contend with, on account of irregular attendance, and earnestly request their aid in lessening tbo evil. M. No?.ais, Master. Holland Conncil. Report of ITfarkdaie Public School for march. 1st Department â€" Aggregate attendance from Glenelg, 612 Artemesia, 295. Ayerage daily attendance, 43. 2nd Department â€" Aggregate attendance from Glenelg, 834 Artemesia, 623. Average daily attendance, 61. 3rd Department. â€" Aggregate attendance from Glenelg, 646 Artemesia, 623. Average daily attendance 60. Summary of Attendance. â€" Aggregate at- tendance of three departments from Glenelg, 2092 Artemesia, 1383. Avei-age daily at- tendancs, 165. HONOB BOLL OF IST DEPABTMENT. The following names are on the Honor Boll for April 5th Class â€" Mamie Bowes 196, George Bowes 195, Sam. Douglass 190, Herbert Henry 189, Heibert Brown 186, Lizzie E. Thibaudean 185, Fred Stephens 170. Senior 4th Class.â€" Edward Rutledge 184, Thos. E. '\^ right 175, Maggie MJsap 174, Bobert Brown 170. Junior 4th Ck38. â€" Janie Irving 200, Don- ald McDoff 191, Willie McFarlwid 190. j«8» Holland Centre, March 25th, 1884. Council met at Vegan's Hall. MembcrB all present Reeve in the chair. Moved by Mr. Norton, seconded by Mr. Williscroft. That an order be issued in favor of John Gillespie on account of taiss over- paid. Moved by Mr. Galbraith, seconded by Mr. Howey, That John Sargent get an ,order for 51.95, being taxes wrongfully charged against lot 35, con. 1, West of the T. and S. Road,. and that the same be charged against lot 35, con. 1. East T. and S. Road, and extend on the CoUectorfi' RoU of 1881. Moved by Mr. Norton, secondel by Mr. Galbraith, That each polling booth be paid 83.00. Moved by Deputy Reeve, seconded by Mr. Galbraith. That By-law No. G he signed, sealed and engrossed on the minutes. Moved by Mr. Williscroft. seconded by Mr. Galbraith. That Mr. Breene grft an order to." $4.10 as taxes ovor-pa'd. Moved by Mr. Galbraith, pcico ;ded ly Mr. Williscroft, Tiiat the Auditors' Iteport be adopted and engrossei on the minutos. Moved by Mr. Galbrailli, seconded by Mr. Howey, That the Auditors' receive tlie tiuni of $14 for their sei-nces. Move 1 by Sir. Norton, secon led by Mr. WUliscrott, That Mr. Ho-.voy he alio.ved to repair culvert ou t'ae 8th con., a'ld put. in his bill a!, next meetinj; of Coun«iI. Moved by Mr. Galbraith, secou Ifivl by M Howey, That we afljourn till the 28tL d lyt of May. Cabs OX Prick. Tp.CIeik. I I h â- I i*^- i: i ill 'il 'n h! il ;i 11 ' N â- M, â- ttUi iMMHiidli MHil^l iMMMIilii mm

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