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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 27 Mar 1884, p. 5

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 L" ^i^^^^^^^^' ^S the "°. or c ^j '-f^rkdale 'â- ^ '"'les froa 'â-  'â- â€¢-â- "tain.aJ 'â- '"n- Has LI* ._â- :.);. n P.O. ^^ en. li. â- ^- i'f v.-l,i,|, ' â- â€¢'i^iivation. • â- """ i)f fa:! â- '-â- '"I- ploweil â-  'â- ' -i liarc, ' ""iiifortaMt I f-ty-e:.!,; I I ilM is sit';. •'â- I '^le QoB;. â- ' """J ruaii. ;.:ul -^vilLst:! â-  r P.O. Mil 'l^L 1 1 T'i r [JEWELLERY STORE. e'stock AjiTEMEsiA council lueets at Flesher 4th at Roddyn, and Gleuelg the 2nd Mr Eeynolds, of Mount Forest was elected Deputy-Reeve of that town iast ^nday week, and Mr. Hu-h Wil SOD, Councillor. " iMeri' V;r;:Cj)rcsentation of ^â- :, :-;a; lines in Ameri- '_t.;!;c;; G.nd Clocks. i,,.. Silver PLited .â- .:!.s,Clnuns,Charnns ,-, ,L\ r' I'll Slock :: J "ir,\'iolin Strings. .,a:^]\v attend to ail •^rh R^lS^il^g ?nd fully liie siinie, Wedding Musi- J. R. Tj m A t- KX THAT cll '!~ for s-'oiut â- i. I ' vMEs Pa.ii, ;::lVii; .;-ii 1. nntiti t t-l.e Villa- â-  r â- .-, and at 'U.i Cciuiiv i' 'â-  s â- â- ( iinifxhl !â-  â-  ' .; i'.v luutnai â-  tinn ii; â- : v lium illi â- â- |-ii niib: â-  raia hn:; ;n:cLE. RPY • i life and Mil please lu suypjy low know, -supply- reason â- :dale. War, cles-ilatiDg li will noi the fS \m ana Olligr Items. "â- l^â-  iiltrjiiied to bfnpfit 'â- I viH hi' cluir'jeil t,ni â-  i Uucrtion and Jire •â- 'â- â€¢it i!:^erti::n. ' \sFi only at J. R. (1 IS well filled with iu.\iBLE has special drives in ail lme«ot Goods; Felt H.ts, soft and hard, from 2u cts. up, over 2000 to fihoose from. FiiisT-CLAss Clover, Tiraothv and GardpM beedB all fre«l,, just to hand atj. R. Inxnble's. See those seeds oeioie pur-jhasmg elsewhere. A quantity of pure seed gram lor sale cheap at R.J. Sproule's, Fiesherton. St.avnke council will submit a by- law to grant a bonus of $1000 to Mr. Rouinlds. whose flour mdls were vecoiitly destroyed hy an explosinu. AYe are adding to our li^t an average of (i every week new subscribers. We will not grumble if that number is Fair j ^loubled. Send in yjur names at once. 1 Just received, at R. J Sproule's, Fiesherton, one car fine Salt selling very cheap. A MEKTiNG of the Owen Sound dis- trict will be held iii !ilarkdale, (,n the 2ud of April, for tho purpose of re- arrauginu' the circuits under the new union. il. A YOTTNG druggist arrived in town rv 01 f tlie Owen Sound last Frithxv. We did not learn his full name, but were informed tliat lie will have an interedt ni the firm of A. Turutr and Co., dru ..ggists. A STICCESSFUL I.' I'acon just to hand TriiiiiiR '.T- 1 lO cooper, is doing a '.â- : I social was held by fl;o Presbyterians at the residence of Geo. Richardson, Esq., Euphrasia, I which n«tted $18. We have no,t been favdred with any further particulars. Thk skating rink was closed for this season last Saturday night. We liope the lads an-l lassies are glad We doubt it, fi.! that }â- â€¢' u don't take â-  tiiis weather. '2' cent Jannn Tea â- yi .1 11. Trimble's. that such is the case, however. Mi:. J. P. M.\nsHALE, dentist, will bo in Markdalo next Wednt-sday, 2nd April, for the practice of his profession. Those in need of his sorvicos will find him at the Markdale at the ]vledical i ij,)!,;-^.. -Otl-^: fro li. â-  n •' ;!orii'i a decided Clieslev Kntcr- (Y- til- l,v A 1,1' Cf J. H!' I ri'i: Lanri' a paper devotcu to eculPd j f ;,Q i-vpo^ii^-y ^f f,-auds, is to hand. It I is a bright, reailab'o eight pai^ii slicei, and the subscription juice is only '1~ champion I '-â- â- """â- ^ a year. It is published at H Turner k i'^i"o stieet east, Toronto. I Jonx M. Davis retnrnoil last weclc cnr^'niies mild, ' ""^i^ ' 'i^" i-** Leeds Co. while in 'Pia-'UC'd bv the I Ri'-ekvillo he s(.'ld a car load of rficlc- j elm luml)or to Cossit Dros. to be I shi[ipcd this spiing, and is a,Iso sending " " ' â-  to the above i;il:!"v cf =iir,are timber artdat Markdale station .1. Xi "lO. the opeu- t '[uantity i peiiod of â- tineuts of K LEAST I THOU- transact mall deal- st on loug I ;almon, HAMS, ;KEL8 -e.-y trade 'y. \ViDe varrauted tiie a3»B- 5f liquors. es cannot OrangeS' gunidieO pplie RKDALE â- Â» worth of new goods .1. R. Trimbles. Don't n. Nii.u lia^- removed to â-  vcrr's farming satisfied I him. K.s.vNT V.0R1I SYr.up. â€" An III, i elTeetual rcHiecly to re- ' Worm.-:. r-i'lewalks have put in ' our trustees will see for labor. ^I'l; -Tern.! â-  '•' T IHE-V, Vi-iV iU (Mi ;:tll y- â-  ":e on â- ^'^ntij ewr,- (laj aftf^r 1st xVpril. ,• ' r ai present is presenting â- uutirri appearance; but ;i^j very slushy. \-v-':ii money more valuable ' because vou double it V' t it in your pocket. 1 i:i;dl staue will leave Sbel- ;niv-il of mo rnintr train from " â- J. i;. ctinu, â- t:i t;. 11: 'In: CJjxi-ls.â€" A fine i" .ju.-t received at tlie I'.il. A. Turner k Co. liaMi.r.K.'s clearing sale still -â-  ' s'ctners are delighted ' 'â- "(, :.iis they are getting. "'•-â-  â-  t ".tice, sweet, fresh â- s'l-' red ,jai)au Tea the "â- â- â- â-  Cv...!ity for oO cent go to iargi A ^vr:i. ^eOiO'^Mi .);|p;l '^l^ --â-  1 ;,Ln bound to clear Out my siiipmeut of choice Tea just received at will be sold very A. F r,cnV"' "" fc^l store will be vjjj 1 "'^i'^iy 111 tne premises just Ihop" 'â- ' ""' ^^'ilsou. Butcher. aeffbuj""""' "' carry on the T llcfvii^'^V'^^'--^' built by xMr. Samuel tue fi, /;"' " Dundalk, is one of • "'iSt biuldiugg of the kind on the T G,B Mr P â- "â-  l^^*^' ^^ has leased it to i.)wi;"°Sle,of Uran possession igeville, who ia a car of seed county. Waltiiam watch, (warranted two years) seven Jewells, Expansion- Bal- ance, patent duster, 4 oz. silver case, gold hinges, key wind, $20 cash. A full stock of specks from 25 cts. to $2, also Colored glasses for weak eyes. W. A. Brown, Jeweller. The Rural (lanadian, for March, is replete with very interesting, and valuable mntter. This excellent farm journal is exceedingly practical, and is rapu^ly increasing in interest, and popularity. C. B. Robinson, publish- er, Toronto. $1 per annum. R. J. Sproule, Fiesherton, is adopting the cash and ready pay system, and customers are highly pleased with the great reduction in prices. The Markdale steam sash, door and plaining factory is m full operation, and those -who purpose building will do well to give them a trial. Plaining done on short notice, and window and door frames oupplied to order together with sash and bannisters, hollow battons, fence pickets c. c. It appears some person has under- taken to diminish the number of dogs in the village by poison. There are doubtless an over stock of the canine kind but some valuable ones are apt to suffer the same fate, as the worse than useless ones by this mode of extermination. The bribery case is affording American newspapers an excellent opportunity to make comparisons between American and Canadian politics, and they all arrive at the conclusion that there was never any- thing so currupt m the history of American politics. The condition of affairs is certamly bad enough here, and should make every honest Canadian blush, but our neighbors shouldn't assume too much virtue. If the story of the witnesses is true, Kirkland said he bas already spent $32,000 in bribing a U..S, legiplatui:e. See those new, stylish and astonishingly low pricedSpring and Summer Tweeds at R. T. Sproule's, Fiesherton; they are selling last. Call early and get bargains. Mr. John E. Laudeb has just opened a new stock of goods comprising .teas, coffee. sugar,tobacco, biscuits, pickled iind canned fruit, sap-pails, wash-tubs iind boardb.and a full stock of liquors. The public will find Mr. i^auder courte- ous and obliging, and his goods- fresh and at moderate prices. Give him a call. Mj{. R. 0. WuiTBY, who has, for some years, been in theeonployof Mr. \V. H. Stcinhoti' painter, of Dandalk-. is now a resident of Markdale. We understand, f^-om him, that he wid be here most of the coming summer wliere he will follow up the painting business, lie is a good and 'reliable hand. Concert.â€" The Markdale G. k D. Club will give tiieir last concert of the season in aid of a bra^a banH. in the Orange Hall, Markdale, on Wednes- day, 2nd April. They have secured the services of Frank Wistuer, tlie co'ebratcd Vantreloquist also other good talent, for which see posters. Admission 15 cts. Jilm It. Vert, Hamilton, says "Mc- Gii'gor's Speedy Cure for. Dyspepsia and In- di.L;i'stion is cheap at fifty time^ the prict^ Hskod for it. 1 am a commercial m:i.:, and travel coiitinnaliy, and would no think of leaving home without a hottle of Mc- Gret;or's Speedy Cure in my valise than I would ot leavi^i^; my team at honu^ an.l f^oini; on foot." Free trial bottle at Hill liros. f;o;ieral store. Kegnlar sixe, fifty cents aiil one dollar. We have received the first co^iy of a paper called the Canadian Xuieii- ja//, published in Dakota. loisdeyot- ed to the interest of Canadians, who have through the years become resid- ents of the American North West. The paper is a racy, lively sheet, and seems to be under able editorial control. R. J. Sproule's store, Fiesh- erton, is nov/- crowded daily with new Spring and Summer goods, and cash customers, buying freely, are astonished at the low prices they are getting goods at. The Chatsworth Debating Society have risen toa very creditable position, their meetings are vill conducted, largely attended, hii^dih' interesting, and tho various sulijects are ably handled. Some of our more preten- tions villatrtis might 'r-atly profit by such .a cours(: during the winter months, and indeed even in sunnaer season. Olr local subscribers, both village and country, who receive their mail matter at Markdale P. 0. will in future find the Standard ])aper in the post office after 4 o'clock eyery Thurs- day. Those however,who would pre- fer calling at the printing office for their paper will please let us know and we will make out a special list for them, and they can caP as hereto- fore. TiiK Dundalk Brass Band gave a concert in the Town Hall, I'lcsherton, last Thursday evening, 20th inst., and was poorly attended, reahzmg but very little over what payed exiunses. The audience appeared to bo well jleascd with the capers of " Miles," and in fact the program tluou;(hout. Tho boys are to be congratulated tor ti:o way in which they conducted themselves while holding their series of concerts. 1^ in ftl ^l^'rvT-nin g-. AH parties indebted to H. Fcster by note or otherwise are hereby notified that all notes and accounts not paid before the first day of April will be pkced in court for collection. Notes r.nd ac- counts will be found at V/m. Lucas k Co's. bank. Parties not attending to this waruinjj wid have costs added for all accounts not paid by the above date will certainly be placed im coun for collection. That .siirantic piece of patriotio'Sym- bolism. the Bartlmldi Statue of Liber- ty, the pedestal for which is now ris- ing out of New York liarbor, has been graphically transferred to our office through tlio courtesy of the Travelers Insurance Company of Hartford, a corporation which is getting famous for good deeds of this character. The compauy has prepared especially for the American press adition of the official engraviutr of the great statue and has sent a copy to every news- paper in the laud. This enjjraTing being issued under the auspicies, and for the benefit of the Pedestal Com- mittee, this act of the •'Travelers" involves its contribtttion of over $1, 700, toward the eroelion of this ^lea- did nationaUnonuawnt.. Last week Mr. Symington received a telegram informing him of his brother 8 illness in St. Catherines. He went to see him and returned on Friday evening. On Saturday a second telegram was received stating that he could not recover. Messrs. J. and W. Symington left by the next train. Word has since been received that the young man died on Saturday. â€" Dundalk Herald. SpLENDin Offei?. â€" Tht3 Standabd the balance of 1884 â€" nine months â€" together with a copy of a book of 90 pages, "A Treatise on the Horse and his Disdases," all for 75 cents to new subscribers.- A subscriber, who has had one of the above books over a year, informed us a few dajs since that if he could not procure ona of these books for less, he would willing- ly pay $4.00 for a copy. Now is the time to subscribe and get one free. Geo, Gr.\nt Co., of the Markdale Furniture Factory, are turning out excellent furniture, and the public will find it to their advantage to in- spect their stock before purchasing. They are manufacturing something new 111 closed wash-stands, which is the most conv^mient and complete we have yet seen. Mr. Grant is a prac- tical cabinet maker, and a man of un- doubted integrity two very desirable requisites in business. Give them a call. To DRIVE AWAY R.\TS. â€" Mary Had- lem writes that rats have so strong an aversion to the odor of peppermint, they will not enter rooms or bins where it prevails. She says of the peppermint p'.ant "We j^laco it in the oats, rye and corn, when they are brought in, and some goes under the pig-!ity3. Though we no longer haye any rats, we continue to use the plant, for fear thej^ might make us a visit." If this is so, in the absence of the plant, probably a few drops of the oil of peppermint would answer the same purpose. â€" Amencan A(iricidturist for Aj)ril. Re-Organi7ation of Gymnasium Club. â€" A meeting was held at the Revere House, on the 21st inst. Mr. -fohn Hill, the resigning President, was voted to the chair. Tlr^ club greatly regret at looting Mr. Hill as their President. x\ftei ii biislv discus sion by some (d' the most proii:inent in-,;inbi'rs, some li^dit was tli7.wn on the matter in a brief siie:cb bv the resigning S'-^crelary. W. J. i"nson, after which the followniL' oi'i'icers were elected: â€" President, John Telford; 'ice-President, Simon Plewis Sec- L'reasurer, W. Ij. Youn^ i"). J. Slianah'iin. T. G. B. RAILWAY. TIME TA-BLB. Cliang^e ot Tiuie- On and after Sat urda.y, March 1st, 1884, trains wi'irun as follows 12.5- •2:25 ' 1.30 GOING NORTH Toronto Departs OrangovUle Mount Forest " Harriston " Teeswat^r Arr. Owen Sound " GOING bOt'TII. .\.:d. Owen SeunJ, Dep. /^.l" leeswater " o.OO Harriston '• {j.0' 'Mount Forest " '..30 Onin^'eville " y.27 Toronto Arr 1 1 .00 7.20 i 50 10.0-5 7.3n 12.20pm ',1.00 A.M S.IO 12.30pm 9.22 10.30 10.30 6.00pm r,M. 3.30 3.00 4.20 -4.50 7.20 '.l.5r) A.M. 7.30 1.35pm: 5.10 •' A Mixed 'Irani will also lun bet^Tccn Tor- onto and Owen Sound. See Time Table. D. McNICOL. W. WHITJ:. Gen. Pass. Agt. General Manager. MARKDALE STATION, TRAINS LEAVE AS lOLLOWS GOING SOUTH. -F.xjwss C:27 a. m. Mixed V"n^ " Mail .j:.:;j p. m. GOING NOilTH.â€" ^rail 12:ir, p. m ^!ixed 3:3;-, " Kxpres.-; y:L0 " J. C.i:SAR, Acrent. EOBT. ASKIN, Har; onencd out a I'irst-Class UNDERTKING [8TABLISHMENT. And therefore ha-, sr.jiplied a want long fcit, COFFINS, C.ISKETS, siir.oxjDS, illld ;lll sajiplied n\ l!ie-.;'.i;rl;';; iioticc. lur hire at Tjn.leraio rates. A-r- ina?cr. "Wat. N';T!;." â€" S-'ucli is t!i niar'ial title of a weekly ciunpaiL-'n pao-r just staited for tiiC b.Miefit of llu^ ueni'ral SeoiL Act ';i!n]iaic:n Uiani^ai a^'d hy tlie Doiuiuion Alliance, it Ja is^ued by^iiio M' Pubiishing House, MontieiiJ, at barely cost price â€" 20 copies weekly for six months lor one dollar. Wrt/' Xntps has in fact as well as in name the ring of battle, its articles bemg crnp and keen, its news got up in })ointed style, and its headings trumpet blasts well designed to rally the temperance clans. It gives news of tho working of .Uie Scott Act where it is ii^ operation, as well as campaign news. An Acknowledged Convenience. â€" It is very eonvenient to have local newspapers to announce mairiygesand deaths; it is mce to have them speak well of enterprizes that will help to build up the town it is very conveni- ent to have them to assise in sur- pressiug evils that every now and then break out in the community it is very convenient to have them do a thousand and one things which thej are always doing to benefit the public, and for wliich tliey tret no pay but it is not convenient for some who are abundantly able to support and en- courage their home papers, to do s.) oven to the ext'ut of becomiuL; subscribers and paying fer the same. An alarming occurrence took place in Arthur Village last we^k, which, had it happened a little earlier, might have been attended with di^a^,tr•us consequences. At the hour u-inied a tremendous crash was heard, there WHS a strong gale blowing at t'ae time, and it was soon disceiverod tiiat tde cause of the terrible crash was th" fall of the furnace chimney on tlie south side of the C iibohc cnurch. It tumbled right in upon ti^e roof, nnd breaking about the centre, burst through, carrying a large portion of the roof, beams, etc., down into the church, with s.icb force as te smasih through tlie floor, breaki ig planks and joists, like, twigs. The Knterpr'M- says it was pEOvidential the funeral party, which had occupied the building a., short time previously, hi;d left, other- wise the consequences \vo»M certainly have beeii. serious.â€" Mt. F.jrest Ad- vocate.^ â€"All kind.- c .f â€" y iE F mmm 1). r.e ell ;:':ort iotice. ROBT. ASKIN. Union Cprriage Works \./ Onion Carriage Works. All work manufactured from First Class BSiterial In the latest and Best Improved Style, and ncislied with Painting Trlr.ailng Rigs wi receive prompt attention. All Repairs executed in the shortest ,, possible time consistent with good â- workmanship. Good Work a Spciality. Eemember the Shep, opposite the Cheapsida D. J. SHAKAHAN, Proprietor Markdala. Dec. 2nd. 1881. 64. illStregL Saridale â- ST ifi ' â- 'I ;i \i 'â- U1 • â- â- : '1 'ill in ' ^^i '%] pm

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