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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 20 Mar 1884, p. 5

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 • foil, aiiiiif.- IllUliT â- â€¢l-.L' ti:l.l I ' â- , ' â- I n r r,i' i T ntii Ml iiir.j' .1 !ivll! .iJucc 1 lie I k1 of ills C J t iiiiudles .i.u :ii'nortysshoi,,,op;o. nel.a.ik, Markua.e. Yuu can l„-i s/ r/^C7 Ci'/iU â- cs. ll 3 Jeweller, CO to bite can bring vi' thoiu uia(';e 'nCi Iheia ready tigu of the P.i'r 179-85 ° liaapurcl.aseaaiiuc bred Clvcjp.daie sraiiiob, '-Sir Colm." Mr. F is dotei-iuiiiP(l to your own tniiher an,l lia t'xivder, or yuu cm ;pt â-  'uade at the shop A.\e Handle. Frecboru forfiUKist, IS detei-mined to hold a for^aiiNsc position la the improvemeut of horses iind to that end iias secured this tine animal which ho will (â- ..•.. ,r..i ;,, 4.1.:.. » S 1 i 'animal whicl district I, T 11 i.fjir/it •â- 'ird int. this tine 11 lio will travel lu this he coiuini^' station. Avo t)i-is3ners of Sau-iwich jail escaped last Saoclay, at;er shoouo- tlie Jail r (Lad, and T will prohaiijy ilie from a Hle.t ilia-ii!!,' the elfi oners lur 'ri'edom. Jvi 'un- in iizoJ. iij- lie ---J --V..., and e aiidieuce gave evidence of their appreciavion of tlr various parts bv their hearty applause. The hand lias attained a ver\ cieditahh t'ueh. iiaviijsr madi lil^hy Not With Canada. .e positisii as rapid in'onre: under tho^able lea.lerslnp of Mr. Ket- chnm. The orchestra L'ave some ex- ,,„lU.,i ... -I â-  ... I i 1 1 ru tlie prisomr uhih urnky Slaius the eiTects oi' rts of the pris- â- â- iinedy one (.f ;;s aire was captured on cro^sinj.,' t.) D.'t a fe erry I'lib hat 1 lihigh.ui the other is still at h n: .d•^ .m;v," i'Ian!;. â€" Mr. David intonds iiuildinij story hrici luuldii! wealher jieunits, next uLuk. Mr. •iaciison handsome tvv'o iis soon as tiic to Jus premie. It "iUce, to b.' Uied as a b: cedent re ideriug^. while the ].lay "Paddy Miles' Boy" brought dowo the 1 house repeatedly, an^i all carried out their various parts with ability. Mr. McEacheren is a whole team in hnn- Sc-lf, and displayed rare abdity ou the stage, bhould they come this way again in future it will be necessarv to spcure a larger hall m order to admit theui all. Our Patroxs nho wisli to subscribe, or r: new their sahscaiption for any of the fnilowing publications will do us a favoi' by liandmL; 'Jio amount in to us at tlie SxAN-DAim olhce. viz. li'-vA/// Mtiil. or (ilitbr, J-'ainily IJrrald and "c,l,!ii Siw, monthly Farnun^ 4il- vdcatc, Aiiirriraii AfiricuUurixt, anv of the above. w,th the' Standard for $12.00 or singly lor erne .?1. except ciiituiist which is 81. oO. the 'â- 'â- â€¢ a liv F. lliii.. the ne-.v \. Tni; i'i;i:ss is cxjiectc 1 to be ri-^pre- sented at every puijlic entertaiunjeiit I in the town wlu^e ])ublished, as t\-.'11 1.- neat ad^i actiViuesL Ul licrii(v. ]u- piiniig the plan.-, and budding will ])i-c«eut a ...^ 'appeakvnce when tinished, aiu "â-  '" ""â-  I c'-n-idcrable to tin; attri â- r: 1,1 in -^viis the ToV\ii. â€" Ijnrhai '""â- ' ' ' n u :,iibMai:.ei and c.'Uii'.ry. wlio nialter at 'dnrl.daK; iuturc ;l:id tile ^^:^\^;lA ' .-e alte- ' -•â- â- â- ' r au' b-th .â- CCIW.' P. a :nr,st 111 did. :;.nd the â- :HIS VclV i' ».\ e-j day. Ton, ler e^dliog their oa])ei â- t;id we \v\\ f-r t lein, ii vihage their mail i will ii, ' pajier in the o rl'ick rycry Thurs- ' liowev.-r.'.vho .v.r.iiil p.-,.. !.t till; I'UlitHig Ollice f '1 '•vi!l p:i':ie I -t U., ki,(,u 11 make out a lUvI thev can cal ii'-ertl list as hvret;j- as the surrounding vicmity. and a fnb report uiven. or at l.;ast a favorao'e one^ and yet how often tlie nianagLrs of siici: public gauh^ ring-; arc eitiier ignorant of, (.r wiifuUy iguoie tlu castomarv couiti'sies in tlie shape oi furnishing comtjliuientary ticliet' j Sleadl a r^'^iiortci- noi, jvat in an ap I pearanco, tin; uhlisiier is likely to he I censured with partiality. If he shoubl, I on tlio oilier liand, nial;o it a, point lo j li'teiiiiall sneli ..ntcrtaininonts tlir.uigh â-  I e: sea-n, it v,-o;iM rc(piire a n.ce i little Uie ).ne for that purpose, basidi h I t.ik' L.Kss oi' time, vrhicli is in many in-time- s ol much more impr.rtanc" tlnm tie' necc^-aiv fee. The cn.^tom 1 A reciprocity treaty has just been ratified between the United Stacfs and Mexico, under -which the chief agriculturaF products of the latter couutrj aro admitted into the Union 1 free (;f duty, and in return Mexico adraitb a v.-iiiety of American manu- factured goods. It is expected that the effect will bo greatly to stimulate the trade between the two countries. Is It not a little singular that while reciprocity thus obtains between our neighboi's and a nation so compara- tively low in the soule of cividzatiou as Mexico speaking a forogin tongue, and alien in everj respect, the Cana- dian and Aij'erican [leoples, connected by so many ties ot consanguinity, language, and friendly intercourse should be Ul. able to come to a friendly understanding in commercial matters and pull dt.nvn the double row of c istom-houses along the frontier ' Surely if it is to the advantage of the Ameidcans to traio. freely with a peo] le v.diose ways aiO so pnmitive and whose wants so few as the Mexi- cans, it would pay them a good deal bett. r to obthin the run of t!ij Cana- .dian marliet by according us like privili ges the border. P'U our de[)eudeuce blocics the v.'ay. \\ e are Imt a colony and cannot give another nation better terms than we accor to Fnghuid, and so fair all- lound reciprocity is not to be thought of. It !s part nf tiie price we pay fo.- the privilag" of bi ing loyal. â€" To- .V(7c.v. JOHN MONTGOMERY Begs to tenjer liis thaii\.- to tlie iuliabi- tauts of Markdalc and sarrouudiiit,' "oimtry for their patroniigc- for the pa.'^t uleven years- aud to imiiuato to tlicm that lie is now pru- pareJ to sujiply the pitlilic with FRUIT, POUND PLUMB CAKES either olain or iced and oniniiiouti d and a larj;e i-ariety of uthor CAKES_ ai-.vays on xiauj. Also Biscuits of every de- scription from the best manu- facturer in Ontario. A Large and Varied As-^ sortment of Confection* ery and CHRISTMAS TOYS, supplied on the shortest notice ard got up in the l)est style tln.t can be this Gid3 of Toronto. Appies, Oranges a variety of ^uts al- ways on hand. i Tea meetings. S^'cials iindi other I parties supplied on the shortest notice 1 and ou the mott reasonable ten IfiO 90. mis Thk •. f ^r Ma:. nennt.-; s .•11, in -r-'cric- tins J 'dd eULa[i ;s v Son's are f their Winter }â-  aiiiwri' A(li,r,it( ' ;s ill advanc^' of fonmr ipmnt of interest, and ha.; a gr.atuj ant of. inuuiber of illu.strations t ' The (HU'stion of \Uq fa â-  is receiving special interest by farin- ,ers, is taken Ufi, and more than usual interest tuK of s;.p[il\iiig tlie press with compl; mental i-.s is a 1 )ng -i.-stabdsh.ed oiu han irniinir usual, which d whic'i many appear to be ignoi- I'll. li'.w's rfa:.iANT ^VoR^^ SYr.rie â€" .Vi af;rfo.ililc. ^:if.' and elT.^ctual remedy lo re move all lends of worms. ,;ilf lir U 1 lee e -very ;â- ;â- â- â- , 'IV ...â- 1 Dr ar. Ch- m.iw fine the ^m 1 ' space givvn this, now im- portant luuustry. The Adrncatr is i indeed a valujible agricultural paper. i Only ^1 per annum. j AVf. ark pleased to see that our ei- changes, winch number about oU, have aUnoat all expressed the same o))inioii that we advanced in the St.vndvrd week m relcici.ce to the de'Sirabdity of adopting some mean^ of it the ' "'L'dncing the numberof represriitatives ^atci.iunty councils, ^\dlen tin 1^ so unanimous on this (|in-.-,'ii havo strong iiopes that u cliaii j speedily be made. j 1'fik ^[arkdaie Presliytcrian Anniversary was held on T^ I'Veiiing hist. A goudiy nuniher was in attendance and a very pleasant and 1 t;:e liilile orderly time was siicut. AfiOr ;i :.• novacn- ' sumptuous ropast Mr. Dowes was .e,;i lie put! voted to the chair and an mtorestme' ' progiam gone tiirough in wdiich th,se who took part justly received the applause of the audience ceeds amounted to $lL*.uO ;e^• re- '.KDALE I \i:. ail the in a lie comes at tiiem New Orui;r "'i- Thi.vgs. â€" At present the tirand Trunk cmphyees are obliged to cmmect themselvoK with eitiier the "(.irand Trunk Insuranc Company" or else with the '-Great ^Vestenl Provident Society." An employee pays some 40 or 50 cents per month, or rather, that amount is deducted from his T/wue.s. 'Then. in case (d' mjurv or death, his famiiy receive i-;ht)0 or 3~00 in tiie latti r ciise, and so much if injured, (.hn- roaMUi tor having c omr.ul.-oiy ' iesure.oci s v. hs becense. years ago, ' ihere wt;s havddy a wei k passed by v.'itiiout a conductor or some other j ufiicial presiiiting employees and S. S. j others with a I'lig subscription list â-  ursday ccdlectiug faf the widow and lamdy of some one killed in an accident, or in aid of some one seriou^-lv iiouivHl. ;(AV it is a rare thing to hear of a subscrii'tion list. In fact, they ^are forbidubm by tlie autli ndties. The new order cd' things ;s to nnile the (Srand Trunk and Circuit Vv\'S' ;n so- cie;i-s in one, to be known tlirou rhout til.. l,iommion and tiie ^^M:ts of iiaine iiid Trunk and Provid AlEKlT I'lliiVlA' ]);lti)- iipim doihu' is fi«'.i;aiu.iy -iLUt on the. failli (jf vi'f^.iiiiie'ipl:iii(ei !ur aitich R I litivi iv \vi)i-tiil.'.--.-. N'l .-ovda M -.ii-cj^'or's S;' t' !y Cuie oa are imt aslviui tc purchase it r.iu:l Its latrits arc prcvea. Call at Jiill liio'.- ana ft" a I'.i i' trial iiotile, and ii iii't cmviecid it will eio'e yo'i i die w.n.-t foviiis of i.ys[)eesia, (.'riuiai'iiul, etc. no uiiltei of' h'iW lou.e' staiidiie^. u i-osis yn m â- ihiii;,' Svl 1 in ")lle and "^l liottlr^. So. t^ stiuionials 1 fi'oni p.r.-tms ia yoitr uv.a t-.-va. i i.V. ^f. V\'H.\TISI,.\Ul)lNr:. 1 Ask any fai-nier, tlncii.v (.r .-.o.v miU man, j â-  ir 1:1 fiic(. any niaii who runs i.; ;( !;inr:y of I any kind :iU(i lie will tell you tiiat it is tlie • Illy lui, chine 0;i wlTeh \v;'d vo-ii- 1 (|ual to j C;i-'or Oil. and ..-aia or c'.:;- your 1 aii.clonerv. Tor sale at lia '^eit iho' luark- dale. â-  t7i;-215 i I 'URE FOli ltHI-:T-:dAT]SM. 'â-  Sai;ei-ei-3 from eith -r r.cute r chronic I rhiuitiHt.sra will tind no m'.ve r i' !v r(dief or i i l)ette.- care than fla^'yard'" Yelinsv Cil, the r-ipalav houRiihold remedy f.e- x" real and j I intern:. 1 me in all painful niTcctions A t,;UliSTIOX TO TFii: Ti INT. I Itearei, i.ave you a laii-uid, v.-e.ii% and tired 1 fct line, with ni-rvou- .ixliaup'.i' a. c-pecially i!i ;he early .=pi'iii;;;' your l.vcr is in- I'.c'ive ;ind circulation pco.' .\ioasthet i- ],[ liver, cleanse liv s'n;.;:sh hlno.l and ic^nilatc the secretions will! t;ia, p rifymg ' t; nic Burdock Il(-o liittci .- EOBT. ASKIN, Has opened ont a j-'irat-CIass" U'uDERTKiNQ E8TABL18HME?^T,. And tli.'icT-jre has suiiplied a want loi" feit, CUITI.NS, C.1SKETS, SirUOUDS, and all supplied oifthe siiortes notjcc. nrf ss e We :e wdl THE KEY TO HEALTH. ne pro- ;-'•â-  ^â- '""" ,,v V c â- â-  â-  M I and Michigan its the -ei.aiMl Trunk e-at tiiem. "Ihe School Suptlemknt is the i '"" ' -^ -r„ ,.â-  1 ,^ Sncietv " .â-  I r .• .1 c L Insuiiince and Provident o(h iCiy. i name ot a iiublication, he hrst num- ,, .,, ,.n,L„ 1 .. v,. to ^v reduced 1 i- 1 • i r t, • 1 ' â- ^mplovees wdl, m than oso, l.av 'O r I her of wdiich IS before us. It is pub- ' • .,, i,,,*- tm. "...â- nriie^ reduction ,• â-  1 â-  t *. u t? /-n triie more month, imt tiie .amnics J lisaed 111 loronto, by Eaton, Ciibsor e â-  co n/ri .,r o- • ,1 acci- ir, (i;ivs at r ,^ T T i J ., • Av.l receive- over r:2,0UJ al. 01 ..n acci ,, it Co., ;ind devcted to the interests ol ., ;i, .-,.,• ^ve half ii'o and al 1 t i -n 1 â-  o â-  4. (^-id. v, en tnev did noi, letouc na.i Ive.- l! ha: -I â- a,-. maker nas line watches ai'toi, and times Mr. us. -oel n.eci; .; â-  st;in ediication and will be specially inter estmg and usoful to school ttacliers, and those who are aiming at a liighr • education. It is a four column T.i page, printed aionthly on very fin^ paper. Subscription $1 per year. I^""lrinl AVnimiiiii. All or' entered parties indetited to H. Fostei: uy note ably edited, j or other'vise are hereby notified that mattvr to- jail notes and accounts not paid betore uric ll make the firat day of April wiil be placed in rt it may court for collection. Notes and ac- ' counts will be found at Wni. Lucas Cos. bank. Parties not attcndiot: to this warning wid liave costs a Uted for all accounts not paid by the above date will certainly be placed in conn for collection. .:i\ t :â- â-  21s' at Mr. Id-averstoD 12 (I'elecic, r^Ir. .11; placG and wiU stock, imiiieraents de; credit of good -iuctioneer. _l.u\ 1 4- \i a '*. nil '.â- i;:ei '^^ toM '••' in '" rs his farm of ll is situated 3-i- on a good road. i'e, and intends 'lai â- I- 1 a^o. -uother cclumn. See â-  m I -â- 1 'ivno desiro to extend â-  *^^ii roach the public â-  pnidod circulars, ad- " desired customers. ;^-Crr.etivo job in this line "^â- ^s^able rates ab tbis The Chatsworth correspondent to the O. S. Aihertiner says in last week's paper Messrs. John Cameron and Neil McColoiran, the two candidates for the Local Ledslature in East Grey, are about the same age and fiizei were born within a few miles of each other on the island of lehiy Argyleshire. Scotland, came to this couuti7 at the same time, Failed up the St. Lawrence together ia the same boat, sat beside eadi other, elbow to elbow, in the County Council for ten J ears, and are now pitted agamst eacn other for the same scat in Um Lpcal Legislature.. nt, v.hen tnev did not receive half I tliat 'amount before.â€" .St"-a'/hn/7i(raW. JT sHOULll'EiriNVEriTIGATED. I If 'nv of our readers are sufferinc; from ,.-,,roie disease ol the siMioaci. liver, kidneys, .„â-  1, 0,4. thev should investiKate :..e merits i ..f iluriock rdood JJitlcrs. i. is makinj,'some i liie u;o.-=i remErkabie cares uu record. i "â- ^trel^ely cold weater is very iojuiious to eggs for hatching pur- ,.,,se-. When the beus are lo ue set, or the incubators started, be careiul to codect ihem every time a hen cackles. Ill order tc prevent them from I'cmg exposed to the cold. The inattention given the freiiuent collectimi of eggs foi' I'^tchiug nas eeii the causj of inauy bal hatches, „ud the hens i:nd incubators inive l,een condemmed. ofMm unjustiy because eggs that ha.! boen expo..ed to low de-r^es of temperamre diU not y.^l^l^_^n„nil Canad'on. .*-.*^t" Unlocks all the clogtted avenues of the Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, carrying off without weakening the system, all the impurities and foul humors of the secretions at the same time Correcting Acidity of the Stomach, cunnc Bili- ousness, Dyspepsia, Headaches, Diz- ziness, Heartburn. Constipation, Dryness of the Skin. Dropsy, Dim- ness of Vision, Jaundice. Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Scrofula, Fluttering of the Heart, Nervousness And General Debility all these and many other smn- lar Complaints yield to the happy influence of BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. Sample Bottles 10c Regular size $1. For sale by all dealers. ff« MILBVBN A CO., Proprietors, Toronto NAMES. FACTS AND FKiUUES. Wiil he cheerfully given hy the proprietors of Burdock Blood Bitters, icfzardin;; ihu many certificates of \voud(a-fui cart 5 made y that medicine in chronic diseases of the hlood, liver and kidneys, revealinf; proof that is beyond the possibility of disjaite by the most incredulous. tor hire at moeeratt^ rates. â€"All kind.- (f-- mimi mmim on siio.a iw'tic" ROBT. ASKIN. QOR j la ii!i BI I J onr,- ITH[lARGESTINTH[JOM!N!Of^ I Sale3men Wanted. S'eady eni|ilrryni( nt rd ii\"d salaries to a'l willinp; to work. Men s.nd Woincii can have leleasant WORK THE YEAR ROU.vID- (iood af;int=; are o.anjiiif: from Sifl to 37.J per moil h. ami expenses. T(.nns and out- lit free. Address STONE lc WEELIXGTOX, I'U-To Toronto. Out. PATENTS »;rTT-^rN: CO of the Scientific American, con- E lefaAa t?n?e, dennany, etc. Hand Book about wSkTy Spendid engravings and. interesting In- vyeeKij. •=x" „_ f.,,nv of the s^cipniific Araer- ASSgicix Office. 2al Broadway. Kew York. â-  _^; A VALUABLE HINT. I Artizans, afitors, sportsmen, uiechamcs and laboriuK men. iirfae. ah \ho unduly exeitj Hiu C-. lar strength, are suejcct to i)aa.fii. • c,,, ot the cords, «tiil joints, and iMiie.iess; to nil such Eagvard's Yellow Od is a pioiupt leiicf and cure. linhn Crrrirgp Wcrks Union Garriigg Works. Ail v,-ork rariiiiifactnr^iT fi-'iin l.a till' L'.tes: ;u â- ! sU-^A lu\]'ri\\-A il. ini'je'l V, iL.i Styo.' iiljil fil. ini'jt^'l V.lL.i John K Vert, Hamilton, says "Mc- Gre"o" Speedy t nre for Dyspepsia and In- d-elou IS cheap at fifty times the pric a kti for it. I am (v commercial mac and fi. 1 continually, and wculJ no more tlnnk 01 leavinp borne without n bottle of Mc_ GreL'or'B Speedv Cure in my valise than I Sd ot kaving my ^^^^^^l^'^^^Z! «n foot •' Free trial bottle at Kill Jsros. geue^'stor.- Eegnlar. «ixe. fifty. ceato and oue dpHar... SuoAK Coated. i PU'iiiLT Vl-g-ct.-.w-i; !^ -^iililiia r,Upat£o2:,8ndlge»- ui ^!ci:, Dxi3i:ne3S, IJcarJUiim, .=( Eel Ilrfatti, S»ss of Ap- P' lite. Janndlw, aoss or BSemcr;-, fioni- t^te-jiHCh, Liver Com- oIsiiKt.:-: P-ny itlae; s .-ji.-ing from the »loni ac*ut;o"-cI.scr Odaoys. Tteyarr safe, aiiia and thciooghia their acuon. Frc-ilto» pills is »-do£e.p^^j,p „^^ pg^ J^f^^^ Jt-.Ii 'â- , i receiv.' pru;:;]'-r .••.Ut"ition. A'l llo'J-r.r.s oxT'cnle.-' in the sli- rte-fi ]^â- ;s^iL;o iiii e er';jt:i:ri;tMit wiuii- ;,';)(id v/.,ri,;.v:*'ji-wi|,. Good Wokk a SpvIalitt. llonieu-bcr tl.ii.Sin p, oppt/.si'e tl.* Ciieaj'Side: P.*ajisete« l^Ia*k.lala. r«c_2;uUiat;l- m ' â- â- I

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