MUM EDALE IF'OiEB Is the LEADING JEWELLER IN THE DISTRICT- A superior ^rrade of Goods always keot in stock, GENUINE KEY STEM WIND WATCHES In BROADWAY, ELLERY, BARTLETT, BROOKLYN and SWISS, In 3 4 and 5 oz COIN CASES. The Salvation Army at St. Cathar- iues has 130 couverts. FiiEEMAs's Wor.M PownEES destroy and re- i move v.-orms without iiijr.n' to adult or j iufant. j The first !\[;initoba tram r.f the j season louvt'S Toronto tliis (Tlinrrday) j moniii !^. I Pn. Low's Tlkasant Worm Syki-p.â€" An j agrt'dblf. siiff and ot'frt-tiial reinody to lo- j move all Iduds of wnnns. i The Fculliug race on the Thames j Monday moriiinj? between Boss and j Bubear resulted in a victory for E'ibs. i It's always safe to bet on a Canadian j in a scuUnic match. MERIT PROVEN. I Df.llar upon JoUiir is freqr.cntlv Pjiciit on the faith f recoiiiiiKMidalions for article s i entirely wortliless. Not so with McCiregor's S"oelv Cure you arc not akod to piircliasc j it until its nicritsarc proven. Call at liil! lire's and pet a free trial bottle, anr if not j convinced it will cure you of the worst fornjs of Dyspepsia. Conipiaint. etc.. no inattcM- of how'ionf;" standiuK. it Costs you nothing' j Sold iu 50c and §1 bottles. See testinwnjals from persons in your own town. F. M- j An Indian mail courier employed in carryin;,' the mails between Parry Sound and Little Ciirrewt has been â- sentenced to five years in tlie Pro- vincial Penitentiary for tampering j with letters. John K. Vert, Hamilton, says "Mc- Gregor's Speedy Cure for Dyspepsia and In- digestion IS cheap at fifty times the price B f^ â- K| asked for it. I am a commercial man, and Ea L«X^ I ro y I travel continually, and would no more think of leaving home without a bottle of Mc- Gregor's Speedy Cure in my valise than I would ot leaving my team at home and fjoing ou foot." Free trial bottle at Hill Dros. general store. Regular sixe, fifty cents and one dollar. lESolot- S. lESSwO, !5 SYDENHAM STBEET, G Â¥\ W M. HOG FLESHERTON ST Picspcctfnlly amKAtiJces that he has receivul a 1 â- i]'iyo[ r,fflB«5m««!« *.ui- Ci f^ r, 'Ttr lie fflariiu I X Dry Goods, Winter Clotliing, Boots r IT J di ' ' Slie 'JO, If iss not p:' 'â- l',o â- â- â- r ir .1] .. Ill !..i â- :::•â- â- 1 v: in SETH THOMAS, ANSONIA, WELCH and NEW HAVEN. A full stock of the celebrated Meridan Sc Go's SILVER PLATED WARE. ENGAGEMET and WEDDING RINGS. Prices low and Goods guaranteed as represen- ted. Special attention given to REPAIRING W. A. BROWN. GRAND CLEARING SALE JsJT THE ARKDALE, Until the whole of the stock is dis- posed of. Come early in order to secure some of the grea t bargains. This is no humbug, as I have bought out Mr. D. B. WEIGHT'S interest in the business and have sold out the business in Owen Sound and want to dispose of the ^oods here as soon as possible, so you can rely on great bargains, My stock is very large and well assorted; big reductions in prices in every line. Great value in Sugars, Tobaccos, Currants and Raisins. Special value in Factory Cottons, Cottonades, Ducks and Denims. Don't fail to call early. No goods charged; cash sales only. J. R. TRIMBLE, MAMMOTH :: HOUSE, (REID'S BLOCK) MAKKDALE. A jouui;:^ man ndvorti'^os in the Boaton Glohc â€" "Wanted, hy a hand- some, viatuous man in easy circum- stances, of hrilliant talents, refined tastes, and loving disposition, situa- tion as son-in law in a ".vealthy family." A DOUBLE BI:NEFIT. .lames Moore, a jiromment resident of Leamington, writes tliat he cured himself of dvsjinjjsia of a year's duration by one bottle of Burdock Blood liittei's. and two bottler cured his v ife vho who had bern for years a s'.nTirer from the sai"e disease. Hf, cun- scientionsly ri'coiumends it to all suffering from similar troubloiis. Hon. A. M. Sutherland, provincial secretary of Manitoba, died of fyi'.hoid fever at his home in Kildonan, Friday. He was born up there in 184i), and was agriuluateof Toronto university. A FAVORITE EVERYWHERE. Wherever introduci-d Hagyard's Yellow Oil finds friends. It is the old reliable household remedy for external and internal use in all aches, pains, lameness and soreness of th( flech. A. L. Green, a prominent druggist of Belleville, says: "It is a great favorite iiere and has a good sf-le." The young ladies of the Canada Methodist church, lioLhwell. have ad- vertised a li^ap-year toameeting. There will 1)6 a chairlady, lady door-keeper, lady waiters, lady singers and ladv reciters. Our P.\trons who wisii to subscribe, or renew their subscaiptiou for any of tbe following publications will do us a favor by handing the amount in to us at the Standard office, viz. Wfekltj Mail, or Globe, Family Herald and Weekly Star, monthly Farmers 4d- vncate, American Atjriculturixt, anv of the above Witb the Standard for $2.00 or singly for one 01. except the Agri- culturist which is $1.50. Two Frenchmen and an Indian stnmbled over a bear while walking through the woods near Waubaushene last week, and while the bear hugged the Indian the Frenchman prodded the animal with knives, having no firearms. After an hour's desperate struggle the bear was killed and weighed 280 lbs. The men are ex- pected to recover. CRUELLY MURDEKED. In the Province of Ontario every year thousands are being slowly murdered by taking unsnitablc, untried nostrums lor such complaints as Cos tiveness, Indigestion Liver Complaint. Kidney Troubles, etc., who might easily regain lost strength and encrgj by using McGregor's Speedy Cure. To convince them that such is the case we will give them a free trial bottle at Hill Bro's Price 50c. and SI .• See testimonials from persons in your own towp. Y. M, The floods having devastated the valley of the Ohio are new getting in tlieir work farther south. When the dry land begins to appear down there Canada may look out for some spring freshets that -will cause much loss of life and property, especially in the vicinity of London. The snow is very deep all over the country au'd unless there is a gradual thaw floods are certain. James Brayley, Hamilton, says "I read the testimonials for McGregor's Speedy Cure and found that I had not to go to New York, I'hiladelphia, Louisiana or Texas to find living witnesses of its value, we have plenty of persons right here to prove its merits I got a bottle and it helped me right away. I was as bad with Bilious Fever and Indigestion as I think any one could be, I have taken three bottles and am nearly weU and can eat any kind of food without it hurting me. I may say that I am better than eyer I expected to he. Free trial bottles at Hill Bro's F t M As these Goods were bought to the best advantage tlioy ui'.i p.. low in nrico, and will be found well worthy of an iiispoin ii gencr.ll public, also on iuind a full stock of r roslj (iroc.-ri-j! Provisions, Crockrry, Sec, all of w];icii wiil lit sold cheap lor cash or farm ijrodnco. I offer for sale or to lo: my water power £-'a\v y,]]\ at Little Falls with about 400 acrt s of limber land. A man liberally dealt tvith on either puvchashig or leasin;.,' t Win lid if AV^I.IIOG^O. Nov. 1st, 1883. Staiii 'i'WLl li:" â- llill-' â- â- â- CiiSiul inscrti' i in.H-rt.wi Edi;-' 1" «ach s':! Stiji" C1, til" i;iics. No p A i:i :;; ::l ,:.:.'â- .1 ijU"lt- ;,'vertis( ',:• li- (.\(;("l iMi t:ts :• l- r i.: â- â- ll ],ll'U-i:: 'S. I'V ll' • i:ij. i:i -: in 1 â- !â- ;..â- !â- .ml."' tiic :l:- Good Work Guaranteed AT- FLESHERTO 03,H S.'t C2n.C© "â- i"J see samples of work whic. â-º areti not ashrimcd to sliow OB PRINT The Si.iNi'-\;-;:' '.lii. -â- ra'eut iif I'o-tc- .is w. :i ;â- .;ial attention io oiii ;illod witb Jispatcli. VllT;i; 'sVli !â- dCri;i»L w ri-";s '"â- ' All kinds ol Framing done cheap at T^^s. :B'cr3i;3x4::H!is's, aneers. ,Vc., O'.v â- -.: S Flrish'-rt.m, 0:li-r â- !;er(:tofiir.' ,lirKi:i' I'i-.'i.-T, Co:i:ov Ci-..-.-.; FLESHERiiP .5. ^ZA%::C Ajn;isT!-;ii, ;.;:; i'..;: in Ci.anciTv. :,' t..: ic. A NrMiiti; 'â- " r .v- Offi'ts â€" O'.v, n ^. ' i. Pauk-tl Si.-, r'.iii- (â- '" 'â- .: MeFarla id's St i^-. • i. -ii I'erv \\.' !;. arriving daily at R. J. SPROUL PLESHEETON. ARhl" r^. .,;r auc •-. itc. iV' Orru i. in ,v, 'i â- sva- \V. !â- ' V.'.i'.i-' lv:.•â- ^| ^!c Ilu.- Lu ll 1! s'y;i: Issn:!! ni V Opened this week large stock Ladies' Coats and Mantles in a the latest designs and patterns an very cheap. Also in large variety Black an Colored Silks, Velvets, and Velvei eens from 35cts. up, also Ladie Clouds, Bonnets and Hats, TriiM mings and Shapes, Ladies Collar in all the latest styles. In Boots and Shoes our stocks complete and selling fast and chea! Another lot of that Famous 20c and 50ct. TEA just received. Also a full stock of Nails, Putt„ Glass, Hinges and builder's hard ware of all descriptions selling a the lowest possible prices. A full stock of Preserving Sugar cheap, also preserve and Gem Ja in endless variety. Notwithstanding the incessant grumblincr of merchan' generally, of dull times R^ J, Sproulc, of FlcsherU^' spys his business is increasing daily, having more businf than he can possibly get through with with his largest ot hands. m B. j;. ,vo. Auction.:, â- â- i-'v:]] {, ifocllSM-. a-::! T ,; J^teutkil t^. mil c\r.r Pricev:i'-,' Si vt 1 I W5- Coii!!:;i., â- ;,..:â- CoiiVi.M;!;!;;, â- atteu..le,l ;.• :;i:,l â- â- curitv. ;^E Vi ri;*i:'i:: T'HIS;.,.,,,!,,- i. â- ,. -f- fiiKlihe a':.,.-,,' w ^fthopul.lie, (. .-â- :â- â- liostlcr-;. t;„. 1, .- fKirs,-,Kul iiur.lskvr^ '^rge cnmniev,-ir.i vu-., CHATS^ (\.\rv. '..: The h ^avfi TODIas 'est br.'u;,i m stock. Cu commercTa I'BICEVIJ.. '^i'Bed'K. """'""'" WpU -Hooms, ,t(' ;eU eupplieci with th. °'^»-.goodStablint;.i„i THOS. ATK MARKDAL '"^S.R^TLEDGE, .. -4.-.^