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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 13 Mar 1884, p. 4

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 mmmimt^ m Uto The Standard. MAEKDALE MAE. 18, 1884. â€" The practical work of Methodiet .tjniou goes smoothly on, and the pros- I^ecte ai'e that the final consummation \vill take place next June without any feeriou3 difficulty. The fearful ones, \vho so much admired the "priuciple" but wIjo so much trembled at the juauy lions iu the way of the plans eubmitted, are likely to be diasapoint- €d, â€" happily or otherwise as the case mav be. The legal difficulties are now being overcome by special Acta being passed both at Ottawa and Toronto, legalizing the titles of all church pro- perty in the new united church. Some oppositionists have been trying to make their influence felt in regard to the Bill at Ottawa, but they are evi- dently too weak in numbers to accom- plish much. r-Iruth. ' â€" There are a good many people in this country who take pessimistic views of the future of the Canadian Confederation. Most of these people haye regaided the secession resolu- tions introduced at the farmers' con- vention at Winnipeg the other day as an inaicatiou of the speedy dissolution of tlie Confederation. The ^ews pointed out the fact that the towns and cities would be almost unanimous in supporting the Duminion. even if the farmers did rebel. This statement has been borne out by a mass meeting of Wiumpegers winch was held Satur- day night, when the secession resolu tions were unanimously denounced. tScme people seem to forget that Win- nipeg is just as much oi a Canadian city as Montreal or Toronto. Satur- day night's meeting showed that it is just as loyal to Cr.uada.â€" Toru;;to yens. this year, but very properly appreci- ates the growing agitation in some counties where the county councils haye proved to be unnecessarily large land expensive. The Committee's I labors will no doubt serve to enlighten the public as to what means can be taken to reduce the expensiveness of such councils, and will doubtless re- sult in material modifications in their constitution. This is the commencement of a much needed rfeform which will, we hope, before many years, reduce the number of representatives one-half in each of the three parliaments, Connty, Provincial and Dominion. The probabilities are that there will be an Act passed the present session of the Domininn Parliament extending the franchise to the female sex, or those of them who have the property quali- fication which now entitles the male sex to a vote. This will largely in- crease the number ot votes, which will in turn, under the present systom, multiply the representatives iu the various legislative departments very materially be this as it may, there is room ior improvement, and we believe public opinion is ripe tor such a change. Grey Co. has already ex- pressed its willingness to adopt such a reform, and doubtless other counties which have not yet tested the ques- tion will be found strongly in favor of reducing the number of their repre- sentatives. What say the press We would like to hear. BETTER TIJIES AHEAD. Quito an interest is manifested by fanners iu the direction of having cheese factories established iu various neighborlioods through the ^onnty ^ZTiCZn\^h^v^hZ^ v^i^^^^^^^ and too much encouragement cannot since, but he faikd to do so, heuce Notice. â€" We -wish it distinctly understood that we do not hold ourselves respon»ib'e for tho opinions expisssed by our correspondents. • â€" â€" â€" â-  â€" To Editor Standard Sib, â€" The Editor of the Advance grows furious in reference to my letter in the Standakd of the 28th ult., which he styles a "Lying letter," and stoops to use threats againet me if I venture another epistle. He says I haye "Left for other parts." I may hero say those other parts are not many miles from Flesh- ertoD. I am prepared to prove the truth- fulness of luy last letter in every par- ticular, and would further state that had the editor of the Advance kept his word and forwarded the priutcd mat be given in that direction. If we take the experience of districts where factories have been established for a number of years, it cannot but give enthusiasm to those interested in this «;ounty. There are disciicts in the older settled portions of Ontario where the majority of farms were heavily ii^ortgaged, before the intrortuction of cheese and butter factories, and very few years had elapsed after the atten- tion ot farmers had been directed to stock raising and dairying, until the luortgages were paid off, and agricul- turists were comfortable with a bal- ance to their credit. In fact have become wealthy. The advantages are many The expense is materially- decreased, farm work is diyided over the year more evenly, the fertility of tbc soil IS much improved, and weeds and thistles mure effectuajly extermi- nated. Our farmers are becoming fully alive to tlieir best interests in this respect, and we haye no doubt the change for the better iu tlie near future will be even greater than even our most sanguine exjiectations. the trouble. In i-eference to an item in last week's Kimberley corre.'ipond- ence to the Advance insinuating that I had left a small board bill un- paid, I gi-ye if a flat denial. It is evi- dent the wrifer of the Kimberley cor- respondence to the Afifawce is possessed of a liberal portion of the spiteful nature which is so largely developed in the editor of the Advance. I pre- sume it runs iu the blood. D. HoLM.VN. Personals. Mr. Chas. Kmg, of Shelburne, called on us last Friday. Miss McDowell, of Owen Sound, ^^i^J j has been visiting Mrs. Dr. Sproule this week. Miss Maggie Miller is visiting her Sititer at Sunderland. T. W. Eutledge,who has been three years iu the Standard office, has ac- cepted a situation in the Dundalk^ Herald. Mr. W. T. Jackman, late of Dun- dnlk Herald, is now on the Standakd office staff, Markdale. Mr. A. Hill, tailor, has returned from a visit to Stayuer, Mr, Jas. Scott relumed to West Simcoe last week. GOVER.\JIK!\T ECOx\OHY. That there is a superabundance of roprescnlatiyes in our ConutyCouucils, as well as iu the Local and Dominion Parliaments, none will qu*(^.stioii, but how to remedy the lelt evii i^, a qaes- lion suiTivunded witli difficulties. We heiieve, hawever, the time is n.t im r.istant when a reduction wil: b.' made lu tlie repiesentatiou throngh'.mt. Mr. Jrury. member for Fast Simcoe. last week lu ,\ed a rcsolitiou fur a cora- mitteo Jo 'joufider tOie desirability of t.o amending the Municipal Act that the number of meiubeis iu county councils a»\ be rpduced, and to col- Mr. Wesley Lyons, of Sunderland, has, we are pleased to say, returned to town. These was a surprise party at Mrs. Eowe's last week; a very desirable kind of one we hear. P.\Y your subscription before the 1st April and save 25 cents, if you have not aliejidy dune so. Ma. Wm. Hutchinson,, who purch- ased Mr. John Eowe's farm, has re- moved thereto, and Imsalso taken poseessiou of Vandeleur Possfc office. I FA.CT STRANCiEK THANEICTION. It 1^ a, fa(!t tha(t Alonao Howe, of tj;^^ had a lover sore that afflcled him for tkitifTK five Ttnrs. Six battles of Biii-dock Blooj" i Bitters cured him. which he cousiders almost k'ct evidence on the .subject,. He does J *, '"""' «• It was but ihe natural re.snlt of «0.t cQur. u^jdate action bciag- taken ' s^S'"" ""'""*^' '"' '^°°' "" I-^^t Tapfy pulls soon. A TAFFY Boeial should take well. This is like sugar making weather. The thaw has caught cold. Have you Obstbuctioss of the Stomach, Liver and Bowels, are pronjptly removed by National Pills. We rearet to learn that Dr. Christoe IS lying ill with inflamation of the lungs. FOR ALL AGES. The aged, debilitated and iutirm %vill find rene.wcd vigor and strength bv taking Bur- dock Blood Bitters. T)e young i.asteuing to early decay will also find in this revitaUz- ing tonic a remedy wortii trying. Mr. A. McGiLL,of Chatsworth found- ry, is a long established and reliable business man. He is making A speci- alty of school house furniture and firm bells. See his advertisement in another column. KRAM'S FLUID LIGHTNING Cures Toothalhe and Neuralgia quick as flash, relieves any pain instantly, the cheap- est and quickest application known. V, hy suffer with toothache, Neuralgia, Headache, Rheumatism, Lnmbagc Sciatica, Sore thi oat ar acute pains of any kind T^hen you can g.i to Hill Bros, general store and get a perfect and instantaneous cure for twentyfive rents. Ask for Kram's Flaid Lightning. The Dundalk Brass Band intend giving a concert in che Orange Hall, Markdale, on Tuesday, March 48th. This promises to be a rare musical treat tor Markdale people, and every- one should avail themselves of the pleasure of listening to the band, which has acquired some notoriety for the excellence of their music. CRUSHED BY THE CARS. A little Son of John Spiiks, Toronto, had his foot crushed by a G. T. R. express tram some time ago. Two doctors attended him without benefit, and amputation was proposed but Hagyard's Yel'ow Oil was tried, which gave prompt reUef and effected a speedy cure, eyen removing all stiffness of the joint. Enteepkise Extraordinary. â€" Our respected townsman, Mr. Shauahan, manufactured and sold more vehicles last year than any other carriage maker in this county but this season he IS going to eclipse the past alto- gether. He has stock on hand for 115 wheeled rigs, 45 of which are now ^-elt advanced m course of construction. His 6t«ck is by far the best ever hrought into tLis district, while his mechanics are thorouL^hly master of their business, so that the public who patronize him can fully depend on genuine satisfaction. It is a pleasure to us to speak a word for a business man when such is merited, and in tliis case we cannot speak too strongly or recommend too highly. Mr. Shanahan took orders last Monday for twelve wheeled vehicles, and will doubtless dispose of the whole number, for which he has the material on hand, before the season is very far advanced. DANGER TRAPS. j Neglected colds ere the fatal traps that en- I snare many a victim beyond possibility of of rescue Take a cold or cough in time and Id is easily conquered by that safe a id plea- sant vegetable remedy, Hagyard's Peetorial Balsam. Asthma, bronchitis and pulmonary complaints genf rally soon yield to its heal- ing infiuence. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. The Salve in the world for cuts, bruises sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruption.-!, and positively cures piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For Sale by A. Turner Co. Tea-Meeting.â€" The entertainment given in Lyons' Church, town line ap- pointment, on Wednesday evening last was a decided success. The church was packed full, and all appeared to thoroughly enjoy themselyes. The refreshments were certainly a credit to the ladies of that neighborhood, botli as to quality and quantity. After this important part of the evening's exercises was completed Mr. Bowes of. Markdale, was voted to the chair, which position he filled admirably. The programme was at once entered upon and well sustained throughout. The choir, which has been but recently organized, did their part with very great credit to themselves, and accept- ance to the sudienoe, renderino- ap. propriate sel«ctions in a manner which would be a ci-edit to more pretentious communities. Adialogue by Miss B. Logan and Miss Ellie Wiley was ex ceedingly well rendered, as also a recitation by Elhel Moore. Mr. Joseph Hawkins, Sr., gave au appro- priate and earnest address in bis usual happy mood. C. W. Batledge, a reci- tiition W. A. Brown, an address on "Sociability" Key. J. S. Corcoran a speech, and the chairman of tho district, Rav. D. C. McDowell, gave a. very interesting ttddFees, after which' the: eotertMnraent XffH broujjb^ to a =* ?jy tV 'igmg .qt .jUw national antuein. Good ordor and genuine sociability were leading features in the a^semblv. Proceedo $34, to be 8ipBopriated to ciseuit funds. Credit Sale Begrister. Wednesday. March 19.â€" At lot south i of 8, con. ID, Euphrasia, comi^icucing at one o'clock, Farm â-º'-tock. Implements, Household Fiu-uiture, etc.; also a good farm (above lot), containing 100 acres, about iO cleared and • under cultivation. Terms for farm, half cash 01- good notes, balancj secured by mortgapc; chattels, 8 months credit. An- drew Kirkwood, Prop. Geo. Noble, Auc- tioneer. TncKSPAY, March '20. â€" On lot 6. con. 7. Osprey, near Maxwell, commencing nt one o'clock, Farm Stock, Impleinent«, etc. Terms 10 mouths on a|)prove 1 paper. W. L. B. Hamhu. Proprietor; J. H. Perigoc, Auc- tioneer. Kbiday, March 21. â€" In Markdale, at two o'clock, a quantity of St.o'es and Tinware, new, also a Duggy and two setts of liarnpss. Tfirms cash, accept for buggy, for which months will be given on approved paper. VV. R. Walker, Proprietor Geo. Nobie, Auc tioneer. Monday, March 3rd.â€" At lot 16. f^on. 9, Euphrasia. Sale of horses, cattle, pigs, implemeuts, and a quantity of hay. Terms, 8 months on good paper for sums over #5. i J. Talbcit, pr'iprietor Joseph Mauarey, auc- tioneer. Sale at 1 o'clock. Saturday, March 1.5. â€" At Benaon's livery stables, Mill street, Markdale, horses, cutters, buggies, robes, t aruess and livery business. Sale at 1 o'clock p.m. Terms, 10 months on good paj-er. Gho. Noble, auctioneor, W. Benson, proprietor. Thoksday 2()th.â€" On lot 71, con. 1. Hol- land, f^rm stock, imulemerts, c. Sale at one oclock. Terms, 10 months on approved paper. EdwardBiown,sr., proprietor, Geo. Noble, auctioneor. Wednesday, Maich 5th. â€" At Mr. Josej h Henuerson's, Lot North half of 5, con. 7, Euphrasia, commencing at i2 o'clock. Farm Stock, Implements, Grain, 0.. Term^' 10 months on approved paper. W. J. Shcp- herdson, auctioneer. WHATISLARDINE. Ask any farmer, thresher or sawmill man, or in facr, any man -Who runs michinery of any kind and he will tell you that it is the only machine Oil which wOl wear equal to Castor Oil, and won't gum or cleg your machinery. For sale at HasWett Bro's, Mark- dale. 170-215 PIMPLES AND BLOTCHES. C'a'l at Hill Bros, general sto/e and get a package of McGregor A Parke"s Cnrbolic Cerate. It is composed of Vaseline, Car- bolic Acid and Cerate, and has ne^or failed to remove Pimples, blotches. Ulcerated Sores liough Skin. It cures when all othei h fail. Try it. ptarket ^tpovt^. makkdale. Fall Wheat $0 60 Spring Wheat u 40 Barley 42 Peas (,() Oat 2'J ButteK 15 liRgs m Potatoes HO Hay 7 00 Pork 7 HO FJour -1 75 to to to to to to to to to to to fi m 1 0!) r.o 00 30 17 00 00 00 7 50 5 00 AUDITORS' OF- REPORT Treasurer's Books of Police Village of Markdale, For tlie ^^eai' lWJ!^3- KECEIPTS. To Balance from 1882, ig 97 " Cash from Glen«lg 83 95 " Cash from Artfimesia 4."i 00 " Cash, Wm. Lucas, 4 days 4 00 Total 5152 92 EXPENDrrUEES. By paid John Lyons' act § 2 .^0 W. J. McFarliiud's act 5 89 " Haskett Bros., act 3 68 " J. M. Davis, lumber 4 80 26 18 " John Boss, lumber 105 11 " Interest on money borrowed 4 60 " Balance on hand 16 Total $1.52 92 Wc, the undersipned auditors, have ex- amined the above accounts for the year 1883 ana vouch'^rs therefor, and find them correct with a balance in Treasurer's hands of six- teen cento, as shewn. G. M. HASKETT, WM. DOUGLASS, f A"»"oiis. JOHN NOBLll, MARKDALE. GENER'LBLACKSffllTH HORSESHOEING SPECIALTY. IjlOB SALE. T DwelHug House, slio,, Suitable for grocery store, or other businchg' •with dwelling above, and stable on the lot' on mill street, corner lot. good busiutss site' apply to S. DAMUDJi, Fiesherton, or V,\\ BUTLEDGE, Markdaie. I71ARMS FOK SALE. Lot 117. con. 1 weft, T. S. Boad. Arteoesia. foiiiniiiiuft 50 acres, 40 of of which are clcar-d ai;.! undpT ultivation. Lot S part 15, con. 12. 'ioilaml 63 acYP.a, 40 cleared; all necessary bmldiups theieon. Lot 13, con. 13, Glcu( Ig, loij hqj^, a'l hush. For terms and particulars apply to J. G. IKVIXG, Markdaip. Oct.16.1883. Ki ITtARIW FOB SALE. Lot U.S. con. i. West T S. K., Artcmesia. containing 50 acreSj ifltfre or less, all and under cultivatidh. A good bank bam, and lo;; dwelling house ouT;h^ premises, also a thriv. ing young orchard just commencing to bear, situated abi ut 2J miles from the thriviiij: village of Markdale. Fcrr Terms and parti- culars apply at this office or to JOHN HAZARD. Flesherton Station. FAUyi FOR SALE. To sell or rent Lot S J 14, Con. 9, Euphrasia, 8 miles fiora Markdale and 3 from Kocklyu, 100 acres, 70 acres cleared and in good state ot cultivation, fit to run reap«:r and mow r, and balance hardwood bi-.sli with sufficient ctsdar for fenciui{. WlII watered with never failing spring only 10 rod« fr.m barn. Mrs a young orchard, house barn and stable. There is a ne v steam saw mill on next farm to it. Clear deed can be given. For further particulars apply on the premises to SVMUEL WKIGHT. Jiocklyn P.O. NOTICE OF NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TH.\T the partnership which h;.s for tome time past been carried on hy James PiIal Thimble ami David EGKiixr'K Wright, under the firm of Triiuiile Wripht, at the Village of Markdale, in the County of Grey, and at the town of Owen Sound in the 'said County of Grey in the trade or business of genera; merchants, was this d\y dissolved by mutual cou.-ient. As witness our hands this tiiird day of March, A.D. 1884. Witness I JAMES R.TEIMBLE. W. H. Hearst ' DAVID E. WBIGHT. P. S. â€" The business will be carried on in the premises occupied by the late fiim iu Markdale, by the nndersigneil, to whom all accounts a.isd debts due tho baul firm must bo pnid, and all liabilities owing hy said firm will be paid by him. JAMES R. TRIMBLE. New Bntclier Shop. The best meats ti.e country can produce kejJt on hand and DELIVERED TO ALL PARTS OF THE TOWN WHERE ORDERED. A share of pnhlic patronage respectfiilly soi'cited. lieinember the stand in McNea's block. 181 WM. H. RUILEDGE. :t: t, nHHie^CMmuny; ttc Hand ^StnSa laueSoiKNnno Amkricah, the lanot hMLiuiS A II»«i m»oao«.»Bioay»y.MWrfc£ gtr^ " "â-  " ^»*. ALEX KAY Boot oJ SiiLoEl Mill Street, Ma rkdale Rmo Chinese War. Nothwitbstaniling the desolating- war now raging iu China it will not increase the price of Teas at the BeU ioiise, Uals Having imported prior to the oppu- ing of liostihties, a sufficient quantity to supply 20,000 MEN for a period of 12 months, lu other departments of the Grocery tiade the BELFAST HOUSE has KILLED BY THOU- SAND those who assume to transact business by purchasing of small deal- ers exorbitant rates of interest on loBfj credit. Our imports of PRESERVED MEATS, SALMON, LOBSTERS, SARDINES, HAMS, BAGON,ASSORTED PICKELS and every articles in the grocery trade LIQUORS Of the best brands and qiia'ity. Win-^ for Sacramental ptirposes wurrautcd pure. Brandies direct from tlie uini' uiactnver ami nil olhei- kiudsof liqaoi.^. Ooffees, Tens and Tobaccoss canno' fail to give Batisiaction. Oranges. IjeblDnfe,,6. I'ftiiiiTy Flciir supplied BELFAST HOUSE,^ MARKDAU Fob. Cai»,1884, in these colw.-ins int( [lual or Societi/ iciU \f for the first fU!r, liach subsequent, m THE FARMER. IS with bis hands, it LppineRs dwells witl the has nothing to 1 Uhina by way of en, lioNS of Spring. Lys are lengtheui; LouLB, M. P., is bs are raging in a is booming re more plentiful of fine fresh Lt McNea's. iDiNG in town till uer for next weel J Mt. Forest citiz |birthday on the ix. Jackman w; ' supper ou ieav: ' auction sales ai they are prol ibe combiuatiou I'l wiut-jr most 1 her bauds. b'Kixs, of the Ippointed Sub-^ I for South Gre3' pBTos has decid al' for a grant t Custom Hous( Is. Malcolm A iNichol, of Crai l^okmbia recent: Eubscriplion anc solicited for Only One E bwE is getting ii baw logs and e: nill in operatioi ^CCOLEMAN will the Orange H pay the I5tli, a â-  your blood ar jfor the spring, 1 I Bitters, sold I lilMlftMHMilibi iifcs

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