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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 13 Mar 1884, p. 1

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 .W!l-«lliii 'w:^-*;.^*^^ '.: V *: of 8«ldT«ty ty the i place. ation. m vhich we JHERTON. a 3'S )ck of in all IS Lind )k and "â- elvetr- jadies' Trim- JoUars bock is cheap. s 20ct. Putty, i hard- ing at SugaJ^B m JaJ?^ merchaot^ Flesherto^ Die busiP ' large «»' VOL. 4.-N0. 94. jmiLHji't3Pi LJiJiaa^a B MARKDALE, ONT., MARCH 13, 1884. No. 183 Tie llarMale Standard Isissutii I'V T:- â- it:i:.i 'rhursilrtv. at the office, ilill ;.,â- :, Marklalo. !â-  year in n.lvance; ?1.2;" if three llioiltlis. ami Inisiiit'ss cards one inch IttrMeat ler, p.T yor.i-, 5-4. 1 vn. G MO. ,T 110. u'liu "iii '10 $27 50 |.15 Ou ,11,1 --'7 01) J 5 00 li) 00 hium .. 1" 00 ]0 OJ 6 00 s;'fice 7 00 4 00 i)l,le 1(1 00 5 00 â- i.ivc; ti-einents S cents perhne first :i CKiits per liiie each subsequent r.oni'arc'il measure. itiKiil iiotices, or notices in local col- iiiiui 111 eeiit; per line first iusertionj 5 cents facii '.uli-eiiiie.'it- in-ertiin. itray ainiuals Ac, advertised 3 â- weeks for Vl. the advertisement not to exceed twelve No pniHT (lisoontitnied until all arrears iT-c 'Rid excej't lit iho aption of tke publisher. iiiifj .I'll "â- " l'.::li col: -.J:;.irtel c I'-.V.' 'lii'li Cus'liil in.-ertioii, iUrfVtie^l i::ii;eii THOS. CARTER M.D. Physician Surgeon, (§ic. Residence MARKDALE HOUSEr Maekdale. B -X- â€" JOB PRINTING. Tun SiANiiAR.'i oillee has a spiendicl equip- laeiit uf pi)te" ,is well as fine job type. Spe- cial aUeutinn to orders by mail. Ord-jrs liiled with dispatch. Ki'fTOU AND PROPEIETOK. ' i'c0aL Fro'^t Frost, T)Ai;i;isT;':iis. and ATTOENKYS-AT J.) Law, Snlieitcrs in t'lumctrv. Convey Ghent, M,D., M.R.CP. S., O. rhysician and Snrtreon, Priceville, (iraduate of University. Vict. College. â-  1 ,. New York, and Hon. Graduate, of the same, .. Avleth Mcdics.1 Institute. .. ,, Opthalmic Hospital, N,Y. Momber Coll. Physicians Surgeors,0. J 04 J. P. MARSHALL, L.D.S. DE^fTlST, /^ RADUaTE of TORONTO SCHOOL vX of Dentistry, will be nt Rutledge's Hotel, Markdale, on the Ist and third Wed- n'isdav of each month auJ also at Munshaw's Hotel. Flesherton, the day following the third Wednesday m each month for the prac tiee of his profession. January 9th. 1883; 122-47, as! m SAIWUEjl, WAKD£L,L„ ELL DIGGER AND DRILLER. ALL orders promptly attended to. Resi- dence â€" Snider's Hill Owen Sound 122-85 Tha undersigned is mannfaoturiag an ex- cellent assortment of Scliool l^ixmiture, Consistinjjof SCHOOL SEATS and DESKS, TEACHERS' DESKS, etc., of tne latest design and most approved pattern. Highly recommended by School Trustees and Teach- en, for cheapness, comfort and compactness, wherever tried. An assortment of i'arm and School Bells kept always on hand. Send for catalogue to Chatswoith P. 0. 181 ANDREW McGILL. Spellin§: Reform. LBCTCBE BY W. HOUSrON, M.A., BEFOBE THE CANABIAN INSTITUTE. w I'veu S,.iiiui, have resumed at Olllce open every Thursday, as uiiuers, ,\" â- . i'lcsliei'tdU h;'I'etcifel-e. A.'.FRKli i"i;osT, .1. W CoMMtv (Ji-iiwn Attoruev Frost, LL. B. 1 .5. :TI.^ss««, pAiriMSTEU, .MASTER ANDDEP.REG x) in Cl.:'.:icery, Notary Public, Convej-am ijer, ij.^ A jnMI'.EH OF rAEMS FOK SALE. OFrrcEs (Jv.en Sound, in Vic^cer's Block Pouk'tt t.; Branch ofilce in Markdale, over MLl-'arli!ul's Store, on Friday andSatuiday vi'"v weeic. 57-ly W. G. RICHARDS, BUILDER, CONTRACTOR, ARCHI- TECT. â€" Residence ou idill Street, Mark- dale. Markdale. Jan. 2ith, 1883. 1241v B AIlUl".. -.,. -5, SOLICITORS. CONVEY- \-c. .tc. n Owen Sound, Dufferin Block, Wtilf's Store and in MARKDALE; McFarland's Store on Thursday of each week. sto lend on reasonable terms. ;oE, Q.G Duncan Mobwon March 15, 1882. 79-ly lllf-'S, UFi i. K~ W. !â- â-  Over W. .T 'mil Friilii' John Ckkas Markdale .4lc3iL'ander Brown, ISSUER of Marriage Licenses, Fire and Life Insurance Agent. Commissionei ui B. II. Ac. Conveyancer and Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Grey. Farmers, Merchants, and Land Sales, Punctually at- tended tri and charges made very moderate. Priceville, Sept. 17, 1880. " 1-y \%'illiam McLeod, BOOT AND SHOEMAKER, MARKDALE- Orders promptly attended to. Sewed work a suecialty. All our work guaranteed. Teims strictly e-r'--. Remembev the stand, opposite Revere Kotel. 159-3m Fas«liionatle Tailor, OVER MACFARLAND'b STOBE. A PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. MARKDALE HARNESS EMPORIUM JOSEPH 6IBS0S CONTRACTOR. Contracts taken for all kinds of BRICK AND STONE WORK, Plain Ornamental Plastering. CaJsomininq in all Shades and Colors. Charges moderate and satisfaction guar- antee" Orders left at ahe Standard office will receive prompt attention. Markdale, Feb. 6th. 1883. 1 26-Iy. EUGENIA Grist, Saw andLath Mills Having mado eqtensive improvements in my Grist Mill I feel confident I can give good satisfaction. GOOD FLOUR ALWAYS ON HAND Chopping Done Every Day Custom Sawing and Bills Filled on the shortest notice. LUMBER AND LATH ALWAYS ON HAND. Cherry, Butternut, White Ash, Black As]i Basswood, Pine and Hemlock Logs wanted 691y. M. AKITT, Eugenia. Wm. Brown, ISSTTi; OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, c Coramissioner in B. R. c. Conveyancing in all its branches promptlj attended to and carefully executed. N. B. â€" Money to Lend on Real Estate se ciirity. ESTABLISHED 19 YEARS. ^ot«U* REVERE HOTEL, inAK14IAL,E. PROPRIETOR. THIS popular Hotel has changed hands and th 1 above will cater to the wants of the public. Gocd vtabling and attentive liostlers. The best brands of liquor and cigars, fjood rceals and comfortable rooms, large commercial room. 130-ly. THOS.MATTHEWS,Prflffiriefor Nothing but good stock used and the best mechanics employed. A stock of Doable and Single, Heavy and Light Harnass always on hand. Also Whips, Trunks, Valises, Blankets, Robes, c., always in stock. CHATSWORTH HOUSE (liATK MO^OW ;H0U9B,) C 1 1.4 TS WORTH, Ont. TUCK (V McLEOD Peopbietoes. Tiie bi-: bn.iid of liquors ,iwid cigars al- ^•â- ays ill fu,ck Got)d meals and CiHofortable 'Doms KUitiaiitoud. Good stabling and at- tentive hostler. 114 HAMILTON'S Photograph gallerY OVER THE STANDARD OFFICE. Fine work executed in all the latest sizes and shapes, fully equal to city work. Special attention given to A large stock of moulding to choose from. Call and leave your measure for a picture. J as. Hamilton. T,a--i:E5T7"iisTa-, MABKDALB, Manufacturer of all Kinds of Drop Valve, Cylinder, Force, and ClBtem Pumps. All kinds of IRON PUMPS 80PPLIKD. At the usual meeting ov the Can- adian Institute, on Saturday evening, W. Houston, M.A., gave a prelection on " Old English spelling and pro- nounciatipn," with a view to the pro- motion ov the fepeling reforin move- ment. .After sketclimg briefly the history ov the language, he gave a number ov ilustrations ov the difer ence between the pronounciation of the Elisabethan period and our own, for the purpose ov showing that pro- nounciation is uotfiied butchaugeable. He argued that as written language is but the dres ov apoken language, spel- ing ought to change as pronouncia- tion changes, and earnestly protested against alowing onrselyes to be for- ever controle^ by the capricious spel- ing fixed by printers and lexicograph- ers in the eighteenth century. He cited Ellis and Skeat as authorities for the statement that m old England speling was intend to be fonetic, and that the variations in speling wore due chiefly to local diferences ov pro nounciation. This statement was ilusirated by numerous specimens ov Hurrah the speling of Milton, Spenser and stil older writers, those selected being men who would even at the present day, but for their speling, be regarded as exceptidualy good scholars, though their indiference to uniforirity in writ- ing words would cause them to fail at an Ontario high school entrance examination. The lecturer closed with a brief statement ov the fonetical importance ov the speling reform movement in relation to common school education, and pointed out that a very large proportion ov the pupil's time is wasted, while his intellectual powers are often injured by the terrible drudgery ov lerning to read and Epel. 'the intelligence of East In the course ov the subsequent dis- 1 elect bim to stay at home, cussion, Mr. Houston was ask t what Dr. Sproule, our popular represeuta- Fleslierton. From our ovm eorrespondent. The Flesherton monthly cattle fair was largely attended on Monday last- A large number of bovines were on the market. A good number ohanged- hands at good prices, the effect of which seemed to be felt in business. The business places were crowded With customers the moat of the day. Some days ago Mr. John Pedlar, a farmer a short distance from the vill- age, had the misfortune to loose a valuable horse, caused by the playful conduct of its mate by kicking, strik- ing it on the leg and breaking it. The wounded animal had to be shot. Dr. Campbell, Phrenologist, is still kept very busy, large, attentive and appreciatiye audiences attend his very interesting lectures, given in the Town Hall most eyery evening. Dr. Christoe is to-day (Wednesday) prostrated with a severe attack of in- flamation on the lungs. A number of medical men were in the village yesterday attending the nominations. We understand they all paid our re- spected Dr. a friendly visit. How is it going? Who will be elected Hurrah for Cameron ' for McColeman, and such like salutations grated one's ears as they passed to and fro through our village until Tuesday, when the time of the Cameron men suddenly ceasad, Mr. Cameron having withdrawn from the field, much to the dismay of many of his friends and supporters. It now leaves Mr. McColeman and Mr. Myles for the contest. But we think Mr. McColeman will have an easy walk over the course. Not much sympathy appears to be expressed in these quarters for the poor fellow, Robert, who is sitting on the fence trying U) look both ways, and wanting to see which way the wind blows. We tliink Grey will limits he would assign to the reform ov speling. In reply he stated that the subject thus broached was too ex- tensive to go into at that time, but ofered, if the council ov the insti- tute had another Saturday evening to spare, to take it up and discus at length the history and objects ov the speling reform movement, and the relativ feasibility ov the various remedies pro- posed for the admited defects ov our English orthogrofy. tive for East Grey in the Commons, is steadily increasing in influence and ability as a speaker, having made, on Tuesday, nomination day, what was considered, by friend and foe, one of the soundest, most forcible and telling political speeches that has ever been given in East Grey. FIRST CLASS for sale at J. W. FORD'S FLOUR MILL. $5 per Barrel. THESE ARE SOLID FACTS. The best blaod purifier and system regul- ator ever placed within tne reach of Buffering humanity, truly the Electric Bitters. Inac- tivity of the Liver, Biliousness, Jaundice, Constipation, Weak Kidneys, or any disease of the urinary organs, or whoever requires an appetizf r, tonic or milk stimulant, will always find Electric Bitters the best and only certain cure known. They act surely and quickly, every bottle guaranteed to give entire satisfaction or money refunded. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by A. Turner Co. Markdale. A STARTLING DISCOVERY. Physicians are often startled by remarkable discoveries. The fact that Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption and all Throat and Lung diseases is daily curing patients that they have given up to die, is startling them to realize their sense of duty, and exam- ine into the merits of this wonderful discov- ery resulting in hundreds of our best Phy- sicians using it in their practice. Trial bottles free at A. Turner, Go's. Drug Store. Regular Size «1.00. 4 Dundalk. Kimberly. COMMERCIAL HOTEL. PEICEVZLLiB, Out. Large and commodious Sample Booms ^ood Bed UooiHs, o. The Bar and larde well fords supidied with the best the market af good Stabling and attentiv* Hostler's THOS. ATKINSON. Proprietor 8E«RGE WILSON. Wholesale and Retail MARKDALE HOUSE, ilAEKDALE, ONT. •"RS, RUTLEOGE, PROPRIETOR. IBUTCHEB!} T-fcEEF, POEK OB MUTTON SUPPWBP. 13 from a single pound to a whole caroww, at the lowest market prices. nSH Jb FOWL m THEIR SEASON Farmers haying Fat Cattle. Sheep, or Pig» to dispose of will do well to 1^ Mukdale. Oet- afith. 1881 T. C. B. RAILWAY. TIME TABLE. Change ot Time. On and after Saturday, March Ist, 1884, trains will run as follcws GOING NOETH Toronto Departs Orangeville Mount Forest " Harriston " Teeswater Arr. Owen Sound " OOINO SOUTH. ^wen Sound, Dap. Teeswater " igarriston " Mount Forest Orangeville ** Toronto A^ A.M P.M B 7.20 4 50 10.05 7.35 12.20pm 9.00 12.55 " 9.22 2.25 " 10.30 1.80 " 10.80 A.H. T,U. 6.15 3.30 5.00 3.00 6.05 4.20 6.30 4.50 5.27 7.20 ^%M 9.S5 A.1I 8.10 12.30pm 6.00pm A.K. 7.30 1.35pm 5.10 •• From our own correspondent. Times here are liyely and building operations will be brisk when spring opens. Prof. Mason, phrenologist, visited tbiB place a short time ago. I under- stand Dr. Campbell, phrenologist, will also come this way shortly, so you see we will have ample means of finding what we are good for. Some of us were of opmion that there might be a Wellington, Pitt, or Burns among ur who would only require practice to develop the latent talent. Prof. Mason was unsuccessful in finding one, Dr. Campbell is a man of more extensive experience, perhaps he will succeed. Oar hotel-keepers' habits seem to clash with the Crook's Act. In election matters there is coDsider- able speculation as to who the commg man will be. Some say Myles is not just perfect, yet to take him all around he has, perhaps, as many good points as any in the field. (The aboT« ^as crowded ont last •week. Ed.) From our own corretxtondent. The coming election causes very little excitement here. Possibly alter the vioit of the candidate, which takes place this week, ihere may be more enthusiasm. Th? part Mr. Myles took in ih« late county valuation will pre- vent him from receiving much support from Osprey and Proton. Building operations are likely to be brisk this season, considering the hard times. The band are giving a series of con- certs to raise the needful. LABDINE MACHINE OIL Is Manufactured Solely byMeCaU Bro's. .% Co. Toronto, and is the only popular Machine Oil to-day in use by aU mill men and farmers, Try Lurdine. monthly Fairs. â- L.'i â- i1 A Miied l-r»in,*rijl ,«lsoxim betwwn Tor- onto*ndOwen9)PWU Beel-ime TaWe. n MgMIOOIi •-' W. WHITE. Fea rough oonditionB of the skm, sham- pooing tiie headt idmples, eraption and skin diaeaMB, use YnL hov^ Sulphur Soap. Markdale â€" Saturday before Flesh- erton. Chatsworth â€" Mouday before Dur- ham. Dundalk â€" Tuesday before Orange- ville. ' Flesherton â€" Monday before Orange- ville. Orangeville â€" Tuo second Thnrsday in each month. Durham â€" Third Tae-d-iy iu each i^fj " m !i ' J' :f.\Zl\:iJ- As- 5£- .- '^M Aj-;s^ *,1- r^^ "iw --iiL-S-:' i.iVJ'^ie'i*!'-, ei«:^^al

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