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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 6 Mar 1884, p. 5

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 GllMiSDARD TIME. all Kinds (,f Force, and Cist J ,t Time. IV, Jiarch 1st, ^l fine assortment of watches Clocks, Rt"S^^ ^^^"" '^^' pultons, specks, Charms, c. ^Iso an extra line of Electro- plated .^oods for table use. Watch and clock repairing pirsonaliy, attended to and iuaranieed. Honest charges. V.A.BROWN, The Jeweller, It K T ^V L E M local aDdOt herltems. vTruE' '" ""'•â- "' Cdlnmnxiutetuird to benefit in'tii'iil'i'il or Soriftii jcill be charged ten line 'ir the lir^t iruertion and Jive lull' fiid' sub:equent iniiertion. ][s, Mt KiNNETT is assessing Holland Tr- ' Trains are rimuiijg ou time this iveek.' is coming to market freely The ice liarrest has been good and ii large quautiry packed. still tliey come. Mr. John E. Laiuitr atul wife haye come to reside jn Uarkdale. The Markdale House is to have a male bar tender. Tijis is a move in the riglit direction. Anothkr cold dip has pasFed over, tliethemometer registriug thirty odd'a' below zero at night. QuESTioy. â€" What two men in the Bible had a man appointed by the Almiglity as tlieir God. A GLANCE over our marriage nctice* this week would almost convince one lijut leap-year was bearing fruit. Mr. Wm. Sargent, of Berkeley, is doinij a tiue and paying business with Lis celebrated Patent Load Lifter, Mr. John Stephenson, of Elizabeth- towu to;\-usliip, Leeds County, moved to thii district with his family last week. Pt KUY your blood and tune up the system, for the sprius, by using Rejn- licator Bitters, sold by Smith, the larber. The nomination for Ea»t Grey will take place at Flasherton on Tuesday the lltb, am! the election ou theTues day following. A PUR of bo'8 felt ovorshoes (about No. 0,) was left in our office early this wee. The owner can have them by Cdllicg for same. Wanted at J. K. Trimbles f.tore, Marki'alc, 1000 pairs ^ood heavy sock:-, and mits for which the highest price will be paid in goods. "Waltham complete watchee, silver cases, j^old joints, 3 and 4 oz., key aud stem winders, following reduc- Uon^ .-?35 at $30, $27 at $23. $25 at §21 at W. A. Brown's. PiE.iiviNATOR Bitters wonderfully im proves the complexion, and brings to oil! and young the bioom of health. As a purifier of the blood it has no equal. Sold by Smith, the barber. Thos. Mathews keeps perhaps the best livery in the county. He has an «xtenive custom, and does a rattling busiiiPis, keeps good horses and com- fortnblH ri^s, also driyes a union buss to all trains. Mr. A. McGiLL.of Chatswort found- ry, ih, a long established and reliable busuies.s man. He is making a speci- alty of ;.i;hool house furniture and firm bills, See his advertisement in auotiicr column. Lii.i;uR.: BKOS.,of Williamsford Sta- tion have erectei a new steam saw mill ii-ar the site of the old one, and are fiitaig it up with new raacliineiy throui^riiout, which will be ready for operation in tiie spring. Thk oaJff.'Uows of Markdale lodge w-ili havo a del)ate next lod^e night. ^I.ucii iTtli, subject, which life is the most liappy, married or single, cap- f*^i"^. A. McFarlaud and Wm. L. 'ouu Mb Beown. our respected Jewells, has bl-ODght in a stork of genuin. watches which he is aelliag Usi. The prices are iiideed moderate, and the public can rely on them being as repreijented. Ch4noe in Businbss.- Mr. Norman Mclutyre has sold his grocery and wliolesale liqnor business here, to Mr John E. Laiider of Peoria, IlUnois. sou of Mr. James Lauder, of Gleuelg! Mr. L. took possession this week. Monday night last is said to be the coldest night of tue season, a voung man in town informed us tha't the water in his room froze solid and burst the pitclier, and that the mer- cury was 75 degrees below the ther- mometer. We have to acknowledge the re- ceipt of catalogue for 1884 of Oaklawn Stud of Percheron horses. M. W. Dunham, proprietor, Waynfi, Dupage Co., 111. The work in very well got up, and must be of great interest to horse men. Last Friday's morning train going North WHS delayed owing to heavy drifts which caused the engine to leave the track, blocking the road. It was two Hays late arriving here. The want of mail matter, two full days, caused an uneasiness easier imagined than expressed. D. K. McPherson has now full con- trol in this county, for that excellent book, Motlier Home and Heaven, buy from no other, send a card for descrip- tion of book, the canvass will be steadily pushed. Yours respectfully, D. K. McPherson, Markdale. DON'T READ THIS. Groceries and Provisions Consisting of fine Teaji^ Sugar. To- bacco, Dried Apples. Cheese, Flour, Fruit, Confectionery, Mince Jams, Jelly, Pickles, canned Glassware, Crockery, c., c. Meat, Fruit, :-; respectively. Oi R local subscribers, both village '^iid couiitrv, who receive their mail 'aatter at" Markdale P. 0. will ia iuture find the Standaed paper in the past f.fllce after 4 o'clock eyery Thurs- y'^y- Those however who would pre- I'^i' calling at the printing office for t^eir paper will please let us know ^nd we will make out a special hst ^or them, and they can call as hereto- fore. For FiiisT class axe handles go to Finnerty's shop, i^lizabeth st., opposite the bank, Marddale. You can bring your own timber and have them made to order, or you can get them ready made at the shop. Sign of the Big Axe Handle. 179-8 Mb J. R. Tbimblb has purchased Ml. D. E. Wright's share of the Markdale store and is now offering the wliole of this immense stock at greatly reduced prices until the entire stock is disposed of. lie- member this is a genuine clearing sale as Mr. Trimble is giving up busi- ness. Sabb.\.tr School anniversary in con- nection with the Presbyterian church, Markdale, will, D. V., be held in the church on Thursday evening. March j 13th. A large amount of the best foreign and local talent is engaged; a good time expected. Tea served from 6:30 to 8; admission 15 cents. The English Church Sunday School of this village is in a very satisfactory and prosperous condition. After pro- curing a large and yaluable library, together with all other necessary school appliances. They have donated $50 to the church building fund, and have still a surplus in the treasury. Just arrived, some fine Wiilthara movement, key and some stem wind, at lower rates than previously offered. As the factory have made some re- duction in price I desire to have patrons profited thereby. Get my prices ere purchasing »nd save a few dollars. W. A. Brown, Jeweller, Markdale. The Dundalk Brass Band intend giving a concert in the Orange Hall, Markdale, on Tuesday, March 18th. This promises to be a rare musical treat tor Markdale people, and every- one should avail themselves of the pleasure of listening to the bjiud. which has acijuired some notoriety for the excellence of their music. An impotant enquiby.â€" Are you threatened with consumption? K so, the cause may be in the blood. Im- pure blood and scrofula are close com- panions, and scrofula and consump- tion are still closer related. Rejuvin- ator Bitters cure all forms of scrofula by cleansing the blood and regulating the secretions. Sold by Smith the Barber. The remarks of the editor of the Advance in last weeks issue of that paper anent Mr. T.Han, of the Dun- dalk Herald were entirely u.icalled tor and most ungeutlemanly. SucU a course cannot but recoil, and in tins ca«e lower (if such is possible) the writer m the estimation of the public, wh.le it does uot affect the interests or standmg of the one for whom the la- jury was intended. The Evangelistic services m Methodist Church still continue, congregations are increasing this week, and°the interest is A BTEAM boiler explosion' took place in the floor mil] of N. Reynolds Co., Stayner, on Wednesday last, killing one man named John BeyiM^ds, and seriously wounding William Panton and Joseph Knox. The mill was dam- aged to the amount of $11,000. Febbuabt Repobt of 8. S. No 6, Having purchased the Grocery and Holland, â€" Junior 2ud â€" marks ob- Liquor business of A. Mclntyre, tamable. 350 â€" Sarah J. Brown, 2G9 Markdale, I have added a fresh and Emma Ewart,. 177 Lizzie Ritchie' complete stock of 111. Second class Senior, marks ob- tainable,700â€" Wm. J. Sauder8on,684; M. Pickett, 660 Robert J. Sanderson 565 James Martin, 489. Tl ird class Junior, marks obtainable, 800 â€" Martha Bailey, 734 A. Allen, 782 J. Blaney 492 Andrew Walker. 596. Third class Senior, marks obtainable, 1500â€" T. Rowe, 1408; W. Rbwe, 1155 J. Sargeant, 971 Fred Ab- bott, 922. Fourth class, marks ob- tainable, 1600â€" A. Walker, 1556 S. Allen, 1237 Fannie Freeborn, 1198; Addie Allen. 1230. E. J. Bailey, Teacher. What about that proposed saw mill in Markdale. There is a felt want for one in our midst, and we have no doubt it would prove a profitable in- vestment for a ^nishiug man. There is yet a large quantity of various kinds of timber within easy reach, all of which would find a ready market. The advantages of a mill close to "the railway over those a few miles out are many. In the first place the great bulli of timber sawed, is shipped by rBil, and the prices paid for logs in the village w^ould be but little if any more than that paid a few miles out. while there would be a very material saving in hwying the lumber con- venient to load on the car instead of having to haul it on wagons and per haps lose a profitable sale hy not having it ready for shipping. Then there is the slabs which are almost valuless in the countrv, which, when cut up always find a ready iale in the village for fuel at a fair price. There are other advautaoies and we hope to see a good business man take advan- tage of this excellent opening forth- with. JOHN MONTGOMERY Also the best brand ot LIQUOR AND CIGARS alwaws in stock. A share of your Datronage respectfully solicited. Bega to tender his thanks to the inhabi-- tants of Markdale and sorroundinf; ooantry for their patronage for the past eleven years and to intimate to them that he is now pre- pared to supply the pnblio with FRUIT, POUND PLUMB CAKES either nlain or iced and omamentod and a large variety of other CAKES always on^ aand. Also Biscuits of every de-- scription from the best manu-- facturer in Ontario. A Large and Varied As- sortment of Confection- ery and CHRISTMAS TOYS,. JOHN E. LAUDER, Proprietor SEEDS SEEDS â€" IMPORTiiD- FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS supplied on the shortest notice ai dl got up in the best Ktyle that can be this eid3 of Toronto. Apples, Oranges dt a variety of Nuts al- ways on hand. Tea meetings. Socials and other parties supplied on the nhortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms,. 169-90. The place to buy your Seeds is at PARKER'S, Drugstore, DURHAM. THE KEY TO HEALTH. SUBSCRIBE NOW.FORTHB « f -ONLY- $1. o o PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Unlocks all the dogged avenues «)f the Bowels, Kidneys and LiTer. canymg oflF gradually without weakening the system, all the impurities and, foul humors of the •secretions at the same time CflKtectiUK Addi^ of the Stomach, curing BUi- onsnegs, ^pepaia, Headaches, Diz- siness, BeartDnm. Constipauon. Dryness of the Sldn, topBy. Dim- ness of Vision, Jaundice, Salt Rhenm. Erysipelas, flcrofala. Fluttcqring of the Heart, Nerronsness and General Debility a'l these and many other simi- lar CompUints yield to thu happy i nfluence •r WTRDOOK BLOOD BITTESS. Sample Bottles 10c ;Begnlar size $1. For sale by all dealers. Wt trnMCMK CO., Proprietors, Teraate IJi EOBT. ASKIN, M aR KID A L.E Has opened out a First-Class UNDERTKIN6 ESTABLISHMENT. And therefore has supplied a want long^felt^ COFFINS, C^SKBJS, SHBOUDSv and all FUNERAL FURN IS HINDS supplied on the ahortes notice. A COPT OF THE CELEBRATED Franco Chinese War. Noth withstanding the desolating war now raging in China it will not increase the price of Teas at the IM M, Maiklale Having imported prior to the open- ing of liostihties, a sufficient quantity to supply 20,000 MEN for a period of 12 months. In other departments of the Grocery tiade the BELFAST HOUSE has KILLED BY THOU- SAND those who assume to transact business bv purchasing of small deal- ers exorbitant rates of interest ou long credit. Our imports of PRESERVED MEATS, SALMON, LOBSTERS, SARDINES, HAMS, BACON,ASSORTED PICKELS and every articles in the grocery trade j\. {Silenclil !FIe£Li:*se tor hire at moderate rates. â€" AU kindf. ofâ€" PICTURE FRAMINC Done on ehort notice. ROBT. ASKIN- 325 IFoBlilmeiiss 325 ACBBS- THE LARGEST IN THE UOMINIOfI Salesmen 'Wanted. steady employment at fixed salaries to a'l willing to work. Men and Women can have pleasant WORK THE YEAR ROUND- Good agent? are earning from $40 to 875 per mon li. and expensep. Terms and out- fit tree. Address STONE WELLINGTON, 1ft 1-75 Toronto. Ont. 3oiM»S SO^S A Treatise on the Horse and his diseases. Union Cprrlage Works -BY- the Tiie in no respect abatins Last evening 69 testified tha hev had been blessed during the fries of meetings. There were a number of others absent Sid the' order f-- the begmnmg has been very commendable mdeed.-^O. j and many attend the DR. B J. KENDALL, LIQUORS Of the best brands and quality. Wine for Sttcrameutal purposes warranted pure. Brandies direct from tbe man- ulaeturer and all other kinfls of liquors. Coffees, Teas and Tobaccoes cannot fail" to tiive patislactinn. Oranges. Lemons, c. Family Flcur supplied I at Lowest Rates. BELFAST HOUSE, MARKDALE Feb. 6th, 1884. i)' very A.dcertiser Given as a piemium to new Bcribers who pay in advance. 6ub- V Union Cprrlag Dnion Carriage Works. All work manufactured from FiHST Glass Miteriil In till' Latest at d Bdst Improved Style, and ficislied with Highly roconmended for Biliousness, Hettd-Acke, C«m* 8t^ation« Indlgea- tlon. DlDlness, Hcartbnya, Bart Breatli, 1«88 of Ap- pctUe, Jaundice, IM» of Memory. Sour S**"?*?**! J^jTtr S*"' plalnt.or any illnesa arising rj?^ «« **2â„¢ Sctau^wels or Kidneys. TtieTar«? safCL ^IdMdth^ioaghintheiracUon. ^roiiato* pUlataadoee. pm,E ttJ" FEK Bgg^ Painting Trlaiming Rigs wi receive prinni)t attention. A 1 Uei);iirs executed ia the shortest iiossible till e consistent witli good worlvmanslnp. Good Work a Spci.vlity. Remember the Sh-.p, oop.^ite tl.e h«Hpsi.l. D. J. SHANAHAK, Proprietor Markdale. Ice. 2ud. 1881- 64. fc;,^ â- I. -t- i " â- â-  u n m m I. â-  i 1^1 1 Hr p. h ilii mi

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