• I' fcMJJ„. The Standard. MABKDALE MAR. 6, 1884. NOTICE. Subscribers for the SrANDAB* who Lave in the past called at this office for their paper, together with those in the village whose papers haye here- tofore been delivered, are hereby noti- fied that after this week (2lBt Feb.) all such papers will be delivered in the post office. This will doubtless be more satisfactory both to publisher and subscribers, as the latter have to -call at the P. 0, for other mail mat- ter and can therefore kill the two "birds with one stone. Now let us ask is it wise after pulling in- fancy and youth and adult age through all this ecus* of stimulants, and after creating in the larger portion of mankind the neces- sity, or at least the habitual use of them, does it appear intelligent to set up a crasade against a single form of the abuse â€" the al- coholic â€" and proceed t wage war against it? Is this an intelligent waifare against this enemy of mankind 7 Is it not plain enough that reform must begin earlier and be more comprehensive? Evidently the great root of the evil has been entirely overlooked by workers in the temperance cause. Fleslierton. COIVSEBVATIVE TION. i;OIWTElÂ¥- The convention held at Fleshertou io-day, (Thurs-^ay) was very largely attended, every polling sub division was fully represented. The lollowing 'were nominated Messrs. Thomas McKenny, reeve of CoUingwood tp. Thoi. Kells, Artemesia M. Richard- eon, merchant, Flesherton Wm. Howey, ex-Reeve, HoUand Dr. -Chriisfcoe, Reeve, Artemesia John McArthur, Priceville Cap. J. Rorke, 'Collingwood tp. ThoB. Andrews, mil- ler, Thornbury N. McColeman, ex- Reeve, CoUingwood tp. John Lyons, Markdale N. McGirr, ex-Reeve, Osprey Jas. Lamon, Lawyer, Uun- djilk. A general feeling of unanimity pre- vailed, which was somewhat unex- pected. The following withdrew from the list of nominations before a vote was taken: McKeunv, McArthur, Lyons, McGirr and Lamon, leaving seven candidates. The first vote gave N. McColeman forty-nine out of one hundred and sixteen votes, and the second gave liim some twenty of a majority of the whole, when he was made the unani- mous choice of the convention. The prospects are that Mr, McCole- man will have the largest vote ever polled in East Grey by one man. HYCIENE. Our objection to pastry, which is in such "Ccmmon use, and so highly prized by many, is simply that it consists of an almost indiges- tible compound of hog's grease and flour, the cause, doubtless, of a large proportion of the indigestions, dyspepsias, and liver diseases of which so many complain. Children of a very tender age must be regal- ed on tea and coffee; vegetables and sauces must be peppered and spiced before they are sap- posed to be palatable. Well -meaning tem- perance people do not usually understand the effects of the habitual use of these articles in their families. The child commences with tea, not very strong at first, perhaps, but it creates a craving for a stronger infusion, next he must have his meats highly spiced, he must have a liberal allowance of animal food he cries for more and more of these stimulants until as be grows up something yet stronger is demanded, an appetite has been createtl for tobacco and ardent spirits. His nerves are rendertd iriitale and excitable, his bl od is not in its normal state, his desires and pas- sions are on fire, he has already made considerable progress in the downward car- reer, when his friends have begun to fear that he has just commenced it. His parents have not the remotest idea of the cause or befin- uing of the mischiet, or that they themselves with the help of a propei knowledfie of the laws of hygiene might have prevented all this evil. Those, to be sure, who are gifted with rare self-control and favorei by the ele- rating influences of intellectual and moral culture, good society and religion, may in a measure restrain and correct their perverted appetites, and escape. Few parents, however, understand that in allowing their children this highly stimulating diet, they are work- ing most effectu.ilJy against the c.Tu.-e they have fo mucn at heart, taatthe child living iu this way is in an irritablo,abn..rnial,wc might almost say feverish condition of the physical system, unfavorable to proper bodily growth and development, and which renders it d.fli- cult for him to avoid the course cf the bauchee and the drunkard. Th the care of inebiiate asylums afte- they have been deprived of fa, coffee spices, tobacco, and animal food, thev have then no great difliculty with the uufortun.ites they woull caie of their monlinate ciaving for intoxicating drinks, but that so long as the milder and commonly, but enoneou?Iy supposed harmless stimulants are allowed them theycinnot be ciu-edof the appetite for I Eongh Skin From our own correspondent. The entertainment given imder the aus- pices of the A.O.U.W. in the town hall last Friday evening was fairly attended. Mr. M. P. McMaster occupied the chair, and after a few brief remarks entered upon the program. Messrs. Vanzant and McDowell rendered some sweet music during the evening on the violin and organ; MisSes Christoe and Hich- ardson sang a duet very artistically Mr. ai. Richardson occupied about ten minutes and gave some very interesting statistics relative to the Order. Prof. Watson, of Toronto, was present and sang a number of songs in character. Mr. Watson evinced some ability as a comic singer but a number of his selec- tions were below par with a Flesherton audi enoe. Our popular Scottish vocalist, Mr. J. R. Anderson, was present, but owing to ill- ness was not able to use his vocal powers, much to the dismay of many in the audi- ence. A few weeks ago a communication from a Flesherton correspondent to the Dandalk Herald came under the critical eye of the editor of the Advance, and probably feeling a little chagrin that any "one in Flesherton should send spicy, newsy letters on current events and topics of general interest, to an outside paper, whUe his own proverbial dull sheet was neglected, he scanned the letter carefully over and at length found one small typographical error, a misplaced date figure, and from this he took a text for a paragraph in his own paper in his usual vulgar style. To this the Herald correspondent rephed in a letter which would have made any man in the Advance editor's position smart, if at all sensitive. To this the Advance replied in a paragraph princioally composed of such epithets as fool, blockhead, thickhead, Ac. Again the Herald correspondent gave him the lash and laid it on so effectually a? to smart even through such a tough hide as his subject can boast of. The editor of the Herald, Mr. T. Hall, a gentleman well and favorably loiown, made a few remarks in a half playful manner on the correspondence, bat in doing so neithar forgot what was due to gentlemanly courtesy to his own profession nor his own self respect. At this the Ad- vance comes out in an article vulgarly abu- sive, personally vindictive, but perfectly in accord with the characterof a vulgar, ignorant bully. It commences with " the little local preacher who makes a pretense of editing that insignificant sheet dignified by the title of the Duhdalk Herald" and goes on to call him little "fucker," an "ignoramus" and other such approbrious epithets. Now when it is known that this same Fawcett, Adcarice editor, professes to be a member of the Meth- odist church, -in the service of which Mr. Hall has been a successful, useful, honored and acceptable lay preacher for many yoars. The bad, nay even brutal taste of the writer of this scurrilous paragraph is singularly apparent, but when he styled Mr. Hall an ignoramus he floundered out of even his own shallow waters, ps the wide gulf between the intelhgence, education and general ability erf* the two men is so apparent and well known that comparisons are odious. But whei^ h« called Mr. Hall a "sucker" he chose a term that so well and Appropriately defines His own charactei that it is mere folly to send it from home. It never did and never can fit the spunky 'ittle man that edits the Herald, but if the word sucker defines a man without means or brains who imposes himself on a suffering community and who has not got enough sense to hide from the public gaze his own scanty mental furnishings, but as- suming the role of an editor, exhibits weekly his Lick of intelhgence and glories in his shame, then tht word will accurately desig nate the editor of the Advance. A taor« re- Credit Sale Bearister. MoNi»Ai, March 3rd.â€" At lot IG, con. 9, Euphrasia. Sale of horses, Mttle, pigs, implemeuts, uid a quantity of hy. Terms, 8 mcntbt. on good paper for aams over $5. J. Talbot, proprietor Joseph Mauarey, auc- tioneer. Sale at 1 o'clock. SATunDAY, March 15.â€" At Benson's livery successful as every woman stal.les, MiU street, Markdale. horses, cutters. IVIiat a Woman Snys. Mine Eun Furnace, Va., Jan. 31,1884. E. St. Johk, G.T. P.A., Chica«o. lUâ€" Your valuable Cook Book came to hand for which accept my thanks. It's a treasure, for its re- ceipts are plain, and the book is well gotten up; its typographical and general make up â- peaks well for your department in doing so much for the 'Women of America.'" May your road be as will be who follows your tlook Book every man who eats thereafter Yours truly, Mrs. M. B. Kabstebs and This beautiful book contains 127 pages with illuminated covers. Send on receipt of ten cents in stamps or cash. Address E. St John, G T. ifc P.A., C.R.I. P. K'y, Chicago, 111. Db. Low's Plbasant Wobm Stbup. â€" An agreeable, safe and effectual remedy to re- move all kinds of worms. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. The best Salve in the world forcut8,brui8es sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sore* tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruption:?, and positively cures piles or BO pay required. It is guaranteetl to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For Sale by A. Turner Co. The social in the Methodist parson- age, on Wednesday evening, was largely attended and a most enjoyable time was spent. The esteemed pas- tor and his aflt'able lady were omnient ly successful in their efforts to make the company feel at home. Special credit is due those who got up the social for the excellent quality of the tea. Oyer one hundred and twenty five were in atteudence, and all ap peared to realize that "'it is good for us to be here." A varied and inter- esting programme was ably rendered after which the party returned to their homes highly ploased with their even- ings enjoyment. Proceeds $19. FOR ALL AGES. The aged, debiUtated and infirm will find renewed vigor and strength bv taking Bur- dock Blood Bitters. The young l.astening to early decay will also find in this revitaliz- ing tonic a remedy worth trying. DANGER TRAPS. Neglected colds are the fatal traps that en- snare many a victim beyond possibility of of rescue Take f^ cold or cough iu time and it is easily conquered by that safe and plea- sant vegetable remedy. Hagyard's Pectorial Balsam. Asthma, bronchitis and pulmonary complaints generally soon yield to its lieal- ing influence. All things have oome kind of stand ard by which the natural guodness of them is measured. We do not, there- fore, esteem a ship to be good because she is curiously carved, painted, and gilded but because she is fitted for all the porposes of nayigation, which is the proper end of a ship. It should be likewise in our esteem of men who are not so much to be valaed fsr th* grandeur of their estates or titles, as for their inward goodness and excell- ence. buggies, robes, taruess and livery business Saie at I o'clock p.m. T«nus, 10 months on good papef. Gho. Noble, auctione«jr, W. Benson, proprietor. Thcbsdat 2t»th. â€" On lot 71, con. 1. Hol- land, farm stock, imolemeits, Ac. Sale at one o'clock. Terms, 10 mouths on approved paper. Edw;ird Brown, sr., I roprietor, Geo. Noble, auctioneer. Wednesday, Haich 5;h.â€" .\t Mr. Joseph Heiiuersou's, Lot North half of 5, cou. 7. Euphrasia, commencing at i2 o'clock. Farm Sto;k, Implemeuts, Grain, ".. Terms' 10 months on approved paper. W. J. Shep- lieidson, auctioneer. Parbrt ^tp0xi9. JOSEPH u CONTRACTOR Contracts taken for aH kina BRICK hn STO^E wi Plitin Ornaiuen CalsominiriQ in all â- !t,i Charges moderate an antee" Orders L fc a: alu will receive prompt att i,i ' Markdale. Feb. Otii. l^-,; ^^^n^. rat i ^TaN â- ^iSl), '25-1,1 EUGENIA Grist, Saw and; Having mad u eqtensive my Grist Mill I fyel cmifid, good satisfaction. A fine ass^ Clocks, Rin buttons J Spi jilso an exts plaUd^oods Watch at personally, guaranteed. W.A. The M A I^ 3 MAKE DALE. Fall W'ueat »0 60 Spring Wheat 40 42 6!) 2'J 15 22 30 00 00 75 Barley Peas Oat Butter Eggs Potatoes Hav 7 I'ork 7 Flour 4 to »1 0:^ to 1 00 to 60 to 66 to 30 to 17 to 00 to 00 to 00 to 7 60 to 5 00 10 GnoD FLOUR hWAYs OS H J Local an( Chopping Done Every ju Bills Fi AL^Vi The undersigned is manufacturing an ex- cellent assortment of School K'n.i'riitur'e, Consisting of SC OOL SEATS and DESKS, TEACHERS' DESKS, etc., of tne latest design and most approved pattern. Highly recommended by School Trustees and Teach- ers, for cheapness, comfort and compactness, wherever tried. An assortment of Farm and School Bells kept always on hand. Send for catalogue to Chatsworth P. O. 181 ANDREW McGILL. Custom Sawing and shortf: t notice. LUMBER AND L.ATIJ ON HAND. Cherry, BuL.jrnut, White Ash, uhfii Basswood, Pine .iud Hemlock Lorbj 691y. M. AKITT, Eu„-eni MARKDALE, Manufacturer of all Kinds and NOTICE OF falitioB of Faikslii{i Drop Valve, Cylinder, Force, Pomps. All kinds of IRON pmii SCPPLIEP. Notices of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, twenty five cents. BIRTHS. Febouson â€"At Manitowauiug on the 10th inst., the wife of E. J. J. Ferguson, of a daughther. NOTICE IS HEBKBY GIVEN THAT the partnership which has for come time past been carried on by James Rial TaiMBiiB and David EoKBTowWRionx, under the firm of Trimlde Wright, at the Vjlkge of Markdale, in the County of Grpy. abd at the town of Owen Sound "in thej.said County of Grey in the trade or business of general merchants, was this day dissolved by mutual consent. As witness our March, A.D. 1881. Witness " f JAMES R. TRIMBLE. W.H.HkaB8T( DAVID E. WRIGHT. P. S.-r-The business will be carried on in the jiremises occupied by the late firm in Markdale, by the undersigned, to whom all accounts and debts due the said firm must be paid, and all liabilities owing by said firm will be paid by him. JAMES R. TRIMBLE hands this third day of ALEX KA MiUStreel, Marti JOHN NOBLl MARI^DALE. GEER'LBLACKSMI spectful bearing to a gentleman so well and favorably known as Mr. Hall will better suit the columns of the kdvance and tend more to promote its interests. Post Offices. Below we give a Ust of the principal post offices in Grey Co. withtbeamount of revenue from the sale of postage stamps c., and also salaries received at each post office named, for year ending 30th June, 188.3. Ue- Revenue. Fust Offices. f^alaries 81649 07 Markdale 5 qurs. » 525 00 0.51 54 Flesherton 399 50 175 50 Flesherton Station 50 00 5S.T 15 Priceville 187 00 1485 61 Shelbnrue 568 50 5476 06 Owe.n .--ouud 1.580 00 .3264 47 Meaford 1,119 99 1007 73 Durham 740 00 1 45 84 Thornbury 5 qrs 437 50 579 09 Clarksburg 298 00 688 29 Chatsworth 162 00 184 96 .. Williamsford Sta. 80 00 1181 68 Dundalk 314 50 284 49 Maxwell .a» -« 120 00 • MARRIAGES Vabbyâ€" Sewellâ€" At the P. M. Parsonage, Markdale, on the 6th inst., by the Rev. J. S. Corcoran, Robert Varey to Miss Mary Sew- ell, both of Euphrasia. Stewart â€" Holley â€" On Feb. 21 at. by Rev. A. Wilson. Mr. George Stewart, to Miss Cecilia Holley, both of Artemesia. Leveb â€" AiNswoRxa â€" At the same time and place, by the same. Mr. William John Lever to Miss Minette Ainsworth, both of Arte- mesia. Abnottâ€" jEFFEnsoNâ€" -On March .5fe. at the residence of the bride's father. Mr. Duncan Amott, to Miss Mary Ellen Jefferson, both of Euphrasia. New Butcher Shop. The best meats the country can produce kept on hand and DELIVERED TO ALL PARTS OF THE TOWN WHERE ORDERED. horseshoeinI SPECIALTY. A share of public patronage respectfully splicited. '..Jiemember the stand in McNea's block. 181 WM. H. RUTLED6E. DEATHS Pollock â€" In Artemesia, on the 1st in=t., Mr. James Pollock aged 48 years 3 month-^ 21 dayi^. LAEDINE MACHINE OIL Is Manufactured Solely byMeCall Bro's. A Co. Toronto, and is the only popular Machine Oil to-day iu use by all mill men and farmers, Tiy Laidine. wu'dent spirits. WH.\TISLARDINE. Ask any farmer, thresher or saw mill man. or in faci, any man who runs m .chine-y of ^e WHO have I any kind and he vrill tell you tlmt it is the tell us tnat "°'-V niaebine OJ which will wear equal to Castor Oil. and won't gum or cleg vour machinery. For sale at Hastett Bro' Mark- •^le. 176-iJl5 PIXfPLES AND BLOTCHES. Ca'l at Hill Bros, general sta.-e and get a package of McGregor Parke's Carbolic Cerate It is composed of Vaselme, Car- bohc Acid and Cerate, and has never failed to remove Punples, Blotches. Ulcei-ated Sores I' oures when all othei 8 fail. MERIT PROVEN. Dollar npon dollar is frequently spent on the faith of recommendations for »rticlf-s entirelv worthless. Not so with McGre^^or's Spee.ly Cure you are not asked to purcnase ic until its merits are proven. Call at Hill Bro's and Ret a free trial bottle, and if not convinced it will cure you of the worst forms of Dyspepsia, Complaint, etc.. no matter of how long standing, it costs you nothing Sold m 50c and «1 bottles. See testimonials from persons in your own town. F. M. A W7DE AWAKE DRUGGIST. Mr. A. Turner is always wide awake in his bu'iiness. and sparer no pains to secure the best of every article in his line. He has secured the agency for the celebrated Dr. King's New Discovery for Constunption Tho only cei tain cure known for Consumption Conghs, Colds, Hoarseness, Asthma Hay Fever, Bronchitis, or any affection of the throat and lung-,. Sold on positive guaran- tee. Will give you a trial bottle hee. Eecu- lar size 51.00. g ]:^on SALE. Dv/elliig House, shop. Suitable fi • grocery store, or other bnsinesa, with dwelling above, and stable on the lot, on mill street, corner lot. good business site, apply to S. DAMUDE, Flesherton, or C W RUTLtDGE, Markdale. FIRST CLASS' lor sale at J. w. poedI FLOUR MILL. $5 per Barr( F ARms FOR SALE. _, I'Oi I 17, CMl. 1 weFt, T. S. Road. Artemesia. on ,.iniug 50 acre, 40 of of which » eclesrsc^ ph,! undeT ultivition. Lot Sp^.i J5, con. • Holland 63 acres, 40 cleareil; s'l nojesi theieon. Lot 13, oon all bush to ssary buildings 13. (^lenelg, 1(H) acres For terms and paiticular^ applv Oct.16.1833. G. IRVING, Markdale. 16 read Try it. Jame^ Brayley, Hamilton, says "I Vhe testimonials for McGregor's .«ipeedy Cure and found that I had not to go to New York J biladelphia, Louisiana or Texas to r.nd Imng witnesses of its value, we have plenty- of persons rifiht here to prove its merits I ao^. a bottle and it helped me right away. I was as bad with Bilious f'ever and Indigestion as I think any one could be. I have taken three botUes^and am nearly well and can eat any kind of food without it hurting me. I may say that I am better than eyer I expected to be. Free trial bottles at HiU Bro's F It T^ARM FOR SALE. ., West T S. R., Arteme-ia, containing 50 acres, more or less, all cleared and under cultivation. A good bank bam, and log dwelling house on th-* premises, also a thriv in« young orchard just commencing to bear situated ab.ut 2J miles from the thriving vi.lage of Markdale. For Terms and parti- culars apply at this office or to JOHN HAZARD, I'lesherton Statioa. "pARM FOR SALE. "' Hnw 1 V^' ^^\^' Euphrasia, 8 miles from tarkdale and 3 from ftocLl.yn, containing I 100 acres 70 acres cleared and in gcod state i of cultivation fit to run reaper and mow 1 1 .md balance hai-dwood bush wth sutlicicnt cedar for fencing. Well watered with never faihng spring only 10 rods from barn Has a young orchard, house, bam and table. to ^cC^JJt'^^^ °° ue»t farm i*^"„„i " '^y^ «^^«°- For larther particulaw apply on the premises to SAMUEL WBIQHT. RoctiynP.O. T. G. B. RAILWAl TIME TABLE. Changre ot Time] â- n and after Sitnrdav, March Is trains will run as follows" OOINO SOBIH A.M PM Toronto Departs 7.20 4 Orangoville ' ]o.()5 7.S" Mount Forest ** 12.20pm 9.00 Hariistou " Teeswater Arr. Owen Sound " OOlXG SOUTH. A.M. P.M. Owen Sound, Dep. 5.15 S.HU Teeswater " s.oo H.(iO Harriston " 05 4.2( Mount Forest " 6..30 4.-"j'I Orangeviilo " « l!7 7 li ' Toronto Arr llji.) 'X-' A Mixed Train will also run brtwrt' onto and uwen Sound. Set- lin:' i""' D, Mf^VTCOL. W. WH:T Gen. Pans. Apt. General .V'^j 12.55 2.25 1.30 10.:iO PATENT MCHK CO., of the Scimrrmc AhebJ^I tone to act aa Soadtors for I'atents, Cajr^ Marts, Copyplithts. for the United Swt^ ^^and. Fnuiee. Gwimanr, etc Hand ^^ FMjmts sent free. Thirty-seven ?£»" ^â- J^tents obtained throwth MUNN £2^ t mthe BoiKNTiFto Amkbican, the Isrge^ nostwlMvolronlated sctentlflo paper-./" weeM j. Splendid ensravtmrs ana inw JOnnaUon. Specimen copy of the Sclw Icj aiis ent free. Address MUNN CCb, ' AnaxchM Oflloe. an Broadway. New r Notices in tliett i«ni/ indicidnal or le-nts « "«« .^o*" " ««t« *» """ ""^^^ Ur. McKi.vnb Tp. Trains are week. Grain- is eor this week. The ice harv a large quautir; And still the] Lauder aud wif in Markdale. The Markdi male bar tende the right direct Anothee co1( tlie tiiemometet below zero ut t Question. â€" Bible had a i: Almighty as th A GLANCE OV this week wouh that leap-year ' Mr. Wm. Sa doiD^ a fine an his celebrated 1 Mh. John St town township. to thid district week. Purify your system, for the vinator Bitter barber. The uomina take place at F the 11th, am! t day following. A PAiK of bo^ No. 6,) was lefi wee. The owi callicg for saua Wanted t Markdale, 10( socks and mits Jirice will be p£ Waltham C( cases, gold jo and stem win( tione $35 at at $21 at W. 1 IiEJU\1NATOR proves the cc to old and you As a purifier o «qual. Sold h Thos. Mathi best livery in t extensive custo business, keeps fortable rifjs, a to all trains. Mr. A. McG ry. is a long es business man. alty of school firm bells. S( another colum LlLBURN Bki tion have erec mill near the s are fitting it u] throughout, w â- operation in ti 'The Oddfell. "Will have a del March 17th, si JDOst happy, re ^ins, A. Mc Young respect: OoR local sn *Dd country, â- ^natter at Nfi lature find the post office afte Jay- Those h fer calling at tbeir paper w and we will m; ]or them, and lore.