mm mm Union Carriage Works. All work manufactured from First Class Materiil In the Latest and Best Improved Style, and finishod with Eng-lish. Varnisli. Painting Trimming Rigs wi receive prompt attention. All Repairs executed in the shortest possible time consistent with good workmanship. Good Work a Sp cia lity. Hemember the Shop, opposite the Cheapside D. J. SHANAHAN, Proprietor Markdale. Dec. 2nd, 1881. 64. ALEX KAY BooT co SIb-oIB Mill Street, Markdale r03air NOBLE, MARKDALE, CENER'LBLACKSMITH HORSESHOEING SPECIALTY. SAY! If you want to hire a good livery rig, go to Benson. 325 ACEES â- 11 325 ACBBS THE LARGEST IN THE DOMINION Salesmen Wanted. steady employment at fixed salaries to a'l â- willing to work. Men and Women can have pleasant WORK THE YEAR ROUND- Good agents are earning from $40 to S75 per month, and expenses. Terms and out- lit tree. Address STONE WELLINGTON, l«l-75 Toronto. Ont. MAEKDA.L11, Manufacturer of all Kinds f Drop Valve, Cylinder, Force, and Cistarn Pumps. All kinds of IRON PUMPS 'montlUy Fairs. SUPPI.IEP. H;is iu v*qu il lor the peniianent cure of on^hs, (uid«. ' iro TliroaS, Asthuia, Crsap, YVliMj»iu|; uii^b, Broiicbitls, aut ull I.iing Diseases. f^ Every bj"Je guaranteed to give satisfaction. T. iULltUR.N CO., Proprieiofs Toronto. FIRST CLASS for sale at J. W. FORD'S FLOUR MILL. $5 pre Barrel. Markdaleâ€" Saturday before Flesh- erton. Chatsworth â€" Monday before Dnr- ham. Dundalkâ€" Tuesday before Orange- ville. Flesherton â€" Monday before Orange- ville. Orangevilleâ€" The second Thurjday in each month. CURE FOB CHILBLAINS. Bathe the feet for ten or fifteen minute.' in water as hot as can be borne then apply Hagyards Yellow Oil, and a cure is certain. Yellow Oil cures Bheumatism, Neuralgia. Deafness, Lameness, and Pain generally and internally cures Colds, Sore Throat, Croup, Asthma, and many painful affections. A telegraph line is to be extended from Tar» to Lyons Head. John R. Vert, Hamilton, says "Mc- Gregor's Speedy 'ure for Dyspepsia and In- digestion IS cheap at fifty times the price asked for it. I am a commercial man, and travel continually, and would no more think of leaving home without a bottle of Mc- Gregor's Speedy Cure in my valise than I wotdd of leaving my team at home and going on foot." Free trial bottle at Hill Bros, general store. Regular sixe, fifty c ents and one dollar. Fourteen tvains a day of freight and passengers are expected to pass ever the T. G, B. to Owen Sound the coming summer. WHATI8LARDINE. Ask any farmer, thresher or saw mill man or in fact any man who runs michinery of any kind and he will tell yon that it is the only machine Oil which will wear equal to Castor Oil, and won't gum or cleg your machinery. For sale at Haskett Bro's, Mark- dale. 176-215 The Dominion Grange Fire Insur- ance Association will build a handsome office tlie coming sumoier in Owen Sound. National Pills acts promptly upon the Liver, regulate the Bowels and as a purga- tive are mUd and thorough, The Elevator- -The foundation of the elevator is now about completed, and carpenters are new at work framing and preparing for tu%H! completion of the structure. There are about seventy-five men now employed on the work. â€" O. S. Advertiser. AN OPEN LETTER. Messbs. T. Milbukn Co. â€" Dear Sirs â€"I can honestly recommend Haggard's Yellow Oil as tne best reliever of rheumatic nains of all the many specifices offered for sale, and as a sufferer for years I have tried every known remedy. I remain, respectfully yours John Taylor, 190 Parhament St. Toronto. Capt. May.formerly of Owen Sound, died in London. Ont., on the 18th' iust, James Brayley, Hamilton, says "I read the testimonials for McGregor's Speedy Core and found that I had not to go to New York, l-hiladelphia, Louisiana or Texas to find living witnesses of it? value, we have plenty of persons right here to prove its merits I got a bottle and it helped me right away^. I waa as bad with Bilious Ffever and Indigestion as I think any one could be, I have taken three bottles and am nearly well and can sat any kind of food without it hurting me. I may say that I am better than ever I expected to be. Free trial bottles at Hill Bro's F. M. The new Boynl hotel in Meaford is being pushed fast towards com- pletion. BLOOD RELATIONS. The best blood relations consist of a per- fect circulation of healthy, vital fluid â€" pure blood and proper circulation may be estab- lished in the system by the use of that grand blood purifier, Burdock Blood purifier. Bur- dock Blood Bitters. The Meaford ^lirror of last week gaye a report of a "Gravel Road Social," strange name, in Dundalk they had a Honey Social recently. Pbof. Low's Sulphub Soap is highly re- commended for the cure of Emption.Chafes, Chapped Hands, Pimples, Tan, e, Tlie question of village incorporation in now being considered in Thornbury. LARDINE MACHINE OIL Is Manufactured Solely byMeCall Bro's. t Co. Toronto, and is the only popular Machine Oil to-day in use by all mill men and farmers, Try Lardine. While Mr. John Cameron, warden of the confity, was working in his barnyard the other day a rifle bullet whistled past him and lodged in a sraw stack a few feet from liim. He feared at firbt that his cleyation to tti« wardenship had placed him in the eame class witb those great parson- ages who are now-a-days considered fit objects for assassination, and was ou the point of raeing his position, when it turned out that a few young men were practising at a distance with a rifle, and that the bullet had strayed irom that direction. Yonng men should be careful in practising that there is nobody in or near their range. Chatsworth cor., in O, j5' Adi-ertuer. Fbbzmans Wobm Powders require no other purgative. They are safe and sure to remove all varieties of Worms. A BLESSING TO ALL MANKIND, In these times when our Newspapers are flooded with patent medicine advertisements, it is gratifying to know what to procure that will certainly cure you. If you are billious, Blood out of order. Liver inactive.or general- ly debilitated, there is nothing in the world that will cure you so quickly as Electric Bit- ters. They are a blessing to all mankind, ^d can be had for only fifty cents a bottle A. Turner Co's Drug Store. 2 3A iMA^Nl WHO M UNAOQUAINTID WITH THE MEOCRAPHY OF THIS COUNTRY, WILL 8KB BY EXAMININO THIS MAP, THAT THE Chicago, Rock Island Pacifbc R'y, â- •Ins the Great Central Line, affords to travelers, by reason of Its unrivaled U90- CM#hlcal position, the shortest and best route between the East, Northeast and Southeast, and the West, Northwest and Southwest. It Is literally nnd strictly true, that its oonneotlona are all of the principal lines Of road between the Atlan'clo and the Pacifio. By H9 main line and branches It reaches Chloaso, Jollet, Peoria, Ottawa, La Salle, Oen«»«o, RRoilne and Rock Island, in Illinois Davenport, Muscatine, Waehingteni KeokuH. KnosvUle, OsKaloosa, Fairfield, Dee Moines, West Liberty, lows City, Atlantle, Avooe, Au^tubon, Harlan, Cuthrlo Center and Council Blufls, In iowa I Oaitatin, Trtmttm, Oameren and Kansas City, in Missouri, and Leaven- worth and Atchison In Kansas, amt th« hundredi of cities, vlllases and towns hitarmediate. The "GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE," Aa n is familiarly ealled, offers to tmvelers all ths advantaass and oomfOrts iNoMent to a smooth track, safe bridges. Union Depots at all oemnsotins points. Fast Espress Trains, composed of COMMODIOUS, WELL VOrnLATED, WILL NBATBD. FINELY UPHOLfTERED and ELEGANT DAY OOAONaSt â- line of til* MOST MAGNIFICENT NORTON RECLINING CHAIR CARS ever built PULLMAN** Meet deslsned and handsomest PALACE SLEEPING OARS, and DININO CARS 2l?lJJ'"?«*«r!Il5!?!ff2Ja' ""^^ â- "" P«»Pto to b» the FINEST RUN UPON ANY â- OAD IN THE COUNTRY, and in which supsrior meals ars ssrvsd to tmvslsro at the low rate of SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS BACH. ZIl«"E»I!!fl" ??** **" bstweon CHIOAQO and ths MISSOURI RIVER. TWO TRAINS eaoh way between CHICAGO and MINNEAPOLIS and ST. PAUL. ALBERT LEA ROUTE. A nkmrnn* Oiisat LIns, via S e w sea and Kankakas, has rsasntly bssn ooansd. tetwMn Newport Nwra, Rlehmond, OinainnatI, Indlanaaolls and La Pnatbl! «md Oountfl •tarfls.St. PaiH, Mtanoapolls and intarmsdtatMaeln^ '"f"" AH ThfouBh PaMsassrs^arriad on Past BxafSMTmlna. •-r^?2Il2f?»1f. '^llS22S?2l*S,!£2"" Foldsrs, whloh m^ybooMaln*d.aa «aii as Tioksts, at au prinoipal Tlakst Ofllosa In ths Unitsd Btatao and l*snathi. or of Vlff .i^sa*t Osn*l Btaaacsr, -4ton^ T*k't Pase'r j CHICACO. TAILOR SYDENHAM STEEET, W M. HO G- G, FLESHERTON STATION, Respectfully announces that he has received a lar«e supply of I N Dry Goods, Winter Clothing, Boots and Slioes, M • â€" oâ€" ' I As these Goods were bought to the best advantage they will be sold vtry low in price, and will be found well worthy of an inspection by the general public, also on hand a full stock of Fresh Groceries, Provisions, Crockery, c., all of which will be sold cheap for cash or farm produce. I oflfer for Bale or to lei my water power Paw Mill at Little Falls with about 400 acres of timber land. A good man liberally dealt with on either purchasing or leasing the place. ^vm:. hog^o. Fle»h.eirtoii Station. Nov. 1st, 1883. â€" Good Work Guaranteed AT • Miners Plotomh FLESHERTON. Ogij]_l. ©."t C3riC© and see samples of work which we area not ashamed to show. All kinds of Framing done cheap at T-^S. BTTXdlL^EIIB'S, FLESHERTON.!, ql. 4^ lilaidaJ ,^i^-n per year tiid within three I •rofessional sad bu and uu«i«. P^^ ^je column ... • ••â- • coluniu ^r column • • ^inch space »ee inch space .... Casual advertiscmet rtiou, 3 cents pei rtion, noni^red m 5ditoiial notices, 1 10 cents per line J subseqaents inse jv animals tc. i »e' advertisemen .. paper discontit I paid except at the â- JOB PI 'hi Standakd offic it of poster as wel attention to ore 1 with dispatch. !. W, RTJ EDITOR ANE u Frost AERISTERS, Law, Solicitor Ac. Owen S 'lesherton. Office ;eretofore. BKD Fbost, County Crown J. m. AERISTER, MJ in Chancery, N lC. A NUMBER or OrricES â€" Owen £ oulett St.; Brauch HcFarland's Store, :Tery week. arriving daily at H. J. SPnOITLE'S FLESHERTON, Opened this week large stock of Ladies' Coats and Mantles in all the latest designs and patterns and very cheap. Also in large variety Black and Colored Silks, Velvets, and Velvet- eens from 35cts. up, also Ladies' Clouds. Bonnets and Hats, Trim- mings and Shapes, Ladies^Collars in all the latest styles. In Boots and Shoes our stock is complete and selling fast and cheap. Another lot of that Famous 20ct. and 50ct. TEA just received. Also a full stock of Nails, Putty, Glass, Hinges and builder's hard- ware of all descriptions selling at the lowest possible prices. A full stock of Preserving Sugars cheap, also preserve and Q-em Jars in endless variety. Notwithstanding the incessant grumbling of merchant^ generally, of dull times p^ J. Qprpulc, of FleshertoB, s?ys his business is increasing ^jaly, having more business than he caij possibly get through with with his large 5taU ot handf^. 3 Crcasor i AKR]^- -i.^»,£ anoes, c. c. Offices in Owen iver W. F. Wolf's £ MAR iver W. J. lyicFarh d Friday of each ISr'Funds to leni' OHH Creasob, Q. C MuMale, March Alexa.n ISSUER of Man Life Insuranc lin B. R. c. Cc lAnctioneer for the JMerchants, and Li |tended to and cha Priceville, Sept. \Â¥m ISSUER OF M^ Commissione Conveyancing ii S Attended to and cj N. B. â€" Mon^y t' eirity. REVEF PE THIS popular and the abc of the public. C5 hostlers. The 1 «igars, good mca large commerci; CHATSV (lati CHAT TUCK The best bn ^ays in stock, rooms guaraute tentive hostler. COMME PRIC Large and Good Bed iioc well supplied lords good Si TE MARK MARKD ^R8. RUT ' -^ »^-iJ^i^^ ^-