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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 14 Feb 1884, p. 1

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 oi\s ' V of iiofis, gI 'V tlic VtV, 1 r' -â-º r '^t oti^n. erj which we tSHERTON. u jl E'S ock of in all ns and ck and "elvefc- Liadies' Trim- collars took is cheap. s 20ct. Putty, 5 hard- ling at Sugars m Jars merchants h'lcsherton, JVC business hiri:e stail 5iV0S.. I.--X0. S!0. MARKDALE, ONT., FEB. 14, 1884. No. 179 rp Jk Igjidale Standard ,1 vv. '.• l.nusday.. iit tile nfliee, M;ll Stlfet. Mrilklitlr. ' -^\ [I v V- I.:- in .iilvHiKs:; §1.2" if i will':! i li 'i':- nil 'lit lis. --;.• ;i;ii and Im-r.i's-, c.irds one uicli â- i lliiliT, !;(â- ;â-  " 'HI f;--±. 'iU'V i:i-i'ri II i VK. WO. 8 MO. •J7 11' ij (lij 10 (HI 1" on JO II • 6 OO 7 ti(i 4 (J-l 1(1 (,() ' (X) nts rt ci::.t.- p'Tliiie first r liie tracli subsciiuent 1, niiiij'.n e.l meiiisure. I'liil iiiitices, o:' iiotiees in Int-al col- l' 11 uts rer liiu'Hist i iscrtioa 5 ceuts â-  rii-t ijifnt-; iii-t')tiiiii. r- :ii..1]m!» iVr., H IvcitiM'J H wcfk-! for â-  a'.ivi-itiseiui-iu not to excefd t'.velve llilf i:.i:;:iii. (ri'iri.' (â- "I'Hiil) T'.viJ i;.: IJilir;: l':i| â- I- ilisfdiitmuoil until all arrears \cu|itat till' aption of tiio publisiier. -JOB PRINTING-- Tii ' r..\iiA!iii I .t I'f l"i-ti .il attcii dice has u. .• pleiidiJ fquip- •oil ;is fine job type, hpe- orders bv in lil. Ord-.u's C A^ li f 1' I 1 O (i h2 KidlOl; A\i) l^IiOl'UIETOK. REVE HOTEL, i3.4i«at.D.\rE. .joiirs c:^i Ji-.FLl^^^. i â- :;o]iaK •loi;. 1 mill till- 11 r Hotel ba- elianf;eJ haiiils •"%.â-  V, ill enter to the wants '.:â-  i-'dih,-. (."â-  1 ,tM 1' Ill' iiml attentive i.'-TKr-. rii" i'i:»' 111 in'.is of 'iiiuor and •â- IL' I1-. ;;i" a Mu iii.-^ and I" 'Kilortiiuio nniiiis, 1 l;^'-- 1 'ii;r!t-rc. ;d n';.iii. ber.rliop in con- :.' 'Ill I.' IHO-ly. CHATSWORTri HOUSE I \\ !â- ; ".;"!,!;ii^-.- iiorsE.) IS VTSWOSeTII, Out. ' I\ a" MeLLOl) I'liei'ltllitoKS. -t brMid It. tie .iit.ed. â-  •r. oi lii^iMis and ciiijart; nl- l lueals and o.mifortable Good bliiblint,' and at- 114 COMMERCIAL HOTEL PKICEVIIjijE, Ont, LaTj." ijid comiuodions Sample Rooms rvi'i Iji d liiionis, Ac. The liar and larJe I V.1 II siii'iiliiil with tlie the market af •ia~ gnnd Stabltnt; and attentive Hostler's I'HOi. ATKINSON, Proprietor MRKDALE HOUSE, MAltKDALE, ONT. re.RUTLEDGE, PROPRIETOR. pj epical. THOS. CARTER M. D, IPhysician Surgeon, c. sKlmce MARKDALE HOUSE, Maskdale. O. |B. Ghent. M,D., M.R.CP. S., I'livsiciaii and 'Sitrj-'oon, Priceville, 'r-aiiuite of Univ-rsitY. Vict. College. â-  • .. Now York, and IJI"';. (, of the same, ., 'Vvloth Medical Institute. Opthalniic Hospital, N.Y. I'crColi. rhvs:.^-ian.stVSurt;eors,0. 104 -Vu J. P. MARSHALL, L.D.S. f I' H'ti!. Ma-i. iJ'^-^lavuf I'l ""tel. I'l, tiuiiUV..,!,! t.ce nf Ins \Ti; OF TORONTO SCHOOL :i:i-tiv, will be at Kutledi];e's •i lie. on tiie l^t iiiil third Wed- 'cii month and also at Afunshaw's ^!-rtii!t. t'lH day following the sil.'V in each month for thn prac â- iiifession. anitary '.itii, iss: 122-71 SAl^Il El. ^^AKDELL,, AVEI.I' I'IGGER AND rRILIiEK. ALL 'T ord.'is pvoniptly intended to. Eesi- "'Kxâ€" Snider-s Hill Owen Sound 122-35 William McLeod, BOOT AND SHOEMAKEK, MARKDALE- Orders l^ork L'ems strictly J^^ rromptly -attended to. Sewed =liccialty. All our work guaranteed. PrpositeBerereLo'teh af--. Esmembei: the stand, Olenclg: Council. Tp. Hall, Feb. 4tli,lB84. (•ovincil met this day pursuant to HLljcurumeiit, members preseut. J. A. Mcililb.ij, L»ep. Iteeve, Messrs. Dudb- uiore, Xeji, And McCuaii^. The l)ep. iJeeve iu the chnir, miuutps of last ineetiijg i-c-ad and contii-mtul. Apphti'jlion was received from the Reeve, asking for leave of abseuce lor three months. Moved by Mr. Dunsmore, seconded by Mr. McCuaig, That the application of Fjnhiy McRae, Esq., Keeve, for leave of abseuce for three months be gi-HTited. â€" Curried. The Committee appointed at last meeting to enquire into the sufficiency of the Treasurer's surtii-'s, preseuted their report Moved by Mr. Neil, seconded by Mr. McCuaig, Tliat the report, of the committee on the Treasurer's surtiea be adopted. â€" Gamed. The Auditors presenteil their report f the receipts and expauditure for 1883. Moved by Mr. Dunsmore, seconded by Mr. Neil, That the Auditor's report as finally audited by the Council be adopted, and that the Clerk be instruct- ed to get 200 copies of same printed in pamphlet form. â€" Carried. Moved by Mr. Neil, seconded by Mr. McCuaig, Tliat W. H, Arrowsiuith be .Assessor for the current 3 ear, at a saltiry of !j80, and that a By-law ba [lassed confinijing the appuintmmt. â€" Ciiri iod. Bv-l.iw 221, appninting Townsliip Ofticuts, wa.s introduced, and read ii first and second time. Mnv'fid by Mr. Neil, seconded by Mr. McCuaig, That By-ltxw xNo. 221, be now read a third time, signed, sealed and engrossed on the minutes. â€" Carried. Moved by Mr. Neil, seconded hy Mr. McCnaig.That John McDonald i.nd Geo. Bennie Le paid $5 each for their services as Auditors and that Thomas Lauder bo paid ^1 for search as to Treasurer's suities. â€" Carried. Gloved by Mr. Dunsmore, seconded by ilr. McCuaig, That the accounts of liowsell iluchison for blanks, |i8.1-l James Brown postage and stationery, ^1.12 a;jd J. S. Black express charges 25 cts. be paid. â€" Carried. Moved by Mr. McCuaig, seconded by Mr. Donsmore, That the Clerk instruct the Co. Treasurer to erase the taxes from lot 17, con. 2 N. D. Road, the sum being paid Tp. Treasurer. â€" Carried. Moved by Mr. Donsmore, seconded by Mr. McCuatg That Tp. Clerk be allowed the use of the room in the Tp. Hall for bis office.â€" Carried. Council adjourned to meet as a Court of Revision when called by the Reeve, J. S. Black, Tp. Clerk. to pay Owen to pay Treasurer to pay to R. Dunlop, Clerk $7.70 registeiin^ births deaths and marriges for 1883. The Treasurer was ordered $14.72 to J. Rutherford, Esq bound for stationery. Tlie Treasurer was ordered $1,60 to the County Registrar. On motion being made and seconded tiie Council adjourned until the first Friday m March next. Robert Dunlop Tp. Clerk. â-  » I A LIFE SAVING PRESENT. Mr. M. E Allison, Hutchinson, Kan. Sa- ved his life by a simple Trial Bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery, for Consumption, which caused him to procure a large bottle, that completely, cur^d him, when Doctors, change of climate and everything else had failed. Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Severe Coughs, and all Threat and Lung diseases, it is guaranteed to cure. Trial bottles free at A. Turner Go's Drug Store. Large size $1.00. 1 CAUGHT BY COUGH DROPS. A FARMER'S WIFE ELOPES W^lTIl A PILL. PEDDLER. His Tenor Voice Proves Irresis- tible and !$he flies with Him WHAT IS LAEDINE. Ask any farmer, thresher or sawmill man. or in facTi any man who runs michinery of any kind and he will tell yon that it is the only machine Oil which will wear equal to Castor Oil. and won't gum or cleg your machinery' For sale at Haskett Bro's, Mark- dale. 176-215 Euphrasia Council. to ad- 159-303 The Council met pursuant journment on Ist Feby. 1884. Members all present, â€" Minutes of last session of Council read. Objection was raised to a resolution passed at said session appointing an Assessor. The Yeas and Nays were called for. Yeas, Messrs. Fawcett, Hurd, Black and the Reeve. 'Says, Mr. Boyd. The minutes were then confirmed. The Report of Committee shewing the Btate of the Treasurer securities to be satisfactory, laid before Council and adopted. The Treasurer was authorized to obtain 6 copies of municipal hand book, for use of the municipality. The Town Hall was granted free lor use of grange meeting. Samuel Gilmour, was authorized to expend $20 in removing the widow of the late Saml. Myles to her relatives. The Beeves order -was issued on th^ {From the News) Belleville, Feb. 9. â€" About six months atro theie came to this section of the country a mun named Thomas Flack. He was a likely looking fel- low a good talker, and could sing ike a tenor of a negro minstrel show. He engaj,td in the sale of cough drops, and having tiie gift of gab managed to I get along well, lor bis medicine sold quite retvdily. His manner was so I tkaing his conversation so pleasing, and his style to attractive that he created a good inrpression wherever he went. His principal field of opera tion was the township of Sidney, and Flack and his cough drops were known in the majority of its house- holds. During the course of Flack's pere- grinations he met Mrs. Martin Kelly, who resided with her imsband on a farm in the first concession of the township named, iibout five miles west of this city. Mrs. Kelly had a fine home but no family. When she saw Flack her heart went out towards him, and his cough-drops, but when she heard him singâ€" oh, goodness â€" she was completely carried away and became thoroughly infatuated with him. He began to visit her house and show her marked attention. He went driving with her, and together they attended church socials in the Methodist church, on the Trenton road. As time advanced the gossiping neighbors began to whisper unpleas- ant tilings about the lady and her companion, and these slyly-expressed observations soon grew into rumors which were not of a pleasing charac- ter. They reached the auricular ap- pendages of Mr. Kelly, and the green eyed monster took complete posses- ion of him. He accused his wife â€" although she was a member of the church, of not being all that she should be, and angry scenes and tor- rid words ensued. His desires and requests were disregarded by his bet- ter-half, as she continued to keep company, with the vendor of cough drops. The limit of forbearance was reach- ed a. few days ago, and open hostili- ties resulted. The husbands demands and commands were unheeded, and eventually Mrs. Kelly told the man she had promised to love and obey that she infinitely preferred Flack to him. Then there was "a picnic," which was subceeded by a brief calm. Mr. Kelly arose on Saturday last to find that he was sole monarch of all he surveyed. His wife had fled. On discovering her departure Mr. Kelly instituted a seareh, and end«avoured to ascertain her whereabouts, but was unable to do so. Wbither she and Flack have gone no one appears to know. The last act in the drama â€" at the present time â€" was performed yesterday, when Mr. Kelly quit house- keeping and removed his fui-niture to other quarters. The second act will, doubtless, be presented â€" as is usual in such affairs â€" in a short time, when the usual forgiveness will be asked for and granted. ;Advice to Sivearers. K. J. BURDBTTE. Nobody cares for the swearing of an habitual swearer. His volleys of pro- fanity have no terror in them. They mean nothing. It is the man who never swears who scares you out of your boots if once in a lifetime he does swear. So far as we can learn Washington only swore once during all the eight years of the revolutionary war But that one time counted. It turned back the tide of retreat, chang- ed a rout into a victory, and made things hum. But the fellow who swears on all occasions, and swears hot and cold with the same mouth, the intell- ectual pauper who ekes out his barren supply of ideas with an abundant crop of profanity, whose conyersation is a long chain of mill privileges, and who talks as a beaver works his swearing is weak, tiresome, disgusting. So, if you want to swear with any effect, my boy, be very seldom about it. Be exclusive in your profanity. If you can't get along without it bring it out occasionally, like rare old family diamonds; don't keep it running six or eight hours a day, like the kitchen hydrant. And â€" you won't be offended, my son â€" but if you will observe closely you will perceive that young men, boys, fledglings of about young age, swear more than men â€" more frequent- ly, more awkardly, with less point and direction. A man becomes ashamed of it.- It belongs to the cigarette and matinee period of life, my boy. It is a habit that fiourisbes in the bread- and-butter days, along somewhere between the high school and the college, and while the blue ribbon on the diploma is bright. It belongs to what Pluck so aptly cabs the "unsalted generation," the fresh young men. So put it away and put on all manly things. I know some good men, some of the best men iu tlie world, who will confound it. and e»en dog gone it, and in New England even a deacon has been known, under a terrible strain, to "condemn." But as a rule, my Sun, don't do it. Don't swear. It isn't an evidence of smartness or worldly wisdom- Any fool can swear. And a good many fools do it. I, my son Ah, if yeu could only|gather up all the useless, uncalled for, iueffectiye swears I have dropped along the path- way of my life, I know I would remove stumbling blocks from many inexper- ienced feet, and my heart would be lighter by a ton than it is to-day. But if you are going to be a fool just because other men have been, oh, my son, what a hopeless fool you will be. ir.«0al. Frost A Frost, BAEBISTERS, AND ATTORNEYS-AT Law, Solicitors in Chancery, Convey ancers, Ac, Owen Sound, have resumed at Flesherton, Ofioe open every Thursday, as heretofore. Alfred Frost, J. 'W.Frost, LL. B. County Crown Attorney. 1 J. ITfASSO!^^ BARRISTER, MASTER AND DEP. REG in Chancery, Notary Public, ConveyanJ oer, c. A NUMBER OF F.4RMS FOB SALE. OrricEs â€" Owen Sound, in 'Vicker's Bloeft Poulett St.; Branch office in Markdale, over MeFarland's Store, on Friday and Satui-Jay every week. 57-ly Creasor Morrison, ABEl^- -xxa.SOLICITORS. CONVEY-, fec. c. Offices in Owen Sound, Dufferin Block, •ver W. F. Wolf's Store and in MARKDALE; Over W. J, MeFarland's Store on Thursday and Friday of each week. tS^Fund 8 to lend on reasonable terms. John Creasor, Q.O. Duncan Moruon Markdale, March 15. 1882. 79-lv Alexander Brown. ISSUER of Marriage Licenses, Fire and Life Insurance Agent. Commissioner in B. E. ifcc. Conveyancer and Licensed A.uctioneer for the County of Grey. Farmers, Merchants, and Land Sales, Punctually at- tended to and charges made verv moderate. Priceville, Sept. 17. 1880. ' l-y Wm. Bro\vn, rSSUER OF MARRIAGE LICEN ^KS.c X. Commissioner in B. R. c. Conveyancing in all its branches promptlj attended to and carefully executed. N. B. â€" Money to Lend on Real Estate se curity. CSUELLY MURDERED. In the Province of Ontario every year thousands are being slowly murdereil by taking unsuitable, untried nostrums tor such complaints as Costiyeuess, Indigestion Liver Complaint. Kidney Troubles, etc., who might easily regain lost strength and energy by using McGregor's Speedy CJure. To convince them that such is the case we wiU give them a free trial bottle at Hill Bro's Price 50c. and $1 See testimonials from persons in your own town. F. M, W. C. RICHARDS, BUILDER, CONTRACTOR, ARCHI- TECT. â€" Residence on Mill Street, Mark- dale. Markdale. Jan. 21th, 1883. 1241v I^asiliionable Tailoi' OVER MACFAKL.\XD"s STOKE. A PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. GEORGE WILS0N7 Wholesale and Retail BUTCHER!} BEEF, PORK OR MUTTON SUPPLIED, from a single pound to a whole carcass, at the lowest market prices. FISH FOWL IN THEIR SEASON A Protest from the Orand Trunk. Ottawa. Feb. 12.â€" The GrandjTrunk declares war on the Canadian Pacific railway to-day in a pamphlet entitled "Correspondence between the Grand Trunk company and the dominion government respecting an advance to the Can-\diiin Picilic rail.vay comp- any." While in the wbapa of corres- pondence, it IS really a firm and threatening protest. One paragraph from a letter of the 2ud instant from Mr. Hickscfti to Sir John Macdonald shows the spirit of the whole thing. It reads as follows "You will realize, doubtless, that unleps I can secure the intervention of the government it will beiucombentupon me, situated as I am, to make an appepJ for justice to parliament in such a manner as, â-  constitutional usages will permit." A WRONG OPINION. Many a doUar is paid for prMcriptions for gome disease that never troubled tue patieiit, and when the sole difilculty was worms,wuich a few of Freeman's Vv'orm Powders wouM remuve. These Powders are pleasant, safe, and sure, contain their own cathartic, ana are adapted for children or ad lits. Farmers having Fat Cattle, Sheep, or Pigs to dispose of will do well to call. Markdale, Oct. 25th. 1881 JOSEFF GIBSON CONTRACTOR. Contracts taken for all kinds of BRICK AND STONE WORK, I^lain Ornamental Plastering. Calsomitun(j in all Shades and Colors. Charges moderate and satisfaction guar- anteed. Orders left at ahe Standard office will receive prompt attention. Markdale. Feb. 6th. 1883. 126-ly. PATENTS MUKN CO., of the ScrENTinc Aiteeican, con- tinue to act as Solicitors for Patents, Caveats, Trade Marfes, CopyriRhts, for the United States Canada. England, France, Germany, etc. Hand Book alxiut Patents sent free. Thirty-seven years' experience. Patents obtained throuen MpNN CO. are noticed in the Scientific Amekica.v: the largest, best, and most widely circulated scientific paper. $3.20 a year. Weekly. Splendid enKravlncs and Interesting in- formation. Specimen copy of the Sclentifio Amer- ican sent free. Address MUNN CO, Sciasmnc AHXBICAN Office. 261 Broadw ay, New York. *, The undersigned having purchased the butcher from Mr. F. rfAKjEANT, beg to announce to the public that they are pre- pared to supply all who favor them with their patronage, with all kinds of meat, the best quality the country can afford. Hoping by fair dealing and close attention to bdsiue^.^ to merit a liberal patronage, we remain Iwjspectfullv Yours, 8A1WEANT fe BURNSm.3. Mark.Ialo.Jaa.oO.'Hi. li. I 'i; 1 • i; Mi .f^ i IR

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