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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 7 Feb 1884, p. 8

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 riii T. G. B. RAILWAY. TIME TABLE. Ohang^e ot Tirtie- On ana after Monday, June 18th, 1882, traius will run as follows •OOISO N TH. GOING SOUTH How to Stop a Paper. Rend Vaum. A.M. ' P. M. 7 30 4 25 9 05; 6 00 nfid Up, Toronto c.^kkwell junc. "J 55 C 45 Oraxgeville.. 12 20 8 44 MocNT Forest.. 2 25 U) 15 Teeswatek .... 11 50 o F, ESHEKTOX 12 00 8 45 Maiikdale 1 30 9 55 Owen oouND P.M. p. M. A Mixeil Train will also inn 1 onto find Uwen Sound. Seu Tin 1). McXiCOI.L, EllMfNl ien. Pans. Oene P.M. 9 10 31 A.M. 10 45 9 05 8 27 C 301 5 00 43 1 27; 5 15 A.M. vtween Tuble. WnAliGE. (d Manager 7 f) 50 30 45 47 30 10 P.M. Tor- JOHN NOBLE, MARKDALt,. GENiR'L BLACKSMITH •'You hare an undoubted right to stop a newspaper when you feftl dis- poBPd, upon the payment of all ar- rearages. Do not henitate to do so on account of "tenderness" for the editor. Don't you suppose be would stop buying sugar of you, or meat, clothing, or dry- goods, etc., if be thought he was not getting his money's worth, and why should you not exercise the same privilege with him And when you discontinue a paper, do so manfully Don't be so spiteful as to throw it back to the postmaster ' with a couteniptous "I don't want it I any longer ' and have "Ilefused" vrit- j ten on the margin, and have the paper returned to the editor. No gentleman I ever stopped it in that way, no matter if his liead was coverer' witli grey hairs that should be honorable. If j you do not longer wish to receive a I newspaper, write a note lo the editor [like a man, saying so â€" and be sure tliat arrearages are paid. This is the way to stop a newspaper. HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY. If you want to hire a good livery rig, go to Benson. 325 i\\ m 325 THE LARGEST IN THE JOMINION Salesmen Wanted. steady employment at fixed salaries to a'l willing to work. Men and Women can have j)leasant j WORK THE YEAR ROUND (iood agent? are earning from 840 to 875 ])er mou;li, aud expenses. Terms and out- tit free. Address STONE WELLINGTON, lfil-75 Toronto. Out. EUCENIA Grist, Saw andLatli Mills Having mado ecjtensive improvements in i my Grist Mill I fc'el confident I can give good satisfaction. GOOD FLOUR ALWAYS ON HAND* Chopping Done Every Day Custom Sa\Tiug and Bills Filled on the shortf .t notice. LUMBER AND LATH ALWAYS ON HAND. Cherry, Bullornut, White Asli, Black Ash Basswood, Pine and Hemlock Loga wanted 091v. M. AKITT, Eugenia. MARKDALB, Hjnufaeturer of all Kinds (.f Drop Valve, Cylinder, Force, and Cistern Pumpg. NEVER GIVE UP. If you are suffering with low and depressed bpirits. loss of appetite, general debility, dis- ordered blood, weak constitution, headache, or any disease of a bilious nature, by all means i^rocure a bottle of Electric Bitters. You will be surprised to see the rapid im- provement that will follow; you will be in- spired with new life; strengtli and activity will return; pain and misery will cease; and henceforth you will rejoice iu the praise of Electric Bitters. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by Turner Co. 6 A WRONG OPINION. MaT)v a dollar is paid for prescriptions for some disease that never troubled the patient, and when the sole difficulty was worms, whicli a few of Freemnn's Worm Powders would These Powders are pleasant, safe, and sure, contain their own cathartic, and are adapted for children or adilts. LARDINE MACHINE OIL Is Manufactured Solely byMcf.'all Bro's. A Co. Toronto, and is the only popular Machine Oil to-day in use by all mill men and farmers, Try Lardine. Freemans Worm Powders i equire no other purgative. They are safe and sure to remove all varieties of Worms. BAD DRAINAGE. There is nothing more productive of dis- ease in a neignborhood than bad drainage. Open the culverts and the sluiceways and purifv tl€ locality. The obstructions in the human system may be remedied in a similar manner by Burdock Blood Bitters, which opens all the outlets of disease through the Boivels, Liver, and Kidneys. The bachelors hall at Shelburne last week was a grand success, KRAMS FLUID LIGHTNING Cures Toothache aud Neuralgia quick as Hash, relieves any pain instantly, the cheap- est and quickest application known Why suffer witli toothaclie. Neuralgia, Headache, Rheumatism, Lumbagi Sciatica, Sor; thioat ar acute pains of any kind "^hen you can g.) to Hill Bros, general store and get a perfect and instantaneous cure for tweiitylive cents. Ask for Kram's Fluid Lightiiing. National Pills acts promptly upon the Liver, regulate the Bowels and as a purga- tive are mild and thorough A QUERY ANSWERED. People olten ask when is the best time to take a blood purifier We answer, the best time is now. Burdock Blood Bitters does its work of purifying, regulating, aud toning the system at all times and all seasons. Purity in all thing is alwayj in order when required. C. P. B. CAtt SHOPS. New «all«ias* J«st Completed at Wimmtpeg-ttte first Car ever miidelB lllaBit*ba. Winnipeg, Jan. 21.â€" TheCauadiau Pacific railway car shops, the con- struction of which was commenced three months ago, are now completed. They consibt of au election shop and a two-story work sliop fur machinery, etc. The new bnildings are h'^ated throughout with steam. They are for the repairing of cars. The erect- ing shop is a one story f-hed 200x1)5 feet, and contains three tracks, ca^. able of accommodating three coaches each. Here the injurea coaches ai"e painted and their wounds dressed. There are facilties for employing 30 or 40 carpenters, and as many paint- I rs. There are at present eifjiht coaches underjjfiug repairs. The ground flat of the two story hiiilding will be devoted to mauuractiinnj,' wood work and machinery. It will employ some 18 or 20 men, and con- tain 14 machines. Up-stairs is the patern aud cabinet shops. Here tlieie will be spyen wood woriiing macl.iues. In the southeaster corner is the up- holstering department, partit.oued off from the rest of the shop. About 20 men will be employed on this flat. The greater i)art of the machinery has been obtained from Cant, Gourlav Co., Gait, Ont (he remainder com ing from Tay Co., Cinciuatti. A new car is being built here for Superintendent Egan. This will be the official car. and is the first car ever made in Manitoba. When coiu- I'leted it will bid fair to rival the pro- ductions of the older makers. It is being made, for the most part, by hand, and will be about the most costly car on the road. It is made with oak sills, the body being of hard pine, with panels of whitevvood and ash. It is lined with paper inside ami out, aud will be heated with a searh- heater. There will be no re^'ular sleeping berth, a convertible couch be- ing sulstituted. The whole will be upholstered iu a ciimson plauh. TAILOR SYiDENHAM STREET, -lU^J. W M. HOG G, FLESHERTON SJATIOK RespfctluUy announces that-he has rec( ivtd a sujij I V of OL I N Dry Goods, Winter Clothing, Boots and Slioes, kWEp^. As these Goods were bonirht, to the best advantage j'ley wi'l Ik- s i],] v, low in nrice, and will be found well worthy of an JJispection by the generfi] public, also on band a full stock f Fresh Grocf,'ne^ Provisions. Crocker}' c.. all of which will be sold cheap lor cash or farm i^rodiicp. I oS^'T for sale or to lei, my water power t-'a'v ilil! at Little I'alls with about 4d0 acrt sof ritubor land. A ^rur.i] mail liberally dealt \^ith on either purchasing or leasing the place. AVM^. IIOC^O. Fles^liei-tonHtatior. Nov. 1st, 1883. Good Work Guaranteed AT Hole colum ilf column lartei cidui ro incii sps ireeiieh s] ICa^mal adv feertiou, 3 fcertk-'ii, 1101 sdit.-iiial Cfein 10 cent 4Ach fiubseiju tStray anm ^, the advt linei-:. No paper ate peid exci -JO Bill All kinds of IRON PUMPS SrPPLIKP. FIRST CLASS lor sale at Onion Carriage Worlds. All work manufactured from First Cuss Material In the Latest and Best Improved Style, and finished with Painting Trimming Rigs wi receive prompt attention. All Repairs executed in the shortest possible time consistent with good workmanship. Good Work a Speciality. Bemeicbcr the Shop, opposite the Cheapside D. J. SHANAHAN, Proprietor Markdale. Bee. 2n(l. 1881. 64. J. W. FORD S! ALEX KAY FLOUR MILL. ISooT oJ 31:io:B $5 per Barrel. Mill street, Markdale A GREAT DISCOVERY That is daily bringing joy to the liomes ot thousands by saving many t)f iheir dear ones from an early crave. Truly is Jlr. Kind's King's New Discovery for consumption, coughs, colds, astlima. bronchitis, hay fever, lo-is of voice, tickling in the throat, pain in side, and chest, any disease of the throat and lung-i, a positive cure guaranteed. Trial bot- tles free at Turner Co's. drug store. Large size SI. 6 A new mail route is proposed from Duudalk to Badjerod via Shrigley. "WHAT IS LARDINE. Ask any farmer, thresher or sawmill man. I or in fact, any man who runs michiue.-y of I any kind and he will tell you that it is the I only niHchine Oil winch will wear equal to Castor Oil. aud won't gum or clog your machinerj' For sale at Hastett Bro's. Mark- j dale. 17()-215 I "But, Sylvia," said Hattie, "if you climb that fence Mr. Tawmus, who is over there, will see your stockings," And Silvia rephed "I thought of that." â€" Boston Pout. PIMPLES AND BLOTCHES. Call at Hill Bros, general sto/e aud get » package of McGregor Parke's Carbolic Cerate. It is composed of Vasehne, Car- bolic Acid and Cerate, and has never failed to remove Pimples, Llotches, Ulcerated Sores Rough Skin. It cures when all otheis fail. Try it. An unsuccessful effort was made at the last meeting of Dufferin County 'ouncil to hold its next meeting lu Shelburne. John R. "Vert, Hamilton, says "Mc- Gregor's Speedy Cure for Dyspepsia and In- digestion 18 cheap at fifty times the price asked for it. I am a commercial man, and travel continoally. and would no more think of leaving home without a bottle of Mc- Gregor's Speedy Core in my valise than I would ot leaving my team at home and going on foot." Free trial bottle at Hill Bros. Keueral store. Begnlar sixe, fifty cents and one dollar. An effort in being made to liave a cheese factory established near Fairmoant, Eapbrasia, with good prospects of saccess. ANOTHER WITNESS, A. Chard, of sterling, testifies to tie ef- ficacy of Haggard's Yellow Oil. which he used for a badly injured knee joint. It is the great household remedy for inflamation pain, soaroMs, lameness, etc.. and is used both eternally and externally with infaliabk success. "Two handered and twenty seven bilU were introduced into Congress the first day's session." "Just think of it " remarked Mrs. Simple "isn't it redienlouB? These Congressmen get salaries big enough. 1 should tliink, to pay as they go. Two hun- dred and twenty-seven bdls I For my part, I think it's positively scandal- uoe." â€" Boston Transcript. A GOOD INTBODUCTION. J. Kennody. a merchant in Diiie. about tiiree years ago introduced Haggard' Pectoral Balsam to his customers by trying it in his own family for cou^ihs and Wds. Eeinc pleased witti results, large sales foUowed.and mers Plolograpli Gaiien FLESHERTON. Th2 St.^nt -^ent (if piistf ijtal attetitio] iBled with dl EDITC REVE OsllX 3.1; C3n.C© and see samples of work 'which v. ^L^his o.i area not ashamed to show. -JL andtiif- of tlie public. All kinds oi Framing done cheap at jiosticrs. xi «igars. pot'd 1 5HAT€ New FALL IniDor -arriving daily at R. J. SPnOULE FLESHERTON. Opened this week large stock of Ladies' Coats and Mantles in all the latest designs and patterns and very cheap. Also in large variety Black and Colored Silks, Velvets, and Velvet- eens from 35cts. up, also Ladies' Clouds, Bonnets and Hats. Trim- mings and Shapes, Ladies CoUaJS in all the latest styles. In Boots and Shoes our stock is complete and selling fast and cheap. Another lot of that Famous 20ct. and 50ct. TEA just received Also a fuU stock of Nails, Putty, Glass, Hmges and builder's hard- ware of all descriptions selling at the lowest possible prices. A full stock of Preserving Sugars cheap also preserve and Gem Jars m endless variety. Notwithstanding the incessant grumbling of merchant' generally, of dull times R^ J. SprOUlcr of Flesherton, till H. L '"'u/' i^^^fasing daily, having more business of hands """ ^^^ ""^^ '^^ with his large sn[ ' "H 4 TUCK The best irays in siooli •Dums guiiiui feiitive linbtlt COMM pr; Large aud cod Bed K «11 supplici rds good T •tiARK I MARKI ilRS. RUl G-hent, Pliysicia: iduate of 1 Ion Gradua (ember Coll. • P. Mifl bsday I SA]ff iLLD orders Wiiiia JOQT ANI MAR 'Orders pi ** a specii Btricth ^sUe BeT€ â- MiftiMH

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