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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 7 Feb 1884, p. 6

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 AGRICUIiTHBAL Preserre Some Forest, BY B. W. PHIPP3. There are opportunities (ncugh, if we avail ourselves of them. All over the coun- try on many farms, there are still portions of the original forest. Great trees, under which Pontiac sat and warned his followers to check the advance of the white man as Hotspur might have checked that of his after tjrant â€" When his blood was poor Upon the naked beach at Kavenspug, Patches of forest which wtra forest when King Charles hid in the oak top, "While far beneath the Roundhead rede Anp hummed a surlv hymn," That interjnaiable txpme of splendid woodland, that world sufficitii' storehouse ot timber,â€" that ere while home of the springing deer, the greedy wolf, the stolid bearâ€" is now no more. But here and there are the remains â€" one farmer has ten, another twentyâ€" if he be rich he may sometimes have two hundred acresâ€" ot the ancient trees. Can we not preserve some of these porticos? The axe is unceasingly weilded, and, if no check be given, in a few years settled Ontario will be destitute of forest. One farmer says, "I will cut down mine :_ I can buy fuel " another says, " 1 aUo and yet, a little while and all will be ^c ua A few words may be said, but this short article cannot, at length, lay before you the reasons why it would be so valuable to pre- erve, throughout Ontario, on every farm' t3ii or fifteen acres, at least, of sturdy hard- wood and of lowering p'ne. You say, •'Crass is getting in, the trees seem dying â€"those oaks are dead at the top look at that maple, you can feel under its rottt n rootsâ€" even these young treesâ€" something seems killing them. Let me cut the rubb sh do'Bn, and make a good pastureâ€" I can mow it now and then, and when the roots rot out I can plough it and get good wheat, and good grass afterwards. " Or you may say, "the trees are all blow- ing|down,iI cinnot keep them;the patch may lie till lam ready it will give fifrewood, but whtn 1 have some time I shall clean it up and make a field of it. I would have kept itâ€" I would have liked a patch of wood left on the farm, but thepiaguy thing would Wow down." But it need not have become the prey cf the Erasses- it need net have blown down. Throughout the land there are yet many re- mains of strong atd vigorous forest. Sur- round them, 1 pray youâ€" each of you what he can afford, ten or twenty acres, while yet the land is for( st ground, moist, rich and fresh- with a sturdy teuce. Keep cattle utterly thereoutâ€" it will not be a year till you shall see the result. All over the earth will rise the lusty sapling, all round the edges tiees will grow, themselves immov- able by the tempest, themselves also the strong shelter of the inner wood. Thegrass will be kept from covering the ground by the shade of the saplings, by the heavy an- tual c:at of^fallicg haves, and by the forest shade above' them all. The object of keep- ino- grass away is this. Trees receive tbeir nourishment by a number of little mouths prcjectiDg from their roots to near the sur- face ot t! e ground. A thick grass coats pre- vents this action. Secondly, where grass is, tree seeds cannot take root but if you fence the forest ground, it will not be long till beach and maple, oak and elm will rise high, young and vigorous among the older trees, ready to replace them when yon need their timber or their room, your forest, in- stead of a place of desolaticn, half grasses wild and innutritious, half dying wcod, will be a mass of sturdy living healthy vegeta- tion, beneficial to you yourself in many ways, to the country round about in many jnore. Keep a portion of the forest blight and living n uur farms. There at the heat of noon-day you can rest there, when for a few hours ou can retire from the too abscrbin^ pursuit of material advancement, you can repofce without disturbance and contemplate without effort. Let the forest air breathe around ycu â€" it is not to be had in the house, it is not to be found in the tield. There the great trees, stately of trunk and magnificent ot branch, each humbly performing his pur- pose, sent hither by his creator to do his alloted share, passing in due time into in- xijiti'.e forms, not one atom of them being lost, but re-appearing in fulness of youth and of beanty in other ways, shall teach you that J on also have a future change which it not row apparent, but which shall surely be, J.'t the little creature of the forest â€" the wco:k-:ck bright of plumage, the rabbit, timorously glancing from the coveit--pass by you witiiouc fear, their lives are in your hand, spare them, your life is in the hand or Another. Spare some of the forest â€" pro- tect it, it will rot be ungrateful â€" that belongs to the repiiie alone, the nobler na- tures, forest ard field, tree andheibage â€" all uuinb and all insensible though' they ap- pear to be â€" yet have their gratitude, and many a means cf showing it to the protect- ing hand. Do you reduce your farm to a desert of clay â€" spare some forest land â€" let the great trunks stand by the pastures edge; let the vast brarches chant their murmurs in the summer evening air; yout wife shall sit in their shade â€" a beautiful picture, her dark eyes glowing beneath her clustering hair your children, bright and rosy play around. As they grow up they shall say "Others destroyed utterly the forest and dried up the fertility ofthe land which God had given them, our father did not so, those nodding oaks, that changeful surface ot sum- mer tinted foliage preserve his memory." ENSILAGE. Report of Prot Brown on tne Conduct of Experimental Silos at tbe Agrl- cnltnral College. Prof. Brown's recent experiments, at the Ontario Experimental Farm, in preserving various green fodders by means of portable or permanent silos, are amongst the most in- teresting, valuable, and carelully-conducted that have c^me under our notice, and will be studied with interest by shippers and breeders of cattle. In portable silos three experiments were made with ordinary air- tight barrels, two of which had square boxes fitted inside so as to secure more uni- form packing than is possible In a simple barrel. These barrels were packed with green, succulent pasture fodder. A large tun was used for the fourth experiment, and filled with the green grassea and with green oat fodder. After eighty- 8=x days' enclcanre the tun was opened and the grsM fodder found to be juicy and sound in fibre, though it bad a strong, sour taste and smell. The grass in the small barrela waa found to be similar. The green oat fodder preserved in the tun was, however, "sound, sweet, and as palable as that from the permanent silo. The permanent silo, the walls of which had been made emooth, was filled with 28 tons of green oat fodder, packed, and covered with boards and earth. After 89 days, or on Dec. Slst, it was opened, and the ensil- age was tound to be, to quote Prof. Brown, "one body of sweet, well-colored oat-stalks, leaves, and heads.' Generally the material "has a brown but not daik tinge, very slightly spoiled by fermentation or other form of decay, and when taken out actually smells sweet and tastes slightly salty," but acquires a smell and taste on exposure. In addition to the successful issue of these ex- periments with the silo, Mr. Brown secured h • carefully conducted thermometer tests the daily variations and degiees of heat pre- vailing in various parts of the silo during the fermentation in progress. The average of the whole mar" after the first week was CS ° and of the central parts 87 ° That this heat continued for three months did not destroy the fodder will no doubt be in- teresting to those who know how heat and moisture combiiisd very quickly rnin grasses and grains on the open field- CoHiposition of Manure. The value of manure depends not only up- on the character of the feed allowed, but also upon the condition of the animal, the breed and the age. The principal substances of value in manure are nitrogen, phospheric acid and potash, the former substance being the most costly. In the artificial fertilizers, nitrogen exists in the shape of sulphate of ammonia, nitrate of soda, or- as Peruvian guano, while ground dried blood, leather and other substances containing it are some- times ined. Potash is usually suppiied in the form of the sulphate (ka'nit) or muriate, its qaality depending upon the grade of the salt used for the purpose, while the phos- phoric acid (usually combined with lime) is derived from bones and sometimes from guano deposits and marine formations. The Carolina phosphate beds have been largely instrumental in cheapurng this article, while that from bones is usually associated with proportions of nitrogen. Barnyard manure and artificial fertiliz-srs differ c iily in form. Tne active ingredients of barnyard manure are the same as those in fertilizers, excepting that the manure con- tains small proportions of magnesia, soda, and a few other substances not always pres- ent ill fertilizers, though easily added to them if ii9ces9ary. Manure contains, how- ever, a large quantity of carbcn, which is considered by some a valuable fertilizer, but others contend that as plants appropriate carbon from the atmosphere through the agency of the leaves, such matter only adds to the bulk of the manure without improv- ing the quality. When food is fed to ani- mals it uudf rgoes a chemical process in the body, which extracts the nutritive portions for sustenance, according to the Digestive capacity of tbe animal, the residuum being voided as being no longer useful in that respect. The amount of available fertilizing ma- terial in the manure thus voided, depcEds upcn the character of the food, and its rel- ative proportions of nitrogen, which is always costly. A's growing animals require not only food for warmth, but for growth also, the manure from such is less in value than from animals that are matured. And as more food is required to assist the body aga n3t ccld winter than for any other pur- pose, the warmth of the quarters is a factor in the matter also especially if it be correct that carbon is beneficial as a manure to the loots of plants. Assuming that siiimaU are well fed an average quality of food, thtii, for every 1 000 lbs. of manure from horses more than 700 pounds c mists of water, while the re- mainder is estimated at about twelve pounds of phosphoric acid, twenty-eight pounds of potash £ ni five pounds of ammonia. The manure from the cow contains nearly SliO pounds of Witer iii every 1000, tbe amount of phosphoric acid in tne remainder being about five pounds, potash ten pounds mi nitrogen three potiids, the manure from tne horse be ng doable the value of that from the cow m all the substances except nitro- gen, and even in nitrogt n the horse manure is nearly twice as rich. Of the different kinds of manure, that from fowls and the human species is the richest in nitrogen, but this in- cludes the urine, the solid portions being very deficit nt in that respect. Manure from the sheep is the richest in phosphoric acid. Urine is always rich in ammonia, (nitrogen,) with proportions of potash and small quan- tities cf phosphoric acid. Considering this fact, too mucn importaine c; iinot be given the ef liquids, that from the human species being valued at half a cent per pound. The value of the solid portions of manuie frntn a horse for one year is said to be about â- '?10, while the value of tbe liquids from the same source for the same period is nearly the same. Considering the high value of the liquids, which are always immediately available a p!ant food when apjl ed 'o the soil, the ma- nure must be protected from drenching rann and melting snows, for as part of the inert matter of the manure is changed by chemical acticii 'n the heap during the pro- cess of decooipositic n 'n;o soluble matter, it is always lost unless protected.â€" PW/adei- phia Record. The Naval Forces. The total force in the naval service afl.a' in the year 18-22 was 43 475 ofiBcers and men, of whom 23. 220. or 53 4 per cent, were between the ages ot 25 and 35 4,675, or JO- 75 per cent. were between the ages of 35 and 45 and 840, or 1 93 per cent., were above 45 years of age. The total number of cases of disease and •injury entered on the sick list was 49,929. The total number cf beaths was 413, of which number 290 were due to disease, and 144 to injury. London Truth gives currency to the rumor that Lord Lome will be called up to the House of Lords by one of his father's minor titles shortly after the meeting of Parlia- ment. The object of the Court politics ap- pears to be his early appointment either as iceroy of India or as Lord- Lieutenant of Ireland. FORTY TEABS A€M)C Tlie Story of the Doctor of Natiraal Be- pate who^tumed ont to be a Mail-Bobber. The Natt murder trial recalla to mind the one other sentational caae aent down from Fayette county for trial hereâ€" rthe peculiar and remarkable history and trial of Dr. John F. Bradee! The care was peculiar on account of the standing aad i epotation c f the prisoner, and, like this one, remarkable by reason of the brilliant galaxy of legal talent engaged in, the trjal of the case. The death of Judge Wilson McC.ndless, Jane 30, 1882, removed the last one of those who took part in a case wliich attracted the attention of the whole country forty years ago, and has no parallel in the criminU j urisprudence of the state. During the Butnmar of 1840 the attention of the whole country, even in the midst of the exciting Harrison campaign, was drawn to a series of mail robberies committed on tbe through route between St Louis and New York. So cunningly were they perpetrated that the best detective force the government could bring to its aid were for months un- able to fix even the state in which it occurred. The first clew gained was the failure to ar- rive at their destination of three pouches for- warded from Wheeling on Dec. 13, 1S40, and due in New York en the I6tfc. Following the line eastward the cfficers directed by subse- quent e vents fixed the point of tbe robberies at or ne ar Uniontown. They next selected William Coimm, a driver from Washington to Uniontown, as one of the robbers. By skilful manipulation he was induced to nukke a clean breast of the affair, and implicated as his confederate and principal in the crime Dr. John F. Bradee, a physioianof acknow- ledged skill, whose practice was immense. Dr. Bradee was arrested on a cold night in January, 1840, by the sheriff of Faette county, and taken to the commissioner's oflBce. While there he a?tel who had in- formed upon him receiving no reply, he muttered tomething about " Cor â€" Corwin â€" Corman," and added, "he is a d â€" d ordinary stage driver, anyhow." These few words wrought his conviction. All the efforts of counsel, all the explanatory evidence, all the jail interviews were powerless alongside cf the admission of the doctor that the stage- driver, Corman, was his accuser. It was proven that Corman was unworthy of belief. Witnesses were produced who had heard Corman say he would penitentiary Bradee. Others who had Eeen Corman with large sums of money, and even one who had been offered a princely sum to aid in a conspiracy against the young Frenchman, but it was of no avail. The few words he had spoken in the court house of Fayette county stamped him as the confederate, if not the employe, of the "d â€" d ordinary stage- driver." His bail was fixed at the enormous sum of 8120,- 000, and his friends, not yet recovered from the panic of 1837, were notable to command his release. Immediately following his ar- rest the people of his county divided in al- most equal portions in favor of his guilt and innocence, and these relations they bore un- til their generation had passed away. \):. Bradee came to Uaiontown when scarcely out of his teens yet he proclaimed himself a physician with a Paris education, and his conduct and langaage bore out his statement. He was but very shortly estab- lished until his skill was acknowledged: and although he had not reached his 25 6h year, he soon became famous in all the regions where popular intelligence then travelled. His home was besieged by day and by night by the sick and afflicted, who came to him in all the regions lying between Portland, Me., and Xew Orleans. A larger portion of the stage passengers arriving at Uniontown then were invalids seekintr the aid of this healer. He is beat described in the speech of Judge McCandless, upon his behalf, when he said his house was the lazarettc of the country. The sick andaffficted from there- mote corners of the union were there at the pool of Bethesda, waiting for the moving of the waters. For years after his d«;ath it was recalled how out of the multitude of apply- ing patients he singled those most needing his aid, and when no choice could be made he selected that one who had travelled far- thest to seek his aid. It was developed at the trial â€" to show that he was not in such need of money as would lead to the crime charged against him â€" that he averaged from 1 00 to 200 patients per day, arid tha» his in- come could not have been less than 3250 per day if he saw fit to collect it. The trial came on before .Judge Baldwin and Judge Irwin, of the United S ates courts, at the May term of 1841. In at- tendance were partisans of both sides. The good women tent down their husbands to testify upon his behalf, and every physician of the county was on hand to press his con- viction. The counsel were such as have not since nor before been employed in any cause in western Pennsylvania. Each one of them was a man whose forensic powers and lega. acumen are traditions to the present day For the government appeared Cornelius Garragh, the then United States district at- torney, A. W. Loomis, Simuel W. Back, J. W. Howell, and Moses Hampton. For his defense were John M. Austin. Richard Bddle. Walter Forwari?, Wilfton McCand- less, Simuel Austin and W. P. Wells. It is pertinent here to state that at many rus- tic firesides has been told the story that the late Judge Hampton took a retainer upon both sides of the case. Such is not the case. Judge Hampton was the counsel for a man named Strayer, and the conviction of Bradee was the acquittal of Strayer, but the rustics of those days did not understand his rela- tions to the case, and their descendants have perpetuated in a small measure their ignorance. Immediately after the arrest a search was made of Bradee's premises, and in his haymow was found a package of ?10,- 000 in the scrip and wildcat money of that day. In his house were a great many news- papers, among them The Masonic Register, and in his water closet the remains of the mail bags were disclosed. Upon the trial these things were all accounted for in some way, and it was even developed upon the testimony of Gen. Gideon .John, an ex-sher iff ot Fayette county, and Hon. John A, Sangister, who had been a state senator, that Bradee could neither read nor write! It was essential to prove this, because of the papers fonnd upon his premises. Bat both witnesses lost caste in the community for giving such testimony. It did not seem possible that thtf physician who possessed such skill in the art curative should be want- mg in the rudiments of lenming. The doc- tor produced witnetwes from West Virginia, or the old state of Virginia, as it was then, aai. Ohio, who aooonnted for his monetary transactions. These conld not overthrow the evidence of a St Lonia book- keeper who identified money found in his possession as bills he had forwarded by the mail which had left Wheeling Dec. 13, 1840. In the leoords of the trial figures one John Cispon, who was best known as the Yankee dock peddler.' There was nothing favorable to the defense which be did not know, and, however unlikely his stories were, no deftly put queries ot keen attorneys cenld entrap him. It mattered not what testimcny could be adduced in his favor, there stood the testimony of William Corman that he had handed him mails from the foot of the stage, and had thrown them to the roadside at points agreed upon, and the stammering mention ot Gorman's name in the dingy office at Uaiontown was a case which neither rhetoric nor suborned witnesses could over- throw. Nearly every lawyer en both sides addressed the jury, and Justice Bildwin charged them. Of the speeches tbe most part have been preserved, and they would put to shame much of the talk to juries in these days. The j ary in the case only deliberated two hours, when they returned a verdict of guilty upon three counts of the indictment. Dr. Bradee was sentenced to ten years' scli- tary confinement in the Western peniten- tiary. There are many people to this day who believe that he went west and became prosperous and wealthy, but the records of the institution to which he was consigned show that he died there at the age of 35, in 1846. When he reached the penitentiary it was found that he was wholly illiterate, as is shown in the following narrative. The spelling of the name changed between Uniontown and the penitentiary from Bra- dee to Braddee. Officer Caskey, of the Western peniten- tiary, who has been for over fifty years in the institution, and who had special charge of Braddee, has distinct remembrance of him. "He was brought to the penitentiary," said he. "in June of 1841, and died nearly five years later. His term was only ten years. The doctor was a young man, only 29 years of age, six feet one inch tall, and very fine looking. He was a Frenchman and had a very fine appearance. I had him under my care, and he and I together planted tnose large lombardy trees in front of the penitentiary. In the description given of him on the books of the office he is marked educated, but I found from my in- tercourse with him that he was very illiter- ate. He learned his letters with me, and before he died was able to spell nicely in letters of three syllables. He was a famous practitioner, however, and stories of his wonderful cures spread after his conviction and sentence. He told me that the way he worked it was to hire a smart clerk in his drug store to do the writings and keep the books. Hs may have been learned in French. He was a married man and had six children. His health was good during his confinement until his wife married his former clerk that sickened him and he died in six months. There was a party going on in the reception-room at the time of his death. Before his death he made a confession, implicating several prominent people of Uniontown in his guilt, but no at- tention Was paid to it. " I buried him just outside of th walk â€" now inside â€" and so marked the grave thit I could tell if his body had been stolen. It was never disturbed. We never campelled him to work, but he did some little at mak- ing boys' shoes. He was skil'ul in medicine though, and was much trusted where he lived. One prisoner sent in from Uniontown became sick, and the disease refused to yield to the prison doctor's treatment. He begged to have Dr. Braddee prescribe for him, and we allowed it. He was well in one month. There are stories of his escape from the institution, but I saw him die and I buried him." â€" Pittsburgh Leader, How Astor Became Bich. A late writer, speaking of the late John •Jacob Astor, thus speaks of the mode by which he acquired bis great wealth "It was neither furs nor teas that gave him his $20,000,000. When he arrived in New York it coQtained only 25,000 inhabitants. In 1809, when he began to have money to invest, the city had oegun to double in population, and bud advanced nearly a mile up the island. Astor foresaw the future growth, and bought all the land, and lots just beyond, on the verge of the city, that ne could get. One little anecdote will show the wisdom of this proceeding. He sold a lot io the vicinity of Wall street, in iSlO, for $8,000, which was supposed to be some- what under its value. The purchaser, after the papers were signed, seemed to chuckle over his bargain. ' Why, Mr. Astor, said he, ' this lot will be worth $12,000.' ' Very true, ' said Mr. Astor, â-  but now you shall see what I will do with this money. With eight thousand dollars I will buy eighty lots above Cinal street. By the time your lot is worth $12,000 my eighty lota will be worth $80,000 'â€"which proved to be the fact. In the course of time the island was dotted all over with Astor lands, to such an extent that the whole income from his es- tate for fifty y( ars could be invested in new houses, without buying any more land." The Editor's* Trousers. An editor in Chicago recently ordered a pair of trousers from the tailor. Oa trying them on they proved to be several inches too long. It being late on Saturday night, the tailor's shop was closed, and the editor took the trousers to his wife and asked her to cut them off and hem them over. The good lady, whose dinner had, perhaps, dis- agreed with her, brusquely refused. The same result followed an application to the wife's sister and the eldest daughter. But before bedtime the wife, relenting, took the pants and, cutting off six inches from the legs, henimel them np nicely and restored them to the closet. Half on hour later her daughter, taken with compunction for the unfaual conduct, took the trousers and, cut- ting off SIX inches, hemmed and replacep them. Finally, the sister-in-law felt the pangs of conscience, and she too performed an additional surgical operation on the gar- ment. When the editor appeared at breakfast on Sunday the family thought a Highland chieftan ha»i arrived. â€" The Century. FUIOfYGBAMS. A London tourist met a young woman ingto the kirk, and, as was not unusual «?* wad oairyingher boots in her hand' an! trudging alotg barefoot. "My girl " 'S-. he, "is it customary for all the cejple • these parts to go barefoot?" "Partly th'" do," said the girl, ".iud partly they a;!? their own business. " " Daring a disturbance in the gallery cf theatre tbe exeiftd crowd were on the poinf of "throwing over" one of the principj offenders in the parquette beneath, lega d less of conseqaercss. Observing the'extrav gant tendency, an Irishman of utiUtariat views arose in his scit and roared om ' s^i Don't washte him I Kill a fiddler wid him." A gentleman' who observed Johnnie care- fully taking the census of a compony assetn bled in the parlor awaiting a call to suphfj inquired: "What is the matter Jjhnuip'" "Why," returned the urchin, with a troulil. ed air, "here's niae of us, cointing me, and mamma has gone and cut the two pies in-o quarters, and that only makes eight pieces " A friend of mine, who dabbles considera- bly io stocks, walked m to a well-Kno wn bink. ing- house the other day and created c.uud- erable excitement by remarking "i gg). a pretty good thing when I bou^hc that last Winter. It was .34 ther, and today it stands at 95,' "Well, I should say .u,' ex. claimed the senior partner. "But whtt stock was it?" "It was a thermometer" cooly replied my friend. ' Machine Gnns in War. The announcement tnat an American otii. cer has received permission to inspect the British machine guns at Woolwich has called attention to their ad vantages and dis- advantages in war. A writer in the Pall Mall Gazette thus criticises the employment of machine guns on the field of battle "If the range is correct and the mark remains steady great execution will be done, but tne slightest error will throw every bullet out, except at short range. inus the French found that their attempts with the mitr-iil. leuse, even at such short distance as 1,200 yards, were perfectly futile, and that their new weapon had not the slightest chance against the field artillery of that time. Since then the German field artillery has mere than doubled its efficiency. Against their sharpnel, thrown with the present velocities, the mitrailleuse would have less chance than ever. The reply of the Ger- man army to the question, "What is the place of the machine gun in the field of bat- tle " has been, "It has no place, and what- ever additional men and horses can be given should be devoted to increasing the field ar- tillery." Accordingly, machine guns have not been largely increased in proportion to the other arms. Exactly the same course has been pursued by the French ami by every other great contmental power. Xo^e have adopted machine guns f jr the field all have increased and developed their field ar- tillery. When we remember that France, Germany, Austria, Turkey, Russia, have all lately passed through the furnace of war, and had moat of their crochety dross burned out of them, their unanimous opinion ought surely to outweigh the thtoreiicil ideas of a few partisans who still cling to the notion of tindingthe machine gun a weaoon wortljy the cost of the men and horses required for its use They admit that it cinn^tface field artillery at artillery ranges, that its projectiles have no power whatever against walls, or buildings, or earthworks, but they believe that, when two hostile bodies of in- fantry are closing the machine guns can be brought from cover, where they have re- mained until then, and will exercise a great iofluence over the result of the combat. Xo doubt they would in such a case, provided the infantry fight happened to be where they could go. â-  L .. Earthquake Phenomena. The causes of earthquakes have long been the subject of many conjsctures. The nu- merous investigations ot later years have contributed much to define their characters; and several data recently acquired tend fur- ther to make their mechanism clear. It is known that the shocks are by no means dis- tributed at haphazard over the surface of the globe. The ccuatries where the strata have presei'ved their original horizjntal posi- tion, like the north ef France, a part of Bel- gium, and the most ot Russia, are priviletjed with tranquility. Vidiut commotions are manifest 3d, particularly in regions that have saflered considerable mechanical accidents, and have acquired their last relief at a re- cent epoch, hue the region of the Alps, Italy, and Sicilj. Tne tracts that are simultaneously dis- turbed by the same shock most frequently comprise acres of from 5 to 15 decrees, or from 300 to 1 oOO kilometers. They rarely include a much more considerable fraction of the globe although the celebrated catastro- phe at Lisbon on the 1st of November, IT"i, extended over some 17 or 18 degrees into Africa and the two Americas, or over a sur- face equal to about four times that of Europe. The detailed examination of many eaith- quakes has enabled us to deteruiine the cen- tre of the shocks as well as the contours of the disturbed areas. From the manner in which the latter surfaces agree with the lines of pre-existing dislocations, several cf the most distinguished geologists, including Mr, Dana, M. Saess, and Albeit Heim, have con- sidered the shocks in question as connected with the formation of chains of mountains, of which they may be a kind of continuation. In fact the crust of the earth everywhere shows the enormous effects exercised by the latteral pressures that have been in operation at all epochs. The strata, bent over and over again many times through thousands of metres of thickness, as well as the great fractures that traverse them, are the elo- quent witnesses of these mechanical actions. Notwithstanding the apparent tranquility now reigning on the surface of the globe, equilibrium does not exist in the earth, and commotions have not been arrested in its depths. The proof of this is found, not only m earthquakes, but also in the slow move- ments of the soil, of elevation and depression â€" a kind of warping, which has continued to manifest itself within historical times in all parts of the globe.â€" Popular ^^cience Montklij fir February, There that the .,„ chased a large tract of City. is no truth at all in the repo;t prince of Wa'es has reently our- land near Kansas

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