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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 7 Feb 1884, p. 5

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 ILLER. ALL ikil to. Eesi- uiul 122-35 IV) SCHOOL iHi:xF,ys-AT 11. CIV, Cdiney â-  1 k-urut'd at V rinjrsdav, as M'liF.J' EEO ';•.â- , Conveyan 'i; \].F.. VicV»r's Block M.ak.lale, over :in 1 Sal ui 'lay .-,7-ly (.11 Tluirsday iMo ttrms. 79-lv Wll. iFc Fire and mnmissioue' and ijiceiised rii y. Fanners, I'linctually at- ti V moderate. 1-v u-hes promptlj Itcii. .i-iil Estate s» »n 't forget the Great Auction Saleat TBIMBHE WEIGHT'S on Friday and Saturday. Local and Other Items. StiTiiBS en time c«ln,mn» intended to benefit -.niy iniiuiihud or StKiety will he charged ten rinti II """ f"' 'â- ^ ""' imjertion and Jive centi (I '""' ""â- " niibieqMtt innertion. STANDARD TIME. A fine assortmentof watches Clocks, Rings, Chains, Setts, Buttons, Specks, Charms, c. Also an extra lift" ofhlectro- plaUd goods for table me. Watch and clock repairing personally, attended to and guaranteed. Honest charges' Pbofe88ob Campbell, the celebrated •=• Phrenologist, (20 years practice) has W RT^OW^ faken rooms for pn.fessional examina VV .r\-. J_^J-tvy TT x'^, tious iu practical Phrenology at Uie Th» lAWAlfAr Markdale Ilouse, where he will stay Tne jeweller, forafewdHVsonly. Tprms mtf derate yj A^ It li. jy JS^ 1^ E Lftctare at Orange Hall Saturday Evening, hee posters. Received r.n Jan. 28th, a fine line of castors, pickle cruets, spoons, forks, knives iu:.. froip the Meridan Co., who have appointed me agent here for thfcir goods. Can sell fine lines rf nickle goods, tea dessrt and table spoons fir below general prices lor Valentines **â-  ^^^ Medical I '*^^8® soods elsewhare. Call ai.d pee goods andt;et prices. W. A. Brown, jeweller, Markdale. Literature. â€" This is truly an age of cheap literature, auJ mUch of the reading matter of tije present age is anything but elevating morality. We however advertise in this issue a book efltitled " Mother, Home and Heaven" which every family should possess, and whicli cannot but prove a most valu- ab'e acquisition to each household that procures a copy. Eead carefully what eminent diyines say about it in another citluinn. P. T. Barnitm, the celebrated show- man is sHid to be worth between ten and fi:teeu million dollars he has 61 ST TMflllfSifH^â€" New Editfon. Bcvtaed a»l EalargeA HalJ, M( Kittkick's foundry Orangeyille, was burned tins week. All arrears must be paid before a paper c-du be dit^con tinned. Fifty cokds four-foot wood wanted at tbe Markdale Planing Factory, (ieo. Grant i: Co. The first division in Ihe Ontario r,egislatr,re gave the Government a miiionty of 12. \\. H. .\rrowsmjth has been ap jHiiuteJ assessor for Gleuelg, and John Wlii'by lor Artemesia M. ISyknes, of the Revere hotel, has oM his biKuiess to a Mr. Ch*^rry, of I recently made his will K.Mii; t.wiiship, who takes possession ' ^re very suggestive tl;\viek. j in the tirtt place Mr. Barimm became ,; wealthy chieflv by the liberal and (ii:AM MAsrriU, Dr. Cameron and " " ' IV I .M. McMnrcby of Owen .ii;nil vi-ited Markdale lodge C. U. F. oii Moiiilay evening laat. All PAiniKs indebted to the un-der- vi.MiLil an" requested to settle ;l.e .Slime by cash or )iote without fur- tUiT nntice. Thos. Matthews. All I'll tips indebted to the nudar -ijii il i'V .lote ov b )()k account are iipreLv iioiitied to pay the same to I. ilea-: .V c'o's. IJank without further iioacf .Liul save costs. W F. Doll. â-  This BeantiAiI Home Book made More BeantiM. Its unprecedented sale requiring repeated editions have so worn the plates as to unfit them for further use and its in- creasirtg popularity and demand has induced the Publishers to re-set and print the entire work from new type and Electrotype plates. We have thus improved the opportunity to revise^ enlarge and beautify the work in the following particulars 6 Nw FuH-Page Nliistriioii$. B New and Choice CentributtoKS. 40 Quarte Paget Uded, 414-454. 34 Additional Aiitliors introduced. And a New Emblematic Presentation Page. ISKgfKuiFmalbHIIim THE GRANDEST THOUGHTS AND UTTERANCES FROM THE BEST AND WISEST MINDS, UPON THE THR€E DEAREST NAMES TO MORTALS GIVEN. There is no condition of life it will not improve, no state ol the soul it will not cheer and comfort. A beautiful Monument to the Power and Glory of MOTHERHOOD, and /^ voice for the Home, its peace and Sanctity, /^ voice whispering in loving accentsof Heaven. Twoquestions WHAT IS HOME WITHOUT A MOTHER? in the aboye. WHAT IS LIFE WITHOUT A HOME AN D HOME INFLUENCES? WHAT WILL OUR ETERNITY BE WITHOUT HFAVEN AND ITS judicious use of printers ink, or m I HAPPINESS? other words, by advertisinc;, and in the I j-^ ,,^„ „,.^ „^o„^.„„» » •* •* •»» -*? t 1 1 n, ,f \Jj yof/ are a 2^a7'ent aei it, it fytll prove a fait/iftil Coun- seconu place he haf^ proved himsoli tx\ • zr a' • wise man iu making pr.'vision lor ihei. .S'elor I?/ Jionie flj/ftirs. distiibiition of his riches while o,-\Jf j'OH have a kome r/et it, it tt'tll aid jyou i/i inakii/ff sessed of A strong mind and plivsical Jlotiie Zife more beautiful. vigor, thereby saving the ^^^^^\^^Zf jqu are bound for Jleaven ffet it, it 7tm cheer and help jvote on the way. iU EOBT. ASKIN. Uas opened out a Firat-Ctaa. UNDERTKIN6 ESTABLISHMENT, An thereture has supplied a want long felt, COFFINS, CiSKETS, SHBOUDS. and all FUNERAL F URN iS RINGS supplied on the sliortes notice. -A. Si:lenclicl IIea,i:tse tur hire at moderate rates. PICTURE â€"All kind* cfâ€" FRAMING Done on short notice. ROBT. ASKIN. Srci;ul liand clocks in gocd order for M(.ui at i')io\vn'8 jt^wellery, Mark- .l;ile. from 1 to :p2 uO. When bring- .;iL' e K'ks for repairs, leave weights, i ;tll a.ul kfv at home, as it will save FViPv Sale. â€" A pair of 'oits rising two and three ycar. respectivoiv, apply to Andrew Irving one '.:\-\^ ui Markdale T. k 8. Road. 11 17fi 7K. Mk. J .UN Blytr, M.P.P. for South 'in y. icijuitted liimself very creditably â-  1! Ii!^ first effort in the Legislature. lie «a- c'luipliuiented by leading mem- "i'r. (41 tiir opposite side for liis abil- 'v a,ri a sp.'akcr. Ml.. li'HN IfiLL, painter, received a " 'f,t:rHia on Thurs-day last, bearing â- !i" -a1 ;i!iil sudden intelligence of the 'i?Hti! of his father at Douglas, Out., "^:i clt-rk of Garafraxa Township, ill. i very suddenly of heart disease. 1 Au; Warnixg. â€" Those indeb*- 3d to '111' iiiuiorsigned by note or book fcoiiut are hereby notified that if the t:uc is not paid by the lotliFebruary 'â-  "^its ",viil be incurred. We are in need "' luii.'.MV and must haye it without "^1- -folui McKenna. !;rrKLFA-S .\RXICA SALVE. rijr bc-it Siilve in the world for cuts, bruises 'â- "" nicer-, salt rhetim. fever Hore* tetter, "'•^ppi. 1 liMi^ls, eliilblains, corns, and all "iiii crr.jiiioin, and positively cures piles or '" PiT r*ii\urej. It is gnaranteed to give *^'f" "iitisfaetion, or .xnoiiey refunded. â- "' i'"i rents cr box. For Sale by A. "â- â€¢ni.r ,t Co. Nn^wiTHSTAVDiNT. the iuclemeccT "• titf weather during the winter, ""•' .Mr. Casson, has been favored â- "itii luga congregations. His deep ""'U'jlit, and extensive knowledge, tii^'etW-r \Yitu couiprehonsive logical •I'll tliieiit power of argument, and i'leasiri^' delivery, renders iiis sermons 'itiplv interesting and exceeding iiibtnictive and profitable. New Saw Mill. â€" Mr. J. Conner, of l-u^erprise. Co. Addington is erecting â- unill on lot 5 con. 11 Euphrasia ^^'liicli uiU be ready for operation by ^iie 1st of April iiext. Mr. Conner ';* a pushing business man and will I'll a felt w.iut in the above ueighbor- •lood. riiose who have logs to Fell ^viU do well to get them to the mill ^lule the good sleighing lasts, the '"obest prices paid in casli for good mina lou's of all kinds, co.stora saw- 'â- '-^Iso Will Ij^. I trouble and expense usually attending I the settlement of the financial affairs of millionaiies after their decease. Off to Florid.v. â€" W. II. Hunter, Esq., well known as a prominent wood moichant on the T. (i. k B., has gone to Jacksonville, Florida, with bis wife and family to spend the remaining winter months. Mr. H. has written an mterestinc letter to his friends giving a brief account ofliistiipto the sunny .south. He sends a very curious luduient of his journey enclosed iu the hHter. It is a single hair from a Kentuckian's beard that measured five feet, o_ie and tlireequarter inches. This may seem incredible, but it you don't believe it you can see the hair now in the posses.sion of some oi the friends.-â€" Kcnnomist. OPl^iIOMS OF E.TIIKEIVT BIVIIVES Ai\l COLLECiE PRESIDENTS. 2 000 E. O. HAVEN. D. D., LLi. D.. ChandeUor Syracuse XJniversity â€" Could our own veiiHrated "Mother" have seen tnis splen- did book in our own sweet "Home" fifty years ngo, she would have been scarcely loss surprised and plrased than when she first entered "Heaven." The outside of this book is golden, the in :ido suitable to its setting. Some of the most precious things ever said Hre hero. It is a book for the centre- table, and its sentiments are worthy to be cherished in every heart. ^WTLLIAM M. TAYLiOR, D.D., Pastor of Broadwa:^ Tabernacle, New York City â€" This book is as valuable in its con- tents y.s it is beautiful in its external appearance. There is sonif^thing here for almost every experience, and the lessoiis for eartli arc all made to point toward the reward.s of Heaven. The book, an a whole, is worthy of all ac- ceptation, and is especially timely in an age when tlie glory of the home is frequently iorgotten in the glitter of what is called society. MORGAN DIX, D-D., Rector of Trinity Churcli.Broad- way, New York Ci y â€" The intention of the compiler was laudable Also WINES AND LIQUORS CHOICE BRANDS. Brandy in Hogsheads. Scotch and Irish Whiskey in Qr. Casks. Holland Gin in Qr. Casks. J'jmacia Rum in Qr. Casks. Fine Old Port and Sherry in Qr. Casks. Native Wine in Qr. Casks. Five-year-old Rye Whiskey in Barrels. White Wheat Whiskey i.i Barrel. Rye and Malt Whiskey in Barrels. Domestic Whiskey in Br.rrels. Liquors in Cases. Bottled Ale and Porter H. PARKER, Drug^^iSt, DURHAM. SUBSCRIBERS Wint it for 1«S4. The Amemcax Ac;ricul- i Tiitii?r to-day is better than ever before. We have increased our ccrps of Editor:- and Ar- tists. eaiiirRed and added to our Departments until thi! Periodical is no.v tlie recognized leading Agricultural .Journal of tli(! world, pi eseiitiui,' in every issue 100 Columns of OriKiual BeadinR Matter from the ablest writers, and nearly 100 OriRinal Illustrations It is to the interest of every one whose ^ub- seriptiou lias expiretl or who changing his place of residence, or moving West, has for the time being droppedout of our (xreatAimy of Subscribers to JOHN MONTGOMERY Begs to tender liis thanks to the inhabi- tants of Markdale and surrounding country for their patronage for the i)ast eleven year-* and to intimate to them that he is now pre- lared to supply the public with FRUIT, POUND PLUMB CAKES either nlain or iced and ornamenti d and r lar^^e laricty of other CABLES always on hand. Biscuits of every de- one and so wall has the design been carried out, that there arc very few ot scription from the best manu- the many selected pieces, winch I should i)refer to s^e omitted. As a proof; facturer in Ontario of my approval of the work, I beg y.u to send another copy to my house, and " 1 will pay on delivery. j A Large and Varied As- JOHN HAIjIj. D.D., Pastor Fifth Avenue Presbyterian j SOrtment Of Confection- Churcll, New York City â€" He who purifies the home and lightens Q^y 3nd^ it with the light of Heaven, blesses his own geijeration and the t'eueralions „ j^ __ „ _^^, ffollowing. All the influences of the elegant volume are in this direction. I V-^-TlrClo 1 IVi Ao \.\J o, JOHN F. HURST, D-D., President of Drew Theologi i„„^.^^,.~^^ ^^ t-^*- cal Seminary. New Jersey â€" It is a book for the home one tnat I3iiII.l'!-» 0-A.lVlii' will do us a real service at hi)me or when away from it, in suggesting right thoughts. The happy combiuation of prose and jmetry, the grouping of authots of every evangelical confession in happy brotherhood, greatly enhace the value of the work, as they must enlarge the number of its f. iend-^. nOo o supplied on the shortest notice at tl got up in the b^^st style thnt can be tli's eidj of Toronto. OOr.DEIV OPllVIONS OF THE RELICilOXrr» A]\D SECULAR PR£SS. (1 u pr.-raptly atiej? led to. COME BACK and accept of our unparalleled offer of the AMERICAN AGRICULTURIST For 1884 A $4 Periodical. A 600-PA6E DICTIONARY, 1000 ILLUSTKATIOXS. FOES OR FRIENDS .0" MOEBIS' 1 1x18 SUPEEB Pl..»^TE EnOIUVIXGS IN THE MEADOW" Dupre's 12x17 Supe'b Plate Engravmg. â€" Oltâ€" 12 PIECES OF SHEET MUSIC, In Place of the Dictionary, .^^XjIj for $1.7'0 POST-PAID. Active Canvassers Wanted. Rend two -i-cent stamps fo- a Sample Copy, and -see wliat a Wonaerful Paper it is now. Addrestf Orange Jndd Co. irA BKO.ADWAY. NEW YOBK. David W. Jndd, ri:i:sii.i;sT. The New York Cliurclinian says "The htdiest sentiment-* of the human heart Hud ex|)resion here. It cannot fad to ixert a wholesome and blessed inUueucs upon the reader. It api)eals not only to tlie emotion -i. but also to the conscience. The sympatliy that wins and the course tliat guides, are both to be found m those pages. One seldom mef^ts with ga,tbered /extracts richer iu beauty and Arisdom. than those which compose this work." I The Na'ional Journal of Education. Boston, says "We j doubt it there is a book in the Eu'dish langua^ie better adapted to tlevate I and refine the character of the reader than this." I The New York DaiJy Tribune, says " It exhibits the bright- est aspejcs of religion, ajid Nets f'jrth the precepts of mora'ity in an attrac ive I form. It combines the charms of literature with sound priuciiles on tin- con- j duct of life, and is well suited for au inter* sting gifi-book, wbo.xe iniiucnce j can only tend tj increase. the number of virtuous and hapj y hora s." I The PhiladelTDhia Christian Standard and Home Journal 'savs: "This IS truly one of the most beautiful and interesting books of the I season. It abounds urthe mo«t pure and precious Rentimeuts, and wjil do gooI to all -alio read it. It is pre-emmently suitable for a holiday present. We wish the book could be put inio eyery family in the laud. Every page of it is full of the most tou;liiug and iustructive thoughts." The Cleveland Evangelical Messenger says "Here certain- j ly is a book fit for every house and home. »â-º bouk which no one can read j withodt benefit. It is truly a treasury of golden thoughts on a tiiniiy of themes old as tue world and precious as love." Will call und show- you my book at my earliest con- venience. Ycurs Respectfullv, D. K.McPHERSOI\f. Apples, Oranges l a variety of Nuts al- ways on hand. Tea meetings. S^^cials and other parties supplieil on the fhortc^t notice and oil the mos' reasonable terms. IfiO-OO. THE KEY TO HEALTH. Unlocks all the clogged avenues of the- Sowels, Kidnev^ and Liver, carrying off gradually wit' jUt weakening the system, all the impurJlies and foul humors of the '-ecretions at the same time CkXTTectUlg' Acidity of the Stomach, curing Bili- ousness, Dvspepsia, Headaches, VHx- ziaess, HeartDum, Constipation; Dryness of the Skin, Dropsy. Dim- ness of Vision. Jaundice. Salt Rhemn, Erysipdas, Scrofola. Flutterinir of the Heart, Nervousness and General Debility all these .nnd many other simi- lar CrTinlnints vield to the hap py inf luence- BITSDOOE BLOOD BITTERS. Sample Bottles 10c Regular size $1^ For s.-ile hy all dealeri. J, BtlLBlUN •!- to., Pr«prJc»»rs. T»r«BM» k!-. p. i I 9 .1: il i'ii " ill m I it â- ^ I I m I';! !i^" \\i tsim. '

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