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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 7 Feb 1884, p. 1

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 i^rSV- " iBK^ â-  i OL. 4.--X0. 19 MARKDALE, ONT., FEB. 7, 1884. No. 178 HS! Ufavris. I ' The fo.lowiiiu' i-^ h s-"eclioii fiom ' f,he l)i)nk en*i:itMi " .M -tin-r, H niit' «ii 1 i Uenvtji!," a ;vi_t; ;-s:',i ii ;uj o-..l- iMin ,1 .ii-i'(j .siiaii 'ii.:uuh;i ;-';i'-f ln' r^tiiled? J ,1 ,â-  â- !â- ' i.!i,' III 111 :y ^1 \:-.\ â-  V v-? A -Ar-t:l vi)i.-e Mill -v.;.- I --;I,':i-.'eii. lieiirti 1 siiii'l. \\]it-n uiM'li sliail cotuo AiiU :ili tliv cr)i,ls l.t- ilveii, ^\'il:(l lii-s l«vouil tilt' -woliiiit; tM" Til" -aim- .â- ;\\('"t vnii-.- t(i iiiiiie r«pjied 111 luviu:,' !n;ccntb â€" Hfayuu. When, \vl«»ip slmlF frii'ii l-]i' Kfrer dia Nor iiaitiu;,' huud b â-  ;,'ivi-ii? My ii.-art WHS filleil wiil.i strauije dt-ligbt, I'c.Y. Ill tliiit siltMit iius!i (if ii.i/lit I Iji.'iuil t)ie answer â€" Huii'ttii. ' v.v '.^er oil life" fifiii sea. liv '-toririy h lliuvs liriven; l2y, what ciin --iinthi' liiy ac'iiwR brpast, Or' jlvc tlice Koiiifdi't, joy ar-d rest " ly.kt; Mother, Iluiiie ami Heaven. CoHiity ConncJI. CONCLUOK!) Fr.(J.V LAST WEFK. Frinii the Tiiiii'^. {)\\'\\\ij; til ;mi ovfi.ij,'lit, t.lin name [of Air. â- ]. C. MiiltT, 011(3 (.fthe Deputy lieeves of Owpii Snuiiil, was oniittel Iroui tile !ii:t of iiaiaes; df Couiicillurs jjivojs iast week.] THURSDAY .Vrrr'-.KNOON, Afteji r ailiiiij; vi commuuicniionp. ' i\\ law No, 8"21 ai)[ioiuti)ig County ' AudiicfTs, wa.s ruad a tliiid time and [pas-oil. Moved liy Mr. MtJvenny, sccondeJ I Uiy Mr, Tii(Hnp.s(n. 'ihat the Solicitor) liie if(juest(:^(l lo couiniu'iieate wit'i the j I Asscbiurs of tlie several juiiuiciiialities Avitliiii the Couiiiy, calleiug tlieir I ioitteuliou to tlie necessity of assessiu|f laccoitliiig to law at or us near true leash value as possible â€" this legal I rci|uiremeijt ou the pnrt of Assessors I heretofore having h(^en very imper- jfectly earned tut, thereby curtading tile powers of Cniirts ot Pievifioii in metcing otu justice to appeals against [iissessmen' â€" lanicil. Tlie yeas and nays being called for on the motior, were as follows: lV(7.s â€" Christoe, Pedlar, McNicol, Messenger, ' McCallura, McKonny, I Campbell, Hewgiil, Gilrav, Caulfield, Paul, McMdlan, Tott'en, Clark, â- Dunniugtoii, Vasey, Jiowes, Head, W. Lang. Gordon, Heming, Mc- "aught, Chisholm, Frost, Miller, Thoiupson, McKechnie, Kobertson, Breenâ€" 29. A'av» â€" t'awcett. McRae, Norton. \. Liiug. O'Farreli, Widmenyer, Melutyre, Middleton, Sogersâ€" 9. " Mr. McKechuie, presented report No. 1 of Comiiiittee on Finance, and on motion the Council went into Committee of the Whole on the re- port, tittd it was adopted vyithout I amendment. The report stated that theCDmmittee, in reference to communications from I the three Biding Agricultural Associ ations askmg a sptcial giant of $200 I for each Association to be applied for jmaturiug a scheme for securing new Iseed grain, could not recommend ItJaat any grant be oiade iu the matter |2nd, that they recommended printing jof Treasurer's annual statement [of non-resident land fund for 1884. in the minutes of Council 3rd, re- [conimending payment of certified iiecounts to amount of $46.06 and tth, recommending that Kobt. Myles, las. Murdoch, and Hugh Reid, be iid $20G, balance due them m full services as County Valuators â€" said Valuators having completed their labors, and handed into this Council detailed statement of where they Fere laboring each day. Moved by Mr. Miller, seconded by ir. McRae, That the County Taluators be paid $120 for Sunday expenses, being forty Sundays, each, It $1 per dayâ€" /ost. Mr. Foret gaye notice that at next leeting he would move that a motion assed in December session requiring Valuators' report to be printed in its ^ncirety be varied, by limiting such bublieation to the parts of the report ilready printed in December minutes. The ReevG of Euphrasia introduced By law to alter the time for holding lunicipal nominations. Muved by Mr. Totten, seconde 1 by Mr. McNicol, That the motion â- .tdoi»tiiig tlie leport of tlio Valuators at the December s( ssiou of this L"unttil be r. sciudeil and that it be referred i/fick to tlie Committee on Fiiiauce and Assessmonr, to amend tJ;^ s:i'iie, (UT !s having been uiscov- eif 1 t lerein â€" hiK' I'he MMs and nays beiiiij crJIed for ou the moiioii, weie as f^dlous Wax â€" i.'uristoe, Pedlar, McNicol, Mes-^enger, McCullum, Mcliae, Mc- Mi'lan. Cameron, Norton, Totten. Ciaik, Gamey, Mclntyre, Middleton, Rogers, McNaught â€" 16. Saix â€" Campbell. Hewgiil, Gilray, Fawcett, Caulfield, Paul. V. Lang, "Fai)ell, Widmenyer, Dnuningtou, Vnbey, Ruwes, Read, W. Lang, Gor'on, Heming, Chisholm, Frost, Miller, Thompson, McKechnie, Robert- son, lireeu, McKeniiy â€" 24. A motion to read Dy-law to alter time for holding municipal nomin- ations, a second time, was lost and a motit a that it bo read a second time tbis day six mouths, was carried. Tiif^ Ccnnci! ihen adjourned till 2 o'clock ou P'riday. FIUD.IY AFfEBNOON. A communication was read from the Provincial Prisoners' Aid Associ atioti of Toronto, asking a grant to aid them in their work of Iinlping disciiarged prisoners an 1 finding ihom worK. Tlie communication stated that expenses for 1883 were upwards of %-i).Om faid also that other County Councils had made grants, which were leiwl. A ciitular in ref rence to a centennial ccleDration of U. E. Lioyalists was also read. ijy-law No. 8 of Derby, to close up a certain road in tnat townsliip, was read a first and second tune. Mr. McKechnie read rpp^rt No. 2 of Finance Committee, which stated that the Committee could not lecom- lueud a grant to Ontario Rifle AtsocI- atiou and recommending payment of account to Breckenridge Wilson. Report adopted. Mr. Chisholm, as Cotmty Director of the T. G. k B. R., read his report ou railway matters. He stated that matters had changed since last re- port â€" the T. G. B. having been leased for 99 years to Ontario k Quebec Railway, which has been amalgamated with the Canada Pacific Railway, hie duties as Director were almost nil. The present prospect was that a large portion of the trade o/'the Northwest and British Columbia would pass through Owen Sound, in seeking an eastren outlet. We would have a large elevator built here by the opening of navigation, and hope- ed to see the largest fleet on inland waters running from this port next spring and he hoped at the June session to be able to point out to the Council the fulfilment of what he had referred to. Dr. Christoe read report of County Property Committee statmg that the communication of County Judge respecting proper oflce accom- modation, had been duly considered but recommended no action being taken at present â€" the Judge being absent holding Division Courts and recommending payment of a number of accounts. Mr. Hewgiil read report of Education Committee, recommending that report of Inspector of South Grey be printed in minutes 2nd. recommending pay- ment of a number of accohnts 8rd, and recommending that account of Secretary of Board of Examiners for $100. cut down at December session to $25 and not accepted, be paid in full. The Council went into Committee of the Whole on the report of Educat- ion Committee. On the 8rd clause, considerable dis3U8?ion took place, one member contending that the Board of Examiners did not exist, and that therefore no one had power to say the Secretary should receive $100. Others contended there was just as much work now as formerly, and if the service hnd been rendered, tbey should be paid for. The County Solicitor being asked lor his opinion, said the Board was as much now in force as it ever was â€" though examin- ations for non-professional certificates were held at Toronto, yet for profes- sional certificates fo principal teaching, the Board examined the candidates and further, the Board was appointed by By-law of the Council, and still existed as sucli. The clause then a-sed, and after striking out a clause recimmending payment of an account for au advertisement inserted five years ago in a M^aford paper, the comm tsee rose, and the rjj-ort as amended was adopted. On motion, the report of County Director of the T. G. B. R. was adopte'l also report of County Property Committee. Mr. V. Lang read report of Printing Cammittee. recommending payment of account of J. Rutherford, for prin- ting minutes of December session also that in regard to Valuators' Report, which would probably cost §500 imprinted in full, the committee recoiniueuded that on action he taken in the matter, believing that the synop- sis of report as now appended to the minutes, gives all requisite information. The Council w^ent into Committee of the Whole ou the report. â€" Mr. McNicol iu the chair. Dr. Christoe thought that the cost of printing the Valuators' Report in full, woul I nut cost anything like $500 â€" he behaved it could be done for fl.'iO. Mr. Clark said ratepayers in Keppel were very anxioua to have the report â€" municipal men would find it very useful, as it would enable them to tell about the value of any lot and the ratepayers wanted to know what was done by Valuator" Mr. McKechnie moved "Imt that part of the report about. Valuators' Report not being ninted hi expunged; and insert, that provii'ed the Valuators' Report can be printed entire at a cost not exceeding $250 for 1000 copies that it be printed, and tenders adver- tise for. He said the whole county wanted the information as to the labors of the Valuators, Mr. Frost opposed the motion. The Valuators' book consisted of 390 pages, and if i)rmted iu its entirety would make that number of printed pages. He thought the synopsis was all that ueeded to be published. The clause iu the report took the place of his proposed motion. Mr. Middleton contended that if it did cost $500. it was a matter of great importance. The work of the Valua- tors had cost the people over $2,000, and the monetary consideration was the least. If it were printed it would remove any suspicion that the report was wrong, and would giye an oppertunity to show that no injustice had been done. If it should be seal- ed up, the impression would be that the Valuators, instead of doing honest and fair work, have been putting up a job ou the County. Dr. Christoe demanded as a right that the work should be done at con- tract rates, like all reports produced at the County Board. He thought the work could be contracted, so that two or three pages of report might be put into one printed page. The Reeve of Meaford thought it would be a useless expense to print it entire. The W^arden said the discussion was out of order. Mr. McNicol, chairman, also held that the motion passed in December and the report conflicted â€" that the motion should be recinded first. Mr. Bowes was against printing it might have to be gone over again. Dr. Christoe moved an amendment that the clause in the report referring to the matter under discussion, be struck out. The amendment wan earned. A furthes clause,recommendiug the piicting of 100 copies of standing rules, was also struck out â€" with the understanding that the rales should first be revised. The committee then rope. The Warden read a communisation from the County Valuators, asking that as they had finished their labors, they be discharged. Mr. Middleton read report of Com mittee on Correspondence and Mem- orials, recommending that in answer to a circular from the secretary of the Canada Land Law Association in ref- rence to introdneing what is known as ihe Torrens Land system mto this country, a memorial be drafted ap- proving of it also in reference to communication of R. W. Phipps in regard to Forest Preservation, ans- wer be sent approving of legislation eought to be obtained, except that re- ferring to exempting certain portions of forest land from taxation. The Council adjourned till 8 o'clock. FBIDAY EVENINCr. The Warden read report from A. Grier, Esq., Inspector of Ea^t Grey. On motion, report of Printing Cora mitted as amended in Committee of the Whole, was adopted. After some explanation in regard to the Torrens Land System, by Mr. V Lang, in which he referred to it as a system to simplify registration of titles, the report of Committee on Correspondence and Memorials was adopted, after a short discussion. Mr. Gamey read report of commit- tee appointed to examine into the Treasurer's securities, which gave the names of sureties to amount of $100,- 000, and from all information, good and sufficient security. The Council then went int6 com- mittee of the whole ou By-law 322 t«» appoint a High School Trustee. Mr. McBae proposed Mr. John Rutheilord, and Mr. Frost proposed Mr. W. Rough as High School Trus- tee, In proposing the name of Mr. Rough, Mr Frost said there had been great trouble over school matters, and reverted at some length to school af- fairs of late years. He spoke of sides having been taken in regard to them and Mr. Rutherford having taken a strong stand on one side, it would be better to appoint a nou-partizau man as Mr. Rough was. Messrs. McRae, Bowes, Christoe, Read, Gamey, Chisholm, and others, spoke of the confidence the Council reposed in Mr. Rutherford, having known him for so many years, and referred to his abilities and fitness for the position some of them saying they did not care to have anything to do with school squabbles in Owen Sound, but were determined to ap- point men whom they knew were well qualified. After two or three had spoken of supporting Mr. Rough on the ground of his not being a partizan iu school matters, a vote was taken, resulting in the election of Mr. Rutherford by a good majority. The council rose, and By-law 822 was read a third time and passed. Moved by Mr. Chisholm, seconded by Mr. Miller, that a special commit- tee of five members, to be named by the Warden, be appointed to revise the standing rules for the government of the Council â€" carried. Moved by Mr. Middleton, seconded by Mr. Gamey, that a committee com- posed of the Reeves ot Normanby, Durham, Meaford Artemesia, and Deputy Reeves of St. Vincent.Osprey, Egremont, Glenolg, and Holland, be appointed to examine the act for the formation and government of Police Villages and if deemed defective to report such amendments as mly ap- pear necessary to this council at the June sedsion â€" carried. The Council adjourned till 9 o'clock Saturday tqoruing. SATUBDAy MORNING. The By-law to close up a certain road allowance in the Township of Derby was read a third time and passed. Moved by Mr. Frost, secon(ted by Mr. Read, that the resolution passed in the December session, requiring' the Valuators' Report to bo printed in its entirety as an appendix to the minutes, be varied by limiting such publication to those parts of said re- port already published in December minutes. Moved in amendment by Mr. Mid- dleton, seconded by Mr. Mclntyre, that the clerical error discovered ia the County Valuator's Report, relat- ing to the Township of Collingwood, which said Township was equahzed at sum $60,000 less, through an error in addition, than said yaluators in- tended, be corrected and that the report be published in accordance with the motion p*ssed at December session, so that tbe ratepayers of the County may be afforded an opportun- ity ot enquiring into tbe correctness of said report, and satisfy themselves as to the yalue obtained for a valua- tion which has already cost over $2,- 000, provided that the same can be done at a cost not exceeding $250, and that the same be submitted for tender. Moved in amendment to the amend- ment by Dr. Christoe, seconded by Mr. Pedlar, that said resolution bo not varied, but that contract be giyen to A. R. Fawcett of Flesherton, viz to print 1000 copies for $200â€" and lor its completiou the guarantee of the Reeve of Artemesia be accepted. Considerable discussion took place on these motions â€" a good deal the same ground being gone over as 011 Friday afternoon â€" Messrs. McNicol. Christoe, Clark, Middleton, and others arguing that the Valuators' Report should be printed in full while. Messrs. Chisholm, Frost, Dunrington, McRenny, and others, contended that the synopsis already printed in con- nection with December minutes, gave all tbe information possible to be gathered from the report in detail while Messrs. Miller, McRenny, Tot- ten, Clark, and others, thought the more sensible way would be that it should be revised by a committee be- fore priuting. Dr. Christoe's amendment was first put, and lost by a vote of 13 to 26. Mr. Middleton's amendment was then put, and lost bv a vote of 17 to 22. The yeas and nays haying been called for were Yeas â€" Christoe, Pedlar, McNicol, Messenger, McCallum, McRrae, Mc- Millan. Norton. Totten, Clark, O'Far- reli, Gamey, Mclntyre, Middleton, Rogers, McNaught. McKechuie â€" 17. yayx â€" McRenny, Campbell, Hew- giil, Gilray, Fawcett, Caulfield, Paul, V. Lang, Whitmenyer, Dunnington, Vasey, Bowes, Read W^. Lang, Gor- don, Heming, Chisholm, Frost, Miller Thompson, Robertson. Breeuâ€" 22. Before the original motion was put, another amendment was made by Dr. Christoe, seconded by Mr. Pedlar, that the motion be not varied, but that 1000 copies of the Report be printed and given by competition to the lowest tender, providing it does not exceed $200. The above amendment was lost on about the same division â€" 18 to 22. The original motion by Mr. Frost w^8 then put and carried by 22 to 18. Two or three other motions on the subject were made and discussed, and afterwards withdrawn. On motion, Report; No. 2 of Educa- tion Committee, recommending print.- ing of the report of the Inspector for East Grey, was adopted. A motion was made by Dr. Christoe seconded by Mr, Pedlar, thit th Council hold only one more session in the present year. An amendment was moved by Mr. Middleton, seconded by Mr. Thomp- son, to the effect that the June ses- sion be held as usual, at which time it can be seen if the third session can be despensed with. The amendment was carried. The report of the special commit- tee appointed to enquire into the vali- dity of the Treasurer's securities, was adopted. A committee of five memler.s were appointed to revise tbe scanding rule» of the Council. Tne Cauncii adjourned t » Mou lay 28rd June, at 7 o'clock p. m. Prof. Low's Sulphur Soap is hi(,'hly rr- commended for the cure of iiruptioa.Cha;' f. Chapped Hands, Pimples, Tan, c, ••! am going to plant my foot down," said t'le lady of the house iu wrathful tones. "What 'yer going^ to raise, corns?" interrogMted (he man of the house from h-hind his paper. â€" Rockland Courier- Gazette. A WONDERFUL RESULT. A single bottle of Dr. Low's Plai ant Worm Syrup has frequeatljr iiestrojed fiom 100to200 w)irnis. I: if iiioasiiut to take â€" no other cathai-tic bclug reqiiiriid. Tni»« worms hsve also 1)0811 re nov. d bv it. i.i I'i to 35 feet in leu;;th. It is eiiectual fov all vai-ities of worm:) alH c^iiig. bjth cliiHren aud adoits. .i^^i.^- ~il ^^^^â- -:f-

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