â- "t- «\ff.*- â- - »«. »*:r*v^»J»j»s:i..f«^v«2-:s«t labet, that daily m^ ik of ita origin •ue spirit of 4 Snown En^ijjj lilological lub. d published, U ader the title • of the O.igij It is onlyljy eatly inacrip. art c: reading g hitherto ua- a wfll posted i. By careful nd scientific in. ilologists, Tay. â- ji laay compre. habet, ahowini; ;ers may be fol. eginaing, some 3, as he aaserte, 3cor(iing to thi« Italian printers ^nese were im. nuscript3 of the =f, the letteriiifr the Roman cf I'.an letters, ij ployed at Rome id these do not (1 in the earliest writir^, dating !^ This primitive ' ved from a locil ?t, in use aboQt :d that was a I alphabet be- t. the ninth cen- »ot tlieir letters iL-irs are clearh t known form of ok^, a papyrus preserved io the ippli::s tiip earli. ,\1 in the ^imitic lies of the Liw ' tht.' 'ews only o! an alphabet, ilern philologicii cimmou origin is in dady use Tl,-: nineteent: ay lor to be the :;;n ot alphabetic it grew by alow ihf! home of the :ivity, the know- ..Tit' in all di- r. iio\. found. I 'ht to iiavebsen 'â- '-:\ «.' alphabet to V j.f.'l each sound Liireiul analysis, :i .1 have marked 1; .ill;' instances, oi various al- ,,_' fic-t thp.tthe 1 ;i e vi-.t 'nee is a 1 'ii a little ink r. " iii one of the It.iiy, cittribnted '"â- .V earliest ^r e known Oii!t .c rapid incre^t, t.iC'se preoioi! ni-)re diligentre- • -r.l of learned !r :ient of know- .tory throughou; :nere were founa it- i '.scribed with â- /-.'ij bick to the • â- ;iti;ry 1;. C. i-:^L-ril)cd statues, 1 • ;ni inscription, -;;, MP the wall c; iivil ;.ew materia: -..â- ..-ommon mothe: 1' ucian. ajre de- other Europeai I1-, including thai !!â- tjreatest interes; a'phabets of Asia, th- se of the F.iSt, •ew. m IIOK.HTS. .: ti u.sts in (iod. \. '.liiien key thi' ei.;-; i.od's reliiC' i-t M^d's williaj' -«- -t surprise oil ^i\.y, not work up t .-â- istice of 0-*, i._- rclormed by tii :.- i-tand, and tha^ â- , the u'race of b"" lu ip of facts, notj ve r.-Tuse to link-; !rn-ri the 8welli»^ HI the lowly ^a-*! itu h-nnble hearts. t;;-.LCcs, the chiefs itsM; to be a gi*! anything take tt| a.t first abilia*!^ ;,.-a the farthest^ o'jKn lu all ages vision that is k. Though in tneiu, just as m !)jth light andB^ :ui i tiiey are without the " ,ul works. c3 ha- been discO^ the marriage ol I sou of the EtfJ -lily Anne ' November -i-Q" ' sactly five ha Lindsay, then_ y. s!-jw the rejn^ -.varthmore i",! .vetu followers C :arriage five ho»» he houses ^^^°^^ ;e with each o"** J t comniemoraa*"' â- NEWS SUMMARY. rlnterestlDg Items from all Parts of the World. r'lTED STATES. As a result cf the Pittsburg glass-works strike, cooperative factories are beiog start- ed by the workmen. (ieorgia farmers are busy securing labor- tra for the ccming season, and it is said that the supply is equal to the demand. Strawljerries from a Xew Jersey hot- Bousesell for$l a dczen. Peaches may be ordered for ?â- " each in very small quan- tities. Newport, K. ]., has received $-20 000 from tbe -ate, as partial comptusation for ced- ing Coasters' Harbor Island to the national government. Though "2,OCO,000 hnshels of grain were lespatched from 'ew ork to Europe last year, not cue American vessel cleared with grain as its cargo. Semi-Jnnual (liv."i'nds to the amount of ^\ 0."1 7-"iU v.ill be paid by corporati ns in •lartio".l, Cci-n.-this month, being about the'i-ame ae hst year. inc bookkeeper of the Washington Bank, .!,r^:cc, has been in th-'i employ cf that in- stitution tj':y year-s, and has nevtr asked for Ecr takt-n a day's vacation. Kiil-'ng ai:::a;or3 for their skins and teeth f.-i.ploys a large rorce of men in Florida, who have engaged to furnish .500,000 skins to a r rench tannery in a given time. Ml. -L C. Flood's hristmas gifts to the c-rphan asylums, ptc, of San Francisco ag- ;:regated S'nOOO, I'rotestants, Catholiss, and iiebrew's being treatel alike. Louisiana, has -,").j7 factories, working '.,1) 07- hands, with a capital invested of I^Ms :1L';.074, paying annually in wages 51,."i!»o,470. and y it Iding annually in products •fji i(;i,'J0.3.' Ther' were \,~~' violont deaths in Phila- lelphia last year, and 110 of the victims nave never been identiried. Seventy of the latter \vere infants the others were men and 11 white but one. Despatches from the "West report the c.jldest weather known for years. In the North-west Territories it is 50 below zero in some localities, the cold wave moving east- â- »-ard. It is txpected that 1 .aneral Grant will tisit llivana during the month. He will be the guest of his friend aneral Bid eau, â- .he Lnited States Consul i eceral for -Juba. ^ecafor Fair sent "rLOUO as a Christmas gilt to tlie Nevada ' irplian Asylum in 'ir ,-;inia, with a pleasant letter id which he al- luded to the many happy days he had spent .n that city. The ship-buihling industry in Maine has prove 'i more satisfactory this year on the whole than was expected last spring, on account cf the prevailing low freights. Last 5 ear there was an unusaal number of tons ;.-.ilr, aril in is-?:; the total comes within â- 7107^ tons of the total for 1S:"_*. A New York cigar dealer has invented a â- tobacco refrigerator' for keeping the weed :re-h and moist while exposed for sale. It is a cii'ar stand and tobacco-box combined, nade of polished white metal, and divided ;a the centre by two perforated partitions, between which is placed a wet sponge, -South raroliE.i nas a local option law which applies to incorporated cities, towns and villages. W hen a place votes in favor o-f prohibition it is said to have gone "dry," and when another votes for license it is baid to have gone "wet." More than twice \s many towns have gone "dry" has have gone "wet.' .\n I'ixchange says :â€" A bill peranitting livorce for adultery was defeated in the ^tate Senate cf --outn arolina, recently, en ihe ground, among others, that divorce laws ...re a "Northern institution,'" and therefore not proper to be adopted in South arolina. It was shown that the Bible authorizes di- Torce [^lor a-uiltery, and also thac the _lack of a law of that kind leads to adultery, and 3 often a uruel wrong to innocent parties "ut the objRction could not be overcome, ind Soutli Carolina remains solid on the lultery issue. CAN AM.\S. A new bridge lias been built across the â- ..chelitii river ut Licolle, P. o., costing $17,000. A Cliicago paper states that no less than â- ,000 ' 'anl;ek^5 left that city at holiday time to visit "the old folks at home. The eldest surviving dauehterof Sir Hec- tor Lacgevin was uiurried recently to '1 homas Ciiapias, son of Senator Chapias, .}nd Private Secretary to Lieut. Governor i-lobitaille. The produce of the coal mines of Xova •:otiaauring the tirst ihree quarters of 1SS3 amouuteii to I .n7S,'.!;.(j tonsâ€" an increase oyer the same period of the previous ysarof I 'J,, bi,' tons. Thr sales during the same period aggregated '.h:C. OCQ tonsâ€" an increase I of K \::. The I'.uffalo papers describe MoBride. w ho is arranging to blow up the public buildings on the other side cf the line, and thus .avenge (I Doncell's death, as a first-water crauk. In Chicago they make congressmen 01 such men as McBride. This crazy Haf- I i'alonian should come \\"est. The returns of fish exported to Chicago |from Halifax over the Intercolonial Krail- way shew that 1 bl car-loads were shipped iuiing the year, divided as follows â- 2 7(11 lone hundred pound boxes, (il four quintal â- casks and .il'.i !I4S pounds in bulk of codfish; |l,»jl(i boxes boneless codfish; -2 rS:i-}, bar- rels mackerel 7,1VS barrels herring. ' An American exchange says ;â€" Here's an Item of eomiuercial news that require no "elaboration in order to convey an idea of the Towth of certain branches of Canadian trade The export of cattle from Montreal Bas increased from SSS head in bS7() to BO,;iG(j in '-^.â- ;, while (during the sameppri- pdthe export ot sheep has risen from L' CSf." head to 10^J,s:^-5. The I'rovincial library at Halifax claims to have the only volume cf the life of the fete prince consort presented by (^aeenVio- loria to an American colony. On the fly-leaf written, in her majesty's clear style of enmanship Presented to the legislative Ibrary of *bva Scotia in memory of her â- reat and good husband, by his broken- earted «-idow, 'ictoria K, 18ti4' An African Sultan. The death of Birehaa, Sultan of R^eita, was lately reported from Aden. The fol- lowint; description of lum,. contributed to the Corriere di 2titino by By. Licata, the Italian traveller who penetrated to that far region, may be found interesting " I remember," Sij;. Licate, *the laat vis it that Bsrehan made ub, and the last words I heard him pronoonce at Bnja, where we had prepared for him a throne of new m it- ting and a glass of temarind. He said that his people believed that we white were like panthers, but that he had seen that we were good, and he smiled around upon as while pushing away our little dogs that tried to lick him, for if they had succseded in doing so he would have been obliged to take a bath to purify himself. He was mightly content with what little court we paid him, and with the carbineer who stood at the door. That morning he had been on board the Cariddi, and the little flig we had hoisted in his honor, the matifuvering of tbe cannon, the salute frDra a Xordenfeldt, had filled him with a sense of his sultanic dignity. He had the highest quality of a king â€" ambition â€" although all his soveregn- ity consisted in his ha\ ing, under the im- mediate care of the crcvn prince, more goats and camels than otber people. He asked, as he always did, for a little coflFee to take with him. He 8ufi"ered from heart disease, and bad been having a fire kindled on his breast to cure him, as well as hanging a leather bag containing a piece of the koran round his neck. Tnen ha felt safe, having mere faith in the efficacy of such methods than in all the pills and draughts of the dccbor. The fire and the koran were sufiicient, for his malady was a devil that had entered his bo- dy, and must be driven out by the name of Allah. I saw him first at Raheita, in his royal palace of matting. The Egyptians had been molesting him as usual, and he had sent word to his protectors at As sab. As soon as we arrived he fervently pressed our hands, and seated hinuelf on his throne with the air of a Pharaoh and an idol, dressed in white with bracelets made of goat- skin. The court was full ot his warriors, greasy with butter, and of cattle just come trom the pasture. There was a glittering of lances and horns, an odor of dairy and stable. The harem contributed its notes â€" a continuous ringing of silver and glass or- naments and the squalls of babies. In tact, all the riches of a goatherd and a pasha. Then I saw him at Asaab, when he came to receive the §.jO assigned to him every month by our government. He never came with- out insisting that a palaver should be held to discuss se reral points concerning the sell- ing of a portion of his territory, I dont know how many years ago. He was as petulant as a beggar, sometimes in a manner to tempt one to give him a bacshish and send him off. He was not yet 50 years of age. He will be succeeded, according to laws of the coun- try^ not by his son, but by his nephew, a long fellow, half blind. He died in his bed, amid the lamentations of his subjects. We owe much to Berehan of Raheita. He co- operated in person to the success of Aato- nelli's expedition. He was les3 black than he seemed, and now that he is dead he has no color at all. Yes, poor dear Berehan, we are good, and we will write our word of sor- row on the big paper that you wanted so much to L»e able to read, knowing that it contained the news of all the world. While your wives weep for you, I, two thousand miles away, will buy a little wreath of im- mortelles and bend them to your tomb." In the Tail of a Comet. An ingeneous theorizer has written a book which was published by the Appletcns, to prove that many ages since tbe earth must have passed through the tail of a comet, and that certain disturbances observed on the surface of our planet were caused thereby. The scratche J and erosions from the north- east and southwest f jund upon hills and mountains in the northern hemisphere were attributed to the action of the more solid matter of the comet's tail, leaving its marks, together with the bowlders and detached rocks, which are found in such profnsion in the Temperate and Frigid Zones, Although this theory would account for much that is rayKterious, it has not been accepted by sci- entists, as it is not believed that tails of comets are formed of any solid material, P^^arly in December last, some curious at- mospheric phenomena were noticed in dif- ferent portions of the world. At sunset and before sunrise the heavens were permeated with a glow of rosy light, such as might have been caused if a great coiHigration had been raging. These strange appearances were noticed in both Europe and Ainerica. They have puzzled the scientific world. But some venturesome theorists have again put forward the hypothesis of the world being surrounded by the atmosphere of a comet's tail. It is known that about the time these phenomena occurred our planet was in the track of Bela's ccrast, and in a part of the heavens that was filled with mettors. It is known that comets are more numerous in the heavens than fishes are in the waters of the earth. Their numbers are so great as to be inconceivable to the human mind and it is not at all improbable that the earth in past times may have been entangled in the tails of these wonders of the sky. We live in a marvelous universe. "There are two things," said the great philosopher Kant, "which always fills me with awe and ad- miration, and those are the wondrous heav- ens by which we are surrounded and the moral law within." â€" DemoreiCg Monthly. Mr. Klihu Vedder, though principally known as a painter, is a sculptor as well,, and some fine specimens of his plastic skill are to be seen in the large iron plates used to back the fire-openin£;s of several Boston hearths. These plates are bass-reliefs of tnarrt' mythical heads, modelled with characteristic dash and strength. The very remunerative business of decorating the in- teriors of private houses is now engaging the attention of a lars^e proportion of the best American painters and sculptors. Artists who, a few years ago, would have considered it beneath their dignity to paint a frieze or to design a mantel, are glad to exercise their genius in this direction. History repeats itselt. Dr. Carson's Pulmonary Coogh Dropg. The preicrip- tion of an old CanaUian Practitioner. Ttie best remedy for the Langs, in large bottles at SO cents. For sale eTarywhera A new novel is called "Her Life's Secreli," If the secret is not her age, we give it up. Stirring Ifens from the Dark Costi-. nent. The eyes of all the world ara jast now tamed upon that cradle of ancienc ciyiliza- tion â€" the valley of the Nile. A new pro- phet has appeMvd at the head of a ery large army, and he has succeeded in defeating troops oficered by EogUshmen and equip- ped with the best modem arms. The false prophet, £1 Mahdi, is an Arab, a fanatic, and undoubtedly in his way is :i genius. There has been a traditiou in the Moham- medan world that in 1883 a successor of Mahomet would make his appearance and deliver the faithful from the mastery of the infidel Giaour. This looked-for leader was to have one marked physical peculiarity â€" one arm was to be longer than the other. El Mahdi fulfills this condition, for he can toach his knee with the fingers of his right hand. He has succeed in totally destroyiua; the army of General, or as he was cathd, Hicks Pasha. The flower of the Egyptian army â€" a Nubian corps â€" was subsequently defeated by the Bedouin followers of El Mahdi. Should there be a rising of fanati- cal Moslems throughout Northern Africa it might lead to important consequences. The Gladstone government will be lorcad to hold Egypt as a dependency, and make sacrifices of men and treasure in beating bick the hordes of the false prophet. Tne g-ivern- ment of Egypt is in disorder, and some very curious complications will result from the operations of the military fanatic who won so sijmalar a victory over well-armed and well-disciplined troops. Witchcraft in Scotland. At the Inverness police court recently, aa elderly Highland woman named Isabelle Macrae, or Stewart, was charged with as- saulting a little girl. She pleaded not guilty, and the evidence showed that the latter had used insulting language to the prisoner, while she on the other hand spoke of tbe little girl's grandmother as a witch. Toward the close of the case great amuse- ment was caused in court by the accused producing a clay image, or corp creagh, which she believed was made by the so- called witch. The legs had been broken off the image, and since then the prisoner be- lieved that her Qwn legs was losing tbeir strength, A person who wished to purchase the image after the accused hid left the court was promptly told that on no account would she part with it, for if anything hap- pened to it she might die, and she was not prepared. He husband had died some time ago. and also three horses, and she grieved to think that all these calamities were at- tributable to witchcraft. The image was about four inches in length, green worsted threads containing the diabolic charm were wound round, while pins were pierced through the part where the heart should be. The accueed was convicted and sentenced to fiae or imprisonment. â€" London Daily Hews. A clergyman of high reputation, in a large city in Maine, visited the market early on Monday morning. While there his attention was called to some very fine strawberries. He wished very much to purchase some, bnfrit being so very early in the morning it occurred to him that ihey must have been picked on Sunday, and of course he could not purchase or use any- thing which had been procured under such circumstances. He inquired of the farmer "Mr, Smith, were those harries picked on Sunday " Mr, Smith, with a sly twinkle in his eye, replied "No, doctor, they were picked this morning, but they grew on Sun- day." If bilious, or sufi'erihg from impurity of blood, or weak lungs and fear consumption (scrofulous disease of the lungs), take Dr. Pierce's "Golden Medical Disco srcry" and it will cure you. By druggists. A Boston girl fell in love with a gray- haired old man, and some of her acquaint:- ances were mean enough to say she had £ot the antique craze. FVOBinSK 13 a bad thing, but Dr. Pierce's " Favorite Prescription" deservs its name. It is a cer- tain cure frr those painful mals^ies and weaknesses which embitter the lives of so many women. Of druggists. Give to tramps no quarter â€"not even a bad one. Being entirely vegetable, no particular care is required while using Dr. Pierce's " Pleas- ant Purgative Pellets." They operate with- out disturbance to the constitution, diet, or occupation. For sick headache, constipa- tion, impure blood, dizziness, sour eraota- tions from the stomach, bad taste in mouth, bilious attacks, pain in region of kidney, in- ternal fever, bloated feeling about stomach, rush of blood to head, take Dr. Pierce's "pellets." By drugi^ista. Bank h^;thâ€" -The moan of an onion-eating lover. Beware of that Coughl it may kill you core it at ODoe with Dr. Canon's I^ulsaonuy Congb Dropt, ituerer tails. LarffB. Bottles at 50 seDti. For sale aTcmrbece. King Tliebaw "Reforms." According to the news published in the Rangoon papers. King Thebaw has become a "reformed charactir," Till lately this potentate had been a weak young man, given up to indolence, self-indulgence, and cruelty but it is reported that since the death of "the monster " Yanoung Prince, a marked change has taken place which has done much to restore King Thebaw's power and influence. With the re-estab- lishment of his ascendency the moderate and enlightened men who have always been attached to his party, and who, not actually vanished from court, have, we learn, lately had little or no say in the conduct of affairs, are now taking the proper positions in the councils of the nation, Tbe kins himself has awakened from his lethargy, and has begun to assert himself as sovereign and ruler, while in a corresponding degree the interference and influence of the queen have decreased. He now, according to the same source of information, regularly at- tends and presides at the meetings of the Hlootdaw, and appears to have suddenly developed a surprising amount of intelligence and energy. The latest news from Thebaw's court is thatlhe king, beinar determined t« make an effort to subdue the rebellious Shan chiefs, has despatched five thousand troops to the Shan states under the command of four generals, accompanied by several Italians in the King's service. FOR THE Kidneys, Liver, anl Urinary Organs. THB BEST BLOOD FURIFIEB. There is only one way by which any disoase can be cured, and that ia by removinar the j cause â€" wherever it may bo. The great medical I authorities of the day dex;Iare that nearly every disease is caused by deranged kidneys or liver. To restore these, therefore, is the only way by which bealth can be secured. Here is where WAKNKR'S SAFE CL'KE has achieved its g^reat reputation. It acts directly upon the kidneys and liver, and by placing them in a healthy condition drives disease and pain from the system. For all Kidney, Liver, and Urin- ary troubJes for the distressing disorders of women for Malaria, and physical troubles eenerally, this great remedy nas no equal. Be- ware of iiriKstor8, imitations and concoctions said to be just as good. For Diabetes ask for WAKNER'S SAFE DIABETES CUKE. For sale by all dealers. H H. WARNER CO roront o. OBt., Rochester. W.T.. Iiondon, Eng. Any kind of goods or fancy, article can be dyed any color in a few minutes by Triangle Dyes. A child can use them with perfect success. All the popular colors, IOj. Cupid is the greatest slay-belle in the world. Catarrh â€" A New Treatment whereby a Permanent Cure is effected in from one to three applications. Particulars and treatise free on receipt of stamp. A, H. Dixon k Son, 306 King-St, West. Toronto 'Canada. A iniiden effortâ€" Trying to ,catch a huE- bind. Importaat. When you visit or leave New York City save BaggaG:e Expressage and Carriage Hire, and stop at GRAND UNION HOTBL, opposjlp Grand Central Depot. 130 elegant roomi, fitted up at a cost of one million doUors, re- duced to $1 and upwards per day. European plan. Elevator, Restaurant suppled with the beet. Horse cars, stages ana elevated rail- roads to all depots. Families can live better Cor less money at the Grand Union Hotel tha at any otber first-class hotel in the city. '"Why don't you get up as early as you used to a few days ago?" angrily asked a wife of her lazy husband, "Because, my dear, it's sleep year," he grinne4, as he turned over for another snooze. PECTORIA Pectoria Pectoria the great remedy for Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Influenza, Hoarseness-, and all affections of tbe Lungs and Throat or Cliest. Pectoria loosens the i^legm and breaks up the Cough. 25 cents per Bottle. Don't give up until you have tried Pectoria; all Druggists and General Store- keeperB sell it. A, P. IGl. DAKOTA â€" PAUTIES DP:SIR1X(; IX- FOKMATIOX relative to free homes, with cor- rect ni;i)is. circulars, and reliiililt- facts, free of charge. Aiiply to H.\KRY MKRC'KR. Travelling Emigration Ag.iit ' M. and .St. V. lailwaj" Chatham. Ont. THE INDUSTRIAL UNION Provides $2.50 to $10,00 a week in case of sickness or accident, at a cost of from 4^0.75 to IjiS.OO per quarter. For particulars enclose stamp to the secresary, Toronto, Ont. ACENTS 'WANTED. -St is a perfect gem, equal to an imported French Corset; fits like a glove to the figure; very styl- ish, elegant in appearance, and approved of by the most fastidious. Manufactured only by THE CROMPTON CORSET CO., 7C YQOK STREET. TORONTQ. ELM CITY HARNESS OIL BASED OX BTEATg FOOT OIL. Is the finsst harness dressing made. It softens and preserves the leather, and gives it a fine tlnish. Ask your saddler for it. F. F. DALLEY CO., HAMILTON. ONTARIO. ia'Sole Ageitta f or the Do minioii "g^ DO NOT ALLOW YOUR CHILDREN to grow up deformed or crippli d, lint cill ;uid e.i- uniine our appliances for thf trj.'atm.t-"nt of 'l*ih Feet, and Diseases of the .Spijie. Hips, Knee and Ankle. Kc- memher the world is propressin,^, and more can he done to-day than at auy former jierioil. We also manufacture Artiticial Limbs. Trusses, and ap])liances for the relief and onre ol all kinds of deformities. Will show at Tor- onto, (Jiielph and London KxhibitioDS. AUTHORS i. COX, 91 Church street, Toronto. $100,000 TO LOAN On first-class farm property at lowest rates. Farmers will save money by applying bj mail direct to me, 48 Adelaide St., East, Toronto. F. E. DIXON CO., Manaractarers ot Star Rive Leather Belting 70 King Street, East, Toronto Lar^e double Driving Belts a specialty, for Price Lists and Discounts. en BEAVER S. S. LINE. WKJEKLY BETWEEN lnebec, Montreal, and Uverpool, OALIiING AT QUEENSTOWN AND BELFAST For lowest rates and all particolara apply to H. £.MURBAÂ¥, Beaver Line, Montreal. ioo'"n5c. A new collection, embracing a number of the most popular songs of the day. Among them are.lWe Never .Speak aa we Pass By;â€" Over the Garden Wall,â€" Kerry Dance,â€" Warrior Bold,â€" Blue Alsatian Moimtains, â€" Only a Blossom from her Grave,â€" Three Old Maids of Lee.â€" Flirting in the Starlight,â€" Grandmother's Old Easy Chair, â€"Don't Drink my Boy To-night, and 90 others, comprising Home songs, Comic Songs, iSenti- mental songs. Children's songs, etc All are printed on nice paper, and are boiud in a book with colored cover. Remember, we send the en- tire collection of 100 Songs for only 15c. three books for 30a Jl doz., 1.00;pc. or 3c. stamps taken. JAMES LEE CO., Montreal, P.({. BEST BOILER PLATE. For sale low, the following sizes suitable for Boilers, Safe Fhimes, Tanks, fto-. *c., 5-16 inch thick, 6x3, 8x3. 9x3,10»J, 6i2J, 7x2i 8x24 9x2J. tr 8END FOR PRICKS â- €» Copland McLaren, C«m«r WeUlncton A Grey Knn Sto.. Mentesal. MUTUAL MARRIAGE ENDOWMKKT Association, jirovides dowries on marriage of its members, from ^-250 to 5t3,000. Assessments low. Over 3uO certificates already issued. Well worth the coosider- tttion ot youBg people. .4.pply to W. 1. IMLACH, Sec re tary, London, t)nt. Dominion Line of Steamships. Running in connection with the Grand Trunk Railwajr of Canada. R«^iiing from Quebec every Saturday daring the summer montns, and from Portland every Thursday dosing the winter months. I'ORTLAN'D TO LIVERPOOL Dominion, Jan. I«. *Or(g.n. Jan. 31. "Sarnla, Jan. 17. j Ontario. Feb. 7. Montreal. Jan. 24 Toronto, Feb. 14. Rates of passage: Cabin, Portland to Liverpool according to steamer and berth, 9S0, «60. 170, return, ?90, JXIO, |130 all outside rooms and comfortably heated by steam. Intermediate $40. Steerage, 92i. The saloons and staterooms m steamers marked thus are amidships, where but little motion is felt, and no cattle or sheep are carried on them. For further partion- lars apply to any Grand Trunk RiUway Agent, or local agents of the Company, or to DAVID TOKKA}«CE •£ CO., General Agents Montreal. â€" FOR- Extraorflinary Bargain. On receipt of only 35c we will mail, post- paid, 34 pieces comprising 48 pages of full size sheet music, bound together in one volume. Names of Vocal pieces :â€" All on account of Eliza: A Warrior Bold; The Country Lad; Kanoy Lee; Chorus of Charity Girls; Drummer's Song; The Judges Song; The Love-Sick Boy; Wnoa Emma; Two Bad Men; Man in the Moon; Johnny Morgan; The Gleaners; Torpedo and the Whale; I Saw Her in the Violet Time; Five O'clock in the Morning; My Love She's but a Lassie Yet; Adieu, Dear Home; Dame Babble; and 15 pieces of Instrumental Music, comprising new and popiUar dance music, selections from different Operas, Marches, c., c. All the above and our handsome new Chromo Lithograph in colors of the Lord's Prayer and 19 Commandments, sent post-paid for 35c. As a holiday offer we will also send free 10 Christmas Cards, 50 money making receipts and a pack of Age Cards. Order quick. You get all the above for 35c, or 5 lots for $1.25 1 doz. for $2.00. Cut this eut and return with order JAS. LEE CO., Montreal, P.Q. OAKLAWN FARM, Tlie Greatest Iinportinar and Breeding Kstablislimeut in the tWprld. PERCHERON RSES WORTH $2,500,000.00 lap«rted from Fraoe* and Bnd •lace l»1-2, by 31. "W. ICJ]VII.AJM, Wape, Su Fge Co., Illinois, S5 milei Wwt of Chicago onC. AN.-W.K'y. Prices low for qual- ity of stock, and EVERY STALLION GUARANTEED A \Mkv.N\^^t.\«Q 4%^: "^^ BREEDER. 390 Imported the Past Three Months. consisting of finest animals, with choicest pedigrees Registered in the Percheron Stud Book of France and the Percheron Stud Book of the United States. Write for Free Illustrated Catalosrua o. £0. FDNANDMYSTERY exdlessamusemet:foronly30 cts. Have you seen it? The greatest collectioo o Games, Cards, Tricks, Puzzles, Songs, eta, ever offered for anything like the money. AMIJSE- MJiNT FOR A WHOLE SEASON, for the old or young. Our NEW BUDGET contains the following Heller's Conjuring Pack the Mystic Oracle Guide to Flirtation 10 new Evening Games: Set of "Hold to Light Cards;" 1 Set Colored Chromo Cards the Star Puzzle 25 Ways to Get Rich the "13" Puzzle 5 Beautiful Face Pictures Language of Jewels and Flowers 101 Selections for Autogragh Albums 11 Popu- lar Songs with Music 13 New IVicke in Magic Pack of Fun and Comic Cards 1 Chinese Block Puzzle tlie Roman Cross P^izzle Great $5 Prize Puzzle 1 set Transformation Pictures, change color right before youx eyes, and Games of Fortune. ALL FOR 30 CENTS, IN ONE OR TWO CEN T POSTAGE STAMPS, By mail, postpaid. Two Packages for FliTY CENTS, five for ONE DOLLAH. Send at once and get the greatest bargain ever offered. Return this with order to avoid mistake. JAS. LEE CO., Montreal, P. Q. THE SPLENDID STEAMERS â€" :) OF THE (:â€" WHITE STAR LIE Are all of them without exception among the Largest and Fastest of Ocean Steamers. They were constructed with special reference to the conveyance of passengers, and for Safety, Com- fort or Speed, are unexcelled. They are spe- cially noted for the regularity of their rapid passages in all weather. The steerage accom- odations are of the h.'ghest order, the ventila- tion perfect and every provision has been made for the coutfort and protection of the pas- sengers. In addition to the total and absolute separation of the single men and women, ex- cept on deck, the married compartment has been so remodelled and arranged that every married couple or family lias a little private room to itself. For paittculars apply to th© company's agents at all towns in Ontario, or to T. W.JUNES, General Agent, 23 York street, Toronto. THE VEST TRADE MASK. HOEiSE REMEDIES are those made by THE ELLIS SPATIN CURE CO Every owner of one or more horses can save a large amount of time and money by having on hand a good supply of Ellis's Horse Reme- dies, and to supply a general demand -we would announce that we will send the following by express (on receipt of the money, or C.O.D. ana return charges): 96.50 for $5. 1 box, 12 pounds Medicated P'ood, Jl 2 bottles Spavin Cure, $2 2 boxes Large Condition Powders. $1 2 boxes Worm Powders, 51 1 box Heave Powder, 50o.; 1 box Colic Powder, 50c. 1 box Uoof Ointment, 50c.â€" $6.50. J. H. Whitson Son, 24th Street, N.Y., says " We have nsed Ellis's Spavin Cure in our stables for two years and have tried it on the following 'with perfect sucoees: Splints, curbs, ring bones, bunches on the neck, swelled ankles,. also quincy, sore throat, and for general stable liniment it is the best article we have ever used." For farther particulars, free books, etc., write to BIXI gPATUr CUKE COBtPABTT, Sudbury Street, Boston, Mass. or 276 Fourth Avenue, New York