ipni i;,_,L...n^U;iiiii.. ' '"J»Ji "^P!!WSP?3^,'^lfaF^i'7'^«: â- .;F3^^- "T^ST?;*!^; â- :i â- -.-:â- .â- *â- â- - 'is. a ThB Standard. MAKKDALE JAN. 17, 1884. TOWKSIIIP COUNCILS. "Next Monday, the 21st, the yarious newly elected councils will meet (as per statute] when a number of ap- pointments. will uu.ve to be made, and â- we would suggest that (othar things being equal) those having experience in the duties of the office to which Fuch appointments are made, have the preference. We have not here, any object in view iu advocating such a course, but. it is evident to those who have giyen such matters any consideration, tiiat the value of prac- condnctor, bis taken a couple of glasses even though he may not feel its effects. All are aware that his judgment is not so good, and hie brain as clear because of the stimulants taken but the after danger of these indulgences ia not realized at all as it should be. It ought to be much better understood that the man whose bram has been stimulated at night has not as safe and clear a head for next day's duty. It ought to be well understood that the man who was up past reasonable hours, and baa not enjoyed his full amount of sleep and rest,' is not as sale a man next The habits tolerated generations cannot be safely tolerated now. day. aG:o more Election News. CoLLiNGWooD TowNSKip. â€" Eeeve, Thos. McKenny; 1st Deputy, Arch tical experience is unquestioned, and j Campbell 2nd Deputy, W^ ^^^^ill- should be taken into account iu the appointment of such as auditors, as- sessors, treasurer, clerk, road com- missioners c. In fact we would go as far as to say a township clerk and treasurer should not be changed so long as the party holding such office discharges his duty faithfully and satisfactory, of course it would Oe im- possible for any one to please all, and besides there are many who advocate a change simply for the sake of change. An oflJcer who makes an •error from ignorance is not as apt to repeat the wrong as one who has had no experience, this theory holda good in personal ar.l private matters as â- well as public affairs, and we hope it will have its due weight. AGRICLXTUKAL, SOCIETIES. Councillors â€" Jas Lunan, John Irwin. Amabel.â€" Keeve, Alien 208 Sor- ter 170 Deputy, Keeve, Schell 232; Anderson 134 Councillorsâ€" Webb 178; Philp 154; Broadfoot 144; Eaker 140; Smellie 112; Miller 62. St. Vincent. â€" Reeve, Jas. Bowes by 26 maj. Deputy, Eeeve, N. Head 68 maj. Councillorsâ€" Montgomery, Mcintosh and Carson were elected by acclamation. Bentinck. â€" Eeeve, D. McNicol 1st Deputy, J. Messenger 2nd Dep- uty, J. McCalum. Councillorsâ€" S. Dickson, H. Willis. Sydenham. â€" Reeve, W. Lang, Councillors â€" H. Gordon, C. ming, W. Lemon, G. D. Ward. Debby. â€" Reeve, John Robertson Deputy Reeve, Wm. Brien. Council- lors â€" Solomon, Eeiley, David Hilts, R. Henderson. Sullivan. â€" Joseph Dunnington, Re- eve, Jas. Vasey, Deputy Reeve. Councillors â€" John Elheron, John Proud and James Thonison. Notice.â€" We wish it distinctl-y understood that we do not hold ourselves responsib'e for the. opinions expressed by our correspondents. MABKDALE STILL AHEAD. To the Editor of the Standard. SiB.â€" It is gratifying to know that the Maikdale school still holds amongst the schools of the country, the distinguished place which it at- tained a few vears ago. You will doubtless have noticed that four out of the five pupils from Markdalo who wrote at the entrance examination last December, passed with flying colors, an-l what is more remarkable two of these very young boys aged re- spectively 12 yrs. 3 months and 12 yrs and 2 mouths, stood 2nd and 3rd on the list of those who passed at Owen Sound. It speaks volumes for the energy and ability of our late teacher Mr. Dunbar, for be it remem â- bered these pupils who passed sc creditably may be said to have obtain- ed their entire training at that gen- tlemans hands, as with one exception none of them had eyer attended an examination before. Wm. Bbown. GLEXELG. The annual meeting of this society was held iu the Orange Hall, Mark- dale, on Thursday the 10th inst. The auditors report was read showing the society as being iu good financial circumstances, and congregulating the society for ibe same. The directors report was also received and adopted. A resolution \va passed in favor of adding fifty per cent to the value of jjrizes to be offered the coming year over that of the past, this will doubt- less haye the eft'cct of greatly improv- ing tlie fall show. The following were elected officers for the ensuing year President, Wm. Douglass Vice President, Thos. Elliott Directors, Shepard Boyce, Thcs. Townsend, Ed. Eutledge, Wm. Haskett,Hugh McKee, Robert Walker, Adam Sheil, Eichard Watson and Jameg Nelson Auditors, C. W. Eutledge and Wm. McLaughry; A. Turner, Sec. Treay. ARTEJIEKlA. The annual meeting of this society was held m Flesherton, on Thursday the 10th. The auditors report is as follows Total receipt for the year $322.54, dispursemeuts §245.60,leav- ing a balance on hand of $76.94 ex- clusive c members subscription for the current year. The following are the otficers elected for 1884 President, Robert Oliver President, John McArthur tary Treasurer, James Brodie. tors, Donald McMillan, Thomas Con- key, David Harrow, Joseph Aussum, John McLeod, Alexander otewart, R. Plant, James Stewart and James H. btewart. Com, Osprey. From our own corresvondent. Osprey council for 1884. â€" Thomas INSPECTOR" OFFICE, SOUTH GHEY. PriceviUe, January l4th 1884. To the Editor of the Standard. Sir. â€" I would respectfully beg to remind school trustees and teachers, ^^^ that while they are allowed to reopen Hem- *^^ schools two weeks before the end f summer vacation, yet it is positively unlawful to make any record of at- tendance at such schools during any par of vacation on the registers or the returns under the heavy penalties referred to on the printed books of the half yearly returns. Several glaring as well as minor cases having recently come before my notice, seem to indicate the necessity for thus call- ing attention to the matter through your widely read paper. Yours Respecttuliy, W. Ferguskn. Gamey, A. Mclntyre, Jos. Taylor, T. Johnston and Speers. The Osprey Agricultural associa- tion met at Maxwell on Thursday of last week, when the following officers were elected Pres., Wm. Guy 1st vice Pres.. E. Burk 2nd vice, H. McDonald Directors, Wm. Ingster, J. Kerton, W. H. Kolques, Joseph Gamey, James Winters, John McKin- nou, Meil McLean, Andrew McGirr and J. E. Sing. The Soiree in connection with the Presbyterian church, at Mclutyre, on New Years day, was iu every respect a perfect success, the dainty nature of the refreshments and their abundance called forth expressions of delight from every quarter, and the varigated and refreshing nature of the enter- tainment, formed a subject of com- ment for many days after. The amount cleared by tickets was $81. The Sabboth School festival and tree, held in the same place, on Mon- day the 14th, was also a maryel of success. Presents to the amount ot $60 were distributed from the tree to the children. Credit Sale Resister. Friday Jan. 25th, at Mr. Eichard Sparling's Lot 27, con. 10, Euphrasia, a large quan- tity of farm stock, implements c. Sale to commence at 12-30. Tjrm3, 12 months on approved paper. \V. J. Shepherdson, auctioneer. BIRTHS. Notices of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, twenty five cents. EicHAEDS. â€" In Markdale, on the 15tlx inst,, the wife of W. G. Eichard s, of a son, Speers. â€" In Winnipeg, on Christmas, the wife of Mr. C. ^\. Speers, of a son. Speeas. â€" In Markdale, on the 12th ins*., the wife of Mr. Arch. Speers, of a son. Hawken. â€" In Eupnrasia, on the 5th inst., the wile of Mr. Luther Hawkea, of a son. MARRIAGES- Dundalk. Vice Secre- Direc- Pct'sonn.1 Lriberty. Speaking of "personal liberty," so far as indulging in alcoholics is coa- cerned, for example, it may sound "very fine to talk of,but it is becoming more and more dauf-erous to allow any man the personal liberty to incap- acitate himself for a single hour. The humble railway switchman, or the honest i ail way uawy, or the more jneteulious engine driver.or conductor, may think it rather a hard thicg for any one to questioa his privilege to give himself the enjoyment of a few glasses of whiskey or brandy when his ]ay'8 service is over, or eyen at some lime during his day's seryice. He may feel that it is nobody's business I'Ut his own but there is a yery great deal of uanger that it m»y tarn out otherwise. All are criliiug enough now to admit that the lires of the From our own correspondent. The band concert which was to have been held on the 10th inst., will be held to-night, Thursday. If the Markdale Literary and Gym- nasium club visit us to give an enter- tainment, they will doubtless have a good house. We are informed it is their intention to come. Mr. Crowle, our post office clerk, has removed from our midst. Oh how lonesome Don't it. Eev. W. Casson, preached the Methodist Missionary sermons here on Sabboth last to an attentiv- audience. We can guess where our good look- ing uudertaker has gone, and for what purpose. Just wait a while there may be more than one 'Jewell' iu Dundalk shortly. Mrs. Eobert Oliver died very sud- denly on Sabboth last, and was bur ried on Tuesday. The rink is the only place of amuse- ment or recreation our young people have. The band plays their every Friday evening. The Presbyterian congregation in- tend to extend a call to a minister shortly. BcRJSU)E â€" BuRNSiDE. â€" In Martdale on the 9th inst., by the Bay. Wesley Casson, ifr. Eobert Burnside, of Holland, to Miss Mary Jane Burnside. cf Markdale. Holmes â€" Emerson. â€" At the residence of the brides father, on Jan. 9tb, by the Eev. J. Chisholm B. A., Mr. Eli. Hohnes, of Stayner, to Miss Sarah Jane Emerson, pf The 30th con. Osprey, Moffat â€" Park. â€" At the residence of the brides father, on Jan. 16th, by Eev. J- Chisholam, B. A.,;Mr. Wm. G.Moffat, o* the 8th ecu. Osprey, to Miss Margaret Park, daughter of Mr. James Park, 10th Con., Osprey. illiffiiiilKii'i liii:i*;TSH?lJlli DEATHS- Colli^se of Uic Shields Ubol Case. ToBONTO. Jiin._8.â€" The action of Shields v. the Globe, liaving reference to the contract B. scandal, was yester- day dismissed for lack of prosecution, people are in dau^'er when the swit^- 1 Shielde to pay all costs of the appllc- ^lan, or the engine driver, cr the atioo. Abeecrombie. â€" In Euphrasia, on the 13th iust., A. M., infant chili of Mr. John Abercrombie, aged 11 months 15 days. Wkt.,sh. â€" In Artemesia, ou the 11th inst.. Mrs. Welsh, mother of Mr. Patrick Welsh, of Artemesia, aged 101 years. NOTICE. All parties iniJebtetl to the undersigned are hereby requested to pay the same to A. Turner, MarkdaJe. He ia the only person in Markdala aut-borized to re- ceive monies*due me and to give recfipts therefor. 175-77. T. S. SPEOULE, M. D. NOTICB. All who are indebted to the undersigned, are hereby notified to settle the same either by cash or note, at once, as I am obliged to make close collections owmg to the recent fire. JOHN McKENNA. shop, f^OR SALE. Dv/elling House, Suitable for grocery store, or other business, with dwelling above, and stable on the lot, on mill street, comer lot, good business site, apply to S. DAMUDE, Flesherton, or C. W. BUTLKDGE, Markdale. FARM FOR SALE. Lot 118; con. 1, West T. fe S. B., Artemesia, coBtaioing 50 awes, more or less, all cleared and under cultivation, A Rood bank bam, and log dwelling house on the premises, also a thriv- ins? young orchard just oommendng to bear, situated aUut 2J miles {torn the thriving village of Markdale. For Terms and p«rti- eulMTs apply at this office or to JOHN HAZAED. ileshertQii Statioa, km *i •f Auction Sale! ilion Sale Auction Sale GOING, GOING, CON E. -WILL SELL BY- PUBLIC AUCTION •IN- REID'S BLOCK MARKDA "ON- daf aal TU;, k M aal 2t A large consignment of Dry Goods, consisting of Read; Made Clothing Tweeds, Cloths, Flannels, Blankets, Shawls Mantles, Mantle Cloths, Ribbons, Caps, Muff's, Gloves Mufflers, Scarfs, Men's Under Clothing, and other articles too numerous to mention. All of which will be sold without reserve, as we are giving up the general business in Markdale' Sale will Commence at 12 O^CIock Sharp each d ay. TRIMBLE WRIGHX -de .. '^^-^.---^"^-^-^'i ^M ^»f'