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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 20 Dec 1883, p. 5

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 -w^f |» '«!^gsp^s^wi~»-^s?!"^-; ^f^pf^^^^mi--^'^--^ ' W^ 'â-  ^^^-•â-  «â- - #.-5. â- 't?4?l- 5 •:*^y.».T'--^i*.- liliiHHHMiMkH^HHBMiiMiiik ' 4W MMI .SE=!ECI.^a-I-. TKCIS "CTT- ^g^B-g- be QressStuffsTweeds Dress stuffs in all the latest shades, varying in price from 10 cents up. Tweeds in English, Scotch and Canadian, in fhe newest and most fashionable styles. Groceries. Teas .and general groceries always up to the mark and at the low.est living prices. Blankets, Wincies. Blankets, White and Grey at orices heretofore unheaid of. Wincies in plain ^nd fancy ajfc .rockbottom prices. Ilncie9'cltfhmg. Ladies' and Gents' Fall and Winter Underclothing in great variety suitable for all classes. Boots and Shes. A large, varied and attrac- tive lot of Boots and Shoes for the Fall and Winter trade, which for style, quality and price cannot be excelled. ' TO:EeOI:T'TO HIOTJSB,^ TxriiLi-^3ivd: BieoT77":tT STANDARD TIME. A hue assortment of ujaiches Clochs, Rings, Chains, Setts, B:!i!":s, Specks, Charms, c. I Lxlra lr,v: of Electro- 'ods for table use. ih and clock repairing liv, attended to and A Is iLLCl. Hon est cJiarges. W.A.BllOWN, l-T ,\ 'h3 JoweiSer, 15 Ivl ^^L E T .mji-L " 1* ' --" ' " "'--â- I-'""' 1 no;^j lad Other Items. â- â- â- 'Hll ' -c culuniiifi intended to benefit â- â€¢ Societij u-ill he charged ten til.-' n/t in.-iertio7i and five c./i/i uh'eriiicnt in-icrt'.on. Till-: ^Liukaale iiouse haa a fine new Truu'.i.e k Wright liave opened a brauch store iit Maxwel). AuMSTRONCr Bros, steam turning i'.iclorv is now iu operatittn. Goods at your own prices till end 01 the year at Eeyuqlds Son's. ]\1rS. ilOLLINGSHEAD llRS fine ES- fortmeut of sweet meats tor the holi- days. Therk will be a shooting match at Ibe Kovcre liotel, Markdale, Christ- mas day. DoxT forcjet the annual school aieetiu'4 which takes place next Wed- nesJay, the 19th. ff TiiK. rolhns for ward No. 3, (Glen- f!u' will take place in Mullarky's coo[:or ^hc«p ^larkdale. Thfrk will be Diyine Service at Chn^t Church, Markdale on Christ- mas day at 10. 30. a. m. Mr. .Traiy, Merger, has sold his farm, jimi iicres to hi^; father Alex. Mercer, i:...i. for $4,000. Wii. r.. r.L-RNETT, eldest son of Mr. Wm. ],;iruett, Artemesia, returned from Montana, last Friday. TitK NKXT sittings of division court, -\'n. ',, will be held in Fleslierton. on Thii;sdiLy January 2-4th, 1884. Sr,;A- Making.- Considerable taffy lias been indul^'ed in receutiy between the llauover Post ai:d Fleshertou Ad- Cllli-i\ 9 Mb. Wm. Hutchinson, of Euphrasia has sold his farm to his brother John, and bought Mr. John Rowe's farm in Artemesia for $2,050. The Flesherton Advance has chang- ed its form and it is now an eight page, the same size as the Standard, giving it quite an improved appear- ence. Just received new goods iu Watch chains X L N T stamped, also neck- lets and oth-.- lines. Call and s.°e goods and get prices. "VY. A. Brown, jeweller. The annual Christmas tree enter- tainment cf Christ Church Sunday School will be held in the Orange Hall on Thursday evening Dec. •27th comencing at 7 o'clock. Ml!. R. 0, Whitby has engaged the service of a first class pahitcr for the coinming summer and respectfully solicits the patronage of those in need of anything in his line. The Flesherton, Presbyterian i Sabbath School will hold their anni- i versary tea-meeting on Christmas day, evening, songs, new recitations, new I dialogues, c. A good time is expect- ed. A PERSON who has been in gymnas- tic and dramatic clubs in Toronto and other places, and who yisited Mark- dale club while at practice one even- ing recently, informod us that he nevor saw as many good performers in a club before. A big time is ex- pected at their entertainment in Wil- hamsford, tomorrow (Friday) evening. The social at Mr. Kells' residence last Tuesday evening was well attend- ed and a very enjoyable time was spent, several sleigh load, in fact the majority of those present, were from Markdale. Mr. and Mrs. liells did all iu their power lor the comfort and enjoyment of those present, and were iu every way successfuU. Proceeds $12.55. True merit brings its own revyard, in the case of Burdock Blood Bitters it is rapidly bringing its reward in its increased sales, as a prominent drug- gist recently said, "it now sells on its merits;" It is the grand specific for diseases of the blood, liver and kidneys, j $5,000 bottles have been Bold during I the last three months. For sale by A. Turner Co. Markdale. CHRISTMAS m SANTA CLAUS Q u z c H m M^t^tCS^t' Sav, top where are you goin; ^hy to Keynolds Son's to see those uTiat bargains people are raging al I'J'.U rxDi.Ds it Sons have great iilea- tlieir numerous cus- Xmas and a happy "^â- 'iro m \si^-hin^ ^iiacrs a iceiry •ew Year. \V:: ARK informed that Mr. Boyd, of Kn|hrasia, is a candidate for Deputy ileeve, Mr. Ellis and Mr. Erskine are i^iso candidates. X. B.â€" All parties indebted to the undersigned will please call and settle forthwirii and save trouble and costs, AMI son Benson. ' E\-ER since the standard time came m force the days have been growing sliorter, next week however they will commence to lengthen. In the report of election of officers last week we omitted the name of Jas. Brodie who was elected treasurer in Artemesia Grange No. 259. Subscribers to the Standabd who do not reside La this district, and who wish the paper continued will do well to renew promptly as we cannot continue sending to ontaide the county after their snhscription has. fxpired. " •-'• • ' ' Reduced fares for the holidays are being offered on the T. G. B. From the 2l8G to the 25th Dec, and from the 28th Dec. to Ist Jany. inclusive, return tickets will be issued between all stations at single fare. All who intend investing in holiday or wedding presents will insure good value for their money, by selecting them from the fine stock of silver plated, hollow and flat ware, at W. A. Brown's jewellery store, Markdale. Markdale Cab. â€" Mr. Hull has in- 1 reduced a new feature in his livery business, that of driving his union bus out two afternoons eaph week, ladies or others desirous of haying a driye can do so at the small coat of ten cents per hour. We have added a greater number of pew, unsolicited subscribers to our list during the past month than at any period of the same length since we entered the business. This is the best evidence we could have that the Standard is growing in popularity and is highly appreciated by the public. "^Vk ACKNOWLEDGE receipt of subscrip- tions from those at a distance through the paper. But not those iu the dis- trict. This week we have received j$l. from Andrew Kennedy, Stevens- burg, Mich., lor 84. and $1, for six months of 83, and six of 84, for W. F. Whitby, CorvalHs, Oregon. For first class axe handles go to Fiunerty's shop, Elizabeth st., op- posite the bank, Markdale. You can brin" your own timber and have them made to order, or you can get them all ready made at the shop. Sign of the Big Axe Handle. 169-72 Notwithstanding the contmued dark cloudy weather which has pre- vailed this'fall our photographer, Mr. Hamilton is turning out exceedmgly clear and life-like pictures in various sizes. Seldom do we see anything like as good wurk executed in a coun- try place, in fact it will comparA favorably with the best of city work. Sermons will be preached in the Holland Centre Methodist church, re-opening on Sunday the SQth inst., by the Rev. Mr. Caseon of Markdale. A tea-meeting will also be held on the evening following, Monday the 81st \?hen Rev. Mr. Casson, will deliver a lecture. Admis^on to tea and lecture 25 cents. WiABToN, Dec. 17. â€" Two more bod- ies have been found at Johnston's Harbour,belonging to the lost steamer Eclipse. One man had light hair, and WAS stout built. There were papers fouqd on him d^ted at Sauls bte. Marie. Tlic other body hs not be in identified. Both bodies had life preservers on, and were biricd at Jonston's Harbour. The anniversary services of the Walters Falls Methodist church, will be held iu that place on Sunday the 23rd inst., when Rev. W. Casson, of Markdale, will preach morning and evening. The annual tea meeting will be held on Christmas day when a number of reverend and other gen- tlemen will give addresses. Good music wUl also be provided. Tea served at 5 p. m. Tickets 25 cents. We desire to inform our numerous Friends and Patrons that we have re- ceived and are opening our Annual stock of Ghristma." Goods, Fancy Goods, Toys Books, aud Chrismas Cards. Our stock of Christmas Goods this season is Larger, Cheaper auil Better assorted than that of any previous season. Call and examine. Satisfaction guaranted. Liberal discount to purchasers of Lots for Christmas trees. A. TURNER _, CO. The Methodist Church annual tea meeting which will take place on Christmas, promises to be made in advance of anything iu former years in point of interest. Tea will be served in the Orange Hull commenc ing at 5 o'clock p. m. after which all will repair to the church when Rev. Mr. Casson will dehyer his popular lecture, "Prevalent Mistakes," The choir will also render choice selections in their usual good style. The lecture will doubtless be worth 50 cts. itself. Admission 25 cents- WALKERTON,Dec. 16. â€" At ten o'clock last night a fire brx)ke out in the extensive flouring mills of David Moore and Son, Walkerton, which in a short time distroyed the whole place. The building at the time contained 1,000 barrels of flour and about G,000 bushels of wheat. The flour was mostly got out, but the wheat was destroyed. The loss on the building and contents is about §35,000, on which there is an insur- ance of §19,000 in the Western, Royal, and City of London. Disastrous Occurrence. â€" One day last week, after the Messrs. Dickson, of Lavender, had completed the thresh- ing at Mr. George Dynes' near Re- dickville, the latter gentleman under- took to drive the sleigh carrying the engine to the next location, and in etoing up the lane at Mr. Joseph Tbompson's the sJeigh slewed, upset- ting the steamer into a ditch, damag- ing it to the ejiteut of $150, and to add to the misfortune, Mr. Dynes got a couple ol ribs cracked, rendering medical assistance necessary, which was furnished by Dr. Norton. â€" Shel- burne Free Press. A New Yeabs Gift. â€" Residents of Grey County, are iuyited to send in a number by card or otherwise, between 1 and 1000, to compete free of charge for a neat, uickle, lever, alarm clock, value $3.75, number will be put witlv clock, open to Jau 1st, noon, nearest to exact guess gains the clock. Give foil address with No. Clock very useful to early risers, send iu your guesses at once. Gues- ses will be numbered as receiyed, so if two aUke first ono wins. Address W. A. Brov/n, jeweller, Markdale, box 5. Award made by Mr. C "W. BaUedge, and publisbed ficrt week mJauaaiy, 1884. Seventeen C. S. R. cars were com- pletely wrecked and two trainmen injured at Rodney on Saturday. It is said that an arrangement is pending between the Northern and Hamilton North- Western Railways in regard to the Pacific Junction. Sad accident. â€" Two weeks ago while working in the bush taking out sawlogs, Geo. eldest son of Mr. R. Torry, Glenelg had his leg broken below the knee, the limb was set by Dr. Sproule, but we regret to learn that the boy is in rather a critical state, he is about 17 years of age. Fire. â€" About 9 o'clock on Thursday evening last, a stable at the rear of Marshall's store, Division Street, was Christmas is coming with all its hallowed influences and festivities which makes the old youuK again and the young feel the happy impulse which youth and the pros- pect* of gaiety can give. The general topic now is, what Uttle surprise in the shape of a present can I give to my dear friends, and where should I go to secure what is desirable. We will try and answer the the question, First, get something useful. Second, you â- wiU find W. J. McFarland has outdone him- self this year in providing good usefal articles for Xmas and New Years gifts. 75 good use- ful all wool shawls, $1.75 up. 100 rich cloth mantles. 175 ladies' fur caps, lovely trim- med hats and bonnets, special. 75 lace ties, choice goods, wool wraps, corsects, gloves, cashmeres, fec. For the men, 300 overcoats, 450 tweed LiJiltfiliMiittllMi^MMI 3.^ discovered to be on fire. (Vas given, and as soon as the hose attached to the hydrant at Tucker's corner was brought into play, the fire was quickly got under. The stable which was used by P.Doyle, was only a short distance from his house, and if any wind had been blowing at the time, we should no doubt have had to record a more extensive conflagra- tion. The loss is about §125. â€" O. S. Times. Those of our subscrebers who are in arrears for 1883 will do us a favor by handing in the amount or remitting by mail at once. We will accept $1. as payment for subscription for 83 on condition that the cash is sent along with it for 84 otherwise i$1.25 will be charged, this ofifer is good until the end of this year. Those who are in arrears for subscription or other account for any tiine previous to tbe 1st January 1883 may find their account with th« cterk of the Court Division if not paid before the 28th inst.. We have be^sn very lenient in the past, but our busiuesa oompells us to collect, 80 you cannot, blame UP. Accounts have been rendered time and again and no farther notice may be expected. T^ Markdale Literary and Gym- nastic club will give an iotertainmeDt in Vogan's Hall, William sford, on Friday ev^ining the 2lKt December. This promises to be the best entertain- ment of the kind ever given in this district. The club is over forty mem- bers strong, many of whom have made wonderful progress in horizon- tal bar performances, and not a iew haye become experts with the gloves. The show wiU consist of bar perfor- mances, boxing exhibitions, sentimen- tal aud comic songs, stump spe^cles, farces, acted by the company togeth- er wiUi music from tbe string band, which is m itself worth the whole admission, ve believe a rich treat is in stora for those who go, aud have no dotibt thece wilt be a crowded lioiue. The alarm ' ^^"'®' ^**^' '^^P^' Slo^"S'i shirts, ties, collars silk handkerchiefi c. For the children. 1,000 different useiul articles all at starthng prices. Grand illuminaticu of llie store which is beautifully decorated, every nigh I the pub- lic are cordially iuyited to inspect, no press, uig to buy goods. THE BEST TO GET PLACE North of Toronto, is at the rviar'liclale G^allevy.* That's so, for a friend of mine b«d his takoii. there and he says they am even better than what he had takwi. in Toronto. JAMES H.AMILTON. ARTIST., THOS. MATHEWS, MARKDALE. EVERYTHING IN OUR LINE KEPT ON HAND OR MADE TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. LI V E ft m CONNECTION. ^^ f-^ J K *!.» t.J. i*?^^^

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