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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 13 Dec 1883, p. 8

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 m TAILOR, SYDENHAM STREET, gfi 4 B'd^ '^Amm Aaents H Q O Wanted I M:-),g sfJB ffiaiaB..,.f. A lOO^ â€" â€" "-^ III :B:E].A.r) tbiis. i?|li THE GREAT DOLLAR PAPER, i I heWeeklvGlobe iv 'i ' P; :: FROM NOW TO END OF 1 884 III ONLY 0NE- $tOO^P°"'" pa Q A 1 -L A^l A A A A A^A^AA^A L^ AJ AA A A A A *^*^* ' M t J I t ^A^ I i ^ft 4 tAAi lloj THE DHILY GLOBE I -^ :| THE GREAT CANADIAN PAPER. d J.â€" •' Has the most extensive and influential circulation in British u :| A:mrica, is noted for its extensive Cable and Ttlegraphic News, J cn ;i a'ld is tfie great autliority upon Commeroial and Financial m\ C 'â-  Matters tlirougfiout the Dominion. ^1 • " SUBSCRIPTION. \\ l^' One Year, $7.00 Half Year, $3.50 'i\.^i Quarter Year, $1.75. J r 'â-  C jl In cjiilcr to increase our already large list of yearly subscribers to ft 2 •' '-i' Weekly Gloiie, we make the following liberal and magnifi- Jj " O ' '^:it offer to every reader of this advertisement who wishes to take ll. 5. advantage of it at once. l\ For $3.50 we will send to any address in CaYiada or the U. S., |:|]i THE WEEKLY GLOBE 3J [rr^\â- n now to end r^f December, 1SS4, and in addition, A HANDSOME 3 ;l i:iC"EL CFE::- FACED STEM-WINDING WATCH. â-  A ji yZ/t' ll'a,\,' !s of \\)ir,'ciiie)it size it is neat in appci^rance it is a rj â€"i-T j;:ni-ivinder, (O)iscqucntly requires no key it is dust-proof, and a i^A i:ocJ time-keeper. S'.- ' The al;ovu price includes postage upon Watch to any address in 3?"^-' ' â- "'^^"•'i or ^he United States. This offer only holds good until «^"ii 1 ^I'.Mary 20th. 1S84. We will start shipping watches on October SiFiS iji"^-- KcmiUances should be sent at once, so as to enable us to H«il !);"C'.ire necc-:iry supply and fill orders with as little delay as Kf?*^ pi^ssible. Adtircss, ?l |M TSS GLOBE PHIITTIITG CO, (Limited), i §!§:% TORONTO. ij tiTl^V â-  _^_^ asi; i Wi^5ff3'8»^ The Great Dollar Paper. "" 2MOTICE. WAR IN CHINA! As I li ' â-  ".. oided to lei^.iove my bnsines.s from }.[:i:!, ,,11^ all partii-s ii.debted tome by note IT k nreount must settle the same iraiiitr'di it;.'..' Stiti'Tuont cf afc.'.snt can be liad anl iinvnuiu made at the Bank, Murk- I dale. â-  I Hi:NIiT FOSTER. ]\[ark MZ. 8tii, l.-sSS. tf MAEKDALE Heat Market. A constant supply of Fresh Meats on hand, at the LoweBt Living Prices. Orders solicited, and deliv- ered free to all parts of the Town. Farmers having fat stock to dispose of, will please leave their addresses. TERMS STRICTLY CASH. FRED. SARJEANT. Markdale March 23. 1882. 80-lv MABKDALE, Manufacturer of all Kinds of Drop Valve, Cylinder, Force, and Cistern I*ninpB, All kinds of IRON PUMPS SUPPLIED. ALEX KAY Boot o^: Sln-oIB MILL STREET MARKDALE. France threatens China with a devastating war in con- sequence. Thomas McNea OF THE Belfast House, Markdale Has purchased a Large Stock of the CHOICEST TEAS In the Market, and will Bell at lower prices than any in the trade. Purchasing direct from the Eefinery, hie SUGARS c^iii^ot be excelled for quality and lowness of price. BACON, HAMS, CHEESE, SALMON, LOBSTEKS, SARDINES In endless variety. DAIEY SALT of best quality. ir^iBan Svffirave. Milton, Dec. 6. â€" At the meeting of thfi County Council of Halton, held here yesterday, it was resolved that a petition from that body should be for- warded for presentation at the next seHsion of the Local Legislature, praying that the municipal and par- liamentary franchise should be grant- ed to women having the property qualification which now gives men the same priyilege. MAEKDALE PLANING, SASE, DOOR AND Orip'i^ Comic Almanav for 1§84. This popular publication (fifth year) comes to us in all the glory of an illumioated cover, and is decidedly the best yet published. It is full of sparkling fun, profusely illustrated with humorous cuts. The "Essays by little Tummy," given in that pre- cocious j'oungster's own handwriting, with pictures by himself, are unique specimens of comic w"ork the weather predictions are racy as usual, and the general miscellany is excellent. The advertisements are restricted to the last pages, and, as a consequence, the appearencG of the book typographically is greatly improved. We advise every one of our readers to secure a copy of this genuine Canadian work, which costs only twenty five cents. -o oOo 0- Lumber Planed or Matched While Iting. Sash, Doors, and Mouldings always on hand or mad Order. All kinds of lumber, Lath and Shin^lpc; lo *. â-  ' Kept in stock. Furniture ot all descriptions to be ^c-u nf I -Lv 11 at our Warerooms. Lumber and cord wood will be taken in change for Furniture. l^i'lri(. • 5'S. W M. S O G G, FLESHERTON STATION, EespectfuUy announces that he has received a lartro siipiiiv of Everybody wouldn't make a good editor after all, although he thinks he would. Some people can't write eveu a small advertisement correctly as is evidenced by the following which lately appeared in a popular and prom- inent newspaper. "Mrs. having cast off clothes of every discriptiou, now solicits immediate inspection." KRAMS'S FLUID LIGHTNING In the only instantaneous lelief for Neuralgia, Headache. Toothache, etc. lluhbing a few drops briskly is all that is needed. N» tak- in nauseous medicines for weeks, but one minute's application removes all pain and will prove the great value of Kram's Fluid Lightning. Twenty-tiive cents per bottle at Hill Bros. General Store. McGregors speedy cure. From the many remarkable cures wrought by using McGregors Speedy Cure for Dvspep sia. Indigestion, Constipation and Afftction of the Liver and from the immense sale of it without any advertising, we have M)ncluded to place it eitf nsively ou the maket^ so that ttiose who suffer may have a pcifect cure. Go to Hill Bros. General Store and get a trial bottle free, or th« regular size at fifty cents or one dollar. i. I N Of best brands and of every variety. In short, there is nothing in the Grocery trade that cannot be supplied at the "Belfast House" by THOMAS McNEA. July 6, 1882. T. G. B. RAILWAY. TIME TABLE. Cliange o± Time. On and siter Monday, June 18th, 1882, trains will run as follows GOING N TH. OOIKO SOUTH Read Vewn. A.M. P.M. 7 30 4 25 9 Ool 6 00 9 55| 6 45 12 20^ 8 44 2 25 10 15 11 50| t3 ;:() 12 06J 8 45 1 30j 9 55 p.x. I p. u. X.K. ToEONTo 10 45 Cakdwell Junc. 9 05 Oban oETiLLE 8 27 Mount Forest.. 6 30 Tbeswateb 5 00 Flesherton ... 6 43 maredai.e, 6 27 Owen Sound.... 5 15 A.X. l\tod Up, P.X 9 10 31 50 30 4.' 47 30 10 P.M. A Mixed Train will also run between Tor- onto and Owen Sound. See Time Table. D. McNicoLL, Edmund Whagok. Gen. Pass. Agt. General Manager TEIMBLE WEIGHT has an immense stock of goods, every depart- ment is filled to overflowing, and their premises is perhaps the larg- est north of To- ronto, their cus- tomers are the best class, many • of whom come over 15 miles and they say it pays them well, Their .heads are level For style and price we lead the way, And offer you choice |oods to day. Dry Goods, Winter Clothing, Boots and Shoes, k As these Goods were bought to the best advantage they will be sold" very low in price, and will be found well worthy of an inspection bv the peneral public, also on hand a full stock of Fresh Groceries," Provisions, Crockery, c., all of which will be sold cheap for cash or farm produce. I oflfer for sale or to lei ray water pov/er Saw Mill at Little Falls with about 400 acres of timber land. Ix ^lood man liberally dealt with on either purchasing or leasing ihe place. A\ M:.JEIOGrGr, l^le«liei-ton Station. Nov. 1st, 1883. Bu Good Work Guaranteed AT- FLESHERT Os^ll ©,"t CICLC3 and see samples of work vviiich we area not ashamed to show. All kinds of Framinij^ done cheap at T.^^S. :B-CriL.3ivi::E:-ZE'S, FLFSHERTOfi FALL arriving daily at R. J. SPnOULE'S FLESHERTON. TEIMBLE WEId-kT. Opened this week large stock of Ladies' Coats and Mantles in all the latest designs and patterns and very cheap. Also in large variety Black and Colored Silks, Velvets, and Velvet- eens from 35cts. up, also Ladies' Clouds, Bonnets and Hats, Trim- mings and Shapes, Ladies Collars in all the latest style s. In Boots and Shoes our stock is complete and selling fast and cheap- Another lot of that Famous 20ct. and 50ct. TEA just received. Also a fuU stock of Nails, Putty^ Glass, Hinges and buHder's bard' vvare of all descriptions selling at^ the lowest possible prices. A full stock of Preserving Sugars cheap, also preserve and Gem Jai' m endless variety. ,,,, ' Notwithstanding the i^cessant grumbling of merchant generally, of dull times R^ J. SpfOUlC^ ^^ Flesherton, s?ys his business is increasing daily, having more busines than he can possibly get thVough with with his large sta» of hands. .i .^ VOL Ii issued eT Termsâ€" 5 not paid wit Professio] •"face and u Whole colur iHalf columi Quarter coin Two iDcli sp Tliree incli s Casual a-l inscrtiou, ',i insertion, no Editorial nmn 10 ceui â-  eacli subseqi Stray anii '-?1, the adv( lines. The Rtanj ment of pusu cial atteiitio) tilled with di EDITt T T orders dence â€" Snidf B. Giient, Phyfnviau •Crraduate r f \_ Hon. Gradual Member Coll. 1 J. P. MA " raduat VT of ])fnt Hotel, Markdal nesday of uacli Hotel. i-'k-:=ho third Wcdues.i: tice of hi« j)rof. January 'Jtli, Fr BAEE1STI-] Law, Soli ancers, Sev.., Ow Flesherton, 0: heretofore. AuTRED Frost. County Crt BARRISTEli in Chancer OrricEs â€" 0\v, PoTilett .St.: Era MeFarlan'a's ISti erery week. Crease BAEEl^. _,. ances, See. Opfices in ()-, â- over W. F. -\v,)lf 5ver W. J vM and Friday of ea' tS'FuiKls to 1, -JohnCreasi.i;, o Markdalf, .M.,;- Alcxa TSSUER of Ma .J- Life lusurai: ^» B. E. 4-,. Auctioneer foi;tii( fiwchants, and I *endedtoaDd eh; ft-iceville. Sept Wii rSSUER OF M, "*- Commission^ ' Conveyaucinfi v »ttended to and ca N. B. â€" Money t^ â- Â«Urity. W, c. I DUILDER, CO ^, TBCT.-Kesid ^larkdale. Jan. 2 John MAR mini I^ORSE A SP]

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