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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 13 Dec 1883, p. 7

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 I THE GREAT NORTH-WEST. it)\ fhP CUicaso „...„_, Milwaukee and St, Paul Railway Company's Produce Exhibition Car. 1 Cunservatory on WlieeUâ€" The Knergy and Enterprise of a Western RaU- way Which Sends Dakota's Products on an Ex hlbltlon Tour. due ct the moat notable but quiet jn;crpri=t3 for advertisiDg purposes -which joy state or railroad can boast of, naa been (luietly going en in the .,,iast of our )ntario farmers. The Milwau- i^ee and St. i'aul railway company, conceiv- jQff the idea that the best way to surmount the reports of hard winters, blizzards and small crops, was to exhibit to the farmers the class mostly interested) some of the many products which are the pride of THE STATE OP UAKOTA. Xnis vast territory contains 1.^0,932 jniurc miles or 90,500,000 of acres ot the best :arniing laud to be found in North America. It is situated between the 42nd ani 411 :h degrees of north latitude and the i!):h audi!.):h degrees of longitude west of Wasliingtor. The extent of this state is uiore than Frauee and twice as large as i.^rtat iliitain and Ireland. That this ter- [â- itciy hus the most unbounded resources couli easily be set n, if space would admit ot tbeecumuration of us mineral resources, and as well as from the annual report of itspro- ]ucts from all sources. Those figures al- though correct, could not convince any per- smu iii' re plainly than the exhibit made in â- he tii^e large car of the Chicago, Milwau- kee and St. Paul riiilway company, which is ao'A \i-.i'".i;g 'cr the benefit of farmers) the viri u:i towns and cities in Ontario. A brief j".v,rip-ii II of this elegant rildDfCE EXHIBITION CAR may mt be cut of place. Upou entering the car from either end, oae caiiQOt help feeling he has suddenly en- tred a conservatory arrayed in the most .ar- tistic manner, wreaths ot corn, wheat, to- bacLO leaf and many grains and grasses, are woven and interwoven around roof and iiJes, m a thorough and artistic manner, toi;"|iitt3 of all styles made from earth's fruits are scattered around most profusely, until one can scarcely believe he is not at- tondiiig the exhibit of a French school of ^e£;etable cookery, preparatory to the cook- ing process. One 01 the most notable oma- ments in the car is a large bell hung in the centre of the car the lower part of which is made of wheat, corn rye, grasses, etc., and the upper part of corn and vegetables, for a Liapper or hammer, a fine clapper-shaped 'juash is hung in the centre by a blue rib- bon, under this bell a prize in money will be given to the loving couple who will join iQ the bonds of matrimony. .\ KEVr' GOOD THINCS TO SEE. Coru in twelve varieties, including pop •orn and the Dent corn, of which some very nne samples are shown, the Flint corn cobs, measuring sixteen inches in length. Rad- ij.ies 01 the tizs cf large rats and similarly Raped, turnips, carrots and rutabaga in endless variety, the Little Queen, Llother Hubbard, Turbaji, .Scollop and other vari- eties ot sijua^hes. The pumpkin display was very liue, "M having been offered for one sample of sweet pumpkins. In the potatoe iiep:irtn!ent the Eaily Ohio was the most proiiiUKut, not a single potato wii^hed l.'is tiiiiu two pounds, some of them running to three pounas; there were the Snow Flake, White I'.iephant, White Star, Peach Blow, "..irljuDk, Seedling, Western Red, and Vic- tor. Tiie display of gras-es, I'rairie red top, â- n\-.- feet in height, lilue jomt, seven feet m heiyiit, Siough grasses aLd othtr varieties art woven in all directions as well as stand- i^i; iu the sheaf. Sweet pctitoes and tobac- co t;ri'wn at Yanktown, timothy, clover, on- i"n.s of several varieties, including the Wtathersfield, Yellow Denver, Silver Skin, anil Karly Red, some very fine c.trona.water- inelon.s and crab apples. One long, clean lijokiog cotton wood tree, about 20 feet long, attta.ts unusual attention it was planted two years ago from a slip, and ij now 3^ iDche9 in diameter, which clearly shows the speed with which a young plant will quietly increase m value. Some very tine samples o: timber grown from seed are displayed in n.tuy varieties, includiog soft maple, box elder, white a?h, cotton wood, and apple, samples of Okra, Martinua, hops, parsnips, and cucumbers of two varieties. THE GKAIN DI.SI'LAY i.^ particularly tine, both in sheaves and bot- tiec!, and many vaiieties are shown, particu- larly the Dakota, No. 1 hard, Mediterranean •"priag, and other eaily wheat grown around N ankton are very conspicuous. Both black and white oats are displayed, and among the latter are some exceedingly fine samples of Wiiite Russian, Flax seed, buckwheit.rye, barley, peas and berries can be found in an- other department, and also samples of fine, white tljur from Chamberlain and grotindat the mills of J. F. Sisson Cj. Sorghum or sugar cane and broom corn of great length ifccorate th€ roof of the car, and are inter- w6vea with small sheafs of wheat cut at full length. On the bottom of the car are some ^ery fine samples of Sioux Falls granite. The stone is compact and polishea to a high degree and is used in the trectun of the finest structures at St. Paul and Minneapolis, Minn. The finest ela.-s of stone for art work in the collection 13 the conglomerated stone which once pol- ished for table tops, mantlepieces, etc., would become the rage rapidly. The stone from which Indians make their pipes is also hown, and as a curiosity the autograph of I e noted Sitting Bull, written in a plain nool boy hand, also a handsome and carious walking cane cnt on the Missooii river is one of the greatest of curiosities. TLIMATE, STORMS AND BAINS. S3 much has been said in respect to the II zzirds and heavy storms that are claimed for Dakota that a few statistics will not be amiss, and the reader should bear in mind that on account of the fastness of the terri- tory a great difference will be foundto exist between the region north of the 47th par- allel, and that south of it. In southeastern Dakota the climate in many respects re- s nibles that of Indiana, Ohio, Iowa w»d " mthern Minnesota, with a greater number or suLny, and a less nuJiber of ramy days. The summers are agreeable, and Uttle in- convenience is experienced from heat, owing to the praiiie brtezes which prevail donng the warmer months. The fir is pure and lry in summer, clear and bracing in winter, Mid aflbtds ttmukM^ttbftkUk^manSd. lenhg from incipient consumption, etc. i^anal diaeases are wholly unknown. The wmters are not rerere. and the cUmate dar- ing the whole yea^ compares more than TW^K^^u*^*"^•'***«« ^^^^^ mentioned. *rom the tabuUted statement of the signal office at Washington for a period covering b7 years, it is found that not a single cyclone has touched this territory whilst other states and territories have suffered 600 tor- nadoes, particularly in Kansas, M.ssoi^i, Illinois Ohio and Indiana. That this tem- tory has become a favored one for farming there 18 no deubt, and that Canadians have Ik r /* particularly so will be shown by the following returns made in 18S0 • Umted Kingdom and Canada .. 17 571 bcatdinavian countries ' k'skS R^r"!^^!^^.:v.--.::::::;:;;;i:;i:: g All other foreign countries 2^597 Total T^ The increase in papulation in one year from 1881 to 1882, was 43,354. With such an increase in population any person would thmk the answer to all false reports a pretty plain one, for not only has the population of Dakota increased but it is found that under the liberal homesteads and other laws of the United States its "free lands" are rapidly being disposed of. The report shows that of 15,609,848 acres of public lands entered under the various acts during the period above mentioned, not less than 4,- 568,919 acres or nearly one-third were dis- posed of in Dakota alone. Of the total acreage of G. 347,729, entered under the homestead act in twenty-four states and territories 2,187,415, or more than cno- third was taken up in Dakota, and that under the timber act more than one- half of the 2,009,797 acres disposed of were entered ia this territory. The rapid growth of this territory is mainly due to thu energy, en- terpiiseand business push of the Cnicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway Co., which has run its rails in all directions through th- territory, and which does not hesitate to Li un forty and fifty mites of a branch track w^en accommodation is wanted. Par- ticularly is this noticed at Roscoe. The company has a regular emigration bureau attached to its service, and keeps regular travelling agents to attend to the wants of emigrants alone. No person not employed by the company is allowed in or around the company's emigration offices or railroads, and its system of detectives very soon fer- ret out any persons desirous of playing tricks upon emigrants. Mitchell and Aberdeen are the two great headquarters for the emi- grants where the company's offices are situ- ated. The company's produc3 exhibition car has been in Ontario under the direct supervision of M. H. Mercer of the emigra- tion department of the road and Mr. Wal- lace Heiifijrd, Canadian passenger agent of the company. â€" Toronto World, Oct 27th ISSJ. For descriptive pamphlets and other mat- ter of interest regarding Dakota or the North-west Territories, send letter or postal to Wm. Wallace Heofford, Canadian Pass- enger Aqent, Chicaqo, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway, ..'S Front Streit, East, Toron- to, Ontario, who will cheerfully furnish you by return mail. â-  ^aw m A TOTAL ECLIPSE of all other medicines by Dr. R. V. L'lerce's " Golden Medical Discovery" is approaching. Unrivalled in bilious disorders, impure bloou, and consumption, whioh is scrofulous dis- ease of the lun^s. "Johnny," said the teacher, "a lie can be acted as well as told. Novr, if your father were to put sand in his sugar and sell it, he would be acting a lie and doing very wrong." "That's what mother told him," said •Johnny 'aipetuously, "and he said he didn't care." Young men or middle aged cues, sufi'ering from nervous debility aod kindred weak- nesses should send three stamps for Part VII of World's Disppussry Dime Series of. books. Aidress World's DispENSARr Medical As- sociation, B-ifi'alo, N. Y. Modern Elijih, who inclines to be face- tious â€" "I'm getting to be pretty bald, ain't I? Guess you'll have to cut my hair for about half-price hereafter, eh " Tonsorial artist, who is equal to the emergency, "Oh, no, sir we always charge double when we have to hunt for the hair " GET THE OBIGINAIi. Dr. Pierce's " Pellets" â€" the original "Li -.tie Lver Pills" (sugar-coated) â€" cure sick and bilious beadacha, sour sjtcmach, and bilious atta'.;frS. During the thick fog the other eveH'ng Gom Gom took a poor bliod man by the hand and led him to his door. Telling the story to a friend on the following day, he cried â€" "it is terrible to be blind in such a fog." Beware of that Cough it may kill you cure it at once »ith Dr. Carson'8 Pulmonary Cough Drops, it never fails. Large Bottles at 50 cents. For sale everywhere. ' 'We are going to have a mild winter, Mrs. Varley every body says so," remark- ed Mrs. Seaton. Mrs. Varley merely ac- knowleged the information with an "Ah," but when Mrs. Seaton had gone she turned to her companion and said: "Y"oa know what that remark means, don't you? Her husband's too stingy to buy her a new set ji furs." Important. When yon visit or leave New York City save BatacBtce Expressage and Carriage Hire, aid 8«watGKAlSrD TOION HOTEL, opposite Grand Ceatral Depot. 450 elegwit rooms, Ottad no at a cost of one million doUors, re- duced toll and upwards per di^. European p£^ Elevator. Restaurant suppled with the beat. Horse oars, stages and elevated lau- mads to all depots, ramllies can live better f^lSss money at the Grand U^on Hotel tha at any other first-class hotal in tha city. Of all the actions af a man's life, his mar- riage least concerns other people yet, of all actions of his life, it is most meddled with by other people. PECTORIA! Pectoria Peotoria the great remedy fof Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Influenza. Hoarsen^, and aU affections of the Lungs an(rThrQ»t or Cheet. Pectoria looaenB the phlegm and breaks up the Cough. 25 cents per Bottle. Dont give up untU you have tried Pedioria: aU Irnggiat» and General Store- keeoeni sell it. The strange sunsets 01 t-e past few even- ings have doubtless been caused by the ef- forU of the s«.n to set himself by standard time. " Man wants but little here below," wrote Oliver Goldsmith, but Oliver didn't stop to consider that the man who is going to build a bouse wants a lot. Whenever you see a cannibal with thick lips trotting aronnd with a circus you can put him down as nothing more than a beef- eater. The true cannibal has thin lips and a nose lalf long enough to pull. FOR THE Kidneys, Liver, and Urinary Organs. THE BEST BLOOD PUEIFIEB. There ia only one way by which any disease can be cured, and that ia by removinfir the causeâ€" where ver it may be. The great medical authorities of the day declare that nearly every disease is caused by deranged kidneys or liver. To restore these, therefore, is the only way by which health can be secvu-ed. Here ia where WARNEK'g SAFE CtTKE has achieved its ^eat reputation. It acts directly upon the kidneys and liver, and by placing thom in a healthy condition drives disease and pain from the system. For all Kidney, Liver, and Urin- ary troubles for the distressing disorders of women for Malaria, and physical troubles (tenerally, this great remedy has no equal. Be- ware of irr posters, imitations and concoctions said to be just as good. For Diabetes ask for WAKXEK'S SAFE DI.IBF.TKS Ci KK. For sale by all dealers. H H. WARNER CO Toronto, Ont., Koch cster.N-Y.. London, Eng. Dr. Carson's Pulinoiuiry Cough Drops. Tlie prescrip- tit)n of an oM C'aiKulian Piactitinnt-r. The licst remedy for the Lungs, in large bottles at 50 cents. For sale everywhere Coke .ind Blackstoi-^ are sup osed to be the legal authoritie-i moit consulted by coal dealers. For a three cent stamp, Wilson Chemical C ),, Kingston, Ont., will semi to any address '27 hand colored samples of Triapp!e Dyes, with directions for use an 1 other information valuable to every house-wie. The Brooklyn Bridge has alreat'y got to be re-floored. The story goes ifiat J»y Gould "coi lured" all the Georgia pins of the requisite grade in the market, to fepite Ex- Mayor Grace, who hal the contract and it would seem that the latter go: even out of the public. Catarrh â€" A New Treatment whereby a Permanent Cure is eOFected in from one to three applications. Particulars and treatise free on receipt of stamp. A. H. Dixon Son, .305 Kiug-St. West. Toronto 'Canada. A. P. 155. C' ARRIAG?: SHOP FOR SALE village of Preston; doin satisfactory reasons fur sell SON, Pre.ston. -IX TBE a good trade; no opposition; HAMACHER SIMP' is a perfect gem, equal to an imported French Corset; fits like a glove to the figure; very styl- ish, elegant in appearance, and approved of by the most fastidious. Manufactured only by THE CROMPTON CORSET CO., 78 YO^K STREET. TORONTO- DO NOT i^LLOW YOUK CHILDREN TO grow up deformed orcripnled, but call and examine our appliances for the treatment of Club Feel, and Diseases of the Spine, Hip. Knee and Ankle, Remember the world is pro- gresfing, and more can be done to-day than at any former period. We also ma^.ufacture Ar- tificial Limbs, Trusses, and appliances for the relief and cure of all kinds of deformities. Will show at Toronto, Guelph and London Ex- hibitions. AUTHORS COX, 91 Church St., Toronto. The Qfleen's LAUNDRY BAR ASK FOR IT and t.\kk NO OIHEB. IK.1DE M.\RK. Bew.ire oflBiitations. Made by The Albert Toilet Soap Co. BEST BOILER PLATE. Tor sale low, the following sizes suitible for Boilers, Safe.s, Flumes, Tanks, ic-, c., 5-16 inch thick, 6i3, 8x3, 9x3, 10x3, 6x2i 7x2i 8x2i 9x2i. tS- SEND FOR PRICES -Si Copland Sc McLaren, Corner Wellington Jt Grey Nan Sts.. MontreaL F.B.DIXONCO., Mannraetorerg ot Star Klre Leather Belting 70 King Street, East, Toronto Large double Driving Belts a specialty, for Price Lists and Discounts. en Dominion Line of Steanfiships. Running in connection with the Orand Trunk Railway of Canada. Sailing fiom Quebec every Saturday during the summer montns, and from Portland every alternate Thursday during: the winter months. QUEBEC TO LrVERPOOL. Dominion. Nor; 17 I Toronto. JTot. 21 PORTLAND TO LIVERPOOL. *8amla, Dec. 89 I 'Oregon. Dec 10 Ontario, ** li Dominion, " VJ Rateeof lassage: Cabin, Quebec to Liverpool, »50, 160. |65,f8(r; retum, |90, |108. |I17. $U4. according to steamer and berth. Intermediate, •40. Steerage, $24. The saloons and staterooou m steamers marked thus:* are amidships, where but little motion is felt, and no cattle or sheep are carried on them. For further iarticn- lars apply to any Grand Trunk Railway Agent, or local agents of the Comptmr, or to DAVID TOKKlmCB A CO.. General Agents. MontreaL CONSUMPTION! Asthma, Bronchitis, Throat Dis- eases, and Catarrh. Together with diseases of the Eye, £ar and Heart, successfully treated at be •ntario Pulmonary IiistitQte,ST4, 87« and 878 Jarvl» street. Toronto, Ont. M. HILTON WILLIAMS, M.D., M.C.P.S.O., PBOFBIKTOB. Orr system of practice is by Medicated Inhal- ations, combined with proper constitiitional remedies. Over 40,000 cases treated dnnng the last 18 years. If Impossible to call penonally for an exam- ination, write for list of Questions and a copy of o«r new Medical Treatise. Address, ONTARIC P-JLMONARY INSTITDTK. 274, 276 and Jrvis Street, Toronto. Ontarto. THE MUTUAL MARRIAGE ENDOW. ' -IfiUiiT AiryMr*fiVlim. iff On*mrin Bim' Office London, Ont. Innes certitloates from 92S0 to )t3,000 payabe at marriage. A good investment for young people ot either sex. Set d for particulars. W. L IMLACH. decre- tary, Albion Block. London. MATTHEWS BROS- CO.. 93 YON Street, Toronto. Mail prepaid, assor packages of beautiful Christmas and N Year • ards. 25 cards, assorted, mostly small, 25 25 cards, assorted, medium, 50 25 cards, assorted, larger, 1.00 25 cards, assorted, fine, 2,00 Ko two cards aiike. Cash to be sent with or- der. HA.S LEFT TWO CAR LOAD.S OF TOTS. DOLLS, AMES,HOYfiLTIES AT THE GREAT JOY EMPORIUM, 21.t i'ongc St., Toronto, Ont. For Christmas Trees, Church F.iir8, Baziviire, Festivals, Fish Ponds, and Grab Bags. I will send by express, charges paid, as follows. Good Value. 200 WeU Assorted Toys $10 00 150 " â- â€¢ " BetterGrade 10 00 100 " " " StillBetter 10 00 1 Doz. Langtry Tinna 23 in. long 2 25 1 Doz Beautiful Shell Goods Assorted 2 25 Address all orders to C. W. DENNIS 7 and 10 cent Multiple Store, 'JI3 Ysnge St., Toronto, Ont. BEAVER S. S. LINE WEEKLY BEl'WKEN Quebec. Montreal, and Liverpool, CALLING AT QUEENSTOWN AND BELFAST For lowest rates and ail particulars apply to Sam, Oslioms Oo,, " V.°".5!"" HARNESS OIL. BASED OS XE.4TS FOOT OIL. Ia the fincFt harness dressing made. It softens and preserves the leather, and gives it a tine tluish. Ahk your saddler for it. P. F. DALLEY CO., HAMILTON, ONTARIO. ^S'fole Agents for the Dominion "^i FDNANDMYSTERYl ENDLE.S.S AMU.SEMEXT FOR ONLY 30 CTS. Have you^seen it? The greatest collection of Games, Card.s, Tricks, Puzzles, Songs, etc., ever offered for anything like the money. AMUSE- MENT FOR A WHOLE SEASON, for the old or young. Our NEW BUDGET contains the following Heller's Conjuring Pack the Mystic Oracle (Juide to Flirtation 10 new Evening Games: Set of "Hold to Light Cards;" 1 Set Colored Chromo Cards the Star Puzzle 25 Ways to Get Rich the "13" Puzzle 5 Beautiful Face Pictures Language of Jewels and Flowers 101 Selection! for Autogragh Albums 11 Popu- lar Songs with Music 13 New .Tricke in Magic Pack of Fun and Comic Cards 1 Chinese Block Puzzle the Roman Cross Puzzle Great $5 Prize Puzzle 1 set Transformation Pictures, change color right before your eyes, and Games of Fortune. ALL FOR 30 CENTS, IN ONE OR TWO CENT POSTAfiE STAMPS. By mail, postpaid. Two Packages for FIFTY CENTS, five for ONE DOLLAR. Send at once and get the grciitest bargain ever offered. Return this with order to avoid mistake. JAS. LEE CO., Montreal, P. Q. Cn„ I A CENriKX GERMAN I CHn JUt. I nvsPEpgiA crRE. I JUL' No injurious miueral, no jioison, no irritating aciri. Acts on a other Bitters. different principle from Possesses tonic, aperient and Diges- tive properties, and a principle that soothes the inflamed membranes, opens up theabsorbinK vessels of the Momach and Liver, cure.-) Dyspepsia, Catarrh of the Stomach, Liver Complaint, Con- stipation, frc. Wm. Goidsmitii, of Collingwood, Ont.^ suffered f oryears with the worst form of Dyspepsia; tried physiciars and every remedy auvertised without bene- fit. One bottle ot HofiCman's German Bitters cured him. Wholesale by Lyman Brothers, and Northrop Lyman, Toronto. FOK SALE. IMPROVED SYNDICATE onto SL, Toronto. THE INDUSTRIAL UNION Fumishea indMn j against loss of time by aiokneai or aocident at comparatively low rates. For particulan •Bclose stamp to the secretery, Toronto, Ont. ig^AGENTS WANTED THE SPLENDID STEAMERS OF THE WHITE STAR LIE all of them wijhout, exception amoDR tha Largest and Fastest of Ocean (steamers. They were constructed wich special reference to the conveyanoe of passengers, and for Safety, Com- fort or s^pecd, are unexcelled. They are speci- ally noted for the regularity of their rapid pas- sages in all weather. The steerage accommo- dations are of the highest order, the ventilation perfect and every provision has been made for the comfort and protection of the passengers. In addition to the total and absolute separatioB of the single men and women, except on deck, the married compartment has been so remo- delled and arranged that every married couple or family has a little private room to Itself. For particulars apply to the company's aarents at all towns in Ontario or to T. W. JONKS, General^ Agent, 23_Y^ork street, Toronto. OAKLAWN FARM, The Greatest Importing: and Breeding Kstablishment in the World. PERCHERON HORSES WORTH $2,500,000.00 Inported fron Frane« and Bred â- Uiea 1872, by Wayns, Ea Vigs Co., HlkoSs, 35 xnil** WmI of Chipjigo on C. 4 N.-W. K'y. Prices low for qual- ity of stock, and EVERY STALLION GUARANTEED A BREEDER. 390 Imported the Past Three Months. consisting of finest animls, with choicest pedigrees Registered in the Percheron Stud Book of France and the Percheron Stud Boole of the United States. Write for Free Illustrated Catalogue KU. 20. ^^^^â„¢^^^ ^M.'F0^VA^'A«4W. mPER CENT. OFF OUR DOLLAR tweeds makes the rrlce 90 cents; these goods are worth $1,50, and make beautiful ladies' uls^^ers. A. B. FLINT, 35 Colborne Street, Toronto. PER CENT. OFF OUR CELEBRATED black silks, that is our dollar silk will cost you only 90 cents; our $1.50, ailk only $1,35; all goods marked in plain figures. A. B.FLINT, 35 Colborne Street, Toronto. â-  n PER CKNT. OFF OUR ALL-WOOL III Jersey blankets our $1,50, blanket for |4; see our Dungannon coverlets, weight 7 lbs., only $195, or $1.75, net cash; this discount is allowed on all parcels of one dollar and over. A. B. FLINT, 35 Colborne Street, Toronto. â-  n PER CENT. DISCOUNT OFF ALL lU dry -goods, including new fall stock, all goods marked in plain fieuros; all goods sold for cash only, A. B. FLINT, 35 Colborne Street, T oron to. â-  n PER CENT. OFF GREY COTTONSâ€" â-  U or a 10 cent cotton for nine cents; sheet- ing.^, shirtings, grey flannels, table napkins. A. B. FLINT, 35 Colborne Street, Toronto. Ifl PER CENT. OFF ALL DRESS GOODS. lU silks, satins, velvets, brocades, black and Cloored, cashmeres, tweeds, tloakings. A. B. FLINT, 35 Colborne Street. Toronto. TUE RES HORSE REMEDIES arc tlio.'^e m.ide by THE ELLIS SPAVIX CERE CO Every owner of one or more horses can save a lar^e amount of time and money by having on hand a good supply of Ellis's Horse Reme- dies, and to supply a general demand we would announce that we will send the following by express (on receipt of the money, or C.O.D. and return charges): $6.50 for $5. 1 box, 12 pounds Medicated Food, $1 2 bottles Spavin Cure, $2 2 boxes Large Condition Powders. $1 2 boxes Worm Powders, $1 1 box Heave Powder, 50c.; 1 box Colic Powder, 50c.; 1 box Hoof Ointment, 50c.-$6.59. J. H. WhitBon Son, 21th Street, N.Y., says " We have used Ellis's Spavin Cure in our stables for two years and have tried it on the following vrith perfect success Splints, curbs, ring boneg. bunches on the neck, swelled ankles, also quincy, sore throat, and for general stable linimen: it is the best article we have ever used" For further particulars, free books, etc., write to ELLIS SPAVIN CURE COMPAKT, Sudbiu-y Street, Boston, Mass. or 276 Fourth Avenue, New York POPULAR STORIES! starch polish. ONX HA.LF CBNT EACH. 1 Death and Marriage. 2 The Broken Dyke. 3 Saved by Telegraph. 4 How She Lost Him. 5 My Deaf Wife and Aunt. 6 Slimkin'g Revenge. 7 The Chemist's Story. 8 Crimes of the Ocean. 9 Gurith, the Norwe- gian Beauty. lOAdalinathe Co- quette. 11 A Terrible Story. 12 The Trappers Death. 13 TheEivals. 14 Lynx Eveg. 15 Under False Colors. 16 Adventureof a Bache- lor. 17 A Race for Life, 18 Murder's Hollow. 19 All's Well That End's Wea 20 Cheated of the Price. 21 The Father's Secret. .22 The Husband and the Lover. 23 A Sea A"venture. 24 Love Among the Dishes. 25 Salem Witchcraft. 26 A Mexican Adven- ture. 27 Good Friends Again. 28 No Beggars Need Apply. 29 A Nebraska Adven- ture. 30 The Meeting. 31 The tale of Stanis- laus. 32 Diamond Cut Diam- ond. 33 Left Till Called For. 34 A Moustache, and what came of it. 35 The Well of Destiny. 36 Making it Hot for Them. 37 Lion and tbe Shark. 38 Left to Die. 39 Mary's Mistake. 40 Imprisoned. 41 Under the Waves. 42 A Married Flirt. 43 It was Too Late. 44 Out Upon the Line. 45 The Confessed Mur- derer. 46 A Strange Revenge. 47 I Alone am Guilty. 48 Western Drover's Story. 49 The Old Miller's Daughter. 50 The Pretty Cousin. For Polishins CoUan. Sblrt Bosoms ' Iiace Cortalns, Caffs, etc. Putting on the same gloss and hard pearl finish aS when bought at the store new at a coat of only one cent per week. Everybody wants it, and any one can sell it. Reasons why Ist. It enables any wo- man to polish linen equal to a Chinaman. 2nd. It causes the iron to nm smoothly and prevents iron rust. 3rd. It makes old linen look like new. 4th. It gives the linen such a smooth, glossy finish, that dust and dirt will not stick to it. 6th, It saves a woman from two to four hours' hard work each week. The Polish is packed in a slide box contain- ing 24 lozenges, which will last an ordinary family six months. Terms to agents Samples by mail 25c., 1 dozen by express ^.25, 6 dozen by express $7.00, 12 dozen by express $12.00. JAS. LEE A CO., Montreal. P. 4|. We will mail all the above stories on receipt of 25c 6 Lots for $1.00 12 Lots for $2.00. We posi- tively will not take an order for less than the whole 50 stories. JAS. LEE Jt CO.. MOBTTREAL, P. Q. "WATCH CHAKMS These new, elegant and unique Uttle beauties gotten up In Ivory to be worn on watch guards, neck-chains or as ornaments and keepsakes, and each contains " The Creed," "Ixjrd's Prayer," "Ten Commandments," and other Scriptural mottoes also, "Foreign and American Scenery." " Beauti fulj/adies.' "Groups." "Public BuilUngB," etc., etc., which upon looking through the Charm is magnified. By mail 2 for 25cts., 1 doz. $1.00, 6 doz. $4.60, 1 groes $7.00. JAMES LKE A CO.. MMtreal. P.Q 15 sheets Note Paper, 15 Envelopes, Penholder, 1 Lead Pencil, 1 Cold Water Pen and a handsome piece of JeweUery mailed for 25c. 1 doz. by express, 81.50. J. LEE a CO., Montreal, P.Q. Oontter's Microscope. No Student, Merchant, Mechanic, Agriculturist, Profeasional man or school child should be without it. Months of study of Natural History from books will not give the practical knowledge that a few minutes' use of the Microscope affords. By mail postpaid, 30c 3 for 75 1 doz., $2.50. J. LEE A CO., Montreal, P.O. LIFE IN THE BACKWOODS. A guide to the successful hunting and trapping of all kinds of animals. It gives the right season for trapping how to make, set and bait all kinds of traps; traps for minks, weasels, skunks, hawks, owls, gophers, birds, squirrels, musk-rats, foxes, rabbits, racoons, etc.: how to make and use bird lime. It gives the English secrets of catching alive all kinds of birds it tells how to know the true value of skins, as well as how to skin all animals deodorize, stretch and cure them to dress and tan skins, fur and leather to tan with or without the hair to skin and stuS birds baits and hooks for fishing how to fish systematically without nets, lines, spears, mares, " bobs" or bait, a great secret how to choose and clean guns how to breed minks for their skins (hundreds of dollars can be made by any boy or young man who knows how to breed minks), etc. Sent postpaid for 20c., 3 for 90c. ,6 for JAMES IKK Ji CO., Montreal, ttmmM IM â- iiiiiiiif

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