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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 6 Dec 1883, p. 5

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 T^sTEESIK pressStuffsT weeds Dress stuffs in all the latest shades, varying in price from 10 cents up. Tweeds in English, Scotch and Canadian, in the newest and most fashionable styles. ' TOI^OISTTO STANDARD TIME. Groceries. Teas and general groceries always up to the mark and at the lowest living prices. Blankets, Wincies. Blankets, White and Grey at prices heretofore unheal d of. Wincies in plain and fancy at rockbottom prices. Underclothing. Ladies' and Gents' Fall and Winter Underclothmg in great variety suitable for all classes. c Boots and Shes. A large, varied and attrac- tive lot of Boots and Shoes for the Fall and Winter trade, which for style, quality and price cannot be excelled. TTv^IX-I-^livd: BKOTTT"!^ A fine assortment of watches Clocks, Kings, Chains, Setts, Buttons, specks. Charms, c. Also an extra line of Electro- plated goods for table use. Watch and clock repairing personally, attended to and guaranteed. Honest charges. W. A. BROWN, The Jeweller, M A i^ k: I ^%^ L E Notices in these eolumnt intended to benefit ' «ny indiridual or Society will be charged ten j tents a line for tJie first iruertion and five 1 «*n(j a Urn each subiequent insertion. Two WEEKS from next Tuesday will fce Christmas. Wu. CoNDY, is gone to Kimberly to run a hotel. The Gymnasium club is well patro- nized. Lots of fun. The Lodge of Sons of Temperance is. beg; pardon, it isn't. What about tbe skating rink. Fetcli along yoijj ice Bob. The Methodists are prepairing for their annual Ciiristmas tea. The "Wiarton Echo advocates the division of Bruce into two counties. Geo. Grant, Co. haye quite a cumber of hands employed and are very buisy. The Flesberton Advance haa im- proved in tone yery much recently, «tick to that brother. Ma. DiviD Wark, Calkensville. Mich., will accept thanks for $1. for Standard, for 1884. An ipteresting letter from Mr. J. L. Browne has been crowded out of this isBue, will appear in next. The next sittings of division court, No. 5, will be held in Flesherton, on Thursday January 24th, 1884. Lambert, the young man who sliot his father in Holland township wag fifint last week to the Asylum at To- ronto. Mr. W. a. Browh, the jeweller is kept very buisy watch repairing, he is an excellent mechanic and is de- termined to give satisfaction. TnE Last Time. â€" Positively this ia the last notice given those indebted 'n A. Mclntyre. Call at once and set- I tie, otiierwise costs will be incurred. Should the railway be extended from Durham to Meaford via Markdale, this place would be by far the most conyeaient and central place for the county town. JtsT received this week new goods 'I ^Vatches XLNT stamped, also necklets and other lines. Call and goods and get prices. W. A. 2rowu, jeweller. Mk. k Mrs. W. J. McFabland. left ^liis morning by train to attend the golden wedding of Mr. John Mitchell '^f AUiston, Mr. Mc's uncle, which ^»lies place to-day Thursday. The anniversary services of the "altt^rs FhIIs Mpthodist church, will ^e held in that place on Sunday the ^•^'â- d inst., when Kev. W. Casson, of "arkdale, will preach morning and â- ^ening. The annual tea meeting "'11 b ' held on Chrietmaa day when f'umber of reverend and other gen- 'letueii will give addresses. Good "^^ic will also be provided. Tea f^fved at 5 p. m. Tickets 25 centa. AcciDDNT.â€" Ou Saterday laat, Mr. Jas. Brown, working at Harrison's factory, had the misfortune to cut off two fingers of his laft hand with a surface planer.â€" 0. S. Times. Sleighing has been tolerable good this week and our streets haye been literally black with teams hauling wood and grain to market, business has consequently been exceedingly brisk. The oflBce and plant of the Algoma Pioneer at Sault Ste. Marie was de- stroyed by fire on laet Friday morn- ing. Mr. Bigging's loss will' amount to $2,800, no insurance. Social. â€" The ladies association of the Presbyterian church. Orange Val- l«y, on Wednesday the 12th inst., a good programme is being prepared. Doors open at 7 o'clock, i^mission 15 cents. Trimblk Wright haye concluded to go out of the general business and deal only in bankrupt stocks. See their advertisement and call and b« convinced. They mean what thev say. Strayed or stolun. â€" A dark grey and white coley dog, white ring around his neck, short stubby tail. The finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving at the Eevere hotel, P. J. Mc- Casey. A TcRNKR Co. are now opening a large stock of Christmas goods. Toys staple and fancy stationery, e., c. Bead their advertisement in this paper and then call and examine his attractive holiday goods. Bon Firb of Bibles. â€" A mob at- tacked a theatre in Wexford, Ireland last Sunday where evangelical acrvi- cea were beine held, many were aeriously injured and the mob burned all the Biblea and Hymn books they could find. Taxes. â€" All who have not paid their taxes in Ward No. 2. Artemeaia, are hereby nptified to meet tbe under signed at Bryana hotel, Markdale, on Tuesday the 1 1th Dec., and aettle the same and oblige S. J. Coleman, Col- lector. Demtistbt.â€" T. F. Brown, L. D. S., of Woodstock, will be in Markdale on and after the 15tb November for two weeks, filling, extracting, plate work c satisfactory done. Charge moder- ate office at W. A. Brown's Jewellry Store. Wb bkobet to say, owing to a num- ber of the publishers of this county holding aloof, the meeting for the porpose of forming a publishers asso- ciation which was to have taken place in Markdale on the 7th December is adjourned indefinitely. An old Gentleman up west stepped on the train to say good-bye and k. s. hi? better half on her leaving to visit friends in Markdale. The train moved off whil« he was in the coach and carried him to the next stat- ion, 8 miles. He was none the worse. Miss Bell, the Toronto girl who made such an exhibition of herself in Guelph about 10 days since, was found guilty on Monday of ^tempting to aell a livery vehicle, having dis- guised herself by appearing in male attire, she however was hberated ow ing to her former, good conduct and character. Ifs not after a woman wears the breeches before she is mar- ried. Fire. â€" About 2 o'clock on Friday morning laet a fire broke out Mr. R. Wrightman's storehouse in the rear of his drug store, onPoulett-street. The Fire Brigad was promptly on the spot and soon succeeded in extinguishing the flamtos. There was a large quant- ity of whiskey, oil, etc., etc. in the building, which was partly destroyed. Mr. Wrightman attributes the fire to the work of an incendiary, as it was not possible for the fire to originate in any other way. The total less is about $960, partly covered by insurance. â€" O. S. Advertitor. Fob first class axe handles go to Finnerty'a shop, Elizabeth st., op- posite the bank, Markdale. Ydu can bring your own timber and have them made to order, or you can get them all ready made at the shop. Sign of the Big Axe Handle. 169-72 Stage Change. â€" Mr. Haiiua of Flesherton has purchased the Durham and Flesherton stage fine, and em- ployed Mr. W. J. Strain as driver. Mr. Strain is a steady, obliging young man, and no doubt will give good satisfaction, and soon become a general favorite with the travelling public. Mb. Thos. Hagan met with an ac- cident the other day that will lay him up for a while. He was getting out of his waggon at his own house when he fell, breaking both bones of his legs between the knee and the ankle. He is now doing well under Dr. McWil- liam's care. â€" Dundalk Herald- Ms. Joe. T. Clark, left Durham on Tuesday last, after serving an appren- ticeship of nearly four years in this office. His presence will be missed among the boys and young men of the town, with whom he was a general favorite. Aa a compositor he has few equals, either for speed or accuracy, and will no doubt, do credit to any office in which be may be employed. â€" Grey Review. True merit brings itr own reward, in the case of Burdock Blood Bitters it is rapidly bringing its reward in its increased sales, as a prominent drug- gist recently said, "it now sells on its merits;" It is the grand specific for diseases of the blood, liver and kidneys, $5,000 bottles have been sold during the last three months. For aale by A. Tamer Co. Markdale. LiBiBAL Conservative Assocatiom. â€" The annual meeting of the East Grey Liberal (Conservative Association, for tbe purpose of electing officers,and transacting other important business, will be held in the Town Hall, Flesh- erton, on Friday, December tbe 14th, 1888. at 2 o'clock p. m. sharp. It is important that all sections of the riding be fully represented, as busi- ness affecting all parts of the riding will be discussed. Settling Up. â€" The season of the year when all accounts should be set- tled, and how desirable it is that each and all make a determined effort to that end, true there are very many who are unable to pay all their ac- counts in full, yet there are none who may not have their affairs put m a shape so they will know how tbey stand and thus save the unpleasant duty, wben pay day does arrive, of going over many years accounts with a view to a final settlement. OuB gymnasium club, organized a little over a month ago, is we are glad to say in a flourishing state, and Vie are doubly pleased to see that the young men of Markdale can find something profitable to engage them- selves evenings. As there is a repug- nance to practicing before atranaers or non-members until they are pre- pared to give an entertainment, they have passed a rule that none other than uiembera be allowed in the hall, whicii, henceforth will be strictly ad- hered to. We commend their action. Is Winter Quarters.â€" Our Owen Sound fleet has bad a fairly successful season, and we haye fortunately not been CAllel upon to record any such dire disasters as some past seDsous haye been marked with. The follow- ing craft are now being laid up here for the wiutar, and will all have more or less repairs done during the periorl between the closing and the opening of navigation :^The Catnpana, Fran- ces Smith, Magnet, Africa, Meteor, Pratt, schooner Bentley, tue iiobb. steamer Neff, and schooner Jane Woodruff are all laid up fnr the season. Tbe Enterprise, City of Owen Sound, and schooners Tilly Hamilton and Lady McDonald are still oat, Itxxt will winter here. â€" idvortiaot. CHRISTMAS. 14 SANYa GLAUS u m CO We desire to inform our numerous Friends and Patrons that we have re- ceived and are opening our Annual stock of Christmas Goods, Fancy GoodSr Toys Books, and Chrismas Cards. Our stock of Christmas Goods this season is Larger, Cheaper an4 Better assorted than that of any previous season. Call and examine. Satisfaction guaranted. Liberal discount to purchasers- of Lots for Christmas trees. A. TURNER do CO. Embezzlement. â€" Mr. Griffith, har- ness maker, having lately missed several small sums of money, his suspicions fell on a man named May who was working for him. He got a friend from Port Elgin to purchase some harness, previously marking the money. Afterwards missing some of it, he had May arrested, and fifty I cents of the marked money was found I on him. He was brought before the Police Magistrate on Wednesday, but as Mr. Griffith did not care to push matters, was admitted to bail to appear for sentence if called on. â€" O. t!. Timt*. All of our readers who arcinterested m farm rQatter#of any kind are asked to read on another pa^e the announce- ment of ihe leading American country journal, the Bubal New-Yorker. It is the first to have established an Experi ment Farm the first to originate and distribute rare and new kinds of seeds and plants free among its subscribers. It has probably done more to create tbe present interest in experiment stations and an improved agriculture than all the rent put together. It is original from beginning to end. It presented over 600 original illustra- tions yearly of fruits, cattle, grains, house plans, etc., and combines in practice the true interests of tbe farm, garden, and household with tne editor- ial labor of a rural journal. Its pres- ent Free Seed Distribution comprises eight kinds of seeds, most of which are not offered for sale. These, according to the prices which seedsmen charge for novelties, are worth more than tiie yearly subscription price of the paper. It IS a weekly of sixteen pages, ptint- ed on fine paper. It has over 600 contributors, among them, the must distinguished agricultural writers of America, Canada, an 1 England. Our readers can lose nothing by sending for free specimens to the Rural New Yorker, 34 Park Row, New York. They will be cheerfully and promptly forwarded. LIGHT! LIGHT!! REFINED COAL OIL I Sets a gallon in two barrel lots and upwards. â€" â€" « «»» HEAD LIGHT OIL 25cts. a gallon by the barrel.. ^t "Wholesale Rates*- H. PARKER, Drug gist, ' DURH AM.. fHE^BEST^iiCiE TO GET i Si msw North of Toronto, is at tbe I^ai-lzdale Grallex-y* MONTHLY FAIRS. Markdaleâ€" Satarday before Flesherton. Chatswortli â€" Monday before Durham. Dundalk â€" Tuesday before Orangeville. Flesherton â€" Monday before Orangeville. Shelbume â€" Wednesday before Oranp'eville. Orangevilleâ€" The second Thursday in each month. Mount Forest â€" Third Wednesday in each month. Priceville â€" Monday before Durham. Durham â€" Third Tuesday in each month. HanoTer â€" Monday before Durham. That's so, for a friend of mine haJ his taken there and he says they arn- even better than what he had takem in Toronto. JAME8.HAMILT0N. • ARTIST, THOS. MAfiJEWS. MARKDALE. EVERYTHING IN OUR LINE KEPT ON HAND OR lUDE TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. LIVER YI IN CONNECTION. BHrd«ck Healiax Olntm^at should be used in connection mth Burdock Blood Bitters for curinc Ulcere, Abscesses, Fevers, Sores, c Prica 25 ceuts per box. T. MILBURN CO., Sulk AciuiTs, ToaoiiTo. J. W. FORI Is giving splendia satisfaction in GRISTING, By the New Process at the Uiale nmifl; Mi Special attentton to parties from a distance so tUut tbey t_Ay haw tUi.'iXj grist home tiic- sauie duy..

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