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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 6 Dec 1883, p. 1

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 ^t Â¥â-  â- IS^^ • â- "â-  -jn^uy^ â-  â- Â¥â- '"â-  VOL. 4»"No. 13 He Iark4i}e StaMard Ii issuei eTesy "Ilrtirsday, at the Mjfide, Mill atreei, Marklaie. Terssâ€" ?1 per year in advaabe; 81.25 i( not paid within tfer^ Kionths. Professional an«l Wsiness catds one inch space aud uiiJ*, 'p«';yeai-, §4. 1 TK. « HO. 3 MO. Whole col«itf*-.s .«..-., S50 0© !827 50 $15 00 Half ««lumfl'.- 21 m 15 00 10 00 'Quartercoluam .... 15 00 10 00 6 00 Two inch -spfece 7 00 4 00 ijferee incli space 1« 00 5 00 Casual afvei-tisements 8 Hint!i per line first ;ii?6rtioii, 3 '*«u;^ per lire each subsequent insertion, nOhia/c'l measure. Editorial irs^ttces, â- or notices in local 'tiol- vm 10 c«nts iper Jine first insertion, o cents '•»oh ssljsei|*eRts insertion. Stray aiiiBQftis Ac., advertised 3 weeks for $1. Jbe advertisement not to exceed twelve MARKDALE, ONT., DEC. 6. 1883. No. 169. -JOB PRINTING.- The Staxbabd office has a splendid equip- mtut of poster as well as fine job type. Spe- cial attention to orders by mail. Orders tilled with dispatch, C. W. rfcTJXT.KI3GH: EDITOE AND PROPMRTOR, ' I â€" â€" ^,,^,^^^^^^,^,^ SAMUEi. WARDELL,, a1.l orders pix)mptly attended to. liesi- decceâ€" Snider's Hill, Owen Sound. 1-22-35 B. Ghent, M,D., M.R.G !P. S., O. Physician and Surfffedft, OPriceville, "jtaduate of University, ^^ct. College. „ N«wYork, tind 'Hon, Graduate, of tbe-sttm-e, ., Avieth Medical Institute, „ „ OptkalmitaLospital, N.Y. UemberColL PhysicistosSargeers,©. 104 J. P. MARSRAt^L, t^D,S, DE]«tlS?r, GRADUATE OF ITOROirK) SCHOiSIi of Dentistry, Will 'be at Rutledge"s Hotel, Markdale, en the 1st and third Wed- Msdayof each moath «uid also at Munshaw^s Hotel. Flesherton, the day following the third Wednesday in each month £«r the prac tie* of hts' profession. January ath, 1883. 122-74. i^^jti. Fr*«t dc Frost, BARRlTBRS, AND AT1®RNETS-AT Law, Solicitors in Chanraery, Conyey *nc«rs, Ac, Owen Sound, ha;^« resnmed at *lesh«rton, Office open erety IFhursday, u twetofore. Alimd Fbost, J. W, .aPMwr, LL. B. Goonty Crown Attorner-. 1 ;r, 9IASSOM, BARRIOT^ER, MASTER AifD DBF. REQ in Chancery, Notary IBablic, ConTtysnl A NUKBBB or TiXm rOB BILL Onricssâ€" Owen Souad, in ViAer'a Block rsulett St.; Branch oftoe in Markdale, over SteFarland's Store, «» Friday andSatuid^.y «Teiy week. S7-ly Creas«r A- Morrison* BARRl?. -,£W».^LICITOBS. CONVEY- ances, K,.-ix^ OmcEs inOwM Sound, Dofferin Block, 3ver W, F. Wolfs Store and in O^er W J, licFarland's Store on Thursday nd Fridsy «i «ach week. ^Funds*o lend on reasonable terms. ^0B» Crea8», Q. a DoKCJur MoaiaoM Markdale, March 15, l«8a. 78-1t Alexander Brewn. ISSUER of Marriage Licenaes, Fire and Life Insurance Agent. Commiasionet '" B. R. (fee. Conveyancer and Licensed Anctioneer for the County of Grey. Farmers, *wckaBts, and Land Sales, Punctually at- tended to aud charges made very moderate. PriceviUe, Sept, 17. 1880. 1-T Wm. Bro^vn, pSUER OF MARSLAOE LICENSES, *c -t Commissioner in B. R. *e. Conveyancing in all its branches prompt]} •Uended to and carefully executed. "^- B.â€" Money to Lend on Real Estate se 'Hrity. t«ttto. REVERE HOTEU, i*IARli.DAl,E. PROPRIETOR. THIS popular Hotel has ohafiged Wnds and the above men cater to the wants of the pubUc. Good vtabling and attentive lio8tfl*8. The best brands of liquor atad cigars, good meals and comfortable rooms, large ommercial room. B»t*er shop in con- nection. 130-ly. CHATSWORTH HOUSE (U.TS HORBOW ffOCSI,) CHATSWORVH, Ont. C. H. MATTHEWS, Propbibtob. The best brand of ii^uors and cigars al- ways in stodt. "Good Mseals and omfortabie rooms guamiiteed. Qrtm^ stabling ana at- tentive hostler. m COMMERCIAL HOTEL PKICB^^LLiE. Ont. Large aud commodious Sample Rooms Good Bed Room*, Ac. The Bar and larde well supplied *ifth the best the market af fords good Staffing and attentive Hostler's tHOS. ATKINSON, Proprietor. mm k McMillan, CUmTRACTORS. Contiraets taken for all kinds «( niCK AiD STOIE WfiRK, Plain Qraanental PlastcrinA^ CmHtominin^ in •all Shades and Odors. Charges moderate and satisfaction guar- anteed. Orders left at ahe Stamdab» office will receive prompt attention. Markdale, Feb. «th, 1883. IW-ly. SEORGE WILSON, ^Vholesale and Retail ^le. W. G. RICHARDS, UILDER, CONTRACTOR, ARCHI- ^£cr.â€" Residence on Mill Street, Mark- ilarkdale. Jan. »4th, 1S83. 1241y JOHN NOBLE, MARKDALE. ER'LBLACKSMITH Horseshoeing A SPECIALTY. {BUTCHER!} BEEF, PORK OR MUTTON SUPPLIED, from a single pound to a whole carcass, at the lowest market prices. FISH FOWL m TNEW SEASCSI Farmers having Fat Cattle, Sheep, or Pigs to dispose of will do well to calL Markdale. Oct. 25th. 1«81 Union Carriage Works. All work manufactured from First Cuss Material In the Latest and Best Improved Style, aud finished with f^ng-lisli Varnish.. Paiiting Trimming Rigs will receive prompt attention. All Bepaira executed in the shortest possible time consistent with good workmanship. Good Work a Speciality. Remember the Shop, oppomte the Cheapsid* D. J. SHAKAHAN. Markdale. Dee. Snd, 1881. Proprietor 64. jM lÂ¥iUiant McJLeod, BOOT AlO) SHOEMAEEB, MARKDALE- Orders promptly attended to. Sewed work a specialty. All our work guaranteed. Teims strictly cash. Ronember the stand, opposite Revere Hotel. 159-3m DRESS AND MANTLE Rooms. oaxLOP's Bniuiyo kibkdau. Chatowortli. All kitads of ladies wearing apparel cut and made in the very latest style. W«MMinff Suits a Specialty. 149.62 Fashionable Tailor, OVER MACFABLAND's STOBK. A PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. in THE 800DS AND CHATTELS â€" OFâ€" JOHN KIRKPATRICK, BCSA8KI.) NOTICE TO CRE DITORS. Pursuant to Section 34. of Chapter 107, R. S. O. tire «ieclitors of John Kirkpatrick, la*e of the township of Euphrasia, County of Grey,, decetised, who died on or about the 21st Oct. 1'883, and all parties having claims upon his estete are, on or before the FIFTEENTH DAY OF DECEMBER, 1883 to send by post, prepaid, to Richard Woods, Rocklyn P. 0., in the County of Grey, one of the executors, of the personal estate and effects of deceased, their christian and sur- names, addresses and description, the full partrcalars of their claims, a statement of their accounts and nature of the securities (if any) held by them, and in default thereof the assets of the said deceased will be dis- tributed, having regard only to the claims then received, or those of them which the exocutors then liave notice. JOS. MANAREY,) ,, RICH. WOODS. P«cators. Dated this 5th day of November. 1883. EUGENIA Grist, Saw andLatliMills Having made cqtensive improvements in my Grist Mill I feel confident I can give good satisfaction. GOOD FLOUR ALWAYS ON HAND Chopping Done Every Day. GuKtora Sc^wing and Bills Filled on thi shortent notice. LUMBER AND LATH ALWAYS ON HAND. Cherry, Cuk..):DUt, White Ash, Black Ash Bassvfcod, Pine And Hemlock Logs wanted 69ly. M. AKITT, Eugenia. ROBT. ASKIN, Has opened out a Firet-CIass UNDERTKIN6 ESTABLISHMENT. And therefore has supplied a want long felt, COFFINS, CilSEETS, SHROUDS, and all FUNERAL FURNrtHlliaS sapplied on the shortes notice. A. STlenlid Hearse far hire at moderate rates. â€"All kinds ofâ€" PICTURE FRAMING Done on short notice. ROBT. ASKIN. Wm. Lucas Co., BA NKE RS, ]M[oney I^oanod IN large or small amounts, at p.U f "mes, on good indorsed notes, or on collutaral seonrity. INTEREST AT 6 PER CENT. Allowed on Savings Deposits. ^^Drafts issued and Collections mad* on points, at lowest rates. W.M. LUCAS, Manager. September S8. 1880. S-ly From a corretpondent. C. H. Matthews has leased hisfhotel here to Tuck McLeod, late of Wood- ford. Matthews (^oes to Owen Sound where he will open in the same busi- ness, he is an off-handed obliging man and will no doubt receive a large share of patronage in his new stand. His farewell supper last Friday even- ing was largely attended. Wc wish him success. The new men Tuck McLeod arc well and favourably known to the pubhc and will doubtless retain their popular reputation in their new quar- ters, they take possession this week. We have a short-hand writer here whom you should engage as report- er. You could then secure full report of the longest sermon if required. The Oddfellows of this place to- gether with a large number of ethers attended the late Mr. John Binns funeral m Owen Sound on the 19th. His unexpected demise east a gloom over the village. He was highly re. spected here by all who knew him. Preparations are being made for a tea-meeting in the Methodist church on Christir ., Dundaik. Frrnn ewr own corr**pondeHt. The Poliece Trustees once more breath freely, and sleep soundly, the threatened suit for damages having been dropped. The addition of a number of buyers on the market, causes sharp competi- tion, and some lively times. Mr. T. Hanbury, has sold the pro- perty occupied by J. J. Middleton Sons, as store and post office. Mr. J. Marshall, returned from Iowa on Tuesday and was serenaded by the band. SnicniE. â€" Mrs. Thomas, a rather weakmiilded woman poisoned herself on Fridiay evening last. She took a quantity of saltpetre, but admitted taking something else. After suffering all day Saturday she died early on Sunday morning. No inquest was held, she leaves a husband and four small children. vances. These engravings alone in any single issue of the paper are worth far more to every farmer and house keeper than the subscription price for five years. Notwithstanding the Amtrican Agriculturalist is fully worth foiu* dollars a year, the sub- scription price will continue at $1.50 during 1984. The Am«'rican Acricnitorakt for Decent ber cloies the forty-second volumn of this leading farm journal with a most ex- cellent number. It contains over ninety five original engravings by Forbes, Tmmble, Folsom, Halm, and other artists. There are in all over one hundred original engravings, of which four are full-page, namely "Home from the wood lot," "Typical Horses at the N. Y. Show," "Christ- mas comes but once a year," and a truly beautiful fiirst page cover. Among the well-known writers are Dr. Geo. Thnrber, Orange Judd, I'r. B. D. Halstead, Prof. S. R. Thorap- son, M. C. Weld, J. M. Stahl, F. }J. Coburn, D. M. Welday, Prof. A. J. Cook, W. D. Boynton, W. W. Meech, P. H. Jacobs, E. A. Long, M. E. Bamford, L. D. Snook, Mrs. G. Bush Jr. Ethel Stone, Mrs. S. A. Elliott, and a long hst of ethers. A remoilel- led House Hints on hogg flUng Chinese farming in California Prize poultry, and a prize sheep bam are a few of the very valuable articles pres- ented. Mr. avid W. Judd contains his Editorial Notes on many topics with engravings. Mins Carr's touch- ing Christmas story will be read the second time by many, both old and young. All of the several tiepart- aents are unusually full, and we only wonder that so much custly reading matter, and so many fine engravingu, can be furnished for the pride {^l.oj per year) of this sterling journal of the Farm, Garden and Household. It should be found in every home. The J.'ecember number of tbe Americav Agriculturist contains about one hundred engravings, which is twenty-five per cent, more than that in any other illustrated penoilical m this or any other country. These il- lustrations are engraved expressly for fche paper by leading artists, covering a wide variety of rural subjects ao well as farm inyentions and contri- Ttie Busines..; Outlook. It can no longer be denied that a period of commercial depression is upon us â€" nay, that it. is even now at our very doors. The stock market has not been in so deplorable a con- dition since th; autumn of 1880. and it is very doubtf:l if bottom Las yet been reached. Rumors, more or less vague, are afloat with resj^)ect to the sDlvency of several l:cai bouses. The weather has been unfavorable, and the wholesale dry-goods business is almost at a stand still. Some old heads, reputed to be wise, take a gloo.ny view of the situa- tion. Others speak hopefully, while a few continue to deny that there is any depression at all. The last nam- ed we believe, are destined to a rude awakening before the advent o.. the spring. "3ut, according to the best opinion we are able to f'^rm, the outlook is by no means disiieartening. That we shall have a dull â- winter is tolerably certain, though a good fall of snow would do wonders for us at the pres- ent time. Let \ij try to make the best, and not tie worst, of the inevit- able. The ponod of iatiation is past, and the period of depression is sure to follow. But tbe inflation has not been very great, and there are few of the other discouraging circumstances which usually mark th ' commence- ment of hard times. The country is in eyery respect in far better codition than it was five years ago. The crops â€" with the single exception of the hay crop, have not been abundant but they haye by no means been a total failure in any part of the coun- try. In many districts the cereals haye been up to the average. In a few they have been \t below it. There has been som j c vsr importa- tion, but not so much as is commonly supposed. The lumber trade has been, and continues to be fairly good. So that there is no good leason for beheving that the depression will be either very great, or of long duration. A hopeful front, and the exercise of diie economy are the best remedies for the existing state of things. And they are remedies that, under similar circumstances, have never been known to fail. â€" Toronto Morning Neic.t, Ba»n Bi/)wn Over. â€" The storm last Wednesday night did moro damage than was at first known of, the most serious loss in this neighborhood oc- curring in Glenelg. Mr. Henry Law- reuce, had this summer erected a first class bam, yet although the building was strong, it was blown oomple'ely over E .akiug a complete wreck utterly destroying a new fanning mill, and numerous other articles. The grain being all exposed, a threshing machine was on hand the next "'.ay r f^d thresh- ed it out* We are really sorry for L'.iwrence, he is aniadu?tiious hcnssb, and is a real good fellow, too.â€" Buv-tam Chronicle. Glaii- o(t, From our o .* co, yanciK^cur. Owing to the suneia'iui.r'.anee of straw this season :: c sc ce of which a great quanhty of f'jam to be stacked. Maiy a â- â- 'i lO'ii-'ug preparations to eject ha] us. Should the winter i^rove favcir able timbering will be gone into f..tou.9i- vely in this section. [}'hose who have removed t_ 9'...'a advisd t'.ieu ol neighbors w'lo nave comfortable homes in Oi^tanj o ciav there. There's i:o place 'lice li'tit;. Waltei- Fee, of I'ouchwv:c:ii Hills, Manitoba, was manicd eteutlv to Miss Annie Morrow of *.lfc.i"/. wiiu lef here, lapt July for t']-) n'xv' â-  vince. There ajpears t^ â- â-  •;o(' en- couragement to "go Wei! young ladies." â- If 'â-  'f^i iMHi

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