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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 6 Dec 1883, p. 7

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 so iW- LAITIES' COLIJiyySf,, A (ij-mnasium for Girls. §9r woBq^i; sm heartlessly do wheo a gi^ ^. to throw a bal' The'exerd, afes CO con- part dm and precision, movemeiit, is TJ,orei3 aswellgymn jtes Clara Belle fpm .a5t as they â- ' i^sely of calistheuics â€" wheeling, dumb- "•ij ptrcussion, and the like. The dumb- tll'exercises are "' iino gives the culi.1- eniphas_ ult fi'^urea with unison â- ;,1 phalanx, a novel •i-med '^V double circles of £^rls advamang -/lii aril tne centre until a close bpdy is form- ' rne girls being united in tbe smalkst "I,j,-eivable space, and there performing .rninasti':: posturings. Such a lump of ac- t7fe !o%eliness would nsake a man's eyes jlisten but no masculine gaze is permitted. fhe percussion fcxerciBe is odd. The rows of je"rformei3 are divided into groups oftwo, jn'd cacti one of the two percussaed the jther on arms, legs, breast, aud back with nuvk. decisive strokes to tKe music. In- lian-club swinging isa snapping, aeani-open- jjcr sort of exercise, and only a itVT of the nxli i'c adepts at it. At a class exercise I 'w seven ot these fair athletes-iightly danc- [2(7 around the room' Stopping for a mo- atct to take full breath tiiey then swung -.lie clubs with remarkable strengtih and ease. itacni:' jumps are only possible to a few. I have, however, seen the bar raised to a leicht of four feet, and lichtly cleared. Others easily made their way through the jirbythe means of suspended rings. The woman professor in charge of the gymnasi- gm teaches the pupils how to walk. There 9 1 style of walking sanctioned by faehion, rhe same as there are rules in dress. In- i:e.-. i 01 assuniing a languid, willowy move- _r.cDt antl inclining the body forward, which used to be the style, the New York girls are "oing to the other extreme by imitating the walk I if our English cousins. This form of Act'lomania is confined to the adoption of the ere;t position, throwing the shoulders well hack. But we are sensible to stop short of :he locg strides and bobbing up-and-down riiculiar to the English. The use of the low heeled walking shoe has considerable to do with this unatTtcted, sensible style. With the French heel it was only possible to walk in a constrained way of walking on e^ys. Another characteristic motion was tie r'lil.n J from one side to the other, which waa iloubtless ntcessary to relieve the pres- sure on the foot as much as possible. The jiia nc.'.r is to march hke diminutive grena- ii'TS. Awkward London Ladies. Informer days," saya a corres^ofride^t «( Th' S' Jamas' Gazette, "deportment was a part of every young lady's education it *ij even considered a mosf important part; but it is quite clear that we have now ehanged all that. In my rambles about the west-end of London I rarely see a WomvL with a graceful walk, or one who seems qoii»! scious that there is such a thing aa grace of luovtHitnt. Of course the dressmaker* are aga n^t them but that does not account for verything. To see aiady entermgS brong- .a!n Id s-ometimss to see somethirig almost '.:J;o:ou-, And yet formerly the art of get- â- .JDi; ia and out of a carriage was a part of i.-iol-girl teaching, an old yellow chariot rii; i; -o littimts dragged out for the purpose '.r Mjr tliree times a week. Of course this. li a -iLe country, and ladies may do as they pUaat but iu this particular they are not. â- opltajing to Qthers as they might be." that.? Blooms, -wh^ I grow up something might come out ot iti yoy*^no^/; Oh, horror it is reported that an English. â-  â€" â€" •^J.x^bk^ liave be«n to secure titled spouses, it is really too â- tyif they are going to lose them through the vulgar mstrumentality of the divorc*' court, " I was to be married you know," said you know, for g-good.^" ^^ow is aaked Clark. "This w.-.y," replied' "She s-said she'd marry me, you itkow, when all impediments were f^remow â- fli "Yes." " VVell, lasked'herTastnight Uthey were net ajlâ€" awâ€" r-removed, you know, £,nd s she said 'no'â€" I s-still s-stut- ter 1" Miss Upper Ten, an ultra fashionable young lady, was celled to be with a sister who waa dangerously ill in a western' city,, "What can she do for anyone ill and per- haps dying " inquired a neighboring ac- quaintance who hid heard of her departure. "She might give information as to which side they'll be most hkely to wear harps on this season," said one of the ccmpany dryly. At an inn in the neighborhood of Paris a dog lay stretched at full length in the middle of th(J hearth. Fotir travellers were seated around the fire. They were soon iois^d by the landlord. "What a fiae dog! Is it yours,, sir?" Ue said,- addr«B8ing- «he sferst traveller, " No, sir." " Splendid creature I^-snppose it is yours " he asked the second, "No." "What a beautiful head L .You H»ust have given a gopd prica for ft?" he said turning to the third. "'It hat't mine." "A magnificent animal " -con tinted the inn- keeper, speaking to the fourth traveller, " you must be very fond of it 1" " The dog doesn't belong to me, landlord," "What!" suddenly exclaimed our stupefied panegy- rist. And giving the unlucky dog a tre- lAendous kick, he said-; ""Getoat, you dirty brute " Mr. W'atkiiaa, a Clerkenwell, England, n)»a«$MMt9dk% iitec4mtel:f 4«D]|ytBll;iui in- veBtrwr/or.titftiag^ Buing-iftach n;s, and which can be applied tqually well to every kt^d o^ machine. " It is cbnta^oed op a box ^boQ^ 15 inches cube, wbich supjports the machme, and is itself supported by le^ like those cf 'tlie ordinary table, but with no cranfe, treadle, fly whtel, or strap. The box contains a length of st^el.tape, which is wooed up to sery.e as a coiled sjH-ing for use, and is prevented from releasing itself by the usual racket and click arrangement of clocks. liie chief merit of the invention is io a method of con)p«iU)»ting the a«;ticn of this tape in such a-ftayas to make it drive the machine as fa^t apd with as much power at tbe'terminatioti df tHe run sa at the com- mencement. In Mr. WartkinS' spring motor there ia a .contrivance which causes the tape, as it is wound] to form itelf wh^t he calls a "parabolic spirl" â€" an arrangement by which as it unfolds it compensates its o*n action and drives the machine steadily thrbaghout its run. The box contains also, a drum on which the chain- is wound, a series of multi- plying wheeki an instantaneous brake, which is worked froin the immediate ricinity of the needle above, a flywheel, and the con- nections with the sewing machine. The contiivaoce can be stopped instantaneously by the braKe, or gradually by the regulator; and the action is so completely under con- trol that, although when at lull speed the needle attains a Mtte of between 900 and 1,000 st;tches^a minute, it, can be set to work so slowly 4hat the machine scarcely moves. The power of the motor is such that the thickness of the material sewn is of little importance, for the speed of the needle ia but slightly reduced by passing through ten or twelve lajfers of unbleached calico or two of leather. The inventor claims that the apparatus can be, applied to any exist- ng machine at moderate cost^ and ttiat the working parts are calculated to last for years with reasonable treatment. A GHOST STOBY. FF.lirSTM]: SPARKIES. " lied cf the bawl^girl babies. " Xew York woman keep a coach jt»g to ai,itoh her freckles. • "•â-  ' " ' " Kew York ladies ncwtabeiles^'^i^'^^"" It./. They hope to ma^ l^i^lt^ more killirj than ever. "' " " • ' .\ cu:;g man who proposed tO his girl and ftis ::.(.t with the reply that she "couldn't see it,' is now more than ever ccnvinced thit love ia blind,' ' 'T ve i;ot th'i^ tKing dow* fit* nOw, Mil â- ired," !=uid ASiy^^«eyfiioStiim^'liig;h-SM*c«l gill. "D. :vt say 'got it down fine,' Amy, tritrt's a dear say 'reduced it to extreme tenuity.' " Till re are two colored women lawyers in ".hel'uited States, and when one of them gets to talking the court hears more black's tone that it ever dreamed could be utilized in practice. A Maine wauian anction and no one bid. Then she put up a billy goat, aud $12 wai oiHered. Ew siBce, in talking with the former, she puts tais and that toeether. 'The dynamite party ' 'iboddy, who was reading over thepapers " Dear me, Augustus, we'll have to give one ri^ht away before those Snsiths hears of it. I wonder what it's like " The followiiior beautiful description, of, a s'-ntet in Georgia is from the. Macon Tele- l*-aph: "The rosy beds of the day. Kemarkablo Inciaent a a Hallowe'en GatberlnKâ€" Dread FalflUment of a Fromlae. An incident of a rather peculiar nature oc- cured in Montreal on last Hallowe'en which has given rise to considerable conjecture and surmise. The facts, as obtained from one of the participants by a representative of the ~Gazette, briefly stated are to. the effect .that seven young ladies, all of Montreal, at a Hallowe'en gathering ten years ago agreed to meet again on the same evening ..ten years after the stipulation was "dead or -dlive»" the yoong lady who made use of that expresaicm reminding the other six of their agreement a short time after by sending them eacji an invitation for Oct. 31, 1S83. This lady; was evidently the originator of the lit^e tteiion, and laughingly promised • to be ^eeen^ even if dead, and ft wftje at all possible for her to dg) so. About four yeMra »g6 this lady died ywy suddenly. She is descrihed' as h*v»g^-beien «f «' quiet, re- ligious disposition, and very tall. Tije reuaia'ier.,p^ the ten years rolled by, and (the time for lBieil«union eame. Accord- ing!^ ,«n All»ilattbw *ve the six met at the house of two of their number, who were sis- tws, for tea.; but, accoVding to the original agreemen-t, a ohair was left vacant for the missing one. This chair was drapad in black, while in froiit 'of it were some wither- ed flowers, gathered from the grave of the •deceased, "r- Nu ttti uy yemarfeable t»cc»r?ed dOTingtherepastf; savwthafr the young lady next to., the. empty chair -spoke, of a strange nervou.s sensation, but this waa not thought of at th«p tinieii?^f ter tea they staeted to the jiarfflr, ^n|m*diatcly adjoining,' the youEK la|y ^MBtrji]!! ntioned l«a«ti^-»^e way, and fcari^irjg: in^'her hand »fe^ bilbch of wi|hfe«d J filers.' The pai4||' •#* qaite dstfki'.lajinit the light whicl^ iitreapwfci' in from the dining-room as she opened the door. At that moment she cried â€" "Look look 1" and pointed into the parlor, where three or four of them saw distinctly £il»;t|»U'*fti|Wfig«e«taD(Jjpfat the doorlead- J^c â- feornVthe smtlbr to iJie hall. She who asi be fakes down t'ae westeru fuiTipilie, ry lately ted gr»' surprise; itbew»n« d openly be the re- tbe lower iBap- rial refer the state ricb.o^N basi»e*F ei^bte. cooftr**" have iten £;reatlyadmired'by ihb lad'ies latelyv*^ I Uirew you a kiss, my pretty Louise. I threw you a kiss at the door. â- -- ' liutyour father's stern boot did the ouai- neas for me, „ ,â-  For I couldn't turn roundto taaroW^taare. A woman who is kissed by mi8ta"ke m the -irk always screams and mSj^" ^^^rpatrow I'^^ut it, but one can wager kne ;n another way when the man ^bb^meitces. (o -ifr ex -uses and says he wonldn't have done " !: he tiad known whom i€ was. •I Indianapolis woman is Wing rof v -ce because her buebend muzzfed hc' '"'â- â- "u a base ball mask, -and yetif baae-baH "â- sks â- weie fashionable sh* would harep ' tried the life out ot him in- h«K -endeavors "'J iersuado him to^Duy her one. Jhiais ' â- â- *3r!J of queer contraries. â-  â-  '•- â- ' A trade circular, under the U^'^, " What ^â- 'iitQe Coming Girl Wear C3^ «o«^tanM a de^ 5 -iption of the articles like to iionstitute 'i-e -ardrobe of the future. Itiaadesorip- " n Juflicient to convince anybody that what â-  coming- girl will chiefly we" is a hole the ix)cketbcok of the man who supports r. Mi^sEiith (aged C)â€" Mamma, they say 'ieGibbses have come into a whole lot of ffloney. Ella wStanford aaya they areteM "Amnion aiid vulgar, but I think we ha* •better be very nice to them, M there are ^-o boys in the family ab«ut my age, and I'lifl le^^^iTieainitig-?^ %\hl%abr from that room to the hall when she again 'saw^ the figure,' and her cry brought three of the.othera to this (foor, and all saw it glide q^uickly along the hall from the parlor door to' the door leading to the street, which- seemed to open of itself and close aiter the figure had passed ttrougb. â-  ,, Only one of the six failed to flW the fiwH-e offered her husband .at t^ aU, she"M?^"i inkoth «B^b*a^0 l^e, consequently she was very dubious, an?, be- K«veCthfr«CT«'*io* ^^ faetely sop^jkohd of a pracCical joke, anda,t once wefllTand inspected the d«for of ei'it:-.. but -thia was J ,r always kept lociied and fatched ftom witBin, excl^med Mrs. |,an(j.^aB found to be still seoure„60^he trick -~ theory was apparently-out of thequestionas ascd«tion«t(he myateiy. j" ' ' (Stti informait^w the figm-»-^twice, -and de8«)ribe8 it as being., ?*ijU8ti. the right hm^tiif^ihaJt ia to eay,' tyerf tailC A»d wholly draped ip white no-hands nor i^et were to beaien ;and'the £ax:e waauondealwi; it seemed to ^ide rat ., ^, ffib^iverj quiblly it di4-7iot toiiofa the door at all and did npt. appear £6~ pass through it, butthedo»r afeemed to opq^of itself and close behind the figtif e. The een- satton'produced b3^-bhe-6^«tte was^if^t were chiickKng to itseK onTavntg kept the pro- atarea, row tnise tv be, .â- preeent, ,aBdlji»«hing at^the i^f,rvok^ f trcare produ*d-at4easteur yoang lady *n. ^IZJ. .^ formftct 4)t»i^i sijoh to hawbeen her sensa- tions to 80 far-ts ahe-tad any apart frona the ,domin*it86n*^Jf feai.^. • ,. ' SuohiB:theBtory,and/wegjyeitfor •«hat it U worth without attempting tQoSer either .^explanation :or commsnt, ' ._ if^ -_y do it. • 'S)nOhmtian*t.Worky^ an ar^cle en- titled" *• HtJw to- Make a Wife lasan^. -We have Witt-X^ itk presuming- pec?^?*' Civeft^^TTf ^rsi! iitbtotfc oode^n*o the honsa wTtl^mad on your boote. or to ioTfuUo Hang 'home yojar wife* bOlUiet for hei; from the milliner's on Saturday night. ^in â- Â» I â-  !â-  â€" r"' -â- - Seuralgia Ireated by tie TaBing Fork. Dr; Easori applies the txaiinfr^atk, while _:i â€" n^^^ over the oourse of the painful The sitting usually lasts about hali an hoar, and the patient is generally rehej ed without further treatment. He records hlB method in the Ctnn. Lan. and Clm. Chinese Feasant Life. A writer in the London Times gives tliia as an example of the condition of the Chi- nese peasant A family consisting of eight ptersons owns an acreand ^»lf ofâ€" land.. The land was boug^iSj^IWgiMndfdaMr »i the present head, and has never been sub- divided since nor M^^d te|^ He gwws about seventy bush^Qi i ii ffiil| tbirtjftve of wheat, and j|om^^9eta1|^^ndj^:^jjBon beside, worth ^tcgetner in money "aoout §50. He has two nephews who work out- side and bring hemeBoraethineto he^j jtnd^ in that way they get aloiig, but they are very poor. He p^f\r" -im neigt)baw ioa» native blue ciQthv:;ipiiA-aa^ Woven i»-^)i* family, by the women, from cotton grown by themselves. He never wore foreign cot- ton. The coat he had on (a *^ell worn affair) ixkd b ee n wade-two ytais pieoiuusJy; aud if would lst two years more^ It served him day^ Tbei ManuCactnre of Beads. Beads are largely made in Venice, where glass-making has always been the principal industry, it is said that the invention of beads dates from the thirteenth century, and is due to two Venetians, Motti and Imbriani, who were urged to make experi- ments by the celebrated Venetian traveller, Marco Polo. Under the Venetian Ilepublic, and for some yeaf-8 ' after its fall, says our Consul at Venice, the exportation of beads had not reached the ihiportance it has now attained. This was, perhaps, owing to the smatlnesB of the furnaces, and to the diffi- culty and length of the technical processes required for the compoition of che paste. The Morelli, however, who in 1670 were the principal bead maaufacturers, had four ships at sea, carrying beads to the. Eist on their own account they had became so rich that in 1686 they entered the rank of the Venetian nobility on payment of the sum of 100,000 ducats lo the ilepublic." Since Is 15 this industry has become t-o im portant as to give, at the present time, em- ployment to about 15,000 persons. The trafiic is carried on with all the world, but the principal exportation of beads is to the ports of Aiia and Afri^. Aa extraordipary stimulus was given to this industry a few years ago by tne prevailing ta=te for beads for trimming ladies' dresses, A great ex- tension of the manufacture -tfiok place, and labor w^3 paid sft high that sit wbocould,d 80, gave up their us)ial' trades; for.iead-mak- in. But when the demand for beads de__ clined, most of the workmen who hid been allurftd "by fancy wages to the bead manit facture, were thrown out cf vvork and coh» pelled to return to their former occupa- tions. Whatever be the caus,?, bead making has always been the special privilege of V^enice, in spite of all foreign attempts to manufac- ture this article elsewhere. The wages in glass works are for a first master about eight francs a day, for a second master, four ancj-. one-half francs, and for the ordinary worfe meuj from two..n^cs t?,.JSX§.,.^anc3 a day. During the last five years the average annu- al exportation of bea Is h^a been 25,000 quintals, of the approxima^ value of 5,500, 3cas i '000 francs.â€" Pai!Z JUaU 6faM6e. The Englishman's Grate. Winnipeg has been "boomed" in England bv i^efest^^^rties, at^ the result is that â- tMi"i6e %drday hnmbet-s of Eoglishjien scattered throughout the Northwest. Some of t^ese Englishrnen ape jn ^bad way. There iu'this- irty of ^^innipegi at itne present moment an ex-captain of one o'f Her Majes- and \Xtpni m^rM «v|b':md. Not am5r8fl"l3^dTS:"ffv6 'dSyV^rid if this gentleman, bom and bred, does not get em- ploynujut 8.hoBtJi»hQ.threateni to blow out his brains.. --TmSre ii-^o xlay in-fhis city an- other Englishman lying at the point of jc^tt} in a ^ity;; Ito^l, nd he has neither money nor friends. TThere ia another Eng- lishman who has sfiild his clothes, his jewel- ry, his souvenirs'df'Home, in order to procure ^eme'd to "dide" rather' than walk, and j o« mflpl da^^iaaViiow he is at the end of â-  ^-- L ^^â- ^ his tether and what next? In conversa- ' tion with a member of the staff of this jour- nal, a young edacated, well-bred English- min remarked, "Winnipeg is the English- man's gcave," E]ew lof y(^u who read this ileih know anVtHing about thfe distress that exists in this wonderful city to-day, and few of you care. Who is to blane for it W^ho is responsible for bringicg out these young men on the strength of lying and exaggerat- ed promises Fir«t and foremost, the press of Winnipeg, which has Ued about the con. dition of things in the Northwest^and which contiauea to be. Ga down to the C. P. R. dejpot any time you like and see tbe;number of men out of employment. As^ the general superintendent, ask the heads of the Post Office, -Custom House, and of. our leading business hotises, how many appliciitiona they receive for employment, and then reflect if all you read about this overrated country ia true. "The Eoglishman's grave," that is the name that \Vinnipeg i* rect-iving, and Grod knows that things are bad enough in it. â- â€" Winnipeg Sifcmg». Standing Bear's son proposes to redreu the wrong of'the red iiiaB -Bt^ia -ato^ying to bs a piomber, i^^ " Talk about pitchers with curves " re- jnarka ^a eminent baae*balUs^ " there' no cnrre like that of tha little brown jug." STOVE AND TIN BUSINESS FOB SALR AT Renfrew rare chanoe mast be sold. Adorei^ •» C. HYETT, Renfrew, Ont. rrruE mutual makkiagk endow X MENT Association of Ontario, Head- Office London, Ont. Issues certificates from MpfiSfO payable upon marriage. A good i^veatoamMor young people of either sex Send for particulars. W. I. IMLACH, Secre- tary, ^AlbionBlockjJjOndon; BROS. CO., 93 YONGB nto. Mail prepaid, assorted tif ul Christmas and New Year ac, ards. 25 cards, assorted, mostly small, 9 25 fi (^ards. assorted, medium, 50 loaids. assorted, larger, 1.00 35 cards, assorted, fine, 2.00 'tis) t^p caJids sMi^e. Cash to be seat witk jVA/-i;! iiafn-W ' " :i£^ THE mDUSTElAL UNIO Bandahes indemnity against loss of time b7 sioknets or Occident at cooijfarajivelylow ttesS" rarTMn^oalars 0P" " eloBe stamp to HsSwretarj, 'EDronti), Ont FOR MESTIRX ADVKRTISEK, lONDO^T. from now to end of 18S1. Magnillcent BOOK OFPOKl'KAITS.'lonly lOc. premium. extrscriawtainaiQllo wing js hmma-U t hns raphs. in five colors: Queen Victoria; the new Gov- ernor-Greneral (Marauis of Lftnsdowne) Rt- MK:«fTOil^ Sir John A. Meo«lena»rHm.;^«'M«'»n*: Hon, Alex ItackeMift; Gitester A-'-A«hu*;«ei«ident U. 8. IJipg'rapJ^iciiAskPjpttStfeaoh. Aggits want- ed. idcfress^AlTVEkTISKJfc PRINTING CO., London, Ont. MRBOILERS BE AVE B S. S IjIKE tP^t«i!inl« ^ale Purser Saves Fuel, saves Repairs, olmates Danger. GlaKS CrUbricators ave Oil. Vul^e Cle^Meir^ S'atie the Tvhea. BeitFast^^ca-S Save your BelU. For Sals bytJOPLAND lUcLAREN, Cor. Wellington Grey Nun Sta.. Montreal. WEEKLY BETWEEN Qaebec, .lloBtreal, aftd Xlvcrjlool,' 'CALTGD«G AT â-  â-  " QUEENSTOWfl /lllla. BEI^FAST FoElowest rates and all pdrticulan* apply to to. Osborne Cq., ' ^*'^,f.%."" 1883-ST.. jp Nj ||ff lEm^^T^, leather BelUng, JlrJ Eiu^c i|!»f «tji. Four First Prizes and Two"i)iVnii9. I'lTe highest of all Awards for Leather Belting and |/» PER CENT. QF^ OUR CELEBRATED FireEaigice Hbse'-ti^r^acrarded by the Juctees* 1 %ack SilKs.fhat is* our doUar silk.wlU cost at the St. John Centennial and Dominion Ex- you only 90 cents our §1.50 silk, oily f 1-35 all hibition, to ROBIN at!*ADIjEiR, Montreal, ov" 'goodamarked in plain figures. A. B. FLINT, in PER CENT. OFF OUR DOLLAR I U tweeds makes the price 90 cents these l«Xds are worth Sl.aOiand piake beautiful la- Hies' Ulsters. A. B. FLINT, 35 Colborne Street, Toronto. er all competitors, FOR SALE. Farm of about 145 acres; 19 miles from Toron-^ lip; brick house outbuilding nearly new Roodf ' yOung orchard just commencinsr to bear about. 16 acres timber. ROBERT JAMEi, Jr., New- ton Brook, P: 0.,, Ont. -V I. Tie Fewell Patent UnirersalQrinder.^ Award of Gold and Silver Medals. KEWELLiCHAPIN Proprietors, £5 St. James-st. west .. A[Q,iitx;e^lf V.ilitgB" Milla, ai^e' time, grind any kind of grain very frisi a n A. w 1 tM.»M t.l beating. Larger Size Mjlls working on ' same principle With different style of cutter, grinding phos- l^ates, gold and silver ores, (juirtz. plaster;' day, bones; flsh-scraps, bark, c., Please call or write for particulars. ji The Gioafest Iinixiilinp: and IJi jt;stiil)lis]:i!iiM!t in the Vor rcpuin Id. t^Tc\^^rin'^c,xnji^:^Xf5^:,i^^^:';^..i^^ .iWORTH S2, 500,000.00 â€"i.,'ri»n'"*^6°tils'i Brain and restores surprising tone \7;TLe, Vz Iiiiporti'd from Frfince aod 3red ilnee liVl, by â-  31. AV \Z ml i e^e' Wert of C 390 Imported the Past Three Pricea IOM~}of j|ua!- fiy.b^Stock, and E'ERY STALLION tJARANTEEDA BREEPEft. Months;. 35 Colborne Street, Toronto. in PER CENT. OFF OUR ALL-WOOL III Jersey blankets our S4.50 blanket lor 4; see our Dungannon coverlets, weight 7 lbs., only 51.95, or $1.75 net cash this discount is allowed on all parcels of one dollar and over» A. B. FLINT, 35 Colborne Street, Toronto. Ifl PER CENT. DISCOUNT OFF ALL DRY III goods, including new fall stock, all goods marked in plain figures all goods sold for cash only. A. B^ FLIN'I' 35 Coiborne Street, To- ronto. Ifl PER CENT. OFF GREY COTTONSâ€" I U or a ten cent cotton for nine cants sheet ingo. Shirtings, grey flannels, table Napkins, A, B. FLINT, 35 Colborne Street, Toronto. PER CENT. OFF ALL DRESS GOODS silks, satins, velvets, brocades,' black and d, cashmere, tweeds, cloaklnigs. A. B ^T, 33 Colborne Street, Toronto. :il6]^EDIGINE^ Brain NERYHFOoa^' 1^1 •^fteb- Positively cures Nervousness in tX its stages. Weak Memory, Loss, of Brain Powet, Night Sweats, Baireniyess, Weakness and General re- I the â- and vigor to the Exhausted Generative Organs •• liB'cittwr B©«. IS* Wi«M||*«i!^«: few Twelve lDUr« ^icaCt, i ^^^^ ^qgbntj|^i^^ ^ito |l^^lar8, we oil c. A N.-w. If;,- -, marker â€" Pajiiali l^elw" "uLitee biLflJaiLto any address. cibQet^tiqs oi'ain«Et anDnal^i ^rUU'cboieast pedigraea. " â-  â-  ' the KercherOD Stud Kook OT France, Rei;i?«terVd acd the Scutes. leroD-Kprman.^tud Book of the Voiitd V- rife for Fr6e Ulostrated Catalogue .. Xo. JO Mack's lta|ULftteJH^dUclne is sold by drug- gists at 5adn^iel* %9mor 6 boxes foi' $S,5«. or will be mailed free of postage, on receipt of J. money, by addressing .UackN MuKnetic .Hrdl- clne 'Co.. WliMner, Ont., Canada. Sold by all druggists in.Onada. fH£ SPLENDID STEAMERS ' " oi^THKâ€" Asthmar.Bronchitis, TKroatDis- lease's, and Catarrh. Together' wfth" diseases of t*ie Eye, Ear ^i Heart, successfully treated at the • Ontario l*almonary Institute»^14. 376 and 9'» Jarvls street. m HIIffON WILLIAMS, M.D., M.C.P.S.O. --* ' PROPRIETOR. Our system of practice is by Medicated la- halations, combined with proper constitutional remedies. .Over 40,000 cases treated durina; the past 18 years. If impossible to calj personally for an exam- ination, write for list-of Questions and a copy of our Hew Medical Treatise. Address ONTARIO PULMONARY INSTITUTE, 274, 276 and '278 Jarvis Street. Toronto Ontario. Aiw^kHwtheftj'WithBiu4-eTO*p6^ among the LAKU^-!«' A.JUJ'A|'r'"T of Ocean^^^ners. They are specially noted for the regularity of their rapid passages in all weather. The steer- age accommodations are of. the highest order, the veiltilatlon perfect! and every provision, ha^been mij^f Jfr the cttnfort and myction SZHiT^^wIn o'r H I^S^M^' "o^ men, except on deck, the marriea compartment has been 9d -reaaodelled and arranged that every inarried,.9oup^ or familjr has a little pri- vate-room to its^lK • For particulars apply to the company's agents al all towns in Ontario or to T. W. JONES; General Agent, 23 York street. Toronto GOOD BOOKS AT LOW Seottith Chiefs. Uncle T«nl'« Oabfn. St. Clairujf the Isl^ Children of the Abbey. Tbe Lamplighter. Mabel Vaughan. Thaddeus of W^afsaw. 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Paul Clifford' Eugene Aram. The Last Days of Fo«. ^*refc»nfikn. ....,' The Oak Openings. IPfLe/HeidebJuauer^ i Malik's- Re«f. ' • Xed Myers, Satanstoe. The Borderers. Jack Tier. Wftreedes. "•"•'"'â- â€¢ "" --'Vke RooMKM^ ef'tlM Forest The Italian: Mysteries of Udolphus. Mysteries of XJdoIphus. n. Ajnelia Antiqoarj :Rdb^oyi Old a rttklity. The Blac k Dwar Bride of LammenMur' Heart of Midlothiaa, iTanhoe. "The MQoiastary. ./E)m Abbot. â-  â-  .peu. Reuizii sizis. Ernest MaltraTers. Stories of Waterloe. The BiTouae. Alice. The Bobber. Oyril Tbomton. Reginald Dalton. The Widow Barnaby. Topsail Sheet Blocks. The Huguenot. The Sausy Arethuia. Jack Brag. •bm JoneSf^^Tpl. L^ f«« Jones.^iL fi. Joseph Andrewi. Humphrey Olinkor. Peregrine Pickle. Vol. I. Peregrine Pickle. Vol. II. Roderick Random. Valentine Vox. No. I. â- Valentine â- Vox. ITo. 2. Notre Damp. The Swiss Family Rob- ipsop, ' T T1»B WiU Irish «JrU The lliftla of Kargaret Lindsay. Artemua Ward â€" his book. 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