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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 29 Nov 1883, p. 1

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 1-- i^ !^Â¥^-^'t^^srs^^y?^.5-*-s T^^f^^i'-^'-mW^-m ^xi^ -f*" 'â- ?L*-.| â-  -*, â- â€¢â- ivt- â€" iXViHei. j»]i »liiai -fti J k KL^tfk-yftwtpWA -afcra* ,^ ^»,\- •• r**iVA.S'.JiC Tl aiting. ad^' to kept ii at 1 in ourl ex- VOL, 4. -No. 13. MARKDALE, ONT., NOV. 29. 1883. No. 168. le MarMale Standani h gatfllk fs. !S,to^ sold very' â-  the •h iwa«i evesy Thursday^ «lt the office, Mitl Street, Markiate. TsRJcsâ€" Slper^ar in adwasce^, IflJfeS^ cot psiil witkin tk!%e montfes^ Professresal artfe "lausiness «c«ris o»« iasfc ,pace attd and€»,*?*r year, 84. 1 TR. S »«, 3 too. ffholecohima .-..-, ..$50 00 »2? «0 91{ 00 Half columa,. .• 2? TO 1« 00 10 00 I Quarter colunrti-., .. 15 W WOO 6 00j| Two inch spwjfe ^00 4 00 Xiree inch space ... s 1000 ^00 C»sual advertisenwsits 8 v^t^tsipet Un6 first insertiou, 3 '!«nts per line «Stik sabse^aeat insertion, wjfepareii measure. Editorial aatices, or notices m Icxsal col. amn 10 o«tf-*3 per line first ittsertftn, € cents fjclj subsaVtents inserti'0«._ StrsT atiinals Ac, adveftfsed 3 Greeks for $1, tlie a^Jvertisemeot iitt ito exceed twelve lines. --JOB PRINWKCU' lace. ition. T«£ SiiNtARD oflSce has « splendid equip- meal of postJ^r as weil as fine job t^pe. Spe» -ia! «ttenti?n to orders -ty laail. Orders fiUed'Vfith drspatck C. AV^ Rt:i Tt^ErG^JS EDFf OR â- V't'i^ PROPRIETOR. vv ienoe ELL MttGER AN© ORII^ER. ALL orders promptly -atteu^ied to. Real- ^nider's Hill, Owen So«nd, 132-4)5 ei] ich we ERTON. B, Ghent, M,D., M.RsO.P. fe S., Q Phj-Hoian and S*irceo«, Prkevilie, jiadtratftef University. Vict. Coil^e. ,, New York, and Hob. Grad»*ate, of tb« same, „ V, Avteth IfedrtTal Instit«*e. Optiiatoic Spspitai, N.Â¥. SlewVr Co!! 'Physfe«fts fe Sutgeors,©-. 104 J.P.M4RSHALL, L.D.S. DENTIST, pR.\rtJATE OF TORONTO SCHOOL Or of Dentistry, will fee at R«.tledge"'s Hotel, Markdale, on the 1st and third Vf-ei- jesday of each month aad also at Muasha'W's Hotel. Flt'sherton, the day following the "bivd Wednesday in eacb (nonthJf«r tJteprao "\K of Ins professioD, January 9th, ISSa. 1-2S-74. REVCRE HOTEL, PBOPRISW!)R. THtS popular Ho«el hs tUtttetgei bands and the alx^e «fi*n ca*er to me %«nts « the publit. #Ocd -vtebUtig mmI «*fretottv« • %08tler8, l»he T5€« 'brafids â- ot lii« -wid 'cigars, e«s«oi»tae6*i »n« «cotn**t«fclB teoms, Urge Tjmmcrcii^^nm, ^ai^or ip^D«e:te- «*c4ion. itJdJly. fMCM lOID MANTLE BOOMS. totwtJOF'B BOiuiya lusxsiLX. 4fi ^bhtAs of Ia4i«8 ^wearing apparel eat Mid flMd« m %hn Tery latest style. W«ill4iifeg: ISiftlts a Specialty* 149«62 f ••r F««»l« ]II«r4ere4l li BcAs^FIAjr TtasasanA l*ir« Siipposedt* Have Been Carried off $.(0al» i^BATB MORBC^ ROU8K,) CltA'V'SWORTII^ tdWK €. H.^TaTTHEWS, PRO»«teW)». 'l^he %est 'Smnd of li^o«5 «itt8Clg«!R! al- '^iFays ifc -*« Good meais asd'C«'*iaf(»rtable !ooms 'g^refyattteed. Haod ^t^tfl^Hg and at- **entive hostler. 114 CfiNMERClAi HOTEL PR2?eE"n3E!iLiB. Ont. Large «««[ "comifiodrous Sample Rooms Good Bed. Koom.'«, Sf^ The Bar and larde well supplied wit^ Uie best the market af {oids good Stabtkig and attentive Sostl«t*S TttO-S. ATKINSON, Proprietor mm MCMILLAN, CmiTRACTORS. Oeratracts taken (or all kinc'is of BRICK MO STCME WORK, Plain Omam ental Plastering. Cahomininfj Mt aI'L Shades and Colors. Charges moiJerate and satisfaction guar- anteed. Orde\8 left at ahe Stambabd offie» will receive p'rompt attention. Markdale, Feb. 6th, 1883. 126-ly. GF.ORGE WILSON. Wholesale and Retail XVER MACrARLAKD^B «tXBS Al i?erfect fit guaranteed. Tn the mods and chattels â€" OFâ€" JOHN KIRKPATRICK. NOTICE TO CR gPITORS. PursHant to Section di, of Chaptej 107, R» S. On tWe cireditors of John Earkpatiick, la«e of the township o£ Euphrasia, County of ir«ey^ deceased, wlio died on or about the 'dlst Oct. 1683. and all parties having elaims tttoon his estate are, on or before the FIFTEENTH DAY OF DECEMBER, 1883 to st-ad by post, prepaid, to Richard Woods, Bockljn P. O., in the County of Grey, one of the e\ecutors. of the personal estate and eflecta of deceased, their christian and sur- nar^iBs, addresses and description, the full pr.rticulars of their claims, a statement of •heir accounts and nature of the securities (if any) held by them, and in default thereof the assets of the said deceased will be dis- tnbuted, having regard only to the elaims then received, or those of them whieh the executors then have notice. JOS.MANAEEY,|g BICH. WOODS. P"^»'^s- Dated this 5th dav of November, 1883. EUGENIA Grist, Saw andLath Mills HariBg made eitensive improvements in my Gnst Mill I feel confident I can give goiad satisfaction. GOOD FLOUR ALWAYS ON HAND The Steaaier Eclipse Eiest Nearlf all the Crew. with. 'S k of L ail and and Lvefc- dies' rim- liars 3k is eap. jOct. Fr*sC Frost, BARRISTERS, AND ATTORNEYS- AT Law, Solicitors in Chancery, Convey ancers, Ac, Owen Semnd, have resumed at Flesherton, Oflftoe'i^en every Thursday, as heretofore. AirsED Frost, J. W, FaosT, LL. B. County CrcwTi Attorney. 1 1, MASSO]^, BARRISTER, MASTER AND DEP. BEG itiChancefrv, Notary Public, Conveyan' A XCSBSR OP Ti.BMS FOR SAIiB. Orricirsâ€" Owen Sound, in Vieker's Block 1 rottktt St,; Branch ofiace in Markdale, over M«FtrlAnd's Store, on Friday and Saturday "ery week. 57-ly Crcasor dr Iflnrrison, BARElP. _xv8,S0LICIT0RS. CONVEY- iuces, c. tc. 0?ncEs in Owen Sound, Dufiferin Block, "ver W. F. Wolf's Store and in „ „. MARKDALE; J»er ^\. J. McFarland's Store on Thursday â- *»i Friday of each week. tS-Pumis to lend on reasonable terms, JOBS Creasor, Q. Duncan Mormok Markdale, March 15. 1882. 79-1t Alexander Bronw. ISSUER of Marriage Licenses, Fire and Life Insurance Agent. Commissioner '• B. R. c. Conveyancer and Licensed Anctioneer for the County of Grey. Farmers, merchants, and Land Sales, Punctually at- -ended to and charges made very moderate. Priceville, Sept. 17. 1880. 1-T itty, axd- Wm. Brown^ [SSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, fcc -I- Commissioner in B. R. Ac. Conveyancing in all its branches promptlj I attended to and carefully executed. N. B.â€" Money to Lend on Real Estate se 'Parity. W. G. RICHARDS, BUILDER, CONTRACTOR, ABCHI- TECT.â€" Residence on Mill Street, Mark- ifarkdale. Jan. 2 4th. 1883. l?41v gars Jars rchants hertoD, â-ºusioess ere staff JOHN NOBLE, MARKDALE, lER'LBLACKSMITH Horseshoeing A SPECIALTY. {BUTCHEK!} BEEF, PORK OR MUTTON SUPPLIED, from a single pound to a whole carcass, at the lowest market prices. FISH FOWL IN THEIR SEASON Farmers having Pat Cattle, Sheep, Pigs to dispose of will do well to call. Markdale, Oct. 25tJi. 1881 or Chopping Diie Every Day. Custom Sawing and Bills Filled on the shortest notice. LUMBER AND LATH ALWAYS ON HAND. Cherry, Butternut, White Ash, Black Ash Basswood, Pine and Hemlock Logs wanted 691j. M. AKITT, Eugenia. Jackbom Mich., Not. 22.â€" Jaeob Croach, ftged 70, the wealthiest farmer in Ihe county, his daoghter and her husband Henry ^hite, and Moses Haley, visitor, were found dead in bed this morning, eTidently murdered. All had been shot through the head behind the ear. It is supposed they had been chloroformed first, as no si^^s of a struggle appeared. Each victim was lying as if asleep and an odoi of chloroform was noticeable when tiie bodies were discovered. Mrs. White was also shot through the left arm. No clue has yet been discovered although tracks around the house indicated that guard was placed while the murder was being perpetrated. Crouch was a wealthy farmer living seven mileo southwest of Jaduon. and owner of an extensive sheep ranche in Texas. It is rumored he had just received about $50,000 from Texas in payment of sales made on the ran- che. Bankers here state no money was deposited by Crouch, and it is pre- sumed that the money was in Crouch's hands. Polly was stopping at Couch's, having just come from Texas with a large amount of money for the purpose of buying blooded stodc. The theory is that he (Poily) was followed from Texas by the murderer, or murderers, for the porpose of robbery. The house waft thoroughly ransacked and everything of value carried away. A young girl, an adopted daughter of the Whites, and a negro aged 18 sleeping upstairs, eay they heard no firing, although the negro says he heard a thumping noise about the middle ot the night. He thought it was caused by the fierce wind that was blowing. Mrs white was expected to become a mother shortly. The murder caused intense excitement. y^i'H'W^ Union Carriage Worlds. All work manufactured from First Cuss Materiil In the Latest and Best Improved Style, and finished with Painting Trimming Rigs will receive prompt attention. All Repairs executed in the shorte«t possible time consistent with good workmanship. Good Work a Speciality. Bemember the Shop, opposite the Cheapside D. J. SHANAHAN, Proprietor Markdale. Dee. 2nd, 1881. W- (YAm^^i^S EOBT. ASKIN, Has opened out a First-Class UNDERTK1N6 ESTABLISHMENT, And therefore has supphed a want long felt, COFFINS, CASKETS, SHROUDS, and all FUNERAL FURNI^SHIilQS supplied on the shortes notice. A. Si^lendid Hea.rse for hire at moderate rates. -All kinds of- William Mel^eod, BOOT AND SHOEMAKEK, MARKDALE- Orders promptly attended to. Sewed work a specialty. All our work gnaraateed. Terms strictly cash. Bemember the stand, opposite Revere Hotel. PICTURE FRAMING Done on short notice. ROBT! ASKIN. Wm. Lncas Co., BANKERS, ]W[oiiey Loaned. rl large or small amounts, at all times, on good mdorsed notes, or on collateral secnrity. INTEREST AT 6 PER GENT. Allowed on Savings Deposits. ^^Draftfl issued and Gollections made on poiiits, at lowest rates. W.M. LUCAS, Manager. S^tember 23. 1880. 2-I7 WuBTON, Ont., Not. 26.â€" The Bteaiaa«v Eol^te left Algoma for Port Swnoia, was caught in a gale on Wed- sesdtty njght off Pine Tree harbor and is supposed to be lost with nearly all hands, as a part of the wreck and thre bodies came ashore with life preservers- marked Eclipse. Fapexs found on (me- of their bodies identify it as that of Capt. Wm. Bush of Samia. Jahxt- Drew was out loose from the steamer alone on a scow, which drifted asbore at Pike bay, and he is the only known- survivor. Another of the ba£es is- believed to be that of James Moore,, the engineer, of Thesselon. WiABTON Nov. 27. â€" John Drew, the ocly known surviTor of the steam- er Eclipse, states that he was asleep when cast adrift by the steamer. He awoke to find himself alone on Lake Huron and a fearful gale raging. He heard the. steamer's whistle several times and then neither saw nor heard any more. At daylight he saw land about a mile distant, and about 4 p. m. the barge went ashore at Little Pike bay, and he jumped asbora and started for Wiarton, 16 miles distant.. He does not know the names of the crew, but they numbered seven. Some fishermen were out in a boat at Pine Tree harbor and saw three bodies floating near the shore with life pre- servers on markpd "Str. Echpse," and what appeared to be the upper works of a steamer. On one of tiie bodies was a watch and $22.25. On another there was a watch and $22,, and on the third $8.92. Papers found identify one as Capt. Bush of the barge Etta, and J. Moore, engineer o£ of the Eclipse. Osprey. From a correspondent. A cowardly attack was recently Hundreds of people flocked to the i made on a young man named John J ^-'â€" ^Graham,, aear " '" --" scene. A young negro named Boles has been arrested and jailed to await the results of the coroner's inquest to-morrow. An empty cartridge box was found in his room Crouch was worth about two million doUaors. District Iastae«. Creemore is soon to be a Police Village. Several stores in Shelbume are be- ing lit with gas. W. H. Flesher, of Flesharton, has moved to Parry Sound. The Shelburne Free Press is mater- ially improved recently. Wm. Garbett, of Glenelg, sold his farm to Thos. Greenwood. Mr. Yost, of Bentinck, lost a fine bred cow worth $200, recently. H. J. Middaugh will likely bd a candidate for mayor of Durham. Samuel Bussel, of Proton, has sold his farm to A. E. Henderson, of To- ronto. Edward Williams, dI Proton, sold hii farm to David Cowan, Esq., of Leeds County. Alex. Cornett, Esq., oC Leeds Co., has purchased David Ferrier's fiarm in Proton, for $3,000. The grist mill at the Sauble, on the Garafraxa road, has been over- hauled and is again running. The Dundalk Herald of last week had a lengthy article on the position of township councillors, very sensible. The North Grey teachers have de- cided that there are serious defects in both the authorized series of readers. A joint stock company for the pur- pose of encouraging the locating of manufacturing and other desirable enterprises in Walkerton is tfdked of in that town. $150,000 FmB IN Port Pbbby. â€" On Saturday niglit a most disastrous fire occurred at Port Perry, destroying the best part of the village. Fortunately no lives were lost. A farmer near London, named Frank Meyers, aged 85 years, left his wife with five small children and elop- ed with a girl of sixteen, they am supposed to have gone to San Fran- cisco, he having purchased two tickets for that place. his fathers residence' on the centre line Osprey, by three meu,. two of theat living in Maxwell and the other in the neigborhood of Wareham. Mr. Graham is an able bodied youn^ man and could easily manage any two of the cowards had he not been seized treacherously by one of them until he was almost kick- ed to death by another. Mr. Graham is recovering. Dundalk. F^om our oton correspondent. J. J. Middleton Sons have open- ed a branch store in Torento. Nomination day draws on the- names of new candidates for munici- pal offices are becoming numerous but nothing reliable can be ascertain- ed, further than reported previously. Oar polke trustee af e threatened witb a law suit £or aflowing an obr structioa tor ranatn on the {sidewalk .. in the shape of an enclosure around the front of a new buildiog. One of our villagers ran against it one dark night and received some severe bruis- es, and it is said, shook the building. Our merchants unanimously vote "business dull," indeed it could scar- cely be otherwise, .considering tke state of the roads. Apart from tbe influence of the season on them, they are out of repair, the council whose term of office is juat expiring have been rather remiss in their duty as road commissioners. It is to be hop- ed that their sucoessors will be more attentive to this matter. Your correspondent acquainted you of the return of Mr. Higgmbotham of Inistog, from Manitoba. He took up land while there, intending to re- move their in the opring. He lefc his son in perfect health, but had only been home a week or so, when he received a telegram informing him of his son's death in the hospital iu Winnipeg. The sad event has thrown a gloom ever all who knew the young man, as he was highly respected. If you wish to subscribe for tba Globe, Mail, Sitar, Farmer's Advocate or Montreal Witness or renew your subscription for any of the above papers hand in yonr name and suV scnption to th^s office. ""'""'• -^ --^aii^ttyiiiiiiiii

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