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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 22 Nov 1883, p. 5

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 AT III iTOU CA3Sr Buy more good ^ij)#antiaa Goods for $1 at Eeynolds' tliaii any other house in town. Our press Ooods,, Mantle Cloths, Tweeds etc., are the new^est unql#r the Sum, land cheaper than the cheapest â€"GLOVES We have a Job Xiotb (Of Ladies' Kid Q-loves on hand, u-sually sold for 75c., at 25c. per pair. ((3ienuine Josephine Kid Gloves for $1.10 per pair, every pair guaranteed. â€"^Woollen Goods. Our flannels are unsurpassed for iuality and prices, a]l patterns, Plain, Grey, etc. BLAISTKETSâ€" We have a good assortment of White and Grey Blankets from |1.75 per pair and up. We have just the Ganzies the people are ail looking for, good and heavy, all wool and at 85c. per pair, only. â€" [Boots and Shoes. â€" Our stock of Boots and Shoes are the Cheapest and best in Can- ada. We buy from .one of the leading manufacturing houses in the Dominion, and don't you forget it. Come in and give our 30c. Tea a trial, it beatj anything and every- thing. Don't fail to see the Bargains before buying one dollar's worth of goods at any other bouse. o. â- G-O TO. li CHOICE GOODS Local and Other Items. Notices i'rt tJie^e column? intended to henejit Mill individual or Society icill he charged ten cents a line (â- 'r the Hrft insertion and five "tnU a line each auhsequent insertion. •J. H. Hull, raised his carriage house on Monday. Fop. Sale. â€" A bay horse six years uld, npnlv at Mr. Geo. Walkers Mark- dale. Rejuvenator stomach bitters are takiug the lead, sold by Smit j, the barber. The supply of wood was materially increased auriug the few days of sleighing. Mr. "\Ym. Haskett, intends building a fine brick dwelling on his park lot next season. Motto frames 8ix21 and 10x14, 30c. Motto frames 17x21, 55cts, at the photo^Tapli gallery. An interesting letter appears in an- ^tlibr column from Edward S. Rut- '•'.ago of Maple Creek N. W. T. Mr "\V.m. Douglas, is prepairing- to frect a brick residence on his farm :t.!joiaiiig tbo village next spring. If you wish to subscribe for the "lobe. Mail. Star, Farmer's Advocate or Montreal Witness or renew your t^abscription for any of the above paper.-; hand in yonr name and sub- icnptiou to this office. On Tuesday seven hunderd and one parcels of goods were sold at McFarl- and's and everybody pleased. What the People Say â€" ^^That Hamilton's photograph gallery is the cheapest place in the county to buy frames. While the sleighing lasted McFar- land and his clerks wero'so busy they hadn't time to eat their dinner's. Bring in your time pieces and have them properly adjusted to keep new standard time. â€" W. A. Brown Sevf- eller. Bargains Bakgainb. â€" Miss Burcb has opened out a cheap lot of hats, fethers, and flowers, dress, mantle, trimming, etc., all orders carefuijy excuted. Motto's 8^x21 and 10x14, Sets. Motto's 17x21, 12cts. Perforated card board white and silver, 12cts. Tin foil, 5ct3, at Hamilton's photo, gallery. Those watcrsoaked dennims mocca- sins, cottons, sateens. Jeans, and uls- ter, clothes, at McFarland are almost sold out' secure some before they are all gone. The Shelburne school trustees have decided to use the old school books and have rejected both the new series, for the time being at least, that's sen- sible. We consider it a piece of whole- sale bungling having three sets of school books in use in the Provence at the same time. Many of the citizens of Markdale were aroused from their slumbers at midnight Tuesday night by what the majority thought was an alarm of fire which howcyer was nothing more than a charivari party. The Public will no doudt be pleased to learn that Dr. Carter, formerly of this place is again coming to take Dr. Sproule's place iu his absence to parliament. Dr. Carter is expected by the Ist January. Dentistry.â€" T. F. Brown, L. D. S., of Woodstock, will be in Markdale on and after the 15th November for two weeks, filling, extracting, plate work c satisfactory done. Charge moder- ate office at W. A. Brown's Jewellry Store. Every town and village has its own peculiarities, but never hare we struck a place with as man's bad boys to the square foot as Durham. They are, to all appearance, uncontrolled by either parental or legal authority, and ran the streets Sunday as well as week days, seeking to do evil. This is certainly a deplorable state of af- fairs. So says a traveller. True merit brings it? own reward, in the case of Burdock Blood Bitters it is rapidly bringing its reward in its increased sales, as a prominent drug- gist recently said, "it now sells on its merits;" It is the grand specific for diseases of the blood, liver and kidneys, $5,000 bottles have been sold during the last three months. For sale by A. Turner Co. Markdale. Extensive Sai.e.â€" Mr. JohnMa-cer has sold his farm, Jots i09 and 110 second range east of T. S. Road Artemesia about two miles east -of Markdale and will have a credit sale on above premises next Monday the 26th inst., commencing at 12 o'clock, noon, terms M mouths credit on approved paper. Mr.Mercer ha*: a -.fine stock cf horses together with cattle, sheep, pifTf), farm implements c. â€" Oeo. Noble Auctioneer. Mr. Hanbury will move to his farm, about five miles northwest cf the city, some timp next week. He will not be a candidate at the next municipal elections ior the city. A number of settlers in the neighborhood of his farm home have expressed a wish that he should offer himself as a candidate for the reeyeship of their township, and it is uo;t unlikely he will consent. Mr. Hanbury is a pretty safe man, and may be trusted not to encourage ex- travagance. â€" Brandon Sim. He Didn't go. â€" Prof. Jackson, a barber, colored, in Meaford has had considerable free advertising recently, and we think his trade must conse- quently largely increase. It appears he has been (owing to his complec- tion) an undesirable citizen to some probably white skinned, but certainly black hearted, resident of that town who have sent him letters threatniug his destruction if he didn't leava the town at a certain date. That date has passed and the professor continues to lather and shaye un- molested, and why not. AUCTION SALE OF YALDABLEPROPERTY OWEN SOUND TOWN LOTS "Bituated in the west end of the town and the only available lots in the market convenient to the railway and shipping interests. In view of the fact that the Canada Pacific Railway Company have secured the Toronto, Grey Bruce Koad, which will make Oweii Sound their terminus and transhipping point, and consequently the best purchasing and shipping port in North Western Ontario, it should convey to every one thac town prop- el ty at this point must increase in value and became a profitable investment. The above lots are offered for sale partly to test the present market value, the Vendois intend to reserve every third lot at an advance of 25 per cent on auction pri( day of sale. To actual purchasers c^ajmg from a dis- tance half railway fare on the T. G. Bruee and N. N, Western reads, will be returned ou their pa-yint,' one third of purchase money. Terms of saleâ€" Ten per cent of amount day of sale, and the balance to make one third of purchase within 10 days, the balance paid in 5 equal annual instalmeuiR, with interest at G per cent per annum, secur- ed by Mortgage on property, or if paid iu cash 10 per cent off. To purchasers erect- ing within one year brick dwellings worth not kss than §1,000. a relate of 10 per cent will he allowed off the purchase money of lot on which the erection is made. Sale at the Queen's hotel, Owen Sound Thursday Nov. 29th, 1883. afternoon and eveniuK. For further particulars and con- ditions of sale apoly toU. MELVILLE Co or JAS. SUTHEELAND. Owen Sound. V' 3:e=eci-^il- t23:is txteeiki DressStuffsTweeds Dress stuffs in all the latest shades, varying in price from lo cents up. Tweeds in English, vScotch and Canadian, in the newest And most fashionable styles. Groceries. Teas and general groceries always up to the mark and at the lowest living prices, Blankets, Wincies. Blankets, White and Grey at prices heretofore unheajd of. Wincies iii plain ancj fancy at rockbottoin prices. Underclothing. Ladies' and Gents' Fall and Winter Underclothing in great variety suitable for all classes. Boots and Shes. A large, varied and attrac- tive lot of Boots and Shoes for the Fall and Winter trade, which for style, quality and price cannot be excelled. â- ^i^^kM?^-^yi 4d:^^- â- ^^' Ji ,^M

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