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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 22 Nov 1883, p. 1

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 m aitingj lade tc kept ir 3-t Out n in -V. 3NJ of t 8S, c! sold very i y the ilace. ation* :iich we lERTON. rs ± of 1 all and and Ivet- .diea' 'rim- ^llars ckis leap. 20ct. utty, lard- at igars Jara grchants shertoo, business pge sta« VOL. 4.--N0. 11 The larkdale Standard Is issued evtsy Thursday, at the ofece, Mill Street, Markdale. Termsâ€" 51 per year in advance $1.25 if not paid witbiu three months. Professional and business cards one inch space aud under, per year, 84. 1 IR. 6 MO. 3 MO. Whole column §,30 UO $27 30 $15 00 Half column 27 00 15 00 10 00 Quarter column 15 00 10 00 6 00 Two inch space 7 00 4 00 Three inch space 10 00 5 00 Curinai advKiti-eraents 8 cents perhne first insertion, 3 cant.s per line each subsequent insertion, nonpareil measure. Editorial notices, or notices in local col- luun 10 cents per lino first insertion, 5 cents taeh suksoquunts insertion. Stray animals Ac., advertised 3 weeks for SI, the advertisement not to exceed twelve ilue^. â€" JOB PRINTING. The Stan-laud office has a splendid equip- ment of po.-ter as well as fine job type. Spe- :]A attKiition to orders by mail" Orders tilled with dL'-natch. C. W. liTJTI.EOG^E EDITOR AND PROPEIETOR. S4:»S8 El. WAKOELL, ^TTELL DIGGER AND DRILLER. ALL V oidtrs promptly attended to. Resi- ieueeâ€" Suider's ilijl, Owen Sound. 122-35 E. Glient;, M,D.. M.R.C-P. S., O. Fhysician and 'Surgeon, Priceville, GraJuati- of University. Vict. College. â- â€¢ New York, and Hou. (.rr.idaate, of the same, ., Ayleth Medical Institute. Upthalmic Hospital, N,Y. 'le-m'ierColl. PhrsiuiansA Surgcors.O. 104 J. P. MARSHALL, L.D.s! DENTIST, p KADUATE OF TOEOXTO SCHOOL VT nf Dentistry, will be at Eutledge's Uot.jl, M-.u-kdale, on the 1st and third Wed- H'^^sday of each month and also at Munshaw's H'ltfl. i'hshertun, the day following the :hu\l Wednesday m each month for the prac life of his profession. January yth, 18S.^;. 122-74. MARKDALE, ONT., NOV. 22. 1883. No. 167. Xe^^L Frost Frost, B.A.RElSrEi;S, AND ATTOENKTS-AT Law, Solicitors in C'hancerv, Convey uiL-ers, A'C, Ov/eu Sound, have resumed at Fh-iuerton, Ullice upeu every Thursday, as iieretofor.' .^ Eu..:.T, J. ^V. FsosT, LL. B. Cuuiuv Cr.iwn Attorney. 1 J. MASSO.^, BARRISTER, BLASTER ANDDEP.EEG in Clianctry, Notary Public, Conveyan " ii"C. A Nr:.[TU:R 07 FARMS FOI' SALE. OrFicEs â€" Owon Sound, in Yic?ier's Block I'o'olett S:.; Branch otlice in Markdale, over MoFarland's Store, en Friday and Saturday "' ry wct k. 57-ly Crasor A- Morrison, SOLICITORS. CONVEY- BARRl!--_ Alices, ,Vc. iVc, Ufiices in Owon Sound, DuSerin Block, ovfr W, F. Wolfs Store and in ,, MARKDALE; "'tr V,. J. Me-l'arland's Store on Thursday ind Friday of tach week. t^sTunds to und on reasonable terms. â- KiHN Cr.EAsor., Q. G Duncan Moeijon -Markdale, Marc-h 15, 1882. 79-ly Alexander BroTf'n, ISSITER of Marriage Licenses, Fire and Life Insurance Agent. Commissioner â- ^ R. R. Ac. Conveyancer and Licensed •V;et:oneer fur tiie Countv of Grey. Farmers, ^^I-Tckams, and Land Sales, Punctually at- •caaed to and charges made verv moderate. J'riceville, Sept. 17. 1880. " 1-y Wm. Brown, JSSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, c Commissioner in B. R.cfcc. Conveyancing in ail its branches promptlj 'tendtd to and carefully executed. ' 1^. â€" Iuney to Lend on Real Estate se 'iritv. aale. W. C. RICHARDS, UILDER, CONTRACTOR, AECHI- lECT.â€" Residence on Mill Street, Mark- Warkdale. Jan. 21th, 1883. 1241T JOHN NOBLE, MARKDALE, ER'LBLACKSMITH Horseshoeing A SPECIALTY. §oUi«. REVERE HOTEL, 1VIARU.0AL.E. 3^. PBOPRIETOR. THIS popular Hotel has changed hands and the above men cater to the wants of the public. Good stabhng and attentive hostlers. The best brands of liquor and cigars, good meals and comfortable rooms, large ommercial room. Barber shop in con- nection. 130-ly. CHATSWORTH HOUSE (late morkow house,) CIIATSi;f^ORTH, Ont. C. H. MATTHEWS, Propeietob. The best brand of liquors and cigars al- ways in stock. Good meals and comfortable rooms guaranteed. Good stabling and at- tentive hcrstler. 114 'COMMERCIAL HOTEL PRICEVILLiE. Ont. Large and commodious Sample Booms Good Bed Rooms, c. The Bar and larde well supplied with the best the market af fords good Stabling and attentive Hostler's THOS. ATKINSON, Proprietor GIBSON MCMILLAN CONTRACTORS. Contracts taken for all kinds of BRICK AND STONE WORK, Plain Ornamental Plastering. Calsomininq in all Shades and Colors. Charges moderate and satisfaction guar- anteed. Orders left at ahe Standard office will receive prompt attention. Markdale, Feb. 6th, 1883. 126-ly. GEORGE WILSON, Wholesale and Retail BUTCHER!} BEEF, PORK OR MUTTON SUPPLIED, from a single pound to a whole carcass, at the lowest market prices. FISH FOWL IN THEIR SEASON Farmers having Fat Cattle, Sheep, or Pigs to dispose of will do well to call. Markdale, Oct. 25tli, 1881 Union Carriage Works Union Carriage Works. All work manufactured from First Glass Material In tbe Latest and Best Improved Style, aud finished -with Painting Trimming Rigs will receive prompt attention. All Repairs executed in the shortest possible time consistent with good workmanship. Good Work a Speciality. Eemember the Shop, opposite the Cheapside D. J. SHAJSTAHAN, Proprietor Markdale. Dec. 2nd, 1881. 64. NOTICE. As I have decic" 3d to remove my business from Markdale, aU parties indebted to me by note or book acconnt mnst settle the same immediately. Statement of aecotnt can be had and payment made at the Bank, Mark- ^®" HENRY rOSTBB. Markdale, Aug. 8th, 1S83. tf DRESS AND MANTLE Rooms. DUNLOP'S BUILDIKG MABKOALE. All kinds of ladies wearing apparel cut and made in the very latest style. Wedding Suits a Specialty. 149.62 Ji William lTEcL.eod, BOOT AND SHOEMAKER, MARKDALE- Orders promptly attended to. Sewed work a specialty. All our work guaranteed. Terms strictly cash. Remember the stand, opposite Revere Hotel. 159-3m Fashionable Tailof, OVER macfaeland's stoek. A PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. ONLY 2.0 â€" F02 â€" THE STANDARD AND Tlie Farmers' Advocate AND HOME MAGAZINE, Together with a cony of the Farmers' Hand Book for 1884, advertised in this paper. Without a rival in Canada, and unsurpass- ed in Arerica, for Stock Raiser. Dairyman, Fruit Grower. We are enabled, by a special arrangement, to ofier that well-known agricultural paper, The P'armeu's Advocate, now in its 19th year of publication, clubbed with this journal for the above small sum. " SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS." The Advocate is the acknowledged agricul- turftl authority of Canada, and combines with, under its Home Magazine department, the best family paper pubhshed in the Do- minion. Its motto â€" " PLAIN, PRACTICAL AKD PAYING INFORMATION," and its best energies are devoted to the inter- est of the farmer and his family. Over 400 pages every yeai Just what is wanted for every owner of farm. Garden, or Orchard. IMPROVEMENTS IN EACH DEPARTMENT IN 1884. Dundalk. From our own corretpondent. Rev. T. J, Snowdon waa unable to fill his a|pointments of last Sabbath owing to illness. At last accounts he was recovering. The shriek for "wood," "wood," is still heard. As high as $1.75 per cord for stove wood has been paid lately, so scarce is it. BudldiDg operations are about over for the season. It is altogather likely that next season there will be consider- able additions to our village. Notwithstanding the dull times, real estate transactions are numerous. Several gentlemen from Lansdowne have purchased farms near here at good figures, diuring the past week. The few days of sleighing that we had last week caused a marked increa- se in business. Municipal matter are still uncertain. It is rumored that J. J. Middleton will be an aspirant to the Reeveship of Proton, The storm of last week put a stop, for a while at least to the work on the drains. Mr. Wheelock P. L. S. has oversight of the work. District Dashes. SUBSCRIBE NOW. Balance of the year free. Send for sample copy. EUGENIA Grist, Saw andLath Mills Having made eqtensive improvements in my Grist Mill I feel confident I can give good satisfaction. GOOD FLOUR ALWAYS ON HAND The Grange Hall, near Heathcote, was burglarized the other night, and $80 in cash stolen. 50 persons united with the C. M. church at Heathcote â€" the result of special services held recently. During the wind storm of Sunday the 11th, several windows in Dundalk were blcwen in. The Hanover Post has doubled into subscription in six months no wonder It's worth double what it was a year ago. The competition between the Mt-Forest photographers, King and Barnes is interesting, each of che proprietors had an increaee in their family this month. Mrs Mary McKechnie, mother of Neil McKechnie of Glenelg died on the 13th iust,, at the advanced age of â- 98 years. The united ages of ner five surviving children reach 306 years. Meaford can boast of having the only elastic Web manufactory in tbe Dominion. We heartily wish the new enterprise snccess. Chopping Done Every Day. Custom Sawing and Bills Filled on the shortest notice. LUMBER AND LATH ALWAYS ON HAND. Cherry, BitltcTnut, White Ash, Black Ash Bass-wood, Pine And Hemlock Logs wanted eOly, M, AKITT, Eugenia. «!• EOBT. ASEIN, Has opened out a First-Class UNDERTKIN6 ESTABLISHMENT. And therefore has supplied a want long felt, COFFINS, CASKETS, SHROUDS, and all FUNERAL FURNISHIHaS supplied on the sliortes notice. A. STlendid, Hearse fer hire at moderate rates. â€" ^All kinds of- PICTURE FRAMINe Done on short notice. ROBT. ASKIN IN TH£ GOODS AND CHATTELS â€" OFâ€" JOHN KIRKPATRICK, (deceased.) NOTICE TO CRE DITORS. Pursuant to Section 34, of Chapter 107, R. S. O. the creditors of John Ktrkpatrick, late of the township of Euphrasia, County of Grey, deceased, who died on or about the 21st Oct. 1883, and all parties having claims upon his estate are, on or before the FIFTEENTH DAY OF DECEMBER, 1883 to send by post, prepaid, to Richard Woods, Rocklyn P. 0., in the County of Grey, one of the executors, of the personal estate aud effects of deceased, their christian and sur- names, addresses and description, the full particulars of their claims, a statement of their accounts and nature of the securities (if any) held by them, and in default thereof the assets of the said deceased will be dis- tributed, having regard cajly to the claims then received, or those of them which the executors then havft notice. JOS. MaNAREY, „ RICH. WOODS. [Executors. Dated this 5th day of November, 1883. Wffl. Lucas Co., BA NKE RS, ]W[oiiey Loaned IN large or small amounts, at all times, on good endorsed notes, or on collateral security. INTERIST AT 6 PER CENT. Allowed on Savings Deposits. IS'Drafts issued and Collections ma^ on points at lowest rates. W.M. LUCAS, Manager. 2-l7 September 83, 1880, Euphrasia Couneil. A meeting of the township council of the township of Euphrasia, was held pursuant to adjournment on the 2nd day of November, 1883. Members all present. Minutes of last sesssion of council read and confirmed. By-law No. 333, appointing deputy returning officers, and poling places for next municipal election, carried through the different stages and pas- sed. Mr, Ellis was authorized to get 9 and 10 side line, between the 7th line and 9th chopped and cleared. On motion of Mr. Erskine and Mr. Ellis the township was made into five divisions, each member oi coun- cil to asoertaia what number of road scrapers are at present m one of such divisions, with a view of furnishing one such scraper for each road diyis- ion within the township. On motion of Mr. Patterson and Mr. Ellis, a resolution was passed, in reference to union S, S. No. 2, Euph- rasia and Holland, and the clerk or- dered to send a copy thereof to tlio corporation of Holland. The treasurer was authorized to receive from the clerk the sum of § 8.00 handed to him by Hugh Johns- ton, in lieu of paying James Yelland for fenceyiewing. The treasurer was allowed the sum of $15, for special services in connec- tion with the purchase of Canada Permanent Loan and Savings com- pany debentures' The treasurer was ordered to remit and pay as follows, viz To Dr. Maclean, Meaford, $45, for professional services, rendered to R. Robertson For selection and distri- bution of jurors, Thomas Gilray, Reeve $4 Joseph N. Boyd, assessor, $4 Robert Dunlop, clerk, $6. The Reeve's orders were issued on the Treasurer to pay as follows, viz John Bear $10.75, cutting down hill on 6 aud 7 side road con. 1 G. Reekie, $6. 75, repairing road scrapers; E. Boyce, $6.87, building culvert on town line St. Vincent J. Fawcett, $36, clearing grubbing and ditching David Wilson $8, plank and repairing bridge Joseph Burns, $13.95, build- ing culvert on 15 and 16 side road con. 4 John Clugston $5, grayel for roads A. A. McConnell, $7.50, work on 6 and 7 side line, con. 5 A. Teeter $3.37, labour on deviation town line James Clugston, $15,00 stoning road 7th line at lot 16 Eobt. Loughead, $14.50, labour on 24 and 25 side line James Stewart $3.50, labour on town line deviation Wm. Dales, $60, building bridge on 21 and 22 side road, con. 3, the order to be retained by the Reeve, until work be completed Messrs. Neil Wilson. $3, repairing culvert Abraham Hoi- den $8.50, repairing road scrapers H. Fenwick, $5.22, labour on town line deviation William Dales, $92, building bridge and approaches at Cann's mill, 24 and 25 side line. The Reeve was ihstructed to get the deviation on 6 and 7 side line be- tween the 3rd and 4th concessions, surveyed as soon as possible. On motion loins made and second- ed the council aujourned until the first day in December next. RoBEfiT DuNiiOP, Clerk. Meaford Road. From a correspondent. New mail carrier, Mr. J. Cooey has the contract for carrying the mail between Vandeleur and Fleshertou for the next four years. He has got a new horn to let the citizens know of his arrival. New Teacher, Mr. R, McLoughry has been engaged for 1884 to teach the "young idea how to shoot," iu this section. Mr. R. Smith has rented his farm he intends living in Fleshertou. Mr. S. Coleman tax collector has been paying his annual visit to this neighborhood. Frames and Motto's che?.p at HamiltoA's Photo Gallery, i-Si_:.J,- »

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