jpf^f^-^ Mh TAILOR, STDE1?HAM STBEET, THE BEST PLACE TO GET i I North cf Toronto, is at the rviarkclale Oallery, That's so, for a friend of mine had his taken there and he says they are even better than what he had taken in Toronto. JAMES Hamilton; artist. A regular Monthly Cattle Fair •will be held in the Agricultural Grounds, Markdale, as follows â€" X 3 â€" SATUEDAY Nov. 3 Do. Dec. 8 MARKDALE Meat Market. A constant supply of Fresh Meats on hand, at the Lo"west Living Prices. Orders solicited, and deliv- ered free to all parts of the Town. Farmers having fat stock to dispose of, will please leave their addresses. TERMS STRICTLY CASH. FRED. SARJEANT. Markdale March 2,3. 1882. 80-ly Health is Wealth Dr. E, C. West's Nerve and Brain Treat- ment, a guaranteed specific for Hysteria, Dizziuess, Convulsions, Fits, Nervous Neu- ralgia, Headache, Nervous Prostration caus- ed bv the use of alcohol or tobacco, Wake- fulness, Mental Depression, Softening of the Brain, resulting in Insanity and leading to misery, decay and death, Premature Old Age, Barr enness. Loss of Power in either sex, Involuntary losses and Spermatorrhoea, caused by over-exertion of the brain, self- abuse or over-indulgence. One box will cure recent cases. Each box contains one month's treatment. One dollar a box, or six boxes for five dollars sent by mail pre- paid on receipt of price. We guarantee six boxes to cure any case. With each order re- ceived by us for six boxes, accompanied with five dollars, we will send the purchaser a written guarantee to refund the money if the treatment does not effect a cure. Guar- antees issued only by A. Turner Co.. ole authorized Agent for Markdale Ont. Jolm C. West Co. sole proprietor Toronto.Ont. ALEX KAY MILL STREET. MARKDALE. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises. Sores, Ulcorr, Sah iihenm. Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, ComSjand all Skin Eruptioue.and Positively cures Piles. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, cr money refunded' Pnee 25 cents per hos. .Fpr ^le by A. Xu^r Co SEEING ISmiEYIHG. G'ENTLEMEN,â€" If yon want a first-class Buggie or Wagon call at MCKENNA MASON'S CARRIAGE WORKS MARKDALE. They can supply you with anything from a Lumber Wagon np to Extension Too Phaeton. To buy from them is o SAVE aWCOIVE^iT! They are both practical workmen, and employ none but PRACTICAL WORKMEN They guarantee their work Second to none for Lightness of Draught and Superiority of Finish. They use nothing but First-class White Oak for Wagons, and thrice Extra Second Growth Hickory for light work. The immense amount of work turned out of McKenna Mason's shop is snfficien proof of the wide reputation they enjoy for doing good work. Thb BEST IS THR CHEAPEST in the END Poor cheap work we positively wUl not take. Special attention given to Be-Trimming- and Eepainting all classes of Carriage Work. Satisfaction guaranteed (or No Pay) in HORSESHOEING SHOPâ€" On Mill Street opposite to Sproule'B Hotel. McKENNA MASON. WAR IN CHINA! France threatens Chiaa with a devastating war in con- sequence. Wilson Benson OF THE -^ Belfast House, MarMaie Has purchased a Large Stock of the CHOICEST TEAS In the Market, and will sell at lower prices than any m the trade. Purchasing direct from the Eefinery, his SUGARS cannot be excelled for quality and lowness of price. BACON, HAMS, CHEESE, SALMON, LOBSTERS, SARDINES In endless variety. DAIRY SALT ©f best quaUty. Of best brands and of every variety. In short, there is nothing m the Grocery trade that cannot be supplied at the "Belfast House" by WILSON BENSON. July 6, 1882. T. C. B. RAILWAY. TIME TABLE • Change ot 'A'itne. On and after Monday, June 18th. 1882 trains wUl run as follows GOING N TH. going south Ktad. Down. tltod XJp. A.M. j P.M. A.M. P.M. 7 30l 4 25 Toronto 10 45 9 10 9 05 6 00 Casdwell Junc. 9 05 7 31 9 55 6 45 OrANGEVILIjE 8 27 6 60 12 20 8 44 Mount Fobest.. 6 30 4 30 2 25 10 15 Teeswateb .... 5 00 2 45 11 50 U :;(} Fleshebton.... 6 43 4 47 12 06 8 45 Marks aIjE, ..... 6 27 4 30 1 30 9 55 Owen Sound.. 5 15 3 10 pji. P.M. A.M. P.M. A Mixed Irain will also run between Tor- onto and Owen Sound. See Time Table, D, McNicoLL, Edmund Wraogk. G««. Po««. Agt. ISeneTal Manager .â- ^. -;^*/"j?' tm GBKATEST HBAMNG COpOUND u » preparation of carboUfr acid, vaseline and eeiite^ed McGrtgolT* Parkfl'a Car- bolic Cerate, It will oai*^M»y "ore, cut bum or bruise when aU dUier preparations fail. CaUatHill Bros. Guneral Store and get a package. Twenty-fire cents is aU it costs. The Standard to the end of 1884 to new subscribers for $1.00, cash. KRAMS'S FLUID LIGHTNING Is the only instantaneous reUef for Neuralgia, Headache. Toothache, etc. fibbing a few drops briskly is all that is needed. No tak- in nauseous medicines for weeks, but one minute's appUcation removes all Pai° " will prove the great value of Kram's Fluid Lightning. Twenty-fiive cents per bottle at Hill Bros. General Store. The United States Treasury report shows a decrease in surplus revenue of $12,664,000. McGregors speedy cure. From the many remarkable cures wrought by using McGregors Speedy Cure for Dyspep. Bia, Indigestion, Constipation and Affection of the Liver and from the immense sale of it without any advertising, we have concluded to place it extensively on the maket, so that who suffer may have a perfect cure. Go to HQl Bros. General Store and get a trial bottle free, or the regular size at fifty cents or one dollar. The Toronto Daily World clubbed with the Standabd the balance of this and all of next year for $3.50. FORTUNES FOR FARMERS AND ME- CHANICS. Thousands of dollars can be saved- by us- ing proper judgement in taking care of the health of your self and family. If you are Bilious, have sallow complexion, poor appe- tite, low and depressed spirits, and generally debihtated, do not delay a moment, but go at once and procure a bottle of those Electric Bitters, which never fail to cure, and that for the trifling sum of fifty cents. â€" Tribune. Sold by A. Turner Co. England is experiencing a cold snap, aceompanied by heavy snowlalls in some places. WOMAN'S tRUE FRIEND. A friend in need is a friend in deed. This none can deny, especially when assistance is rendered when one is sorely afflicted with diseases, more particularly those complaints and weakness so common to our female pop- ulation. Every woman should know that Electric Bitters are Woman's true friend, and will positively restore her to health, even when aU other remedies fail. A single trial always proves our assertion. They are pleas- ant to the taste, and only cost fifty cents a bottle. Sold by A. Turner Co. The reports from all points in the lake region show that there waswide- spiead damage by the storm of Sunday night and Monday. The loss of Ufe was exceedingly small considering the number of disasters on the lakes. Tne keeper of the Colchester Eeefhght-ship was believed to be in danger, and a tug has been sent to rescue him. KEVER GIVE UP. If you are suffering with low and depress- ed spirits, loss of appetite, general debility, disordered blood, weak constitution, head- ache, or any disease of a bilious nature, by all means procure a bottle of Electric Bitters, You will be surprised to see the rapid im- provement that will follow you will be in- spired with now life strength and activity will return pain and misery will cease, a id henceforth you wUl rejoice in the praise of Electric Bitters. Sold at fifty cents a bot- tle by A. Turner Co., Markdale. Another Victim. â€" On Tuesday evening of last week an old man named John McKeruan, a laborer, came to Mr. Jno. Tucker, for whom he occasionally worked, and borrowed 25 cts., ostensibly to pay for his sup- per, promising to come to work the next day. Next day he did not come to work as he promised but nothing was thought of it till Friday morning, when on the dry dock being pumped out his body was found there. A bot- tle of whiskey, half emptied, showed the use he made of the 25 cts., and the cause of his death. As he had evidently fallen in by accident while intoxicated, it was not deemed neces- sary to hold an inquest. â€" 0. S. Times. The Shipping Intebbsts op Owen Sound. â€" As we go to press the harbor is full of steamers and sailing vessels loading for Georgan Bay and Lake Superior ports.' Among the boats which are loading we may mention the Magnet, Africa, Argyle, Enterprise, Bentley, Fannie Campbell, Eobb, and Elgin. The amount of freight to be moved here far exceeded the expect- ations of the Owen Sound S. S. Com- pany, and they have had to add ves- sel after vessel to thefleet to move the freight BO freely sent forward since the change in management of the Toronto, Grey and Bruce Eailwav. The through trade via Owen Sound has become of great importance, and the position of the port of Owen Sound will always command a large share of the trade of Toronto and the northern and western portions of Ontario Owen Sound has now praotieally three railways, although only one terminates here. The connections, however of the Credit VaUey, Hamilton North- western and Toronto, Grey Bruce are so close that- we have the same service as if the three roads ran in here Next year we look for a still further deyelopment of the trade so auspiciously bejnm in the present eea- Bon.^0. 5. Advtrtitor, „. _-M-A B K D A L E PIMM, SASH, DOOR AND F] .0_ -~ â€" oOo -0 LuiÂ¥iter Planed or Matched While Waiti X â- â€" __ Sashy Doors, and Mouldings always on hand Order. All kinds of lumber, Lath and made 'Angles kep to 't in Our 0'-J JVC stock. Furniture of all descriptions to be seen at Warerodms. Lumber and cordwood will be takpn change for Furniture. (3-eoxgre G-rant cSs Co., r*J"oprietors. W M. HOGG FLESHERTON STATION Kespectfully announces that he has received a lar^e supply of I N Dry Goods, Winter Clothing, Boots and Slices, k â- As these Goods were bought to the best advantage they -uill be sold very low in price, and Vill be found well worthy of an inspection by the ' general public, also on hand a full stock of Fresh Groceries, Provisions, Crockery, c., all of which will be sold cheap for cash or farm produce. I offer for sale or to let my water power Saw Mill at Little Falls with about 400 acresof timber land. A good man hberally dealt with on- either purchasing or leasing the place, TVlVI.HOGrO, ' Fles^herton Station. Nov. iBt, 1883. â€" Good Work Guaranteed â€" AT Mmers PlologTapli Gi FLESHERTON. Oa^ll ©."t Cr^C© and see samples of work which we area not ashamed to show. All kinds of Framing done cheap at T-^S. BXTHLiniviEZBIS'S, FLESHERTON, New FALL arriving daily at R. J. SPROULE'S FLESHERTON. Opened this week large stock of Ladies' Coats and Mantles in all the latest designs and patterns and very cheap. Also in large variety Black and Colored Silks, Velvets, and Velvet- eens from 35cts. up, also Ladies Clouds, Bonnets and Hats, Trim- miiigs and Shapes, Ladies CoUaJ^s in all the latest styles. In Boots and Shoes our stock is complete and selling fast and cheap. Another lot of that Famous 20ct. and 50ct. TEA just received. Also a full stock of Nails, Putty, Glass, Hinges and builder's hard- ware of all descriptions selling an the lowest possible prices. A full stock of Preserving Sugars cheap, also preserve and Gem om m endless variety. ,,. Notwithstanding, the incessant grumbling of merC'^^!" generally, of dull times R, J. SprOUlC, ^^^^f^ sjys ^his busmess is increasing daily, having more busii than-he can possibly get through with with his largest, of hands. ' • VOL. 4." the Markdal( li issued CTesy Tiursdai street, Ma: TiEMS â€" 51 per year iu not paid withiu three mc Professional and busi â- ^pBce and under, per vea "l Whole column 5.1( Half column 2; â- Quarter column li Two inch space Three inch space .... 1 Casual adverti-oraentp insertion, 3 cents jur 1 insertion, nonpareil meas Editorial aotivtjt, cr â- nmn 10 cents per line fii each subsequent^ inserti^ Stray animals o.. ath $1, the advertisemeii: 1 •lines. â€"JOB PRIf The Stajteard olKce ]- ment of poster as well as «ial attention to orders iilled with d:epatch. EDITOK AND PI LL DIGGEr. AX orders promjitiy dence â€" Snider's IlJ.U, U\v W" B. Ghent, M.D.. IvI Physician and '.Surt Graduate of UniTeriily. », -, HoH. Graduate, of tie ^; Av:ct 1, .. 0]niiaiiu MesaberColl. Phvsic-i.iiis J.P.MARSH/ DE\Ti /~^ raduate of tc vif of Dentistry, will H«tel, Markdale, on tlie 'nesday of each month an 'Hotel, i'lesherton, the 'third Wednesday m each tice of his profession. January 9th, ISS.S. Kc^d Frost 1 BAREISTEKS. ANl Law, Solicitcis ill ancers, Ac, Owen Sour â- Plesherton, Office opt.'ii heretofore. Alfred Frost, County Crown Alt J. MAS BAERISTEE, MASr I in Cliancerv, Xotar «6r, c. A. NUMIlEn OF FAll OmcES â€" Owen Souiii Poulett St.; Branch oilic MeFarland's Store, en 1 CTery week. Creasor A- HI BAEElF__x,.-,SOLI( anoes, c. etc Offices in Owen Souti over W. F. Wolfs Stne „ „, MARKD Over W. J. McFarlini^ and Friday of each wt ei: tS"Funds to len.lciii n John Cbeasoe, Q.G Markdale, March 15, 1 Alexander ISStTER of Marria-e Life Insurance Am »n B. E. etc. Convrya Anctioneer for the Count Merchants, and Laud S â- tended to and charcres n Priceville, Sept. 17. ISi Wm. Br JSSUER OF MAERi: Commissioner in B. Conveyancing in all !t^ •ttended to and car;ful!y N- B. â€" Money to Lend «nritj, W. G. RIC BUILDER, CONTRA TECT.â€" Residence o «ale. Markdale. Jan, 21th, JOHN ]S1 MARKD iJENER'LBL^ KORSESI A SPECI/ ^5ftw-s: