j-i%^^-i:f.\^W4^^W^Fr-^.^-r- "â- 'â- '•^T"^^-WW^^"^^Mj^^^^^!^^:-^^ â- - _^;4iJ feipfflUp^^^g^, -^k-'L â- K7% '.UiMnflR.'v..#' SELLS a.^ mm ' ""'f^Tl ' ' OKFiAP •YOU GANi Buy more good substantial Goods for $1 at Reynolds' than any other house in town. Our Dress Goods, Mantle Cloths, Tweeds etc., are the newest under the Sun, and cheaper than the cheapest CLOVES We have a Job Lot of Ladies' Kid Gloves on hand, usually sold for 75c., at 25c. per pair. Genuine Josephine Kid Gloves for $1.10 per pair, every pair guaranteed. Woollen Goods. Our flannels are unsurpassed for quality and prices, all patterns. Plain, Grey, etc. BLANKETSâ€" We have a good assortment of White and Grey Blankets from $1.^5 per pair and up. We have just the Ganzies the people are all looking for, good and heavy, all wool and at 85c. per pair, only. Boots and Shoes.- â€" Our stock of Boots and Shoes are the Cheapest and best in Can- ada. We buy from one of the leading manufacturing houses in the Dominion, and don't you forget it. Come in and give our 30c. Tea a trial, it beats anything and every- thing. Don't fail to see the Bargains before buying one dollar's worth of goods at any other house. o -GO TO. I« olds CHOICE GOODS Local and Other Items. Notices in the^e columns intended to benefit iny indicldual or Societij will be charged ten mt^ a line for the first insertion and five ;int^ a line each subsequent imertion. (train, beef, and pork are comming into market freely. Ee.iuvenator stomach bitters are taking the lead, 3old by Smith, the barber. Mr. John Hanbury has been elected councillor for Ward No. 1, Brandon, Mamtolja. All -who are indebted to the underj si^ned will please call at once and settle. A. McIntyse. The stores and shops were all clos- ed in Markdale on Thanksgiving Day and services held in the various churches. Mr. .J. L. Browne has arrived with his bride safely at Victoria. They Till make their home m Nicola dis- trict, B. C. Hon. a. M.Eoss, the new Provin- cial Treasurer was elected by acclam- =ition, for West Huron, on Saturday last. Tenders.â€" We will receive tenders at this office up to Thursday the 22nd iDst., for the supplv of 10 cords dry !To foot wood and 10 cords green to be delivered in December cash paid 'lien delivered. A CHOICE lot of seasonable goods just arrived at Trimble Wright's, and all at prices to suit the cheapest buyers. A Severe snow storm set in on Sunday night and has continued since, the snow is now over 12 inches deep and sleighing tolerable geed. CusT0MEB3 will consult their inter- est by coming early in the day to Trimble Wright's and avoid the great rush in the afternoons. Mk. W. C. Jewel, dentist, of Meaf- ord, who formerly made professional visis to Markdale, died at his residen- ce, on Monday the 5th inst., aged 5X years. The storm of Sunday last was one of the worst for 20 years on the Northern lakes. Six men from Markdale were on the Cawipana.which yessel is however safe with her load. Mr. Wm. Anderson, a well-to-do farmer has lived 30 years in Glenelg township and informed us tlmt he has never been in Owen Sound, He is not at all anxious to go there either. The Bell-ringers. â€" The concert given OH Monday evening by the Alleghanian trroupa was something above the ordinary. The Swiss bells were something new to a Markdale audience and was highly appreciated, while the singing by the troupe was simply grand. Those who had not the good fortune to attend missed a rare treat. The company appear to be of a highly respectable class. If you wish to subscrite for the Globe, Mail, Star, Farmer's Advocate or Montreal Witness or renew your Bubscnption for any of the alDOve papers band in your name and sub- scription to this office. Dentistry. â€" T. F. Brown, L. D. S., of Woodstock, will be in Markdale on and after the 15th November for two weeks, filling, extracting, plate work c satisfactory done. Charge moder- ate office at W. A. Brown's Jewellry Store, There ib a diagram Of a simple in- vention for hanging up hoggs and beeves while butchering, in the Far- vier's Advocate for November, weich is worth to farmers the price of that valuable journal for a year. Never in the history of Markdale was there such a dearth of fire wood as the present week. We are no ex- ception to the rule we are sorry to say, and it is almost a miracle that we published this week. Changed Hands. â€" W. J. McFar- land has sold his mill property to Plewes Bros., of Bracebridge and Glen Huron. Those gentlemen ap- pear to be thoroughgoing business men. They purpose commencing business forthwith, but will not make any important changes until spring when they purpose enlarging the mill, raising the dam, and putting in the new roller system and will run it as a merchant mill. They also pur- pose opening a flour and general feed and provision store. A Lodge of the Sons of Temperance was recently organized at the town line appointment of the P. M, Church at which place an open lodge was held on Tuesday evening last which was a success notwithstanding the stormy weather. A FATAL accident occurred at ClarJisburg, on Wednesday the 7th inst., whereby Mr. Thos. Longhead lost his life by a heavy plate falling on him while assisting to raise the new foundry, he dild almost instant- ly. He leaves a wife and family of six to mourn their sad loss. Standard Time. â€" Mostly all the Canadian and American cities and large companies have adopted the standard time which will take effect next Monday throughout America. Toronto time, which will be the time for this district also, will be 19 minut- es faster than the present Toronto time. Serious AccmENx. â€" Last Friday evening, as Mrs. Geo. Anderson, of the Back Line, Melanctbon, was in an outbuilding searching for eggs, her feet slipping, she oaught a log with her left hand, in the vain endeavor to prevent fallinj but her hand getting bound between two logs, the small boueof the forearm was. snapped an inch or so above the wrist. Dr. Nor- ton adjusted the fracture. â€" Shelhurne Free Fres-i, (The above person was formerly a higbly respected resident of Markdale, â€" Ed.) Strange but True. â€" A woman in Wisconsin left her husband and two children. In order to disguise her- self she dressed in men's clothing- She soon after courted a girl and mar- ried, they lived happy together but had no family, strange but true. Support It. â€" The local newspaper is not only an educator but it is »• panorama of every day events. It aims to return value received for what you do for it whether individually or in the aggregate. Strive then to look upon it as one of the essentials that you muRt have. Id doing so the local paper will becoice what you can count it and its mission will be a success, An exchange hits the nail on the head in the following: â€" "It ia absurd for the residents of rural municipalities to suppose that because they get large city weeklies loithe same money that they paid for a good local paper, that they receive more value for thoir mon- ey. This is a mistaken idea. Any man who takes the least interest in the affairs of bis township or county,., if he can afford only one paper, he should take the one published in his own county. The local paper furn- ishes ils readers with the news of the entire district, market reports, agri- cultural news county, town and town- ship Council reports, accounts of agricultural society and shows and. local news generally, none of which the city papers can pretend to do. It will thus be seen that neither the Globe, Mail, or any other city weekly can supply the place of the local paper." TISIS •'^TT'EEIZ DressStuffsTweeds Dress stuffs in all the latest 'Shades, varying in price from lo cents up. Tweeds in English, Scotch I ind Canadian, in the newest 1 ^nd most fashionable styles. Groceries. Teas and general groceries always up to the mark and at the lowest living prices. Blankets, Wincies. Blankets, White and Grey at prices heretofore unheal d of. Wincies in plain and fancy at rockbattom prices. Underclothing. Ladies' and Gents' Fall and Winter Underclothmg in great variety suitable for all classes. Boots and Shes. A large, varied and attrac- tive lot of Boots and Shoes for the Fall and Winter trade, which for style, quality and. price cannot be exceHed.. TxrxiL-i.^iivC BieoT77"3i!r " ""g-lilT'll-iM'^^-""-^'--' "