P^^^c^?^ ^^ w'fity^-'.-' 'â- y ?:M^^. f « NEW ADVERTISEMFNTS. Notice â€" John Ford. Estrayâ€" Geo. Watts. Tenders â€" C. M. church. Boy Wanted â€" John Noble. Light Light !â€" H. Parker, Auction Sale â€" D. Melville Co. Change in Business â€" James Brander. Substantial Goods â€" Eeynolds Son. TJ13 Standat:d. MAKKDALE. NOV. 15th, 1883. BANQUET AT PRICEYILLE. In Honor of A. Webster, Esq. NORTH GR EY FALL ASSIZES, Trial of Josepli Lambert for Mur- dering His Father- Acquitted on tbe Crronnd Insanity. of DAMAGES FOB INJURIES iOAINST THE HOBTH- EBN BAILWAT COMPANT. Thursday evening last was tbe time appointed to banquet Mr. Alex. Web- ster, The evening was yery fine and a large number turned out to do hon- or to whom honor is due. Mr. W. has been a resident of Price- ville the greater part ot the last twenty- £ix years, during which time be has been engaged in various undertakings but the greater portion of which he â- loUowed the mercantile life. He was always foremost in advocating or as- sisting in any project that was for the welfare of the place or its citizens. _His business capabilities, together "â- "with wonderful energy and will power ~Las carried him safely through many "projects of public enterprise, and has crowned his various undertakings with satisfactory results. He has, bow ever, disposed of bis village property, the grist mill, to Mr. McGowan, and his mercantile business to Mr. Brander from near Toronto, and is about to take his departure from Priceville and Owen- Sound, Nov. 7.â€" At the as size court here to-day several cases of minor importance was disposed of. Wilton Y. the Northern Kailway. The plaintiff in January last was driving along the road near Thorn- bury with his ox team, and going across the track at a crossing was struck by a passing train, resulting in tbe plaintiff gettiug his leg broken, and receiving other injuries. Verdict was given for plaintiff for $350. THE LAMBERT PABRICIDE. The case of Joseph Lambert, of Holland township, lor tbe murder of his father, George Lambert, m Hol- land township last May, was then brought before tbe court. The mur- der took place in Holland township, near the village of William sf or d, on thp line of the Toronto, Grey, and Bruce Railway. The prisoner came into the hcuse about an hour before tea and got a shot gun, which he loaded, and then proceeded up stairs. When the father came in to tea and was in tbe act of washing his hands the son fired a shot through, a stoye pipe hole, which took effect in ihe victim's back causing him to fall on the floor. The prisoner then re-load- ed the gun and fired the second shot, taking effect in the dying man's head. After this he took his dead f^her by the boot leg and hauled hins, away in the garden about fifty yards from the house, where he attempted to prepare a grave for the reception of the body. will locate on his farm on Young st., j I* was at this stage of the crime that the prisoner was arrested. Since his North, seven miles from Toronto. The supper was given at the Com- mercial Hotel. Over ninety sat down to a table laden with the best the market could afford, got up in the usual tasty and sumptuous style of mine host, Mr. Atkinson and better half. Many leading men of the dis- trict were in attendance, among whom were Mr. Blyth, M. P. P. for South Grey, F. McRae, Reeve of Gienelg, Dr. Christoe, Reeve of Arteraesia, Thorp Wright, Deputy Reeve of Ar- temesia, Geo. Rutherford, of Shel- burue, T. Kells, R. Oliver, and Mr. Robb. The Durham Chronicle, Flesh- erton Advance, and Markdale Standaed were also represented by their several proprietors. After full justice was j done in supplying the wants of the inner man, Dr. Christoa was voted to the chair, and Mr. Robb to the vice- chair. The usual loyal and other- toasts were proposed and responded to. Our space will not permit us to particularize, therefore we cannot do justice to the speakers, suffice it to say those present were unanimous in pr(.ciaimiug the guest, Mr. Webster, a man of undoubted integrity and high moral wortli, high in the estima- tion of all who knew him, and m whose departure the village will be a heavy loser the very best wishes of the community would follow him and his excellent lady and family in their new home. W'ith the exception of a few sarcastic remarks in reference t municipal matters, from son?e of our ofiicials, from whom we might expect better things, the proceedings passed off in an exceedingly enjoyable man- ner. confinment in gaol here he has taken matters quite cooly. occasionally showing signs of eccentricity. A num- ber of witnesses were examined to-day to sustain the plea of insanity set up by the prisoner's counsel, including Drs. Barnhart and Manley, the latter of whom declared the prisoner a mo- nomaniac. The trial was very short, and the jury after a short absence re- turned with a verdict of not guilty on account of insanity. His Lord- ship Justice Osier remarked that he agreed with the- Jury's finding. The prisoner was defended by Mr. James Masson, Alfer Frost prosecut- ing on behalf of the Crown. THE GKAVE. The Tax Sale. The county sale of lands for arrears, of taxes took place last week, and we hope to see a change in the arra,ngo- ments for advertising such proper- ties before another year. The pres- ent mode of advertising all parcels of property, no matter in what locality in the county they may be, in one paper in the county is unjust, and unfair to those in the neighborhood of such parepl of property who may have a claim upon the same. The question has been before the public in years past, and we hope each repre- sentative at the coming session of the county council will advocate the just claims of their several municipalities, viz That the property to be sold for taxes in any township be ad- vertised in the paper, published in such municipality, or if none, then in one published in an adjoining one. This is nothing more than a just ahd fair request on the part of ratepayers. Messrs. Palliser, Palliser Co., of Bridgeport, Ct, the well known archi- tects and publishers of standard works on architecture, have lately is- sued a sheet containing plans and specifications of a very tasteful mod- ern eight room cottage with tower, and also with the necessary modifica- tions for building it without the tower, and with but six rooms if desired. In its most costly form, the outlay is estimated at $3,000 without the tower it has been built for $2,500 and if only six rooms are included,the cost may be reduced to $1,700 or $2,000. Details are given of man- tels, stairs, doors and casings, corn- ices etc. The publishers have found it the most popular plan they haye ever issued, and state that it has been adopted in more than five hundred instances withm their knowledge. The sarue firm issue specifications in blank adapted for frame or brick buildings of any cost also forms of building contract, and several books on modern inexpensive, artistic cottage plaos which are of great practical value and convenience to everyone interested. MABKDALE MABKETS. FaU Wheat. »0.95 to tl-OO; Spring »0.60 to »1 00; Barley, 46 to60; Peas, 66; Oats, 30o Bnttef 18c; Eggs. 22o; Pot^oes, 40c; Hay. $8 00 Pork. 5.50 to 6.00; Flour, »4,76 to «3 00; W00II7 to 20 TORONTO MAEKJiTS, FaU WJieat, »1,00 to Jl.lO; Spring, »1.00 to 81 12; Barley, oOc to 70c; Oats, 37c to 40c Peas, 70c to 73c; Hogs, «6.00 to «6.25; Pota- toes, per bag, 90c to »lc; Butter, dairy, 18c to 20c; e^ps, 22e to 25c. WANTED, Smart boy as an appren- tice iu tbe wood working department of a wagon shop. Apply to. ^^^^ ^^^^^ Markdale November 14, 18t3.. TEl^DERS. Tenders will be received by Thos. Hill, up to the 1st December lor the supply of 20 cords of green, sawed maple and beech wood, two feet long, to be dehver- ed at the Methodist church, 5 cords in de- cember and the balance in January. Markdale November 13, 1883. AUCTION SALT YALDABLEPROPEIT! OWEN SOUND TOWM LOT^ Situatsd in the west end of tliP t^^ only available lots iu the market !^""'fte to the raUWay and shipping inte e-^'""'"' In view of the fact that the C w«^'« t. Eailway Company have seciiredrtrT "'S' Grey Bnic-eKoad,wUr5- â- '°^°"'»^ jd their termi consequently the best purchasing-^ Sound thmrterminusand tranships, 'r'" and consequently the best purchas^nr^"" shipping port iu North Western Ontoin â- should couTey to every one tha towrT " eity at thig-point must increase -^-P""?- became a profitablfi investment lots are offered NOTICE. The undersigned will be at the bank at Markdale Uom tlie 20th to the the 23rd December for ihe purpose of collect- ing sale notes, as they become due at the above date. Those interested will please be, prompt and save lurther trouble and costs. JOHN FOBD. Annan P. 0.. November 8th, 1883 166-69 ESTRAY. Came to th« premises of the subscriber, lot East half ,2. con. 7 Holland, about the 12th October la*t, lour head of two year old cattle, one bull, one steer and two 'heifers, color mostly, red. The owner is requested to prove property, pay expences, and. take them away. Unless claimed by Nov- 30th, will be oSered for sale. GEO. WATTS. HoUaud November 13th 1883. 166-69 VV Eight girlj, ^t Miss Green's dress making parlor.. Six appren- tices and two assistants. 161-tf. DEATHS, llx. John Blaok,, the oldeat and one of our lUDst respected citizens died on Tuesday the 18th inst., after a short illness at the age of 79 years. Mr. B. was a natiye of Glasgow, Scotland, has been a resident of Markdale for some 15 years during which time he lived a retired life. He was of a very cheerful disposition, was well educat- ed, and appreciated highly the society of such, he was kind hearted and won the friendship and esteem of old and young. Personals. fVORTHY OF NOTICE. Many are thpy who have been de- ceived by puvcliasiijg supposed real plated ware from pedlars and others. It is a difScuit matter to judge the quality of this class of goods, hence the desirability of dealhig wicb those wlio are not only practical exjerieuc- ed dealers, but wliose reputation is valued higher than the all-mighty dollar. \Ve are glad to see that our jeweller Mr. W. A. Brown is making tiiis electro silver plated ware line a specialty in his business and to this end he has just open^d the finest stock of plated ware ever brought into Markdale from the Meridan plate Co, suitable for table use, holiday gifts, wedding presents c., consisting of castors, butter coolers, pickle dishes, ten sets, cake baskets, card stands, spoons, knives, forks, napkin rings Ac, c. The goods are worthy your careful inspection. The stock is large and varied, being altogether in ad- vance of anything previously shown in this place, ilia watches and gen- eral jewellry is also a credit to the proprietor as well as the place. Mr. Brown is a man of undoubted integ- rity who we can cheerfully recom- mend to the confidence of the public. Bo sure and see this stock be.'ore pur- chasing, Mrs. Dundass and Mrs. Archie Speers, jr., arrived iroxn^ Alexandria, Min., recently. Miss McPherson left Markdale for home, Markham Tp., recently. Miss Wilmot returned 10 Milton, recently. Oscar Wright and Ab. Kutledge has returned from Owen Sound busi- ness college, having completed their course in book keepuig, and received their diploma's. Mr. Joseph Tees, of Manitoba and formerly of Montreal,has been visiting friends in this vicinity and left on Tuesday with a car load of stock for his farm iu the N. W. Mrs. Dunlop has gone to where she will remain some her health. i'hos. Wilson and Thos. Morrow, left for Manitoba last week. Oshawa, time for semi-annual held on his Mk. W. G. Pickell's s Je of live stock was farm near Flesherton, on the lOtb mst., and as usual was well attended and a success in every way. It was ably conducted by Mr. A. S. Vandus- en who.se sensible and honorable manner of conducting the auctioneer business is fast gaining for him a very favourable opinion as auctioneer in this section. There were some seven hundred dollars wortJiof very fine cows young stock and hogs disposed of at fan- prices to the proprietor and suf- ficiently reasonable to pay the pur- chaser. As Mr. Pickell intends hold- ing such sales in future those in need of good stock may look forward to them as favourable opportunities for purchasing the saajp. BLACK.^In Markdale, od the 13th inst., John Black, Esq aged 79 years. CHANGE IN business! To the residents of Priceville and surrounding district. â€" Having purchased the busi- ness of Mr. Alexander Web- ster of this place, I have come among you as a citizen I hope by honorable dealing, strict attention to business and by studying the various wants of my customers, and keeping a v^ell selected stock of fresh and seasonable goods at right prices, to merit that confidence and liberal sup- port which my predecessor enjoyed, I have just opened a large and well selected stock of fresh and seasonable goods in Dry Goods, Ready-made clothing, Hats,. Capsy Boots and Shoes, Crockery, Hard- ware c., to which I would respectfully solicit an inspec- tion. Hoping that our social intercourse may be pleasant and our business transactions satisfactory, 1 am yours respectfully, JA8. BRANDEft. Priceville Nov. 12, 1883, rpEACHER M^ANTED, I Male or Female, for School Section No. 15, Town- ship of Euphrasia, holding third class cer. tilicate, duties to commence 1st of January, 1884, apply stating salary expected, to JAMES STKUIHEKS, Sec. 155-57 Markdale P. 0. NOTICE. Having given up possession of Barrhead Mill, and purpose removing from this place shortly, I hereby notify all parties indebted to me to call at Lucas' Bank and settle their account and save further trouble or costs. W. J. EOWE. Oct.24,'83. for sale partly to 4^/' present market value, the Veudois inkni, reserve every third lot at au advance of o-° per cent on auction prices day of s-le "" To actual purchasers coming frciin'a di, tance half railway fare on tlie T G T*^ and N. N,_ Western roads, will be letS on their paying one third of purchase monev Terms of sale-Ten per cent of amonm day of sale, and tbe balance to make on third of purchase within 10 clays, the balaac to be paid m 5 equal annual instalment with interest at 6 per cent per annum, secui' ed(byv Mortgage on property, or if paid „, cash 10 per cent olT. To purchs. rs erect- itig within one year brick dwelling's worth not less than $1,0(10. a rclat'j of 10 per cent wiU be aUowed off the pui chase money of lot on which the erection is made. Sale at the Queen's hotel, Owen Sound Thursday Nov. '29th, 1883, afternoon and' evening. For further particulars and con ditions of sale apply toD. MELVILLE 4 Co or JAS. SUTHEKLAND, Owen Sound ^â- iilmakeO' LIGHT LIGHT !! REFINED COAL OIL I Sets a gallon in two barrel lots and upwards. IP STRAY. Li Came into the premises of the subscriber, Lot North 2, Con. 12, Eu- phrasia, about the 8th October, two heifers rising two years. The owner is requested to prove property, pay expences, and take them away. SAMUEL SMART. 164-66 HEAD LIGHT OIL 25cts. a gallon by the barrel, ^^t "Wholesale Rates. H. PARKER, Druggist, DURHAM. MAKKDALE, Manufacturer of all Kinds ui TEACHER ITAIVTED For School Section No. 6, Artemesia, male or female, holding second or third class certificate. Duties to commence 2nd day of January, 1884. Apply stating salary to JOHN HAZARD. Scc.-Treas. to Trustees. Flesherton Station P.O. Artemesia,Oct,25,'83. 164-65 ESTRAY. From the premises of the subscriber, lot South i 12, con. 11 Euphra- sia, in the month of May, 5 yearling calves, 1 steer and 4 heifers, mostly red with a few white spots. Any person fiiving such infor- mation as will lead to tlieir recovery wiU be suitably rewarded. Any nerson harboring them without advertising them will be prose- cuted according to law. GEO. TAYLOR, Euphrasia Nov. 2, 1883. 155-57 Drop Valve, Cylinder, Pumps. Force, and Cistern All kinds of IRON PUMP SUPFLIEP. Fet^liionable Tailoi-, OVER MACFAHLANd's STOEE. A PEBFE CT FIT GUAEANTEEI A fine assortment of watches C/ochs, Rings, Chains, Setts^ Buttons, Specks, Charms, c. Also an extra line of ElecJnfo- plated goods for table use^ Watch and clock repairing personally, attended to and guaranteed. Honest charges AV. A. BROWN, The Jewc»ller, ' FARinS FOR SAL.E. Lot 117, con. 1 weFt, T. S. Pioad. Artemesia, containing 50 acres, 40 of of which are clearsd and under ultivation. Lot S part 15, con. 12, Holland 63 acres, 40 cleared; all necessary buildings theieon. Lot 13, con. 13, Glenelg, 100 acres all bush. For terms and particulars apply J. W. FORD Is giving splendia satisfaction in GRISTING, By the New Process at the Marklale nouris; Special attention to parties from a distance so that tliey Lay have their grist home the same day- to J. G. Oct.16.1883. IRVING, Markdale. 16 FARM FOR SALE. Lot 89 and 90 second ranee west of T. S. Road, Glenelg, 100 acres, 85 of which are cleared and under cultivation tit for reaper and mower to work on. BuUdings and fences in good repair soil clay loam, well watered, and ui a good state of eult'vation. This is a desirable farm and well located beir,g 2J- miles from the flourishing village of I\itarkdale, For further particulars apply on premises or by letter to 162 72 \Vm. MUTRIE, Markdale P. 0. â- ClOR SALE, i"7vi j,,« „ choice grftin farm. Lots 109 and 110, 2nd East T. and S. Eoad Ar- temesia. containing 100 acres, 80 acres olear- ed and in high state of cultivation, clear of stone and fit for machinery of any kind- soil clay loam. The farm is well fenced, hks 15 acres fall wheat in, about 50 fruit trees bear- mg. and is situate^i in a beautiful section of country two and a half miles from Markdale a thriving villago op the T. G. B. railway' Good reasons for selling. Possession given next spring. Sak lurther particulars apply on the premises to " ' 164 66 Markdale P. Q. EOBT. ASKIN, Has opened out a First-Class UNDERTKIN6 ESTABLISHMENT, And therefore has supplied a want long f^ â- • COFFINS, SHROUDS. C4SKETS, and all FUNERAL FURHISKINGS suppUed on the shortes notice. A. Sileticlia Hearse for hire at moderate rates. â€"All kinds cfâ€" PICTURE Done on short notice. ROBT. ASKIK. ii CI â€" FRAMiNI^ 1 c 1 Local and Otti Notices in the^e :ohimrif any individual or Society u cents a line for the jir-H i gents a line each subseqxicnt Grain, beef, and pori into market freely. Eejuvenatoe stoma( taking the lead, sold 1 barber. Me. John Haxbury h councillor for ^Yard Nc Manitoba. At.l who are iudebtei 8ip:ned -will please call settle. A.McIntyke. The stokes and ehop ed in Markdale on Th£ and services held ii churches. Mb. j. L. Browne h; his bride safely at Will make their home •trict, B. C. Hon. a. M. Ross, th cial Treasurer was elec ation, for West Huron, last. Tenders. â€" \\e will 1 at this office up to Thu JDst., for the supply of two foot wood and 10 be delivered in Decetn /when delivered. OressStuffs Dress stuffs in a shades, varying ii lo cents up. Tweeds in Eng and Canadian, in ^d most fashiona 'TQKOI