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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 8 Nov 1883, p. 8

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 • I'-; M UuUale ooiillil; Cattk A regular Monthly Cattle Fair will be heU in the AgrkaltM-al Qronnds. MarUbde, aa fo'lows â€" 1 3 â€" SATURDAY ...^, Nov. 8 MAKKDALE Heat Market. A constant sapfij of Fresh Meats on hand, at the Lowest Living Prices. Orders solicited, and deliv- ered free to all parts of the Town. Farmers having fat stock to dispose of, will please leave -their addresses. TERMS STRICTLY CASH. FRED. SARJEANT. Markdale March 23. 1882. 80-Iv Health is Wealth Dr. E.G. West's Nerve and Brain Treat- ment, a guaranteed specific for Hysteria, Dizziness, Convalsiuns, Fits, Nervous Neu- ralgia, Headacli" Nervous Prostration caus- ed bv the use of alcohol or tobacco. Wake- fulness. Mental Depression, Softening of the Brain, resulting i/i Insanity and leading to misery, decay and death, Premature Old Age, Barr enness. Loss of Power in either sex, Involuntary losses and Spermatorrhoea, caused by over-exertion of the brain, self- abuse or over-indulgence. One box will cure recent cases. Each box contains one month's treatment. One dollar a box, or sis boxes for five dollars sent by mail pre- paid on receipt of price. We guarantee six boxes to cure any case. With each order re- ceived by us for six boxes, accompanied with five dollars, we will send the purchaser a written guarantee to refund the money if the treatment does not effect a cure. Guar- antees issued only by A. Turner fcCo., ola authorized Agent for Markdale Ont. John â- O. West Co. sole proprietor Toronto.Ont. lilIU EGBT. ASKIN, Has opened out a First-Clau UND€RTKING ESTABLISHMENT. Andtherefme has supplud a waat long felt, X30FFINS, CASKETS. SHROUDS, and all FMEML FIHMItlllMt supplied on the sliortea notiee. tM hire at modwAte rates. â€"All kicds ofâ€" fHmilE FRAWm St$m m iliort notiee. ROBT. ASKIN. ALEX KAY MILL STREET miDALE. SEEING IS BELIEYIMG. OENTLEaiEN,â€" If Toa want a Srst-elass Buggie or Wagon eaUat MGKENNA MASON'S CARRIAGE WORKS MARKDALE. Tbey can sapply you with anything from a Lumber Wagon np to Extension Top Phaeton. To buy from them is o SAVE m:oiveY! BUCKUUrS ASMIGASALTB. The beat «H» ia the world {«r Cvta. BruiMB. Soree, UIocif, Salt Bhwwi. Fever »ores, Tett«r, Chapped Haods. ChilbUins, ConM^and all Skin grtnHieii»,and PoeitiTely cnree Piles. It is fuarant«ed to giya perfect .satisfaction, or money rafunded. Pnee 25 ;;ents pfr bos. For sale by A. Turner Co They are both practical workmen, and employ none but PRACTICAL WORKMEN They guarantee their work Second to none for Lightness of Draught and Superiority of Finish. They use nothing but First-class White Oak for Wagons, and thrice Extra Second Growth Hickory for light work. The immense amount of work turned out of McEenna Mason's shop is snfficien proof Of the wide reputation they enjoy for doing good work. Thi BEST IS THE CHEAPEST in thk END Poor cheap work we positively will not take. Special attention giren to Fte-Trimming and Bepainting all classes of Carriage Work. Satisfaction guaranteed (or No Pay) in HORSESHOEING SHOPâ€" On Mill Street opposite ta Sproule's Hotel. McKENNA MASON WAR IN CHINA! France threatens China with a devastating war in con- sequence. Wilson Benson OF THE Belfast House, Markdale Has parcbased a Large Stock of the CHOICEST TEAS In the Market, and will sell at lower prices than any id the trade. Purchasing direqt from the Refinery, his SUGi^RS cannot be excelled for quality and lowness of price. BACON, HAMS; CHEESE, SALMON, LOBSTERS, SARDINES In endless variely. DAIRY SALT of best qoality. X-IQTJO S5S, Of best brands and of every variety. In short, there is nothing in the G'focery trade that cannot be supplied at the "Belfast House" by WILtfON BKNSON. hds 6, 1882. THE IE8T PUCE TO GET i U HJMM North of Toronto, is at the That's 80, for k firieoi of mine had his taken there and he says they are «Ten better than ;diat he had taken in Toronto. JAMES HAMILTON. • ARTIST. T. Q. B. RAILWAY. TIMB TABI«B. OhAiiflro of T*ime. Onaad after MoaOmj, J«a« 18«h, 188t, tnina will run M foOova 9 10 7 81 S SO •« CIS lift) 8 44 fi u â€" 'it 00 a m) 19 0$ %U t 80 r. « ».« C*M»wau,hmc. POUST. 10 IC Teuwasbb.... Flesbxbtov ... Maskoali, Owi» bOUKB..., 10 45 9 05 8 S7 680 4 80 9 55 r.u. 5 00 6 43 fi 27 6 15 i 4« 4 47 480 3 10 A Kied l-rain wfll aim tun between T»r- OBtoaxid.«iBR8otiad. SccTlae Table. D. MdlraoLi., Epiroim 'WkiooK. G*nyPut. Agt. Qeneral Managjtr nâ€"*w*^ ' soocMsrni. MBBTWOB H«U» t«S«WAY OBKAT KNIHUSUai*. London, Eng., Not. 4â€" Moody sac- cessfaUy opened his great naission at Islington to-day. Fotir meetmgswere held, each attended by froin f)00 to 6000 persons. The iton hall bmlt for the occasion proved a complete suc^ cess, affording seating room to 6800, All around on the sides of the hall appropriate teits were displayed. Sakey sung with his customary effect. Moody's powerful address showed he had not lost his hold on the people. A hundred people rose to be prayed for. A heavy storm !in the afternocn and evening somewhat diminished the attendance but unfailing interest was manifested. A number of pioroi- nent clergymen occupied sents on the platform. Moody, alluding to bis mission in Ireland, said his three weeks' work there had been the most productive of his life. At the close of the evening meeting a man shouted that Moody's last mission in England had been a failure. Moody answered by calling for volunteers to come out boldly on the Lord's side, whereupon about 8000 men rose en masse. The incident caused much excitement. â€" Toronto World. ItfAEKD ALE PLATO, SASH, DOOR AND F -oOo- Lumber Planed or Matched While Wiiti ing. Sash, Doofs, and Mtnildings always on hand or Order. All kinds of lumber, Lath and ^ade to stock. Furniture of all descriptkms to be s( Cheated oat of a month's Pay. Union station was invaded early yesterday morning by a party of French Canadians numbering 180. They had been working for a month up near Port Arthur, but their em- ployers failed to pay them, and they left the place in disgust and without money. The mayor of Owen Sound got them down on the Grey and Bruce railway, and now they want to go on to Montreal. They passed the night at the immigrant sbcds. The question is how will the get east. â€" World. miscellaneous- Quick, Now.â€" You can have either the weekly Mail or Globe with the Standard to the end of 1884 for $2, 'ash. Be alive and secure the balance of the year free which is worth 50 cents. Charlie Ross is again to the fore. A young man of 18 claims that he is the very person. The story has a very fishy appearance. Still one never knows. It is greatly more likely that Charlie Ross has long ere this found a grave. THE GREATEST HEALING COMPOUND is a pr«par{ition of carbolic acid, vaseline and cerate called McGregor *â-  Parks'a Car- bolic Cerate, It will care any sore, cut, burn or bruise when all other preparations fail. Call at Hill Bros. General Store and get a package. Twenty-five cents is all it costs. KRAMS'S FLUID LIGHTNING Is the only instantaneous relief for Neuralgia, Headache. Tootfaaehe, etc. Rubbing a few drops briskly is all that is needed. No tak- in nauseous medieines for weeks, but one minute's application remoyes all pain and will prove the great value of Eram's Fluid Lightning. Twenty-fiive cents per bottle at Hill Bros. General Store. McGregors speedy cure. From the many remarkable cures wroaght by usin^ McGregors eedy Cure for Drroep â- ia, Indi^eBtioo, Goostipation and Affection of the Liver and from the immense sale of it without any advertising, we have concluded to place it extensively on the maket. so that those who â- uHer may have a4eifeQt cure. Go %o Hill Bros. General Store and get a ;trial bettte free, or the regt;|ar aize at fifty cents or one •"** â€" If yon wivh to subscribe for the Globe, ^fail. Star, Farmer's Advocate or Mpotreal Witness or renew your mbMhptkm for any of the above p^er8 hand in your name and sub- scription to this office. WORTHY OF PRAISE. •^â- . » *•*• we do not reeommend Patent MedieinM, bat when we know ml one that really is a imblie benefaetor, and does posi. tlvely core, then we eonaider it our daty to iapart that information to all, Electric Bit- ten arc traely a most valoaUe medidne,and will anrely core Billioiunea,FeTer and Ainie â- lomaeh. Lirar aad Kidnev ComiriiUats' •vm ^ea all other remediea fail. We know irfierenf we speak, and can freely re- eonaMiid them to allâ€" «««».â€" Sold at fifty •eale a bottle, by A. Tomer ft Co. FBXl OF COST. All peiMWfl wishing to teat the OMrita of a f^ nmtOjâ€"vQt, thut wiU positive^ core CansnnptioB, Cbo^u, Coldi. Asthma, Bron. «utu, or aay afledioa of the Throat an4 ^* PV^^" «** Trial Bottle '61 Dr. ai^s Hew MMatanaj for 0m8iimpti«i Jhii IoUw-«iaa bottle «m do.' "v^^ It ia now definitely announced that the Doaiinion Parliament will meet on the 17lh of January. GIVEN AWAY. We eauMt help noticiiis the liberal offer m^^ to 11 invalids *ni .^er^j' Kinga New Discovery for Cousumption. Drug 8twe. and get a Trial Bottle free of eoet. If yoB are suffering with Consumption Berew Coughs. Colds. Arthma, Brom^S' anyaffeobda of the Thxoat or LanRT It vill positively cure ^ou.' ^^ at our Waferoom^/ Lumber and cordwa©d will U taken in change for Furniture. O-eorgr^ O-rant 5c Co., I*r*o]rietor8. TAILOR SYDENHAM STREET, â-  â€" Cood Work Guaranteed â€" AT MmersPliolograpWerj FLESHERTON. OSlll Sit CJOlOO and see samples of work which we area not ashamed to show. All kinds of Framing done cheap at T-^S- BTJX^3ivd:EI3'S, FLESHERTON. MORTGAGE SALE OF YaliiaWe Farm Property IN THE Tovrisli.ip of Cjrlenel^. THOS. MA HEWS, Under the power of sale in a certain mort- gage froita John Travsrs to the vendws, which will be prodnced at the time of sale, ani on default being made in payment of the money, thereby secored, there will be efiered for sale by Public Aaetion, at the MIDDAUGH HOUSE HOTEL IN THK TO WTv s ounH am: OR AT TWELVE O'dLOCK, NOON, By HUGH MAC KAY, Auctioneer, The following pn^erty. viz The Sontherly part of Lot No. 9, in Con* 9, of the said Township of Glenelg. eonlain- ing 31 43/100 acres, more more or len, more particularly described by metes andboonda in said mortgage which, ia regestend at nomber 2182, also the Southerly paH of lo* No. 8 m said conoeesioo ». of aaid Towoahip obntaining 50 acres more or less and more particularly described by metes and bounds in said regestowid' Mortgage. Aboat 18 acres are said to bftdeared and under enMivation, and well fenc«d. On the premiaea are said to be a frame hooae. bam, ataUe and sheds m good repair also large orchard. Termiâ€" 10 per cent at the time of sale, 16 per cent within one month thereafter and- the bal- ance to be B^ened by the Mortdan of the Premiaes pa/able in five equal aDnoal in- ♦alments with intereet at 7 per e«nt yearly, or such other terms a« may be agreed npoD at time of sale. F» f nrther partiealan V *° f ^LCONBBIDOB A BABWlcFv«! aora ooudtors, Toronto 0«t 80th 188S. MAKKDALE. EVERYTHING IN OUR LINE KEPT ON HAND OE MADE TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. LIVERY! IN CONNECTION. CUeilEZS FLISTEH -OB â€" Plaster Paris, Ona ear. of Nova Scotia, all best toi eheaipest in the niarket. Machine Oils and Paint OILS At CL08I PRICES. N. PARKER'S OilLY $2. 01 â€" FC3 â€" THE STAN DAW 325 Acass THE UfifiESTHITHE DOMINION Salesmen Wanted. I^eaaant "-• »»«"wieaiiiiaw WORK THE YEAR ROUMO- uood agnti are Mraing fcwa t40 to Vrt HI.?â„¢'" 'â„¢'*«OW)H. '» Ont. s ThRTLINC R'SOPVERYI «t.isss«: â€" aVd â€" 'â-  The Fanoers' Alriieitl AMD HOME MAGAZWli llofaUMr with a oouy of the Wuvam' H^ io6k tat 1884. mdyirtimA in »»»'2i mthoot a nral in Canada. •a^^P"^*?! •d ia AMriea. foe Sjxk. Bww. DMryW*' ImllOrowar. Wa an wabM. hj7^^ '^^*KS^ «• oflar that wrt.knotr» aricuhuraJ p^ ymt of pohtoatioo. clubbed ^itb thiB joam» for tha abof* OHff iTtm- •• â- unmaa to AiB.ffifiB». ^^ TlM AdToeate ia the vt^^^^^f^JZuru^ ttnal Mtiwfitr of Canada, and combm» St. ^teitoBMae Ma«^ne depart«n«nJV fuaflj pap« Itoaottoâ€" tk« beat fNaOy paper jiU.voiNTOBMA'no^;" »id iti bMt energies are devoted to tbe u.t«^ •at ol tb* fanner and hia- femHy. O^r otfai^fSttm, GOTdfen, or Orcb«rJ^ •oranons in each bepakthkni i. lalcsee of the Sro^CRIKE SOW ^,,^ VOL. 4. ^t lit mtiM IS â- ':;! EVERY THUR- At M:irk.:, IN Al'V.i Ul Vf 9 R( WEi.L DiG(ii-:i; a:| orilcis proiiii';]- deuce â€" SniJt-r'.-, JliJl. v I B. Glient, M.D.. "' Pliysicirin ii' 1 'Su Graduate ot Uin.'M-^ Hou. Griuluah.' o: l!.' Ax:, JMemborCoIl. PI:-, .-.ei :i; jTp. MARSH. GRADUATE OF J of Dpiiiistiy, w: Hotel, MarkiLili?, on ili nesday of eatli umntli a Hotel. FlisiM ri..!i. t' third \Vednes.iay in e;;.. ' tiee of lii iii'.jfcssion. â- 'January '.uli, !.^^:;. Fro "St A: BAERISIKKS. AN Law, S..liciiL;-- ancers, Ac, 0\v,'n S." Flesherton, i;:lic' 'V Sieretofoie. Alfred Fr.osx, Coantv C'rcAvr Ar. i. M\f^ BAEEISTEK. -MAS' in CliaiKcry, Nnta i:ier, tc. A numi;i:k ^r '• Ofpii r.?â€" \v, n S^'ir Poulett St.; l'.!:l .cli (ii;i MeFarlarai" â- â- !.â- . •STerv week. Cs'easoi' A " BAEllI*^- .i,.^.,s(iT. anfie cVc. Ar. OFFir];s i;: â-  I v 'i S over W. F. V\"..:! 2- ' Tv'l A Fk K L Over W. .T. Ml!-;,!!;!,' and Fiidiiy ul c:i .1 v.' â-  tsT'Fniul.-; tc i. .i â-  :: John Cr.KA-^'.r. â- . C, MarkdaK. M^.' '.. i •" â-  ISSUEl; nf Min::^' Life In-ur;. :.-,â-  .\ in B. K. cVf. C.m;vi Anctioueer tnj- 1 lie i.'"ii Merchants, and L:ir..i tended to nud cliar^-. .- PriceviUe, Sept. 17, Urn. I ISSUER OF ?dAi;i; Comraisioi;pr in Conveyu.ncinp in all attended to and caiefu N. B.â€" Money to Le curity. w. G. m BUILDEK, COS I TECT. â€" Kesido J 'dale. Markdale. .Tan, '21tV year taky. copy. Seud i'T 58" IVIlSt!^. c ORESS A?' KO BUKi.or's BUi:. Ail kinds of ladies â-  made in the v Weddius: SJJJt*^ yVilliaiii 'yii BOOT AND SHOP MARKDAl Orders promptly "woA a specialtv. '.\ Teims striellv ca^b. opposite P.cvcTe Hot. vfOHN MARI GENER'LB HORSE! A SPi

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