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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 1 Nov 1883, p. 5

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 ^SS^r ' f SFBOIA.T,,i TaSIS -^TT ZE" ». 't ressStuffsTweeds press stufife in all the latest ades, varying in price from cents up. Xweeds in English, Scotch 3(1 Canadian, in l^he newest id post fashionable stipies. Groceries. Teas and general groceries always up to the mark and at the lowest living prices. BlanketSi WIncies. Blankets, White and Grey at Diices heretofore unheal d of. Wincies in plain and fancy at rockbottom prices. Underclothing. Ladies' and Gents' Fall and Winter Underclothing in great variety suitable for all classes. Boots and Sties, A largCj varied and attrac-- tive lot oi Boots and Shoes for the Fall and Winter trade,,, which for style, quality and price cannot be excelled. M larkdale and Toronto A fine assortment of watches Clocks, Kings, Chains^ Setts, buttons, Specks, Charms, c. ^ilso an extra lin*. of Electro- "ilated goods for table use. Watch and clock repairing merally, attended to and rdarauLeed. Honest charges. W. A. BROWN, The Jeweller, XiiTicES in these columns intended to benejlt ny indifi'lual or Society will be charged ten rits a line for the first insertion and Jive '(It- (i line each subieqrient insertion. I Keep your feet dry. Oca wood is out â€" d'ye hear. Grain is now comiDg in freely. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Byers left this iteek for Kocbester. kBovT four ioches of suow this Iliursday morning. Complete outfits for auctioneers, at ;i;e biANDARD Office. Blank notes, receipts and all such lorms fur sale at the Standard Office. Last night was halloweve dear-0- ilearhow things are mixed up this week with mornmg. Mr. Hull has erected this iiis carriage house in connection Ube livery. OuK railway station has been this '^eek improved by a new floor and the â-  i*alls caicimmed. Trimule Wright are crowded to tlieir utmost capacity to attend to the wants of their numerous customers. Mk. J. At a meeting of the iamatees last night one Mr. Norris was engaged at head teacher at a salary of $850. The present female teachers were w-en- gaged. Thanksgivino Day. â€" The second Thursday in November, being the 8th will be set apart as a day of thanks- givmg for the people of Canada, to give pabUo expression of their gratitude for numberless benefits received. JoRir McDuFFiE returned last Tues* day from the Ontario anh Quebec Railway, where he has been overseer ofa^ang during the past Summer. He leaves for Port Arthur on Satur- day. Wood is very scearce just now in Markdale, some of our citizens who have a supply say they will likely cause an explosion in somebody's stove if they do not desist visiting wood piles at night. The addition to the Markdale bouse is about completed and will add ma- terially to the convenience of the place. The lower portion will be used as kitchen and woodshed while the upper story is intended for bed rooms. Mr. Mutkie, advertises his farm for sale in this paper. It is located two and a half miles from Markdale and is a very good farm. We hope Mr, M. will change his mind and decide to remain, we do not like to lose such respected enterprising and well-to-do residents. Big rush of busines at Keynolds' since they got .heir fall goods lu. Our stock is complete in every department and all our goods are of the latest fashion and at prices that beat the best on record. Call and see us no trouble to show goods. C. Reynolds Son. An auction sale of farm stock and implements will take place at Edward Sargeni's near Berkeley on Monday the 12th November. There is six horses and a large quantity of other stock implements c in the bill for sale. Twelve months credit, see bills for full particulars. Geo. Noble Auc- tioneer. LosH, preserve as, Sandy, what in a this worl is the matter wi ye, noo add sake yer puffin an biawing as the ye had the heaves, or was broken winded, weel Jock I'll just tell ye I've come in frae the south line o' Glenelg 7 lang miles a' the way on my fot jest to get a 10 or 20 lbs o' that tea o' Trimble Wrights, we're been cot ot for twa or three days and the guid wife is just as cross as twa sticks, I tell ye its the best tea I ever used since I crossed the sault water. The Agents Herald is a four column sixteen page monthly journal, pubUsh- ed in Philadelphia, by L. Lum Smith, at 50 ceiits per year or 6 cts for a single copy. It is a valuable paper for publishers because it exposes fraudulent advertisers; it is valuable to advertisers showing up pubhshers wnose bonafide circulation is m many instances not half what they repre- sent; it is valuable to agents because all kinds of reliable articles are ad- vertised for sale through its columns and agents wanted; it is valuable to the public warning them of the thous- and one frauds that are being adver- tised from time to time in large pa- pers. Diindalk. W M. H O G G, FLESHERTON STATION, Respectfully announces that he has received a large supply of I N Dry Goods, Winter Glotbing, Boots and Shoes, g As these Goods were bought to the best advantage they will be sold very^ low in nrioe, and will be found well worthy of an inspection by tb general public, also on hand a full stock of Fresh Groceries, Provisions, Crockery, c., all of which ^will be sold cheap for cash or farm produce. I offer for sale or to lei my water power Saw Mill at Little Falls with about 400 acres of timber land. A good man liberally dealt with on either purchasing or leasing the place. ^WTVI- XIOGS-G!-, Flesherton Station. Nov. 1st, 1888. R. Anderson had his resi- dence vaueered with brick recently, it a comfortable appear- Grain is beginning to come in, but there is very Uttle wheat marketed yet, and on the whole business is rather quiet. Mr. Whyte, the new manager of the T. G. B. R., held au interview with the leadiagbusiness men of the village, at the station on Wednesday last. Mr. T. Hanbury has sold part of his beautiful park lot to Mr. J. J. Middletou, and another portion to Mr. T. Hall. Both gentlemen intend erecting tasty residences during the comiue; season. Mr. J. Stinson, of the vicinity of Markdale had a narrow escape, when removing the scaffolding from McCul- laugh, new hotel. Ho fell from a considerable hight. He did not receive any serious injury. Chatswrorth. T, O-- IIB"VIl:T (3-, MARKDALE, Manufacturer of all Kinds of Drop Valve, Cylinder, Force, and Cistern Pumps. All kinds of IRON PUMPS J. W. FORD Is giving splendia satisfaction in GRISTING, By the New Process at the which givas ance. Mr. N. Campbicll, Flesherton, has paiuted las residence and otherwise 1 very greatly improved the house and surrouudmgs. Lost on Oct. 13th, near Markdale, a silver watch, finder will be liberally fewaided by leaving it at the Stan- iiAKc oftiec. Mr. .T. R. Tkimblk, of the firm of Trimble k Wright, is in Toronto this ^eek attendmg the trade sales- Look out for Big bargains. 1^ All business places will be closed oil Tlia nksgivrng day except the photo ,,^ gallery. New improvements for that [| 2ay, be sure you call and see them. J Next Thursday being a public holi- ^ay the Standakd will he published a lay early. Our correspondents will plea?.i make a note of this and send in tile Lews a day early. We have made arrangements with the World Publishing Co. whereby we are enabled to club that newsy and in- dependent daily paper with the Stan- J^ARD lor $3.50 cash. To Sell ok Trade. â€" A large cow rising 5 years, farrow, will sell or trade ^^T a good cow in calf Joseph Hender- son, Lot North 5, con. 7 Euphrasia about six miles from Markdale. Mr 0. W. Smith, we are informed, has tiurcbased eight hundard acres °f pine and cedar lands on the Indian Peninsula where he intends to com- ttiense operations in a few days. A SAMPLE of spring wheat from the ^- W. T. can be seen at the Standard offi:e which was sent us by G. L. ^oWs, of Wolseley, fcnnerly of ile iclg. The quahty of gra^n is good. Newspaper subscriptions are always paid in advance chat is to say, if the subscriber does not do it the publisher is obliged to, as the paper dealers, the compositors, the type makers, ink makers, scissor grinder, the pencil sharpener, the pressman, the landlord, and others will not wait for their pay until the year expires. Mr. Whyte, tlie new General Man- ager of the T. G. B. Railway, who is also Manager of the C. V. R. and and 0. Q. Railways passed up on the morning train Wednesday. Mr. Whyte is a thoroughly practical man and wishes to become personally ac- quainted with the business men along the line, and for this purpose he met a number of our leading men at the station yesterday. Shameful, â€" A broken or loose board in the sidewalk is a very dangerous thing and may sometimes cause very serious results, bui when it comes to leaving open cellar approaches on or immediately adjoining the street, it is altogether an action not to be excused in any one. Such is the case at the North side of McFarland's building, where only the other night a person falling into it miraculously escaped being killed. The place should be fixeu securely at once. W. Hogg, Flesherton Station, an- nounces the arrival of his new fall goodj, intendmg purchasers would do well to examine them. He also ad- vertises his water power saw mill at Little Falls, with those blocks of tim- ber lands on which it is situated for sale or to let. The creek from Cul- len's lake, with numerous additional springSj runs through this la^d wi rapid down grade, makipg seyer^l excellent nwU sites on the property, The ncill is, ^ven undtr 36 f«e^ \»eftd of w^ter^ From a correspondent. Grain is coming in slowly. Wes. Roberts has left to take a sit- uation in Mount Forest. Mr. Matthews, the hotel keeper's father, is removing to Dakota. Mr. Thos. Stephenson was ban- queted at Campbell's hotel on the eve of his departure for Mount Forest. Quito a number of cases were dis- posed of at the division court, last Thursday, a large number were in at- tendance. The ^oung men of this place pur- pose celebrating Thanksgiving Day by a squu-i-el hunt, the loosing party pay- ing for the supper. Messrs. Young and Hebertson are captams. SUPPLIEP. Special attention to parties from a distance so that they day have their grist home the same day. New FALL ImpoMons arriving daily at H.J.SPR0I7LE'S FLESHEBTON. Opened this week large stock of Ladies' Goats and Mantles in all the latest designs and patterns and very cheap. Also in large variety Black and Colored Silks, Velvets, and Velvet- eens from 35cts. up, also Ladies' Clouds, Bonnets and Hats, Trim- mings and Shapes, Ladies Collars in a the latest styles. frame on Monday. It is a strong In BOOtS aUd ShOeS OUr StOCk IS '"^^S^io^ompietion wuh i'^- 1 complete and selling fast and cheap. Another lot of that Fanious 20ct. and 50ct. TEA just received. Also a full stock of Nails, Putty,, Glass, Hinges and builder's hard- ware of all descriptions selling at the lowest possible prices. A full stock of Preserving Sugars cheap, also preserve an4 Gem J g^rs in endless variety. Notwithstanding' the incessant grumbling of merchants, ,, „ V X,. generally, of diril tinrKss P^ J ft|fOi|le- of Flesherton, Mr. Stmson's store has the appear- ^_^\ »^« w« wpswi«ip, an9e of taste and cleanliness, and |S?ys his business ^SLiacreasing daily,. having more business. frie:?id Sharp, the manner biows ith^an, h,e. Ca,n: possibly ^et through Ayit]?. withi hj^ large staff how to Keep it so. fnif" hnnds. 'WilUamstord StatioH. From a corretpondent. Our enterprising merchant has his grain house up, having raised the pus sible speed. Dr. Cameron, of Owen Sound, grand master of the C. U. 0. F., and Mr. McMurchy, of the same place, deputy district grand master, visited our lodge on -Tuesday evening last, results satisfactory. maxwell* Mr. Joseph Eerton moved last week tn Avening village, where, it is said, he is going into tavern keeping. Mr. Wm. Hamlin's family moved last week to Beaverton to join their head, who is in the mercantile busi- ness. t V-

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