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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 25 Oct 1883, p. 5

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 l^F^lCVv -^^ ii.uics to al •-It'll can lj:i\f '.â-  " 'â- '*.. ttt-ebe: |0ressStuffsTweed« D^e^i stuffs in all the latest l^hade^, \arying in price from •0 cents up. Xwcji's in English, Scotch ljpdCan?.dirm, in J he newest [..dni'-^t fashionable styles. Crocerles, Teas and general groceries always up to jth^e mark and at the lowest living prices. Blankets, Wincies. Blankets, White and Grey at Drices heretofore unheal d of. Wincies in plain and fancy at rockbottom prices. Underclothing. Ladies' and Gents' Fall and Winter Underclothing in great variety suitable for all classes. Boots and Shes. A large, varied and attrac- tive lot of Boots and Shoes for the Fall and Winter trade, which for style, quality and- price cannot be excelled. TXTIILI^A^ILv^ BISOTT^TI^ "HIS SPACE BELONGS TO \]X, A. BROWN, The Jeweller, )l A 1 f 3 V I ^V I. E Adviitisuinout next week. Local and Otligr Items, „â- â€¢. ,(/^' â-  M::. i; ,;;i aiul i.- ..;Tnii.. L:.A\K 1 â- 'â-  â-  Mi:. J. inj [1 'i it lUnl |l;i;:au;i. A FIN:: rOLt of I 'V Di-x;. â- â- ittur;]- I..L. l..V].l 1 (//.'..f cuhiiiin.'i inU'iitled tohenejit ' !./• Sociuti/ trill he chdvijed ten r â- , Ihi: f.rat in.icriion and Jlvt 'â- u i^aixe-jiii^nt insci tiun. slo: lias vof Mr. Hue's build- '!hi_; it. nut fits I'ur ,:. Office. w livery stable Lucti'jiiei^rs, at ' L'oiJ raw sugar Lr ^il-OO, .vWn.'rht'ti. lotts, rectii't:,; and ;[\c at tliG Stand^! J such Ollice V,' Fi.r.D i.s sliippiii;-: about if rl -ur \veuk!y,tu Diu^axlk. 'r;;;ii;le Wrii^-Iit';.- for the r;;o;u;)edL all st.JL'l ax.3 iu Ladies if you want a fancy wool shawl, cloud or scarf, go straight to Trimble Wright's. Wk uuderstanj the Beikeley shiugle mill will be converted into a broom handle factory, until the shiugle seasou again arrives. See here Manarev's sale will take p'ace on the 30tb October, next Tues- dfiy, liot Tliursday the 1st November, as hrbt advevtisec' Scotch and Canadian tweeds the newest and best in the market, young men if you want to get a nobby suit go to Rpynolds' Sou. Trimble Wright offer for the- next 30 days a large hue of mantle cloths all good patterns at 75cts on the dol- lar, don't fail to see them. Trimble Wriglit have just re- eived this day a large stock of boots and shoes purchased at 75 cts on the dollar, all new goods warranted A 1, zee them. ]\1rs. De-aimy, of Holland, left Owen Sound one day recently the same time as the tra:ii, sliij drove with her pou- nies to Chatsworth and arrived ahead of the train. A MEETING was held recently at the Marktiale House when a Gimnasium club was orizanized and officers elect- ed, the meeting adjourned until to- morrow evening, Friday, to meet at the same place. All who wish to join or otherwise aid are invited to attend. Mp lias ilcvure bcc-u erected in Hcnsc. Who'll v.;ry all siiai cheao colors and Trimble !i asij i;eci;p AVolsoley, N t thanks for W $1. K. 'â- .â- .•-. ..' iip.LiL'dgo has purchased -lO'iiAVij. blit'pherdson, sheep breed- er, a l;i. TrmiM Mi... :h:ii!ks ore it ram. ilo P.ijxTiNG. â€" Mr. n.' Gill, painter, wjio had to clianj_,e his occupation 1 during the summer months, owing to j poor health, has now returned to his trade and is prepared to execute all ' work entrusted to him in painting papering c., in a workmanlike and satisfactorv manner. Accident. â€" Eobert, eldest son of An drew JS'esbitt, of Artemesia, who has been brakeman ou Uie G. T. R. for some tiino, fell froEi a car while on duty three miles below Belleville early this week, and received serious iujuries about the head. His father went down to attend him but we have not yet learned particulars. T-HE largest stock of fancy woolen goods in the county at Trimble Wright. Every lady should see them. Shot Dead. â€" Thomas Scott, a convict from Windsor was shot dead Tuesday by Guard Hart, while at- tempting to escape from t|ie Central Prison. We have made arrangements with the World Publishing Co. whereby we are enabled to club tliat newsy and in- dependent daily paper with the Stan- dard lor §3.50 cash. S. S. Sebiioxs. â€" Te Anniversary sermons ot the Methodist S. S. of this place were preached last sabbath, Kev. Mr. Wilson, Presbyterian, de- livered a very aide, practical and im- pressive discourse in the morning, and Piev. Mr. Cassin preached an appro- priate sermon to a crowded house in the evening. Mr. Cassin filled Mr. Wilsons pulpit in the morning with great acceptance. This is as it should be, and we are gratified to know the l)rospects are so encouragingly fayor- able for a continuance of that har- mony which has exhisted between tiie tibovo branches of the churche in the past. Strange But True. â€" Trimble Wright have shipped this week to Fort William 288 yards of carpet, tabhngs, knapkins, grey and bleached cottons, plain and twilled tickings, counterpius, stair carpet, mats, knives and iorks, and other goods suitable for the thorough refitting of the Ontario M ARKD ALE PLAMG, SASH, DOOR AND FURNITURE -0 oOo o Lumber Planed or Matched While Waiting. X Sash, Door^-, and Mouldings always on hand or made to Order. All kinds of lumber, Lath and Shingles kept in stock. Furniture of all descriptions to be seen at our Warerooms. Lumber and cordwo.od will be taken in ex- change for Furniture. O-eorgre C^rant £z Co., 3Pr*opi'ietoi-s. lutl along 'our [ii'ic'.s [liiiil in cash I'v; Wright's. cr and ,oggs, or trade, hotel in that place, 'i'hey also sold a large bill of goods to Mr. Jolin Ploward to be taken direct to his home in the State of Ohio, U. S., they also sent to Prince Arthurs landing, nearly 500 pairs of mitts and socks^ ready made clothing, ordered clothing (made by Mr. Rap) mens un- derwear, yents furnishing c., a'so to Manitowaning a large consignment of teas, sugars c. They expect shortly to open other points to which they will ship more or less goods before the close of navigation. Markdale a. 0. U. W. and C. O. 0. F. â€" The Anniversary entrrtainment T, Or. I:E^T7"I3:^T a-, MABEDALE, Manufacturer of all Kinds f Drop Valve, C.ylinder, Force, and Cistern ru.ni3s. All kiuils of J. W. FORD Is giving splendia satisfaction in GRBSTINC, By tlie New Process at the Miii Mm Mils. TT^O^ PTTAIPf^ Special attention to parties from a XXIV^A.^ J_ ^U l^±^. kJJ ^i^taijce so that they u.ay have their j grist home the same day. SUPPLIEr. yoTicr..â€" The pews in the Methodist of these lodges was held in their hall in .r that please accept tine dressed g( our 'i-:J ir. Mc^c -I Vcl.i;,! ica. for a beautiful roast the very line and at tii-2 ladies. D. :;â- -â- :- dooDS. â€" Wo hav •JU;: p:a:.;:rus in this li'.Ci t:.. t v/iil surprise i;-y:i.!,l, Son. At tin l;x-A meeting of the C. 0. 0. th- Aliuk uile Lodge had a friendly ';=it :i-:a a number of the members «nii.ll;.;;,l Cei!tL-o Lodge. Ml.. \V. J. ]\IcFarland ha=i very Kit. i';:l;;v improved his residence by 'juililiii- 'ifii addition, and otherwise "•iiproviii.; the surroundings. ^V barn with regret that Mr. MuLadcy, lieputy Keeve of Glenelg, i-alL;s ;ir:];ic put out of joint while â- â- -PIKiig tlie tr.un at Flesherton "alioM .Monday evening. Gi.\Mi opening, Reynolds f Son -Mv ji;.-t op*enod"out their fall and â- "iuttr sttick ot dry goods, ctoceries, 'â- rctku-y Ac. We invite the public -^ large to call and see our stock and fricos. Mr.. Win. Brown has his spacious .f^sidcuce on Elizabeth street dow "Uiplete, and is making a very desu:- ^Ue pla-ce of the same. He has im- Pr^yed It also very much by the ad- •^tioii of the adjoining vacaut lot to 'l^e premises. CoMMKNDABLE SuccEss.â€" William L., swn of Mr. Edward Davis, of this place, and who is but 15 years of age, passed the intermediate examination ^^i July in Owen Sound, taking 140 "^ore marks than wa6 necessary lor a Jird class certificate. His age debars "im from entering tha Model scljool, h 'leiug two vQdrs too young Church will be re-let at 2 o'clock on Thursday, iNovembr 1st. Pew hold- ers who wish to retai^i their seat an- other vear can secure it at the old rice by .calling at the office ofC.W. Rut- ledge and settling for the same any time up to the above date, otherwise they will be let to the hiu'hest bidder. Notice. â€" Owing to a missuuder- stauding between the auctioneer and two parties in Euphrasia who are haying credit sales, their bills were got out and posted announcing both sales the same day, Mr. Shepherdson, the auctioneer has consequently is- sued another set of bills for Manarey's sale which will take place on Tuesday the 80th Oct.. instead of Thursday the 1st November. Another Lii' Nailed. â€" While the reading of the Grand Bumper Degree was in progress at the entertainment rriveu last week by the A. 0. U. W G. 0. 0. F., Mrs.'Flattery was over- heard telling Mrs. Callagain that the cup of tea just served was some of an upcovvu lot, but to Mrs. C. the flavour was too pleasant, the color too yellow, the taste. too familiar, and in low, but distinct tones she rephed no that is the tae I use every day, the notorious Tae which is sold only by Trimble Wright. In the report of the Mechanics' In- stitute concert held recently in that place. The Palmerstou Telegraph gciys â€" The first concert of the sea- son for the benefit of the library fund Murkdale-Sakurday before Flesherton. [^ \t u • T^ofihifo tnnlr nliuvt Chatawortliâ€" Monday before Durham. of the Mechanics Institute took ?**» D^q^alk-Taesday before OrangeviUe. on Friday evening last, m tue "w^Qi pierfiertonâ€" Monday before Orangeville. unDoriaiions arriving daily at- FLESHERTON. Opened, this week large stock of Ladies' Coats and Mantles in all on Friday evening last. The rooms which were recently fitted up for the above lodges are spacious and very comfortable, and carpeted with tapes- try carpet. The A. 0. U. W. lodge was organized two years since and the C. 0. 0. F. one year. They have both about an equal number of p"r's°rait,o"'Tl";;":e"fiS the latest designs and patterns and opportunity their friends had of visit ing them in their new quarters, and from the many expressions indulged m, they were vei-y agreeably surprised both as to the comfortable rooms, and then large membership as designated by their badges. The hall was well filled and the various games and amusements entered into with that cheerfallness and harmony which characterizes the people of this vil- lage. During the evening refresh- ments were served consisting of tea from Trimble Wright's, sweetened with sugar irom McFarland's and cakes from Rookes bakery, after which a programme was entered up- on and gone through. The commit- tee have to' thank Mr. R. Askiu who kindly put his tine organ at the dis- posal of the committee and Mr. Mrs. McDougall, who rendered very acceptable assistance in prepairing the tea c. We hope to see and en- joy many returns of the occasion. MONTHLY FAIBS. hall, and was well attended. The pnncipal performer being Mr. Ander- son, of Markdale, whpse singing of Soottisb songs so charmed the audien- ce that bad no other naxa^ boon in tlie programme tJiey would have been gatii'fievl. Shi^bame â€" ^Wednesday before Oran^ville. Orangevilleâ€" The second ThaOHUif in eaoh mouth. -u- • Moqnt forestâ€" Third WadaiMnv ki «»c]i month. Prioeville â€" Monday before WiWJt. Doihamâ€" Third Toeaday in eaidi month. iUbQOTcr â€" Monday before J ^a rham. very cheap. Also in large variety Black and Colored Silks, Velvets, and. Velvet- eens from 35cts. up, also Ladies' Clouds, Bonnets and Hats. Trim- mings and Shapes, Ladies Collars in a th e latest styles In Boots and Shoes our stock is complete and selling fast and cheap. Another lot of that Famous 20ct. and 50ct. TEA just received. Also a full stock of Nails, Putty, Glass, Hinges and builder's hard- ware of all descriptions selling at the lowest possible prices. A full stock of Preserving Sugars cheap, also preserve and Gem Jars in endless vai^iety, Notwithstanding the incessant grumbling of merchants generaHy, of dull times R^ J, SpfOUle, o^ Flesherton,^. says his business is increasing daily, having nK)re business s I'athan he can possibly get through with with his large st^i. of hands. I-; â- 1 s; â- -r

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