PP^!^'9"^^^f?!^^M?t^ â- ^'^^r' »,. **-•«-' r.*»^*=**^- '.*li' ji:*»l^"»v Tht) Standard. MAKKDALE, OCT. 25th, 188S. THOSE MINUTES. In answer to X. Y. Z. in another column in reference to the publishing of the Artemesia council minutes, we have to state that we have not receiv- ed a copy of them for several months, or we would have gladly published them. Should we drop the matter Lere, no doubt the blame would reet upon the shoulders of the township clerk. However, we have had ipany opportunities during the past six years of learning something of the duties and responsibilities of township clerks, havins done business with seven or €ight municipalities, and the conclu- sion has forced itself upon us that ratepayers generally have but a vague idea of the amount of labor a clerk 1ms to perform in connection with the busmess of a township. We consider that more depends on the efficiency and proper discharge of the duties of a tovsnship clerk, than on the whole council besides, and jet in many in- stances, if one of those ill-paid officials â- should suggest the idea of componsa- tiou for copying off the minutes, monthly, for three or four papers, many of the ratepayers would say it was an extortion. Some clerks are paid for this, and we see no reason why all should not be. Then ratepayers would have an account of the council proceedings regularly. Now we will see about the cost: Is there any ratc- l)ayer- who would object to paving in taxes ten ^ciits extra per year for this information we say not, ami yet about onc-tcnth of thai amount would likely bo suflieieiit. The average num- ber of ratepivvcrs in tuwusliip munici- palities iu this section is 800; .$y would be an average of one cent eacii for this mv.nbor, and though that! v.ould lu a VLiV small sum to offer for ' j^.^g each work, we believe iu most cases that amount would bo nccopted for such extra seivicts. â€" Tlie Marquis of Lome was present- ed with a farewell address at Quebec Saturday. In his reply His Excellency advised strongly against a policy of isolation from the rest of the Provinces. â€" Canada wants nothing so much just now as a really independent press. It is full time that a new generation of journalists appeared on the scene, who will give us the truth and leave us to draw our own conclusions. We have had enough of party yituperation and contradiction for mere contradiction, s sake. â€" The Toronto JVorld is down on the marriage aid association of Hamilton in its own independent and vigorous style, while the voice of the country papers rises from all quarters of the province in commendation of the out spoken and fearless course presued by the World in such raatters. We beleive the above named association is a fraud in the strictest sense of the word, and would advise the public against having anything to do with it. Ttae Gfin* One day last week T- McNea. T- Mullarky, W. Mason and 0. G. Smitb, of this place, together with James Peters and Joseph Blyth, of Norman- by, and A. Brown, Proton, went for a days' sport taking with them a foul- ing piec3 each selecting as theur hunt- ing ground the neighborhood of the townlme of Artemesia and Proton. About sunset McNae shot two fine deer They secured the services ol Mr King, a farmer, to convey them and then: game to Flesberton «tatioi., where all hands and the "doe board- ed the train and came to Markdjiie, where the butcher dressed one carcass and the sportman treated the citizens to a free roast. The other was sent to Normanby where we presume- the sportsmen served it likewise. The same party, less Smith, again tried their luck on Monday last m the same neighborhood and after f.)Ut lively runs with Goldy, Lwidy and Lassi/ Gean captured a fine buck. Peters this time being the lucky marks- man, who also wounded a second one which, however escaped; so ended the second day's sport. The third day PASSED Ai;i^AY. W'e are again called upon to chroni- cle the death of a resident of this place, in the person of Mrs. Arch. 13utter, -^ ho died at her father's resi- dence, Glenelg, on Tuesday 18th iust. Mr. and Mrs. Butter were highly re- spected residents of Markdale for a number of years. She was a consis- tent and zealous member of the Pres byterian church, was an active mem- ber of the L. A. Association, among whom she had many warm friends who now mourn her early departure. She lost her health some two years since, and has coutimied to lose strength and vitality hy that preval- ent disease, consumption, until the above date, when death claimed its victim. She was but 3G years of age I and passed away IV4II ot hope in a I glorious eternity. The funeral took place on Sabbath last and was the largest ever witnessed in this section of country. PiCV, Mr. Wilson preach- ed an impressive sermon and conduct- ed the burial services. Mr. Butter our warmest sympathy in his bereavement. Eupbrasia Stao w. h\om thf Monitor This-sliow was held on the lOtli mst. Th^ d^y was v.ery unfavorable, being wet. this however di(l qot prevent a large nunjRer fj-op;, tumiqg out,. The sliow was small«tr than usual, but the quahty was good, if.it had not been for the raip tht, show whould have been a success, and t)ie directors would have been euabled tq. clear o5 tj^e debt they gol into in thq law bujt nLont tiJO show t'ronijd, They took in *53,5o at. the gate is tlie prize liBt:.â€" HoKSES. â€" General! purpose t^ftm, Japies Bowes,, sr.,. \Yni.MQConpen, Carriage road team, Jas Henderson. Wm MqConuell. Sin- gle driver in rip;, J W Lpve, H McDonald, liiood mare draught. J Langhiil,. General purpose brqod mae..Aym Hapi, \Ym Kinnear. Brood mare carriage, J Mahuuey, A H^olden- Two year ol(l d|-aught, I Loughged.. Two venr, ohl g.cuoral pnrnt.se. I Loughoed, A'ck Davif^on. T!w«},year old carriage or roadster, JMalioi;ey, J Fovv YearliugTclraui-dit, D,M Bobi-rtson, A J;avi|isin, (^pnpral purpose yeaj'li'iK, 11 ClaiJc. Yearlinj^ qairiage or roadstcr„ H IMcDonalfl, Thps lillis.. t»j5ving foal draught, E I ShaW-. Hpiing fQ;)J gen- eral pu pone, W Hain, S Gilniore.. tjprinK foal Ciiriiuge o;- rotaister,. W Kinnear, A Holdin, Cattle. â€" (Purliayi) Coff-. Sjiyin.'-I- ipilk,. K "DREAD to bsioet, H 3KMou^0...M,!^^H.e, w AFiTED, §ash and Door Tactorv """"""I'M Apply to GEuiuu; c,.^^^ â€" â€" M^- NOTICE. QfBarrhca,niill,a.ul;,ur;o'""'^ross this place shortiv, r ^,^ ' "•^ovtt, luilebted to iiif settle their a(.'tjnu' The following I or cot-t' Oct.. 24, 's. BOOT AND SHo MARKDALE. Orders promptly n-.tr Ml " ^^' â- ill our ',\nr' -â- oppusue Maliicw.,' l,ar,u~ ' " " "» work, a siiccialty. Tel ms. strict Iv c,;. Ores^StuffsTv press stuffs in all tl shades, yaryin;.^ iii pi 10 cents up. Jweeds in Englisli nd Canadian, in [^4 most fashionabic Clai'k, Is and '2ud. Two. v.eHji' olvl heifor, J MricNae capTured a fine huck.whi.ch l^'-^r^ ^^ S^^'r, 'f*"'^;? il'^^'if- 1! ^^^\ i T' 'f' ""'â- ; ' " "â- ^ " .. J Heift-r calf, it Clark. Bull calf, It, ChuK- ' fii.u«hLu)„' \ii!.,v-,. .,i he brought home yesterday. i ^(^^.^^j^ (^.^jj,,., Y„ke os.-n. I AY Kriott, D particular S(iviirt' Cow t;ivi)ig milk, S Oiljrpvo, li li'yiCi Clark. Two |jcark did, iicifer. .1, T rer.iy. i Yearling licifcr, U Claris, Hu;:Ii Joluistoii, He.iercilf, 11 Clark. SnKr;r. â€" (IjoccsttT or l^ipcoh),) A{/ud rar.l, E I Hliaw, \Vin Kaw-ett. tjliesylnig lain, \V Williamstord Statjioii, From a correspondent Oct. 23â€" Mr. H. Foster expects to I 1 \vest, T. .V S 1( ajre~, -I'l i uliivatiii!!. '13 acii--, -I' t]n;ifc(j;i. L' all to. |JU Pvrsonnls. ]\rr. C. Biggar this was in CIiA:\iK I\ BtSii^ESS. â- Mr. AV. F. Doll has sold his jeweliry bushicss iu this place to Mr. W. A. .Bru\vn, bis partner, and is going into thu "j.jbbiiig" busiu"ss himself. Mr. Dull has built up a large business in the jeweliry line iiere, he is an active, shrewd and oiitLrpiising business man jfoi- yf,. Joseph, after visiting friends and will be greatly missed. He is several weeks. was jii tov\'n week. G. S. Brown, of Meaford town this week. j\Iis John Williams was down from Sault Ste Marie this week. Miss MaggieDoiinellyreturncd from visiting friends m Intusfill townsiiip this week. Mrs. Wm. Wright left on Tuesday raise his grain house to-morrow, and j Han, W iâ„¢Ht. Ham Lmii. Ay lM;ji.lst ... •. i- • 1 1 ...uu nil i-,r.-cn-ilo and 2n(l. Pair aged ewes. AA ip blieinierd-on. Will have It hnished with all possible ^^, ^^^,,^^^^ j.^,^ shearling \^3. siiaw speed. The establishment oJ a gram j ^y^^ sh-rpcrd^uu. Paire\ liui.b.s.E-.J^Iia'.v. market will doubtless be a great bene- \v,a ii;,,a. (Cotswold,) A^'cd ram. AYi, fit to the place. I f^bcppi'rd.-on, liam lamb, AYm Fa-'.cett, AA' ' 5.,, • I -1 T 1 A\'m Slu'iiperdsoii. Pair aged ewe, A\' SiioD- Mr. J. Lilourn, is building a large j„.,^,,„„ jv,j, .i^.^rling ewes, AV Shepperd- steam saw mill, which will be ready on, AY i'a\Tcutt. Pair owe lambs, AY sljep- for next seasons work, which will com- j ii(n]s(-ii, AY Fawcett. (South and other meuce with the winter, this will be |Jo-»Vl 'r,"" ^T' f o*7""i"-- ""^^ ,, „.„, I lainb, l.lo\v A IjIIh, 1st and ^nd. Pair a^-i-d an improvement on the water povvei. I ^^^^^_ ^j^^^. ^^. j.^,;^ j,^.^. ^^,^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ About 40 men are working on the How, \v shcii^enlson. ballast train and about 25 repairing SwiNE.-(p,:rkshire,) Aged boar. .1 Clug-ton j /.nprQ ' A.'(?d .-i)w, \\ i'av.cett, A (,rait!cc. linar of â- IliLLAhuLo I Oct.]!).]- 325 ^, the crack, all this is making a wonder- full improvement on this portion of the road. The station is also being thorouglily repaii'cd. The Ball Family, (colored) gave a concert in the Methodist church, on Monday evening to a crowded hoTjse I ^^iek with satisfactory results. Tlic Aiiiei-ican Ag^i-icultiirist lor Xoveniber 18s;5, AVni E.'iwcett. (Sutfolk a-iid c:L^r wliiie breeds.) aguil boar, E Siiaw, J Mrtiiarcv j ^^ A^;ed sow, ]•: Shaw, J .v?aiiarcT. iioar (if Salesmen Wanted. 18,S3, Ed Shaw, .; How. Sow uf 1S8;5. Jo:= i o. jl'iiiarcv, J How. 'i ' ^. 1) ' i • 1 1 1. /â- ! 1 c i 1 willUi.L,' :..â- â- â- 11 ... Mill Mr; I'oui-TiiY. â€" lair (lucks, Pi Cla-k, b .V.e.ul. I Gu.ux.-Fall wheat, .1 Mahonev, S, Van- 1 " Sj.riiiH wlie:!t. .1 Mahonev, CCla;k. i Vv'ORK THi V~.\ barley, li Hurd. C Clark. A\'ljito eats. Ci (.moii 'Oit- ai. â- ::^!:- Clark, A Crabtree. Peas, Jas Body, S "an- tr iiej;: ii. an,! :.i' ., .-. wyck. ;jt free. A'.V liodT.' .\Ni. A'f:(;KT.\i;i.r:s. â€" Early liose po SI tallies, U (.laic, 1( Qiiiuton. Potatoes, a}iy ' li.ll-';." suit, \Vm "tVard, F Eaton. Swede turnip..^, i 'iliDs l)o;i^:las, J IJowes, sr. Mangold wur:- ' Uf\l a AEJltt ri'"E?S"TBC zol,AVFawcett, A Crabtree. Blood b.et MUI-I-MS^U ^fefi I Kt ;!:. i cind riintre wr ' " "• 100 acres, .s." of cultivation lit foi- ]â- on. Bih^lii:tJ., 1.1, i soil clay loam, w.;! .state of eii!t'i:i:;i I. |lAIi.ll« Tim V. XHJS SPACE Bi: TO W. A. BliO ThG Jew€;!c yi A. I^ Iv 1 ..\ AdvertisGincL: ii-x Local and Otlig? Notices in th,'.«; â- â- any individual ur .Si centi a line fur ii,'-- cents a line each hii.' re-s 'Xii 1 --li.ininoa'lJ ROUND '•TON. 1 ,â- '.•: i\ H .Johnston, F Eato) Field c.irmts. Win « M!K?^?f SF'??^ A ?!ft?jf' Ham, \YmAVard. Table carrots. J Hawkins. I A O-B f' ' Hwi \i!' J C Paterson Parsnips. H .Mu;-^ton, 1. {^U Jiiy y Jj J il-f.^^ ^\^% Ciiray. ^.iuu..h, W ni Cabbage, Ji Surpasses in every respect any previous issue of that periodical during its forty-three years of existauce. It contains over one huudered illustra- tions, engraved expressJy for its col- .lohnstnn, ii Uuic lilack seed onions, AYm umns. by JIalm, Cary, Forbes, Truiu- i Ham, H .Iclm.ston. Potato oidons, .J ijody. ble. Heed, and other well-known art- " V"i"tou. Toi. onions seed. TMoni.son. ists. There are four full-page engrav- I ,^^""" "/-'"'/i^-"'^. ^Ym A\ard. t\ "'â- 'â- •'â- • T ,, 'â- '^, ° ,l!(iilrav. As Lite bt;xns, .1 Brodv, C LuK. iiigs, includnig the cover, which is a Co!u,.iion b.^ms, T ivrrv. F IW.v. Coiie- ii BALANCE Si W. Pi. P. Eager, Esq., of I\lilton, blaster of the circuit Court of Halton County, was iu town Monday. Miss Moffat, sister of our respected townsman of t'le Markdale Foundry, arrived from Scotland last vveek. opening a jeweliry store this week m Chatswoith, of winch our esteemed friend, Mr. .James Muiishaw, will be manULrer. -vir. Doll leaves this week fur the Nortli-AVest, we wish him suc- cess in his new field of action. Mr. Brown commences business on Jii-s own accc^unt this week and under very favorable civcumstances. He is a meehanic of rare ability, as his work for the past iiii.u mouths m this place in renairiug etc., will fully prove, is a man cf undoubted lutegriry, and we j Mr. W. G. Pidieil says :â€" In refer can cheerfully recommend iiim to the ' ence to an insertion in last weeks' i^anesp-midmim. XoTiCH. â€" AA"e wirih it distinctly understood that we do not hold ourselves responsible f(.r the ouinious expressed by our correspondents cjnfidence of the public and hopo he may have that degree ol success which real merit deserves. A RIDDLE. Lu speeial request A natural production, neither aui- lual, vegetable, or mineral, neither male or female, yet often produced Advance, I distinctly state I never made any such acknowledgement, and was under no misapid-ehension whatever. greater number than has evcrappared before in a single issue of the American Ai/ficiiUuriat. There are over one hundred ccdurans of reading matter, upon all subjects pertaining to the Farm, Garden, and Household, by such well known writers as Orange Judd, Joseph Harris, George Thurber, Byron D., Ilalsted, William Clift, Alfred Trumble, Prof, S. Ii. Tompson, K. W. Seiss, F. D. Curtis, A. B. Allen, M. C. Weld, and a host of others. There are papers on every variety of subject, convering the entire country from ]\Iaine to (Jalifornia, and from Canada to the Gulf. Among the lead ing features of the paper are several fully illustrated articles on Barn Plans and Outbuikliugs, remodelling barns, etc. The articles on '-Cattle Ranch- ing^' in Souh America is fresh an.-t very interesting, Davitl W. Judd contributes an artilcal on 'Prairie Chicken Shooting," illustrating witli 'â- ""•^-^'^nd'roidery hi cotton worsted br.iid a full-page engraving. Price, post- paid, $1.50 a year. Clubbed with the To ls;i M. n.bi â- "â- I'hvtra siiiis.' " (rrtint of Tl' 'â- ' Sale of ticki To Editor 3tand.\rd. Dear Sir, â€" As a ratepayer of Arte- mesia township I would ask, through the columns of your paper, for infor- mation in reference to the publishing of the minutes of our council. I ara a subscriber to both our local papers between both, and exists from two to and have failed to see any account of six feet higli, is of often spoken in the last three meetings. If the minu- romauces, is strongly recommended' fes are^sent to you why not publish by precept, example and holy writ. A kiss â€" is the only correct answer among a number we have received, from E. H. B. EDITORIAL NOTES. â€" Our new Governor General, the Marquis of Lansdowne, arrived at Quebec on Monday last. â€" Kotice of an application to Parlia- ment for an Act to ^nccarporate the Methodist Church ou the basis of union adopted at Belleville, has^bfie^n ^ive'j at Ottawa. them. Even you do not receive any remuneration for so doing. I consid- er, for mv part- that the minutes of our council meeting, when published regularly, is one of the most valuable features of a local paper, and one which every ratepayer is more or less, interested in, because it is the only source from which we can procure such information. We are apt to blame the printer for neglect of duty, or rather what we as farmers consider their duty, and I await informatiion on this subjeet. If yoo do not receive the minutes, perhaps you can enlighten us as to where the fault lies. Yoar truly, X, Y. Z. tiun vegetal)!.' AVin Ward. Fiurr.â€" Fall applrs, J (i Pcrrv, H Hurd. i " AViiiter applo.s, C Cbirk, AVni liam. Fall jiears, .1 Ijrojy, E Ciliay. AA'irtev pear.s, AN'ia AVaid, ,] i rody. tTrai)es, .T H Cral.(;'jee. ' Phiins. K (, krk, S Uilmore. C'rab, apj \t j. ' i;v C Clark, J t'kiKslon. Collection frui,c.. J C ' â- 'â- Paterson, W AVard. D.MHY I'l oMcv;.â€" Tub butter, AA'ni W.ud. H Johnst 11, li Onie. lioU butter, \V AAurd. H Johnston. Cheese, J Irwin 1st and -Jul. ' •.. Bov honey, J C Patersou. Biead, AY Waul. ' Thos Donglass. .. A(;ui(n:i,rrR,\i, Implkmexts. â€" Far.n;er.-' • AVaggon, J Pinch. H J- Tottenham. Demi)- ' " crat \vag^,'oii. A Holden, G Crnckshank. Si;:- ' •,' gle bugi,'v, A Holden, AY Quin. FanniUL' ' " null, C Watt, AV T Prin{,'le. " M.ixrFACTniES. â€" Set team harnesa, H Mc Donald. Carriage hiirness, H McDonald, 1st and 2nd. Single iianirss, H McDonald, Sad- dle, bridle and mi.rtingale, y MclcpaI4. Foiled cloth, K ymiiton 1st aud 2nd Fanpv WM SPFXCF tianuel, 11 guiiton, AV AYard. Piaiji Fkivmel f "' " â- "" F Eaton, it tjuinton. Pajr blankets, J T Perry, li C^uiiiton, L.\iiEs' AVer.K. â€" Patcliwork qnij^-, W Ciray. H J(dinston. Any other kind n'lilt,' H .lobn- fi i-otal amoniit I AA'in. A'lvii.i. i'ectO! s .11:111 C. AV. Eutli..!. ri'Ies. i.n II S, AVa;-on. iiiii p.-n.s.. ..... Po-la;;e aiul -â- .,;: Two pii v s j FiTC yaiiis r.i S,alarv io ^v Palaii:-; en !.:;â- . â- OR 1S33. i!\...;l-i^;*- .JIO ill '55S -J: a I :: V.' 1 .1 :!..â- ; ii- 14* i 3 i I'J .111 ji 10 1""' 41 Ol' To:,.l... Examined I' ' .Vjiiitf'R' .a; V. Standard for $2.00. Sheep worrying in !J8t. Tincnea, Sheep worrying dogs appear to bo abroad in the township of St. Vincent. They are creating sad havoc, too as the' following item illustrates. On Wed- nesday night of last week, Mr. James Bowes, jr., Pteeve of tle township, had 25 of his splendid flock of sheep worried by dogs. Ten of them were left dead, and four more of them cannot possibly recover. Mr. Bowes places the loss at not less than $200, aud be estates he has no clue as to the ownership of the canines. â€" yiirror. MARKDALE MAEKETb. Fall Wheat, »0.70 to »1.95} Sprinc 80 70 to 81 95; Barley, 50 toTJ; Peaa, 60; Oats 3()c Butter, 15e; Eggs, 20c; Potatoes, 40c; Hav 86 .00 Pork, 5.00 to 5.60; FJoor, U 75 tn »5 00; Wool 17 to 20. ^° TORONTO MAEKiiTS. Pall Wheat, |1.00 to $1.10; Spring. %1 00 to 81.12; Bariy, 50c to 70e; Oati, 8^to 38o Peas, 70c to 7%^; Hors, »6.00 to »6.S5: PotT toes, per bag. 90c to $1 BatUr, dairy i.5- tQ He; ejPB, Via tp 20?, ' ' *^" aiK, K (idray, AYiUiam AVard. Crotchet work, 11 Gilray, AVn; A.v.nrd. Tidv, \f^ hiy Pv (Tilray. AVoolk'o .stockings, li (^Hijijtou Is't iuul 2ud. ANoolleu socks, H John,ton, 11 (^iiiuton. AVfioUen mitts, '1 ii'os Douglass;, li Quhitoi). AVoolleugloveis, .J Brodv, J H.aw- kiup. Ladies und.ersbirt, li Gilray. " liag or wool mat hooked, li Qniulon. Fancy knit- ting iu cotton, J Brodv, J Irwin. Berlin wool work, .1 C Paterson, AV AVard. Pillow sb«ms, E Gilray, C Clark. Ladies dress, li Oilray, AV AVard. Collection uee(Jlework K Gilray, AV Ward. Collection out fioN%ors' AY AVard 1st aud 2nd. Pencil drawing, Sarah Olark, recommendtd. Painting oa, satiu, ^f l-i'^r Twinework, JClatoibou,. Brack- et. H McDonald. As I hnve from ]\ia:k.' note or b,M. imme(!ir,t' ' ;i aii-i had dale. and iiayiiiiiit Slark.lale. Av.j;. U'^ltonielf iK'tliesiO' vc ::ntosnlx iij.\i:vrosTtB. is»:' " ill tJiii' «»;'»'" '" 8RET0N THE CRADLE- IMH'IA- 11' MOtTcTtO CREDITORS- FUEMiNo-At Berkeley on tho 10th inst., the wife of Mr. George Fleming, Post Mas- ter, of a *.u. rar'.na3"t tn .Si'i.i"i_ K. S. 0., i'"' â- '""â- Iretin, late of ti'.o^towns. Qonnty cf Cn-i y. ui ^i about' ti.e 5111 'liV " parties haviiic l;'.iin iv' on lieloro tin • „, iiill^^' ].ssS anil*" .lo-uiteare"" TH£ALTAR- W»^^^T^-^* ^l'« reBidenc^^T^ the rL T'^ruu^^*"" °° Oct. 16th, by DnrW T- ^^^'^^ " Annie Cook^, of Forest "' ^^^"' " ^«^" FIFTEENTH DAY OF i^OVE THE GRAVE. 'i^^j^"â€" Olenelg. at the residence of her Mr. Arch. Butter, aged 86 years. ^^M'^ri^^v^S?*^*^* onthe2Ist inst., Mr. John Kirkpatriok. aged yta. l^^w'}^^^"^^' *^° '"d"*. «' Mr. I to Benj"""' next, to seiul ly rot 1"' !;:â- '• ' ,^, jn tJe Coleman, cf the Villa:- -: '.•â- â- . .^'.^j,, of li* countvof (irey. one of tiw 'â- ^,,\^' ^f^en^- "'â- ""'-â- â- ' -Solicitor f^' Snmamf^ 11 iiartic""' persdiial ostali' " n (or to .James Alasscti. AhuM; e executors) their t"lir.-i;-' Sidi^sses .andd.'scripti.r.. tii. i 1 ^Dt^ rftlieirclaim..as!atcme.it-."' ^dab) and nature of the e^e.unti- I" â- '.•^sets"' default tlu'c(i m ,cd will he a.^t^m.tei ^or :o tlie claim- "'"'„ i,ave i" those'of which the cxecutor.s them, and in the said decoa regard .only to tlie clam-- ^^^ j^^^e tice, BENJAMIN COLEMAN Executor*' JOHN WM. FOKD, J. M.^ssox, ^,g^95fr. 'solicitor for E^ PftedMii8UtP«yOctolei;,lt«' The second stiir; ing is up, Mr. liri.T, has ];;.. up aud is ruoliii-T it. Complete ontiit.s I'u the Stand.\ru Ot'ric.,-. IGlbs of ;:ooJ r::-.v at Trimble .MVVri-i.i'r: BL.^.^â- K notes, rev forms fo" sale at llic Mk. J. YV. Fiir.i; 1. 30 barrels of il.'ur v, .. Go to Trimbl' iest aud clie:i[' Canada. A FIXE lai.ip i.a-- b frout of the iLvi.ro 1 be next. Dress goods till ha patterns very chea;' Wrights. G. L. Dnin^^.V- T., \v'ill plcasc ;-.c. for the Sx.^M'.^Ki' Edward Riitu'dj.j l.a- from "\Ym. Shcpherdsuii, fir, a fine bred i-am. Bring along you:' l-.:t" lughest prices paid in ca Trimble ^V right's. Mrs. M. v.-ill pL^a-v thanks for that tino ^h also Mr. Mc^ea, for a h: of venisiiu. Dkess Goods. â€" ^^ e ]â- -â- latest patterns i:! i;-:- prices tii.^t will sr.r^'i.--" lieynolds Son. At tlie last luci'iing 'â- F. the Markdale L^ ig- 1 visit from a numbrr • 1 of Holland Centro J.-v,l:. Me. w. j. ^-:.r.;i-i' Materially impi-.v^l !.:â- building an iidui-un. a .Wnproymg the s-urr .nunU We learu with i»gi Muliaarky, Deputy K ' had has aukle put nt ^teppiing from the tr.'.ni .Btattpri Monday tvi.i;in; ^,^A:KD cpenine, liey hojYJi just opened out t yiuter stock ot dry goo firockefyj c. \Ve invi .4fc iar^ to call aad cce p.rjces. Mb. Wra. Brown ha- fgsjlden.ce on Elizabetl ^Wplete, aud is luakiu, *^le liae-e of the same. ffoyed it also very mu Wtion of the adjoining tte premises. COMMEXD.'VBLE Sl-'t'C I'm «DP of Mr. Edward Plac^ aaid who is but 1 jNtBsed the intermediati »st Jujy in Owen Sou P^We marks than was i ^ttd class certificate. wna.from entering the h8 Heiug two years too t