T77^*55?5Br^ " â€" â€" 77- mu l-.-'-No^ 7. ,m^ fl;c S^Kljilalc 'Strfidaril f pc:i;LiSHEr LrY THURSDAY evening, I A' ?i' ir.-xl.ilo Ontario. Si I'd- ^A^nurnn TX ADVANCE. C. W. RUTLEDGE. MnnOU it PllOPBIETOR. ^ELf. 1 'II " 'ni AND DRILLEE. ALL I ,, ,i. 1.. l'iuiU[)tly atce)i(l(!d to. Eesi- ,^,_S;i;!' r' Hi:l, Oweu Somid. 122-35 iuheiit, M.D., M.R.CP. S., O. I'by.-^^L-ii:! and Sii -j^'eon, PricevUle, liJjatr of rnivursity. Viot. College. New York, and b, (jr.! luati' o: tbe name, Avlcth Medical lustimte. Opth.ilmic Hospital, N,Y. BlcrCiiil. riivsicians A Surgeors.O. IGi |p. MARSHALL, L.D.S. OE.X'TIST, KAPIMi; OF TORONTO SCHOOL iTpf n :-:-y, v,-ill be at Eutledge's ... M'l â- • «ii tile ist aud third Wed- Li;iv oi i: 'M u. .:).â- !; ail 1 alsoat Munshaw's |;t':. I'lâ€" ^i'1li:ii, the day following the ^•l\Vc.l'!rsu;iv m Ciich montlifor theprao ofhi- lll•'^â- .•~^â- io:l. |iaaiurvli:i!. l.S!. 122-7-i. ic0al. Fro^t Frost, )AKiusn:us. and attoeneys-at Law, Solieiiors in Chancery, Convey bi3, ,V\'., â- I Ai ;i SouikI. liave resumed at IrsUcrtMii, Ol*ice open every Thursday, as V-'Wior-. i-:;'T. J.^V.FRosr.LL. B. I'uur.v Li'own Attoriu'7. 1 ,5. .IIASSO.^' )AKi;iTKi;, MASTER AXDDEP. EEG in LiiiincTy, Notary Public, Conveyan A Nr:.:;;i;n of farms for sale. iTicbsâ€" I i«fn yound, in Viewer's Block l:v_:t S:.: i;:-,::uli ol'lice. in Markdale, over (•iirla:. â- â- - ^.L.ic, ou Friday and Saturday frr.- wcvl;. i7-ly )\E3!' _...^,SOLICITOES. CONVEY- "?nc-i- .:i ,)v,\ u Sdund, Dufferiu Block, h:\y. I' \V,,If.- Stnre and in MARKDALE; r^\. â- ',.â- ;. .-.a l.-ur.l- Store on Thur.sday tiFnby.,f racli week. [â- sT;;!: I., Kiido;i reasonable terms. |Sl'l:E\ ';;. i}.Q, DuNCAN MoRIrfOJJ "-rkii^. juufii [rj, 1882. 79-lv -llexissidcr f5^o\v^l. pSrEl; ii[ Marriage Licenses, Fire and â- Life Iii^iiiiiuce Agent. Commissionei K. Fi. uVf. Conveyancer and Licensed Kioue.r f. ir the County of Grey. Farmers, pcaaut-, i.nd Land Sales, Punctually at- viixa and charges made very moderate. |?-":eev;Lt-, Sept. 17. 1880. ' i-V Wsn. BroATU, pSUER OF MARRLA.GE LICENSES, Ac Commit- inner in E. E. c. aveysur 11- in all its branches promptlj 'tailed If and carefully executed, 1^" B.â€" Mnnty to Lend on Real Estate se W. C. RICHARDS, HlLDEU, CONTRACTOR, ARCHI- lEci. â€"Residence on MiU Street, Mark- I •â- larkdi:.., Jan. 2 Itli, 1883. 1241y ^RESS AND MA7ITLE PARLOR. Duuloji's building Markdale. l^nds of ladies wearing apparel cut and made in tlie very latest style. *^eddin;,' ^juits a Specialtr. 1*9-62 jYAL MARKDALE LODSE. [C- 0. 0. F. No. 73, win meet ia their hall J.ilouday cveniag, Oct. 29111 at eipcht rSock p. la. los A. Turner, 3ec'y. MARKDALE, ONT., OCT. 25. 1883. No. 163. Mib OHN NOBLE, MARKDALE. ER'LBLACXSMrFH lORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY. vr- HottU. REVERE HOTEL, rpi PEOPRIETOR. IHIS popular Hotel has changed bands L and the above men cater to the wants of the public. Good .tabling and attentive hostlers. The best brands of liquor and cigars, good meals and comfortable rooms, large ommercial room. Barber shop in con- nection. 130-ly. CHATSWORtH HOUSE (late morrow house,) CHATSWORTH, Out. C. H. MATTHEWS, Proprietor. The best brand of hquors and cigars al- ways in stock, trood meals and omfortable rooms guaranteed. Good stabling and at- tentive hostler. 114 COMMERCIAL HOTEL PRICEVILLiE. Ont. Largo and commodious Sample Rooms Good Bed Rooms, A-c. Tlie Bar and larde well supplied with the best the market af fords good Stabling and attentive Hostler's THOS. ATKINSON, Proprietor GIBSON McMillan, CONTRACTORS. Contracts taken for all kinds of BRICK AND STONE WiRK, f^lain Ornamental Plastering. Cals(imininq in all Shades and Ctrfers. Charges moderate and satisfaction guar- anteed. Orders left at ahe Standard office will receive prompt attention. Markdale, Feb. 6th, 1883. ]2G-ly. GEORGE WILSON. Wholesale and Retail BUTCHER!} BEEF, POEK OE MUTTON SUPPLIED, from a single pound to a whole carcass, at the lowest market prices. FISH FOWL IN THEIR SEASON Farmers having Fat Cattle, Sheep, or Pigs to dispose of will do weU to call. Markdale, Oct. 25th, 1881 Union Carriage Works Union Carriage Works. All work manitfactured from First Class Material In the Latest and Best Improved Style, and finl^hcd with Enfflisli Vai-nlsli. Painting Trimming Rigs will receive prompt attention. All Repairs executed in the shortest possible time consistent with good workmanship. Good Work a Speciality. Eemember the Shop, opposite the Cheapeide D. J. SHANAHAN. Markdale. Deo. 2nd, 1881. froprietor 64. s TaRTUNG DISCOYERYI 4.t8T ItANHOOD R^STOR^^ Srti?^ to «to ever, towm w»B^b««j Wm. Lncas Co., BANKERS, Ioney Ij.oa,iiel IN large or small amounts, at all times, on good jndorsed notes' or on collateral security. INTEREST AT 6 PER CENT. Allowed on Savings Deposits. IS'Drafts isflued and Collections m8*e on points, at Ibwest rates. W-.M. LUCAS, 'Manager. September 23. 1880. 2-lv EUGENIA Grist, SaiandLath Mills Having made eqtensive improvements in my Gnst Mill I feel confident I can give good satisfaction. GOOD FLOUR ALMS ON HAND Chopping Done Every Day. Custom Sawing and Bills Filled on the shorteet notice. LUMBER AND LATH ALWAYS ON HAND. Cherry, ^uttornut, White Ash, Black Ash Basswodd, Pine and Hemlock Logs wanted 691y. M. AKIT'f, Eugenia. MANKdOb HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED /i^"~~ Wt, haye recently published a new ^SEAIb Jedition of Dr. Culverwell's Cele- ^^^^"iT^^BRATED Essay on the radical and permanent cure (without medicine) of Ner- vous Debility, Mental and Physical incapaci- ty. Impediments to Marriage, c., resulting from excesses. l^r" Price, in sealed envelope, only 6 cents, or two postage stamps. The celebrated author, in this admirable Essay, clearly demonstrates, from thirty years' successful practice, that alarming con sequences may be radically cured without tht dangerous use of internal medicines or the use of the knife pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certaui and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, lio matter what his condition muy be^ may ctire himself cheaply, privately and radically. I^This Lecture should be in the hands every youth and every man in the land. Address Tiie Guiverwell Medical Go,. P.O. box 450 41 A»n St., New Tork 110-G2. SEEING ISBELIEYING^ GENTLEMEN,â€" If you want a first-class Buggie or Wagon call at MCKENNA MAtiON'S CARRIAGE WORKS MARKDALE. They can supply you with anything from a Lumber Wagon up to Extension Top Phaeton. To buy from them is o They are both practical workmen, and employ none but PRACTICAL WORKMEN They guarantee their work Second to none for Lightness of Draught and Superiority of Finish. District Dasher. A Roman Catholic Bazaar at Port Arthur has realzed $15,000. Good wages are offered on the Pro- Um drains, but help is scarce. Special revival serdces are being il"eld with gofod results^ in Durham. Meaford school teachers have been re-engaged tor 84, at advanced sal- aries. The Sill Jubilee singfers entertain- ed a Durham audience satisfactorily, last week. The ladies of the M. E. Church.Mt- Forcst, are having an apron social this "week. The Port Mope express office was reUevtd of $10,000, last week, the thief escaped. The Shelbume Fr^ Press came out lasc week in a new drees, and other- wise much improvedi, Woodbridge fair last week w as a success, a large number from Toron- to were in attendance. A girl named Mariah McCabe, is sentenced to be hanged m Hamilton, for drowaing her infant child. Mr. John Madill, of Shelbume, had his leg broken while loading telegraph poles at that place, last week. A masked burglar entered a house in Wesuon-, one night last week but had to leave Buddeniy without any booty. The sum of $282 was recently clear- ed by a baza,ar held ac Woodstock in in connection with the Methodist Church One Francis Antony Harte, a mail porter on the steamer City of Owen Sound, has been arrested for stealing money from the mail bags, he plead- ed guilty and wae sent to Barrie j ail to await his trial. The scheme for the formation of a new city to be known West Toronto, and comprising the district between the Brockton boundaries and the Humber river, including Lambton village is said to be growing in favour among the people of Brockton. C. P. R. Steamships. â€" The three steamahips recently ordered for the C. P. R. have all arrived in Montreal, where they ars to be taken apart and towed through the Wellaud Canal. It is understood tbey will be put together again at Buffalo, and will then como to Owen Souud to liave the cabin work put on. The work will be prepared at the C. P. R. shops in Montreal and shipped west by rail. The steamers are named Arthabaskee, 4lieite and Alyoma. â€" U. S. Adwertiser. â- «»«-• Ctaatswortb. They use nothing but First-class White Oak for Wagons, and thrice Extra Second Growth Hickory for light work. The immense amount of work turned oat of McEenna Mason's shop is snfficien proof of the wide reputation they enjoy for doing good work. Thb BEST IS XHB CHEAPEST ni ths END Poor cheap work we poaitiyely will not take. Special attention given to Be-Trinuning and B^aint4Bg all classes of Carriage VftA. Sata8oti(ni gnanrntiaecL {xrc "So'Vi^iffi^ SHOPâ€" On Ifill fftre^t "opjK3^l^'1ji Sproole's HoteL McKENNA MASON. From a correspondent. Green, the would-be assasin has absconded. Next Thursday will be division court day here. J. Duffy has a well stocked hard- ware store and is doing well, every- body would like to see Joe succeed. Mr. McGill has completed grouting his machine shop, which will make it very comfortable for the cold weather. Mr. Sutherland, of Owen Sound has put a man on our market to buy grain, which will give a healthy com- petition. J. W. Elliott has his new shop op- posite Campbell's hotel, well ou the way and expects to occupy it about the first December. Dr. Lenhart has left Jhis place, and now practices in Owen Sound. Dr. McCullough, of Georgetown is hi? suc- cessor and is taking well. Mr. W. F. Doll has this week open- ed a jewellery store in Mr. Freeman's shopopposite postofficeMr. J .Mnnsha w is manage. Quite a variety of fine looking jewellery are now to be seen in the large show cases, and we have no doabt a gdbd business will be clone. Mr. B. MeNally, wha located here last spring, and opened, a caro^shop is tmming cat good work, and is des* tined to do a largely- increasing trade. He most be sometiuiig extra when the person who pnrehased Ms bnsineBs in Hanover, boand him not to start basiness wilhin 40 miles of that place. Kimberly. The united Methodist people are making preparations for building a large church in Kimberley the coming summer. Mr. Christopher Knott moved into Kimberly on Thuroday last, having bought three town lots from William Stuart, he intends building the com- mg summer. Municipal matters quiet, we hear of no opposition to present Reeye,Mr. T, Gilray, nor to the deputy, Mr. Erskine. For council men there will be quite a number in the field, we be- lieve the preiient members will seek re-election with the exception of Mr. Patterson. The annual shootmg match came off last Friday in the valley. J. Mc- Gee and C. Wickens being chosen captains, with about ten men eacb, they made quite a noise slaughtertng their game. The loosing party hav- ing to pay for the entertainment in the evening, which was provided by Mr. Thurston, hotel keeper, as the count proceeded in the evening it be- came evident that the cheerful little squirrel had suflferea most. J. Mc- Gee was declared winner. After the parly partook of a splendit supper they finished up with a dance in the Orange hall. Euphrasia Council. A meeting of the Township coifn- cil of the Township of Euphrasia, was held pursuant to adjournment on the Gth day of Ociober, 1883. Members all present. Minutes of last session of council read and approved. Mr. Patterson was authorized to act in conjunction with the commis- sioner of St. Vincent, to get culvert built on town line Euphrasia and St. Vincent. The Reeve and Mr. Boyd wore ap- pointed to act as they may deem pru- dent m reference to making repairs on 18 and 19 side road in 2 conces- sion. The Reeve was instructed to get tho road repaired at lot 19 fourth line. Mr. 13oyd was instructed to get the bridge over Foys creek 9th hue, re- paired. The sureties offered by Mr. Manary and Mr. Jordan, as collectors were approved, and the clerk instructed to get the necessary bonds executed. The Treasurer was instructed to take credit for 50 cents, commission on draught paid by him. T)ie Treasurer was authorized to invest $6,000 of the railway sinking fund, in the Canada Permanent, Loan Company, debentures for five years. The Treasurer was instructed to remit as follows, viz Messrs. Caarmichael Grier, $39, printing Voters' List J. Farewe'l, printer, $9, as per account rendered r. McKenney, $20, land taken for road J. B. McLaren, $2, for ad- vertising Messrs. Hart Co., $9, for consolidated municipal statements. The Reeves orders were issued on the Treasurer to pay as follows, viz George Booth, $2.60, work on Heathcote bridge James Yelland $8, fence viewing, and the clerk in- structed to place said amount against W|^ Lot 15, con. 6 Christopher Kel- ley, $5, work on 7th line Thomas McAfee, $5, repairing culvert on 7th line John Pentland, $20, for work on roads and bridges Robt. Duuiop $25, making Voters' List Charles Howard, $51.50, road work in sever- al places James Reekie, $2, repau-- ing road scrapers Richard Carefoot, $19, work on 6 and 7 side line, con. 1 W. J. Blakeiy, $60.70. covering croRway on 11th line John Pentland $8.60, work-on Eerr's bridge Dan.- Patton, $tO boildiog colvert and fil- ling approaches John Blair, $125, w^k ou town Une Artemesia and Enphraaa John Clogston, $10, gravel taken for road purposes. On motion b«ng mjide and second- ed t\ie coieieil adjourned until th first day of November next. BoBT. Dustop, Clerk. â- » 5* ' 'iViy-?^ â- A '"ij 'SL iiH.i!f â- 4M '" '^-^ftiVfrWi niliiii^liih^ #.;^S^|pS*