2«bb|8UJt5U| |u if!t 6x«»iu VT-n#fs^-=m. ^^ ^*«;l W i' ii The Standard. MAEKDALE. OCT. 18th, 1888. A KIODIJB. {By Special Rtqtiest.) A natural production, neither ani- ' mal, vegetable or mineral, neither male or female, yet often produced between both and exists from two to six feet high, is often spoken of m ro- mances, is strongly recommended by precept, example and holy writ. We will receive answers to the above up to Tuesday next-, and will publish tbe names of those coiTect as also the answer lo riddle next week. What we W*«d«iJk««*««ei^ More efficient road coaaxamaMn appointed next year. â- , The qoeetioD of redaoing iheinni- ber of members m tiie Goanty Cbtua cil pressed on candidates by ratepay- ers, and tree planting encooraged. I â- ^-♦â- ^ji^i^.^â€" â- â- â- ' fnuit we WouM like t» Kmvw. AlJTUlttN. Another summer is numbered a- mong the past, soon the earth will • assume her whiie mantle and all na- ture •will be sleeping. Autumn, or as it is more naturally expressed â€" the fall â€" has a loveHness pecuhar to it. The exquisite clear- ness of the atmosphere, the grand serenity in the gorgeous tinted woods, rich, even in the very signs of change and decay, insensibly sheds a feehng of calmness and awe, not regret, over us. To portray the innumerable shades, from the deepest copper to the bright- est scarlet, the darkest orange to the most brilliant yellow, with varied tints of vivid green, baffles the most dex- terous painters or skilful poets; it is then the forest has the appearance of »ne gigantic flower garden. We are now in the midst of and enjoying a ' time ago it was summer, and almost before we are are, the dazzhng snow of winter will be with us, only to be succeeeded by another spring. The fall, more than any other season, is one of the most solemn reminders of the brevity of time. The rapidity with which the seasons steal over us, one after another, leads us to ex claim tempus fu^tl What onr village fathers are doing. If anything towards incorporatiuu. When those street lamps will be erected. Who are in the field for municipal honors in Holland, Glenelg, Arteme- sia, Osprey and Euphrasia. Personals. Rev. N. A. McDiarmid dropped off a day in Markdale when passing through last week. Mr. R. H. Byers, with wife and child, from Rochester, arrived on Tuesday and will spend a couple of weeks with liheir many friends in this place. The Misses South of Rochester, re- turned home tnis week after visiting friends in this vicinity. W. F. Doll spent a few days in Markdale this week, and will leave Friday for the Morth West. Mrs. L. Anderton, of Holland, re- turned Tuesday, from Markham, where she spent a week visiting. W. R. Walker, tinsmith ol Cooks- town, and wife, are yisiting friends in this place. â- » Sabbatb School Anniversary. tf.m'fi s mm 1. J IMteris. tpiB#»OT^ -ai miMm The Methodist S. S. Anniversary, was held in the church, on Tuesday evening and was well attended. The entertainment consisted ol dialogues, recitations, music and addresses. Master Harry Large gave the opeuing address in a vigorous and masterly manner, giving a comprehensive beautiful fall, but a'sborthf^T' I!!"' T^i'^rpT^ ?nT" standing of the school. The children who took part acquitted themselves very creditably. Nettie and Mable Clark are specially worthy of mention having recited exceedingly well. Spe cial credit is due the superintendent Mr. G. y. Bowes, for his patience and indomitable perseverance in training the school. The entertainment was a decided success, and that without the usual trouble of providing and serving refreshments. V WlMMea, Tff J il tr i » ii l i l: "*^Trff*Tfi' T frf ffrt w^ " Flyinoth BMk. Wi^^fl«i^^lfiapii^fliK HambnrgB, HMocriwrn^Sailiii. Bim' " jtai fwrtt. Wm HMnflfawi â- ue'mtA- "^ad. Geew, Wm HaailUm 1st aiif ttiL ' Gbaoi,â€" Fattwbe*t.JHMlclbie. HoHfoirt m qtring wbeat or beitey. BImt oitev Jdoi JolioWleler. \Â¥lute oats, J Wltder, W HamOtoi. Wm Hamilton, Job l^ylor. Tim- othy seed, 3 Hickling, Wm Speneer. Boon.â€" Aberdeen tonnps, Jo#' Taylor. Swede ttumips, Joe Taylor. 8 Tajflor. Tota- toef, M Morrison, J Hiokling. Blood beets,' J B Sing, H McDonald. Manitdld ynartagl, J B 8^. White carrots, J McSianoti, A Melntyre. Orange OKrrots, W Hamiltoni Jos Taylor. Parsnipe. J Wheter,, W Hamilton. PotatoeonioDB, J Taylwr. H McDonald. Seed onions, W Hamil^oD, H McDonald. Top onions, J Wheler, S Taylor. Cabbage, B Y Bnrk, J Wheeler. Cora. J Tajlor, Wm Hamilton. Citrons, W Htaaiiton. Pampkins, J Wheler. Sqnash, Wm Hamilton. Fbott.â€" Apples. B Jakes, W Hamilton. Assortment finiit, B Jakes. Ykhicleb. â€" ^Democrat waggon, Thos Bnsh Open bng^, Alcock A Fleming let and 8nd. Top buggy, W B Tapper. Daiby Pbodcck, etc. â€"Butter, Mrs J Hickling, Mrs J B Sing, Mrs W Spencer. Ghessti, J Taylor, W Hamilton, Maple sugar W Hamilton, S Taylor. Mamitfactubes. â€" ^Horse shoes, W Bamsey. Bureau, D Grant. Satinett, B Heron 1st apd 2nd. Full cloth, B Heron, J Hiokling. Flan- nel, B Heron, W Pearscm. Blankets, B Her- on, J Hickling. Patch quilt, Mrs. J Little. Quilt any other kind, Mrs B T Bark, Mrs W Spencer. Pair Rocks, Mrs. Wm Hamilton, Mrs. J Little. Mitts, Mrs J Little, Mrs. B Brown. Berlin wool, Mrs. Wm. Spencer. Fancy Knitting, Mrs H Tomkins. Braiding, Miss J B Sing. Tatting, Miss J Hickling. Hooked rug, Mrs J Little. Artificial flow- ers, Mrs Wm Spencer. Shell work, Mrs Wm Spencer. Feather wreath, Mrs H TomkinB. Motto, Mrs J Taylor. Mat any kind, Mrs J Little. Pillow «ham, Miss J B Sing. Seed frame?, Mrs J Taylor. Special by C W Bntledge, editor St^dabd, Markdale, for prettiest baby, Mrs James Christie. The following articles were highly recom- mended: â€" Pencil drawing, Miss J B Sing. Chromo bracket, Miss Stinson. Minature cottage, Mrs. Alex Greenaway. Pntty frame, Mrs J Taylor. Sofa Pillow, Miss B Y Burk JQOt^cm â€" In Markdale nntv ' '*itf2fto.jo.!aft^^^i6th fcngfater. fl u B ilMMii g -nBagt ofMi ^^ FABMS FOB SJUJB. Lot 117, eon. 1 #eft, T. S. Boad. Artemeais, OMrtiOoing 60 acres, 40 of of wbi are dearsdand under uttivatjon. Lot 8 part 16, eon. 11, Holland 63 acres, 40 cleared; ali necewaiy, buildings theieon. Lot 1», eon. 18, XHenelg, 100 acres an boah. For terms and paTtietUto 4ply J. G. IBVING, Markdale. Oct.16.1888. 1(» ss Fleslierton. COin^IENDABLE PRISE. ENTER- Osprey Fall Show. Moffatt Bros' of the Markdale Foundry are pushing their business with energy and skill, which is sure to bring satisfactory results. Their work in the machine department, of which they make a specialty, is giving general satisfaction, and their busi- ness largely increasing. They have recently cast a larf,e driving pulley which measured seven feet in diam- eter, 15^ inches face and weighs about 2,000 lbs., this pulley is now being turned in tbeir large lathe and will in a few days be ready to send out to- gether with a 40 horse power engine which they are overhauling and re- fitting. They have recently enlarged their furnace so that a casting from 4,000 to 6,000 lbs. can be now made in their foundry. The building is in some degree hampering their opera- tions but they hope soon to surmount this difficulty by erecting a sttbstan- tial building of stone or brick. In the mean time we can cheerful- ly recommend them to the confidence of the public as men of honor and rare mechaiucal abihty. Movements Boand Towb. Mrs. Poppim into Peter McArthor's house. M. Snllivan, to Mnllarky'a cottage on Queen st. R. D. Biggar has moved into T. Hall's house. Charlie Eichards, to Beid's house, on George st. D. McFarlane has moTed to S. i. Coleman's new house. Mrs. Boyd will occni^ Benson's new brick as soon as comiileted. T. D. Smith to Abbott's house re- cently occupied by Mrs. Poppim The annual lair of the Osprey Agricultural Stciety was held at Singhampton, ou Tues- day Oct. 9th. Fortunately the day was the most delightful of the season and the people, although not more than half of them were done harvesting, turned out in unusually large numbers. The exhibit of horses was particularly fine surpassing it is said, in numbers and quality the show at the great Northern, in CoUing- wood, or even the East Grey at Flesherton. Most remarkable among the equine species was the thoroughbred colt 16 months old, owned by Andrew McGirr Son, of Fever- sham, this splendid animal is Bymmetrical throughout and of enormous size, for his age weighirg 1,300 lbs, measuring 25 inches around the fore arm, and 12 inches around the smallest part of the bone. The show of cattle, sheep, and pigs might be improyed, although many of them were fine animals. The display of agricultural ilnplements was poor, some excellently finished carriages were shown. In. the Orange Hall, which was wrechedly inadiquate for the occasion there were crowded together in infinite varie.ies the cereal products lady's fancy work roots and all kinds of vegetables, to- gether with the products of the dairy aud apiary. Most note worthy among the ladies work of the art, were the shell, needle, and feather works, of Mrs. Spence. Also tbe seed frame, and other fancy work of Mrf. J. Taylor, were particularly nice. The days proceedings was brought to a pleasant termi- nation by a fine exhibition of beautifully dretssed and healthy looking babies, the laurel however was awarded to the in'ant son of Jas. Christie, of Singhampton, who was the best pleased man on the ground. The following is the prize list â€" HoBsss. â€" General Paxpose Team, Thomas Hawton, D C McFarlane. Brood mare, Sam Cnrran, M McDonald. Two year old colt, M McDonald. B McConnell. Oneyear old colt, Jas Thompson, J Molntyre. Spring colt T BaMgeon, J Taylor. Two year old loadster i Richmond, D McDondd. One year old roadster J McKinnon. Spring roadster, Wm Lou^ead, J B Smg. Mare orJcldm«in haineEs, J ChishoUn. N McLean. Dra^t team, Wm. Bristow. M Cameron, W B Cms- aidden Extra Saddle horse, D MadilL d hOTse, W H JduHton Two year old Entire From our own correswmdent. A. 0. U. W.â€" The AG U.W. of this vil- lage intend having a grand concert shortly in the town hall. ANNrrzBSAT. â€" The members of the Metho- dist church intend celebrating the anniver- sary of the opening of the church about the middle of next month. Very III.â€" Mrs. B. J. Spronle was taken veiy ill on Friday evening last. Drs. Chris- toe and Sproule were in attendance and through their medical skill Jto. Spronle is slowly recovering. New Chukch. â€" The new Presbytericm Church will soon be completed, when finish- ed it will be one of the finest buildings in this part of the country. The committee intends heating it throughout with hot air pipes. Eich.^ri»8on'b Block. â€" Bichardson's new brick block is progressing very satisfactorily. Ihe workmen are now on the third story, when finished it will be a credit to Flesher- ton and to our enterprising citizen Mr. Itioh- ardson. New Rextiebs. â€" Flesherton pnbUc school has now introduced Gages Canadian Beaders We are pleased to notice this; in our opinion tliey are far ahead of any other book before the public for teaching readiuR. A. F. A. M.â€" The Ifree Masons moved into their new refreshment room on Friday evening last. To judge from the number of empty oyster cans and the look of some of the members the next day, we think they m- tend using it for the purpose for which it was built. THE CRADLE. ^« Di^WMiirâ€" la Markdale «« i», MoConnir^In Bocklyn on iv MooBH-MooBK.â€" At the bride' father." in BentinS^"!.'" J m»t„ by the Bev J. c;"D;^w"/t H\ Moore, of British ColumbTtt-^«- Moore, daughter of Wm. m BaowTOâ€" WmiEroED.â€" At i\^ H the nth inst.. by the Eev JT'P^oj Mr. John L. Browne, Photo Jo!^ ^. dale, to Mi.8 Barbara wStfi a" of Wm. Whiteford. Esq. ' ^^^ BoBnJ60N-lEi8H--At the Methodist P.. age, Owen Sound, on Tn«.^a„ .^' '«««• inst., by the Bev. J. Bobinsen, of Proton, Tuesday e.emagou, I E. Howell, iJJI^r^*" I VI «oums«H, oi rroton, to Misg i â- "»• Jane Irish, of Osyiey. '^^'^i^ McCptchkon â€" In Enp; ey, only Cutcheon, aged 4 mouiiis and wvuxu«»u«â€" 111 *,nprasia,on theUthW Charles Aubrey, only child of Mr. wS' I lOdtn McL k a n â€" In Mooseiaw N W t 13th inst., Ehzabeth, wife of" i; a C. McLean, and sisUT of Mr. Jogeoh i 1 1 of this viflage, aged 2^ '-â€" " ^^I ' years. MAEKDALE MAEKET8. Fall Wheat. »0.70 to n.96; Spring in 7. to 81 95; Barley, 60 to70; Peas, 60; oK Butter, 15c;.Egg8, 20c; Potatoes, 40c- B,; »6 .00 Pork, 7.00 to 7.oO;F1om, »i:7L »5 00; Wool 17 to 20. " ' TORONTO MARKETS. FaU Wheat, Sl.OO to §1.10; Spring lloft to »1.12; Barley. SOc to 7(lc; Oats, 37cto 38o Peas, 70c to 73c; Hogs, $8.00 to S8.25- Pots toes, per bag, 90c to »lc; Butter, dairv ijt to 17c; ea^B, 18c to 20c. jJAULM p OODS! THE LARGEST IN THE Tbe Different Classes of Print- ing. entir. cdt, D MadiU. W H Johnson, oott one year old, B MoGirr ni^f'^^T^ bull. J08 Taylor, D Mc S^i,^ WW, WmPeawm. Grade ??^vi*8?18' *» BeMtwm. Working ««! heifer, J B Sing. X MeDtaald. Tearliag D. J. Shanahan, to the bock lionse^Jf g*!' ^f^^. D MeBooilH. %Si recenUy occapied by Mr. Biggwr. ^*«»-?lid ram, ja«boii. Bamkmb J. W. Leavens, to Mrs. ^^'i»^\^^^i^:i^^^,J^ ^^^?^ kiMiae now owred by John HiU. Ewe lambs, J McMwria. MoMon«. Printing may be divided into four elabses afi follows Firstâ€" The customer brings " in his order in a quiet, gentlemanly way with "good morning," or "afternoon," and says "here is a job which please get it up in good style." He does not ask the price â€" requires no proof his copy is good, and he gives no trouble. His order claims immediate attention â€" ^it is set up in the best style, and printed on the best paper. There are no errors, for the printer has confidence in himself and in his customer The work gives great aatiafitc- tion, and when the bill is sent around he is perfectly satisfied and pays the money charged with pleasure. He beUeves in the printer, and the printer belieyes in him. This is first-class printing. Secondâ€" The customer stalka into the of- fice with an unhi^y cast of oonntenanoa, "Could such and soch a job b6 printed at onoe " "What will it oost " "How kmg will it take »" "Send me a pn«.f." The copy is average bad, the otutomer Lm bot httle confidence in himaplf^ uid none in the printer. A proof is sent, tw» or thn* Unii^ ders by the printer ue fomd, and a desaa alterations from copy ate made by hiiwMm He returns the proof biintrif aid will wait while tbe correetiona are made. 'Bm ene. tomer thinks cheap pi^er wiU do, ««m| the job when done looks deoidaity eeeomtslw*. He is not satisfied with it, and wkw die ;bill is 8«nt in he »ays it telactenti^. TKi^ is second-class printing. Thhrdâ€" "You don't mean to say yoo an going to charge me three doUan and a »«^ if for this jobâ€" why I am agxe I eaagat it done for less?" The printer thMjDMwa lifa OBstomer, throws off fif^wntli and eaves that amouBt by osing rncep atosk TIm bill is aent in oumth after month, and he finally ttkkes •i.SO to settle the This is thinteisM innting. Foorth-elass printing is nerer said in; Byery Frmtar hashad »â€" " oe in au these There are large stacks of Goods at TRIMBLE WRIGHT'S Notwithstanding the immense quantity being purchased and drawn off in loads^ many ol the customers coming TEN to FIFTEEN miles in order to secure bargains, and all leave highly pleased with the results. Every department is cram- med with fresh goods, and new arrivals daily being opened. TRIMBUE WRIGHT, Salesmen Wanted. steady employment at fixed salaries to '!: willing to work. Men and Woiueu can have pleasant WORK THE YEAR ROUND Good agents are earning from S40 to S'i per month, and expenses. Terms and ouu fit free. Address STONE WELLINGTON, 161-75 Toronto, Ont. J WiUiaui nicr.eod, BOOT AND SHOEMAKEE, MARKDALE- Orders promptly attciicV.J to. Scwei work a specialty. All our w ojk t;uaraiit«iJ. ,TeiiB», strictly cash. Ilemenil.e' tie stani, 'opposite Mathews' harness sLoi). 159-313 NOTICE. As I have decided to remove my bnsiness from Markdale, all parties indebted to me bv note or book account must settle the same. immediately. Statement uf im;c uut can be had and, payment made a1? the Balii, Mark- dale. HENEY FOSTER. Markdale, Aug. 8th, 1883. tf $500 Reward f SMh and Sotr nistorj. Apply to QIOBG^^ftiNTAOO.. We will pay the above reward for any cast of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Siek Head- ache, Indigestion, Coustipation or Costife- ness we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the directions are strictly complied with. They arc purely Vegetable, and never fail to gi^ie satisfaction. Sukw. Coated, Large Boxen, containing 30 Mb, 25 cts. For sale by all Druggists. Bew»» of counterfeits and in»iiitati 01 1 s The gea^- ine manufactured on^ by JOHN C WEST' 4 CO.. "The Pill Makers," 81 s3 King »'• East, Toronto. Ont. Eree trial package sent by mail prepaid on receipt of a 3 cent stamp- For sale at Turner feCo. DruK Store. In the Goods of MARGARET IRETON (dkceased) NOTICE TO CREDfTORS Pwsnvit to Section 34 of Ch^i 10^' B. 8. 0., tbe creditoM of Margtret fcetin, tete of the township of Glenelg, m ooanty o# Grey, deceased, who died on 'f •bout tbe 6th day of May, 1883, tsAt^ partiea bating claims upon her estate are w on before the FifTEENTH DAY OF NOVEMBER nwt, to 8«»d by pest prepaid, to B«^i*^ Onlimi. of tbe VUlage of Markdale. « eoutjrof Chrey, oneof the Executcffs^oi"' personal «it»te and ettects of tbe deoew«». (or to Jai^ea Maason, Markdale, soho^ tbe eieeaton.) tbeir Christian and 8n"»ri JildniMea Mtddeaotiption. the faU P*^^ M tbeir ebuBi. »atotement of their m^ aatiue of tbe aeenritiM (if a4^) ^-f mm. WAM drfknlt tjwteof i^ea^ a»«H4 deeeMed wiU be distnont^ihjn^ VM flMjr to the claims then re^ mm rf irhkh tbe ezfcntors then lie*" "" tSiSm for ExeenWa^ Pi*^ f|ti| let Pa7 0!tober, 1883,. .,.ifi .-, T„^:jis}0dh â- -.â- WS"i sjr' I)ress stui shades, var) 10 cents up. Tvi^eds ii and Carradii ^jjid most fa; Ussrs-DI THE PE 1,1 URKDALE ARE AV When in call and se new stock. THEY GOOD sto( of Country. CASH, IJV and are not Business. A' repair FIRST C SA] Mam Nono£S i« thesi any individual or eenti a line for t cwU a iHne each s R John A. ed last vw;eek. Me. a. Oill Farlaud's isleva Mb. e. Price tion has again t A SJUTIMO I Thombury, it ii feet wide. Attention i.s •tisemeot of Ge( Markdale sash Two of tbe steamers forihi tbf Alpeita ai Montreal last i Accident. â€" Wallace, a bi;ai B., fell off the was seriously ii ing. We are looki full anticipatior India^ summer white man's s will be no greai Mr. Job. Mji liave an auctic implements, Ist, at his pre I Twelve month Pper. See po Paintiko. â€" »lio had to « during the sum ?oor health, hj 'Tide andip pi I'ork entrustec Papering Ac,, i satisfactory va NonoB. â€" Th Jforoh^be uinrsday, Wov wh* wish t *wy«arcan8 caiiof atil !««»• up to the 1 be let |*«ieUbg ageni of the •bdety, p ehnxcU i L ihe met] On\ info: I tf the ai