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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 11 Oct 1883, p. 8

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 i-itl .-•l^ ^: i 1? f: if- •' 1^ f- -ii- «-:? «.; t' .? â- f ..t â- â™¦;* i^. #•:. ' â- :-Jr: v *:i;:.. It fc t# ifiMtt ^-«^K=# irkU iMttlf U A reguJar Monthly Cattle Fair will be h^d in the Agriculttiral Grounds, Markdal4 â- fB' fo'Iows â€" X® W3 SAtURAl? i... Do. J i .- • X/O* • • • ••'â- â- ' »« • Doi r- Sept. Oct;j Not., a Deo. IS^i MABEipAIiB Meat Market A oonstaat supply of Fresh Meats! on hflnd, at the id owes! Living Prices. Orders solicited, and deliv- ered free to all parts of the Town. Fatmer§ having fat stock to dispose of, will please leave ..their addresses. TERMS STRICTLY CASH. FRED. SARJEANT. -Markdale March 23. 188'^. 80-ly Health is Wealth! BifttHet Dasii4ii» i^ was last, nblSlBC wl[i #if Wdolen mill QjD SatnrclAy po icsaranee. ings, and ,y morning IiaR beefi C. P. R. n^xicating is strict- of this ^l, Tk* Mowing '^^ ,i«nefl|»te'%iiimne4ii on ,fiquor8. eiflwr oii iJt ]y prohibited. Auy rv order shalt be ceverely dealt with .." An ot^st Km be«tt issjie^ fqgulating th« traffi« o» the (Q. P. E. which prohibits the lalilng of afny kind of a parcel into *he paseepger coaches, even a lunch basket bfring tabooed. There is do inunction realcaiuing the size df the pockets. JUMPBD OVKBBOAKD.â€"â€" About 11 o' clock on Saturday night last one of the men who left here for i^ie C. P. B. works at Thunder iJaJ^, jumped over- board from the Propteller Enterprise between Little Carroot and Olppertoti Island. The JErt/ctymewafr immedia- tely stopped,- a boat lowered, and al- though it was a vefy dark sight the body of the unfortunate matf was re- covered. The name of the man was Patricfc' Burns, of Buffalo, and he was sufferm^ from dehrium tremens aft the time. His body was conveyed to the Saulf Ste. Marie and ii^terred at that place. â€" O, S. Advertisor, They had an election for the Maitoba constituency erf Verennes at Rat Port- age on the same day as the Algoma election. Mr. MilJer, the Conservative candidate,- was returned by a majority of about 800. MISCELLANEOUS Df. B C- West's Nebve ani Bbain Tebat- MENT, a guaranteed specific for Hysteria, â-  Dizziaefss, OGnvuIsions, Fiti, Nervous Neu- J-algia, He«kiach«, Nervous Prostration caus- ed try ibe Use of alcohol or tobacco, Wake- fukiesSf iJental Depression, Softening of the Bfain, rentiting i/i Insanity and leading to missry, deosry aad death, Premature Old Age, Barr entieBa, Loss of Power in either sex, Involuntary k»ses and Sjxermatorrhoea, caused by e'veT-iB'xertion of tbe brain, self- abuse or ffver-ittdtilKenee. O'ne' box will cure recent cases. Each box tfontains one month's treatment. One dollar a box, or six boxes for fiye (loUftrs sent by mail pre- paid on receipt of price. We guarantee six boxes t6 core any ease. "With each order re- ceived hyvA for six boxes, acoompanicd with tLie dollars, we will soad the purchaser a written guarantee to refund the money if the treatment does not eBect a cure. Guar- antees issued only by A. Tomer Co..- ole authorized Agent for Ifarkdaie Ont. John C West feCo. sole proprietor 'Joronto.Oftt. EOBT. ASKIN, Has opened out a First'Ctass UNDERTKIN6 ESTABLISHMENT. And therefore h«s supplied a want long felt, COFFINS, C^BKJBTS, y SHROUDS. 4^all FUNERJU. FURHIS MINGS supplied OQ ihe shortes notice. tor hire at moderate rates. â€"All kinds rfâ€" 3* ,. .:.% fPICTURE FlUiNlift Done on short notice. » ROBT. ASKIN. ^^ ALEX KAY MILL STREET Dye Stuffs ^f ^11 ^i^^s at- the Medical Hall, A. Turner Co. THE GBEATEST HEALING COMPOUND Is a preparation of carbolic acid, vaseline and cerate called McG'regor *- Parks'a Car- bolic Cerate, It -Ml (itrfe any sore, cut, fenm or bruise when all other preparations fail. Call Hi Hill Bros. General Store and get a package. Twenty-five cents is all it costs. The Priftcess of Wales is becoming deaf. Th^ best aurists are unable to BUggebt a remedy. KBAMS^S FLUID LIGHTNING Is the only instantaneous relief for Neuralgia, Headache. Toothache, etc. stubbing a few drops briskly is all that is ikeeded. No tak- in nauseous medicines for weeks, but one minute's appUcation removes all pain and will prove the great value of Kram's Fluiil Lightning. Twenty-fiive cents- per bottle at Hill Bros. General Store. A Japanese theatre was burned on Friday night during a performance. Seventy.five people were killed and a hundred injuied. McQBBGOBS SPEEDY CURE. From the many remarkable cures wrought l(y using McGregors Speedy Cure for DyspepJ ' sia, Indigestion, 0ftistipatfon and Affection of the Liver and from the immense sale of it without any advertising, we have oonoladed to place it eifeflsively on the maket, so that those wiio suffer may Imve a perfect eure. Go to Hill Bros. Otineral Store and get a trial bottle free, or thf reguhur siae «t fifty centa or one doUar. ' Ram LAsfBs ta SAlrif^^^A choice lot of South Down grade ram lambs for sale at H D Irwm's and Thos. Irwin's a short distance Easi of Markcbile. WORTHY OF PBAISE. As a rule we do not recommend latent Medicines, but when we know of otoe that really is a public benefactor, and does posi- tively cure, then we consider it our duty to impart that information to all, Eleettic Bit- ters are truely a most valuable mediriae,and will surely cure Billiou8no88,Feyeruid Ague. Stomach. Liver and Kidney Complaints, even when all other remedies teil. We know whereof we speak, and can fredy re- commend them to all. â€" Ezch. â€" Sold at fifty cents a bottle, by A. Tamer Co. ,. If you are sick take Bejnretiator Bitters to make yoa well, and 'if you «ra well tak» th» ||^itters to bikp you liell, sold by afljA^ Che oarbi^, and lie is contin«it|^i#liug thtm. fbI^qpoosI â-²Q pgtsons wid^^^ to put/t tb« tMits of a great i«ibedy-oto Iliiit'ttiH pocftivvly core Oqm nngtfBo Op«#iACoIdi, Aithfw, Br»- ehitwy^r ny^aJboMoft of tbe TFIooat and ' _^,. "AuS^tod to oaU at A, Turner tc W^n^lil^ina^iet a Trial BoMe of Dr. ^iJK'«iP^jpl*^o»ei7r for GoosumptloD fret " i will show I bottle wiU A Condue' decon of jk. his dnty% 8urpn8e4^i^4i out with t^ Tickets, geMl^ tkat^a«y wa»il»f{|^ BUCKLEN'S ABNICA SALVE. voa what a, regular K veoently eiiosan a ^h^ it became ^^(Alection. be bgr starting amlatioB, tontnbntibn Bruises, Sores, Ulccrr, Salt Bhenm, Fever 'Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, iComs^and all Skin £niptions,and Positiyelj f^ cures Piles. It is gnaisnteed to give perfect -satisfaction, ♦r monoy refunded. Pnce S5 f-ceuts per .box. For sale bv A. Turner A Co Drug Store. a««rt a t»«l Bottle e« of coH,dynMimtaSermg with OonsiaBption Severe C«u|^ Colds. Asthma, Bronchitis; ^J.« '!•• ,**' ^°^" Hoanwness, o^ any affection of 41ie Throat or Lungs ft will positive core »ou. HOLIilND CBWTlfcfe SHOW. Whefll there f»a Wll* «teirc *• « The abote society held itiiK^'FJffl Sboi^ at WilliainsfoKl Station m Thutsoay, the 4ih inst, Bi*d resulted in *,Ri«ad ettcce» Tbew was a larger exhibit than fe' miiuy of thetownsh^/ shows, tod iM Bome^rtspects outstripped the county fairs. Ttere Vi^as the largest exhibit ol butter we btfVe y^l seen, being 30 tUbB and 88 ba8ke.tB^ Ihe fruit was excellent, what the ^^' ^^^' ment did no diiicredit to the j;entler sex. rhe graki *«s ahead of toy.JpoiJ Wr wehave viwtad, ted the tbot^ espe^aW potatoea, ware exceUent. There was a latge show of stock but the crowded state of o'er .columns prevents going into particulapi.- This show, which was jiot np. without #y outside as- istance by way of «f Goverufaent grant, as is the case with regular *«ownship societies, shows to « deBion8tr8tiOBwb«t«anbtedone when then) is a will, wiien *b4's6" i«*o ought to will take an interest and give a helping hand suc6e8B is certain. The foDowing is the prize list:-- HoksEsâ€" Span draught btt-Sesâ€" Geo Yates. Span general purpo'eâ€" Jaiipes Farley. Span carria!ge horsesâ€" J H tiendiers^. Jphn Mar- quis, John Lilburtr. Mare," witb foal by her sideâ€" fiobert Waftfei-. Job A' Ha:milton, Watty Crawfory, Buggy horse â€" J R TrimMe, Jas Laird. Saddle horseâ€" P ffa^iiUton, P Mat- titews. Colt 6r filly, 8 years old, general pur- '6fe6â€" Skm H6wev. WtH Walker. Colt or tilly, roadtterâ€" T Willcrof t, Jas Brtfce. Year- ling colt or fillyâ€" Wm Henry. Isf and 2nd. General purpose cohr «• fillyâ€" P Afitthews, P Hamilton. Springf 6'o*tâ€" Wm' Henry, John Hamilto'3. ^. Cattleâ€" Bull over 2 years, wfCh ^digree Wm Foster. Geo Ptolmy. BuW under 2 years with pedigree â€" D C Taylor. 6rade bull ajiy age â€" Bobt Givens, Jos Faqiring. 6ow with pedigree â€" WrtBobinson, Win. Henry' Grade ftow giving milkâ€" A Adams, B Waiket. Two year old heifer â€" Wm. Henry Ist and 2nd. Yearling heifer â€" \^m Henry, 1st and 2nd. Yoke working oxen â€" P HamJHon, Wm Eobin- 86ii. â-  Three year old steers-r-Thos Sowerby, F B Stafford. Two yettt old steers â€" A Craw- ford, R Givens. Yefii ling steers â€" Wm Henry E Clark. Spring calf â€" R Freeborn, S Doyle. Sheepâ€" Leicester, aged ram â€" D C Taylor, J Deavitt. Pair ewes raised lamb^ this sea- son â€" J Cameron. Shearling ram â€" P Kelly. Southdowi, aged ram â€" E Bfcatty. Shearling ram â€" E Beatty. Ewes, raised lambs this season-E Beatty. Ewe lambs â€" Thos Sower- by, E Beatty. S*iNE â€" Berkshire, aged boar â€" R Freeferu Thos Anderson. Aged sow â€" D C Ta.ylor, Jas Page. Spring boar â€" J Vise. Spring sow â€" J Vise, J Lyons. Strffolk, aged boarâ€" si Page. Aged sow â€" R Irwih. Sprhi;^ siywâ€" James Farley, J Page. Pair spring pigs-^J Vise, Robert Webster. Poultry. â€" Colleetiotf barn-yard fowls â€" C Price. Pair geeseâ€" Wm. Foster. Wel- wood. Pair duck, la^^e â€" Thos Anderson. Small â€" Jas Farley, Hen^ Roberts. Grain â€" Buihel fall wheat â€" J lifarquis, J Farley. Spring wheat, white Russian, Jos Jackson, J Cameron. Genessa, special by J Cameron, J Murray. Any kind, special by H Foster. J Marquis- Barley, Geo Shaw, P Kelly. Peas, krue, J Cameron. Small. J Henderson, P Kelly. Oats, white. J Camer on. R McKissick. Black, Wm Norton, John Henderson. Half bushel timothy seed. P Kelly. PeiSk white beans. Wm Norton, Mrs. R Shunn. Roots.â€" ;ollection of 6 varieties potatoes, J Deavitt. Bushel Early Rose, R McKissick, Wm Robftison. Any other kind, M Ward. J Biuce. Six Swede turnips, Thos Sowerby, R McKissick/ Any kind turnips, G Ptolomy] R Walters, 8ix mangold wurtzels, R Mc- Kissick, Jas= McVear. Blood beets, Wm Greenaway, K McK-issict, Field caftots R McKissick, H NoMoW. Pitrsnips. R McKis- 1 sick, Jas McVea*. Cekry. J McVear' Cab I bage, Early York, R Givens, Thos Troughten Any other kind cabbage. J Bruce, "t Trough- ten Seed enions. J Marquis, T Anderson Any other kindy onions, R Walker, J HamU- ton. FBurr.â€" Winter (tppiea, J Farley, J GDIes- pie. Fall apples. P Kelly, A Stevens6ta, Var- lety 3 of each, a Neelands, A Stevenson. Crab apples, J Hendersbn, Moses Smith Pears -, J Murray. Grapes, J McVftar, Jas Hare. Blue plums, Wm Norton, Green gage plums, Wm Norton, M«. Rich' Shqnn. Any other kind plums, Wm. Ed- wards, Jas Hare. Tomatoes, B Citfi, J Hare Citrons. J Bruce, P KeUy *»"»re D^T.-Tub bulter, T Tr6tgbien. John Henderson. Five pound rolls, Wm Norton -^ '"^in butter, special hy H.Foeter! â€" --â€" Cheese, home made, H Sortoa, W Norton. Flour. MoNabb BrW„ J Hare Home made bread. Wm Howey, J Laird! Honey m comb. T Anderson, J McVear MA^tWcTVBKs.-.piotigb A McArthur. fron harrow. John Spiers. Farmers' vaggon, Spiers, J Noble. Buffly. J McVearTlW pouMe Sleigh, rSargent. Men's J Gairtey. Sett horse shoes JPILiBl^tlERTOlV ARTEMESr A WAItEHoS â€" ' â- 'â- "• Boots Ml a-a "ell .«^ tiroceries, Piavi4on*, «o Stock iept full every week. o »nl m MY BJSANCH store AT EUGENU r«pleQu^^ wijib nejie goods every w6ek. For sal^ cheap (ot%i â-  ' 'O ' My S«^ mJli; Sliingic Factoty, and ti^^j AT LITTLE FALLS, ARE IN OPERATION. Ah Idnrft Siv o«t boiigM ^JnJIill or sawn hk isiunheri tattU* Br«oWi txHaAUs,- ^liini-les and Lime for HO(ig| A f TAILOR SYDENHAM STEEET, C6olt Work Gaaranteed A^^ iia p u FLESHERTON. Call at Cnnce and see samples of work which jj area not ashamed to show. All kinds of Framing done cheap at Tj^B, ISXTZ-flL/iDISIS'S, FLE^HERTI J. W. FORD Is giving splendia satisfaction in GRISTINC, By the New Process at the Special attention to' parties from a distance so that they t_ay have their grist home the same dky. MARKDALE, Manufacturer of all Kinds i.f home Horse J and 2nd coarse botts, from thehamnwr, J Spiers, B Abb^y." ckw^ net w^k. J Jf^.A^ «nU cl^th. home made, J Henderson, R Walker. Satinett, homi mide,RWRUw|^ f1»ncyflannel,homemade! WHowey J Ortneron. Phin a^a, J Cwa blankets, W Howey. LiDiEs* WoBK â€"Woollen mitts J Hend*r son, P Kelly. Socks, RwSkw JH««^' son. Fatchworkqmli.jSSoltS^: f^?yt*.o^.^^'tui?^S B i^i^w^w^IvI^^^Hl; Not raised, L TSiV-T®* '^^f*^!*' in »tton, B Walker, J Heb*rK* ^ta t^/^ A Sna,r. Br«Hi.f m iS^MeNaJr j Panmng. Knittwi L». M Smitli 7^^.. W •on. CoUeotion bS w«d T 'tWli,!!-SL' THOS. MATHEWS, MARKDALE. EVERYTHING IN OUR LINft KEFI ON HANI OR MADE TO ORbER ON SHORT NOTICE. LIVERY! IN CONNECTION, CILCIIIEID r»USTEE3. OB â€" lira 'i â- â€¢. to fits smce fais «hiidhood»nd i. grJT Plaster Paris, Ou cu of Son Scotia, all best and cheapest in tbemariMt. Machine Oils and Paint OILS AT CLOSE PRICES. Drop Valve, Cylinder, Forte, uid'll Pumps. All kinds df IRON ' PUMl ?rppuEP. THE i BEST TO GET PUI It Nortli cf Toronto, is at tie M.arls:clale Gallery^ That's so, for a friend of mine his taken there aud be wysJeJ, even better thau wJtat be htA wl in Toronto. DmcES â€" Owe ilett St.; Brat arland's Stoi ^ry week. JAMES H.AMlim WAR IW^HIW France threatens China '" a ckvastating war in ceu' jiiarkdaie. jan sequence. Wilson Benson I OF IB* â€" stock •*' TEAS Has pnrchasai a Large Stock a3.u will BeM 'f ^intbeb«»' l^uffstorf •nd nnn m ^,^ -«»i«wm, CHOICEST Id tlie Market prices than an Purchasing .direct from thO f«r quahty and lowneM wF^ BACON, HAMS, CHEESE, SALMONy LOBSTERS, Si In endlft^a varietjl. • DAI9Y SALT of best Ofbeat brands and of «^^' 'rn abort, there is Grocery trade that cannot 1 at the "Belfast House '^||i WILSON BHI'»*' 1 JuJy 6. 1882. Advertise in the Stand-^^^

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