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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 30 Aug 1883, p. 5

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 W^^^i"iJ4i., JU,"i'--»t5PyT^;i-. ' •â- -Â¥; ,.r^ sf S/1=;^ ^,^T so "Vftwtf^ â-  LOOK HERE S C/2 PAY Q, cocao's H r/3 rn (D t3 rQ ?H G3 O p â-  Iâ€" I CD fl CD -3 o m 5^ 5 C3 tJD^ 4^ ci o o o CD oe^ 1 g3 CD ^rCj O CD c3 tiiD.pi;^:^^^ i^ i rt tog ft O rCJ ft^ eries .S^g c^*^2 O 02 Qcm 03 ft'cD -, O PQo 00 (A I A vacant lot fur sale on George st. See adv. cheap Goods OK out for W-. F. 5 new Advertisement 15 returning to MARK- E with a fine stock WRlDHlli'EW GOODS in all of WATCHES EWELLRY Best designs. Reynolds. Son Imye just received one of the finest «tock ot boots shoes North of Toronto, and the people are astonished at the very low prices. Call and see them. I Mr. Wm. Wella sold his farm, being W. A. Hogg, has been appoint- I ^,^^* ""^J^ â-  '^* ^^^ 12 con 10 Eu- 1 lleveuue officer lor the 1 P'^^^^ia, 50 acres, to Mr. Maryfield. jLoronto, for $1,000 cash, the '" latest Clothing E WRIGHll KS anu leiicitn ai^d ^wiss I to suit ill Qxxalitj^^, l^tvle and time. k BROWN, Manager. All kinds of framing done at Bulmer's, Flesuerton. Good work guaranteed at Bulmers Pliutograph gallery. Meshertou. Mr ed inland ileveuue Officer .lyr the port of Lloliing^vood. TLe death of the Queen of Madag- ufecdr id stated to have occurred on the liitii of July. Wren's Uucle Tom's Cadin Com- pauy gave an exhibition last uigut in xJuuerm Hall to a crowded house. Trimble Wright has secured a leabe of the prtmiseb which tliey oc- cupy fjr a term jf three years. The great sea serpent, this time sixty leet long, jtas been discovered lu i^aKe Michigan. Call at once and see samples of ARTEMESI A WAREHOUSE I Shoes ^WRIGHT'S.; MOXniLY FAI'iS. -SiUuraav before Fleslierton. l.:iiâ€" ' lUiliiy before Umliam. l-Tufida' bofore Orant,'eville. -MoiHlay beffrre OraugeviJle. zr-Wediiexlay before Oraiit'eville. Jâ€" The 3(.couil Thursday in each n. â- Tf?'.â€" 'IliirJ Wednesday in each -Miinlav before Durham. -Iliiiil T'.ustlay ill each month. -Mu.'iuav i'cfo'e Durham. latter moved in last week, he gets the crop with the place. An entertainment will be given in the Orange Valley school house, on Friday the 14th September, under the auspices of the Artemesia Band of Hope Lodge, There will I e a play acted entitled, the first glass and what it led to, together with Music, Reci- tation, c., from Markdale and Flesh- erton amateurs. Admission 15 cents Double tickets 25 cents, T. F. Brown, L. D. S., will be in Markdale for a few weeks from the Ist September. A.H who need den- woik which we are not ashamed to *^^ work at moderate j^rices will be Dry Goods, Hardware, Crockery, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Provipions, c. Stock kept ifull and well assorted with new goods recoived every week. -MY BRANCH STORE AT EUGENIA replenished with new goods everv week. For sale cheap for cash or produca o My Saw mill, Shingle Factoty, and Lime Kiln AT LITTLE FALLS, AEE IK OPEEATION. and Other Items. â-  s GoodS: WPJ6HT' Cottons Tweed! WRIGHT'S ntTEA WRIGHT'S; â- ' f/,f .. i-..Ui'iLn.-i liitend"d tu benefit "i.l i-:.'ti/ irill be charyed ten â- â- :â- â- â- :â-  lirst inaertiou and Jive â-  'I 1' • queiit inftcrtion. i'.rga the cattlelairon Satur- Svi-'tfiuber. 'a Cimrt No, 5, will meet at â- .:'Uon 'he •24th October. |is Green ^r'-^^ii fi"*^ p^^e, |-;.;c;li iiiil, A. Turner Co. -ii. '-litre !a!l show on Thurs- l'i;:ubLT, at Wiiliamsloid HES, xris and DATES, 'in-dty of uHcii just arrived at ;vry\ bukei-y. â- iM'e. k ;iildiiig new machi- -» 111 ill. iiud making other -ciiU for liic fall trade. t-n u.j-.v i-aper, is to be born r^-'if. abniit the 1st Septem- " trulv au age of newspa- -Si"'-l!! pi.'sts were struck •-: bciv.L,!! Owen Sound 'J'.i Wtduesday morning -I' ill the river at Cwen I's'i: i after the storm last '••â- â-  'j1! .-L inhabitant had '-â- 1 It. DS OOPS AINS-. mi Hi-t;i;,li tv^iiuiir service in the â- 'i;iuvji will commencG at 'â- "'â- â- â- t'lU' Uiated of 6.30 as i" cii lime. F*nyt;;„ne blew a passenger r ^iie ryils near Eochesteer, "'^^i killtd twenty-five people '^o amuuber ot' others. f"^ot but admire the indepen- rjf|6 lansucd b the Toronto the vii^'urous manner in f'JWsall subjects of pubhc ' i" ;i truly independijnt •ratine too seluom found "^f individuals or thepress. APER._\Yg ijg^Yc recj9jved ie Lt^ Thornbury paper r 'f/(f,(,f. j;t; ig an eight L^timn, and has a good ad show. Jits. Bulmer., Flerhertou. O'Donuell, the sl^jer of Carey th^ intormer. lias sailed Irom Capetown lor England, where he will stai-a trial for murder. If there are any village subscribers whose paper is not delivered regularly they will do us a favor by letting us know at once. Reynolds Son are offering bailauce of their stock of prints, dress goods c., at pricfiS that heat the Lest on record. Our fall stock of boots and shoes just to hand are just the kind of goods the people want. Oood stock and"at astoiiisniugiy low prices, .tieynolds Son. Mr. George Ireton, o.f Glenelg, handed us this week a head of oats from his farm which has .306 grains, it is of the black sido variety. Mr Lucas is having the machinerv put in this week, and the plaining aud sash aud door factory will be in .Oper- ation about the 15th September. Capt. Khodes has determined to make his attempt to swim the rapids at Niagara on Sept. 10th at n;ije o'clock a.m. O'Donnell is alleged to haye staged before being committed for tria^ at Capetown that Carey first drew a revolver on him, and that he shot Carry in self-defence. Another crank has turned up who IS desirous of seeking death i.i;i the whirlpool rapids. This one hails from Buffalo, and is unusually confident of his success. The Grand Trunk Eailroad has inaugurated a war of passenger rates between Chicago and Buffalo on rouLd trip tickets. Tue other 'roads interested mer the cut. The new brick block which Mr Jelly purposes buildinjj this season in Shelburue, vvill have a frontage on Main street of nearly 90 feet. Wm. F. Farrell, who defeated Donald Denuie lu a wrestUng match at Portland, Ore., is a son of James Farrell, a farmer of Huron township, county of Bruce, Out. The recent storm broke down the spring grain considerably, makiug harvest operations much, more tedious than it would otherwise have been. The Prespyterian S. ». held their pick nick at Bell's lake, on Thursday last. The day was fine and a pleasant time was spent. The party ran a narrow escape of being empounded for trespass, having taken the wronfif road crossing a pea field to reich the lake. A family have been poisoned m Minnesota by eating cbeeue cooied m a brass kettle. It is astonishing Uow buisy oiu uhot'.grapher, Ja3. Hamilton IS kep, carefuUy attended (to. Preservation of teeth by filling •» specialty. Office at Doll Brown's Jewellery store. We notice, with pleasure, that three of the Markdale pupiles. Miss Susan Davis, Master Wm. L. Davis and Miss Agnes White, were success- ful at the late examination, the two foimer passing the Intermediate and the 3rd class teachers examination. the 1 The United States post-office author- ities have decided that after October Ibt a two cent stamp will carry a letter to Canada, but that three eents will be required on letters from Canada to the States. All kinds Saw o$:s bought a( the iill or sawn on shares. o â-  laimber, L.ath, Broom Handles, Shingles and L.imc for sale. A. M'INTYRE TEAi TEA! TEA! A. M'INTYRE TF'lo-ULr^ E^lo-u-r, E^lo-vjir- McINT\EE'S V/J^NTED Immediately if not sooner. New subscribers for the "STANDAED" on the following terms, from the TDresent until the 1st January 1885 for $1,25 to be paid any time be- fore Jan'y next. Send in your name and ad- dress at once, by McINTYRE'S LIQUORS I J.IQU0RS McINTYRE'S Cigars, Cigars. McINTYRE'S Oollee, Coflee. MEAL! MEAL! MEAL! McINTYRE'S Pork, Pork, Pork. McINTYRE'S Teas, Teas. Aud ever ythin g kept n in a first-class Grocery and Liquor Store, alwavs on hand, cheap fou cash. BUCHLEN'S AENICA SALVE. The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises. Sores, Ulcer!, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, ChUblains. CoruSjaud all S an Ernptions.and Positively cures Piles. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or mon^ refunded. Pnci? 25 cents per hox. For sale by A. Turner Co $500 Reward I We will pay the above reward for any case of Liver Complaint, Dyf-pepsia, Sick Head- ache, Indigestion. Constipation or Costive- ness we cannot cure with West's Vepetable Liver Pills, when the directions are strictly complied with. They are purel.y Vegetable, and never fail to give satisfaction. Suiiar Coated, Large Boxes, containing 30 Pills, 25 cts. For sale by all Drnggists. Beware of counterfeits and immitatioi's. The genu- ine manufactured only by JOHN C. WEST t CO.. "The Pill Makers," PI fe 83 King St. East, Toronto. Ont. Free trisil package sent by mail prepaid on receipt of a 3 cent stamp. For sale at Turner Co. Drug Store. MANH^OOD HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED We have recently pubhshed a new edition of Dr. CuLVEiiWEi,L's Cele- BR.vrED Essay on the radical and permanent cure (without medicine) of Ner- vous Debility, Mental and Physical incapaci- ty, Impediments to Marriage, c.. resulting from excesses. ts" Price, in sealed envelope, only G cents, or two postage stamps. The celebrated author, in this admirable Essay, clearly demonstrates, from thirty years' successful practice, that alarming con- sequences may be radically cured without the dangerous use of internal medicines or the use of the knife pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain and etiectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. tS^This Lecture should be in the hands o every youth aud fsveiy mau in the laud. Address The Culverwell Medical Go,. P.O. box 450 41 Awn St., ^ew York. 110-02. :^^^' '.f^DEige to commence with and yet when we consider t|ie preiec- f veiy appropriate uwler tion of work tuniBd oat W^ ^^^.J^°l "^cts, however, we pish Burprised thai .tlM» fP^ continues '^iccess and h,ng life, [throngJi the qniet spmm«f. NOW 18 THE TIME TO SAVE MONEY By buying first class SewinE Machines from C. Treadgold, who has a good snpplyon hand for sale. Uis saacess u^ the pa^t has more tlian met his highest hopes and he still fnds couTinced that in order to build np a sohd business it is necessary to offer good articles for sale as nothing else will stand the test of i j^r^-vtr^ j^nn discerning pablie. All kinds of sewing POSlJai CarQ or machine shmtles, needles, on. and other re â- 'â-  q^aisits required in the sewing machine busi- ness can be stipplied by him. also deals in the leading organs of the day, soob as the FsiflOUSi B#ll and 'Dominion Organs, For fprther pwr^olars the pablie ip csQxdially ii;iTii«d (o apply to 14d64 Markdale, PO.. otherwise to the Standard 0£Bke, MAEKDALB Onion Garriagfi Works. Ail work mantifactnred from First Cuss Material Tn the Latest ard Bes.t Improved Style, aiid ficibhod with liliig-li^h. "Var-nisli. Painting Trimming Rlg;^8 will receive prompt atteution. All Repairs executed in the shi rtest po^sihJe time consistent with good workmaivship. Good Work a SpEtiAUTY. Bemember the Shop, opposite the Cheapside D. J. SHANAHAN, Markdale. Dee. ^^ 1S$V ,3 •â-  H' • ' • -if h ri â-  "ivTTtiiiniiiiii liitigiiiiiiiiiii

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