V0[- 3. --No. 51. •«p MARKDALE, ONT., AUG. 30.. 1883. No. 155. esberton. I l\^ %l^x\Mt ^lantlaril fjottU. t- o O H IS PUBLISHED I^VFRY THURSDAY EVENING, At ,\[ ukJiilo Ontario. IN' -\I)V.\.NCE. C. W. RUTLEOQE. Editor Proprietor. SATIl El WAKOELL,, 7ELI. liKifrLOU AND DRILLER. ALL ' onli i promptiy attended to. Besi- eâ€" SnideiV Hiil, Owen Sound. 122-35 IW' 3. Ghent. M,D., TvT.R.CP. S., O. l'liysi::an and Siirr;eon, Priceville, |(jr;Viua;e uf L iiivni'bity. Vict. College. ., ,, New York, and !i. Graduate, of tbe same, Ayletli Medical Institute. OptlijilinJc Hospital, N,Y. ' hlcuikrCoU. Fliysician.-iifcSnrgeors.O. 104 |].P. MARSHALL, L.D.S. |/-iuadi;at1' of to^ionto school I^Tuf I)i-nti:,try, will be at Rutlodfe's :.;.'.. Murkililc. on '"he 1st and third "Vvd- -hvof e;icli UKiiit]. an 1 also at Miinsliaw'ci •; icl. I'IisIk rtoii. the '..lay following the ..; I Wcilnesaiiy m each iiiontli fur the prac â- â- (if his proffssioii. JanuiU-v 'Jth, 1SS;5. 122-71 i*0al. Frost Frost. T)Ai;RisrKi;s. and attornkys-at icerv. Convey it)ai;kistki;s. and atT' ID ha'^v. Solicitors in C'lmni « iVc, O'.v.'u Sound, have resumed at -:iritiin, (.)tiic(.' opua every Thursday, as MofulV. nv,. Vunr. J. W. Frost, LL. D. lii-.iiitv Crown Attorney. 1 w. E. J. Don stock ods .3. i^JAS^OJi, Arj;iTi-:i:, master and dep. iieg :i Liiaaccry, Notary Public, Conveyau AW ;:!ini:y to lkxo at six per cent. ^- â€" ()\v. 11 Sound, in Vicker's lilock St.; and in Markdale, over MeEar S:uiv, o:i Friday and Sataiday evt ry HI .]) PARl;i' -,,. SOLICITORS. CONYEY- -tmiEs in '".,jn Sound, DuSeriu Block, -::W. F, Wnif- Stort. and in MARKDALE; â- r^V .J, Mcl arhind's St(/rc on Thursday -.Fridiiyof laeh week. ts'Fu'.nl-.to jiudou reasonable terms. :n Crea^-iu, ' C Duncan Mokison "A\:il,' March \o, lSti-2. 79-lv Alexander Broun. [sSIERff ATarriage Licenses, Eire and '.k- I;i-uiai'ce Agent. C'oinmissionei " II. \c. Conveyancer and Licensed "Oneer f(.r the County of Grey. Farmers, t--:'aant and Land Sales, Punctually at "'.to and charges made verv moderate. '-ceville.S.pt, 17.1880. " 1-V Wki. Brovi'n, pSUEPv OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, c Commissioner in B. R.c. â- iiveyaiiciiii; in all its branches promptl3 ^3'ied to and carefully executed. I â- B.â€" Muutv to Lend on Real Estate se W. C. RICHARDS, ^niFEU, CONTRACTOR, ARCHI- :Ea.â€" R -idenci. on Mill Street, Mark- j-'-tk lak .T: -1, 21th, 18S3. 1211y ^RESS AND MANTLE PAKLOR. I'-ii,ln,,-s huil.ling ?ilarkdale. "â- "" "f i "li"-! v.v aiiiig apparel cut and '^^- 1 ic I tilt' very latest style. '•"rtdiim '"ujfs a Spocialty.;il9.02 WAL UmUll LODGE, "â- 'â- !â- "â- No. 7s, will meet in their hall '--â- •-""i" I' filing, Sept. 3d at eight â- i:j. A. Turner, Sec'y. irtoi REVERE HOTEL, PROPRIETOR. THIS popular Hotel ha/s changed hands and the above men cater to the 'wants of the public. Go^J itabhng and attentive hostlers. The best brands of liquor and cigars, good meals and comfortable rooms, large ommercial room. Barber shop ia con- nection. 1304y. *_ CHATSWORTH HOUSE (late morrow house,' CHATSWORTH, Ont. C. H. MATTHEWS, Proprietor. The best brand of liquors and nigars al- ways in stock. Good meals and comfortable rooms guaranteed. Good ^tabling and at- tentive hostler. 114 COMMERCIAL HOTEL PRICEVILLiE, Ont. Large and commodious Sample Rooms Good Bed Rooms;, itc. The Bw and larde well supplied wiTlj the "best the \narket af fords good Staliling and attentive Hostler's THOS. ATKINSON, Proprietor le |OHN NOBLE, MARKDALE. LByCKSMITH .senteV^RSE SHOEING SPECIALTY, Wm. Lucas Co., BANKERS, 31oiiey Loaned IN large or small amounts, at all times. On good sndofsed notes, or on collateral secnrity. To the Farmers of Grey. I HAVE made arrangements with Chath- am Harvester Co.. to sell for then their IHovver, §in$;lo Reaper and two Horse Cord Binder. All material in these macbinos warranted of the best qualitj' Every machine warranted to give satisfac- tion or money or notes refunded. Parties in need of any of the above machinca, can inspect them on fair day's at Fleshertou, Markdale and Chats vvcrth, consult your best interests, and c'^amine for yourselves. ALEX. McKECHNIE, 143 o6 Traverston P. 0. GIBSON McMIL-LAN CONTRACTORS. Contracts taken for all kinds of BRICK AND ST6NE WORK, Plain Ornamental Plastering. CalsoinirAna in all Shades and Colors. Char;,-es moderate and satisfaction guar- antee' Orders left at alie Stand.\rd office will receive prompt attention. Markdale, Feb. (5th, 1883. 126-ly. jT W. FORD Is giving splendid satisfaction in GRISTING, By the New Process at the MMi Tmi lis. Special attention to parties from a distance so that they Clay have their Jurist home the same day. ALEX KAY MILL STREET MARKDALE. 8 TmRTLING DISCOVERY! LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. A viotim of youthful linpmdence cauaJM PwM^ tare Decay, Nervous Debility, Lost Manhood, ate., havine tried in vain every knowTj remedy, hw 43 ebatbaiu St.. N. T- nt. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE "STANDARD." INTEREST AT 6 PER CENT. Allowed on Savings Deposits. tS'Drafta issued and Collections ma3e on points, at lowest rates. W.M. LUCAS, Manager. September 23. 1880. 2-ly GEORGE WILSON. Wholesale and Retail {BUTCHER!) BEEF, POBK OE MUTTON SUPPLIED, from a single pound to a whole carcass, at the lowest market prices. FISH FOWL IN THEIR SEASON Farmers having Fat Cattle, Sheep, or Pigs to dispose of will do well to call at No. 8 Burns' Block, opposite the new Union Block. Markdale, Oct. 25th, 1881 Fleshertou Station STEAM GRIST MILL GEO. MOORHOUSE. â€" :o: â€" Gristing Chopping In a satisfectiry/hianner, EYERYWORKINGDAY. â€" â€" Flour, Braa, and general mill feed always on haud. â€" o â€" CASH f or WH E AT. SEEING ISBELIEYIM. GENTLEMEN,â€" If you want a first-clasa Buggie or Wagon nail Q t MCKENNA MASON'S CARRIAGE WORKS MARKDALE. They can supply you with anything from a Lumber Wagon up to Extension Top Phaeton. To buy from them is o They are both practical workmen, and employ none but PRACTICAL WORKMEN They guarantee their work Second to none for Lightness of Draught and Superiority of Finish. They use nothing but First-class White Oak for Wagons, and thrice Extra Second Growth Hickory for light work. The immense amount of work turned out of McKenna Mason's shop is sn£cien proof of the wide reputation they enjoy for doing good work. The BEST is thr CHEAPEST in the END Poor cheap work we positively will not take. Special attention given to Te- Trimming and Repainting all classes of Carriage Work. Satisfaction guaranteed (or No Pay) in ORSESHOEING SHOPâ€" On Mill Street opposite t'j Sproule's Hotel. McKENNA MASON. Oet y^oar Job W^rkd3ne at tbis office. THOS. MATHEWS, lanesS EslailisM MARKDALE. EVERYTHING IN OUR LINE KEPT ON HAND OR MADE TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. LIVERY! IN CONNECTION. EUGENIA Grist, Saw andLathMills Having made eqtensive improvements in aty Gnst Mill I feel confident I can give good satisfaction. ' GOOD FLOUR ALWAYS OH HAND Chopping Done Every Day. Custom Sawing and Bills Filled on the ehortest notice. LUMBER AND LATH ALWAYS ON HAND. Cherry, But'.arnnt^ White Ash, Black Asb Basswood, Pine ana Hemlock Logs wanted 691y. M. AKITT, Eugenia. CALGINEHD FUSTEIEe, OR Plaster Paris, One car of Nova Scotia, all best and cheapest in the market. Machine Oils and Paint OILS AT CLOSE PRICES. H. PARKER'S Drugstore DURHAM. MABKDALE, Manufacturer of all Kinds (.f Drop Valve, Cylinder, Force, and Cistern Pumps. Meaford Road. From onr own Correspondent. Mr. J. Cooey,is suffering at present from erysipelas in his right hand. A little three year old daughter of Mr. J. Weber fell on the stove recent- ly and was badly burned. Fall wheat is very scarce and of inferior quality, the prcspects for spring grain are splendid. The hay crop here was something immense, there should be no scarcity of feed during the coming winter. Mr. Robt. Shannons large frame barn was raised last week, Messrs. C. Gilbert and J. Cooey .were chosen captains. Owing to a heavy rain which came on when the timbers were together, the raising had to be adjourned till the following day, when captain Gilbert won the victory, part- ly, perhaps, owing to two of his ap- ponents men deserting, they didn't however go over to the other side but rather to assist tbe cooks who did not appear to appreciate their assistance as they declined their proffered help the second day which neoBssitated their return to the ranks. This barn is 48^64 ft. on a stone foudation cal- culated for stables. Several other new buildings are beius: erected in this neighborhood. All kinds of IRON PUMPS SUPPLIED. EOBT. ASKIN, Has opened out a First-Class Furniture AND UNDERTKIN6 ESTABLISHMENT, And therefore has snpphod a want long felt especially in the Undertaking Line. COFFINS, C4SKETS, SHROUDS, and all FUNERIL FURNISHINGS supplied on the shortes notice. A. Silenlicl Hearse for hire at moderate rates. â€"All kinds cfâ€" PICTURE FRAMING Done on short notice. ROBT. ASKIN. Fleshertou. Mr. J. H. Heard intends building a brick blacksmith shop, with a paint shop above it. Mr. Henry Hooper bas secured a position in Toronto, and with his wife has moyed there. J. W. Armstronc;, Esq., and wife returned on Friday from a vitit with friends in Hamilton and Toronto. The builders are rapidly pushing forward their work on the Presbyter- ian Church, and Mr. Richardson's new block. A Daughter of Mr. Geo. Thompson (harness-maker) of Stayner, was visit- ing her grand parents Mr. Mrs. Frank Thompson, of Artemesia. Dur- ing the thunder storm of Wednesday the 22nd, she sat down and sang some of Moody and Sankeys hymns for the old folks, she stopped singing and began to read, when she was struck by Ughtning and rendered un- conscious. She remained '• the con- dition for about six hpnrs .d died at 1 o'clock in the mormng. Masonic. â€" At the last regulax meet- ing of Prince Arthur Lodge A.. F. k A. M., G. R. C, Fleshertou. the fol- lowing officers were installed Bro. W. J. McFarlaud, W. M. " John Gordon S. W. " M. P. McMaster J. W. " .7. W. Armstrong Chap. " W. J. Bellamy Sec. " R.J. Sproule Trens. " Geo. Furgeson S. D. " Jos. Blackburn J. D. ♦' Archie Neilson] oj.^ J i .. i,T TT 1 Stewards " Wm. Hacking) " Thos. Mullarky D. of C. After the ceremony. Mr. Matthew Richardson was presented witli a beautiful pastmaslers jewel and an address by tbe lodge as a token of their appreciation of his efforts on bo- half of the lodge. The regular meet- ings of this lodge have been changed from Friday on or after the full moon until Friday on or before the full moon. Dundalk. Quite a numlier of new buildings have been erected in dundalk this season. The Oat Mill will soon be in oper- ation, two run of stones are also being put in this mill for gristing. Mr. J. C. Raid has finished vaneer- ing his hotel, which is now one of the finest hotels on the line. Mr. S, McCuUongb, has commenc- ed work on his hotel, the most oi'^hj stone foundation is now built Suitable preparations are bei' g made for a successful fail show. She cheese factory is doing a lurga and satistactory business. Collingwood 'ip. Fail Show takes place at Clarksburg on Octbjr tu^ 4th and 5Lh. f 184 60 â- i^A-:!