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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 23 Aug 1883, p. 5

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 5:rHs. dale H.p; oq â- o»W, 1^:^*^^ RAYED? ;-â-  premises oft l^iay last. I'l^J -^^ WILLI, 'â-  lyt!,, "â- â-  ""is CO- â-  1-Jc, Potato«, U '" "•"â- '^; Fiour^ " to 80.93; sp„^ 'ie; I'utatuta.i tu r7.C0 â- (» MARKETS 'â- : to SO.O.S: Spri, â- -â-  to Tiic; 0;its,J l"k'S, ?S.llO tOJN, ]or Sal -• !â-  7-1. :h\ V; ' '.H]i i. f.ip Hi: "i liaiilwuud luK i' i;-iiju' i.i'-r ;. ai'tif'ii ir \VM. Kijwi oil ihe J fu!v ',r,l, ]8::j siil'r â- : ii;- noui t^ i yo:itli, ntr' 1.1 -s o[ iiianlioc4 t'libt will enri'Viii â-  ;.â- ; 'ix-it KfTDLMy iiiary m South s- il en^i'lcpe -Station D, .M B. RAiU ,11 ,v.-' GOlJ A.l rrn. 1"' wir.L .Irx'.. 'J ;i- villi:.. â- " ;â- '.: I'nKEsr.. " â- .vATia:.... il.iilVN.... " Ai.r â- [-., i:in let^ ,j. .SivTinifT K I'M rs;' Vi'i rsf anil STEA^'iSHlf in "ndSupj h West. AFRICA -Uill| ail (it ti.e t^ACNEl fvr Li:tl' t" Ste "â- 'â- " .,.tiivr\vitJiW"' ilic Kai!^va.^, iiui. t-.'c. „nih l^" â-  .vi,,S THESES es LOOK ---«..,.j-^.^ c6 CD fiS O.G3 ^^i^^' P OC^ O tJ3a2 cc CO 0) p^^ o fl S S a 2S S CQ ?H 0) Opj +3 c2 0) =3 O n o o CD c^^ CQ tic-iy i5 CD (d5 CD.S (D m O rCj ft^ j^ q i p o o CD O r^ 2- r^ ^TJ ^â- ' pq o â- r^- !zi ^H fl oo Cfl. Isif! isre! wb! WhL The harvest is at least ten days late commencing this season. CANDIES, NUTS and DATES, a large variety of each just arrived at Montgomery's bakery. Quite a number of self binding rea- pers have been iutrortuced in tins vi- cmity and are giyiug satisfaction. H. Foster lias removed to Holland Centre, where he is now doing a fair LOOH out for W. F. Doll's new Advertisement He is returning to MARK- i trade considering the quiet, season of DALE with a fine stock of NEW GOODS in all lines of WATCHES JEWELLRY Best makes and latest designs. A\'atclie« and Swijsss ^.^Ixiaran â€" the year A terrific thun der storm passed over tins place Wednesday morning accom- panied witli high winds heavy rain and hail. Another pour came down about six in tlje evening. Mr. Lucas, Banker, has purchased the I'lesherton steam sash and door machinery from Mr. Hooper, he has also bought the Dufferiu Hall Mark- dale, from J. M. Hull, and will con- style and time. I, G= BROWN, Manager. MONTHLY FAITtS. teed to snit in iXTality ^ert it into a Sash Door factory. This will be auite an aquisitiou to oijr village, the building is well euited foi' such a factory. Since the Dufferin Hall has been sold aud will be used for other purpo- ses, there will be m public hall required, there le also a skating rink wanted We would suggest that some of our townsmen build a rink v;jtli a hall above it. An investment of $1,000 in this way would bring a rent of $200 a year without any dffiiculty. MA(jism.\TEs Court. â€" On Monday ]\Ir. Jas. Free, a farmer in Holland Tp. who is also a sheep buyer,appear- ed before Messrs. Brown Elliott, J. P's on a charge of stealing lour sheep from Jas. Lyons, of Euphrasia. It would appear from the evidence that Lyon's sheep were oj: the road or in an open field and became mixed up with the drove while passing along the road. Mr. Free has however, to stand his trial at Assizes, and gave bail for his appearannce at said court. Eeports to hand show Saturday's ":.rk I'.Ii -Satuivlay before Fhjslierton. I Li;-"Mitli -Mondny before Durham. I'ji.liilk -Tuesday before Oran^'eville. Fi'i;t iten â€" 'Monilay bifc^re Oraugeville. Siiriiuuii'j â€" \VedQe.-day bo lore Oraiipevillo. 'I: a .â- â€¢videâ€" The second Thursday in each lU'iurli. 'Irant Forest â€" Third Wednesday in each lll'Ultll. rriC'viile â€" ^^l)nd ly before l^urliam. I"i:iii:iâ€" Third Tuesday in each month. ill -r â€" ^[ondnv iiezo'-e Durham. Loiil and Other Items. ILLS III t'ir.e rnini:iii. iiitynihd to benefit] gtorm to have been unusually severe ii'-i.hml :)â-  Siicietii ivill be r.hnrfji'd ten ' .; I'rir fur tin- rir^t insertiun antl Jive " I'lir ciicfi Hh qiwnt in-;rrtion. a stray heifer, see adv in tliis Paris Green fresh and pure, t;h' MfJiciil Hall, A. Turner Co. Ll.e C;iU M.' wi; Barns an J dwellings are struck by lightning and destroyed with all their contents. The heavy rain caused tl.e rivers to rise rapidly, carrying a^Yay dams, bridges, and whatever obstacles impeded the overwhelming rush of water, aud utterly ruining tUe crops in low lying places. Fortunately but ._ t-l.'graph strike has ended after one fatality is reported so farâ€" that .- ai.a dccermiiied. vet nnsnccess- I of a young man who lost his life while endeavouring to save his employers property. The T. G. B. Railway employees annual pic-nic, will take place at Shelburne, on Saturday next, 25th. There will be games for which $400 will be given in pi^es. The citizens Brass baud of OweuSound and Prof. H. LuLar's Union Brass aud Silver Cornet Band Avill be in attendance. Tickets from all stations aud return only 40 cents, children under 12, 20 cents. Excursion train leaves Owen Sound at 7 a. ra., and leaves Shel- burne an the retr.rj trip, at 6.30 p. m. The disaster which has befallen the Methodist church of Canada has tjiveii opportunity for the manifesta- tion of a must kindly spirit on the part of the M. E. church. Before the ashes of the church had ceased smckiug, an otier was made of tlie usnoftlie M. E. bnillmg for the C. M. services, once every Sabbath, in MK-iv An--. 14.â€" To the Mas- i the evening and iu the morning alter- M.icr'a, nf- Co T^^vmtn. We ' nate'v. On Mondavjthe Official Board iu.;..rM.'ncr havi-- witnrss.-^d and the Trustee Board unanimous.y trial f th' Mas~ev -Low DoTvn accepted it, expressing iv the stroma •' r, ]r;id.iistd by Mr. Joseph i (st terms their cippreciation oi a niost â- v, unin Mr A. 'S. Vand-dseu, ' brotherly aud geuerous â- ^r ri lli:i;'lor ilid sulenJid work on bar- ip. m_ ,. ,i • â- v.ns qiute 'recn and thistley gations will worship together in rhe -!-iiiew v.a.easilv worked bv public services, but the church orga- -y. re„n, and Pv::rv w^v gave j ni«tiiot« will necessarily be distinct '1 "ati^la'jLioii, ...1. „ l,..,l£v fa vnv- 1 pnd f.l tnc .year. iue «^. lu The usscv rn. liurnett raiti), Biobert Carter inri; to force better terms. â-  brici layers are now buisy on "lOihoii's new residence, which j a ci'infortable and substantial iiLT when complete. :i.!;Nr.- While Mr. Thos. Cam- v.:i..s driving i;i.s reaj)er to the '•II Tuesday, n-ith a spirited :lic hmsj's took fright and ran, :ng Mr. (/itnipbell off,. the reaper â- â- 'i!:-'in_r;Udy damaged but Mr. vH escaped Serious injuries. â-  T. ,1. r.itton, traveller for H. N".-'u .; Sons, of Toronto and itnal. was iu town on Monday, i mi i!:i]a»n^c nssortmeu of sam- ' f I'aiuy Goods. Mr. Patton niialiie to procure sufficient room le llotfis and had to open his :- ir. lulf.Tin Hall. We had the siir- i[ a run tlirougii this hand- ' ;!iiil varied assortment, which 1' ;;'inu-rive. l/ANTED Immediately if not sooner. New subscribers for the "STANDARD" on the following terms, from the present nntil the 1st January 1885 for ^1,25 to be paid any time be- fore Jan'y next. Send in your name and ad- dress at once, by postal card or otherwise to the Standard Office,, MABKDALE. ARTEMESI A WAREHOUSE Dry Goods, Hardware, Crockery, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Proviaions, c. Stock kept full and well assorted with new goods received every week. o MY BRANCH STORE AT EUGENIA For sale cheap for cash or produca. rei)lenished with new goods every week. o My Saw mill, Shingle Factoty, and "Lime Kiln AT LITTLE FALLS, ABE IN OPERATION. o All kinds Saw o$:s bought at the Mill or sawn on shares. o I..uinbcr, Lath, Broom Handles, Shingles and L.iinc Tor sale. A. M'INTYRE TEA! TEA! TEA! A. M'INTYRE ZF'lo-CLr, lE^loiJLr, IE^Io-clx. McINTYRE'S m {} I LIQUORS I LIQUORS W I McINTYEE'S -Q- Cigars, Cigars. £^ McINTYRE'S Jf* Collee, Collee. McINTYEE'S MEAL! MEAL I MEAL] McINTYRE'Ji Pork, Pork. Pork. McINTYEE'S Teai"!, Teas. And ever j'thin g kept n in a Grocery und Liquor Store, always on hand, cheap for cash. m « BUCKLEN'S AENICA SALVE. The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises. Sores, UlcorF, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns^and all S an Eruptions, aud Positively cuies Piles. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, cr money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by A. Turner Co $500 Reward "We will pay the above reward for any case of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Head- ache, Indigestion. Constipation or Costive- ness we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the directions are strictly complied witli. They are purely Vegetable, and never fiiil to give satisfaction. Suiiar Coated, Large Boxes, containing 80 Pills, 25 ots. For sale by all Druggists. Beware of counterfeits and immitations. The genu- ine manufactured only bv .JOHN C. WEST CO., "The Pill Makers," 81 83 King St., Toronto. Ont. Free trial package sent by mail prepaid on reeeipt of a i^ cent stamp. For sale at Turner Co. Drug Store. ti ••V M; act. The .eiton. iurebv certifyl'hat fi'rst'c. M. service vv;il be held at 6.30 â-  1,- on bar- 11. m. on Snr Jay next. Both cong-re- ... d wc would Rav as to niember..aip and finance to the --lv.h„ cau.ork'a hinder. to rnv- end cf th. year. The C M Sabbath '-i-t.a..M,,,,v L.,w Pown." Jos, •, school meets at 9 a. m. The bible '^^y. Wm. ^liurnett, Tho.- Brady, j classes are to be "^it^'3p,a°^\ "'^f f ^Vr... (..i„..,ti, v.^h^rt Carter. Ja.. Tnef=day. It meets on Friday at 1.4o n }^"it..ou, Geo. Crow, W. A. Whittaker for this w^ek .Toim Piper, James The prayer meetiugs AN ACROSTIC, Look out ye farmQrs and ihresheis all Aud see tliat you buy for Spring, Summer Right splendid g,)od oil, [and Fall Don't be misled by statements bland. Insist upoii having the very best brand, ]\o\vgood as t-vif, in fact it is grand, Everlasting wear without grit or sand, I^Iachiues run smoothly, no jarring or noise, And engines too in its use rejoice. 'arding also it suits, as you jdainly see, Heavy gristing cannot Jo without me. In fact all machines are blessed by its use, ]\ew or old it will save from wear and .abuse, l-]vorv man try it, we are sure it will please. Our initials, when read, will pive ths cue In looking for oil, the best and the true, Long iu the market, but ever new. Manufactured solely by McCollBro6.Co., i Toronto. No cGiincctiuii icithany nther firm. 127-153. "We have jnst received a large stock of stationery at the Standakd OflSce, and are fully prepared to turn out printed envelopes, letter heads, bill headSj statements, business cards, programs, tickets., shipping tags, cir- culars, dodgers, posters, c„ c. Uncle Tom's Cabin.â€" Fred E. Wren's Mammoth Doable Company are coming to Markdale. and will give au exhibition m Dufferin Hall, on Wednesday tne 29tb. This comany have received nprneroiia favourable MANHOOD HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED x^^^â€" ~X We have recently jmblished a new SEAL jeditiou of Dr. Ci;lveuwei,l's Cel!;- ^^^^Y^^URAiKD Essay on the radical and permanent cure (without medicinej of Ner- vous Debility, Mental and Physical incapaci- ty, Impediments to Marriage, Ac. regultiug from excesses. l:s" Price, in sealed envelope, only G cents, or two postage stamps. The celebrated author, in this admirable Essay, clearly demonstrates, from thirty years' successful practice, that alarming coii- sequences may he radically cured without the dangerous use of internal medicines or the use of the knife pointing out a mode of cuie at once simple, certain and effi'Ctual, by means of which evciy sufferer, no matter what his condition, luay ba, may cure himseif cheaply, privatetj- aud radically. tcs'This Leptur.c should bo in the hands o every youth ayii every man in the land. Address The Oulverweil Medical Co,. P.O. box i50 .11 Ap" S., New, Voi-k ii()-(;2. NOW IS THE TIME MONEY â-  ir; "1 Oral rahfim. 'â- J'^^.. W. H. Elder, Andre-v Bcattie. are lo be held ia one united service.^.â€" press notices, and we have no doubt Mca/ora Monitor. will aquit themde'ves creditably. By buying first, class Sewing Machines from O. Treadgold, who has agood Kup(ily on hand for sale. His success in the pat has more j than met his highest hopes and he still f«el8 i convinced that in order to build up a solid business it is necessary to offer good art cles for sale as notliiug else will stand the test of i a discerning public. All kinds ot sewing machine shuttles, needles, oil.- and other re quiaits required in the sewing machine busi- ness can be supplied by him. He also dealb in the leading organs Union Crrrisge Works OniOD Carriage Works. Ail wwk manufactured from TO SAVE First Cuss Material In the Latest ard Best Improved Style, and firi^hed ivith of the day, such as the FamOUS« Bell an*^ Dominion organs. For further particulars the public is cord^dly invited to apply to C. TREADGOLD. 149-54 Markdale, PO.. Paintiitg Trimming Rigs will receive prompt attention. All Repairs executed in the sh'.»rtest possible time consistent with good workmanship. Good Wokk a Spec iality. ' Picmember the Shop, opposite the Cbeapside D. J, SHANAHAN, Proprietor. Markdale. Doc. 2ud, I88I4 64. Advertise intheSxANpARi*. 11 fir .; •â-  I. ^- il "ft; fflf*.v'

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